r IT gazsttsit: 3 OUR FRIENDS Are our best advertise ments. Ladies who use M & W Indian Coal once tell their friends how good it is, hence the growing de mand for M & W Coal. Phone 130. Carolina Goal & Ice Company VEGETABLES ".. Irish Potatoes Sweet Potatoes Cabbage Spinach ; Turnip Greens Turnips with Tops Beets with Tops Lettuce Curley Lettuce Head Radishes Cucumbers Squash Eggplant Parsley Bell Peppers Celery Tomatoes r Cauliflower ' Sweet Corn . Green Beans E. C. JARRETT, City Market Phone 473 WHY PAY MORE? Men who know shoe quality know that our Guarantee Shoes at $-1 are the equal of those usually sold for $5 else where. In patent and dull lea thers, also tan. There's a com bination of stylishness, com fort and long wear in every pair of them. GuaranteeShoeStore Booth Main 8k We Can Meet Your wants M the fairest prices. Our chi na, glass and crockery the foremost tin enameled ware store. The I. X. L. Dept. Store Patton Ave. Phone 17. EUiPEAfl HOTEL WILL BE OPENED Theobold & Brand! Will Oocu py Whole of Candy Kitch en Building. Ashevllle is to have another Euro pean hotel, to be opened, according ti present plans, on May 15, 113. .This hotel will occupy the Candy Kitchen building on Haywood street and will be run by Theobold & llranril, the present owners and proprietors of tnn Club Cafe and Candy Kitchen. A lease for 10 years was secured on the bulIcliiiK yesterday by these gentlemen and before the opening the entire building will be worked over to make It modern In every respect. The grocery firm of Yates & Mc Guire, which occupies one-half of the lower floor at the present time, will move out on or before March 1, 19!"! and the connecting wall between th' grocery store and the Candy Kitchen will be removed, us well as the present stairway between the two; and the entire first floor of the building will thus be converted into a large cafe, candy kUchen and Ice cream pn:-!o'-. mere will be private dining n-oms on the second floor, which will be reached by a stairway running up from the north side of the building. This stairway will also furnish the means of access to the bedrooms on the second and third floors. There will be about 25 of these in all. The main entrance to the downstairs calc will be In the center of the building, where the stairway is at present, and the entire front will be changed to make It one of the most attractive in the uity. The entire interior of the building will be redecorated and furnUlu: 1 in elegant style. The cafe will bo, as at present, to the rear on the first tiO'jr. and immediately in front of this will be the ice cream parlor. To the fron will be situated the soda fountain and candy department A new fountain will be installed and it is announced that it will be one of the finest to be found anywhere. The candy fictory will still be maintained up stairs. The working over and finUhln-r of the apartments and private dining room? up stairs will be begun about January 15, and the work on the list floor of the building will begin as soon as the store room is vacated. It is calculated that this last work re quire about six weeks to be completed. and everything will be in readiness for the opening on May 15. BIG SALISBURY CROWD Speaker Attacks Republican Tariff Record and Urges Support of Wilson. J. E. Carpenter JEWELER Watches and Fine Jewelry Watch Repairing my Specialty EYES TESTED GLASSES EITTEI DR. 7,. V. IlKiHSMITII OITOMETRIST I Grady Street. Plmne 1127. ASHEVILXjE, N. C. Special to The Gazette-News. Salisbury, Oct. 8. To a 'crowd which overflowed the courthouse here last night for an hour and a quarter Congressman Oscar W. Underwood spoke earnestly and with much ! power In favor of Wilson s candidacy' I and the placing of the democrats in power. It was Mr. Underwood's only speech to be made in the south during I this campaign and many out-of-town I people came to hear him. He defend- ed the action of the house in cutting down cotton tariffs especially and pro claimed that millH fostered under hot house conditions and unable to stand should go into decay but that the mill business properly built would flourish under tariff proposed by the demo crats. Other items of this bill were defended separately. The fundamen tal differences between the two old parties was dlscusaed, the new party being placed along with the stand patters on the lailo ijiit f Ion. The speaker protecd respect for republicans who stand toi principle but ridiculed Roosevelt's rerord and claim of progreasiveness. His speech was in serious vein and commanded the closest attention. FOR RENT BOOTH'S HYOMEI Sarsaparilla Eradicates scrofula and-all other humors, cures all iheir effects, makes the blood ri'.!i and abundant, strengthens all the vital organs. Take it. Get it today in usual liquid form or chocolated tablets called Sarsatabs. CITY NEWS Owing to the social meeting at Pis- gah lixlge, K. of P., tonight the bus iness meeting will be held at 7:30 o'clock Instead of at 8. Letters addressed as follows are at the office of The Gazette-News and will he destroyed unless called for: A. "H. F." "R. M. B.'V'H." "J. II." . The county commissioners finished their business about noon today and iidjourned the session for tho month. s Chairman Patton was indisposed ind unable to be present, no new business was taken up at this term. The rinraca class of the First Bap tist church will observe next Sunday, as rally day. Rev. Dr.. Calvin I!. Wal ler, the pastor, will deliver the ad dress Sunday afternoon at the'Y. M. , A. men's meeting, and the Haraca liuss Is Invited to attend the meeting in a body. Plsgah hdge, No. 32, K. of P., will hold a social session this evening, for entertainment of the great number of Pythlans in town. By invitation Hon. Locke Ctalg will be present and make a ten minutes talk. The meeting will begin at 8 o'clock. There will be a business session at 7:30. The speaker for the men's meeting t the Y. M. C. A. next Sunday after noon will be lr. Calvin B. Waller, pastor of the First Baptist church, and his subject will be "Life's Race for the Pennant." The address, promises to be both interesting and unique, udging from the subject announced. L. M. McCormick has returned from Washington, where he attended the International congress of Hygiene and Demography, in which Ashevllle had an exhibit.' This exhibit attracted no little attention. It has been shipped back here and will be shown at the Western North Carolina fair. Chase Motor Tru cKs Are easy to operate and the expense is smallest of all because They have fewer parts. Because you cannot run motor without oil. Because all plumbing Is eliminated. Because there's no valvea to get noisy, leaky and have to be ground -In at a cost of time and labor. Because Chase Trucks have been tried and made good for several years throughout the county. Come, in and see one. . . ; ; ;aiij! Asheville Automobile Co. BRAND. Norfolk 1,1 aDd 17 Soath Lexington Avenno. ROYAL Clothes for Boys Suits $5 to $3.50. GEO. W. JENKINS ' 18 S. Main. JUST RECEIVED A large shipment of Sanford's ax minster rugs and are offering entire stock at bargain prices. Come In and see these rugs before placing your order elsewhere. We give ten per cent for cash. ASHEVILLE CARPET JIOTJSE 18-20 Church St. Phone No, 828. OLD NEWSPAPERS IN BUNDLES - s . 25 cents a hundred pounds. Fine f-T putting under carpets, mattings, for, wrapping and packing furniture, dishes and also good for kindling fires ROGERS' BOOK STORE, 39 Patton Ave. After the Fair Dine Here v ' -. Oysters Served to Order CANDY KITCHEN In 1910 there were 148,770, 858 tons of soft coal mined in Peawisyl vania. Lots of coal, that, but none of it better than our '-V1 V." . MONARH COAL We are supplying the Ashe ville people. Southern Coal Co. Phone 114. No. 10 N. Pack Sq. PUT IN YOUR WINTER COAL . ' NOW . ' ; "While the weather is fair and when-the price is low. Ask our price on five and ten ton lots. delivered NOW M & W 1 COAL Phone 40. Asheville Coal Co. ! ELECTRICAL FIXTURES Portable Lamps, Electric Irons and Heating Apparatm. W. A; WARD 12 Church St Phon 449. FILMS PEVELOPEU ONLY NH: A ROLL ALL SIZES. We develop in great tanks and they re In dark until dry. No scratches. Why pay 15c to (So? , HAY'S STUDIO '' a N. Pack Square. - HAYWOOD STlfEfcT NEAR rOSTOFFICE BLOM BERGS For your Cigars, Tobaccos, Pipes, Smokers Articles and Sporting Goods. 17 Pat ton Ave. Through his attorney, Zeb V. Cur tis, John Conley. a former employe f the Champion Fibre company, has ntered suit against the Southern railway for damages in the sum of $3000 for alleged personal injuries. The complaint was filed today and al leges that while the plaintiff was un loading a freight car at Canton, a tring of cars were backed against his car with such force as to inflliit severe injuries. At last night's meeting of the Y. M. A. basket ball team, Louis Llpin- ky having resigned the captaincy. Hardy Chambers was elected In his stead. Mr. Lipinsky stated that he had held the place for several years nd for some time had been thinking that it should be given to some other man, Mr. Chambers was recently lected assistant manager and Nor man Schartle will succeed him in that position. During the time that Mr. Lipinsky has been captain, the team has been unusually successful and it as good prospects under the cap taincy of Mr. Chambers. There will be a meeting tonight in harlotto of the directors of the Caro- lian Baseball association, which will be held for the purpose of winding up the affairs of the league, since it is more than probable that it will be reconstituted for next year and a state league formed. However, there will be no action taken with regard to the ircult at the meeting tonight, conse quently it will be of no especial in terest to Ashevillo fans, except that Thomas C. Slouch, lately elected man ager of the Ashevllle club for next ear, will represent the , Greenville lull, of which he has been manager: No Better Silver Plated Ware iTHAN ROGERS 26 Pieces Handsomely Cased 3 Piece Carvins Set. Embossed Handles, Scimetar With everything we sell you have our Kuarantee of money back for ankinti. m ortie u'lmem HhliDlED DYNHMITE offices, on second floor, in Palace Brease it for Catarrh. Phvsi- Thn,.t. 17. ,(1.11.... r. . ?0 !.. A... I " These offices are well lighted, and ventilated. Hardwood floors, steam heat Water in roqms. t'lve good rooms in the Maxwelton liullding. Steam heated, bath on third floor. Trices attractive. Apply to cians Prescribe it and Phar macists Recommend It. W. T. WEAVER Koom 1, Maxwelton Building. 202-6t Phone 1626 QUICK DELIVERY CIGARS That's Ily Business T TT'"'"C! iill CRAl'K KAl,F:s MANAORH tv'i! invent. $;i;,ii0 In u, good bus- t v. i ' 1 1 m rvlrcH. W. K. H.. curt mllei! ' -N , 2UK-H biittle dix'H not banlnh Quickly Clears Stuffed-Up Head and Stops Snuffling , and Hawking. In the morning, shortly after you awake. Dear reader, do you have to hawk and strain to get that stubborn piece of mucus out of your throat? Get rid of catarrh now; it will grow worse as you grow older. One day of breathing pleasant, healing HYOMEI (pronounce it Hlgh-o-me) the guar anteed catarh remedy will give you such wonderful relief that you will wonder why you doubted the state ment that Booth'u HYOMEI would end the most aggravating case of ca tarrh. A hard rubber pocket tnhalor and a bottle, of HYOMEI and simple In structions fur use Is 11.00. This Is the HYOMEI outfit. If one your cHtarrb, District Attorney Relates Hair Raiser Plot to Blow Canal Locks. i i l fl.it or ii1I;h th ii i ynu can tiet anot;-er for only DO centx Thiuinri'N imp It f ,r cfitiKliH, old and croup. Snl. I bv Smith's Ilrug finro tinil (Jin.- i-iMiK v ir whi.j A,lv. Indianapolis, Oct. 8. James B. Mc- Namara and Ortie McManigal arrived In Chicago one cold day in February, 1911, and discovered that dynamite which they had carried In a suit case from Indianapolis had frosen. Mc Manigal placed the dynamite on radiator In his house and went out to look at a manufacturing plant. When he returned he found his little gin sitting before the radiator playlnn with the explosive. This part o he story was related by District Attornej Miller at the trial' tof the sMeged dy namlters today. v The McNamaras and McManigal once dUKUssed a plot to blow up the locks of the Panama canal. District Attorney told the Jury yesterday. The Incident occurred, according to Mr. Miller, Just before the arrcat oi the LoS Angeles dynamiters, when thy were becoming desperate in the! efforts to secure explosives. "John J. called James B. McNam ara, his brother and McManlKHl to th headquarters of the International as oclHTlnn of t'TldKH and Struc tura Iron Workers," said Mr. Mil,er. "Job J. said to McMnntgal 'we can't gi-t an mure dynamite around bore wlthnu Mealing II Nnw you kh to Tunam and h;t ymi can do down tlir The M'.'lt!itW'-MnrRhHll (.'onMrui'ttu ri.iiii:,ii.v l.as a lot of dvnmltp irtoro i..Ai tli'-iH. You coiikl efisllv K,vt I HILL'S FLASH LIGHTS Why go feeling your way through the dark when at very ittle expense you can have a flash light that will . furnish all the light you need. $1.25 to $3.75. See our window. PIEDMONT ELECTRIC CO. Opp. Postoffice S4 Patton Ave. I high $6.50 151 ade, polish'.?..:. . . . ... .! $2.50 the Probably half of the horses in and around Asheville will cat Peters Arab Horse Feed tomorrow for Break fast, Dinner and Supper. Thafs Horse sense. A hint to the wise is sufficient. All Grocers but a few sell it. ' ' An excellent assortment of choice Sea Foods Genuine Sealshipt Oysters as . Specialty. Prompt Service. , ACME FISH CO. Phono 311. Central Blarket. Purest and Rumford Baking Best .' m Powder Progress Comfort Hot blast the most wonderful hot blast, smoke con suming air-tight stove on the market, keeps fire -i hours. Handsome and duralJe. .14 CENTS PER DAY BUYS ONE Beaumont Furniture Co. 27 S011II1 Main Street. "Tho Home of Furniture Values.' HOMS RENDERED 5 and 10 Lb. Pails STAR IIAIIXET PII0NE3 19171318-1919 HWe arc the hui cnsful C aterers to a Variety of .etlln." Citiccnn trr.ncfcr Company Ttc JVI-IAN WOODCOCK, Owner. rur.::iTur.r. i:ovna ;t r 3 Trar.:;fcr Ccrvico. m! .r.-.i hy V. C. T. sod T. I. A. rc: i t-xi m I"-tr,t iff , Simple! Durable! Economical! Especially adapted to hilly country. Will reduce your delivery costs.. Arbogast Motor Co. Phone 1728. ' No. GO to G8 North Main St. MOTION PICTURES ARE OUR BUSINESS. The Palace PRESENTS TODAY ' "Dora Thome" By Charlotte ' M. ' Brume. Open from 2 p. m. to 11 p. m. 5e to all from 2 to 7 p. m., and uc and 10c from 7 to 11 p. m. " ' DRE.AMLAND r THE THEATRE BEAUTIFUL "NINA ESPEY" Very Clever Banjoist. "AERIAL BROWNS" Exceptionally Good Offering. MOTION PICTURES -' ' ( "The Millionaire Cop." "The Horse Thief's Daughter.", "The Dummy Director" Aerial LADIES, Send us your Waists, Skirts and Tub Suits to launder. . . . , , ' A Trial Is All We Ask. aundry hone 70 We Treat Your Laundry White. TURKISH BATHS The Gruncr Sanitarium SI Haywood EtreeL For Ladies and Centlemtx. Open Dy siul Night. Perf ection Oil Why waste your money trying other makes whon you can get the Perfect ion for $:j to $.").50. Uuaiaitcc.l Extra wick., - Co., ii. I.i f .r, I -!y MHI i.f ii ih.'I blow up tho ,n ka Tim Two ' 4 r'i'im nil I'll, n $10 AO (. il - 1 . ! -I i; . ii U , 'i m si t tin ii i il t iii M It i . I ... r ii 1. :-i .if l i,,- f.n 1 1 t A. e l

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