ELDERLY FOLKS! ClOuEL, -SALTS ,W JOO CATll'flTICS fiUni'T FDR YOIL Harmless,' Gentle "Syrup of Figs" Is Best to Cleanse Your Stomach, liver and 30 Feet of Bowels of Sour Bile, De caying Food, Gases and Clogged-up Waste. : tain this week at her home on Ch wt- I 10TED HQ the past two weeks, left yesterday for Now York, where they will take boat for Colon. Miss Annie Weaver nut street witn two Bridge parties, one to be given tomorrow and one an This Wilt Stop Your Cough In a Hurry Save fa by Making This Cone Syrup at Home. Tuesday. r accompanied her sister. - n The Pythian Sisters, will meet this mm Miss Kate Reagan of Wreavervllle, , , OF KEfll evening at 8 o'clock at the id of P. formerly of this city, has taken a posi hall over Smith's drug stone, i.v - tion in the- Weavervllle postamce. UCKY ' You old people,. Syrup of Figs Is particularly for you. You who don't exercise as much as you need to; who like the easy chair. You, whose steps are slow and whose muscles are less elastic. Yiou must realize that, your liver and ten yards of bowels have also become less active. Don't regard Syrup, of Figs as physic. It stimulates the liver and bowels just as exercise would do if you took enough of It. It Is not harsh like salts or cathartics. The help which Syrup of Figs gives to a torpid liver and. weak, .sluggish boweld is harmless, natural' and gentle. .-: "When eyes grow dim, you help them. Do the same with your liver and bowells when , age makes them less active. There Is nothing more Important. Costive, clogged-up bowels mean that decaying, fermenting food Is clogged there and the pores or ducts In these, -thirty- Xeet. of. bowels' such (ociai; i1 o "HAPPENINGS" Hallowe'en.. '. 1 As "All Saints day" draws near the " attention of the; social World is drawn to the time-honored customs of "Hal lowe'en," and many plans for parties and, costumes for the celebration of , this occasion are arranged by the seekers 'fl.fter their future among the young who, through the mystic rites of this one evening of the year as shown by darkened '. mirrors, apple peeling, etc., hope Ho penetrate the veil of approaching events. - Some suggestions for Hallowe'en costumes as presented In "Styles" will be of interest to the younger set: ; - " "Half the fun- of the 'Hallowe'en1 party is in dressing up, and none of the costumes need cost very much. The most Inexpensive of materials. such as paper muslin a( six cents per yard, lawn at eight cents, or percalino or chambray at 12 cents, , could be .used just as effectively as more ex pensive fabrics. The head dressings are novel and can easily be made at home at small expense. One consists of two strands of rhlnestone trim mlng, one-half' yard In -each with a. pearl cabochon finished with a- pearl and rhlnestone tassel. . "For the other fillet, three bands of fancy ribbon, any preferred style or color is used, and the back row Is finished with crystal and pearl bugle trimming.. .At the sides n ornament of satin, embroidered lightly ' with pearl beads, and finished with three large buttons, gives a dainty touch. "For the traditional old witch cos. tume you could select brown percallne for the dress, cape and conical hat Any soft, white material may be util ized for the gathered vest and mob nap, and black cats .which are ap pliqued onto the costume may be cut from black sateen.. , ; t "For the Quakeress or Prlscilla costume you will need white lawn r batiste for the long apron, the double fichu. ..cuffs and cap. and 'these are all that the 'pattern provides, as any old morning or house dress may be 'worn underneath. A plain hem Is sufficient finish for the edges, although if you do not mind the extra work, hem stitching gives an effect of dainti ness." , ., ,.. . .. r... :.. T. A. It. t'on vein Ion. Mrs. T. 8. Morrison has received a letter from Mr: Reynolds In reference to the I). A. R. convention to be in Ashevllle on November 6, In "which "Mrs. Reynolds announces the ac ceptance of . an Invitation to this convention by Mrsi 'Matthew T. Scott, president general of the entire national association of the Daughters of the American Revolu tion. Also acceptances have been re ceived from Mrs. Henry S. Bowroiij chairman of the national patriotic ed ueatlon committee, and Mrs. Donald Mclean, cx-presldent general, both of whom will come from New York for the convention. On the- evening of November 8 the large reception plan ned for the visiting delegates will be given by the local chapter ut Battery Park hotel. . The following delegate's from the state chapter have indicated their, acceptance to Miss Hattl Scott of the Rdwurd Buncombe chapter, T(iihoro, Mlw Mary Powell. Mrs. W. P. Menwr and the state chaplain. Mrs. John Bridges; Council Oak chapter, Morgnnton. Mrs. Mrs. G. P. Krwln,' and Mrs. K. VV. Phifer; Fort Dobbs chapter, ptatesvllle, Mrs. C, V. Henkel, and Mrs. Zebu Ion Vance lxjiig; Char lotto chapter, Miss Laura Orr and Mrs. R. W. Falson; Major Raiding Blunt chapter, Washington, N. C, Miss I.tda Rodman, and Miss Lottie Bonner; General Davlo chapter, Dur ham. Mrs. J. F. Wiley and Mrs. K. K. Fowe. The members of the I). A. R. In Ashevllle are especially anxious, tm account of the prominent ladl'ut from distant points who will come to Athevllle to attend this convention, to have It successful and to have suitable entertainment provided for the visi , " t c t . A 20 'We tiro clortiiig out our rntire Block of umbrellus at ) o!T the price. Our prices are marked ill plai figures ii cvcrytliin;; Vv'o Ywi uro tiviiig one-fJlh gf .llie Arniii'R n. F?J.n co. this decaying waste and poisons into the blood. You will- never get feeling right until this Is corrected but do It gently, Don't have a bowel wash day; don't um a bowel irritant. For your sake, please use only gentle, ef fective Syrup of Figa Then you are not drugging -yourself, for E;. nip of Figs is composed of only luscious figs, senna and aromatlcs which can not Injure. A teaspoonful - tonight will gently, but thoroughly, move oi and out of your system, bx morning all the sour bile, poisonous fermenting food and clogged-up waste matter without gripe, nausea or weakness. ;i But pet Hhe l genuine. Ask your druggist for the full name, "Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna." Refuse, With contempt, any other Fig Syrup unless It bears the name- prepared by the California Fig Syrup company. Read the label. Personal Mention, ' News of the '-Societies,'" Meetings, Etc. tors. In-order to further this, appli cation has been made to the board" of trade of this city nd any help or suggestions along this line from any interested source will be much appre elated ISy. the JadlCjSi , d :i. ". W j ' r; Krlrigo Party. Mra M. H. Harris, was hostess yes. terday afternoon at a large bridge party whloh she gave at her home' the Knickerbocker, for a number of her friends. The drawing rooms of Mrs. Harris' home were beautifully decorated In autumn foliage, and the score cards ' were . hand-painted In tints- to correspond, The first prlzci which was-won by Mrs. D. Willey, a visitor to Ashevllle, was a crocheted boudoir packet of white wool made by Mrs. Harris. The second prize, an auction bridge set, was won by Mrs, Francis J. -Olemenger, and the conso lation prize-, "an. -ornamented basket tilled with carnations, was given-to Mrs. Carlton. .Among the guests who attended Mrs. Harris' .bridge party were: Mesdames Parker, Blanch O'Halr, Max Wolf, Fulwood Fox, Sin clalr, I, I Jenkins, Francis J. Clem' enger, J. M. Gudger, jr., M. Fltzhugh Teague, Carlton, Penlund, Wllley, E. R. Russell, Todfc Stevens, and Miss Mary Irwiq Young, Miss . Elizabeth :Young, Miss. Mary Carter, Miss Bella Schumann. , .. . , , i ,. .--.;? m m ' 'I - Society Represented." The friends of the Atheneun lit erary society of the Ashevllle High school were much' pleased with the attractive manner In which the society ;was represented in the school child, ren's parade this morning. The ban- ' ner of purple nnd gold bearing the letters "A.- U 8."- was borne by the class president, Walter McRary, and streamers from each aide of this ban ner were held by the. secretary of the ! society; George 'Meareaandthe treas urer, Daniel Lovmls. -The society which stands for much literary effort among the High school students, was thus fittingly and appropriately rep resented among the. other grades and associations.' ; ? : 'r; '' t , i , v H , st ... ' In the finals in the ladles' singles !golf tournament played i yesterday afternoon at the Country club Mrs. Clarence Hobui't, plnying from scratch defeated Mrs. Alfred S. Barnard, play trm from scratch, 1 up, in the first matches of the ladles' singles tennis totirnamoDU for the cup offered by Mra Vanderbilt, Mrs. Minor, Mrs. Me Kee and Mrs. WaddeM, Mrs. McKee defeated - Miss Emily Campbell, 6-0. Miss Marjorle Pearson defeated Miss Bonnie Reeves, 6-1, 6-2. , Miss Helen Chapman won from Miss Bessie Reeves, by default " Miss Pearson will play ana Inst Miss Helen 'Chapman this afternoon. - . K K Miss Eleanor Morrison was hostess last evening at an Informal supper party, at her home on Pearson drive, In honor of Mrs. Vance Brown and Dr. and Mrs.' Charles S. Jordan, who leave shortly for Europe. 8.' Herbert Brown and several others among the relatives and close friends of Mrs. Brown and Dr. and Mrs. Jordan were guests of Miss Morrison, und the af fair was most enjoyable, . . t K Mrs. Tench Coxe took her twu house guests from Wilmington, Mrs. Hal BoatwrlghtX und her daughter. Miss. Alice Boatwrlght, by motor yes terday to the summit of Plsgah. This trip, which can be made in the course of a day, was much enjoyed by Mrs. Coxes guests, K K : Mrs. Zubulon F. Curtis will entur- You'll Regret It If You Don't Bring us all your old umbrellas-that need re-covering, "while the sun shines," and be ready for tho rainy a ays soon coming. , .1. M. llfcARV A CO.. Phone 4S. Pattery Park Place. ,i 1, k. V k. . . i i V T 4 I 4 J t 1 ..' V:. '' . Miss Julia Irwin, who has been spending a short while In Waynes- vllle. where last week she was an at tendant at the wedding of Miss Vir ginia Jones, daughter of Col. and Mrs. A Jones, to ,De Los iCrary, has re turned to her home In Charlotte. Mrs. W. B. C. Loveday, of Tennes see Is visiting her daughter, Mra B. F. Shook, at 64 Woodfin street . it m : W. Vance Brown left yesterday, for New York. Mra .Vance Brown leaves for New York tomorrow, from which point she and Mr. Brown, will sail for Europe. .' ; i It at Mrs. G. R. Kessler and daughter, Miss Inez Kessler, of Savannah, Ga., who have been guests at Rock Ledge, have taken the Chedester. house, 23 Patton avenue, nnd Will make -their home here. " . :- . Hon. Locke . Craig returned last night from "Websterj Jachsoiv cftuBty, where he addressed a liirge number of people on the political issues of the day. His audience was -said to have been the largest political gathering evtir hold In Jackson county, and Mr. Craig was received with great enthu siasm. He makes the annual address this afternoon, at ;the Western North Carolina fair. i.' ' " - . Mrs. W. B. 'Lane, after a visit -In the city, left yesterday for New York. m m Dermott : Shcmwell bf Burlington, N.;C.,iis in theclty .visiting his father, Baxter Shemwell. mm ' Rufo M. Fltzpatrick leaves shortly for Morristown, Tenn,, on a brief bus iness trip. - ' mm Mrs. A. J. Sutton left the- city yes terday afternoon" for Jacksonville. '., - H. D. McDonald has returned to ithe city, after spending the week-end at Black Mountain. . Miss Grace Ralson, after a visit to Ashevllle, left the city yesterday after noon for Florida. . .....r- :....,.,. t K Dr. Clarence Pickens returned to the city yesterday from. Black Mountain,-where he lias been spending a short while. It It Mrs. (Thornton of Biltmore left the city last night for Atlanta. m m -' v--' Mrs. Westfeldt of Arden leaves on October 10 for Cincinnati. , t Mra L. C. Hauke left the city last night for a visit to New York. m m Dr. J. N. Gill of Weavervllle spent yesterday In the city. , It t !; t;:. T.- N. .Whltmlre of Brevard Is visit ing in Ashevllle. - t u... It, K .. W. T., Howard leXti.the city( last night for. Atlanta, n . ,i .mm W. J. Rodgers, deputy register of deeds of Graham county,;, is in the city for a visit of several days. " :.rm Mi- . t A. J.' Lyman kas returned from a trip-to New York and Connecticut t It James Atkins and Mr. ,Crddock; of Waynesville spent yesterday, in the city.- . ' ' k m Mrs. W. O. Woodley left last night for New York, after a stay In Ashe vllle, - - mm Mrs. James Weatherby, .. who snas spent some time in the city, will leave tonight tor New Orleans. ,. ; r It K Mrs. W. A. Smith and Mrs. McMul Un, who have been guests in the city, will leave tonight for New Orleans. mm Mr. and Mrs. James W. AUbrlght left for Greensboro this morning for a visit to their nld home, . ' . It JrC. Arbognst leaves for -New York today; . t It Mra.C. B. Thomas, who has -been spending some time In Ashevllle, left iHst night for Clncinnntl. K ' Edward Patton has returned to Plsgah Forest from ft recent visit In the city. m ' It. M. Chovls,. who hag been visit ing In the city, left yelsterday- for Turn pa. at R S. C. Katterthwalte, the proprietor of Eagles "Nest, on fife crest of J una- For Sale , One of the handsomest homes on Montford avenue. Magnifi- ' cent view, practicaHy new, modern fn everyday. f , ' V f, ' ' -1 . ifIo:Ie;u.j3 a Ileal r.:i:te. xr,;l .I-v.-jc-rj.. 27 Patton Ave. Second floor. PAL-LLn clivh oil Is pure French ycryicavy bodied and it lakes loss of it to make salad drosin.. a I'inl 'aiis 7h'. . . , r ; .t.7Qu.:ii'l Cans . After Regaining Her Health, Makes Few Interesting Statements for Pub- r .".., lication. " Lykins, 1W "For 20 years I was a noted Invalid," says Mra Martha Din gus of this place.- "1 believe I had every ailment that my sex is subject to.- ; ,.V ' : -. We consulted numerous doctors, as well as "travelled a great deal, thlnk' ing it would benefit "my- health, but all of this did me very little good. . ' Finally I was taken down with what I thought was heart trouble. ' I used all knids of medicine,' but got no better. I then commenced taking, Cardu!, the woman's tonic, and have been steadily ' improving ' -ever; since. Though now 46 years old, I am In bet ter health than I have been in 20 years, and I give Cardul the credit tor It. 1 feel It my duty to inform you. what it has done for me." No matter if youj trouble has reached a critical stage, don't give up; before feiving Cardul a trial. ' You couldn't be in much worse con dition than Mrs. Dingus, and yet she found relief in this medicine. Why not you? V Cardui is composed of purely Vege table ingredients, which act directly. In a remedial way, on the weakened womanly constitution. In evry community there are those who have been benefited by Cardui. Be one, yourself, in yours. 4 N. B. Write to: Ladles' Advisory Dept., Chattanooga Medlclno Co, Chattanooga, Tenn., for Special In structions, and 64page book,-"-Home Treatment for Women," sent In plain wrapper, on request. Adv. luska mountain in Waynesville, was in Ashevllle yesterday, en route to New York. Mrs. J. tfmith left the city last night for New Orleans. - mm Dr. W. E. Deeks, chief of the med leal clinic of Anoona hospital In the Panama canal zone, who has been the guest of Herman Gudger and his sis ter, Mrs. A&a. Gudger Cocke, at their, home on Soco street, has returned to his homo. It It Mtes Mary Stikeleather will leave Mid city about the middle of Nevember ir: a trip to -Panama... n : Mr. and Mra Fergus Stikeleather will lie the guests; during theiwlnter, of Mrs. Charles Malcolm Piatt, tit No. 2 Aston place. .t"nw i '. .'j v t . jjf ' Mrs. Mary Shhiers and Miss Hannah Weaver, who live in the Panama Canal zone, and who have been visiting rela tives In Weavervllle and Ashevllle for TWO LITTLE HELPFUL t . MATES FOR THE HOUSEKEEPER The Iew Toaster . t-i i.,r. . , , TOASTS ,'FOl'R SLICKS AT OJit? HMH TfJASTS THtM KVKNLY. TOASTS THEM IX THRKK MINUTES. PRICE EACH 25c TheNewPciato Baker NO, MORE IH'RM, IilXJ. EliS. NO MORE 1RXT lOT.TOES. KAK('Jj THISI PRICE EACH 10c THESE AND MANV OTH ER LABOR SAVERS CAN BE FOUND IN OCR I'P-TO-DATE HOUSE t Fl'RN 1SHINO DEPT. J. H. LAW 35 PATTON AVENUE. CASH PAID For' Qroken Pieces of 'Old Gold and Sliver." Jewelry and Watches repair ed at moderate prices. The Store of Odd Designs. VICTOR STERN, Jeweler. Hawo64 SL, tpp. Battery Park. Villa Heights . r" -Watch It Grw. Lots $2 Cash and $2 per week. 52 rrtcan lTakcEanksBldg:. rilLLILZHY - On) A A TC ; , .. . i , , Oaloi Bu'bllnf. mm Miss Alma Reagan of Atlanta is visiting her parents, Mr, and Mrs. J. J. Reagan, at Weavervllle. m m J.. P. Hughey of Alexander Is in the eity. It Matt. Burles6n and family of Bar- nardsvlile are In the city,' attending the fair. m -w Col. "Tuck" Buckner, postmaster at Democrat, Is spending several days in the ulty. ' It t ' Prof. Charles E. Jervls of Leicester is a visitor to this city today. ..... mm , Mrs. B. C. Chambers and Mra T. J. Wooldrldge leave this afternoon for Salisbury to attend the U. D. C. con vention in session there. mm Mrs. Duff Merrick and her son, Ward Gregg, have returned from a recent visit in Charleston. .-..-- It' Robert Wagoner, of the Heems Creek section was a i visitor to the city yesterday. K It W. A. White is In New York, where he will attend the world's series, base ball games.- ' - Samuel I.. R0ers of Franklin, for merly corpoiiitlon commissioner of the sUtte-and nonv. manager ;of Sena tor. Simmon' campaign for the senate, was In 'the 'city today1. .-; '.' ' FUNERAL DIRECTORS SPENDING DAY HERE A special overflow Pullman car ar rived in Ashevllle this afternoon at 2:05 o'clock attached to train No. 12 from Chattanooga carrying a party of funeral directors from New Jersey on the return trip from Chattanooga, where they have been attending the national convention of the funeral di rectors of the country, which has been held in that eity for the past week. This same party passed through the city lalit week un Its way to Chatta nooga and stopped over for, several hours, during which time the mem bers of the party were entertained by the local undertakers. : They were forced to remain over here again to day and' will leave on the Ashevllle express at 7 ro'clock fqr Washington. During the stay here they will enter tain themselves with drives over the city to the various points of interest, after lunchlnga't'bHe of tho1 Ideal ho tels. ... PETITION FILED 'A Voluntary petition in bankruptcy has been filed In the bffice of Deputy Clerk W. S. HyamB of the United States District court by the Edwards Hardware company of Hehdersonville, a partnership company composed of W. F. Edwards, sr., R. L. Edwards and W. F. Edwards, jr., and by W. F Edwards, sr., as an Individual, the other two partners not petitioning for any such judgment, as they report no assets and no liabilities. ' The assets of the company are given In the petition as $8700 and the liabil ities as $10,316.44. W. E. Edwards, sr., gives his assets as $22,698.33 and his liabilities as $29,587.30. The sched ules of the other twa l artners In the Blltmoro Tiet-Hearts. The Ideal Cereal. , Delicious and wholesome. Nothing like it All grocers. 1 ,. , '.' Tf '. FOR RENT Beginning the first of Octo ber we will have sor rent some of the handsomest furnished houses in , Asheville. Prices to suit all from $40 a month up. Also. unfurniBhed houses of all descriptions. , Call on us. The H. F. Grant Realty Co. Telephone 479. 48 Patton Aye. M. WEBB CO. Imported Millinery Haywood St. 1 LAWN GRASS The' rail Is a splondld time to start a new lawn or reno vate an old one. Particularly If you Intend toning Illuo Grass which thrives best through the cooler months. We can supply Blue Grass, White Clover, Lawn Grass Mixture and any nocilbrt 'Information, tfvery lliliig i. Drugs and Seeds. - Grant's Thamacy , Agency for Ijnndrelh'e Secxls. ! JVrm ',. Implcmcr.t3 and & Supplies This recipe makes a pint of better cough oyrup than you could buy ready made for $2J)0. A few doses usually conquer the most obstinate oough tops even whoopinp; cough auickly. Sim ple as it is, no better remedy can be had at any price. Mix one pint of (rranulated sugar with pint of warm water, and stir for 2 minutes. Put 2 ounces of Pinex (fifty cents' worth! in a pint bottle: then add the Sugar Syrup. It has a pleasant taste ana lasts a lumny a long uuie. Take a teaspoonful evry one, two or three hours. You can feel this take hold of a sough in a way that means business. Has a good tonic effect, braces up the appetite, end is slightly laxative, too, which is helpful. A handy remedy for hoarse ness, croup, bronchitis, asthma and all throat and lung troubles. The effect of pine on the membranes e well known. Pinex is the most valu able concentrated compound of Norwe gian white nine extract, and is rich in guaiacol and alt the natural healing pine elements. Other preparations will not work in this formula. This Pinex and Sugar Syrup recipe has atuuncu great popularity throughout tne United States and Canada. It has often been imitated, though never successfully. A guaranty of absolute satisfaction, or money promptly refunded, goes with this recipe. Your 'druggist has Pinex, or will get it for vou. If not, send to The Pines Co., It. Wayne, Ind, ' firm show that they have no Indebt ednesa personally, neither , do they posses any property, except an Inter est In the business. Only a very small part of all the indebtedness of the company and of W. F. Edwards, sr., is secured, and the creditors are named as business limis all over ' the country and the Hemlersonvllle banks. How She Acquired '.'Feminine Charm" A nicely dressed woman sat beside mo qn the train. Everyone stared at her. I couldn't help doing the same. It was not her beauty of feature that held our eyes, nor her costume. But there was something about her face and expression I risked It and ask ed: "Would you mind telling me how you keep your complexion so dazzling- ly pure? Don't think me Imperti nent, but you seem over 30, yet have n't a line in your face, and your cheeks are quite peach-like. How do you do it?" Laughing, she said: "That's easy, I remove my Bkin. Sounds shocking, doesn't it? But listen. Instead of cosmetics I use only pure marcolized wax, procurable at any druggist's. I apply this nightly, like cold cream, washing it off mornings. This gently absorbs the oiled, weather-beaten lllm-skln, without pain or discomfort, thus revealing the fresh, clear under- skln. Every woman has a beautiful complexion underneath, you know. Then, to ward oft wrinkles, I Use a face bath made dy dissolving powder ed saxollte (one ounce) In half-pint Witch hazel a harmless astringent which 'tones' the skin .wonderfully. Very simple, isn't it?" I thought so. I'm now trying her plan and like it immensely. Milliccnt Brown In The Story Teller. , IJAdv.) Miss Cruise MANICURING and HAIRDRESSING PARLOR Phone 16 23 Haywood St. MISS M. FA NNY DAYS Teacher of Piano, Pipe Organ, Theory and Harmony. Finished course at Oberlln Conservatory, of Music. Number of yearsex-perlenCe- 'as' teacher. " Phone 1374," or address North State Fitting School B 7 Church Street ' A GOOD TESTIMONIAL The growing demand for meat sold here speaks well for its uuiform good quality. MAY WE SERVE YOU? . VX to w . - - M. HYAMS Plumes 49 St 213. Cor. North Main & Mcrrimoii Ave. -WW Only Uic best ot evcrytiiing to eat. We Buy VXD Sell Everything t f i- .f f Depot Street. J 1 1- Shoes For the Fair Of course you're going. Ev erybody's going to do it. New- Fall Shoes are here in great variety, the latest creations are alwavs to be had here. We never tire tilting you to shoes. Let us show you why it pays to jKiy cash. We do repairing. Nichols Shoe Co. Cash Shoesters. On the Sq. ELIAS&H0PS0N TAILORING . 68 Patton Ave. FOR SALE Seven room residence and good store room, near center of city; one valuable lot 60x108 within 150 feet of Market House. Exceptional values, both. NATT ATKIXSOXS SONS CO. Ileal J'.statc Brokers. Select Your Fall Footwear TODAY AT The Boston Shoe Store " The Cash Shoe Store Visitors and Tourists Don't fail to visit Mountain Mead ows Inn. Beautiful drive, excellent service, dinner parties a specialty. Phone 328. Butter Crust Bread Leads in Quality! , Big loaves. Ask your grocer. Phone 622. ASHEVILLE STEAM BAKERY o w o o w w M Anything " t ' " ,'V r - c a opp. p. o. a ) . .. r 11 i 171 - 7 f-.