Friday, November 8. 1912. PAG3 EIGHT WE ARE ; .EXPECTING An order from AVilon for a winter supply of M & W INDIAN COAL Because the coal is so good, and because Wilson knows a good thing. Bet ter get your winter sup ply in before the price goes up. Phone 130. Carolina Coal & fee Company RETURNS AR E SLOW LADIES Have Lovely Hair aji, '4 - -V- -J In Nearlv All the Democrats! if you want to make your hair so T ln.ciiltlfiillt' llicirniia Yia . v...u h.. u .... .u.ivuo 1 1 . 1. I (JWflC I'll not help but exclaim, "Oh, what love ly hair!" set a 50 cent bottle of in most. Made Gains, Decided Gains RESULT IN BUNCOMBE FINALLY MADE KNOWN lira ii in 3 iMiiuid Hug. Klce Flour 11-2 I'lickajfc-d. (ilueton Flour 5 ioiiii1 Murks. JVutros In 10-lh. Sai ks. Graham in 5 pound na ks. Pastry lour In 5 pound sacks. Potato llour iu 1 iiiiik1 park- ages. ' E. C. Jarrett Store Phones 1920 and 1921. Market Phone 473. Wilson 37111, ltoosevclt 2285: Taft 120; Craig 3875; Moiircs 1 1;V Settle. 1015, SUCCESSFUL CANDIDATES As well its the unsuccessful ones nil,. agree on the real worth and true value of GUARANTEE SHOES hi gun metal and tan leathers look at them in window! $4 and $j. ' GuaranteeShoeStore 4 Smith Main S. Flower Pots 1 cent to 50 cents. The I. X. L. Dept. Store 22 Tatton Ave. Phone 107, J. E. Carpenter JEWELER "Watches and Fine Jewelry. .."Watch Repairing my Specialty 'o. SPack Square. The returns from tin- western cuin tles lire very slow in coining in. ' The meager reports that ilo onmc jthat here have heen hard lights in iMiiciicaiiy every county in "he tenth district, and in nearly every one the de mocrats have made -gains, in ni(.st of them decided gains. The reports yhow many curious things. For in stance, Oraham county, whi' h gener ally goes republican by a few votes. Is said to be in the. democratic' by 2.i -votes; while Clay, 'which always been counted for the demo crats by a score of votes, ! now said to be in the republican i!uim by about the same number. In McDowell county a hard fight was waged. The republicans elected their eountv ticket, but Oudger was given a majority over Staton of eight votes. -... in Polk there was a hard fight nnd the democrats mnde big gains. Gudgrr claims the county by 175 .votes. In Henderson county the renublli an mr. jorlty was reduced by doO to JD0 vote with reference to Staton and Gudge.r. a uemoeratie representative wis elected for the first time In the hlstor of the .county, and It is said that it will take an official count to determine who is elected to the offices of sheriff and tax collector. The reports are to the effect that the democrats madV gains of about J(I0 votes in both Macon and Jackson, their tickets being- elected by about 22r. The republican majority in Cher okee in the congressional race was re duced from about 290 to 190. Demo cratic sheriff and representative were elected. . There was a very hard light In Swain, and the republicans elected their whole ticket. The democrats had had a few offices. One of the hardest tights in the district was in rransylvania. The entire republican ticket was elected by from 12 to 40 votes. The democrats made large gains. .'-'-.- The democrats have probably made a gain in Itutherford of about 200. Gudgt-r claims a majority of 628.. In Haywood he also made a gain of about 200. He has a majority In Bun combe of 1 12 3. in Kniicoiiilie. The presidential, gubernatorial and senatorial primary votes have been slow in coming in and the exact fig ures were not known until late yester day. The presidential vote In Bun combe follows: Wilson 3716; Roose velt 2285: Taft 426. For governor t'raig 3S75; Meares 1493; Settle 1045. For senate Simmons 2546; Ivitchin 647: Clark 334. It's a. most delightful, refreshing hair dressing, daintily perfumed, ami free from poisonous lead or other dye. Tile girl with the Auburn hair Is on every carton and bottle of PA ItlSIAX SACK. He sure to gel the genuine. PARISIAN -SAGE will banish dan druff, stop falling hair and scalp Itch In two weeks, or your money back. That's a pretty souare offer all fair minded people will say. Large .bottle .10 cents at Smith's Drug Store and dealers everywhere. (Adv.) ANNOUNCING The i:ew model W, 300 lb. capacity, SjCjUO. Chase Truck, Also made in Full Pannel body at $(500. Place your order now. ' Asheville Automobile Co. I CPTTfTTAT. RATJ.fiATNS In Ladies' Long CoatsLarge stocko select from. J GEO. W. JENKINS ! 18 S. Main St. LARGEST STOCK Of floor coverings in suite here. ASHEVILLE CAKPET HOISE 20 Clmnli St. llionc 228. '. Carpets and matting laid without ex tra charge. IS and 17 Soath LeilngUin -V venue, ' indexed file isoxes Are mighty handy for biking care of certain kind of papers and correspondence. For those who have much correspondence, our VERTI CAL FILING CABINETS, of (ilobe-Wernicke fame, are Unexcelled, and gives you (iiuch- access to all important papers. ROGERS' BOOK STORE. 39 Patton Ave. 1 CITYNEWS FRESH HOME MADE NUGAT The men's Bible class at the Y. M. n A Iticl niivlit tt-uu Oia l.imnvt nt Urn .vtrm, mcit? iiemg 03 present. ine teaching of the lesson by Dr, Camp bell was much enjoyed by the men. Nelson, Chesman & Company yester day Instituted suit against H. R. Rob ertson, In which it is alleged that the defendant is indebted to the plaintiff, the indebtedness being represented by notes, which are past due. There will be a bowling match to night between the teams of Hoffman and Williams on the alleys of the Y. M. C. A. The team winning two out of three or more games will make the lead in the team tournament. In the Superior eourTthe Central National bank of Battle Creek, Mich., has instituted suit against W. F. Post lor the recovery of the lace value of certain notes, which it Is alleged are due and unpaid. The same plaintiff brings similar suit against O. R. S. Poole. There were onlv two casex In P., tic court this morning. Jack Rlckert was uKiyjtK utc iuuil on a cnarge 01 lar ceny and receiving, stolen goods, but ! ..i,w uir Hi-nun (ii int eviuence ine defendant was discharged. J. E. Bash I was fined S3 nnd costs for' drunk , in the city. CANDY KITCHEN HAYWOOD STKEM NEAR POSTOFFICE BLOM BERGS" '" For your Cigars, Tobaccos, Pipes, Smokers Articles and -''' Sporting Goods. ' . - 17 Pat ton Ave. ' - Monarch Coal DEMOCRAT I REPUBLICAN ' PROGRESSIVE " No matter to what par- ty you belong, you can all get together on one sub ject M & W Coal ; T Because it satisfies all ; alike. ; Phone 40. Asheville Coal Co. ELECTRICAL FIXTURES Portable Lamps, Electric Iron and Heating Apparatus W. A. WARD 12 Church Si Phon 449. AVl not order your winter supply NOW? '. :- Southem Coal Go. FILMS DEVELOPED ,BY FILM EXPERTS. ; They get results, impossible or un likely at home. Kodaks loaned free; films for sale; prints made; better pictures less money. , RAY'S KTITDID fines it hollor f boa 114. NO. 10 N. Pack Sq. vgea less. 2 N. Pack Square, Peters June Pasture Dairy Meal. Peters Alfalfa Queen Dairy Feed. Peters Arab Horse Feed. Each the best cf its kind. ASHEVILLE GRAIN & HAY COMPANY . Wholesale Distributers. i TP? Automobiles for Hire . . ' By the hour, day or 'trip. '-.'Prompt service, careful' S', ' ! . v Drivers. Arbogast Motor Co. Phone 303 ' No. 60 to 68 North Main St. Umbrellas The Best Picture House in the State. EYES TESTED GLASSES FITTED DIt. F. IIIGHSM1TH OPTOMETRIST Grady street. Phone 1127. ASHEVILLE, N. C. WILSON And Nichols W ay liiiindry work are syuon y wous Both leudcrs. Asheville Laundry Wbera Ltnen Ltrea Longer. I. A. H1CHOLS, Mgr. 43 CoUvge St. IS FOR STONE BUGS Excavation work began today for the foundations of the two store build ings to be erected on Haywood street, between the Adelaide building and the corner of Haywo'od and Walnut streets. A large force of men la em ployed on the job and the work Is already going forward rather rapidly. A quantity of building material ha already been hauled to the site and j no time will be lost now In pushing iu euuinuiiKH 10 a. speeiiy completion. One of them is to be occupied by the grocery firm of Yates & McGuIre and will have to be readv for them by March 1. Mr. loughran, who is erecting th buildings, was asked today If the sec ond one has been leased and he stated that It has not. It Is understood, how ever, that there are a number of ap plicants for it as It will be one of the most modern business blocks in the city when completed. RAZORS That shave. The finest made. Used by all Barbers. Guaran teed. The largest stock in the state. . 23 N. Main St. Asheville Barber Supply Co. GOOD ONE GENOVAR SMOKER 5 Cents BARBEE'S 14 Patton Avenue A. M. GOODLAKE Contractor & Builder Concrete 7ork a Specialty 22 S. Pack Equal e. . t There S73 . The Asheville Poultry and Pet Stock asvoclatlon will hold an Important meeting tonight at 8 o'clock. In thi offices of Waddell A Coxe. AH mem bers are urged to be present. REMARKABLE DEVELOPMENTS IX JACKSON PARK." Bob Reynolds with his character istic hustle and energy Is changing the face of nature In and about Jack son Park. , One passing through Jackson Park today would hardly recognize it as the same plaee it appeared to be 10 day ago. For the past week or ten days a very large force of hands, numbering about CO, and 25 teams have been bus ily grading the broad streets and ave nues and generally transforming thi appearance of things, until today Uu park looks like a well laid out little city. Mr. Keynolds states that he wll continue to press the work of Im provement until Its ilnal completion He states thHt he hopes to have the walks and streets in such condition that It will be possible by Saturday for the public to go over the propert) with esse and comfort. Anyone Inter ested in this development will lx pleased and surprised to see this re. markable Improvement and will l well repaid for going over the prem- (Adv.) Asheville Paint n.a Co., former)) The Mlllrf-ltlce Paint Co. Lucas Palm irantM X. I Cure Cold ami JHp. 2."h chambers A Weaver. Ijvery, phoneH. The Y. M. C. A. boys' Bible class and supper will be held at the asso ciation building tonight at 6:30 o'clock. Secretary Ed. Brown will be the teacher, and the following menu will be served at the supper: Steak, lima beans, fresh turnips, apple float and coffee. . The piemen of all degrees are busy. Even the smallest offices are being eagerly sought. Sheriff Williams says that he is having numbers of appli cants for the deputies' places but wishes it understood that he will make no appointments for some time to come. In u recent raid made In Wilkes ounty Deputy Collector Hendrlx re-1 ports to the revenue office here that ! he seized a large illicit distillery. Onei of the deputies also brought In a man, Dennis Williams, charged Willi Illicit distilling, from 'Madison county 1 ycstcrrlwy and he was committed to' jail in default of bond. I A house on Short ll.'ill.'V Mtru.t in i which Will Weaver and. family lived caugl. . lire this morning and a great I deal of the roof wan liiiin.rt i. ritrn i the llremen reached the place. The house hud been on tire twice before within the last few months and the llremen had given warning thut .in fective Hue should be attended to. The monthly conference and social meeting of the officers, teachers and Sunday school workers of the First Baptist church will be held tonlaht at tne nome of the pastor. Rev. Cal vin II. Waller. I). D 225 Chestnut street. All officers, teachers and workers from all the missions art urged to attend. Reports from all the echools will be had. and' a good ioclal time enjoyed. Several of the Asheville physicians are preparing to attend the Clinical Congress of Surgery which is to be held In New York November 11 to 1. at which leading surgeons of ihe world will deliver lectures. Dr. E. Reld Russell has already aone to New 'ork to be In attendance at the con gress. Dr. E. B. Glenn will leave In a few days, and Dr. W. P. Whittlngton will probably attend. adie's' guaranteed gold and pearl handles, silk covers $4.60 Gent's sterling, ijij ver handles, silk covers . . . . .... . $3.75 All goods guaranteed as-represented, or money refunded. o 1-4 w Halibut Steak, Mackerel, Ked Snapper, Lobster. ACME FISH CO. Phono 311 Central Market H nncess The Place to Spend an Enjoyable Hour 'UfW-'lf 9 JJL '1 11 1 1 1 1 KJJ -WANTS 1 FOR SALE: Large woud-heater 1n good, condition. . Apply at 6 Hla wasaee street. , f . f 3J-It- WANTKD A two, or three-burnt-r gas plate. .Also a small coal heater. . '. W. Ctipell, nt this office. ; tf. WANT to get rich quick? I have several patents will sell half in terest to get them on the market. All big sellers. For particulars ad dress K, call Ossette-News. 233-3t PIECE ORCHESTRA I OYSTERS, FISH, CLAMS CRABS SHRIMP ASHEVILLE FISH CO. Phones 23-289-313 City Market. DREAMLAND THE THEATRE BEAUTIFUL . KEITH'S VAVDEVILLE CAVANA and CO. Wire Act VERONI VERDI and BRO. Splendid Musical Act. THREE REELS' PICTVilES ' Matinee, S and 10 cents. Evening, 10 and 15 cents. FOR BALE At a bargain, ten-room house, close In. Must be sold within next few days. F. M. Messier, American National Bank Building. 2J3-3L FOR' PALE An "K. M F. 30" live passenger touring car. H. C. Ched ester, 413 l-egal building. 23J-61 LOST V -Ilia ok r a' ' Thursday; W twenn K. I". " Oowe.ll and John son's store Finder e III receive ra ws rd If return" to this office. '. Hi-it Order a Star Koast. You'll get a good one. PORK,. LAMB, BEEF KOAST STAR MARKET PHONES 191719181919 "We are the successful Caterers to Variety of Appetites." PICTURE PROGRAM TODAY. "The Child's Devotion" Lubin Drama. Pathc Weekly, 3!) Pathe, Trop". "How Bobby Joined the Circus." Edison comedy. Open from 10 a. m. to 11 p. m. A REAL COMFORT A-''' I Theatre 5 li e Simplex Electric Heatimr Pad. Ts rwulv fnr any instant and will furnish you tho necessary heat 'contin uously, aay ana mgnt without causing the least bit of both or. Use in place of old style hot' water bottle. Sinvb. Hon! $5.50; Three Heat $6.50. .; PIEDMONT ELECTRIC CO. Opp. Postoffice. : 64 Patton Ave. Purest and Best Rumford Baking Powder a a 4 Perfection OiL Heater Citizens Transfer Company mil AN WOODCOCK, Owner. . . FURNITURE MOVING Prompt Baggage Transfer Service. Endorsed by V. C. T. and T. P. A. FOR SALE FOR RENT ' House on Cumberland avenue. Ttrmi tonm .cottagt, Depot aacUon. Ilk rent -' j Prlca $10.00 month. LIARSTELI.ER & CO " "ARSTELLER & CO. lie r-tate. . V M. the large size $3.50. Jumbo Coal Heaters $4.00 up. , Wood burning heaters $1.50. Green Bros. 45 Patton Ave.