r i i . ' ;t Jeff Practices the Robin's Cee rye cr . : - . -uvm iNOTe SHE'S SCeiy mv ... r, s0 CPTfcu we ryeN e. she savs for e rNI r. . UCUXfc NMd.k.. want: FOB SALE FOR SALE Bargain In beautiful, safe gentle pany, pony buggy and harness. Pony perfectly city broke not afraid of anything. Any lady or even small children can handle or drive him anywhere, without fear of accident. Apply 57 Charlotte street, city, or write Luke Dixon, care Gazette-Newa. Asheville. 187-tf FOR SALE 160 acres of fine hard wood timber In Towns county, Ga., Many trees will cut six thousand feet. Apply to Mrs. S. H. VanVorst Clarkston, DeKolb county, Georgia. 193-30t FOR SALE Good clean newspapers, 50 for 5 cents. Apply at Gazette News office. tf. FOR SALE Seven piece Kitchen Set, Including a cleaver, bread knife, can opener, carving knife and fork, paring knife and carborundum sharpener. Erand new articles In nent boxes, only a few left. While they last, only 75c per set. Gazette News office. tf. FOR SALE Three new Osgewo wheat drills at half price. Room 9 Revell Bldg. F. P. Ingle. FOR SALE Two young mules, well broken will work anywhere. One horse 8 years old; lady or child can drive. 6 pigs 8 weeks old, and three sows. Phone 328 or apply Moun tain Meadows inn. 210-tC. APPLES FOR SALE 1000 bushels at my orchard in Starnes Cove. E. 1). Atkinson. 212-3t FOR SALE Wheeler's History N. C. Humes England. De Aublgnes Re formation. Civil War (Stephens); 2000 other books. Ye Old Book Shop, 114 Patton Ave. MISCELLANEOUS ROCK LEDGE, 61 Haywood Btreet It rooms thoroughly renovated, across street from Auditorium, half block from Battery Park hotel. Ifrs P. J. Cocoran. Prop, IF YOU wish to learn of an Invest ment opportunity that will bear scrutiny write "Investment," care ' Gazette-News. 193-tf YOCR OLD SHOES made like new ones. Men's and ladies' shoes half golcd, sewed, and heels straight ened. Prices reasonable. Cham pion Shoe Repair Shop, TS. A. Vin larskl. 30 West College St 213-26t FOB BENT FOR RENT Connecting rooms, fur nished for housekeeping; first and second floor. Sink and gas in kit ' chen. it Starnes Ave. 183-tf CONNECTING OOM8 furnished for light housekeeping, on first and sec ond floors, with electrio lights and gas. Phone 839. 18 Grady Street 102-tf FOR RENT House, 10 rooms and bath. North Main street J. H. Me Connell. Phone 122 or 1434. 201-tf FOR RENT S choice rooms, fur nished or unfurnished, hot and cold water, gas and electric lights, hall ' and front porch, price right 117 Broad street 203-tf. FOR RENT 5 room cottage, lights, water, range, $13.50 per month, 16 eney street. Heel cottage In city money. Address W. B. C . Box ! J0J5. JU-St FOR RENT Furnished rooms on first floor, near the High school, on new street See (Miss) P. L. Hoi man. 301 Legal Building. - FOR RENT Choice I and room fats, close In, $16 per month. Cot tag ( rooms $21 per month. All have modern improvement Apply W. A. Nltser. office It Revell Bldg. t W. Pack square. LOGAN MF.nCIIANT TAILOR Legal Bldg. Pack 84. I'ltone 77. WANTS WANTED J. H. McGlNNESi has moved to room dyeing, tailoring and cleaning, opposite Y. M. I. building. Steam Phone 1850. tf WANTED Tour Notary Public work. Residence 123 Asheland avenue. Phone. $. Jaa. W. Albright 66-tf KODAK WANTED A 1A Special, t or SA. Inquire of C W, Capell at Gazette-News. tf WANTED A position as collector, good ft general office work, can use a typewriter. Address P. O. Box No. 364, Asheville. N. C. 141-tf. MISSION CLOCK NOW . $2.25 We are making a special offer for a short time only. For cash, we will sell a handsome MISSION CLOCK, 24 inches high, 12 Inches wide, strikes the hour and half hour on a cathedral gong; 8 day wind, Welch movement, serviceable and alto gether very attractive. Suitable for hall, living-room, or dining-room. This price is only for those who call at the office, and pay cash; we do not deliver. Only one clock sold to each person. Apply at The Gazette News office. tf. WANTED Two or three rooms for light housekeeping, furnished or unfurnished, must be reasonable. Address "Permanent", care Gazette News. 188-tf WANTED Position by j'O'jna lauy who can operate tho typewriter and thorouRhly familiar with all kinds of office work. Four years experi ence. Sulary expected, $10 per week. Best of references. Address F. E., care Gazette-News. 205-tf. WANTED To buy two farms one about 40 acres and one about 125 acres. Write care Box 339, Ashe ville, N. C. WANTED The names of a few addi tion:;! men nni women in Asheville not now patrons of the Asheville Cleaning and Pressing club. Quick service, good service and complete satisfaction. Ladies silk garments, woolen garments and dainty lace waists and skirts our specialties. J. C. Wllbar, Prop. Phone 389, Pack Square. WANTED To paint the house you are building or are going to build. Phone 157 or call at 53 North Main and Ie,t us figure with you. R. L. Fltxpatrlck & Son. ROOMS WANTED Three or four " unfurnished rooms for housekeep ing, with sink In kitchen. Address C. C. care Gazette-News. tf WANT TO BUY A small farm near Asheville. Canaday Realty Co., Phone 974. 10 North Pack Square. 212-3t WANTED Offlce furniture, desks, chairs, rugs, etc., must be In first class condition and price right Phone $87. 213-3t WANTED Fifty old feather beds at I once, will pay highest cash price. Address St. Louis Feather Co., Ashe ville, N. C. General delivery. 214-7t HELP WANTED WANTED Salesman tor paints, auto. mobile oils and lubricants. Excel lent Inducements. The Middle States Oil Co., Cleveland, O. BOYS WANTED Boys, you can earn lots of pocket money selling papers on the streets afternoons and eve nings. Apply at Gazette-News office. Z07-U. APPLE PICKERS WANTED At Bokks Orchard, two miles from Waynesvtlle, 15 men or large boys. to pick apples. Pleasant work, rood wages, good board. Apply quick. Ed Swayngum, Manager, Waynesvllle. N. C. Ill-tf WANTED Boy with wheel to dls trlhiita nTeiiar Annlv hfnr 10 a. m., Tuesday. Bwsnnanoa Drug Co. ' tf TRUNKS AND LEATHER G0CD3 Is our special fy. Money td loan on diamond. wutchea, jewelry And anythirisr. of Talne. 1 , H. L. FINKELCTZIN Lean Office.. 23 S. Ilaln EL Call 1 R'Ght to thc 8l& OA. TOR MS - I've BN ""HIS ROMWHU! ' - SC fill. - $.i't iciLIJIlV T:f?J PAI L J. HAXEY AND HIS FAMOl S PACK OF MISSISSIPPI HK.Xll IIOVXUS, FROM AFRICAN Ilt'XT PIC TURKS, Al'DITOHIl'M, ALL THIS WliEK. KKsKltltstslilltlXstltK H S? ALL THIS WEEK, MATINEE S? s DAILY, Sf stst$eKKKKKstKKttfcttKri I'aul J. ItuliH'y's African Hunt The Paul J. Rainey African Hunt motion pictures are being presented by four well-equipped traveling com panies, besides the permanent New York exhibition which Is now begin ning Its seventh month on Broadway. The production which Is now on ex hibition at the Auditorium came di rect from the Belasco Theater, Wash ington, being the first to invade thv South, the land from which the mil lionaire sportsman secured his famous pack of hounds and fighting Jokb which vindicated so nobly his conll- doncc in them when he staked their stamina and grit against the ferocious denizens of the African jungles. These Mississippi bear hounds are shown in the Alms to bring the cheetah and Hon to bay, and hold them until the arrival of the huntsmen. This company will continue Southward, playing three days or a week In every large town, until reaching New Orleans at Christ mas time it will begin its Northward climb, to begin an all-summer en- I ifaifrtTnonl In f'nlnfrn "Thei Winning Widow." The cast in "The Winning Widow,' . AUDITORIUM. Every Afternoon anil Night Hits Week. 15, 25, S5, and 50 cento. irMtlt .1' PUBLIC SFUKII6 The democratic county candidates will address the citizens at the fol lowing places: Barnardsvllle Tuesday afternoon, Oct IS, at 1 o'clock. Morgan Hill School Houso TueS' s'.ve.nln.' Oct It, at 8 o'clock. Flat Creek Oct 16, 11 a. m. West Asheville (I. O. O. F. hall) Oct 18, 7.30 p. m. ", Hal Creek Oct. IT, T.20 p. m. Alexnnder Oct IS, 11 a. m. Wast End Oct II, 7:45 p. m. Leicester School house Oct II, I p. Everybody InrHed, ladles especial ly. Coma out and hear the issues of the day discussed In an able and pleasing manner. J. E. SWAIN, County C. DONALD GILLIS, Sec. wad T32 AS3H7LLL2 CAZ2TT2-in:3. . ; fA-'' pl Tnow to HEftfA . . ' . " C ' " ; f 5 HER. 5NE6T I ' ' . i " (, TVIE.ET ; 2 " V01C6 REPOf J '; Z. . 1.1 J - - -; -- - i i Amusements. Max Spiegal's latest piuslcal comedy hit to be seen here during the season, is a superior organization Including Mul Clark, Lovey Ma'fle Greene. Ben Turbett, James Hunter,. Joe Freed, Leo Rosenthal and other!" backed up by a wonderful array of beautiful show girls. - Two companies are now playing Rupert Hughes' famous travel farce, "Excuse Me." One of them began its season at White Plains, N'. Y., two weeks ago; the other, of which Willis Sweutnam Is n member (playing his original role of the Pullman porter) sturted upon its travels at Mlddletown, N. Y., last Monday night As was to have been expected. Sweatnam snd his associates were greeted by an aud ience which crowded the Mlddletown theater to Its doors. Here Is a woman who speaks from personal knowledge and long exper ience, viz., Mrs. P. H. Brogan of Wil son, Pa,, who says: "I know from ex perience that Chamberlin's Cough Remedy Is for superior to any other. For croup there la nothing that excels It" For sale by all dealers. a:v "I've tried to propose to Mabel a dozen times and hanged if I can do it, I've slumped every time." "And she you are courting the wrong girl." Boston Tr uncrlpt. Sick hmil icho Is caused by a dis ordered siomach. Take Chamber lain's Tablets and correct that and the headaches will disappear. For sale by all dealers. : - Adv. Woodrow Wilson's Bent Phlurc. It Is generally conceded that the best photogrnf h ever taken of Wood- row WIlBon, Democratic candidate for President, is that which has been re produced as a large-sized photograv. ure, printed on heavy art paper suit able for framing. This picture will be mailed. In heavy pasteboard tube, to any address upon receipt of ten cents In stamps by the New York World, Park Row, New York City. Send for this art masterpiece today and see what Gov. Wilson really looks like. SPEAKING Tlie Candlilston for the Vrhu Conn' ty OITIits on tlio Republican Pro' irrniHlve Ticket Will Adtlrrm llic People at the Following Times and Phwes: Reems Creek, October 15, (Hemp hill School House), 1 o'clockT French Broad, October II, 1 o'clock. Bandy Mush, October 17, 11 o'clock New Found, Friday, October II, 1 o'clock p. m. Leicester, Friday, October II, at 7 o'clock, night , Candler, October II, 11 o'clock. Avery Creek, October 21, 11, olclock. Limestone (Arden), Octolter II, o'clock Falrvlew, October II, 12 o'clock. Black Mountain, October 14, la o'clock. Bwnnnnnoo, October IS, II o'clock. 3. M. PATTEUfiON, Chm., Hupubllcan Progressive Committee, A BARGAIN 1 New Three story brick business block in center of the town renting for 10 per cent on price asked, locat ed in a thriving town in Western North Carolina. See CANADAY REALTY CO. Phone 974 10 N. Pack Sq, Hotel Sterling CINCINNATI, OHIO. Overlooking New Sin ton Park. Every room outside with bath, or hot and cold water. Milk, cream,' vegetables front" our own firm. American Plan, $2.00, $2.50, $3.00 and $3.50 per day. R. B. Mills prop., for merly of Hotel Bennett, Bingnampton, N. Y., and Grand Hotel, New York City. Bixth, Mound and Kenyon Streets. GRAND HOTEL and NEW ANNEX Broadway at tlsi Strert. i - NEW YORK CITY Main Entrance on Slst XL Coovsnltnt to kwth Pa. and Oraaf Central taUona. KatM LII wards. "The Samuels" (formerly the fitev Boan). Jamestown, N. Y. Open tor business. May It, 1113. Also the Grn-nkwnit, on Lake Caao- tauqua. open July lat-Hcpt 1st Writs for Oulda to New York (wit map) and Ppeclal Rets Card, Free. tyw$ 7 i t, i Hotels and Boarding House S wa n nano aB e rlleley Aahcville'i Most Modern and Up-to-date Hotel Hot and Cold Running Water f or Private Bath in every room. FRANK LOUGHRAN, Owner and Proprietor. THE LANGREN Luxury Without Extravagance. ASHEVILLE 'S NEW UP-TO-DATE, FIREPROOF CONCRETE HOTEL. Cafe with popular prices 6 a. m. to 10 p. m. Grill Room Quick lunch service, open all night. Conference Rooms for business meetings. Sample Rooms. Private Dining Rooms. ' Harry L. Langel and J. Baylis Rector, Managers. Battery Parti Hotel ;; ASHEVILLE, N. O. OPEN THROUGHOUT THE TEAR. Famous Everywhere CANTON, N. C.5 THE IMPERIAL HOTEL E. M. GEI FREE SAMPLE ROOMS STEAM HEATED BATES HOTEL AETHELWOLD V. BREVARD, N. C. Rates, $2 per day. Steam heat. Hot and Cold Baths, commercial and tourist. Open year round. CHAS. M. COOK, The ST. JOHN ,J, The center of social life and activity is at "The' St John." A most attractive and thoroughly modern hotel. A high class orchestra. , ii ; ST. JOHN and SON, Proprietors. ' THE BON AIR LEADING COMMERCIAL AND TOURIST HOTIlToF WAYNESVILLE, NO. 1 " MBS. SALLLE E. CORY, Proprietress. Open the Year Round. "FREE SAMPLE ROOMS" D. J. TATUM Livery, Feed and Sales Stable. Specialty. HENDERSON PhoBM MR. .. V HOTEL Waynesville, N. C. Open All the Year Round. Strictly High Class Service Al ways. C.H.&L.W KNIGHT ' ; . . Proprietors. ' - 7 7. V irnrmrrr v J One Block West et Broadway NEYiT YORK CITY JT" te WlKilnal m4 Kotall Or tieadi Iii.trt. t.. Railroad and ... n(nanitti1a 1 tna. DDKRW U)ui.llllXI VIITKVROOV 399 Rooms (2C3 with Bath) RATES $1.00 PER DAY up seeuaM Kuuui t Cafe. I Ml stsaaraia rnoa. aac rrrraalllattTatedCaliap y nmw aura vj St Buy your ticket and give order for bsgrage to be checked from your residence to destination. Eajage Transfer and Pvaliway Ticket OfUce same room, CO Patton Ave. Tuesday, Octolcr 15, 112. ER, Prop. ELECTRIC LIGHTS FREE BATH 12.60 Both Jr., Proprietor. Comfortable Vehicles, Baddle Horses a VILLE. jr. a. shwttIo as Ali Horn KENMORfc "i HOTEL ENTELLA brtho cm. Headquarters for traveling mta and lumbermen. Rates 1 per day. Special rates by tlu. month. Bath room. Free sample room a Railroad eating house fronting Southern dep"t. ! Livery in connection. A. W. A ALMA WHKKIJEK. Prov.a. THE iAItRETT SPRINGS HOTEL Commercial and Tourist , Rates $1.00 per day. Hot and Cold Baths. Special Rates by the Week or Month. n. P. JARRETT, Manager Itlllsboro. N. a PATTON HOUSE Murphy, N. C. The best and most reasonable house In town, good table, clean beds and home cooking. Rates $1 per day. MISS ROSA PATTON Make every "Spcla Hale" really atrengthen your store by tnk'ng care that your ad readers learn the truth about each sale.

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