Honda y, IS, 1312. TTTS ASIIEVILL3 G AI2TTE-KT773,. H . vr Forced to Goods We Don'tWant Orders placed months ago are being filled goods are Leiug shipped us regardless of our plea to the makers that orders be cancelled.-. AVe have explained to them that we have no earthly use for the goods that the firm's business is .being liquidated, but it seems to make no difference with the manufacturers--- they 'continue to fill the orders per their original instructions and tell us we will have to get rid of them the best way we can, as they will not permit the fc-oods to be thrown back on their hands this late in the season. There is nothing left for us to do but offer them to the buying public at Liquidating Sale Closing Out Prices Following New Goods Went on Sale this Morning Two cases outing flannel. ' Five cases sheets (all sizes.) Five cases fine blankets. , '?' Two cases ladies' underwear. Two cases towels, assorted. Two cases window shades, including fixtures. Regu lar retail price floe. Here. . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . i . . . ,15c One case army blankets, One case Boys'. Suits and Overcoats (100 garments in all); sizes 5 to 16, at cost prices COME AND GET YOUR SHARE OP THESE BARGAINS. People's Department Store 40-42 PATTON AVENUE SUMNER SONS & CO.'S OLD STAND H. L. Gilmore Commercial Adjusters & Go Now liquidating the business of The People's Department Store. A Forced Sale Where Goods Must Be Turned into , - Cash Regardless -of Loss. FilHtllL Stocks, Bonds, Cotton, Grain, Provisions, Money New York, New Or leans, Chicago and For eign Market News. WALL STREET GOSSIP. By Asmciated Ptpm. New Vol 1;. Nov. 18. On a small volume of business prices of the lead- ins stocks declined at the opening; to. j day. The heaviest trading was in i Reading which fell back 3-4 on sales of 6,690 shares in the first few min-j UtfS. Some recovery was effected in the active slocks but they went off again when acute weakness developed in certain specialties. Lethargy of stocks was due largely to the possibility that decisions might bo rendered by the United States Su preme court in some of the long standing cases affecting Wall street. Few issues weakened substantially with the exception of a number which were affected by the expected tariff evision. Bonds were steady. Announcement at midday that the supreme court would adjourn for a fortnight after today's session without taking action In some of the more im portant cases before it, caused some irregularity In stocks, particularly' Heading.. . Prices shaded further in the later dealings, steel losing practically all its gains in the spurt of the preceding hour with general heaviness in other representative Issues. The market closed heavy. Trading was practically at a standstill in the closing hour and except for some weakness in active stock prices were not substantially changed. New Shirt Waists For Women Received by express Friday a t'ulf shipment of r.ew shirt waists in chiffon, drapes and mescaline. Just ns chic as master makers could create. SEE "WINDOW DISPLAY. SMART FELT HATS FOR WOMEN AND MISSES A shipment of. sample felt liats in white, pink,", tan, blue and red, just what you need and at a great saying. One table full of felt hats, worth up to $2.50, 'priced 98c SAMPLE SUIT SALE NOW ON Let us help yon in picking your fall suit or coat. A mune'v savins? sale is now on in suit section. The Asheville Dry Goods Co. Established 1887. Purest and Best Rumford Baking Powder THE GRUNER SANITARIUM AgbeTllle, N. O. No. 28-81 Ha ywood Street. Phono 684 HYDKO-THERMO-EIiECTRO an A MECHANO-THERAPT, DtETlCS for aeleoted cases of Nervousness, Par alysU, Hayfever, Malaria, Asthma. Stomach, Rheumatism, Diseases of W omen and other chronic disease. The BATHS AND MASSAGE Department of the Sanitarium la open to tne public, tmuiui attendants lor hoth JbAUIKS and GENTLEMEN. Open day Bllj Nlg,,t SPECIAL FALL ANNOUNCEMENT . To get your Fall Suits put in First-Class Condition we make this SPECIAL OFFER To clean and press men's business suits $1.00 To clean and press ladies' plain colored coat suits $1.00 (No rush or special work at this price.) This is a. big offer, but is made to gain an entree into every homo in Asheville and prove to Asheville citizens tlwtwe can do work of this nature the equal of plants in Haiti more, Washington or Philadelphia. Ours is a Modern Dry Cleaning Plant $10,000 worth of the latest improved machinery und supplies for this particular work, including a big distiller for making the finest qual ity of benzine for use in cleaning all fine garments. Phones 835 and 836 ASHEVILLE DRY CLEANING CO. First door left of entrance Langren Hotel. ( 1 ' - I CHICAGO MEAT MARKET. Chicago, Nov. 18. Cattle: Receipts 25,000; market steady to shade low er; beeves 6.3011.00; Texas steers 4.305.60; Western steers 5.509.00; stackers and feeders 4.10TO7.10; cows and heifers 2.75 f( 7.40; calves 6,50 10.40. Hogs Receipts 45,000'; market quiet 510 lower; light 7.20 (R 7.75; mixed 7.30ffi7.80; heavy 7.25 7.80; rough 7.257.45; pigs 4.756.70; bulk of sales 7.55 7.75. Sheep: Receipts 48,000; market slow generally steady; native 3.50 fj) 4.65; western 3.75 4.00; yearlings 4.S06.0O;- lambs native 5.607.70; western 5.75 iff 7.60. Artistic Picture Framing We have the very newest line of Picture Moulding in town and offer to our customers better prices on 'frames made td order than Asheville ever knew of before. Bring your next pictures to us and save 25 per cent on your next framing bin.-'.::' ": ROBINSON'S KODAK STORE 3 Haywood St. Phone 102 NEW YORK COTTON. New York. Nov. IS. Cotton open ed firm at an advance of 9 Sri 7 points on better cables than expected, re ports of, cold weather in .the south, covering and renewal of support from the old bull brokers. There was considerable cotton for sale, but the offerings were readily absorbed mil prices sold 22 to 23 points high er before the end of the first hour with March contracts touching 12 rents. Realizing checked the advance around this level und slight reactions occurred from the best, but liquldr tion was by no means as active as n bad been at times last week. The market was less active late In the forenoon, but after a reaction of four or live points from the high level ruled fairly steady with active months still showing a net gain of 18 or 19 points at midday. Spot quiet; middling uplands noni 'inal. . Cotton spot closed steady; middling uplands 12.10; do guir 12.35; Pules 84TB bales. The market firmed on bullish south ern spot advices In the early after noon. Prices sold about 2 8 to 30 points ubnvo Saturday's closing with December relatively linn on covering. UNITED GROCERY CO. Store of Quality 415 N. Main. Phone 1617 Fine Groceries and Choice Meats Our specialties are Quality, Courtesy, Quick " Deliv ery and Eight Prices. wammtmmmsm CHICAGO PROVISIONS. Cliicago, Nov. 18. Butter steady; creameries 2!) or 34; dairies 26ffc31; eggs steady; receipts 2028 cases; at murk, cases included 22 gi 25; ordinary firsts 2 1: lirsls 27. Cheese: Steady, daisies 1714 ?i ; twins 1 ' 17; Young Americas 16 17: Long Horns 16 17. Potatoes steady; receipts 115 curs; Michigan 4 S ftr 5 3 : Wisconsin 45( 52. Poultry: Weak, turkeys 18; chick ens 10; springs 11. Veal: Steady 9M14. . LONDON' STOCK 'MARKET. London, Nov. 18. The stock mar ket was quiet toduy pending develop ments In the continental und home political situations. Changes on the day, however, were Irregular. Ameri can securities after a quiet opening eased off. Prices recovered on cover ing beforo noon but later Wall street offerings induced another decline. Closed quiet- Money was In good sup ply and discount rates were. easy. LIVERPOOL COTTON. Liverpool, Nov. 18. Cotton quiet, prices steady; American dllng fuir, 7.24; good middling, middling. 6.72; low middling, good ordinary, 6.08; ordinary, 6.60. Hales 6000 bales, of which BOO were for speculation and export and which included 5600 American. Receipts 41.300 bales, all American. Futures opened barely steady and closed steady. November 4.61 ; No- ember-December 6.48; December January, January-February, February-March 6.46: March-April, April May, May-June, 6.45 4'; June-July 6.45; 'July-August 6.44: August-September 6.35; September-October 6.23; October-November C.18. spot 6.54; NEW YORK .MONEY MARKET. New York, Nov. 18. Money on cull firm, 5 "M perectn; ruling rate and closing bid 6; offered at 5. Time loans steady; 60 days 6 per cent; DO duvs 5 i f 6 : six months 8 V Close: Prime mcrcnntlle paper 6 per rent. Sterling exchange sfendy with actual business In bunkers' hills at 4,81 for flO day bills and at 4.85.15 for demand. Commercial bills 4.8014. llur silver 62 . Mexican dollars. 48, Government bonds steady. Railroad bonds Irregular. CASH GRAIN PRICES. Chicago, Nov. 18., No. 2 red 1.014(1.03; 1 hard 864(88; 1 northern 87(fi 88; 2 northern 85 ; velvet chaff 801JK7; durum 85 ii 8U. Corn, No. 2 yellow 57 . Oats No. 2, 30; 2 white 33 i 34; standard 3233. Rye No. 2, 61Gti2. ' Barley, 4 8 rfi, 7 4 . v Timothy seed 2.75 f 3.7. 'r Clover seed 13. OOfi 17.50. NEW YORK PROVISIONS. New York, Nov. 18. Butter firm: receipts 3073 tubs; creamery extras 35; process extras 27(i28. Cheese easier; receipts 2854 boxes; state whole milk held colored specials 17; state whole milk fresh white or colored specials ndi . Eggs irregular; receipts 7272 cases; fresh gathered extras 38 Si 41; ret'rlg- speclal marks fancy 23 24. .. NEW YORK STOCK LIST. Amalgamated Copper Amer. Beet Sugar Amer. Cotton CHI Amer. Smelt. & Refining. . . Amer. Sugar Refining imer. Tel. & Tel ....... Anaconda Mining Co Atchison . . . , Atlantic Coast Line... Baltimore Air. Ohio..' Brooklyn Rapid Transit... Canadian I'acliio Chesapeake & Ohio Chlcugo & Northwestern ... Chicago, Mil. & St. Paul... Colorado Fuel & Iron Colorado & Southern Delaware & Hudson Denver & Rio Grande Eriu General Electric Great N orthern pfd (reat Northern Ore ctfs. . . . Illinois Central Interborough-Met. Interborough-Met. pfd .... Inter Harvester Louisville & Nashville Missouri Pacific Missouri, Kansas & Texas.. Lehigh Valley National Lead New York Central Norfolk & Western Northern Pacific Pennsylvania People's Gas Pullman Palace Car Reading ... Rock Island Co.,.. Rock Island Co. pfd...... Southern Pacific Southern Railway Cnlon Pacfilc ... r. 8. Steel Wabash Western I'nlon NEW YORK COTTON 1'UTl Open C November 11 December 11.51 January 11.70 March 11.83 May 11.94 July 11.V8 11. 11. 12 12. 12 Close. 84' 54 59 79 120 '4 142 43 107 138 106 i 89 266 81 139 4 115 36 3ft 167 21 34 H I8IV4 137 46 128 . 19 65 120 146 , 44 , 28 174 59 114 . 116 124 12 116 166 171 25 50 , 111 . 29 , 172 111 77 RKS. lose. 5 3 H 5 8 73ri74 86 41 87 031(04 05 Si 06 08 fi 08 December ,..11.12 11.12',J January 10.72 ; 10.82 ,j May ;. . .10.32 10.30 RIBS per 100 lbs. - January ... 10.17 10.20 May ... ........ 9.85 9.90 THE WEATHEB If Asheville" 26 Atlanta . . . Augusta . . . Baltimore . . Birmingham Charleston . . Charlotte . . 36 32 40 30 42 32 50 60 64 50 62 60 62 46 54 66 66 46 48 60 48 Chicago Knoxvlllo Mobllo 42 New Orleans 4 New York 36 Oklahoma 34 Raleigh ... 36 Washington 38 Normal for this date: Temperature. 44; precipitation .11 inch. Forecasts until 8 p. m. Tuesday for Asheville and vicinity: Fair and warmer tonight and Tuesday. For North Carolina: Tonight fair, warmer In west portion; Tuesday fair, warmer, light north winds becoming variable. General Conditions (Past 21 Hours), There are two' slight depression on this morning's weather map, one over eastern New England and the other to the north of the plaint states, but neither slums much energy. Rain has occurred In tho St. Lawrence val ley, eastern New England, on the low er Texas coast und on the north Pa cific coast but In other portions of the country the weather has been fair. An area of high pressure of great ex tent reaches from the south Pacific coast to the Atlantic. Freezing tom peratures are reported In the north ern portion of the east gulf states and In northern Texaa, while lUjtht frost formed a far south as the cast gulf coast. Fair and warmer weather Is Indicated for thia vicinity tonight and Tuesday. ;'! T. R. TAYLOR,, Observer. CHICAGO GRAIN. WHEAT Open. December 8.1 May , 1 July 88 CORN December 47 Mav 47 V, July OATS Decemln-r 80 May . SI Th July 32 Mi PORK per bbl. January ... it 8.65 May 18.25 LARD per 100 lbs. Nnveinhur .11.30 Close. 86 2 8 47i 47 48 31 32 14 , 32 1S.9S 18.37 '4 11.3: - Johnson Asks Karly Hearing. 1 ! , - ' ' " ''!('. ' By Attaciatci Prtu Washington, Nov. 18. Through his attorney Jack Johnson, the negro pugilist, today hsken the I'nlted States Supreme court to advance his case for hesring J 11 11 miry 6, when four other cases questioning the constitutionality of the white sluvo law will be argued. Attorney General Wlckersham In open court said the government opposed the advancement of the case. That the telephone exchange at tendants of Paris are much older than those of the United States Is raid to account for the fact that there is greuter delay In securlnc calls. The telephone line nrross the Isil'mr.s of Panama Is strung on old railroad tracks. VISIT TIIK HAlM'.OAn I1A7.WII. Y. M. C. A. Hi. 11 ndjolnl.m Highland hotel, Wed Nov. 20th. 10 a. 111.. to Ml p. 111. Dinner served 12 to 3. 24 1-31.

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