LAST EDITION 4:00 P . THE ASSOCIATED PRESS DISPATCHES Weather Forecast ItAIX AXD WARMER. PRICE THREE CENTS VOL. XVII., NO. 236. ASHEVILLE, N. C, TUESDAY, AFTERNOON, NOVEMBER 12, 1912. Colonel Tells Court He Shot Roosevelt to Kill " Menace to the Count-try." LUNACY COMMISSION WILL BE APPOINTED SPANISH PREMIER IS ASSASSINATED Jose Canalejas Shot Twice as He Enters Ministry, of the In terior at Madrid, Dying Instantly Assassin, Supposed- , edly an Anarchist, Captured by Police. TRIBUTE PI '5 SOUTH II M' District Attorney Is of Opin ion Man Is Insane De nounces Third Terms Ambition. m: By Associated Preaa. 1LWAUKEE, WIS., Nov. 12. John Schrank pleaded guilty today of attempting to mur der Theodore Roosevelt and in his plea he sought to distinguish between tin assault on Koosevelt aa a "menace" u ml an attack on Koosevelt as a citi zen. Municipal Judge Backus announced upon reading a petition of District Attorney Zabel that he would later to ruy name a commission to examine Schrank's mental condition. The district attorney read the com plaint on which Schrank was accused of having made an assault on' the person of "one Theodore Roosevelt with a deadly weapon and with In tent then and there to kil land slay the said Theodore Roosevelt." "How do you pleud to this charge?" the prosecutor asked. "Vvhy, guilty, Air. Zubel," replied Schrunk in a confused away. "You have heard the complaint," Interposed Judge Backus, "and you understand that in it you are charged with having attempted to murder Theodore Koosevelt. Do you plead guilty or not guilty'" MIDI I1IIN UH "a JU'IIUIC. "1 did not mean to kill a eitbseii, I judge," -began Schrank. "1 shot Iheodore Koosevelt because he was a menacje to the country.. Me- should not have a thint term, it la bad that a man should have a, third term. 1 '-didn't want him to have one. I shot him as a warning that men must not try to have more than two terms, a' president. "I shot Theodore Roosevelt to kill him. J think air men trying to keep . themselves in office should be killed; they become dangerous. 1 did not do It becuuee he was a candidate of the progressive party either, gentlemen," j he concluded. "All right," interrupted the court, taking from the district attorney the plea for a sanity commission for the defendant. Ho read it hastily while the prosecutor explained Its pur pose "The man is Insane," said the dis trict attorney. "It would be wrong to sentence him for a crime if he was : mentally unsound Just because he was willing to plead guilty." Judge Backus announced that, hav es Anvctatvd Press. ' ADR1D, Nov. 12. The Spanish premier, Jose Canalejas Was as sassinated today. The assassin wes captured by the police. He gave( the name of Manuel Pardlnas Serrato j Martin and said he was a native of the rrovince Ol nueoea. iwici iic mitted suicide. Martin fired four shots, at Premier Canalejas as he was entering the min istry of the interior to attend a cabinet meeting. Two of the shots struck the statesman behind the l ight ear and he fell dead on the spot. The assailant is 28 years of age and is believed to be an anarchist. The assassination of Premier Cana lejas took place at 11:30 o'clock this morning in the Puerta del Sol, in front of a book stall near the entry to the ministry of the Interior. Martin fired four Shots . at close range and three of the bullets struck the premier, who fell on the sidewalk and died immediately. Some bystanders slezed the assassin and handed him over to the police. He turned his revolver on himself and it is believed he has since died from the self-inflicted wound. Martin is said to have been closely connected with anarchists but it is not known whether his crime was preconcerted or committed on hjs own initiative. Political ferment always exists in Spain but nothing has been reported within a recent period which could In any way be connected with the crime. A strict censorship whs instituted by the authorities on the telegraphs and telephones Immediately after the assassination. For : 'several hours it was impossible to communicate with Thousands of Women Assem ble for Confederate Corner stone Laying in Arling ton National Cemetery. Wilson Continues Listening Policy President-Elect Denies He Has Told Anyone Ha Will Call an Extra. Session to . Deal with Tariff Will Re ceive Charlotte Delegation. T E S G H LI LI L 1 REBELLION New BRYAN AND HERBERT U. Senor Canalejas, who belonged to a wealthy and prominent family, came to the front in political life only in 1900, when he took a leading part in the campaign against clericalism. He had, however, taken great interest in politics as a student and public speak er for many years before that. - At the age of 25 he became a member of the Spanish parliament, attaching himself to the advanced liberal section. He became a' member of Premier Sagas tas' cabinet in 1902 as minister of agriculture. He introduced many re forms, especially in regard to the working classes, and eventually ere ated a department of labor. When he was asked in February, 1910, by King Alfonso to form a ministry the request caused a great sensation as it was the first time in the history of Spain that an advanced radical naa jr j been placed at the head of the min-1 11 istry. His cabinet nas since unuer-j i ot great monument in Ar gone many changes, but he has al- Qn N , cemetery t0 be de(J1, wava rntn innn t ho Ion nine nlHPP. Hl . " had much to do with the signing of eated to the dead of the confederacy the agreement between Spain and was the principal event today in the France on the question oi me iuiure opening program of the annual qon- venilon of the United Daughters of T By Associated Preat. KENTON, N. J., Nov. 12. Presi dent-elect Wilson has not "breathed to a soul", whether he will call an ev--a session of con gress to revise the tariff. The governor ORATORS OF THE DAY dec'lare1 today that he had not ex pressed an opinion on una iopn; iu anybody nor allowed himself to form one. He is hearing all sides ot the case, he said. "I trained myself during my term as governor," he said, "not to antici pate my opinions; my friends of course, have a right to express their own opinions." "Have they any right to say what your opinion is?" he was asked. "They have not; I have no opin ion." Governor Wilson found his office In the state house crowded when ne D, C. Convention Will Be Opened in Continental Hall Tonight 1590 . Delegates. of Morocco, which was recently satis fnptnrllv uptMi.fl. ( The project introduced by Senor the Confederacy. Thousands of wo Canalejas for the separation of church men, assembled ,to pay tribute to the and state caused a rupture or reia- momorv of the men who fought for Hit Associated Press. ASRINUTON. Nov. 12. The laying of the cornerstone of reached here this forenoon. Almost as many persons were there on erranas concerning national business as on state matters. Nathan Hirsch, a member of the democratic state committee of New York, a presidential elector and a manufacturer of cotton gopds, was the first man who got access to the governor. Mr. Hirsch suggested that to handle the traffl there be appoint- j ert separate commissions for every 1 kind of business. : 1 The president-elect assured ' Mr. Hirsch that he was not taking up these subjects at the present time, but iisked him o prepare for him a mem orandum of his views and send it to him. Rule Against Boy Stu- ients Visiting Girls Caus es 600 to Quit the Miss issippi A. and M. ' Is Invited to Charlotte. By Aaaociated Preaa. Charlotte, N. C, Nov. 12. A dele gation of about 20 citizens of Char lotte and vicinity headed by Congress man E. T. Webb of the Ninth North Carolina district and including repre sentatives of various organizations of business men left Charlotte last night for Trenton, where they will have an audience with President-elect Wilson this afternoon and will extend an in vitation to be present at the celebra tion of the signing of the Mecklen burg declaration of Independence, which will be held here May 20. The meeting with the president-elect is arranged for 2:30 o'clock this afternoon. tlons between Spain and. the Vatican. These have since veen resumed and the south, surrounded the site of the monument tu witness the ceremony ETTOR 15 ft WITNESS the outside world. Jose Canalejas y Mendcs, prime minister of Spain, who was assassi nated today, was selected to form the Spanish cabinet in February, 1910. He was leader of the monarchical democratic party which came into power on the resignation of the liberal cabinet headed by: , Senor Morel y Prendergast. :'''', the question of separation is being dis- conducted by Colonel Hilary A. Her- cusscd with a view to a lrienuiy set tlement. The Spaniard government, however, insists on the supremacy of the civil powers. Once VlHited America. Senor Canalejas visited New York bert, former secretary of the navy. William J. Bryan was the orator of I tho day. The monument is to occupy a plot I in the center of the confederate sec- U us0 Denies He Knew of the In 1897, just before the outbreak of are r,uirle(j 260 ot the men who died the Spanish-American war. It was , the 80uthern cause. stated at the time that his mission ThB nrtrtregsea 0f Mr. Bryan and was to study the sentiment or tno M Herbert emphasised the unity of American people and of tho adminis- timcnt j)etween north and south tration regarding Cuba affairs, but it wnl(.n htts iargciy obliterated section- was hinted that ne was entrusteu wun n, fcelng ancl mane ,ssible the erec- a secret diplomatic mission 10 c.e. u,m of a flnal memorial to the south- pecuniary inducements to the Lutian dead In the midst of scores of leaders to stop the rebellion In t uba. monuments to northern soldiers. He denied the truth or tne report, ne , Aft thg inying-nt the cornerstone, Lopizzo Murder Until ; Afterward. DFj T GOVERNOR'S THREAT TO ARREST IS VAIN Members of Senior Class Who Were Summarily Expell ed, Refuse to Leave College Vicinity. . J was at that time editor of El Heraldo of Madrid. ASK GOVERNMENT 1 SC&L '" " ' -J " .y.-y ' ' work on the confederate shaft is to Djl Associated Pic ia. Salem, Mass., Nov. 12. Joseph Ettor, leader of the Industrial Work ers of the World in the Lawrence tex tile strike, on trial here with Arturo caruso. . , ,i j .i,... fHovnnnlttl and Joseph ne pusneo. wiinoi.kiiemy, .m ,m.-1 t-- . ,th ...nn.Wmv for the WRECK iffif & M. V. Officials Criticised for Conduct After Crash Which Killed 18. By Associated Press. Orleans, Nov. 12. The total list in yesterday : morning's wreck on the Yazoo and Mississippi Valley railroad at Montz, La., Is plao New death DYNAMITE BLAST KILLS GW0RKMEN Explosion at the Aetna Pow der Company's Plant Near Gary, Ind. of, the .Daughters of the Confederacy hope to pnveil the monument belore the reunion ot union and confederate veterans at Gettysburg battlefield next July. Sir Ezekiel Moses, the sculptor, has practically completed the design in which a woman, typifying the south, extends a laurel wreath over the graves of the dead while her left hand rests upon a plow. 1 Reception for Delegates. More than 1500. women of south ern birth or lineage are here as dele- imtes and already they are facing a murder o Anna Loptao in i riot,' tobk the witness stand today, in his own defense. ' Tneenh Caruso, who took the stand in his own defense yesterday resumed Mq tPHtimonv when court convened today. . ,, , . Caruso, on direct examination rte ur-rihed Detective Callahan as "that man who is the cause of my losing four Jobs." . District Attorney Attwill then began the cross-examination. Caruso denied By Associated Press. CKSON, Miss., Nov. 12. Ac cording to information received from Starkville today the strike of the students at the Agricultural and Mechanical college is more seri ous than the college authorities have admitted. . ' Less than 400 students out jf a total enrollment of nearly'1000 were on the campus today and the disorder was so great that it was impossible to resume recitations. The train 'leaving Starkville at 3 o'clock yesterday carried away 250 students, a majority of them being freshmen and juniors. Members of the senior class who were summarily expelled and ordered to leave the campus under threats of arrest have taken up quarters with friends in Starkville and declare they intend to fight to the finish. More than 100 of the deserting stu dents, a majority of them minors, who left the campus Monday after noon in the face of Governor Brewors By Associated Prcst. 1 threat that they would be arrested if London, Nov. 12. The deadlock In they attempted to go home without the consent of their parents, passed through Jackson today en route , to their homes. .. ..". V-" - W- . The trouble started when tbe facui- Neither Austria-Hungary nor Servia Disposed to Give Way. the international political snuuuon brought about by tho Balkan war continues. ; Neither Austria-Hungary nor Servia has given way on a; single essential point in .regard, to the .future tr rnrbt.c.e the K8 visittnr-the gH-18 " In classrooms after recitations. By Associated Press. .1 v. , , iMunua aiiiivuincu ,u., ...-. -7 lug obtained the consent of the physl-;en at 18 anu seven ot uw duns, ho would appoint on the com- gers who suffered Injuries are in i n,L.i.,n lii.t.,ra p f Miiulelv miner-' critical condition. i...Ht nt u .niiorlnm- William F. In t 'ditlon to the Identified dead t u.. ih. nnrthorn t.ikon trom the ruins yesterday the uut nr-i , iuiiiici in u hi .I!., i. u . ...... .... h,.u,.u..i fi thi ir,un ot winihnin bodv of an unidentified white man Wis.; to. W. Harrington, a nerve spec- -was found and the tharred remains iallst und Richard Dewey, all of Mil- of one child and two nuuiis were tun.- .,,,u,. Tho .n,irt nntmlnted Attor- en from tho liumcd wreckage. ney Joseph Flanders of Milwaukee to . Mark Cunningham, the brakeman represent Schrank in the sanity hear- on whose shoulders ruilroad officials I yesterday place-! the blame for the ac- ; 'cldent, in a statement made today at his heme at Wilson,'!., declared he .would not be made the -goaf anu 'suffer for the responsibility of oth ers. Cunningham claims that when he I ... i,,.ir to finer the freight train It was but a few minutes behind the excursion train and the collision was unavoidable so fur as he was con cerned, I Th Interstate commerce commls- Toward ln will be a?ked not only to inves- tlgate tne cause oi i iniilre Into the refusal oi tne rn- voad officials to give Information nt the wreck to the press and ponce un tu nenrlv seven hours after It occur red and also to Investigate the delay In getting tho wounded to nonpuum. formidable social program I for their entertainment. This actually began last night with a reception 4n I the library of t ongress at which more (than 4000 women wero in attendance. (The convention will bo formally op ,.n.i tnniirht when the delegotes ! in nntinentul hull and are Gary. Ind., Nov. 12. Six workmen to thc national capital by were killed by an explosion of two president Taft, A group of confeder thousand pounds of dynamite in one 'ate flags then will be presented to ot the packhouses at the Aetna Pow- J der company's plant near here this fnr thp (1,mr- 0rrln Handolph morning. 1 Smith of that state. The convention The men who lost their lives had thcn wi1 gettle down to business, arrived at the plant for the day's j inasmuch as Innumerable recep work and were repairing one of thetlonSj tett8 ami dinners are planned packing machines when the explosion for the WP,.k, the meeting of the occurred. The dynamtie was loose in southern "Daughters" promises to 100 pound lots on the packing trays establish a record for brilliancy in nd but for this the damage wouiu tne nnals of the capital, ave been much more severe, prepared that he ever belonged to the Industrll Workers of the World or that he paid any initiation fee during the strike. "I am not a member but I am going to belong to It when I get out of here." said the prisoner. Caruso said he did not near oi tne killing of Anna Loptao until he went to the Italian postottiee an hour after the shooting when he saw Officer Marshall there. OF A.F.L. nf Allmnla and the nroposed occupa- Hon by tho Servians of a port on the Adriatic sea. ; .,', ' " ' ' TWnitn this and the further fact that the Russian press is dally inten sifying the warlike tone of its sup port to the Servian cause, Rome of the Wnronenn chancelleries take a more optimistic view of the condition of affairs. Adi'lanople Garrison Starving. Hniin RnitrarlH. Nov. 12. The sltua- tion ot' the Bulgarian troops investing probably Planning Campaign' Aariauopie Him vii a i...ui.i.j . in front of Constantinople is the sud Joct of many rumors today, owing to the absence ot any official dispatches from the front. It is known that the Bulgarian troops have opened their attack on the Tchatalja forts, but no details of the fighting have been re ceived. The Bulgarian and Servian to Capture the Rochester Labor Convention. Preparatory Steps System of Holding Farm Products Taken. Six Accused of Stripping and Pouring Red Paint on Ohio Girl. By Atsotiatcd Press. Nev Orleans. Nov. 12. At the clos ing fwsslon of tho Farmers' National congrr yesterday resolutions were adopted favoring the passim by con fcion of laws prohibiting the coloring of oleomargnrlno. In Imitation or Kinblunce of butter. . Preparatory steps were tjken to ward devising a plsn for the uniform warehousing of all farm products, with view of enabling farmers to hold their products so as to obtuln Just prices. Resolutions against the abridgement of the press, hi contained In the rc . cenlly enacted iotofflce appropria tion act, and In favor of the creation or a bureau of market In the depart ment of agriculture were adopted. It whm announced that the next congress will bo held at Piano, 111. - The constitution of the congress was amended so as to make eligible to membership representatives of differ nt organisations devoted to the In li renn of farming and agriculture. TIME RTG0LUMB1R, S. C President-elect Accepts Invita tipn to Use His Old Home There. UFJ PLACED ON TRIAL FOR "I BIG YIELDS REPORTED ASSOCIATION MEETS About 700 Physicians at Jack sonville Committees Re port, Papers Read. By Associated Preaa. Norwalk. O.. Nov. 12. A large pro ,nrtiin nf the DoDulatlon of est Clark slleld, 12 m Reports Director Has Received from South Especially Encouraging. By Associated Preaa. Washington. Nov. 12. Report Director Gallowsy ttf the bureau By Aaaociated Preaa. Jacksonville, Fla.. Nov. 12. The cnihiirn Medical association opened GallOWaV Its annual session in this city today. ' . .u. nu,hhorhnod of 700 physi cians from all parts of the south are i nttnnHunee and every train arriv ing in the city is bringing in more of .v.. .owiatinn members. The meet thi. nu.rntnir was called to order bv Dr J. D. Lovo of this city who Is chairman of the committee on ar By Associated Preaa. Rochester. N. Y.. Nov. 12. With troops engaged In the siege of Adrian- reports disposed of, delegates to the ople are working In hearty co-opera tion. Some of the Turkish troops taken prisoners during sorties of the garrison declare that conditions in the cltv are desperate. The population. thev say. Is on the verge of starvation and It is thought tho Turkish garrison will be starved out in ten days at the utmost Turkish Garrison Hard-ITetwetl. Rleka, Montenegro, Nov. 12. The bombardment of the Turkish city of Tarakosch, on Lake Scutari, continued throughout Sunday. Toward evening he-Turkish garrison withdrew to the highest points of the works, which are on the sides ot the mountains. Their position was rendered so des perate by exposure to tho snow ana a(la(,d t0 the federation during the lack of provisions mat tne aeienuers i puBt yPaT tno piamond Workers Fro attempted later to abandon all their tottives union 0f America and the positions and to escape into tne my Hrotherhood of Railway Express of Scutari. They were, however, VVorkers of America. driven back into Tarakosch by the I pre.i,ient Gomners says the ever- Montenegrin troops. I urei,ent question of the 8-hour day annual convention of the American Federation of Labor today settled down to discussions and business that -may make this meeting a memorable one. There is a general sentiment that the annual fight for socialism will again obtrude. There are many so cialist delegates here and they are having meetings each evening. ( Reading of the annual report of the executive committee occupied tne morning session today. President Gompers announced that a new de parture In the council's report is that the reports by Individual officers are eliminated. This year's report showed ttvit two new organizations had been T Following tho calling oi me "- OF THE IS MQV1 plant industry Indicate record yields atlon to order an addres ol jvei. ome m the crops Planted In the boys' corn ,,, tn8 physician, was delivered by . . . .... .J.......i,.Mirv on..rlal-1 ur w. 8. Jordan. Dr. W. 8. Man- he county Mat. loaay lo ciu ... inrougm uc ... "'J I " n :hRlf ot tne DuVal county he present at-the trial of he mx men , y in tne h' V " ' ' plrlda State Medk al assocla- charged with "tarring'' Minnie La- t on is to teacn " :d tho .outhern medical The boy. producing the greatest men. In response to these elcoml" ..i.ih. . rnte exnense win nrlies Uddresset, Dr. Isadora Dyer ot JNew Dr. then valley, a 18 years old gin in tne vil lage on the night ol August aw. The spinc orcens. Charge. ------ nl5th. ous conspiracy. , ine . ------- ...,:.,. - wkson ot Miami Reginald Thomas town comnao.e, nio"- J" phy- Joseph and Carl 8 y. iiar.ow , i -r-. L""" " ".;r"-L lllhll ' "T" dwelling upon the necessity of nest Welsh and Joseph summing., as to mevnuu. "': ' ""., "A ,h- Hrowln of a They were indicted three week. ago. l";,"'',...! nractlco. Forty wltneies were n co" in , - gTpIKIJ , VBrou, committees and answer to subpoenas, i ne trial room . .,,, :, .,,,,,, of minor ImporUnce wai crowded too with people anxious , pOSTPOHiiU IiVJ5 . then fo)iowed the reading of papers by vr. neweuyn r. to ses the girl and the men .he accuses." Minnie Lav-alley claim, that on tne t'liinniiiiiliiii Ht-vlco Htttlen Cbunli. From By Aiaociuted Preaa. Louisville, Ky., Njv. 12 Thieves Hilered the . Hroadway Methodist i hu h hers yesterday und stole a part of the sliver communion service, a 'iirmlltV of Wine and other nrtlcles t,t w-ro kepi In a room adjoining lii.. nn,!!!,,rl'"i. EX-SENATOR LORIMER IS CRITICALLY ILL llil Aaaociated Preaa, Princeton. Nov. 12. President-elect Woodrow Wilson was Invited yester day to spend his winter, at Columbia. a r hi. old home. William E. Oon rales', editor of the -Columbia State, Mavor W. H. Olbbea, Dr. S. l Mitch ell, president of the Fhlverslty of South Carollnn. J. E. Hwesring. stiUe upBrlntendent of education, and James Woodrow, n cousin oi mi. on anil n Instmc purchase by the state or nn ion.m or. Annur sii.l that it was being remodelled Immediate operation. At Dr. Hevan s f,.r his use n s winter home. It Is uKeMlon preparations were made to ihi Hi. Wilsons will spend .(akn Mr. T.orlmer to the presbti.rln part of their winter, mere. By AaeocUUed Press. Barker of Baltimore. Md.; Dr. Stuart .Wkannville. K a,. NOV. 12. The " . ... V . Rnhurl O. night of August 20 six men hauled thmaened walkout of all union. In Mcouire ot "ch ,e' g C-( and her behind a building at west ciarKS' the c)ty ln ,ympathy with the stnaing - - , of Bavanniih, Ga. ii,.i,l n,l after stripping her poured ,. a conductor, threatened ur. n. . red paint over her. i to occur today ha. been postponed for ,( of KnMai Ct, ..Jo,. Cars are running a u.ual today. By Aaaociated Prrsa. New York, Nov. 12. The trial of tho four men charged with the mur der of Herman Rosenthal moved swiftly today. Within an hour after court opened, Assistant District At torney Moss had completed his Jury address and four witnesses had taken the stand and the abolition of child labor un doubtedly will discussed. Declarations that union labor Is making giant strides towarJs Its ideals and bright prediction, for Its future were contained ln the reports of the officers of the American Feder ation of Ibor yesterday. These re- porta, with a partial report from tho credentials committee, and the ap pointment of convention committee occcupled tho sessions. The attend ance was not no large a. hal been ex pected, only 3fH delegate, being .eat-ed. President , Samuel Goinpers twice referred to the McNamara case: once In his, annual report, when he re viewed the Los Angeles situation, and Among these wa. Dr. Otto SchulUe, I urged a movement for the general who performed the autopsy. Dr. I improvement u.r me vu....... ... HchulU produced the bullets now iron worker, ami again, innireunj, ... shapeless bits of lead which he had! his opening remarks, when he pro- i.i,..i, n.,u.nthul'a.hriiln and held I lesuni against tne iimunm ui tKm i.n wh.r ih dnfnndanta could T'derelicts of unionism" ss exsmplo. . . see them. I of what that movement .tsnds for. ROB BANK OF $2500; ESCAPE IN MOTOR CAR MISSIONARIES SAFE IN CONSTANTINOPLE Five Yrggnien Dynanillo Kafe at Uchclata. kla Cut Telephone Wire, and Fleo. Father Knmmer Dcail. By Aaaociated Preaa. Chicago, Nov. 12. Former United Li... un.inr William Lorlmer today to. In the unlver- La. reported to be critically 111 from I Aloystus Kammer. who for forty . ye. rmed him of the 1 appendicitis t his residence her. j had conducted mission. In tnolic enurcnes tnrougnoui in .wu,.,.., R.i Aaaociated Preas. Newark, N. J.. Nov. 1J. The Rev. I ft.. I .it ,i i ihm nn.Tii'.'.s. Is dead of Hrlghf. disease at Mendhsm. N, J. leather Kammer was member of the J.'imlt or.ltir, having been nr rt Uil. 1 In IMiS at Leavenworth, Kan. By Associated Press. Indianapolis. Nov. II. Ortle Mc Manlgal told at the "dynamite con spiracy" trial today how, with IS quarts of nltro-glycerlne, h arrived in Kansas City. Mo., to blow up a bridge across the Missouri river there in August, 110, He testified he had gone as a paid accomplice- of John J. McNamara. who, at lndlnnapoll.. hid In-trurted him to cause three explo sions on the bridge non-union work men wore building. By Associated Press. nartlesvllle, Okla., Nov. 12. Five yeggmen early today aynamiien me Bank of Ochelata, at Ucheiata, uma and secured 12500 and escaped. The robbe cut all telephone and telegraph wires leading Into the town. They left Ochulata on a band car, go ing south two miles, where . auto mobile awaited them. A '. in pursuit of the ri.b- Her. By Associated Press. .WW it NVw 'ork, Nov. 12 Cleve land H. Dodge of thl. city to day received the following ca blegram from Dr. Gates, presi dent of Robert College at Con stantinople: "Constantinople, Nov. 12. The missionaries nd cull. at Constantinople sre nil ritl.l. The clly Is tri.n'niil. imr i ! leire i In u H lm Ml