Tuesday, November 12, 1012 rrrr Actrrrn.T.ir OAEtfTTE-NEWS. n n fij ft 1 irdOOOS NO WORRY ABOUT FIRES If vou are supplied withM & AV INDIAN Coal, lias highest per centage of fuel value, and burns to little, ash. Phone 130 for -.whiter, supply. Carolina Coal & Ice Company ISllSKENffiE n ASNEW FEATURES Constable Jones Star Witness in Case Against Wiley P. Black. Kerndell Brand Coffee Is made from the finest coffee beans nature produces those grown In the porous lava beds of the tablelands. The process of .drying; roast ing and blending Kermlell brand coffee retain the true . aroma and enhance the deli cate flavor. Send us your orders. E. C. Jarrett cuore I'jiones ana s 1921. Market Phone 473. FEET COMFORTABLE ALWAYS -That is, if clad with Guaran tee shoes i n tan, or gun metal leathers, with plenty of room for your feet, yet graeelul in line and shape. (See them in window best in the country for four dollars. GuaranteeShoeStore South Maiu 81 WE SELL IT FOR LESS We can nice,', your wants in silver and nickle ware. The only place for a com plete line of china, tin and enameled ware. The I X L DEPT. STORE 11 I'atlon Ave. Phone 107 J. E. Carpenter JEWELER "Watches and Fine Jewelry. "Watch Repairing my Specialty No. Hl'aik Square. eyes testf:d glasses kitted lt. 7.. V. IllGIISMlTH OPTOMETRIST 8 Grady street. Phone 1127. AS1IUVILLE, X. C. OPTIMISM AND ENERGY On the part of our city 'building institution and the men behind it are making a GREATER ASHEVILLE Which has already be come famous through laundry work done tlii NICHOLS WAY. J'.OOST, llOOM, Iil'IIJ). Asheville Laundry Where Linen Uvea foner. I. A. NICHOLS, Msr. 43 College St. Judge Adams in Police court now has the task thrust upon him of un raveling another whiskey -case that is unlike any that has come up in Ashe ville in the past and probably has none sides for solution . than any ether. A lew developments In the case came out this morning In the 'hearing against Wiley P. Black, charged with keeping more than two gallons of whiskey on hand for sale. Just enough evidence was taken to day, to make it interesting and the cas-e will be concluded tomorrow morning. ; Constable Hack Jones was the star wltnew this morning and it developed from his testimony that since last May six barrels of .whiskey, have come to Craggy station consigned to I.. H. F!eis; further than the mere arrival of the whiskey Mr. Jones testified to some rather interesting facts. It seems that as each barrel of the spir its arrived Wiley llluck -went -before Justice of the Peace F. X. Waddell and made affidavit that Mayo Broth ers of Cincinnati, from whom the whiskeywas shipped, owed him a cer tain sum of money and he made ap plication for claim and delivery pa pers on the barrels separately, naming the value of each at $75. The papers were issued each time by 'Squire Waddell and turned over lo t'onstable Jones who proceeded to Craegy with a dray and removed it to a barn in Woolsey owned by J. C .vioore. the key to which was furnish ed him liy Black and was carried by him after the whiskey was stored. There was no evidence that there has ever been any adjudication in any of the mutters since the whiskey was seized. It,. was at this point that the ease wag continued until tomorrow morn ing and the court, instructed Mr. Jones to report some time during to day or by 9 o'clock tomorrow morn ing the exact whereabouts of the six barrels of whiskey. Then a deputy fherlff and two policemen went to the barn in question and made a search which resulted in their finding one Ballon, of "the spirits instead of six barrels, and besides this they also discovered 26 empty jugs and demi johns. Explanations from somewhere will therefore doubtless he expected at tomorrow morning's session of : the court It might be of Interest to the whole proceeding just here to state that in law a justice of the peace has no right to ispue claim and .delivery papers for goods exceeding in value 150 and so the whole proceedings before 'Squire Waddell are void since the affidavits distinctly state that the consignments were worth If 7 5 and he had no juris diction In the' matter. 'Squire Wad dell will be one of the principal wit nesses nt the hearing tomorrow morn ing, when he will be asked fully about what disposition he has made of the canes' in the premises. t'onstable Jones was asked rather pointedly this morning why he had not brought the whiskey Into the city, where It would have been placed in the jurisdiction of the Police court, l ot he gave no reason for this ac Non. Other Police Court '('awn. There were two eases docketed that promise to prove Interesting If there are any grounds for the actions. Charles llaney and Dormer Shlpman are charged in these cases with the larceny of ia from R O. Williams by holding him up on the public highway at the point of a gun, one man manip ulating the gun and the other going through his pockets. The cases will probably turn on the ldentlllt atlon of the two men by the victim, Mr. Wil liams. The rases went over for a day, John Klnger.was on the docket charged with retailing to Susie Joneii but when the case wus called he failed lo respond and a capias was issued for his arrest. The Jones woman was before the court the previous session for being drunk In the city and she made allidavlt that sho had bought the whiskey front Klnger. WIIIlM Kyle was found guilty today of an HHseult with a chair on Mary Spears and wus lined 110 and the costs. Zch Coche was taxed with a penalty of $4 and the costs for being drunk In the cltv. The case against It. C, Taylor, charged with driving an automobile on the wrong side of a street car while It was discharging passengers, wus continued. In the case of Mrs. Nelson, who hud been found guilty of disorderly con duct, a Judgment of nol prosse with leave was entered. Sassaparilla Cures all blood humors, all eruptions, clears the complex ion, creates an "appetite, aids digestion, relieves that tired feeling, gives vigor and vim. Get It today In usual liquid form or chocolated tablets called Sarsat&bs. C!TYNEWS The directors of the Ashcvillu Mer chants association have a meeting to night at 7: ISO o'clock for the transac tion of important business and it u urged that all attend. K. P. Burnett brought to the office of The Oa.ette-.ews today a large stalk of cotton with many bolls, which he grew in his garden on South French Broad avenue. Judge Boyd signed several docu ments in United States District court this morning, including some .-bankruptcy' proceedings, and court wus ad journed. Me left this .afternoon', for his home In (Ireensboro. Deputy Collectors Kanlpe and Shel um have reported to Internal Revenue Agent K. It. Sams the seizure of an Illicit distillerv and complete- plant In Burke county, also the arrest of two men connected with the plant. No motions or other court matters were brought before Judge Boyd in United States District court this morn ing, although there will be some bank ruptcy hearings this afternoon. Judge Boyd will remain in the city until Wednesday. J. M. Patterson, chairman of the progressive executive committee of the county, II led his election expense account yesterday. The total Is $159.20, about a tenth of the amount showed In the statement of Chairman J. E. Swain. Mr. Patterson's state ment' shows: Newspaper advertising, $40.50;. printing, $34.73; railroad fare and livery, $35.35; clerk hire, . $25; rent, $13; credentials, $8.35; postage, $2.55. By an instrument tiled in the office of register of deeds, dated October 22. the Southern railway leases to Dickey Kr Campbell, lumbermen of Black Mountain, rails and angle bars for a rialroad from near Black .Mountain partly through Buncombe, McDowell and Yancey counties for a distance of live miles and 34 00 feet, for a period ol live years, for a consideration in tents which will hereafter be paid by !he lesoeii. f h aimers ten O TO R C A R S SPECIAL BARGAINS In Ladies' Long Coats. Large stock to select from. . GEO. W. JENKINS i 18 S. Main St. MOTOR CARS Made in Chalmers Shops HIGH QUALITY RUGS Pretl v Xew Patterns All Sizes- Just it ceived, a new shipment of Chalmers cars, (one Ij ASHEVILLE CARPET and one six clyiuder). Conic in and see these won derful values. . ";;t;" $1!.")0. ".")" $2400, fully equipped. - - 1 Asheville Automobile Co. IP sod 17 Soatb Lexington Aveniao. 1 HOUSE i 20 Churc h Street. Phone 228. Carpets and matting laid without ex tra charge.- INDEXED I'lTiE BOXES . Are mighty handy for. taking care of tertain kind of papers and correspondence. For those who have much correspondence, our .VERTI CAL KIM NO CABINETS, of Globe-Wernicke fame, are unexcelled, and giVes'you quick access to all important papers. :; .. ROGERS' BOOK STORE, 39 Patton Ave. . Take 1 he Children some FRESH 2H TAFFY i CANDY KITCHEN WE WANT TO TALK To- people wbo desire to put in their winter supply of coal now, while the wentlnr's good, and while the price is special in five ton lots. All papers in the country are carrying asso ciated press dispatches as to shortage of cars and it is very likely that the price will soar this winter, bur Monarch Coal is high grade. Southern Coal Co. fnone 114. No. 10 N. Pack Sq. M & W i I COAL ('old frosty morning and cold .windy days tell the needs of a good coal t M & W leads. Phone 40. Asheville Coal Co. r HXlt HMMI.I,,,,, HAYWOOD STKEET HEAR POSTOFFICE SUPERIOR COURT Ai'Kiinieiil Is Heard In Oscar Sains vs. Charles I'. Williams. Trustee, and W. II. Kevin. The, entire-morning session of Su perior court for the trial of civil cases has been consumed in the hearing of the ease of Oscar Sams vs. Charles V, Williams, trustee, and W. II. Beeves, vhich was taken up yesterday after noon. The evidence was finished this mornini;; the arguments will be this afternoon. The plaintiff alleues that he bought a piece of land from the defendant Beeves, glvinK four noil's for $200 each; that after he had paid nearly till of three of these notes the de fendant Beeves refused to make an accounting and thereafter refused to accept payment for the balance of the notes; and had the trustee, the defendant Williams, to ml vert inn the land for sale, .a dies ' guaranteed gold and pearl handles, silk covers $4.50 (Jent's sterling silver handles, silk covers ........... $3.75 !l goods guaranteed as represented, or money refunded. C.rantN No. 2 1 Cure Cold and Grip. 2."c Chamberi ft Weavei. Livery. Phone) Asheville l"aint (Juts Co., formerly The .MIller-HIre Paint Co. I.orin Palnl WAJMT3 I.iiST Small photograph (ttrotip) Monday ufternoon between Brock's Sludlo and Square. Return to this office. lt-236 CMAXNING'H WORKS, 14 vol. Dickens. War Between the Btate Johnson' Encyclopedia, Universal Dictionary. Histories, Hloirraphlea, Cheap. Ve Old Uook Bhop, 114 Button Ave. FOUR AUCTIONEERS BUSY OUT HI JACKSON PARK T.HXXM POWDERS. " Not soup tone, but the pur tale. White and flesh color. Why pay for a name? Once, used, always used. t. ASHEVILLE BARBER HUP. CO. 23 North Main. GOOD ONE GENOVAR SMOKER & Cents " BARBEE'S 14 Patton Avenue A. II. GOODLAKE Contractor & Builder . Concrete Work a Specialty 2 D.'Paci C v-iaiB. Throughout the day people have beon coming and going to the Jackson park, where Robert R. Reynold li developing: a residence addition to the city and today la having the lota aold at auction. There are over 300 lota, and It la expected that the aala will continue until the late afternoon. It la a very busy place. Besldea the numbers that are attending- the aale there are crowds ef laborers working on tha streets which have been laid out through the property! and In clear ing up the lots. There la a brass band which helps to keep things lively; and a barbecue dinner was served just after noon to those attending. Four auctioneers are employed to cry th bids. At 1 o'clock today not half of the lots had been sold, as the bidding on moat of them was very lively. The bidders seemed to think that they were getting the lots at reasonable pi Ices, although some of them had already brought as high as 1350. Among those who had purchased lots were Dr. li. n. Weaver, Frank Mndsey, Mis. J. D. Mowers,... W. P. Howard, Mim Muftis Btlnes. U O. Hnr ullnn, U. U Karnier. W. f. Abbey, ft SMkl. ather, Mrs. Kle Mi.bley. Dl'ND A few days ugo In Ashe ville, a butv h of keys with Coca Cola opener on the ring. Owner please call at this office and pay for this adv. and receive same. 2 (i C -3 1. M IKK ION CIX)CK NOW 11.95 We are making a special offer for a short time only. For cash, we will sell a handsome MISSION CLOCK, 24 Inches high, 12 Inches wide. strikes the hour and half hour on a cathedral gong. 8 days wind, Welch movement, serviceable, snd alto gethcr very attractive. Suitable for hall, living-room, or dining-room This price is only for those who pay cash. Only one clock sold to each person. 1.. X. 1 Department Store, No. 2il Patton avenue. Phone 107. j . . 236-52t. BLOM EERGS For your Cigars, Tobaccos, Pipes, Smokers Sporting Goods. 17 Pat ton Ave. ELECTRICAL FIXTURES Portable Lamps, Electric Ironi and Heating Apparatni. W. A. WARD l2Chnrch St. Phon 449. FILMS DEVELOPED BY S FILM EXPERTS. They get results, impossible or un likely at home. Kodaks loaned free; films for sale; prints made; better pictures less money. KAY'S STUDIO does It better charges less. 2 N. Pack Square, Articles and ! Peters June Pasture Dairy Meal. Peters Alfalfa Queen Dairy Feed. Peters Arab , Horse Feed. Each the best of its kind. ASHEVILLE GRAIN & HAY COMPANY. Vholesale Distributers. Umbrellas we nave Just -received our first shipment of 1913 Buick cars. These cars are now on exhibition at our show rooms on North Main street and you ure "invited to call and inspect them. Last year -we were forced to return several deposits 'because of . our inability to procure sufficient cars to supply the demand. Come in now and make your reservations for the ensuing year, you may be disappointed If you wait till later. i ... Arbogast Motor Co. Phone 303 No. 52 to 60 North Main St. The Best Picture House in the State. 'nncess The Place to Spend an Enjoyable Hour, Halibut Steak, Mackerel, Ked Snapper, Lobster. ACME FISH CO. riioito ail t'L-iunil Murkct 3 PIECE ORCHESTRA unnr .... .d. J 9(0 LP KBBfl Flowers FOR SALlT'OR EXCHANGE! -A new f eight room modern house. Nice lot. - fine view. I xi cation Furman ave nue. Will sell on easy terms or ex- change for vacant lot. Hee Donna hoe Ik Bledsoe, Phone 649, 236-3t FOR 8AIJC A choice lot on Hillside street and Arlington street and on same will build you a home to suit and pay for It like rent. Bee Don nahoe A Bledsoe, Phone 84. 238-SI NOTICE If you own your lot and want a house built on it or wish . new home, see us, we will build foi you. Hee Donnahoe Bledsoe Phone 49. 21-3l FOR HALF.- -Beven piece Kltehet Bet, Including a cleaver, breuv knife, can opener, carting knife an fork, paring knife and csrborunduir sharpener. Brand new articles ir neat boxet orjtr a few left Whit, I hey limt, only ufto per set. 1. X '. L Th-pMrtment Htore, No. 21 I'littor. li venue. Phone 107, 236-521, Having accepted the agency for Flowers for Chas. L. , Baum, Knoxville, Tenn., we are in a position to supply all kinds of Cut Flowers. We cater especially for de signs for weddings, funerals, etc. McKay's Pharmacy LEADING DRUGGISTS "On the Square." ? Phone 1947 HOME ItfAl? I AI)n FRESH MADE LUffAf JUfAlAU RENDERED STAR MARKET PHONES 191719181919 "We are the successful Caterers to Variety of Appetites." Theatre J PICTURE PROGRAM TODAY. "The Irony of Fate' Love Story Vitagrapli "The Love Test" Coined y . . . . , S. 0. A. "A Railroad Loekinvar" Drama ". . Kaleni Open from 10 a. m. to 11 p. m. A REAL COMFORT The Simplex Electric Ileatintr Pad. Is ready for iiku at any instant and will furnish you the noccssary heat eontin uously, day and right without causing the least bit of both er. Use in place of old style hot water bottle. Single Ileal, $5.50; Three Heat $0.50. PIEDMONT ELECTRIC CO. Opp. Postoffice. 64 Patton Ave. FRESH CLAMS 25c Pt. ASHEVILLE FISH CO. Phones 33-280-315 City Market. Citizens Transfer Company JULIAN WOODCOCK, Owner. : FURNITURE MOVING t Prompt Baggage Transfer Service. . , , . Endorsed by tT, C. T. and T. P. A. J Wis M on neaiers FOR SALE FOR RENT House on Cumberland avenue. T.rms , room cottage. D-.pot ssctlon Ilk rent. . .Price 110.00 month. MARSTFI.LER & CO " MARDTZLLER & CO. ... J faiain - tl lly-uw) tit, IWI Kitate, ft :vtw4x f it .--I h.. i .' i .. ,,...t " Make your borne comfortable with the smallest amount of fuel possible. They are AM TIGHT and can' be regulated to any degree you wish to keep your room. Try one today. . ' " f ) Ottis GreenHdweCc. (w 11 w. p-zr-