The Gazette-News PUBLISHED BT Brraliz Newi Publifnlij C. ASHEVTULE. K. O. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Aslievllle and BUtmora. On Week 10c Three Month $1.16 01z Months 1.K0 Twelve Month 6.00 BY MAIL IN ADVANCE: Three Months $1.00 Six Month! 2.00 Twelve Month! 4.00 Any matter offered for publication that Is not classified as news, giving notice or appealing for support of any entertainment or project where an ad mittance or other fee la charged, Is advertising and will be accepted at regular rates only. The aame applies to cards of thanks, obituary notices, political announcements and the like. MURDERED tBtstKVQUnttNMftsisistitK m t The Gasette-News la a mem- her of The Associated Press. H Its telegraph news li there It fore complete and reliable. m HKKKKKKstfcttXttHltstltKK never occurred at all. That battle. it appears, is being fought today. In a genera! way It is known that marvelous success has nttended the arms of the allies. For a moment the veil was lifted and the world wns informed of the inroad's cholera is making into the strength of boih tirmies anil that Constantinople Is tranquil. That Is all we really know. When the Jiulgarians crush the Turks at their last and strongest stand in Kurope, if they do, the specific, de mands of the allies are made known and (heir adjustment undertaken the hadow of the war will be lifted from S(Je.ia, t0 The oazette-Wnct. E P. A. High, White, Killed Sup posedly by Logan Greene, Colored. the money world, before. and probably not Bntered at the Postofflce In AshevlHe 4 aecond-olasa matter. Monday, November 18, 1912 XOKTII CAKOMX.VS LEGISLATIVE j NEEDS. The Halcigh News and Observer sues a catalogue of legislative needs of the State, and if the general as sembly should enact sound laws to meet even a majority of these needs it will be iho most noteworthy legis lative body that has ' ascmblcd In Xorth Carolina's history. Anions the things to which attention is directed are the election laws which It refers t as ' of the past generation" say piift century; lack of adequate protec tion for women and children who work in nulls: lack of laws for sup pression of monopoly and prosecution of men engaged in restraint of trade; criminal laws r0 years behind the times; hit k of criminal prac tice act: ur-.tlquated measures for protection of employes injured; improvement of the fe'.iow servant act: unification ami bet ter business method in asylums -situ! otner public- Institutions;, the menace of a wMtc-r -power rind 'electric trust cm piiraiinii rornmissiun should In . Hi. en more administrative powers anil enabled to lix rates for power, water, gas. electricity and electric car fares; ro-nls, agricultural development, broadening anil strengthening of the educational systems; the Torrens sys tem, so that owners of and land can Iiotow money as cheaply and ex peditiously as owners of stocks and bonds; taxing systems operate unjust ly, exempting from the burdens of government too much of the property ot the well-to-do and putting too heavy a proportion of the burden on the poor;" care of youthful criminals; employment of convicts exclusively on the roads; and the Improvement of coi ntry homes. There may be many views upon in dividual proposals, but this pro gram ns a whole is one imperatively demanded by the conscience and the enlightenment of our times. Nor is ft all Inclusive. There are the new ideals and methods in penology: the question whether the constitutional burden of a double tax on mortgaged property must always bo borne; and perhaps most important of all, meas ure" for the conservation of the health of the people. There Is too great a laxity in this State as to weights and me-sures. And the Greensboro News and the Statesville Landmark will tell yon that any legislature that fails to enact a "dog law" and one with teeth, a? that, no matter what may be its ac.'iivements, has signally failed before a plain duly. Says Dr. Clews, in his weekly finan cial letter: . The European situation, which has long been a vital factor in this mar ket, shows decided improvement The Kaieigh, Nov. 18. With his head battered up, unconscious and in dying condition, and with his clothes saturated with kerosene oil and his Body partly cremated. P. A. Puc-h. identified as a lumber yard employe irom v iison county was found In Logan Greene's place on west Lenoir street early yesterday The man died a few hours later at Rex Balkan war appears to be practically ended and diplomacy may safely be hospital without regaining conscious depended upon to work out its results ness. Hiirh u i,t ,., ., without serious difficulties between his supposed murderer, Logan Greene, the great powers. Temporary friction nee m ',, .7 , may ensue, but it is very evident that Poik.e offl(,. ,wnv ",, .h- iii.nij, itiiso'd . ranee i about 4 o'clock yesterdav mornimr. an strenuously opposed to war. ! Hleh was rnrn. .... . .....v. Calm consideration of the problems to his overalls and trousers, which were be solved plainly shows inadequate partly burned by the kerosene tha occasion for any such calamity; and had been thrown over th horiv Th t ouuuiu nuc oe loiKouen max mi me man's head showed that it had been great industrial nations of Europe are struck at least ten t,m. i,i. so preoccupied with industrial activity hard stick, and the nolle, fn .mi imuiinai ue eiuumeni mat war 1SI ron rod four feef onrt tv. aiiugeniBi coo senuus an interruption quarters of an inch thick This hurl SHORTENING Cottolene large size .... $1.25 Cottolene, medium size $ .50 Snow Drift, large size , . $1.20 Snow Drift, Number 5 . . $ .60 HENRY J. OLIVE General Merchandise W. Haywood St., near Smith's Bridge. Phone 138. to receive serious consideration. The great bankers of Europe are in no way disposed to finance a ruinous European war, and they are likely to control the situation, for upon them depends the raising of the sinews of war. a great European war would be a blood on it. The police think Logan Greene had an accomplice and the motive for teh crime was robbery. The negro, in his cell at the police station, stated that the man, unknown to him, entered his place between midnight and day for the purpose of roDoery, The negro said he called to disaster that would be felt through-1 tne wnte man to stop, but he continu. w me ik-biuh irunK, wnen me iur ter struck him three or four times. out the world. The march of progress would be stayed and set back for ears. Even to our remote mountain istnesses the effect would extend. nd now comes Asheville with proposition to greatly enlarge and im prove her country club, the improve nents to include a better golf course. The Mountain City Just insisto upon staying In Charlotte's iompany. Charlotte Chronlsle. Our contemporary means well, but lionld not lose sight of the fact that Asheville already has a "better" golf ourse; and It is constantly belli 1m roved. I.ITTI.K REALLY KNOWN OF THE BALKAN WAR. While dispatches from the Euro pean capitals dealing with the diplo matic crisis brought about by the Unlkan war have been verp optimistic and reports from the near eas nr of an unbroken succession of victories by the allies, the markets of the world have not reflected the apparent Im provement In the, situation as might have been expected. The more opto mlslic feeling In Europe was reflected in London Friday when Crltlsh con soli advanced three-eights. Then Saturday they lost a part of this gain. On the heel of this came the Infor mation that no armistice had been ar ranged between Turkey and Itulgariu nnd now It seems that a battle Is ac tually being fought along the Tchatal Ja line, a short distance from Cormtar-tinopb-. T( may, have been noted that while UtiHsIa has refused to antagonize Austria-Hungary In the n tit Id pitted territorial adjustments, the emir's army has been placed on a. war foot ing and Is being kept there at consid erable expense. All of these facts taken together emphasize the lack of authoritative nen which attache to news from the pcene of war and perhaps, although loss probably, from the varloue shun celleric. Moat of the Information given (o the world of the movement or the arinlei alncge Lule Boreas has come from the- pen of Lieutenant Wagner of the Vienna. Relchpost Now It transpire that the battle he so graphically described aa haying been ought along the TchataIJa, line, when Naxlin Pasha was described as liuvlng been crippled beyond repair, A year and a half ago II. li. Nicker- on was elected President of the Transcontinental company. This Item of new news has been variously set forth of late. We have seen Mr. Nick- ersun designated as Mr. Jiiekerson, Mr. Nicholson and Mr. McKerson. To him that hath shall be- given. Young Vincent Astor, who came into an acre of money Friday, is being freely advised by every cditoriol writer what to do with it. 'Sausage and buckwheat cakes for breakfast mitigate, to a considerable extent, the. disadvantage of not being constituted like the bear, bo one coul. hibernate. BRYAN AT RALEIGH, GOING TO FLORIDA Special to The Gazette-Newt. Kaieigh, Nov, is. Mr. and Mrs. William Jennings Bryan arrived here today from Washington and are guests! be told by somebody else's Una. ui i-,aciuitai iuiiuiuiieemnii .josepuus he said. Then the negro, according to his story, went on the outside, held the door and called for help. lie ac counted for the burned clothes and body by saying that the white man probably got too near the open fire. ClUef-of-Pollce Stell did not take any stock in Logan Greene's story. It his belief that the negro murdered the white man why. the officer does not know, unless It was for his monev. For ten hours High's identity -was a question of doubt, the only evidence pointing to It being on Ills shirt, which bore the initials and name, "P. A. High." High had a half pint bottle of liquor In his pocket, but part of the stuff had been drunk. .He had $11 in bis pocket Saturday night. Logan Greene is a. notorious blind tiger. At his place-were found several empty lugs of liquor, numerous liquor In bottles and other evidences of his business. The coroner will probably bold an Inquest over the remains to day. Until some evidence Is Introduced the exact circumstances of the killing will not be known. Itlood was scat tered all over the room and a table showed that It might have played a part. The otllcers think that High was leaning over the table when first struck, the blood on the table Indicat ing this. - binding that the man was dying and fearing discovery, Lognn Greene and his accomplice or accomplices, the officers think, saturated his clothing with kerosene and applied a match. The clothes were badly burned, and the trousers were In 50 pieces. Sev eral hours afterwards they smelled strongly of oil. The man's flesh siz zled under the heat, which scorched It In several places. He was unconscious all the time, It Is believed and never regained speech. The tale will have to PROMPT DELIVERY Daniels, who entertained for them at dinner. After speaking hero tonight in tho lt:tcrc4 of tfco ho; pILa, Mr. Bryan and Jlrs. Bryan will go to Florida. The following telegram was sent yesterday by the board of trade to Mr. Bryan at Kaieigh: "William Jennings Hryan, care Jose- vhus Daniels, Kaieigh, N. C. 'Tho board of trade and city of Asheville cordiully and earnestly in vite you to be our guest following y..-r Raleigh engagement for a period of rest and recreation In our match less climato and amidst the moat glorious mountain scenery In Amer ica. We hope you can accept and promise all that will make for your omfort ii nd pleasure. "(Signed) "F. M. "WEAVER, President, "J. K. Kankln, Mayor. "LOCKE CRAIG. "CHARLES A. WEBB. "X. RFCKNEU, Secretary," MR. WILSON AND FAMILY ARRIVE AT HAMILTON Winter Residence of Mrs. J. Hamilton Opened to Presldent-Elect. HELD INCOMMUNICADO BY RUSSIAN POLICE pany'a offices here announced the a By intociatei Prett. Hamilton, Bermuda, Nov. 18. President-elect Wilson and his family on board the steamer Bermudian ar rived at Hamilton today. Alderman Black, representing the corporation of the city of Hamilton, Invited Mr. Wilson and his party to accompany him to Hamilton, where an address of welcome will be made. Large crowds of people lined the strets and wharves, awaiting the ar rival - of the president-elect and all public and prlvtte buildings are decor ated with flags and bunting. Hurst Holme, the winter residence of Mrs. J. Bord 'i Harriman, haa been offered to Mr. Y'llson during his stay here. The weather is charming. New York, Nov. 18. A cable Bie, sago to the Quebec Steamship com- rlval of the steamship Bermudian with iloliu WoIIh of Kansas City Writes oil Governor Woodrow Wilson nnd parly IbilliMinlHtu' Troubles In (Ik Czar's Land. Bermuda, at 8 aboard at Hamilton o'clocg this morning. On Board Steamship Bermudian, at Sea, Nov. 1 8. ( Wlreloaa via Seagate, V. Y.)The first stage of Woodrow Wilson's vacation the sea trip will lend today when the steamship carry By Attnrinlril Prett. Philadelphia, Nov, I s, The trou bles of a balloonist In Russia were lescribed today by Arthur Atherholl who was with John Watts of Kansas ling the president-elect and hie Sam I ly City In the International balloon race I u Bermuda, is expected to roach and landed In the czar's country. I Hamilton. Governor Wilson ha been 'We did not know we had landed I favored by fair weather and he had in Russia, he snld, "but we soon found out. A crowd of villager sur rounded tin and then the police ar rived. They refused to allow u to I communicate with any prR"it or send any message. "Finally a man from St. Petersburg who spoke German came nnd we made him understand that we hud been taking part In the balloon race. ' explained thste tho Balkan war had niacin the Russian police very active and. they feared spies. When released we were advised to make all sped back to Germany to prevent fur ther trouble. We didn't even wait for our balloon," thousands Kli.d at Adrlanople, thoroughly enjoyed hi day and nights at sea. After a long nap In hi cabin Sun day afternoon the president spent most of the evening with hi friend telling stories. Mm, Wilson, who Is feeling the strain of the campaign, haa spent most of her time since the steamer sailed In her stateroom. She sent word that he was not seasick bi:. tired. Owing to the large number of wo men In the party, president-elect Wilson declined the Invitation of the llutnlltmn corporation to go aboard a private teamer and he remained on the Itermudlau until It docked. The American visitors to tne isiana ana other greeted Mr. .Wilson with rpus Ing ehters. . - - i The president-elect and bl party landed at noon. Mr. Wilson waa re ceived by the official of the city and he Bp fooafd Prett. London. Nov. . it. The siege of Adrlanople ha cost Bulgaria enor- mou sacrifice, according to a special wa, enthusiastically cheered I ........ C . - 1. ...ha-m. Ik.l I 1 ... '"'i""iii ii. u.i ouiia. iv bih" """I pasted through tha atreeta. ine ngniing wnicn loiower iaw nun day aortle by the Turkish garrison wbi of a oat (angulnary character. Several thousand of soldier of both armies were killed or wounded. Lloensed to Wed. Emory fihop and Jessie Hall of Buncombe, while. Waitne niririi mnA Cirri McHons VISIT THE HAILhOn BAXAAIL of Buriromb. whit. Y. M. C. A. Hall adjoining Highland I nv Kl .nrl Mr Cordell of Bun- hotel. Wed. Nov. JOth. 1 a, m., to ,(,, whit. " P- I William Sullivan of South Carolina, Dinner rvd 1 to 3, 311-31. I colored. SATISFACTION Eventually you may enjoy It In the meantime, you will draw nearer that ideal state by having us examine your eyes and make correct glasses for you. We have set a high standard In our work, better than the average and we Intend to keep It so. Our Ce-Rlte Torlc lenses fit to our exclusive Atlas Shur-on mounting, are unequalled. CHARLES H. HONESS Optometrist and Optician. 54 Pat ton Ave. Opposite, Postofflce. WATER 1JOTTLKS We are sole agents for the Kantleek Water Bottles and Fountain Syringes and sell them on a two years guarantee. They nre made of pure rubber and nil the parts nre substan tially made. Everything in Drugs and Seeds. Grant 'i Pharmacy FINE FOR OUTDOOR WEAR And truly very popular. New shipment Just received. Has heavy extension sole that bends easily with the foot, blucher cut, lace model, made of finest tan leather, and with medium low heel. $5.00. Brown-Miller Shoe Co. Leaders in Fine Shoes. 47 Patton Ave. Phone 710. Brass Beds New shipment Brass Beds just in. Nice assortment. Price with good spring and mattress from $20.00 and up. DONALD & DONALD 11 So. Main St. Phone 441 Y SCHOOL ASS N. OFFICERS ARE ELECTED The convention of the Runcombe County Sunday School association, which met at Central church Friday and Saturday, closed late Saturday afternoon with the election of officers. The. next convention will be held in 1913 at Kami Hill. Resolutions of thanks were adopted In consideration cf the work done by Rev. and Mrs. Lewis Collins. Much Interest was manifested In the work of the con vention and it is felt that much good was done. Tho officers are as follows: Presi dent, Kev. Icwls Collins: vice presi dent. Row W. k. Poovey; secretary, R. R. Fitcher; executive committee, Captain W. T. Weaver. J. H. McCon nell, N. A. Reynolds, K. H. Sams and Charles E. -.Waddell; elementary su perintendent, Mrs. H. A. Durham; secondary superintendent, Mrs. W. O. Kiddick; adult superintendent, R R. Sams: teacher training superintend ent, Miss Alice Hough; missionary superintendent, Mrs. 'G. A. Rhuford; visitation superintendent. Rev. Mr. Hoiieycutt of Swannanoa, WHITE SLAVE MURDER MYSTERY IS UNSOLVED Police, However, Claim to Have Clues as to Slayer of Woman Found In Pond. By Atmaated Prett. New York, Nov. 18. After having supposed that they hod solved the Identity of the women found mur doied In a mill pond In Oeorgetown. Conn., the police admitted today that they were still at sea as to her rejtl name. Mrs. John Preston, Janltress of the EaBt Fortieth street house to which the police believed the woman wu lured and where they assert nails were driven Into her head and her Is.dy shipped away In a trunk, said that she knew her ns Carmella Ocrac- el. The detective nt work on the cae declared that new Information convinced them that thl was not her tr" name. Deputy Commissioner Dougherty s.tld that his dele, lives were following such prominent clue that he expect ed at least one nrrest Wllhln a few day. I'jiillablc Flrp Hero Dead. By Attockitfi Prett. Hartford, Conn.. Nov. 1. Clurl S. Bass, a New York fireman who wa one of the heroe of the Equitable fire last January, la dead at a hospital here from injurln rsetlved on that occasion. While he wa Imprisoned In the basement of the biasing ttruc tur hi right arm wa burned off and his skull fractured. H wa brought her for treatment a few week .to FOR SALE Or exchange for a good farm, 3 new cottages and casb. . S. D. HALL Phone 91 64 Patton Ave. Electrical Bldg. H'omiiic nt Canadians Accused of Elec tiou Frauds. By Atsociated Prett. Winnipeg, Man., Nov. 18. Sir Red mond Hoblin, premier of Manitoba and Hon. Robert Rogers, lately ap pointed dominion minister of public works are named in the McDonald district. The trial promises to be the most sensational in Canadian political history because of the prominence of those Involved. FOR ASHEVILLE PEOPLE Asheville Citizens' Experiences Fur nish Topic for Asheville Discussion. The following experience occurred In Asheville. An Asheville citizen re lates It. Similar experience are occurring daily. , . Asheville people are being relieved. Getting rid of distressing kidney Ills. Try Doan's Kidney Pills, the tested Quaker remedy. Asheville people testify, Asheville people profit. The evidence Is home evidence the proof convincing. Asheville testimony Is gratefully Slven. , ' - Asheville sufferer should heed It Rev. Q. P. Hamrick, tl Buxton street, Asheville, N. C, ay: "In view of my own experience . with Doan's Kidney Pill I willingly rec ommend them highly for use In case of weak kidneys and lame back. I procured Doan'a Kidney Pill at Smlth'a Drug Store and can say that they act Just a advertised.". , , . For aale by all dealer. Price. 50 cents, Foster-Mil burn Cq., Buffalo, New York, aole agent for the United States. Remember the name Doan s and take no other. , " v 1 TUBERCULOSIS CONQUERED - By Dr. W. 1L nAKICR'S TulH'rcular Remedy The greatest Tonic, Alterative, Ex pectorant and Tissue Builder In the world. The result of 21 years' earnest study nnd research of a prominent ethical physlcan.. If you have friends suffering or even threatened with tuberculosis be sure to tell them to send for free booklet on "Interesting Fact Concerning Tu berculosis," and "How to Live." It may be the means of saving their lives. We will send you Case Report to fill out for our regular Consulting Physl clan to examine and he will forward you hi suggestions free. Kxnmlnatlorf free Write for testimonial of prominent people. Agent wanted In every local ity. Special Inducements to traveling men. THE DR. W. H. BAKER CO. RIO Hippodrome Building CLEVELAND ohlo 241-4t A LIOON'S Lrun Gtoro 13 rat'.ca At. "ACopiriTjEtcriM TEAOUE & OATES RUGGISTS "On the Square" OaUw Bid. Phone 1(10. 9i ! II IT i HE'S- It vkJiSTkCZ,& NEW cus- -o - ." L- - g TnTvTF.KR, EVERY DAVI SPOT CASH HERE means for same weight and quality a SviVri OF 15 PER CENT, on an average. PEOPLE are realizing that strictly CASH TRADE cuts out bad debts, extra bookkeeping nV means a big saving all along the line '"GET THE HABIT" of Da ing CASH. You will never trade any other way. y" PHONE YOUR ORDER TODAY LET US QUOTE PRICES. They Will Surprise You. Home Made Bread 6c. DELIVERIES 11 A. M. 4 p; M 1 mi mum milium BATTERY PARK BANK ' ASHEVILLE, N. O. . ' - t ' ..,'. ' ,. Capital $100,000 Surplus and Profits $100,000 OFFICERS: James P. Sawyer, Chairman of the Board. T. C. Coxe, President. : J. E. Rankin, Ca-liler. Envtn Sludcr, Vlce-Pres. C. Rankin, Asst. Cash' ee8lMitMMitMM), IN EVERY DETAIL OF ITS SERVICE, whether large or small the CENTRAL BANK & TRUST CO., aim to meet satisfactorily the individual requirement of its customers. i.-,-, v. t-. -r;.;.- You are cordially Invited to call and consult our officer re garding your financial affairs, thus securing efficient co-operation and direct personal service at all times. The most liberal accom modation, in keeping with sound banking methods, la extended to our customers, regardless of the size of their account. CENTRAL BANK & TRUST COMPANY . . . ;4 , South Pack Square. LOOK TO YOUR "SHOOTING IRONS" Carry the best. We have all makes. Double barrel guns $12.00 to $35.00. Single barrel guns $4.00 to $5.00 ltifles $1.50 to $18.00. Brown Hardware Co. Phone 87. , ? ' 25 North Main St. Better Let us Frame That Picture Don't wait until the day before Xmas. Pack Square Book Co. On the Square Asheville SPECIAL DISPLAY BIRDS EYE MAPLE FURNITURE IV Sl'ITS AND ODD PIECES Handsome, durable pieces and match sets for the bed room, in cluding dressing tables, center tables, straight and arm chairs, bed steads, wardrobes, bookcases, etc. See tho combination dresser and desk. Its new, novel and useful. J. L Smathers & Sons Mammoth Furniture Store. 15-17 No. Main St, Laundry Phone 70 A Trial lg all we ask. We treat jour luundry white. Loyalty to your favorite st ore is a fine trait. Be also, loyal to yourself, by keeping in const ant touch with its advertising, DEO Bankrupt Furniture Sale 1 WILL CLOSE SOON Since starting this sale we have had to take in a lot of goods that" were Hold on the installment , plan nnd rented. These goods are game as now, but will cut the price vciy low, as we must give up our store room. Ev erything must be sold regardless of cost. , If you need furniture, rugs, mattings, blankets," clothes, household goods, come in and look. If we have what you want it will be a bargain. No credit; spot cash. Golightly Furniture Co. 16 N. Tack Square. ' J, GUTMAN, Proprietor.

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