PAGE TEN For Women Who Care Of couraeyou usaan antiseptic ir om family and in the care of yourown per con, and you not the beist. Instead of what you have beon i-sinjr ' H.ieh na liquid or tablet antipeptfi or vroxide, won't you pleas try Pat tine. ft Toneentrated antiseptic powder M he Ji ssolved in water as needed. J'axtine is more wonomicr', nore o. causing, niore geimieidal an nore hcaUng than anything you eer -ir-cd. ANTISEPTIC - the toilct-i-to cleanse and whitop tl ; teeth, remove tariar and prevent di ta . To disinfect the month, destroy disease jrerms, and purify tl a breatu. To toep artificial terth and bridffework clear and odorless. To remove r.icotuie from the teeth an J purify the breath after smokiujf. To eradica te perspira tion cdors by '.ponpe bathing1. As A medicinal nsrent for local treatment of feminine ills where pelvio catarrh, inflammation and ulceration exist, nothing equals hot douches of Pax-tine, For" ion years the Lydia E. Pinkbam AlcrL to. has been regularly advisinfrtheirpatirntstouse it because of its extraord.nary cleansing, healiag and permicida: power. For this pur pose alone PastSne U worth its weight in frold. Also for tiasa? catarrh, sore throat, inflamed eves, cits and wounds. Ail drup-trists, 25 and 5-J cents a box. Trial box -and testimony of 31 women free on miiiest. ""4C PAXT0NTOILETOO.BoT0NWt XOTICK TO CKKDITOKS. In pursuance of an order; of Hon. Jliircus Erwin, clerk of the. Superior Court of Hunc.ombe I'ounty, North Carolina, notice is hereby Riven to all persons having: claims asainst the es tate of Alii'o Morgan, deceased, late of the city of Asheville, X-. C, to pre sent the same, with vouchers thereof, to Richmond, Richmond Co., New. York, (in or nerore tne ist. clay . or , April n xt. Dated New York, Oct. 20th. 1912. ADD1E MORGAN CONNEIi, tix. For 30 Yean the Standard Remedy for Diseases of Mucous Membranes Experienced pharmacist will tell yon Big G If Che accepted standard remedy for diseases of rou eous membranes discharges from the nose, throat and urinary organs. Avoid substitutes. To erpe limentia dangerous. Big G. used everywhere since 1W), has proved safe and reliable. Non-poisonous, antiseptic and tonic in its properties, containing do lives' nitrate, sine sulphate alcohol, cocaine, or nv narcotic, it may be used full strength with out fear. Why not cure yourself? Sold by drug- fists; or we ship express prepaid, upon receipt of 1. Full particulars enclosed with each bottle of snaijed sealed in plain envelope on request, Tbt EiaiS Cbcmfcft! U. C-uluatt. Ohio. tLLsV STREET CAR SCHEDULE IN EFFECT JUNE 30, 1912. ZILLICOA AND RETURN . " :". 6:30 m- RIVERSIDE PARE 6:30 and every 15 min. until 11 p. m. 5:45 and 6:00 a. m. and every 15 min. DEPOT VIA until 1:15 p. m.; then every 7 1-J SOUTHSIDE AVENUE u"o!' m" Then'every 16 DEPOT VIA 6:00 and every 15 minutes until 11:00 FRENCH BROAD AVE.. p- m- jtat-it 6:00 a. m. and every 15 minute till MANOR 11:00 p. m. CHARLOTTE STREET 7:00 a. m. then every 15 minutes till TERMINUS ":o p- - PATTON AVENUE lvlommmad ver7 " mlnUt" EAST STREET 6:00 a m. and every 15 niiuutfw till 6:00 a. m. and every 10 mlnutea till GRACE VIA MERRIM0N 8:00 a. m. Then every 16 mlnutea till AVENUE 10:30 p. m. Then every 80 minutes till 6: IB a m. and then every 16 mlnutet BILTMORX till 10:30 p. m. Then every 10 min. till 11.00, iHwt ear. DEPOT & W ASHEVILLE 6:45 and 6:00 a. m. and every tl VIA SOUTHSIDE AVE. min. till 11:00 p. m.. last car. Riinday vhedule differs In the following particulars: Cmt leaves square for Manor at :u0 a. in., return 6:16, Cars leave Square for Depot via. Southslde Ave. 6:16, 6:30, 7:00, 7:l, 8:00 and 8:80 a. m. Cars leave Square for Depot via French Broad Ave. 6:15, 6:30. 6:45, 7:15, 7:45 and 8:15. Car for Depot leaves Square 8:46, both Bouthslde and French Broad. First car leaves Square for Charlotte street at 8:45. First car leaves Square for Riverside 8:30, next 8:45, First car for West Asheville, leave-) Square 8:30. With the above exceptions, Sunday schedules commence at a. m. and continue same as week days. On evening when entertainments are In progress at Auditorium the Inst trip on all lines will be from entertainment, leaving Square at regu lar Mine and holding over at Auditorium. Car leave Square to meet 81 aiKht train, 30 minutes before schedule of announced arrival SOUTHERN RAILWAY, Ittemler Carrier of the South. Schedule figure published ss Inf ormiitlon only aud not guaranteed. EFFECTIVE OCT. 1. 1912. Arrive from Eastern TlmeDeparta for Kaatern Tim No. t Brevard and Lake No. 6 Rrevnrd and Lake Toxaway 11:10 m, Toxaway 6:30 p.m No. 7 Brevard and Lake No. 8. Firevard and Lake Toxaway 6:16 p.m. Toxaway 9:06 a.n No. I Savannah and Jack- No. 10 Savannah. Jacksnn- sonvllle 1:10 p.m. vllle 410 r,m No. 11 Washington and No. 11 Cincinnati, St Lou- New York, Norfolk Is, Memphis and and Richmond ... 1:45 p.m. Louisville 1:05 p n No. II Cincinnati and No. 11. Wushlngton, N. T., Louisville, St Louis Norfolk and Rlcn- and Memphis 1:15 p.m. mond 1:15 p.m. No, It Charleston and Co- NO. 14 Atlanta, Charleston 7:00 a.m. lumbla . 1:11 p.m. No. 18 N. T, Philadelphia, No. II N. T., Philadelphia Washington d) ... 7:00 p.m Washington (d) a.m. No, 17 Wayneavill and No, 11 Murphy and Murphy . t:ll a.m Waynesvllle 6:61 p.m. No. II Waynesvtlle and Vo. 10 Murphy and Murphy J0 p.ra Waynesvllle 1:66 p.m. No. 21 Waynesvllle 7:65 p.m No. II Qoldsboro and Bal No 11 Raleigh and Oolds- 'h 7:4 p.m. boro 1:10 am No. II Waynesvllle . ..... 1:00 a.m. No. 17 Chicago and Clncln- No. 17 Charleston, Colum- natl T:l( P.m bin 7:30 p.m. No. It Columbia, Charles No, II Cincinnati and ton 10:25 a.m Chicago 10:11 a.m. No. 15 Memphis and Chat- lo. I. W-Jihlnron, N, T. tsnooga . 10:1 p.m and Richmond .... 1:41 a.m. No. 16 Washington, Rlch Vo, II Memphis and Chat- mond and N. ,Y... 7:10 cm tsnooga 1:50 a.m. No. 41 Atlanta, Macon and No. 41 Charleston, Macon, New Orleans 1:10 p.m Atlanta .11:1F a.m. No. 101 Bristol, Knoxvlll Xo. Ill Bristol, Knoxvlll Chattanooga ..... :! a.m atid Chattanooga .,14:11 p.m. Through sleeping ear dally to and from New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore. Washington, Richmond, Norfolk. Charleston. Cincinnati Mem phis, Jacksonville, Havannah. BL Lou Is, Louisville and Atlanta and Macon. Through cnair cars Ooldsboro, and Waynesvllle. -lining"!; -!r:':trKn " J" I lon to Clndnnl. h.v ful, "rZSZ "r ob-"" O-Hn. ears, train. sl.ct.Mly li.ty. o u wiukjs, e, r. a t. a, j, h. wood, . p. a. VQfGES Am! -Many Are the Vohfs f Asliovlllr IVoiile. Thirtv thousand voices What a grand chorus! And that's the num . ..r A,.,,i,.9n men an J women who are publicly prising Poan s Kidney Pills for relief from bactache, kidney and bladder ills. They say it to friends. They tell it in She home pa pers. Asluwille people, are In this chorus. Here's au Asheville ease. Jlrs. M. O. Bell, 160 Grove St., Aslie-,-m tj c snvs: "I certainly con sider Doan's Kidney Pills a Rood kid ney medicine and I am Rlad to eon Hem the teutimonial I Rave some ,,,, am ivofiorsinir them. I had iieeii havini? pains in my back and sides and 1 could not sleep well. Mornings 1 was till tired out and my kidneys were inactive. Finally I ob tained I Doan's Kidney Pills at Smith's Drug- Store and they acted at once. 'Pi,,, in'tidn nf mv ktdnevs was regu lated and the jiahis and aches disap peared. For sale by nil dealers. Price 30 cents. Foster-Mjllmrn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States. -: '- ' - Rememhcr tho name Doan's and take no other. ALLISON'S Drug Store 43 Patton Ave. :4A Good Drug Stor.." LOGAN MERCHANT TA1XOII Legal lilclg. 8 Pac k S. i'hooe 77. J. A. TILLMAN . Jeweler, 17 North Muln St. I carry a nice line of Watches, Clocks and Jewelry, and make a spe cialty of repair work. Satisfaction guaranteed. FOR SALE. We will sell for spot cash at $2.25, not delivered, a few MISSION CLOCKS, have been left over as premiums. We are going out of the premium business, consequently we are offering these clocks at a reduced price. Apply at the Gazette News kit -i : v3 w T. - ---- "Oh, no, r WavenTr was hef prompt rejoinder, "but I don't see what that lias to do with it, except that It makes Jt all the more necessary to pretend that we still believe this SlcNish is he. How will sending McNlsh abroad hinder " And they she broke off, suddenly, as I had rather expected she would, knowing what a keen brain she ( had and how once she got a clear per spective on the situation, she must see again the very point she had suggest ed once herself, and which I had still ' In mind. I "You mean," she began again, speak-1 Ing very slowly now, as she mentally ' focused the conditions, "that we must hold McNlsh as a hostage, and only give him up when they return I'ncle Robert to us?" "Exactly," I agreed. "Just as two armies do that are at war exchange prisoners." I "Isn't there any other way?" she asked, frowning. "Oh, there must be. I don't care a straw, you know, fori tl,-l -..t!.-,l mnn 1.1,1 Ul.llln 41nl.-l tun. nincu man, ul,,, - tin,,, muni. of his poor old mother!" "I do think," I told her. "I've been thinking, ever since I read her lcttter, and 'if It were possible, Evelyn, I'd give the reprobate his chance for her sake, little as he deserves It. But I've been thinking of Cameron, too. He may be somewhere on the high seas, as Miss Clement's note implied, or he may be a prisoner in some under ground dungeon of Chinatown. Wher1 ever he is, we are safe in concluding he Is neither comfortable nor happy. Why, then, should we consider, to come right down to practicalities, this old Scotch mother of an Infamous son, when the safety-the life even of one we both love so dearly may at this moment be at stake?" I flattered myself there was no get ting away from this argument. It seemed to me conclusive,, but the let ter had stirred the sentimental depths of the girl's nature, and she refused to yield without one last effort. , "I lirow, Philip. I appreciate every word of what you have said; hut couldn't we find out what we want to know through Miss Clement? She must have a lot more information than Bhe put in that little hurriedly written note. Or, couldn't O'Hara find out for us?" Before I could answer her, Checka. beedy stood In the doorway. "Dr. Massey has Just come down, Mr. Clyde," he said, "and would you spare Mm a moment in the reception room?" I turned to Evelyn. "Shall we have him in here?" I asked. And at her consent, Checka beedy, a moment later, led the doctor to us a very changed doctor, a very decidedly less cocksure doctor than I had encountered earlier that morn ing In his Fifty-sixth street office. Even. In his bow to Evelyn. I detect ed the shamefaced humiliation he was Buffering. "We take off our hats to your per spicacity, Miss Grayson," he said, confirming my reading. "I had never thought such a modern real-life In stance of Lesurques and Dubosc pos sible." "Then you admit?" I asked, smiling. "Candidly. There is no question. Yet I could have sworn yesterday that I was attending Mr. Cameron. It is the moBt remarkable resemblance I have ever seen." Evelyn asked him to be seated and I drew out a chair for him. "And bow do you find tho patient?" I inquired, when he had sat down. "Quite normal in every respect save one. He is in a highly nervous state. He is endeavoring to maintain the fic tion that be is the gentleman we sup posed be was. He evidently learned his lesson from Mr. Bryan, before we suspected anything. It is really won derful how well he does It, consider ing that ho never sa the man he is trying to impersonate." "But be must know that he has been discovered. He certainly knows I have this letter." "A desperate man will battl against the moBt overwhelming odds," Dr. Mus py observed, "and he is a desperate man." fancy that the merchant would lit once make the ldeutlllcatlon I desired. I should have known better. In sub tlety we are no match for the ancient race to which Yup Sing belonged, as was evidenced by the absolute impene t ration of bis manner, as, after gaz ing sharply at John Soy, .be turned to )M3!3!b COUCH SYRUP The child feverish with a cold, running nose, tight or loose cotiffh with wheezlnn; or rattling or phlegm US It lireullieS.OlloUll'lH put your oar to child's buck or chest, and listen) should Imve Dr. Bnt covaa bybup. No Morphine or Chloroform fn it It's the only right mU ci no to give, 25c. "My fmr nhlMrm k bad eolda tni oouhft, fir. Bull' CViiiKb hTmp Gurd them." M rs, fc. Tnm Ubu, i0 K. suik !, Brooklyn, It, Y. HAMPLI If.MT rmt 1rttS tnr It IfHlsir. MMltlua this onnr. Adam w fe JUiYUt A CO, feAU LWkii, SUA m -ris. qi Sable I Lorcha I vi " U Horace Hazeltine &3 M . & jrm tth r T;?.rt rno tTar-, i ble wall, and, in a voice without a ! shade of inflection, said: "I do not know him. I have never , seen him until now." i ; Had a white man dared ' to m:t.e ( sucn aemai. 1 should have laiiiMud In. his face. But tho dignity ofi the' Oriental, the perfect aplomb of his manner. Including an-ultcr absence of all that could be const rued as feign ing, forbade such rcjjlnder; yet I knew that he had lied. "Come, gentlemen." I said, denying myself even the satisfaction of a shoulder shrug, "and we shall decide whether the man upstairs is the vil lain you claim he is, or" but I was in no mood to finish the sentence. The seven of us, crowding into the elevator, were lifted to the floor above, where I preceded the others to the door of what we were wont to call Cameron's bedchamber. There I paused. "Pardon me Just a moment," I begged, with my hand on the knob, "until I see whether everything is ready." I had Instructed Mr. Bryan to have McNlsh up and dressed, and I wished to make sure that these preparations were completed. But I was hardly prepared for the scene which greeted my entrance. McNlsh, clothed In the suit he had worn when I found him, was in the act of closing 0 drawer of an old-fashioned rosewood secretary which oc cupied a place against the right wall, beneath one of the medallloned win dows. And the nurse was nowhere In sight. Startled by the Bound of the open ing door, the trespasser half turned, his hands still on the brass drawer handles; then, at sight Of me, he wheeled completely and stood defiant With his back to the antique desk. "What are you doing there?" I cried, indignantly. ' "What were yoti look ing for?" Even before, he spoke I saw the look of cunning come into his small, furtive eyes. . "I was looking for some papers of mine, Clyde," he answered, boldly, and his voice was so like Cameron's that, for Just a moment, a shuddering uncertainty assailed me. Only the crafty leer weighed for the truth. "Papers of yours?" I snarled, ignor ing his familiar use of my name. "I have the only paper you brought, into this house, Donald McNlsh, and that's evidence enough to put you where you beyond. .Where's Mr. Bryan?" But at that moment the nurse, ap pearing from the adjoining room, an swered for himself, ami McNlsh, with a capitally assumed nonchalance, said, smilingly, "I didn't think you could be so eas ily imposed upon,, Clyde. The letter to Donald McNlsh wns given to me by McNlsh himself. He wanted me to answer it. It was his last request. He "Silence!" I cried: nd then, "Mr. Bryan, get him Into that chair before the bureau, facing the door. These people outside must not he kept watt ing any longer." With which I turned, and with .hand on knob once more, paused until the nurse had rather roughly, but in all haste, dragged his charge across the floor and fairly flung him Into the indicated seat. It was not until after tho immedi ately succeeding occurrences that I learned from O'Hara what had been told to John Soy on his way up town in the taxlcab. As I understand It, the other detectives had informed him that he was being taken to this house so that his chief accuser, who was nigh unto death, could make an ante mortem identification. As a matter of fact, of course, the situation was prac tically the reverse: We desired Soy to identify McNlsh, and McNlsh, under stress of the encounter, to admit his own identity. The Eurasian, however, having bepn thus misinformed, wns at a distinct disadvantage. So, when I drew back the door, and bewas push ed forward into the room, instead of seeking, he Imagined himself sought and with bowed head and eyes on the floor, stood shrinklngly 111 at ease. To this misunderstanding is proba bly attributable all that followed. Had Soy known that McNlsh was regard ed, equally with himself, as an ag gressor, he might have controlled bis outbreak and permitted th law to wreak Its tardy justice. But Soy did not know, and the tide of events met sudden chjnge. It is, indeed, scarcely conceivable, bow rapidly it was all enacted. For Just a moment th weazened figure stood still, while behind him crowded the rest of us the three detectives, the two Chinamen and myself. 1 saw McNlsh struggle for an in stant to maintain his pose of indiffer ence, and then I saw his cheeks blanch, and bis little eyes widen In craven terror as he recognized the shabby, silent thing before him. HI Hps parted, his bared teeth clicked together, and his hands, like talons, clutched tensely his chair arms. In that strained moment the room was strangely hushed. I know scarcely breathed, as nervously In tent I watched those two miserable creatures; the on keenly conscious, the other blind to everything save the rug pattern at his feet. Then, like a flash, Soy stole a glance at his supposed accuser, and I nw him quiver Into steel. It was as though an electric bolt had shot through his shrinking frame and limp limbs. Ha seemed to grow out of him self, to rise Inches taller, towering with stiffened neck and lifted head. To describe with any degree of ac- "You gave no sign that you knew?" Evelyn asked. "Not the slighted I pretended that I believed him Mr, Cameron." "But Mr. Bryan must have" I began. "On the contrary," said the doctor, "Mr. Bryan, know him only as the Mr, Cameron he has nursed from th first. He would be the last man to In dicate to his patient a knowledge of anything untoward." "MUs Grayson and' I wer just dis missing a course of action when you .arrived, Doctor," I explained, "but: had rejiched no concision, J.ast night I lill-ir III iV .A! without the fat aTrangeS WKTI Tup imig, WHO ti proo ably the most prominent and best edu cated Chinaman in New York, and his friend the Chinese Vice Consul to meet me here today at noon. The chances are they will bring a United States deputy marshal with- them, with a warrant for McNish's arrest. Now If we give him up, w.hat will be the result? He will still maintain that he is Cameron fn spite of our knowl edge to the contrary. Yup Sing and his clan will Insist that he is right and that we are wrong, and our chances of finding Cameron will dwin dle. It isn't reasonable to expect that those engaged in the abduction plot will coufess to their error and inform xib as to Cameron's place of detention, is it?" - Dr. Massey knitted his brow behind the bow of his glasses and pursed his thin lips. "We are certainly confronted by a very trying complication," he admitted with characteristic gravity. "Miss Grayson has suggested that we send McNish abroad at. once, on a steamer sailing this morning." "Mr. Bryan could go with him," Evelyn volunteered. "If the United States authorities have a warrant for him," the physi cian argued, "that would only delay matters. They would arrest him on landing.". , (To Be Continued.) LAIUii; Ml SK'AL (OMKI1V COMPANY AT I'ALACi: A clean musical comedy company is a very popular and entertaining form of 'amusement, hence the Palace has brought here the (lill)crt-DuPrccs' company, conistiiig of ton people. The show throughout, will be clean unci frw from anything offensive, l'cit urinir urood music, laughable Jokes and excellent dancing. The ensemble, also individual anil duo numbers, will all win Instant approval. In order to know just bow much real fun you can get out of seeing excellent com pany, visit the Palace, as seeing is be lieving. Matinees dally at It p. m. and three shows at nlht, beginning promptly at 7. Two reels of choice pictures together with an hour's en tertainment by tho musical comedy company will make a program of nn hour and a half's duration. Matlneo uilmiHKton for adults is 15 cents, und for children 10 cents, while at night the adults will lie admitted, for 20 and 2i cents according to location, and children 13 cunt Adv. 5L "' v ?Tt W J Vl , IV. -'7 V v ' 1 V Cottolene costs about the price"' V sXfYV of lard, and will go one-third V . X A 1 farther than either butter or lard. lU W. 1 Madeonlyby I lX3 tl THE N IL FAIRBANK COMPANY 1 1 - n--, -,. ,,w1 nm a i ' ' - I'j' " !' , ' 1 rnli (tCVI PROCtSp I i TMm if i ASHEVILLE POWER & Phone 69 II - MadeTfith Cottolene Saratoga Chips made with" Cottolene are never greasy, as are those made with lard. The reason for this is that Cottolene ' heats to about 100 degrees higher than either butter or lard, burning, quickly forming a crisp coating which excludes '. Your Chips, therefore, are crisp, dry and appetizing. , ej .11 THE BATHROOM 4?landArd" ''Naruva" Lavatuty -HI- Carolina Commercial School YOU CAN LEA UN TO EAKN -at homo ,., -!- - , or in a salaried position to do work you will enjoy -to help make life a Any intelligent man or woman able to read and write can finish ii money-making course ly mail in his or, her spare time AX OFFER TO ALL POOKLY PAID MEN AND AVOMKM To every man and woman who is slniggling along against adversity, striving to make the best of an uncongen ial postion and poor salary, the CAROLINA COMMERCIAL SCHOOL oJTers an easy ami sure way o Imereasing your in corne. ' During tho next few days we will make special tonus to persons employed, or living out-of-town and wishing to take our ( !0R1 ? HSPOX I EN CE COURSE in shorthand. We will give to ail who take this course, two months dictation tree of charge in our school, . For further information write to i MISS PEARL HOLM AN, 301 Legal Building, Asheville, N. 0. GAS COOKING MEANS PROMPT MEALS, LESS WORK, WOR RY, COST It's hard to smile while you are kept waiting for breakfast. It is still harder to smile while chopping kind ling and building the fire. . (Jas cooking means prompt 'meals. No good reason exists why you should not enjoy the convenience of gas in winter as well as during the other seasons. Domestic Cheerfulness Is a Wonderful Tonic. Send man away, from home liappy and you have (lone a lot toward helping him along the road to success, ' Did you ever know a vigorous, healthy man who liked to be kept waiting for his break fast f Produce him and he is entitled to the homage of all womanknd. He is a paragon without peer. But, Madame, ns tho world exists today, is it not best to have that breakfast ready ON TIMET Breakfast ON TIME IS EASY if you have a gas range and USE IT. '' riiiim-.,, in TRY THIS RECIPE. Peel the potatoes and slice thin Into cold water. Drain well, and dry in a towel. Fry a few at a time in hot Cot tolene. Salt as you take them out and lay them on a coarse brown paper for a short time. , THAT PLEASES is one which 'completely satisfies the demand for sanitary security, dura bility and beauty of design. A 'JStandartf'' Modern. Bathroom installed by us with a careful regard for sanitary efficiency and the follow ing out of your instructions will please you. Ask for booklets. ,. (', MclMicrson, V College Street. J0 .success LIGHT CO.

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