AVOID When you are sick you are careful in the selection of a doctor. Why not as careful in the selection of the Druggist that prepares the medicine? We have registered and careful druggists and every prescription is doubly checked before going to the patient. , LANGRJLN BK.UG .TOR! Langren Hotel Building. 4 North Main St. Phone 292 INVESTIGATING AN INVESTIGATOR Mr. Russell's Remarkable Success in Securing Publication of His Scr mons and Other Writing in the Dully Press Prof. Moorehead on the Peculiarities of RiisselHto Theology. t (By William T. EHIs, Editor Afield of the Continent). PART, THREE . (CONTINUED.) "Pastor" Russell has no monopoly In his lack of knowledge of the geog raphy, history and methods of mis sions. Because the public at large is equally uninformed he is able to pub lish his widely advertised "report" without becoming the butt of news paper paragraphers. The frequent re currence of "Pastor" Russell's photo graph is apparent even to the person who turns the pages in the most cu rsory fashion. There are no pictures of missions or missionaries. Three blurred photographs show the recep tion given the party at "Russel-Pu-rim" In Southwest India, where the only Russelltes missionary Is station ed. Four pictures are Oriental scenes, bought and not made by the Investi gators. Seven of the 14 pictures in the "report" enable the reader to gaze upon the modest person of the "pas tor" himself. . An examination of tlm "report," The fn.rclal "report" of this "mis sions investigating committee" is put out in a special edition of The Watch Tower, which anybody may get for 5 cents by writing to ' the Klble and Tract society; la-lB-l 7 Hicks street, Brooklyn. The Ibsuio is entirely devot ed to the "report," with the exception of an advertisement of the special Bi ble Issned by Russell, and an adver tisement of his "Studies in the Scrip tures." No hint of the peculiar dog mas of the sect is given In the paper. The half-page of standing matter on this subject, defining the Journal and "Its sacred mission," Is omitted, from this number, which has been so wide ly advertised In secular weeklies. Af ter crediting the proposition of the Laymen's Missionary Movement to collect $30,q00,000 and immediately convert the world (sic!), with the stim ulus for this tour of ."investigation" and vowing that, "while sympathetic with all good works these students are not expecting the world's conven tion as the result of missionary ef fort, and are not disappointed that the eighteen centuries of the preach ing of the gospel has not fought large result," the committee goes on to explain Its work and travels. An Interesting paragraph in the preface declares, "Indeed, we -understand that one of the principal mo tives associated with the sending out of the committee of Investigation was to ascertain whether or not there would appear to be in those distant lands who as yet have no knowledge of 'the Gospel of the Kingdom' " (I.e., Ru.sselllsm), "and of the fact that we are now In the harvest time of this age, and probably very close to the dawning of a New Dispensation of Messianic glory. It was with this In view that the association privately authorised 'Pastor' Russell, Its presi dent, to spend as much as $7000 In publishing the Gospel of the King dom in Oriental lands, provided In his Judgment and In the Judgment of the committee there were saintly hearts and minds in those lands like ly to appreciate the message and to be ripened thereby for the heavenly garner. " Throughout, the "report" has choice bits like this: "The missionaries themselves appear to be an earnest company, but considerably discour aged." That is wriUen concerning Japan, when "Pastor" Russell himself told mo that he had met only one missionary, and did not talk with him concerning missions! Yet the conclu sion concerning Japan is: "What the Japanese need Is the 'Gospel of the Kingdom' announcing the second com ing of Jesus as the Messiah of glory, to rule and Instruct all the families of the earth. Pastor Russell's sermon gave them more food for thought than they had ever before enjoyed!" The "report". Is beautifully vague throughout. Thus, "directly and indi rectly, we visited and inspected the conditions of, life in about 15 cities andi vllagcs (of China) whose com bined population was about 400,000." Surely that sounds liko real investi gation; yet "Pastor" Ruraell admitted to me that he had touched at Shang hai, which is a foreign settlement; at Hongkong,; which is wholly British territory, and that he he had spent a day in Canton. That, I gathered, was the extent of his knowledge of Chi- 'vj ? 9 71 M ie mi Tobacco Whether you smoke it in a jimmy pipe or as a cigarette. Take it from any angle, Prince Albert simply measures right up to every idea of what a smoke should be. Pack in your old jimmy and it opens up a new delight in pipe smoking. Roll up a cigarette and you have the finest paper-coated smoke ever com pounded. Burns evenly, with none of that die-out-between whiffs habit. And doesn't burn up in flash like dried-out, chaff brand tobaccos. P. A. is long burning and it's handy for cigarette smokers because it is easily handled on a windy day. Now, Mr. Man you who think you can't smoke a pipe give P. A. the third degree in YOUR jimmy pipe You'll Find all it promises right in bloom. Put this on ice : PrinceWlbert won't bite your tongue. The sting is taken out by the patent process that we spent three years and a fortune to perfect. All liua tohdeco hopt, w tidy rod 10 int tint, loppy rmd 5 cant clolh bag, half-pound and pound tin humidor with moiitanmr pad In top, and pound flat humidor with a tpongt In (A lid. R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO COMPANY Winston-Salem, 7. C i . :ZZ-. .... IF" ',T ' . na. Nevertheless, he aosnreu the reader of the "report" that "The Chinaman Is perplexed by the fi 00 different de nominations of Christians and the 000 theories of salvation which they rep resent." "Pastor" Russell cannot name one-sixth of that number of denomi nations at work in China, and he must admit thut all the churches at work in China are preuchlng but one essen tial gospel. An equally annoying Ipse dixit is, "The missionaries now find It Inexpedient to discuss doctrinal matters. . . . In conversation many of them showed great earnestness and real piety, and deplored their inability to accomplish greater results along re ligious lines: Others, a majority, we hope, seemed to have a narrow and hypocritical spirit." This is one of tho scores of points in the narrative at which wo would defy Russell to name the men. He substantiates the charge against big houses (I doubt if he has seen 20 missionaries' houses in all his life) by citing the case of the pastor of Union church, Shanghai, who gets the prince ly salary of $2 400 gold. The brilliant Dr. Darwent Is not a missionary at all, but the pastor of a self-supporting church attended solely by European residents. 1 Concerning China, the most Import ant statement made in the "report" Is that "Pastor" Russell addressed the natives on two occasions. Considera ble Interest was manifested and Chi nese reports of both discourses were published, the publishers proposing to continue such publications weekly, after the manner of the American and British newspapers. "Something in his presentation seemed especially to strike Interest and convince many of his hearers." : I shall not burden this article further quotations concerning "Pastor" Russell's Bpeechos. The "report" says, "Your committee visited Singapore and Penang and had interesting and profitable exercises." That sounds like the end of the earth, doesn't It? The untravelled reader pictures that zealous "Investigators," lired with thirst for the last ascer tainable fact, pioneering their way clear to the equator that they might search Into the Inwardness of missions on the Malay peninsuln. On the other hand, every person who has circum navigated the globe by the sea route knows that of necessity ships intuit touch at Singapore and Penang, and "Pastor" Russell saw nil more of tho Malay peninsula than has been liv every other traveler who ever went around the world by the Indian ocean route. The only protracted stop made by the Russell tourists was the week spent at "Russell-Purim" In southwest Indln, the point at which Brother Davey has let shine the li;:ht of the "Gospel of the" Kingdom." Summitry Says Mlmlon Sihvchh Is Small. The categorical summary declares that "the success attained by mission aries Is small. We find Oriental Chris tians about as sincere, Intelligent mid earnest as the average' of church at tendants in America and Europe, and, us there, a very few who give evidence of being consecrated to God and his service." In answer to a selfaskcd question concerning the teachings and results of Christianity the "report" says: "There are evidences of posi tive leaching now being done because the people resent It and keep their children from the schools. We heard of Instances where a small coin per day was given to each child attending school; but aside from the schooling, the Inducements offered by the ;nli- aionarles are chiefly social and no 11 cal." In connection with the alleged reluctance of natives to become Chris tians, the "report" saplently remarks, "These Orientals are very honest In respect to their religious professions, except when spoiled by contact with the hypocrlcy of the whites" all of which Is respectfully referred to' a certain Rudyanl Kipling. "What, if any, change should he made In the teaching- and financial ad ministration to make the foreign mis slon work more successful? The great change necessary to make missionary work more successful is for the mis sionaries to have and to impart to the people a more logical gospel. , , .The missions would be much more success ful in reaching the hearts of those they would servo If they presented the gospel ot God's loving provision of Mesluh s coming kingdom 1. ., Rui- selllsm. We lend an espclally attentive eye when "Pastor" Russell comes to write about money. Here, If anywhere, he should be able to speak with discrim ination. "Our Judgment Is that por tion, of money contributed to foreign missions which reaches heathen lands Is wisely enough used for Its Intended purposes. Whatever wssto there Is would Swem rather to be In the ma chinery of collections. One collector for such benevolent institutions told us that he was allowed as his salary one half of all that he collected. We know not to what extent this principle ob tains wuii other societies. Each so ciety owes to Itself to lnMltute a Very horough ItivtvtlKutlon Into Its own uffulrs s4 to ascertain what propor tion of the funds received is ever forward to the missionaries." That from Charles T. Russell! No man has a right to put into print such a statement as. that without supporting evidence. The facts could have been obtained at the cost of a postage stamp from any mission board. If the "report" were to be read i nly by thoughtful persons It would - "ve no other end than to bring disdain upon the men whost names are signed to it. Unfortunately, Russell has made sure that It shall be read by mil lions of people, most of whom know little about geography, history nd missions. ' The microbe of typhoid fever Is a small and insignificant thing and Its nature and habitat are not calculated to attract the general run of mankind to Its study. Still, the world has learned In a hard school .he peril of ignorlng .it. The cure for the dangerous bacteria of Russellism is sunlight. A Physician's Faith in Eckman's Alterative A Valuable Remedy for Throat and : Lungs. the said heirs-at-law and next of kin from any interest therein; and said heirs-at-law and next of kin of the said Griffith S. Jones; deceased, will further take notice that they are re quired to appear at the term of the said Superior court of liuncomlie county. North Carolina, to be held on the Gth Monday before the 1st Mon day In March, 1913, the same being tho 20th day of January, 1913, at the court house in said county of Bun combe, N. C, and answer or demur to tho complaint of the plaintiff now on file in said action, or which may be filed before said time, or the plain tiffs will apply to the court for the relief demanded in their said com plaint or complaints. This the 7th day of November, 1912. MARCUS ERWIN, Clerk Superior Court of Buncombe County, N. C. "Have used Eckman's Alterative in several cases of tubercular glands of the neck, with excellent results every time. In one case it cost me $50, for tho girl was put on It only until she could arrange to be operated, and in a short time an operation was not needed. I suppose your records are just as fine us of old. You know my faith In it." (Original of this physician's letter on file.) Eckman's Alterative is effective In other forms. Read what Mrs. Gar vin says: Idaho Falls, Idaho. "Gentlemen: I have gained twenty two pounds since last February and my' baby is In perfect health. I have been waiting since she was born to see how I would get along. I am now doing all my work, have been ever since she was four weeks old, and I am steadily gaining, I do not cough or raise anything at all. I believe my lung trouble is cured." (Sworn nflN davit) MRS. II. H. GARVIX. Note Mrs. Garvin, has seven chil dren. Eckman's Alterative is effective in Bronchitis, Asthma, Hay Fever; Throat and Lung Troubles and in up building the system. Does not con tain poisons, opiates or habit-forming drugs. For sale by all lending drug gists. Ask for booklet telling of re coveries, and write to Eckmnn I.abor ntory, Philadelphia, Pa., for addition al evidence. (Adv.) North Carolina, Buncombe ; County Superior Court; October Term, 1912. M. A. Nlpson vs. P. H. Nipson SUM MONED BY PUBLICATION. The defendant above named will take notice that an action entitled as ibove has been commenced In the Superior court of Buncombe county for a divorce from the bonds of Matrimony, and the defendant will further take notice that he Is required to appear at the term of the Superior court of said county, to be held on the tenth Monday alter the lirst Monday In September, 1912, at the court house: of said county in Aslievllle, N, C, and answer or demur to the complaint in said action or the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in' said complaint,, MARCUS ERWIN, Clerk Superior Court of Buncombe County. R. S. MeCAXX,, ... Attorney for Plaintiff. THE NEW PRESIDENT Is a brainy man; and strong of stature. BUTTER CRUST BREAD leads in point of puri ty and health giving qualities. Ask your grocer or phone G'2'2. If in Aslieville Wilson would insist on BUTTER CRUST. ASHEVILLE STEAM BAKERY THE GRUNER SANITARIUM AahevUIe, N. O. No. 29-31 Haywood Street. I'lione 681 HTORO-THERMO-ELECTRO and M EC HA NO-THERAPY, DIETKW for selected cases of Nervousness, Paralysis, Hayfever, Malaria, Asthma, Stomach, Rheumatism, Diseases of Women and other chronic diseases. The BATHS AND MASSAGE Department of the Sanitarium Is open . to the public. Skillful attendants tor hoth LADIES and GKATLEMEN. Open day and Night. State of North Carolina, Runcombe County In the Superior Court. Charles French Toms, executor of the last will and testament of Griffith S. Jones, deceased, and Charles French Toms, trustee, under the will of the said Griffith 8. Jones, deceased, for Hortense Toms, Charles French ToniH, Jr., Maurice Toms and Margaret Toms, nnd the American Sunday School Union, plaintiffs, vs. The "Atlantic Cnat Line Hallroad Company" and "The Atlantic Coast Line Company." de fendants. NOTICE OF SUMMONS. To the Helrs-at-Law and Next of Kin of Griffith S. Jones, deceased: The heirs-at-law and next of kin of Griffith S. Jones, deceased, whoever they may.be and wherever they may be found, will tako notice that an ac tion entitled as above has been com menced and Is now pending In the Superior court of said county of Bun combe, rtato of North Carolina, for the purpose of having the last will and testament of the said Griffith S. Jones, deceased, construed by tho court; and also for tho purpose of requiring the defendant, the Atlantic Const Line Railroad company to transfer, or to cause to be transferred, ccrtnin cer tificates of stock unit certain Interest bearing eertlllrste lit eald company to . the American Bundnv School Union, of Philadelphia, under the provisions of said will, and also to re nulro the defendant. The Atlantic Const Lino Company of Connecticut, to transfer, nr cause to bo transferred, certain certificates of stock and cer tain Interest bearing certificates of said company, to the plaintiff, Charles French Toms, as trustee for Hortense Toms, Charles French Toms, Jr., M. K. Toms, and Maurice Toms, under the provision of said will; and the suld defendants will further take notice that tho subject of said action Involves real and personal property In this state, and slock and Interest bearing certificates In Mild foreign corpora tions, and thnt If the samp, nr any part thereof, did not paa to the de v lives and legatees mentioned In said will, under the provisions thereof, then the same, or such part thereof as did not pass under the provisions of said will. dcenflt-d to the helrs- at-lnw and next of kin of said Griffith S. Jones, deceased, under the statutes and rules of descent and dlxtrlhutlon of North Carolina, and that the relief demanded consists partly In excluding At Palace Today An entirely neV hill " A HARMLESS FLIRTATION." 43 Minutes in "Laughland" 43 Minutes. Tomorrow Night: AMATEURS It's a Saving of money to trade at Levitt's IfcS Store The Store of Ten Thousand Bargains. 3 South Main St. Former Stand of Bon Marche. Ranges $15.00 to $25.00 For Economy For Convenience For Satisfaction SAVES Time Labor Cosf ' Asheville Power & Light Co. Phone 69 GOOB Mi OAS