ffli A A ' PUSS J ' DISPATCHII THE ASSOCIATED LAST EDITION 4:00 P. M. Weather forecast: . UAIX. S'V" PRICE THREE CENTS VUk AVU.. WU. 213. ASHEVILLE, N. C, MONDAY AFTERNOON, OCTOBER 14, 1912. Tlinirifin linvr rv' Nn unnu iiiimin TRAP COKIS Twice in the Same Place . By "Bu, Fisher UMbUU L KlIIIMUilr Tl NOTHING fill A v m i v nil iiwiiin States that the Porte Must De cline to "Tolerate Foreign Interference" in Mace : ' donia. GOVERNMENT ADOPTS y .f York, Oet. 11. The flay was cool ror iiuseiiaii, nut tne Hour or play found no slackening of popular ten sion. It was announced tliat Mar quard uuil Meyers were New York's battery and that of Boston O'Brien and t'aily. 1 IliST IXMXti. Boston Hooper singled, but was caught napping at llrsu Yerkes Hied. Speaker walked, and stole second. Lewis Hied. Vw Yoik-;)cvoro waM nut ut first. AGGRESSIVE TONE Ioylc singled and stole, second. Snod- grass ranueu and jiurpny singico. Doyle taking third. O'Urlond balked, Doyle Hcoriug. Mci-kle doubled, Mur Belligerent Acts Committed! my worms. Henog doubled, worm . I Merkle; Meyws singled, Herzojj tnkiii; Against Servia, Bulgaria and Greece. Horses of Foreign ers Requisitioned. third. Herzog scared on a double steal. Fletcher singled, scoring Mey ers. Fictcncr was cntigiit napping. Xew York had chalked jip live mux. SECOND INNING. ltoston Gurdner went to lirst on error. Stahl followed Willi a music. Wugncr funiunl and Cudy tiled. Knglo, rnntntinr.nlP. Oct. 14 The Turk- batting for O Hrlen, doubled, scoring r... b,,-,m.mC..v w " runs. powers to intervene In the question of Nw York Collins took the mound Macedonian reforms. A reply handed for Boston. Marquard was the vle- t h Aiiatrn-Tiimirnrian ambassador tlm of a pop II.V! Devore fanned, and , ' ,L , , ,v, ,,,, I ioyie reiM-aieti aiarquartii's insiory this morning,-thanked the European ' ' , . 0 : GET A but said Turkey is determined to car-i er, Lewis, Gardner went out, on Hies ry out the promised reforms but can I , tolerate no foreign interference. New York Snodgrass Med. Mur- Belgrade, Servia, Oct. 14. A body sniwi iu. w.s . nucht at wcimil of Turkish troops crossed the Servian sU-etehin(r the hit. Merkle singled frontier near Vranya tnm morning tnll( wag )Ut ,,t stealing. " . and attacked the Servian garrison there according to an official dis patch from the Servian, .commanding ceneral. Fighting wr.s in FOVItTlf INNING. . ltoston Stahl singled, Warner Died progress I a 1 "ij phiiki. uuin mniii uty anil was uouoien ai- ursi. New York Herzog Hied. Meyers tripled. Fletcher Hied and Marquardt was put out at first. FIFTH. : : ltoston Hooper, Yerkes and Speak- when the message was dispatched, Constantinople. Oct. 14. Whether for the purpose of furnishing provo cation for war or to show the Balkan allies that Turkey cannot be intimi dated, the government Is acting with an aggressiveness calculated to bring or were out on lib's. nn hostilities. The embargo o ureeK ,.w York Devore singled. IHwio ships, the detention of Servian ani-iflnii Snodgrasx filed and IK'vore were munition and the seizure or uiugariun cloiibled out at Hrst. .railway cars, all constitute belligerent Nw York, Oct '14. Partisans Ot acts. '' I the New York Giahts went to the Greek and Bulgarians in l.onstanii- i poi0 grounds early today prepared to bering a thousand or more, I witness a last-ditch struggle, against v.nv hen aubiected to treatment tie-1 the Boston lted Sox for the world's . lgiu.'d to. irritate these, two nations. I chnmpionshlpA- Boston Jias , wen three. Financial onsioeraiions ngore imsinr tne nv gatnus nlayeU, lieu one and ly In the atlltude of the Turkish goV-Nt,w York haw won one.' Boston needs ornment.'- Practically an oi ine many i toilav's game to finch the champion hundreds of Greeks who are returning I Bhip while .New York needs every re- to Athens are compelled to pay I malulng game. Although the sky was taxes to the end of the year bef ore I overcast this morning, the forecast Is thev are permitted to embark. Kven I for fair weather. . Marquard may the crews of Gjeek ships which were pitch for New .York today, .while nel-.el have been , hailed before the! Manager Stahl may select ; either prefect and made to pay a year si wood, Collins or O'Brien to oppose tuxes, although tney were nim. subieets. Many Greeks have been ar rested on the charge or neing uesen- ing reservists and they can procure their release only by paying tne mm tui-v exemntion tax. . Turkey's action, however, less arbitrary than would seem because numbers or the Greeks noiu oom nui lenic and Turkish passports to obtain the advantages of both nationalities and they now have to Bhoulder the resnonsibllltles of both. The (tovernmfnt Is tleiermineu i" ovnoi nil riulirarian and urecK suo tcpt n soon as war is declared and these will be transponea uy ui " ih Ble-iimers which have been ae- ioinut tnt- that nuroose. Trouble nrnhnblv over the seizures, as most of tne cargoes are iu.e... - v,,v Vorl, 0ct M.KnMnn Andes -.1 lmr lha f ; t'ai U I - rrnd theowerswUl claim (lani-1 ' ley' UntK-r. fT. N.. appointed agegi I from l.oiii'-.iiina t! (he United States The srovernment IS requiMiioimih i 11Val aeudemv. lrom which ha was the horse owned by foreign reshlents I KrH(i uatel last spring, waa drowned In except diplomatic represeiiu.i.v. tno Hudson river yesterday while re- various emoassies nave innu """ turning with three fellow officers to notified tno.porte uiai h,, ,,nat on the battleship Rhode Is- will be claimeo. oeverai 1UIM" ian,i in tne Hue of the great Atlantic women are going to me iron m arn,nia. nt anchor here for presiden tial review. In another accident on the river, six imllors from the battl3- shlp Maine rewued eleven persons from drowning. It is estimated that 200,000 sight-seers, many attracted from remote sections of the country, IE I THE HUDSON RIVER A. H. Butler of Louisiana Steps From Launch and is ( Swept Under. SAYS 1BIT BECKEB ORDERED SLAYING 1, i i Webber's Evidence at Murder Trail Corroborates That of Rose. nrt the wounded. This will mark the beginning of a new era for the A consular telegram reports the killing of 12 Bulgarians at Kuprll, in Macedonia, bv Turkish soldiers. Mas sacres in Macedonia will be nn inevit- bonrded the htrgor Bhlps of the fleet i, hie feature of the war, hut It Is serted here the Turks will not begin them. BOYCOTT EGGS. and that more than 1,600,000 persons viewed the fleet from shore during the day and this evening, when the ships were again Illuminated. The accident In which Ensign But ler lost his life, hla fellow officers ... i .i r n-.,.. iwi.liw .11 Cents found hard to explain. He and his Cleveland ' J" to V' hfld P tne Blht ln tne r,ly ,M-r Dcwii is t. Mm b to d ,nre on (he way bnck tQ ,no H,.p I In a small private launcn. xne nine " - I 1 ..... . . n nittblnff liiaHoav Wltl illf- Cleveland. Oct. . 14. "No eggs ror ZTaL In three weeks," Is the battle cry ot ' J -- ' .,,... Bt,out ,u'uu" uoy " " t"d "' I Young Butler was seen to step out northern Ohio, who entered- today upon a eamlmlgn of ntton in . wBter u ,g beUeve(, e hope of lowering the price frorn 4i mlstakably that the launch to 30 cents a ooen. i ' :-"" nHd a ,ort of running board outside r.Kg imu-uir .1,, ,i. the canopy, as naval launches hav, '"r1' &M l.'k ZZ and that he Intended to step on this to and has 20,000 memebcrs and about the same numlier of sympathisers. , I Vaiiderblll's Kleven Htronpr. New York, Oek 14. Vanderbllt iintveniitv's football team stands at the top of all tne college elevens thus far this season, on the basis of aggre B-nto scores made. The southern make preparations for the landing. The strong tide carried him down and under the battleship. One , of his companions dived for him, but was unable to reach him and was rescued with difficulty. WHEAT UP AND DOWN. leven has taken 2Gj points In three IliiUiiin War lt.i.nor Caiise Kxcll tames to lis opponent s ciphers, other eil Traillng lil the t hl. ago earns against which no touch dnwnt . ga I were made are Harvard, Hwarthmore, Trinity. Army, Hensylvnnla State, nnd Georgetown. Hermit Had J(I,(HM1. PittKliurglt. Oct. 14. Peter Unburn a hermit, whom the police took to the I eighths cents higher. county home sevi-ral days ago, wax nib! to he starving. Whin the poll vlHinl hl ."hnrk fhey foiinU Iliil.OiK; In riiiTi'in-v Unit Pi-ti-r h;id hldilen li lui.i.-, m.'l. c t -i nnd nihiT r-i'-iiin I I-, I I ,. .U w.m fmiini .mio li Chicago. Oct. 14. Excitement ovet rumors that the Ihirdsnelles would be closed Incidental to the Balkan trou hies led to wild fluctuations today In the wheat market The opening was one and live-eights to two and seven Heavy atile rrullun profits earned the miirki' quickly hack to 1 from the top. le "eiliber wheal, which clow'd Friday a )l touched 115 B-N mill reacted t HX. Mmv vvnit up nearly :i cent in iiSi vc tlm ! , 1 1 ; t- murk and dropi ' 9EIIR1UIGS Men who escaped From Wy oming Penitentiary Sur rounded in Canyon by . Posse. NUMBER OF WOUNDED AND DEAD UNKOWN Neither Have the Authorities Learned How Many Escaped Residents of Town in Panic. New York, Oct. 14. Wlnlleld Shee- man, secretary to Police Commission er Waldo, was the first witness called today In the trial of Becker, charged with killing the gambler Rosenthal by gunmen. His appearance was a uis- tlnct surprise. Drid gle Webber was the next wit ness. Asked if he had ever conversed with Becker about Rosenthal, Web ber said: "Yes, with Harry Vallon and Rose In the latter part of June. Becker said, The is trying to do me every way. He is trying to see Waldo nnd now he Is going to get to Whitman. He' got to be stopped, he's got to be croaked before he gets to Whitman." Webber described the Inception of the murder plot.. Contributions to Wilson Fund Total $208,000 Washington, Oct. 14. William F. McCombs, of New York, chairman of the national democratic committee, Was the lirst witness this morning be fore the C'lupp committee, investigat ing campaign funds. Chairman McAdoo of the national democratic committee, Judge Alton li. Parker, Joslah Quincy of Massachusetts. Roger Sullivan of Illinois and Kred Pentleld of Philadel phia wcro other witnesses to testify. - McCombs said $208,000 had been contributed to the fund this year in behalf of Governor Wilson's nomina tion. McCombs said, "I began the campaign for Wilson In May, 111. The first month or two the cumpulgn MIGHTY Mays Husband and Self. Adel, Oa., Oct 14. M. A. Crosby, cashier of the Bank of Adel, was shot and killed Saturday night, by his wife at their home here, and Mrs. Crosby then committed suicide. The bodies were found yesterday by their six years old son. Crosby's body was In a bed, the bul let which cau si' d his death having entered the right eye. The body cf the woman was lying on the floor. A 38-csiltr revolver was clutched In one hand. A bullet had penetrated her brain. Immediately after the discovery of thrt tragedy ihe coroner held an In quest. Tho verdict wits that both had conic to their death ut the hands of Mrs. Crosby. That sudden Insanlt'y'on the part of fhn woman was responsible for the tragedy Is the theory advanced by in timate, friends. UNION'S BOOKKEEPER IDENTIFIES CHECKS Mrs. A, J. Hall on Stand at Trial of Alleged Dynamiters. Indianapolis. Oct. 14. Checks by which the government charges the executive board of the International Association of Bridge and Structural Iron Workers allowed J. J. Mc Namara $1000 monthly to buy ex plosives, were Identified by Mrs. A. J. Hull at the "dynamite conspiracy" trial today. Mrs. Hull wa a book keeper for McNumara, at the Iron workers headquarters here when ex plosions aliout the country were fre quent. Hho testified tho checks were signed by Frank Ryan, president, and McNamara. as secretary-treasurer and were marked "emergency fund."- was directed from my office and the expenses were puid from my own pocket. Then I established headquur ters in New York. I think .1 spent about $8000 or $10,000 myself. McCombs said the greater part of his fund was expended for publicity as a "wide campaign of education wad necessary." "There isn't a dollar In stute statement which refiects any promise, expressed or Implied, upon my part," said he. Judge Parker, democratic presi dential candidate In 1904, suid he luui no knowledge of campaign contribu tions in. that campaign and that he had given Instruction that none lie ac cepted from corporations. KMIELL'S SISTER SUES II CUEtT ruts FLEET (HUB New York, Oct. 14. America's greatest fighting fleet lay on the Hud son today for review by President Tuft nnd Secretary of the navy Meyer. This with a formal review by the President tomorrow, as the fleet .steams to sea will end the three day's mobilisation. The first act of today's program was staged when the gun boat Nashville, given to the press for the day, anchored near the flagship Connecticut! oft Seventy-ninth street She convoyed the Dolphin, which had aboard Secretary Meyer and his aids. Rear Admiral Osterhaus, fleet com mander, his chief of staff and Rear Admiral Flake, Ushser, Wlnslow and Fletcher boarded the Dolphin soon af ter she anchored and these were fol lowed by craft carrying members of the senate and house naval commit tees. Secretary Meyer and Admiral Osterhaus biter Inspected the guper-dreadnaughts. Rawllngs, Oct. 14 Heavily armed, a half dozen or more criminals were said to be trapped In a canyon south of here today and a battle between these men and tho posse which camped ln the hills lust night is momentarily ex pected. The men hiding were among the convicts who escaped from tho state penitentiary here late yesterday and fled down the main streets of the town terrorizing men, women and chil dren. Pausing In their flight to loot a livery stable of horses, they sped to the hills before the citizenB could give chase. The total number of escapes cannot be known definitely until the prison roll is called and the number of casualties is unknown, due to the excitement Antone Rasco. a Mexican, leader of the convicts was shot to death by Deputy Sheriff Rogner, who saw the convict fleeing for the hills. Rawllngs, Wyo., Oct. 14. One ot the second gang of fugitives from the state prison who escaped Sunday was caught early today by Bert Talbert, proprietor of a livery stable, who was injured when the convicts looted his stalls. The convict was named Gll- more and had but a few months of a two years' sentence to serve. He sur rendered, saying he had been forced Into the Jail break. Warden Alston is en route here. The prison autnonties say they have no idea -how the con- vlcla secured the guns when tney es caped. 1 - " - r A battle raged early last night in the state penitentiary. Locked Inside the walls with hundreds of mutinous prisoners, a few guards fought des perately to restore order and prevent a wholesale jail delivery. Camped outside tho walls was a force of citizens heavily armed, ready to drive back the convicts if they murdered the remaining guards and made a rush through the gates. Shots and occasional shouts told of fighting within the walls, and it was rumored that several guards and convicts were killed. Another battle was ln progress at the same time In the hills south of ftawlings, tietween a posse of citizens and from 20 to 40 escaped prisoners. Two men were killed ln the streets of Bnwllngs, one was desperately wound ed, and the two convicts were cap tured, following the escape of from 10 to 30 prisoners ln the afternoon. The town Is in a panic. Telegrams were sent to Governor Carey Implor ing him to send state troops to pro tect the citizens. Townspeople bar ricaded themselves In their homes last night or, heavily anned, pa trolled the streets. The outbreak Sunday was the sec ond within 24 hours. About S p. m. Saturday 20 prisoners escaped and nine were recaptured before 8 o clock. nCCEPTEDJUlOEIEII Has Cost About $6,700 It is Now a Modern Jail in every Respect. . Another Action to Prove Death of Missing1 man is Be- -gun. v SLAIN BY WIFE. Paulo In IV-rlln Averted. Berlin, irllli li Oct 14. A panic on ilirse WHS I'lli-i ked toil!l . lie ti.m i.l I, .i.l.m; I the l.v Colonel's Throat Troubling Him. Chicago, Oct 14. Ool. Roosevelt retrained from speech-making today to rent the muscles of his throat, whic'T developed siircnem yesterday, The colonel planned to spend the 1 11,1 i(t U llnlel. St. Louis, Oct 14. For the fourth time a trial Is docketed to be started today to prove tho deuth of Oeiuye A. Klmmell. This suit, the sivomfto be made against an Insurance', com pany for the collection of 14. If 00 ln policies and benefits, will be pros.VMit- ed by Mrs. Edna Benslett of Chicago, a sister of Klmmell. Andrew While, a former convict who says he's KliM mell, Is working as timekeeper In Nj factory and may testify. He recently underwent an Oierutlon which he de clares completely restored his mem Teliiirwif Convict Fxcspc. Nar.hvllle, Tenli., Oct. 14. Convicts Calvin Murray, M. Van Ier and Tom Smith, all negroes, overpowered their guards at' Betlisadti, twelve miles form Franklin, last night and escaped. George Reed, white, A guiuil, was knocked from the prlmm wucim mill Hlkhtly hurt. Wilmington Man Is Instantly Killed When She Finn Bullet Into Ills Heart. Special to The Gazette-News. Wilmington. Oct. 14 Octavus King, aged 26 years, was shot and almost In stantly killed at his home yesterday by his wife In rather a peculiar manner. The young man bought a plBtol Sat urday nnd slept with It u-Jer his pll low. Early Sunday morning, while frolicking with his two children on the bed, the pistol was jostled from under the pillow. His wife, who had not gotten up, noticed the weapon In the bed and picked It up to hand to her husband. As she did so the pis tol was discharged and the bullet en tered her husband's left side, penetrat ing the heart. Running out on the front porch the wounded man cried t.Vat he hud been shot by his wife, but that It was an accident He then ex pired. Several neighbors hud heard the t'eport of the pistol and rushed to the home In time to hear the dying declacwtton of the wounded man. Mm. King iiwooni'il and for some time w im uiieiuiK.-liiiiM. Her condition is IHH. ( luiliued. The work of Improvement on the city Jail, which has been going on for the past several weeks under the di rection of . A. M. Goodlake, has been completed and Saturday was received by the aldermarle committee which has the oversight of this department The Improvements have been exten sive and have resulted In making practically a. new Jail ln the space oc cupied by the old one. As now arranged the jail Is modern In every respect, Is sanitary, more or less comfortable and well ventilated. It is as nearly fireproof as such a building can be, being almost alto gether of steel and concrete. The sanitary features are. at once noticeable. The concrete floor of the jnll slopes toward the center, where there Is a waste pipe, and the whole may be flushed with a hose. There are two shower baths for the prls oners. At the entrance to the Jail there Is the cage of the desk sergeant, where the "guests" are registered. They pass by the cage Into the "bull pen," a triangular room, where the mass of prisoners may be kept. Tners Is a row of steel cages on the ground floor snd the same number on top of them. There art two cages In another row, and this row mny be extended so us to nlinost double the mire upaee. The work appi-nm to ! e v ,11 il-.ne; nnd tlm i liv h n I - I v I U v I 1 ! 1 K 1