r i : ? i i. i r. P i - i t J n WE ARE EXPECTING An order from Wilson for a winter supply of M O tXT T TTT XT 1 t 4 T Because the coal is so good, and lieeause Wilson knows a good tiling. Bet ter get your; winter sup ply in before the price goes up. Phone 130. Carolina Coal & Ice Company It mil In 3 iMiiind Rags. Rice Flour 1 1-2 lackHgeH. (iluctoii 1 lour 5 pound Sin ks. Niitro ill 10-11). Slicks. Craliuiii In 5 pound sacks. Pustry floup In 5 pound sacks. Potuto Flour in 1 pound pack ages. . C. Jarrett Store Phones 1920 and 1921. Market Phone 473. SUCCESSFUL CANDIDATES As well its the unsuccessful ones all agree'- on the mil Avorth r.nu true value of GUARANTEE SHOES In gun metal and. tan. leathers Uu.'k a i them in .'window ! and ,-. CuaranteeShoeStore Rnntli Main Sv Flower Pots 1 cent to 50 cents. The I. X. L. Dept. Store $ 12 Patton Ave. Phone J7. J ' V ' J. E. Carpenter JEWELER Watches and Fine Jewelry Watch Repairing my Specialty EYES TESTED GLASSES FITTED nit. J5. P. IIIGIISMITH OPTOMETRIST B Gradr Street. Phone 1127. ASHEVILLE, N. C. WILSON And Nichols Way laundry work are synon ywons Both leaders. Asheville Laundry Where Uma Ltvea Longee. I. A. KICHOLS, Mgr. 4i Collrgo St y . RAZORS That shave. The finest made. Used by all Barbers. Guaran teed. Tlie largest stock in the utat'o. 23 N. Main St. Asheville Barber Supply Co. GOOD ONE GENOVAR SMOKER 5 Cents BARBEE'S 14 Patton Avenue A. M. GOOD LAKE ' 1 Contractor & Builder . Concrete Work a Specialty 22 C. rfk rinata. m EMM. jerry-news ID HATF CATI Democratis Are Planning to Hold a Big Meeting Next Tuesday Evening. MR. CRAIG WILL ASK MR. SIMMONS TO COME ...I f ......I... I. . . IT ' iMIIIi llllllPli, i'ciihh-iuis - iioc it' Direct Senator's Attention to Uiggost Majority in Slate. Democrats hereabouts are planning a uIk meeting for next Tuesday night, one week from the election, for pur poses of jollification and ratification. It Is proposed to hare a torch-light procession, among other things, and If the weather' permits the crowd will probably assemble on Pack square and listen to some talks which would be made from the balcony outside the office of Mr. Whitson. Oovernor-elect Craig stated today that he would ask Senator Simmons to be present and Buncombe demo crats hope they will be in position to direct the attention of the senator to the biggest majority which has been given him by any county in the state. Little doubt is felt that Senator Sim mons will attend, and it is hoped that a large number of people will be pres cnt from near-by counties. l Will io li About 1(111(1. The majority, for Mr. Simmons in Huni'Oml.o will be 1600, a few. more or less.. Mr. . Huynes, . manager for .Mr. Simmons In this section is ''confi dent no other county will make a bet ter showing than this. THAT PDSTOFFICE, S TO GET IT? Ill Candidates for the Asheville Place Already Astir Oth er Pie on the Table. Although the political remain of President Taft and his feleral office holders are not yet cold, the good and faithful followers of Mr. V.'lUon in Asheville are already coming In in force to offer their services to the people in the places that will be made vacant early next spring. The local posto!Ti-i e scenis to be the big piece f pie that is to be contended for In Asheville and several can lidates for the office are already in the field op enly and many more are reported t" be ready to come In, or making prep arations for their own campaign. Foremost among these candidates for the postoftlee Is John Y. Jordan, as It appears that he has more lines laid for the place than any of the other candidates, lie has already circulated a. petition among his friends and the citizens of the city and is leaving noth ing undone to get a lead that It will be hard for any of his opponents to overcome. Another of the candidates who Is actively in the race for the office Is Fergus Stikeleather. Although Mr. Stikeleather has not gone so far as to circulate a petition, It Is understood that he has enlisted the Interest of his friends In the matter. Among those who are reported to be in the fight so far but whose names as candidates have not been conlirmed by actual declarations, are Marcus Kiwln and S. ft. Ilernard. For this number of candidates to be In the Held within a few hours after the election returns have Indicated the election of Mr. Wilson It would seem that the citizens of Asheville are like ly to see a local fight that will be al most as Interesting as the one just closed between the big factions of the country. The postolnee Is not the only piece of pie on the local counter, however. The I'nlted States marshal and his deputies are In on the 'spoils to the victors" principle and will naturally be replaced, One of the government mploycs in the federal building stated this morning that they are all expect ing some action from the democrats that will remove the republicans who are holding their positions through the civil service, and if his fears arc realized then all the postoftlee ckrks and revenue men will he Included from the chief down. At any rate the republicans In Asheville who are hold lug government positions have ex tremely long faces this morning. THEIR VICTORY BREATEST IN BUNCOMBE HIST (Continued from Pago One.) Justice 2307; majority 1292. I-nter Report". News has Just been received that fitidKcr carried Polk county by ft ma jority of JT5 anil that he is likely to carry Cherokee by a small majority; Macon by a majority of 225. Htaton Is believed to have carried Henderson by 380 majority and Swain, Oruhatn and Transylvania have gone !i,to his column by very small majorities, It la reported. From these reports that are now In hand the Indications are that Qudger has carried the district by a majority ranging somewhere between J 400 and 2S00. SCHOOL BONDS '-CARRIED IT Id TODAY DlLIlilD Xote our wicdw display of unusual values in diamond irinirs ranging in price from $5.00 to $30.00. All diamonds xuejr jtxiiy umcsa ao xa i ouuu r That There Are as Many as 2680 Qualified Voters. LICENSED TO WED. Frank N. Chall.f. and Miss AnnU Hull. , -dirt-lllo I'nltit Gin Co.. formerl) The members of the Asheville club j and a number of their friends were entertained in the club rooms last) night, while they heard the election returns from a private wire and were . served with refreshments. A large j crowd spent a most enjoyable evenlns there. The lllaek Mountain Rod and flun club held its regular annual meeting ' yesterday afternoon at the office of Dr. Owen-Smith, at which time officers for the year were chosen. The following were the officers named: Dr. Owen Smith, president; W. H. Lord, vice president; J. B. Tate, secretary and treasurer. J. J. McCloskey and L. H. Jones were chosen as members of the executive committee. SPEAKERS ARRANGED FOR WEEK OF PRAYER Pastor of the Churches Will Speak at the Y. M. C. A. Each Day During Week. The committee appointed yesterday morning by the Asheville Ministers as sociation and composed of Dr. C. W. I'yrd and Kd. B. Brown, for the pur pose'. of arranging speakers for the world wide week of prayer to be held during all of next week at the Y. M. A., held a meeting yesterday after noon and the following speakers, for the days designated, were chosen from among the pastors and acting pastors of the city: Rev. W. (i. Moody, rector of Epis copal church of Fayetteville and now filling the pulpit: of Trinity church here, Monday; liev. Dr. ft. F. ("amp- bell, puwtor of the First Presbyterian church, -Tuesday; Rev. Dr. Calvin B. Waller, pastor of the First Kaptist church, Wednesday; l!ev. Dr. Charles W. Byrd, pastor of Central Methodist church. Friday; Uev. W. A. Newell, pastor of the Haywood Street Metho dist church and president of Wenvor vilie college, Satui'day. These daily meetings will begin each d i.v at 12 o'clock and will last for .35 minutes. The pastors will co-operate in gelling a large altenilance by in viting the men of their congregations lo attend these meetings and it is be lieved that the series will be the most ticcesssful ever held by the local as sociation. Attention " AUTOMOBILE OWNERS Prepare your radiators for cold weather before it is too late. We advise denatured alcohol to be had of us at ().") per gallon. .-:', . '':':'-'" '" . ' :' ::;' ..:.:' ' Do it Now. , : ... ';. ' Asheville Automobile Co. 15 and 17 Sostb Tjexlngton Avenue, SPECIAL BARGAINS In Ladies' Long Coats. Large stock to select from. GEO. W. JENKINS 18 S. Main St. IMIKXFl) ni.E IIOXES Are mighty handy for taking care of certain kind of papers and correspondence. For those who have much correspondence, our VERTI CAL. FILING CABINETS, of C.iobe-Wernieke fame, are unexcelled, and gives you quick access to all important papers. ROGERS' BOOK STORE, 39 Patton Ave. Celebrate the Election Get an Oyster Supper Here CANDY KITCHEN HAYWOOD STREET NEAR POSTOFFICE BLOMEERGS :.V- For your Cigars, Tobaccos, Pipes, Smokers Articles ; and - Sporting Goods. 17 Pat ton Ave. Peters June Pasture Dairy Meal. Peters Alfalfa Queen Dairy Feed. Peters Arab Horse Feed. Each the best of its kind. ASHEVILLE GRAIN & HAY COMPANY Wholesale Distributers. JUST RECEIVED A large shipment of Sanford's ax mlnster rugs and are offering entire stock at bargain prices. Co-.ne In and sea these rags before placing your order elsewhere. We rive ten per cent for cash. ASIIEVILIiE CAKPET HOCSB 18-20 Church St, Phone No. 228. Monarch Coal DEMOCRAT REPUBLICAN PROGRESSIVE Xo matter to what par ty you belong, you can all get together on oue sub ject ' ' M & W Coal Because it satisfies all alike. Phone 40. . ,, I Asheville Coal Co.il i :-........... j ELECTRICAL FIXTURES Portable Lamps, Electric Ironi and Heating Apparatus. W. A. WARD 12 Church St. Pbon 449. Why not order your winter supply NOW? Southern Coal Go. FILMS DEVELOPED BY FILM EXPERTS. They get results, impossible or un likely at home. Kodaks loaned free; films for sale; prints made; better pictures less money. KAY'S STUDIO does it better Phone 114. NO. 10 N. Pack Sq. charges less. IN. Pack Square. ms Diamond Rings w rv. There seems to be no question that I 3 the bond issue of $50,000 for the per- j yjj uiaiieiit inipi ovciiieni Ol wie cny schools that was voted on yesterday in the six precincts of the city has car ried. The returns show that the votes ' cast for the Issue total up to 1340. It """" Is not known exactly how many reg-' jjg unereu voters mere are in Asnevine at present but when the books were In spected 111 June, 1911, the number was less than 1900. There is no likelihood that the number has increased in a year and a half to nearly 2700, what It would have to be In order to defeat the issue. All that remains now to determine fully whether or not the Issue has car ried Is for the registration books to be purged by the board of canvassers, composed of one man from each pre cinct, and if the hooks show les than 2fiK0 qualified voters In the city the bonds will be issued. Supt. H. J. Tighe of the city schools stated this morning that he is confident that the bonds are assured. This issue was voted on In the last municipal election held in May, 1911, ind at that time only between 800 and 900 votes were cast for It. As every qualified vote in the city that Is not cast for the issue Is counted against It, the Issue was lost. Fresh Shipment of Crab 1 ' Meat, and Nice , Steak Mack erel. ;-. ACME FISH CO. Phono Sll Central Market eO H k! R3BBCBBB Automobiles for Hire By the hour, day or trip..-'-Prompt service, careful : Drivers. Arbog&st Motor Co. Phone 303 No. CO to 68 North Main St. I I The Best Picture House -in the State. I The Place to Spend an Enjoyable Hour. 1 RE-ELEGTED BY LESS THAN I VOTES II. C. Rowe and Company's SELECT OYSTERS The oysters for particular people. ASHEVILLE FISH CO. Plumes 23-289-315 City Market. Danville, 111., Nov. 6. Complete re turns from five of the six counties in the eighteenth Indicate former Speak er Cannon will bo returned by less than 100 plurality. Mr. Cannon starts this nfternoon or Panama. Irani' No. 2 1 Cures Coi I ul Grip. 2.1c; I Thnmher Wearer. l.lerv. Phnnel. 1 WAJVla DRELAMLAND , THE THEATRE BEAUTIFUL KEITH'S VAUOEVIM-E CAVANA and CO. Wire Act YEP.ONI VERDI and imO. Splendid Musical Act TIIHEK KEELS PICTURES Mutlnee, C and 10 cents. Evening, 10 and 15 cents. LOST Pnlr of glasses. Reward if, returned to Citizens Transfer Co. ' 233-3t r'OIt KALE A lot of meat and gro cery llxtures, a bargain. Apply No. 43 Honth Wain street. 23J-31 TRIO of White Leghorns and several Rhode Island Red hens for quirk sale at a bargain.- Paul P. PYown. i Phone 79. 233-3t WA NTEl-To send special messenger for your suits to be cleaned and 1 pressed. Hetter work Jn cleaning and pressing; also dyeing dune per fectlymake old suits look like new. J. C. Wllbar, Phone 389. Pack sqoare. M CHOICE CORNED 1IEEF CORNER HAM 1HIKK HAl KACiE LAMlt and Ml'TTON STAR MARKET PHONES 1917-1918-1919 "We are tlie sncfessful Caterers to Variety of Appetites." Citizens Transfer Company i JtTliIAN WOODCOCK, Owner. ' - FURNITURE MOVLNQ Prompt Baggage Transfer Service. . Endorsed by V. O. T. and T. P. A- WANTED To paint and pnper your house; If an old house a coat of, paint will add much to its value end It will rent for more or sell for' more; If for your own i:e you will j be pleased with Its good appearance. J It. I ritzpnfrb k Son, Phone FOR SALE . - House on Cumberland aveite. Turms like rent , 'i MARSTELI?. CO. Itl Ftata. f " ' K FOR RENT 4 room cottage, Depot sectloi Price $ .0.00 month. iiaf-stelli::: & co. i ? tt I.-.- t-wixkI PICTURE PROGRAM TODAY. Two Daughters of Eve Bio drama. Bunny's Suicide Vita comedy. The Girth of the Girl-Telegrapher Kalem drama. Open from 10 a. m. to 11 p. m. A REAL COMFORT The Simplex Electric lleatimr Pad. Ts rpndv fnr nan nf any instant and will furnish you the necessary heat contin uously, day and night without causing the least bit of both er. Use in place of old style hot water bottle $5.50; Three Heat $0.50. ' PIEDMONT ELECTRIC CO. Opp. Postoffice. 64 Patton Ave. Purest and Best Rumford Baking Powder " imi 11 1 1 . . ... .jj. . Perfection I Oil Heaters V the large size $3.50. Jumbo Coal Heaters $4.00 up. Wood burning heaters $1.50. Greery Bfos, 45 Pdtton Ave. I h.. M M. r-l l, ITili.M ... l.ni iiH Taint ID 7. No. D: N v'oi-th Main street. j