IT Friday, November 8, 1912. PAC2 rOTJ3 Tins s-pnrxrrT.T.T. rr rr. wr.wn The Gazette-News . PUBLISHED BY Brail New PablifUiif Co ASHKVIUiK. Jf. O. STJBSCRIPTIOIf RATES: Ashevllle and Blltmore. On Wtek lc rhree Month 11.25 Biz Month I.SO fwelve Month .... 1.00 BY MAIL IN ADVANCE: Three Month ....$1.00 Six Month S-00 Twelve Month 4.00 Any matter offered for publication that la not classified a news, giving notice or appealing for support of any entertainment or project where an ad mlttance or other fee la charged. Is advertising and will be accepted at regular rate only. The aam applies to cards of t", obituary notices, political announcement and the like. ltltltltltttltlttltltltltttKit 1 ... H The Gaiette-News 1 mem- It H ber of The Associated Press. It H It telegraph news la there- C fore complete and reliable. It : It tttttKtitltKttet entered at the Postofflee In Ashevllle as second-class matter. ing forward these' Judge Howard A. Fouschee saying! Scores are com days who have fit. bled and died f Hi- Democracy these 40 year, without anybody finding It out previous to this time. Democrats have been strong for civH service, but well, this Is a pro gressive age. A fool never does change his mind, the adage says. If this here disgusting, onseemly scramble for office continues," re marks Bud Byers, "I see right now I ain't a-gwlne to git nothin'." Amidst these general felicitation!) there Is nothing going either way be tween Washington and Oyster Bay. A session of fasting and prayer for certain official election predicters Is In order. win the G. O. P. be preserved; or can it? Friday, November 8, 1912. IT HAPPENED TUESDAY. ItXItltllltltXItltKKKItltltltK t . . at t PRESS COMMENT. It PROGRESSIVE PARTY'S DUE. In Tuesday's election the Progres sive party nominees had the recog nized disadvantage, in nearly all the states, of figuring last on the one official ballot allowed. They appeared in the far corner, beyond the socialist and prohibition nominees. The show ing made by them Tuesday will change this, however. Next time they will, as a rule, have second or first place, : It is announced from headquarters of the party In New York that activi ties directed toward further growth Governor Wilson becomes President and stability will be steadily pushed, without the consent of a majority of I There has already been made the great that he will arrive here Saturday night and will convene Superior court for the November civil, term on Mon aay morning. Some days ago It was reported unofficially that Judge Fouschee, who has been ill for sev eral months, would not be able to come here to hold court. The mem bers of the association were very much concerned about the report, as there is much legal work of a press ing nature to be disposed of. E APPEAL SD FAR AS HOLTON KNOWS District Attorney Discusses Bank Cases As to Mr. Pen land Maj. Breese 111. : SATISFACTION Eventually yon may enjoy it In the meantime, you will draw nearer that Ideal state by having us examine your eyes and make correct glasses for you. We have set a high standard In, our work, better than the average and we intend to keep It so. Our Ce-Rlte Toric lenses fit to our exclusive Atlas Shur-on mounting, are unequalled. CHAELES H. HONESS Optometrist and Optician. 54 Patton Ave. Opposite Postoffli-e. I step of inducing voter to break away from old party names to the extent of taking rank next after the victorious democracy at one bound. Of course a tremendous amount of fixed habit and Inertia and unacquaintance had to be overcome. If the progressives had a wnndnrfllllv nnnlllni nflnritrinto thav son, several oi mese nuu enormous were opposed by a wonderfully strong his fellow citizens, just as did John Quincy Adams in 1824, Polk in 1844, Taylor Jn 1848, Buchanan in 1856, Lincoln in I860, Hayes in 1876, Gar field in 1880, Cleveland in 1884 and 1892 and Harrison in 1888. Like WII- I pluralities, and most of them major ities in the electoral college. Adams and Hayes had a majority of neither democratic candidate, clearly by far the strongest that could have been named. And they lost at least two popular nor electoral votes. Polk had and CaIlfornIai only because ln one a big electoral majority; so did Pierce, hut a popular majority of but 63,000. Garfield's plurality was only 7000. Cleveland's popular minority in the Democratic sweep of 1892 was nearly a million.' Wilson's minority seems to figure about one-tenth of the total vote. Lincoln's in 1860 was about one-fifth. LaFollette's petty jealousy cost them all the votes he could influence to about I eltner Wilson or Taft and because in me otner me stanapatters votea lor Wilson ln a solid mass. The progressive party has done an excellent thing in causing the election of Governor Wilson. It has performed a more lastingly significant benefit by breaking up the old republican party, whose usefulness was at an end. It cuts loose from the old republicanism's sectional traditions, offering itself as a party which is truly national and also alive to the times. The country needs such a party, in addition to the democ racy. We hope that the progressives will be unquestionably the leading op position party four years hence, as prospects now lndlctae in the strong est stort ot way. it would mark a new, better and freer era in our polit ical life, the final burying away of the civil war. Charlotte Observer. Tennessee remains one of the ban ner States for freak politics. It gives Wilson a plurality of 70,000 and elects Hooper, Republican, Governor by some 6000. There is a general confusion as to who will be elected senator to succeed Saunders. Speaking of Tennessee whenever an Asheville man has occasion to visit the cities of that State he comes back shedding exclamation marks sadden ed, or gladdened, according to his views on llcker, by the flagrant dis regard of the prohibition laws. The saloons are wide open; their signs announce that beer and whiskey are to be had within, and nobody makes any bones of it. One man who got a beer in Knnyvllln afton 1am aalA h. ki , , j . I (Continued from page 1.) the barkeener irriimt,!.,? hMana v.o I ' (,r,i wj . . . i, ment has taken this step as the best was afraid he d get Into trouble for means of preventing war and it is selling 'after hours." One hotel bar thought that this can only mean that in Memphis displayed a large sign, the government foresees the posRihil- when the prohibition law went into ity of complications arising from the GREEK FORCES TAKE 1011 "effect:" "It is against the law to Bell Intoxicating liquor in the State of Tennessee. What will you have?" Balkan situation. Says Turkey Proposes Direct Nejro nations. Cologne, Germany, Nov. 8. It is Nobody outside of Tennessee under-1 "Ported in Sofiia, Bulgaria, say a stands Tennessee. In Michigan, Kansas, Oregon, Ari zona and Wisconsin woman suffrage was an Issue and it lost ln the last named only. The admission to the I Hungary and Italy will not intervene suffrage of the women in these four dispatch to the Cologne Gazette, that the porte ha proposed to Bulgaria to begin peace negotiations without the mediation of the powers. Three Powers In Accord. Berlin, Nov. 8. Germany. Austria- District Attorney A. E. Holton, who is here at present attending the ses sion of Snlted States District court, was asked today about the present status of the Breese-Dickerson case and he said that it is now in the hands of the United States Circuit Court of Ap peals and will be remanded from that court to the District court here, where the case was first tried. He said also that when it is brought back here on mandate all that will remain for the court to do will be to take the defend ants into custody, release their bonds men and execute the sentence of two years each for Major Breese and Mr. Dlckerson in the federal prison In Atlanta. When asked if there will be any further appeals or technical points of law that will have to be settled by a higher court he said that if there are any of either he does not know of them. In his mind the case is now settled except for the formalities re quired by the courts In remanding and executing sentence. He does not know when the mandate will be re ceived from the Appeals court. Mr. Holton was also asked if there will be any action taken against W. H. Penland, who was Involved with the others but has never been brought to trial. He said that he does not know, as the matter is now, and has been since the cases first came uu. entirely out of his hands. He said that when the actions against Messrs. Breese and Dlckerson were first re ported there was some arrangement made for Mr. Penland by his friends or attorneys with the attorney gen eral of the United States whereby it is understood that he was to furnish cer tain Information ln the trial and was given some kind of immunity. Mr. Holton stated therefore that he would have to await orders from the attorney general, if any should be forthcoming, before he could start ab action against Mr. Penland. He also stated that If Mr. Penland had ever furnished any information during the trials that had been of value to the governments case he is not aware of it. SQUIBB'S SPICES Absolutely pure and packed ln slf ter-top canisters as follows. Black and Red Pepper, Cinna mon, Cloves, Ginger, Mustard, Allspice, Mace and Nutmeg. Everything in drugs and seeds. Grant'- Pharmacy TEAGUE & OATES "On the Square" DRUGGIS TS Oates Bide;. Phone 260. RUGS AND MATTING Large shipment just in. Prices right. Terms to suit you. Call and inspect our line. DONALD & DONALD Phone 441 14 So. Main St. By Heart Gladys How is it one never forgets a love affair? Aggie-Be aiise that is something von wlwnvs !n:iro by heart We Have Selected Bannister SI iocs for men with an eye to the style requirements of the man who keeps step with Fdshion,' who draws the line at "freaks" but at same time wants styles that are really new, and a QUALITY that is guar anteed. In gun metal, blucher cut $5.50; Straight lace, tan, $6.00. Brown-Miller Shoe Co. Leaders in Fine Shoes. T Patton Aveaaa PbCM Jit. ipplritvre 1 fi olifl J Let l)s Prove To You The large saving you can make on every article' bought here. Buying for cash, and selling for cash is the cause. Money back for the asking. liallowi 1UC ID. Washed Figs, 25c box. 2 1-4 in. Spread Figs, 18c lb. NEW DATES AND FIGS S. D. HALL Has moved his real estate of fice from Harkins Bldg., Pat ton Ave. to 64 Patton Ave. Great Values BRASS BEDS Large Stock . J. L. Smathers & Sons Mammoth Furniture Store. 15-17 No. Main St. Home Made Bread 5c MHMMMMMIMMiMMIlMlttMMMMMMMIIMt- BATTERY PARK BANK ASHEVHiLE, N. O. Capital Surplus and Profits .......... $100,00 , $100,008 omenta , lame P. Sawyer, Chairman of the Board. T. O. Ooxe, President. 3. E. Rankin, Cashier. Erwin Binder, Vice-Pre. C Rankin, Ast. Cashier IIHIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIHUIMMMHIIMMMMIIHH IN EVERY DETAIL OF ITS SERVICE, whether large or small the CENTRAL BANK & TRUST CO., aim to meet satisfactorily the individual requirement of its customers. . . tvc-A,.if, . Tou are cordially Invited to call and consult our officers re garding your financial affairs, thus securing efficient co-operation and direct personal service at ail times. The most liberal accom modation, in keeping with sound banking methods, la extended to our customers, regardless of the size of their account CENTRAL BANK & TRUST COMPANY South Pack Square. Remember in buying your Hot Blast Stove that B COLE'S HOT BLAST HEATING STOVE is the orig inal with patented features that are not embraced in others. Brown Hardware Co. Phone 87 25 North Main St. BbbEsI A genuine, value-giving "special sale" should make a hoit of NEW FRIENDS for a store. But a special sale has no ad vertising of fact unless it is eff ectively advertised of conn -m . m .n - ... FOR FOUR YEARS' TERM Dated May 7, 19l6, and May 7, 1914 His Terms Have Ever Been Four Years. State more than doubles the num ber of women votes. Utah and Idaho, where women already voted, went for Taft. California, Wyoming and Colorado went for Wilson and Washington, the other woman suf frage State, for Roosevelt It now appear that the senate of the next congress will contain a ma jority of Democrat That will mean that Simmons of North Carolina, by ft rule of priority buttressed by ability and achievement will become chair man of the finance committee one of the most important post in gov ernment It Is well. in me uaiican situation so Ions as their special Interests are not affected and unless they are requested to do so Dy the belligerent nations. This determination was reached fol lowing a series of conferences held here between the Marquis DI San Oluliano, Italian foreign minister, the imperial chancellor and the German foreign secretary, at which the Aux- trlan ambassador also was present. In a semi-official statement issued today it was announced that the three powers belonging to the triple alliance will ioIIow a common course ln regard to the Balkans, at the same time keep ing ln friendly touch with the J'ner powers: The Marquis di Ban Oluliano left Berlin today. Demands Salonika' Surrender. Athens, Greece, Nov. 8. Crown Prince Constantino of Greece has called upon the Turkish stronghold of Salonlkl to surrender. The army under hi command ha crossed the is now before As we understand, W. B. Breese, candidate for the house of represen- tatlvcs, went down with the rest of Vardar river and the Democratic ticket in Transylvania. Salonlkl. Without reflection upon the worth of The Turkish garrison, which I be- hi successful opponent we may say l!eVe1 l, be compo,,ed of 15-000 ,en- it was hlsrhlv 7h . ha" mttd6 PP""on to resist at- l v tdMlrable tht Breese tack but it is believed there will not nould have been ln the next legls- any Beriou opposition and that ature. Itne Greek army probably will anter the fortress today. A courageous, atubhnm loned, picturesque figure passes from JUDGE FOUSCHEE TO the political stage Cannon following Aldrich; after serving 17 term In congies. with but one previous defeat OPEN COURT MONDAY In Telegram to Bar Association Bay He Will Be Here Saturday Night. The "Pastor" Russell series, veatlgatlng- an Investigator, "In-1 Member of the Ashevllle Bar amo- - ..-..i,. i,ib uw WW nan hnon 1 ,!.. . - ... - . I " .cicsmm 1 1 V 111 "ru umes, inese election time Another installment la con tained in today' Gazette-News. iwy present commission as post master lor the city of Ashevllle is aatea May 7, 1S10, and expire Mav 7 1914," said Major W. W. Rollins this morning, when asked to explain fully about the matter. He said further that all his commissions as postmaster nere nave Been for terms of four years, and he ha never served a re cess appointment, although he has neia over for u few month at a time on occasions before a new commission was received. For the present term a with the three other a he said he has been bonded for the full four years. The statement may serve in a wav to clear the mind of many who have not reamed fully the existing circum stance regarding the postofflce situa tion, many expressing the opinion that Postmaster Rollins' term expire on March 4, next These facts may also have some bearing on the contest that is already being waged among several democratic candidate for the office. Some were under the Impres sion that the commission wa ln effect until the "successor wa appointed. It la understood that according to the present law a postmaster 1 ap pointed for a specified term, and his commission may not be recalled be. fore the date of Its expiration, unless pei-mc cnarge to the street that the man holding the commission 1 unfit for the office have been preferred and sustained. v Want Professional Ball on Sunday. By Auociatei Fret: Boston, Nov. 8. The New England league of baseball club will devote it energy this winter to advocating the passage of a bill In the legislature allowing the playing of professional oaseoau in Massachusetts on Sun days. E. J. RANDOLPH, Attorney Has moved hia office from No. 32 Patton Ave., to No. 64 Pat ton Ave. 225-12t We have never approved of Zeb. Weaver' chicken law a more than a step In the right direction, but par tisan of that celebrated legislation claim It ha been gloriously vindicated. it every farmer had a manure I preader and would use It" remarks! His Emporia (Kane.) Oasette, "ltl would make mighty little dlfforencel what happened in politic." , TAKE A KODAK .. WITH YOU "If it isn't ta Eastman, it isn't a Kodak." t i PACK SQUARE BOOK CO. Developing and Printing. Agent Eastman Kodak Co, "On The Square." AAhsvllle, Friday and Saturday Sxtremely Qood Values Read elow The bad weather of the past few days has not helped business. The ex ceptional bargains listed below are made to produce extra heavy shop pW Bon Marche Specials are Real Values. Shop here today and tomorrow for satis taction and economy. $J4-.95-Jwoots ofJailotedJ'uits educad-$J9.95 We have selected from our regular stock two assortments of tailored suits to sell Fri day and baturday at special prices. Bon Marche quality and style are too well known to need dwelling upon here. Another fact is that when our suits are advertised special they go, for the public knows the reduc tions are bom fide. FriJST1 a1? in,tlie8ejots are rth your early investigation. ' Help' boost Friday and Saturday's sales and save some on your own account. One lot of CO tailored suits, all colors and styles, formerly sold for up to $22.50-Two daya at $14.95 One lot of 73 tailored suits, best numbers, former price up to $30. Two days at $19.95 if J'pecial on Tfens Jies W Am a rwinnlrt ,1,, H . i ri'ic uuu t tMt'ii, kdow mat we keep Men's Ties. That's because they don't read our ads. This one will open their eyes tho. We have separated into three lots ties mat nave distinctive merit. The three prices are as follows: 23c, 29c, and 33c. Every tie is worth more than 33c range upward to 75c. hltsses PhidSack Coats at $7. SO There remain a few of those social bargains like we of fered last week in coats. They are for Misses and small wo men. These coats were purchased way below real worth and the price quoted above is less than tho Manufacturers' origi nal price. Come and be convinced. 79C--36 Jfnch ftlessalitQ-79c In the Silk Department we are giving re ductions'on Messaline silk. Remember, this sale will last but two days, if you want to profit by our specials you must take ad ftintage of them when tht are offered. A 36-inch messaline silk in solid colors. . r evening and dark shades, special at 79c yd Striped Messaline silk in the best color combinations, 36-inehps wide, special at 79c yard. Prices are lowered on all-wool materials. See window display,1 for idea of values. Out cf Jown Customers jTtttnd Salt Ifou'll Prcjlt Jhtreby .-V- ' ' v "-" i 11 .mm- m - 1ir 111 IL " - ' Prompt Pttivert Service Jissurd."tfta Uagon r vent on Duty Monday , I i

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