Wedn3sday, November 6, 1912. ric3 rorm The Gazette-News PCBIJSHED BY XTetlug Newi Publishiaj Co., ASHUVILLE, N. C SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Ashevllle and BUtmore. , On Week 4 10c. i Three Months . ..$1.15 I MX Months j.sttj .Twelve Months .... S.00 , BY MAIL IN ADVANCE:: Three Months $1.00 Six Months . 2-CO Twelve Months 4.00 , in matter offered for Duplication th Taaeifia nam: Klvlnir notice or appealing for support of any entertainment or project where an aa- ralttance or other fee la charged. Is advertising and will be acceptea Bi(me msi leium ouuwu nawii rnrulHr rates onlv. The same applies ' ins strongly. to cards of thanks, obituary notices,! iiolltleal announcements and the like, RKKMKttstKKK tt ft K a ft t The Gasette-News Is mem- ft' ft ber of The Associated Preao. ft i ft Its telegraph news Is there ft fore complete and reliable. ft ft ft ft ftftKftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftr JTtered at the Postofflce In Ashevllle jt second-class matter. Wednesday, November 6,-1912. HAYWOOD'S APPLE CHOI. We gather from an Interview an official of the Haywood Fruit exchange gives the Waynesville Courier that only about 25.000 bushels of that county's great apple crop will be mar keted under such conditions as to make it profitable. An average of esti mates gives the county a total yield of 100,000 bushels. One-third to two thirds is conservatively estimated a total loss, due to neglect of orchards and trees, the fruit being of such poor quality as to be practically worthless in a heavy crop season. About 25 per cent of the crop, the Courier says, is of good quality, carefully graded and packed so as to bring the top, price. The Haywood exchange last week shipped the first solid car load of boxed apples ever sent out of the county. "This is following the western meth od of packing and experienced men were brought in the county to put up this fruit. It is interesting to note that a great portion of the boxes packed In the west is done by girls and we regret to say that not one girl or boy in Haywood county showed sufficient interest in the prize offered this year by the exchange to com pete. "It is thought this offer will be re newed another year and if it is there should be a large number of entries. There is no reason why Haywood boys and girls should not learn to pack apples us well as their western cousins and It is a highly profitable trade to learn." Haywood will profit more from its apple crop this season than ever be fore, but thousands at dollars have been lost by carelessness and lack of intelligent self interest. HOME II J,KA. If you like to draw a moralhere is the life of Homer Lea, adventurer. He was a hunchback of stunted crowth. five feet and three inches high; born to physical weakness and suffering. His was a career of accomplish ment from the start He was grad uated from Stanford university, Cali fornia, and by the time of manhood he had matured the adventurous plan of overthrowing the oldest and .most populous monarchy the ancient dy nasty of China and establishing a republic, he to be the martial ligure of leadership. Was he mad? Perhaps his condition might be properly so defined. But he went to China In 1899, and In 1901 returned . to his native State, California, bear ing a general's commission from the Chinese Reform association. He went back to China to take part In the revo lution and was active In that tri umphant struggle. Before his death, which occurred the other day at the age of 36, he wrote two books, "The Valor of Ig norance," and "The Day of the Saxon," warnings to America and Oreat Ilrltaln of dangers of unpre paredne for war. Often bodily limitations make for a persistence of spirit. Often physi cal weakness Is coincident with ab normal nervous energy. We may think of Homer Lea as one triumph ing over great handicaps In follow ing a career of high adventure which he had mapped for himself, but It is perhaps true that the very Imperfec tions of his bodily structure gave him a spiritual fire, a persistency and de sire, which served his purpose better than normally ahjusted faculties would have done. CHAIRMAN M'COMBS EARLY SEES VICTORY ftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftlt.. ft ft ft Now York, Nov. 5. Cliulr mun McComh of the demo cratic national committer an nounced shortly aftor 9 o'clock that victory for Governor Wil son was now complete. Ho said tliat Governor Wilson had car rlitl MaffHnchuMittN, .Maine, C onnecticut, New York, Mary land, New .Icrw-j, unci all of I he Mnil h. ft ft ft ft ft ft ft k ft .".tstftftftftftftftftftftft; WOODROW SON ELECTED PRESIDENT . , (Continued from page 1) 14. 000 and Roosevelt by 11. 000. Philadelphia, Nov. 5. Scattering returns from election districts In war.' in Philadelphia usually carried by -republican organization leaders .how that Tal't is leading; by about two ' to one over the combined vote ot 11- smn and Kooseveit. L p to p. m. in ' returns had been received from the ; reform warns. , j In the state outside of Philadelphia j Philadelphia, Nov. 5. The first j election district heard from in Fhila-1 ilelphia Rave Taft 116; , Wilson 3 1 I Kooseveit 40. I The same district in 190? gave Taft 1S6: Hryau 39. Eleven election districts In Phila ileluhia out of-. 1226 give Taft 1011; Wilson HOT Roosevelt 180. , The districts are republican strong- holds. ' One hundred and eight precincts out of 1126 in' this city gave Taft 7193;-. Wilson. 3946; Roosevelt 3787, HE EMPIRE STATE Chairman Barnes Concedes New York to Democratic Nominee by 100,000. . , 1 By Associated Press, New York, Nov. 5. Chairman Wil Ham Barnes, jr., of the republican state committee shortly before ' o'clock made the statement that Wil son will carry New York state by t majority of between 100,000 and 150, 000. Chairman McCombs of the demo cratie national committee just before ' o'clock said the New York state re turns exceeded their expectations and that the entire state would give Wil son a vote greater than the combined vote of Taft and Roosevelt. The Xcw Y'ork Times in an early evening edition claims the election of Sulzer for governor of New York. The Evening Mail, one of the Roose velt organs in this city at 6:50 p, m conceded the state to Wilson and claimed second place for Roosevelt. BERGE. SOCIALIST, LOSES RAGE FOR RE-ELECTION By Associated Press, Milwaukee, Wis.; Nov. 5. Con gressman Berger of Milwaukee, the only socialist in congress, was defeat ed lor re-election by former Con grcssman Wm. H. Stafford, who ran as a fusion candidate on the demo cratio ticket. Wilson (Jets Wisconsin. Complete returns from Milwaukee county and scattered precincts throughout the state Indicate that Wil son has swept Wisconsin by from 20.000 to 30,000 votes. The demo cratic candidate carried Milwaukee county over Taft by close to 10,000 and meagre early returns from up state showed that Wilson was running even in strong republican districts. Roosevelt was running behind Taft. Early reports Indicate a close race between Karel (Dem.) and McGovern (Rep.) for the governorship. MAINE DEMOCRATIC Returns from Three-Fourths of State Indicate W ilson mid Marshall Havo Klex-toriil Vote. By Associated Press. Portland, Me.. Nov. 5. Success of the democratic electoral ticket in Maine, which will give Wilson and Marshal six votes in the electoral col lege, was Indicated by returns at 10 p. m. from three-fourths of the slate. At that hour Governor AVllson had 45.444 votes, u plurality of 44HI over Col. Roosveelt und 16,864 over Presi dent Taft. CONNECTICUT GOES TO WILSON COLUMN lty Associated Press. New Haven, Conn., Xov. 5 With more than half the vote counted at 10 p. m. Indications are that Connecticut has given Wilson and Marshall seven votes in the electoral college. At that hour Wilson had 55,073; Taft 50,062; Roosevelt 24,913. The indications are that Governor Baldwin has been re-elected by about 9000 plurality and that the democrats have elected four out of five con gressmen. FULTON COUNTY, GA. RETURNS COMPLETE By Associated Press. Atlanta, Ga., Nov. 6. Complete re turns from Fulton county. Including Atlanta, give: Wilson 7302; Taft 508; Roosevelt 1706; Chafin 20; Debs 112. Complete vote from 22 of the 148 counties in Georgia give Wilson 16, 254; Taft 822; Roosevelt 1982. HOOPER-M'MILLIN RACE VERY CLOSE By Associated Press, Nashville, Tenn., Nov. 5. Returns are very Incomplete but show that Wilson Is polling the tisual democratic majority. ' The race between Hooper and Mc Mlllln for governor la close. NORTH DAKOTA GIVES WILSON EARLY LEAD Ay Associated Press. . Grand Forks, N. D., Nov. 6. Re. turns from II 2 precincts out of 2720 In the state give Taft 1(4; Roosevelt 281;, ISDN Wllson 316. Owlntf to a re-dlvlslon of the Btnte since 1908 a comparison of the presi dential vote that year practically is Impossible. , CLAIM MINNESOTA FOR WOODROW WILSON By Associated Press, -St. Paul, Minn.. Nov. 6. It seemed at 11:30 p. m. as If Wilson had won In Minnesota. Returns from 105 pre cincts out of 3963 gave Taft 6330; Wil son HITS; Roosevelt 8188. Governor Elierhardt, republican candidate for re-election, at 11 p. m. was leading the state ticket. t St. Paul, Minn., Xov. 6. At 8 o'clock, one hour before the closing i - miiuwiui. rreu n. I,ynch. national committeeman from i,niiiif(ui, uaiinvu nm ittie iur vusii by 25.000, the claim being based on reports from poll watchers in today's election. Republican and progressive letdore advance no claim. MARYLAND CONCEDED TO DEM. NOMINEE By Associated Press, Baltimore, Nov. 5 The News (pro.) concede Maryland to Wilson by a plu rality of about 14,000, which it says, the meager returns from the state in dicate will be largely increased by the vote in the counties. Roosevelt was running a good second. Forty precincts out 336 in Baitl more give Wilson 4537; Roosevelt 3120; Taft 1S04. 4 WILSON AND MARSHALL SWEEP OKLAHOMA By Associated Press. OFtmnoma City, Nov. 5. Wilson- Marshall electors carried Oklahoma today by a majority estimated at 30. 000. Senator Robert U Owen defeat ed his republcan opponent, Judge J. B. Dickerson, by a largo majority. No progressive electors were placed on the ballot. WASHINGTON TIMES SAYS WILSON'S WON By Associated Press. Washington, Nov. 6. The Washing ton Times, Frank A. Munsey's paper, concedes Wilson's election "by a tre mendous Bweepng." VERMONT IS TAFT 'S President Carries Stntc. hut by only 921 Votes. Complete Re turns Show. By Associated Press. White River Junction, Vt. Xov. ii. President Taft carried Vermont today by 924 votes. Complete returns show the following result: Taft 23,24"; Roosevelt 22,323; Wilson ilo,397. White River Junction, Vt., Nov. 5. Returns collected by the republican state committee show the result in 31 counties complete out of 14 in Ver mont ns follows: Roosevelt 17.761; Taft 19.046; Wilson 12.774. Returns from 160 out of 246 cities and towns in Vermont give Roosevelt 16,118; Taft 16,508; Wilson 11,160. 1830 Xcw York Districts. New York, Nov. 5. Returns from 1830 districts out of 3093 in New York slate outside of New York city give Taft- 199,885; Wilson 214,100; Roosevelt 131,405. The same districts in 1908 gave: Taft 357,541; Bryan 246.370. Courier-Journal's Figures. Louisville, Ky., Nov. 5. According to figures compiled by the Courier Journal (Dem.) 24 out of the 120 counties in Kentucky gave Wilson 39, 932; Taft 18,016; Roosevelt 13,989. Kansas City Returns. Kansas City, Mo.. Nov. 5. Five pre cincts out of 207 in Kansas City give Wilson 663; Kooseveit 26S; Taft 10X. Cincinnati Returns. Cincinnati, Nov. 5. First 12 pre cincts In the city of Cincinnati give Taft 1039; Wilson 489: Roosevelt 152. Fifty precincts of the 5211 in Ohio give Taft 3601; Wilson 3251; Roose velt 1351. Kansas Race Close. Topeka, Kans.. Nov. 6. The first five of the 2300. Kansas precincts to report give Roosevelt 164: Wilson 162; Taft 102. Wilson Leads in Trenton. Newark, N. J., Nov. 5. Three vot ing precincts In Trenton, the first heard from New Jersey, give Wilson 241; Taft 198: Roosevelt ma. Los Angeles Returns. Los Angeles, Cal.. Nov. 5. The first city precinct to report gives Roosevelt 82; Wilson 68; Deba 156; Taft 4. Taft Leads in Missouri. St. Ixiuls, Nov. 5. Fortv-nine out of the 2842 precincts In the state outside of Kt Louis give Wilson 4478; Taft 2642; Roosevelt 1387. . Wilson Lcadx In Kansas. Knnsaa City, Nov. 5. Forty-one precincts out of 208 In Kansas Cltv give Wilson 6121; Roosevelt 4051; Tuft Pea Moines County Close. Burlington, Iowa, Nov. 5. Seven teen precincts out of 227 In Dos Moines county. Including the city of Burlington, give Roosevelct 1285; Taft 1219; Wilson 1553. Wilson Now Leads In Ohio. Cincinnati, O., Nov. 5. Sixty pre cincts of the 5211 In Ohio give Taft 1271: Wilson 2328: Roosevelt 1057. Milwaukee. Wis., Nov. 6. Twenty- four out of 2215 precincts In Wiscon sin outside of Milwaukee give Taft 1526: Wilson 1840; Rosevelt 681. Wilson Increases Kentucky I-eud. . Louisville, Ky.. Nov. 6. Thirty- five counties complete out of 120 In Kentucky give Wilson 60,88; Taft 28.- 290': Roosevelt 22,781. Detroit, Mich., Nov. G. Scattering and incomplete returns from through out the state Indicate that Roosevelt Is leading by a good plurality. Hut- selman, (Rep.) and Ferris, (Dem.), candidates for governor, are running very close. Complete returns will be late on account of the complicate! ballot. Wilson Leading- In Wisconsin. Milwaukee, Nov. . Sixteen pre cincts out of 226 In Wisconsin give Tart 52; Wilson 1018; Roosevelt 425. Wilson Leads In Delaware. Wilmington, Del., Nov, .Five pre cincts In Wilmington, "Del., gave Wil son 165; Roosevelt 130; Tuft 90. Montana Hem Its. ' Billings, Mont, Nov. 6. The first two preolncts reported In Montana gave Wilson 852; Roosevelt 224; Taft Montana, Returns. MonL, Nov. D. Five dis Helena SATISFACTION Eventually yon may enjoy It. j in the meantime, you will draw nearer that ideal state by having us examine your eyes and make correct glasses for you. We have set a high standard In our work, better than the average and we intend to keep it so. Our Ce-Rite Toric lenses fit to our exclusive Atlas Shur-on mounting, are unequalled. CHARLES H. H0NESS Optometrist and Optic ian. 51 l'atton Ave. Opposite PoslofftVc. SQUTBB'S SPICES Absolutely pure and packed In sifter-top canisters as follows. Black and Red Pepper, Cinna mon, Cloves, Ginger, Mustard, Alter-ce, Mace and Nutmeg. Everything in drags and seeds. Grant'i Pharmacy tricts in Helena, Billings and Great Falls, the largest towns in Montana, give Wilson 545; Roosevelt 468; Tall 303. ..' Partial Los Angeles Returns. Los Angeles, Nov. 5. Partial re turns from 185 of the 455 Los Angeles precincts give Wilson 7051; Roosevelt 6641; Debs 1387; Taft 197. Carries South Carolina by 50.000. Columbia. S. C. Nov. 5. Indications South Carolina by a majority over both his opponents of about 50,000. All democratic state and county offi cers and congressional candidates probably are elected. Returns are slow. Wilson landing in Delaware. Wilmington, Del., Xov. 5. Thirty election districts In Wilmington nnd Newcastle county out of 176 In Dela ware give Wilson 2875; Roosevelt 1, 452; Taft 1279. Wilson Ijcads in Sou 111 Dakota. Sioux Falls, S. D., Xov. 5. Eighty one precincts In South Dakota gave Wilson 9385; Roosevelt 4639. Cannon Probnily Re-F.loctcd. Danville,. 111., Nov, ft. -Meagre re turns Indicate that former Speaker Cannon bent Frank T. O'Hara by 1200 plurality In the eighteenth district. Little Rock, Ark., Nov. 5. Partial returns from eight counties including Hot Springs, Pine Bluff and Fort Smith give Wilson 14.752; Roosevelt ::75L'; Taft 1628. Colorado for Wilson. Denver, Colo., Nov. 5. One hun dred and one out of 1412 precincts hi Colorado on straight ballots gave Wil son 45SI; Taft 3067; Roosevelt 2980. West Virginia Results. Wheeling, W. Va., Xov. 5. Thirty two precincts out of 1021 give Wilson 1494; Tal't 832; Roosevelt 1011. In 190S: Bryan. 1676: Taft 2001. Nebraska Apparently Wilson's. Omaha, Xcb., Nov. 5. Returns re ceived up to .10:30 o'clock tonight from Omaha and Lincoln and scatter ing precincts over the state showed a dear plurality for Governor Wilson. Should the remainder of the state show the same results, the New Jersey governor will have the Nebraska elec toral vote by a safe plurality. Missouri Safely Democratic. St. Louis, Mo., Nov. 5. Although only ten per cent of the precincts In the state outside of St. Louis had been heard from at 10:30 o'clock and the vote here had Just begun to come in, the state with its 18 electoral votes is safely in the democratic column. Two hundred and ninety-nine precincts out of 2826 outside of St. Louis gave Wil son 34,023; Taft 14,462; Roosevelt 9235. Sunflower Sta4for Roosevelt. Topeka, KaB., Nov. 5. Returns at 10:30 o'clock tonight indicate that Roosevelt will carry Kansas over Wil son by lO.ooO plurality. Taft appar ently running a poor third. Capper (Rep.) for governor was leading Rodges (Dem.), and Stubbs (Prog.) for United States senator, was slightly ahead of Thompson (Dem.) TEAGUE & OATES "On the Square" DRUGGISTS Ontes Bids. ! f Plione 260. $2.50 Broadcloth, 56 inches wide, all colors, for $1.95 yard. - T 1 v mm . IT J-- 'ml wmtu itu Be sure to get your copy of the Winter Quarterly u it fllutfratea tU late suthoriutivs U'lotec Sty la and alto coauioa hundrecla ol gilt lug leationa that cao b aaiily mad at boom with lha ua ol 7 As LtJltt' Horn Journal PalUini. Ym can gal the beotc at our pattern counter Home Journal style .Book contains a 15c pat tern coupou and Bells for 20c copy. , ? E-v 1 f::' - I ! a Ladies' Walking Boot For genuine comfort for all outdoor use, this handsome blucher model in Tan Russia Calf leath er, moderately low heel, is unrivalled. $5.00. Brown-Miller Shoe Co. Leaders in Fine Shoes. 41 Patton Arena Phone VI. STOVES We carry a full line of stoves, heaters and ranges in cluding the famous Hot Blast, Open Franklins, and wood heaters. See our stock before you buy. v DONALD & DONALD Cash or Credit. 14 South Main St. E. J. RANDOLPH, Attorney Has moved his office from No. 32 Patton Ave., to No. 64 Pat- ton Ave. 225-12t. ; S.D.HALL Has moved his real estate of fice from Harkins Bldg., Pat ton Ave. to 64 Patton Ave. PURITY , That's our watchword in making our famous Butter Crust Bread Only the absolutely pure ma terials and ingredients are used, and in absolutely sani tary conditions. That's why this bread has become so pop ular. Phone 622 for Bread, Cakes and Pies. . 1 ASHEVILLE STEAM BAKERY , Stylish Sample Coats fought J-3 Under Price A limited number of coats go on sale today at very low prices. These coats were purchased by our buyers in New York at 33 1-3 per cent under value; we are sell ing them the same way. Included is an imported model for evening wear. It is the original garment that was imported for its,' unique stylo and we were fortunate to Becure the real garment. It(is a long black broadcloth coat of wonderful . lustre nnd quality, beautiful trimmed, elbow sleeve, satin lined. A copy of this coat was in an exclusive Fifth Av enue shop; their price was $90; We are selling the orig inal at $50. . , These other coats in all the best Fall mixtures range in price from $20 to $35. ' . pjcIntyrc can make on every article cash, and selling for cash the asking. " NEW DATES AND FIGS Home Made imimtmiMiMmmmiiiHiiiinii BATTERY ASHEVILLE, N. X Capital Surplus and Profits '" P. Sawyer, T. C. Ooie, President. Brwln Binder, Vlce-Prea. lllllllllllllliliii"" Jim .. IN EVERY DETAIL OF ITS SERVICE, whether large or small the CENTRAL BANK & TRUST CO aim to meet satisfactorily the individual requirement of its customers. SmJ . . You are cordially Invited to call and consult our officers re- fnrf HnJtUr "nanf,al affairS' thus securing efficient co-op7ratIon and dirsct personal service at all times. The most liberal accom" nidation, in keeping with sound banking methods, Is extended our customers, regardless of the size of their account, exlenjlea t0 CENTRAL BANK & TRUST COMPANY South Pack Square. Kemember in buying your Hot Blast Stove that COLE'S HOT BLAST HEATING STOVE is the orig inal with patented features that are not embraced in others. ' Brown Hardware Co. Phone 87 PACK SQUARE Asents Eastman Kodak Co, "On The Square.' f Bit!' iA wfiVKiSp j A HEATER IN TIME SAVES DOCTORS' BILLS The kind we sell also saves fuel bills. Don't delay, make your selection of a heater today and pay for it while you enjoy its comfort and warmth. Large stock, small prices. J. L. Smathers & Sons Mammoth Furniture Store. 15-17 No. Main St. m Let Us Prove To You The large saving, .vou bought here. Buying for is the cause. Money back for Ilallowi 10c lb. "Washed Figs, 25c box. 2 1-4 iq. Spread Figs, 18c lb. Bread 5c PARK BANK 1 1100,000 $100,000 ChaUinan of the Board. J. E. Rankin, Oast C. Banlrln, Art. Cashier 'HHIIIMIIIIlMd 25 North Main St. TAKE A KODAK WITH YOU 'If it isn't tn Eastman, it isn't a Kodak." BOOK CO. Developing and Printing. Ashevllle. $2.50 English Worsted 56 inches wide, for $1.95 yard. tf (Member ffeckfix'mgs One of the attractions at this store is the never ending arrival of new goods. The average . for each department is a com plete change every three months. That means we turn our stock four times , a year. We found it nec essary to send our buy, ers t6 market on an extra ' trip, just to keep, our stock in tip-top condition The Neckwear depart- ; ment typifies the i above condition in this store something new every day. ' Jabots, stocks, collum, etc., sell for 25c to $15. if

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