Wednesday, November G, 1012. TBS ASHEVILLE (U.TP.rrv.wfXTS. PAGE FTV3 ssa AXKI1EI AbsoIutelyPure From a series of elaborate chemical tests. Comparative digestibility of food made with different baking powders: An equal quantity of bread (biscuit) was made with each of three differ ent kinds of baking powder cream of tartar, phosphate, and alum and submitted separately to the action of the digestive fluid, each for the same length of time. The percentage of the food digested is shown as follows: Bread made with Royal Cream of Tartar Powder; j 99 Per Cent. Digerted Rread made with phosphate powder: 67 Per Cent. Digested Bread made with alum powder; 67 Per Cent. Digested Royal Baking powder raised food is shown to be of greatly superior digestibility and healthfulness. v lAnniual Meeting of State Or ganizationMany Distin guished Ladis Present. Personal Mention, OOCIAl Newofth. 3; HAPPENINGS JSESL Tlic S. 1'. C. A. The S. P. C. A. held an interesting nml highly satisfactory meeting yes terday that was attended hy un en K)nrnt?lniy lurire number of members and interested visitors. After the reading of the minutes and the trans action of routine business a number of interesting discissions took place on Mnittnra limriner on the work tf the ..,.itv A. .7. l.vmnn. who by his efficient help and inlluence has done much toward the promotion of thia worthy organization, spoke on several matters and agreed to undertake cer tain work to be put forward by the society. Mrs. Elizabeth- Turner sent a contribution to the 8. P. C. A. in memory of her son, Gerald, and lib traj contributions wore given at this meeting by the following inlluentlal and enthusiastic members: Miss mm liees, Mrs. Clarence White, Mrs. Alex ander Cowley nnd Mrs. W. H. Robin son. Through the 8. P. C A. a Bplen did gift was recently given by Miss Maltle Harris that produced the two fold benellcial effect of nssistins in a case of sickness under the care of the Associated Charities and Klower Mission and of relieving the wants of an animal under the care of the S. P. C. A., Miss Itarris' opportune gift bc i,,., o u'lmnn of ic-d which was sent to a family, for tht cow owned by this family, which furnishes the main sus ...,,..,., r.f nn invalid member. This i ,,. instnneps . Indicating, the 'success of the organization In Ashe ..tti. rtlsrnsKert at this meeting Hon. A letter has been received by the secretary and r,.r Mra. J. L. Alexander, from i..". in,. .,.,.. s..ttlo. approving the 11 1 . in"''"'- . work of thq S. P. C A. and sending u Ttratifying coit-ibutlon. Among the pleasing features of this society Is one that Is continuing to be demonstrated In the fact that the membership is among the representative clement of ritizenshlp In Ashcvlllc. which fact lends importance and dignity t i the work. At the meeting yesterday a noteworthy fact was that no cases ol u., renorted. thus gratlfy- Ingly pointing the ultimate object of prevention rather than correction of cruelty. n H Woman's titillil Mcrthiff. Mrs. Carrie Carr Mitchell Is enter taining the Woman's guild of Trinity church this afternoon, at her home on Church street. This is the Novem ber meeting at which occurs the reg ular biennial election of officer A nominating committee has been pre viously chosen by the guild, who by the presentation of names for officers of the organization eliminate much ih ttrncess of election. fllllllUIl.V , r, .,it,i i. nun nf the nldeit ana i .--.I f -iuvletlcs In Trinity - muni in. i... . .. i hv.rch nnd him rtone much gf.ort. The latest and probably largest oi ren-m undertakings that is being accom nlishtd by this body of earnest wom en is the rebuilding of the chancel of Trinity church, an undertaking cost ing the guild $7000. MM -'44!u . Tor Miss Zimmerman. ' Miss Louise Muller entertained at her home on Charlotte street with a shower in honor of Miss Lillian Zim merman, one pf the nrices-en .i the present month. About iv guesi .. uin Mailer's home was weie jjicocni. ......... - prettily decorated in yenuw, chrysanthemums decorating the drawing room and also forming a golden bell, filled with gifts, under which the bride sat. By the draw ing of small yellow ribbons these ..irin n-nra rnlpnseil and fell In a true shower about the bride. Punch was served by MIbs Lillian Satterthwaue oi Waynesville, who is visiting ner u- In. Miss Muller, and later in ine evB , c...i..,,,,r,t, wfrp served. The shower was most artistic and highly successful as a social event. Iance Monday livening. The dance given at St. Genevieve 8 college Monday evening for the stu- . - 1.. wtya nnl HHRCeSSIUl HI uenis wn a. f,.ir The ballroom was beautifully decorated in Hallowe'en symbols, yel , ,...,. hsini? used very eftec IOW - tively as a backgrouna ior uiauiv ..nit nthpr tvnlcnl decorations. i ...v.i..h waff irtven for tne J no uance, mui , . v..iiHlve V. was well auenueu by them. Regreshments were served ornr .ho dancing had been enjoyed for Borne time. The party was a -i- . ,,w.i diversion and was much enjoyed by the girls present. mi . 1.1.1 ... X.uill TixluV. Miss Annie B. Hall and F. N. Chal- ... 1 tmluv at 12:30 o'clock at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. W B. Tnvlor, 820 Monuorn se nile, Rev. Dr.' Calvin 11. Waller offl- rpurt - poremuny was used ,t ami V(rV beautiful. Miss Helen ... -.M nf honor and P. It rayior wu ----- - . Hall, a brother of tne oriue, mi best man. . , TipvAninn ntavea mn Ansa iim-n - dolsfohn's wedding marcn as me ...i-j thn itHrlor. where an i,.,, ,,,t, i altar had neen nmuwtu . ..,,,.,mn leaves. Tne Prius wui , .iu, nttiro.l In a blue travel Ing suit nnd Miss Taylor, the maid of honor, was dressed in wnue ann car ried a bouquet of yellow carnations There were about 20 guests present and a weaaing Dre&Kiaai was aej-vcu immediately following the ceremony. Mr. and Mrs. Crtallen left on tne aft ernoon train for Uurnam ana win motor from there over a large part of the state, returning nere anoui De cember 1. They will make Asheville their home. K at Announcement has been received in the citv of the marriage, November 14, of Miss Elizabeth Wililngham of Macon. Ga,. to Cathey Alexander of lUnlon Springs, Ala. This wedding will be of much interest In the younger et In Asheville as. Miss Wililngham for the past two years has been a popular member of this set during the time that she visited Asheville as a guest at the Battery Park hotel. The wedding will be a quiet affair, no for mal invitations having been sent out owing to recent sickness in the bride's famllv. Several intimate friends in Asheville have been Invited by Miss Wililngham to attend her marriage and It is possible that Asheville friends will be there. H t ' , . Miss Browning Adickes was guest of honor yesterday at a linen shower given for her by Miss Nora Devenish at her home in Weaverville. The housnwas nrettily decorated, dainty refreshments were served and the guest of honor was the recipient of many pretty and useful gifts of linen. Mien T.lillnn Zimmerman will be the guest of honor this evening at a party to be given for her at the residence of Miss Nina Hodges on Montford ave nue by the Phllathea class of the cen tral Methodist church of which sne is a member. The Phllathea class of Central Mothmllst ehnreh will entertain this evening at 8:30 o'clock with a china I shower at the home of Miss isina Hodges on Montford avenue, the oc casion to be for Miss Lillie Zimmer man, who is to be married Saturday. m irrank B. Havne and maid of New Orleans are recent arrivals at the Battery Park hotel. Mrs. Theodore F. Malloy's niece, who has been visiting her. has re turned to her home in Jacksonville. Mrs. Hidgeley Penniman has as her guests at her home on Chestnut street. Mrs. L. B. Flench and her daughter, Miss Ada French, of Chicago. Mr nnd Mrs. R. N. Williams have leased their home on Clayton street .,ni will siienil the winter at tne Wrcnwood, . , ' ft S Miss S. McD. White and N. K. White of Huntsville, Ala., are visiting in the city. Mrs. Lindsay Patterson of Winston Salem has arrived for D. A. 11. state congress in session. . ' Mrs. Donald McLean, ex-president-general of the Daughters of the Amer ican Revolution, arrived from her home in New York yesterday ror tne ntnte ennaress of the D. A. R. con vening in Asheville today. Mrs. Mc lean Is a distinguished and important guest whose attendance at mis con gress is a marked honor. n K Mm Matthew Scott, president-general of the entire organization of the Daughters of the American Revolution in the United States arrived from the east yesterday, and Is a guest at the Battery Park hotel. 5 i Mrs. William Nv Reynolds, state re gent of the D. A. R., arrived yesterday miVELFTH G0HGHE5S ! D.ft.R. IN SESSION ins Stars." Mrs. John Van landing ham: "Our Welcome Guests," Mrs. Gregory; "The Tie That Binds," Mrs. Lindsay-Patterson; "The Babies," Mrs- Ralph Van Land Ingham; "Angels of he Land of the Sky," Mrs. Ldwln Overman. The Daughters are hulding another meeting this afternoon, nnd tonight will be tendered a reception at the Battery Park hotel from 9 to 11 p. m. T Ahniit 40 of the most distinguished nml hrllllant women of the state,' and several of national prominence gath ered, at the Battery Park hotel today in th first sesson of the twelfth an nual congress of the North Carolina n lighters of the American Revolu tion. They met in the ballroom, which presented a brilliant scene during the ti-i.-it the numbers of the program were being carried out ana aiterwaiu while th emembers and their promi nent miests sat chatting. The regular program was carried out with some extra selections wnicn aodeu muni in terest to th eoccasion; and not the i onlnvahle feture of the day was the luncheon, which was served them through the courtesy of the board of ! about 1 o'clock. Tho rostrum was occupied by the following who are high in the councils of the state or national organizations: Mr. Matthew T. Scott of Washing ton vico regent general: Mrs. Donald ht,.t o ' w-nresidpnt-eeneral: Mrs. DnmrnTi nf NftW York, chairman of pa triotic education; Mrs. Edwin Gregory of Salisbury, vice president-general oi xn nnrnllnfl: Mrs. Llndsay-Patter- winotnn-Snlpm chairman of RYE On Will and Ben Morris, and Both Appeal Police Court Record Today. Can be planted quite late and on comparatively poor land. It produces abundant green for age for poultry and stock and ploughed under in the Spring fills the soil with needed hu mus. Make the bare spots in your garden yield a profit through the winter by sowing them in rye. An acre requires one 'and a half bushels. Every thing in Drugs and Seeds. Grant's Pharmacy - Agency for Landrelli's Seeds. win nnri Rpn Morris were each given road sentences in Police court this morning, having been sonvicted of assault. The former, was found guilty of assaulting Eugene Elliott and the latter Irene Gordon, i ne were given three months .each. Ap- neals were taken and each was Held to the February term of Superior mirf nnilpr lion ill nf J300. There were only two other cases before the court today, Jesse Wilson, charged with exceeding the speed limit with a motorcycle, and jonn Jtenuerson, charged with retailing to Jim Law rence. Both of these cases were con tinued until tomorrow. M. WEBB CO. Imported Millinery avwood St. BEAUMONT FURNITURE COMPANY 27 South Main St. Phone 1002. , "The , Home of Furniture Values." Oris Shoes Elected Popular returns indicate Oris" Shoes for ; men and women, $3.50 and $4.00, elect ed by a large majority. Everybody who vears a pair votes for them all the time Once you wear a pair no oth ers for you. Let us fit your next pair. We do repairing. Nichols Shoe Co. Cash Shoesters. On the Square Blltmorc WlKnt-IIearts, The ideal Cereal. Delicious and s?n . nVl "C. ,,r,rv wholesome. Nothing like it. All tut? xjrr i I trrnrura state regents, Mrs. Fhiter ivrwin a..u Mrs. Jonn un i'""6"'"; . ; MIW CTnr7 Mnrv S. Mercer of Tarboro, author of JNIiW OlULiii. the song, "United"; Mrs. William N. ; . TTnir ' iroods. I shell COUlbs. Reynolds of Winston-Salem, state re- i i rpnt- Mrs a. u smith, vice regent; baiTettes and ornaments being ro l.riwin overman. 01 bri' received from New York LUIO 1 lour inspection invited. MISS CRUISE'S SHOP 25 Haywood Street. I'lionc 10 ELIAS&HOPSON TAILORING 1 68 Pntton Ave. Opp.'P, rm rlinc sppretarv: Miss Miss Laura Orr of Charlotte, historian. . in,, follow nL' nroeram was ouoeiv ed with Miss Grace Jones acting as recording secretary in the absence of Mrs. Goosman: r, Tfar 1-'. camiuieii. a'. . Imarlpu Address of welcome Hon. R. R- Wll- llnlTID . . Tirol ni n t Mrs. T. S. Morri- lIliipil enn vftrrn t Response Mrs. John F. 'Wiley, Gen eral William lMvie enapier niro n c Hamilton. nons - , Address of state regent ivirs. " N. Reynolds. Address of president general Mrs Matthew T. Scott. Report of credentials committee. Song Old iNorin ouue. J . V... ooiirtpsv of Luncheon, i.ew j. m., board of trade at Battery Park Eoy3 53 59 to $4.50 the pair htel- v. ,po Mpn'a Sinn tn 9.7 fin t.Vin nair The ladles were very mm-n -r -r"-- f with the address of Mr. Williams, and Jf we fit you once .Jl fit y()u several selectons of the program weie .1-.. n canni' 11 lYlPnill II. iSlltJL"'. n-h-" aceful part of the proceedings was the presentation of large bouquets of flowers to the guests 01 nmioi. Lindsay-Patterson also gave an out line of her work. In the Bonne Trail department. , , 1 At the lun heon, the menu of which 1 ,.v,,.u..n ttith care for its ap- 'thp. following toasts Lrp resnosded to: "Our Grandmoth ers " Mrs. Bhlfer Erwln; "Our Vislt- 1 : -.wrs ..: I (Q IV? II r 5 tfwiKTsrmmLVmMSMm mwitA ,jaaagaamT.mimi ' ' m II SEALSHIPT OYSTERS Fresh Shipment's every day M. HYAMS Phones 49 & 243. Cor. North Main & Mcrrlmon Ato. Only the best of. eTerythlng to eat. O O o trj xa Calf Shoes for Men and Boys We Buy Anything AND hnr hnmn tn Wlnston-Salcm and Is a. guest at the Battery Park hotel. 5 st xiioo Kmmii Morris, who With her sister, Mrs. Jervey, has been spending the past season near Aroen, nas re turned to the city ana is staying at 'orest Hill. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Tennent and Mrs. Tennet's sister, Miss Annie West, ex pect to leave shortly for Florida to o..n.i thn winter. Mr. ana Mrs. ien- nent will close their home on jviom- ford n venue.' forthe winter hut win re turn to the city early In the spring. k se Mlr Annie Arden Jersey of Arden spent yesterday in the city. 5 m- Mrs. F. H. Groome and her father, p Hnwatt. arrived yesterday and ,r clients at tha Battery ParK notei Mrs Mowntt Is In New York, she and lira cronino having gone there from Atlantic City and A3bury Park where with Mr. Howatt they have spent tne summer. After some time in Asne- iiia Mr Vlowatt and Mrs. Groome will return to New York, where they will bo Joined by Mrs. itowatt ana where they will spend the greater part of their time. 11.45 Buys a rubber tired, red. baby push cart today. We annot promise you one tomorrow as we only nave a small stock on hand. t r 11FXRV and CO. phnnA 448 ' Battery Park lt'', Please Remember On November 15 BOSTON SHOE STORE We do repairing. S.S Sell Every thing fernberg & Co. Dpot Street. Phe-ne 333 "I' in-iim' ii MiMMiriii w IS First Impre "18 'MiOTCTfl nir samole book of per sonal greeting cards will ha closed to oraers. ah who have seen them were delighted wlt,h the se lection. wAHid make a mn-A spnsihle and Inex pensive fflU as these? They will be appreciated Kv all. ftrnr nlaced now will be received In plenty of time for Christmas. J. H. LAW 38 PATTON AVENUB. ssions are Lasting MahwtBtiirM your made For Rent Nicely furnished boarding house, attractive place, steam heat, modern in every way, sit uation good. . Moale, Chiles & r' Redwood Real Estate and Insurance 27 Fatton Ave. Second floor. Just Like New When Finished Bring us your old broken pieces of jewelry nnd see wnni ift I can make from them manufacturing Jeweler In my on. VICTOH KTfiltw. K.r.t... 17 Haywood Ppposllo Bata-ry l'ark. FOR SALE Seven room residence and goofl store room, near center oi cuy. valuable lot 60x108 within 150 feet of Market Houso. Exceptional values, b0tNATT ATKINSONS SONS CO. Ileal KHtate Urokers. MILLINERY SPROATS Oatoa Building. T i Y 'tM -w-r-r-r-'-- I -n NATURAL FIGS NEW CKur 5LRVIGL Combinrd with lirnnty in Iho Rrcat thing all stnvft for In ONEIDA (X)MMUNITY 1hk)1ir and (ork you find those two durable points most (lowly p0' Tile (IfniKiw are lirautiful and the wearing quality oi tne niece is uniuieNtioned. ARTHUR M. FIELD CO. CHURCH ST. & PATTON AVE. These are specially, nic for stewing. 15c Pound Two for 25 cents. YATES & McGUJRE, Phones 1715 and 1716. . 21 Haywood St. Whcr th Dollar Doci Iti Duty. Not only may this he said of ieo)le, hut of (lollies ns well. Our Stcin-Bloch aud Hchloss Suits and Overcoals will do both Impress You First and Will Last "We have marked our clothing to sell, not to keep, and a comparison of our prices will prove this asser tion and that Whitlock's Clothing is Correct in Style and Price Our stock of Gent's Furnishings cannot he surpass ed and you will find all The Latest Novelties in Fur- nishings at Reasonable Prices Special Sale of Kid Glove3 Monday, values up to $1.50 at $1.15. I We would he pleased to show you. HI 41 Paiton Ave. Automobiles and 1 Farm Machinery Implements '& Supplies 1 l a W Western Carolina Auto. Co. Corner Lexington & Walnut. Z, -9 ,tul unttniuMMtittttMWt r - i. .AAAAAAAAtAtVxty. WW -y . v.. V V V V V T T V V