AG3 SIX Monday, November is li 1 1 COLD DAYS MADE WARM Uy tiding :M & In dian Coal the coal that leads in point of Fuel Properties. i Phone 130. Carolina Coal & Ice Company Ferndell Rrand Corfee la made from the finest coffee beans nature produces those gTown In the porous lava beds of the tablelands. The process of drying, roast ing and Wending Ferndell brand .coffee retain the true 'aroma and enhance the deli cate flavor. Send us your orders. E. Cv Jarrett Store Phones 1920 and 1921. Market Phone 473. S MUST NOT HAVE LOVELY HAIR FOR WOMEN Unless Sterilized, According to , Order Made by Secretary of Treasury. People who go traveling now and have the habit of ririnkins water, that is in waiting rooms and on trains, will be compelled to carry along individ- Parisian Sage Puts Life and Lustre Into Faded Hair. One Application Stops Scalp Itch. If you haven't enjoyed the marvel ous bincrit derived from using de tail drinking cups or do without the "Khtful, refreshing PARISIAN SAGE, drink. An order has been issued that Ine modern hair grower, beautitler the railways doing interstate business an,J dandruff remedy you have missed shall not furnish public drinking cups, .a real treat. glasses or other vessels lor common ' Every woman should use PARISIAN' use, either In waiting rooms or on SAGE Hair Tonic not only to banish trains, and tho order becomes efTec- dandruff and other hair troubles, but tive ut once. (to prevent falling hair, baldness, gray- This order is Issued by the secretary neta, and fade"d hair; PARISIAN of the treasury under authority of the SAQE puts life and luster into any : interstate quarantine law. The order Persons hair. It keeps the scalp and was issued to the head officials of i hJllr immaculately cleun, and causes naimer 6H Vmotor BUS i C;A'RSIiU the common carriers of the country doing interstate business and is being transmitted to the officials all over the systems. Division Passenger Agent me hair to come in thick and abund ant. PARISIAN SAGE Hair Tonic Is not a dye. It does not contain a particle J, II. Wood received u copy of the!of poisonous lead to discolor the hair, THOSE TAN SHOES '.'You see in the window are not priced six dollars some of them are four, some three fifty, and some five dollars. It is Irue oi eourse, mar tneir apiiear- anee would indicate a high price, hut v fUJARAXTEE shoes have extra value in ev ery pair. Drop in -a ml sop; .how com. fort able they arc on your feel. GuarantecShoeStore 4 Boath Main 81 order this morning with Instructions to see that it is put into effect at once. The drinking cups on the local lines of the Southern railway will there fore be abolished.: The order does not apply to drink ing vessels that may be installed and sterilized in boiling water after each individual use or to uny sanitary In dividual drinking apparatus. No an nouncement Is made, however, that arrangements have been made as yet by the carriers to install such appa ratus. . The order was made a few weeks ngJ. '.-'. or any Injurious ingredient. Get a bottle today, madam. It only costs half a dollar and Is sold at drug and department stores and at toilet goods counters everywhere. Smith's Drug Store guarantees it. (Adv.) Made in Chalmers Shops Just received, a new shipment of Chalmers cars, (one 3G and one six elyinder). Come in and see these won-' derful values. : ; . .t l "': : "M" $1950, "54" $2400, fully equipped. Asheville Automobile Co. 15 and 17 Sosth Tjcxlngton Avenue. SPECIAL BARGAINS In Ladies' Long Coats. Large stock to select from. GEO. W. JENKINS 18 S.' Main St. I? GOOD ONE GENOVAR SMOKER 5 Cents BARBEE'S 14 Patton Avenue CTYNEWS CEASE FIRING The second of a series of three wonderful war stories bv Mary Johnston. The most thrilling- war story . ever written. Hoe Book Window, Price $1 .40 net. ROGERS BOOK STORE39 Patton Ave. Born, to Dr. and Mrs. Lewis Elias of Blltmore, a son. Blue Ridge lodge, T, O. O. F., will confer the initiatory degree tonight at 8 o'clock. A large attendance of the members is expected. ARE TO LEAVE TOMORROW Most of Them Will Take to Conference Good Reports, Material and Spiritual, WE SELL IT FOR LESS AVe can nieei your wants in silver and nickle ware. The only place for a com plete line of china, tin and enameled ware. The XXL DEPT. STORE g 22 Patton Ave. Phono 107 I J. E. Carpenter JEWELER "Watches and Fine Jewelry. Watch Repairing my Specialty Xu. 8i'uck Square. EYES TESTED GLASSES FITTED DR. Z. P. IIIGHSMITH OPTOMETRIST Grady Street Phone 1127. ASHEVILLE, X. C. WE KNOW, There's lots of work going on in 'Asheville, and more people here than ever before, because there is more XTCTTOLN WAY LAUXDKY WORK Being used now than ever before. Nichols Way A York leads in goodness. Asheville Laundry Where Linen Lives Longnr. f. A- HICHOL3, Mgr. College St Most of the Methodist preachers of the city will leave tomorrow lor High Point to attend the annual conference of the Southern Methodist church. which will be in session there for about a week. They have been very busy during the past few weeks col lecting the conference funds and com piling their reports. One of the local ministers stated this morning that he thought most of the Asheville minis ters would go to conference with good reports of spiritual and material growth. The members of tho congre gations are very much interested in speculation as to whether their minis ters will be sent back or If any are moved who will be Bent in. their places. The greatest interest probably at taches to the successor of Rev. Dr. Dan Atkins, presiding elder of the Asheville district No suggestions have been made as to where he will go or who will succeed him. Dr. At kins has been in this district more than any other preacher and has a great many friends. Ilia having been here for four years makes his remov al necessary, according to the rules of the conference. He looks upon this as his home; and in fact, has a nice residence nnd a small but valuable farm at Weavervitle, where he has resided most of the time. About 11 o'clock yesterday morn ing the fire department was called to nguish a blaze which had started tho roof of the ho ise of Norman h on Roberts street, near the cor nel- of West Haywood. Small damage wes uone. . It is thought the lire re suited from a defective flue. Oysters, Fish and Game Served to Order CANDY KITCHEN A Daily Increase We are having a splendid daily increase in user3 of our Monarch Coal sold in Ashe ville only by the Southern Coal CompanjyWe make quick delivery and give full weight. Southern Coal Co. Phone 114. No. 10 N, Pack Sq FIVE TONS LI & W COAL PLEASE ; j That's the way the or ders for M & W coal are coming in it's just good clean coal, and a lot of Asheville folks are eri jpying its goodness. Phone 40. : Asheville Coal Co. -2 ELECTRICAL HXTURlj! Portable Lamps, Electric Ironi and Heating Apparatus i W. A. WARD I 12 Church St Phoned 11LS1S DEVELOPED BT FILM EXPERTS. Thev eet results. ImnnniM. ' ? likely at home. Kodaks loaned trtt films for salo; printa made; better pictures less money. ( R.'S STUDIO does It h.ML' charges less. 2 n. Pack"'' HAYWOOD STREET NEAR POSTOFFICE 'BY FIRE in Blaze at Seventh Day Advent- ist Church Confined to Rear Another Small Fire. . DID YOU SAY PACE CIIEAMS? Then coll and let us fhowr you th beat made. n lfwd by all first clan Pnrbera. . ASHEVILLE UAHIIKK 81PPLY CO. 23 N. Main Nt. Karres Bros. Home made candies 20c per lb. Also all kinds of box can tlicf. Pare ice cream sodas, 5c. All kind fruits, cigar's and tobaccos. Karres Bro3. 11 X. Main St. Candy Kitchen. l'lione-1117 Shortly after 1 o'clock thi after noon the fire department was called out to extinguish a blazo at 138 Hay wood street in tho Seventh Day Ad- ventist church. Roth of the trucks re sponded nnd the fire was under con trol In a short while after tho firemen reached the scene although consider able damage was done. The exact amount, however, has not yet been estimated. The fire seems to have started In the rear of the church around the furnace somewhere, and ther was n big blaze before It was discovered. The fire was confined altogether "to the rear of the church, Oie windows were fluttered and the woodwork was bad ly burned on the Inside and outside of the building. . There was another small fire this morning, the alarm having been turn ed In about 11:15. This one occurred at the garage of the Hollar Motor company on Bouth Main street. Some gasoline caught In the front of the building but It was quickly extin guished and little damage was suffered. Returns from Avery. State Chairman - Charles A. Webb today received the returns from Av ery county In the senatorial primary vote. These returns show' the vote for Simmons to be 180, for Kltchln 7, and for Clark 3, a majority for the former of 98. This completes the returns from the entire state as all the other counties had reported the vote In time for' the canvass by the executive committee which met In Kalelgh last week. TO CtJRE A COLD IJf ONE DAY Take LAXATIVES BROMO Quinine Tableta Druggists refund money If It falls to cur E. W. GROVE'S sl nature Is on each box. 1 5c. hrvllt Paint One Co., formerly The MllliT-ltlce Illnt Co. Ltiraa Palnl Grant's No. 21 Cur Cold and Grip. S5 Cosmueri & Wearvi. Ijvery, I'honeU i no eiiiiMHiniM in uivorce cases nave been filed in the office of the clerk of .Superior court. Thev are Ella I!. Iloss vs. William Hons and Douglas i.eaiy n. I'atherine Mcl.ure Beaty. The lirst is asked on account of aban donment and the second on statutory grounds. The Scottish'' Rite Masons- nf tlii district will hold their sixth annual reunion In Asheville from tomorrow until Thursday, and the local members are making preparations for enter taining s large number of visitors. Committees for their entertainment have been appointed and also a com mittee which will meet them at the train. This will be a very Important meeting. There will be a joint meeting to night at 8 o'clock in city hall of the mayor, the fire committee) of the board of aldermen and the members of the fire department It is not stated what business is to come up for con sideratlon, but It is understood that there will be a conference with refer ence to the Installation of additional fire alarm boxes throughout the city. Before Substitute Police Judge W. R. Gudger this morning Fez Glenn, a young man of the city, was tried on the charge of attempting to criminal ly assault Mrs, Cora Lee Walden Fri day evening and was acquitted with out Introducing any evidence or offer ing argument through his attorney. Mrs. Walden alone testified, and the defendant was discharged on her tes timony. Glenn was arrested Saturday aiternoon and was held under $1000 Dona. A feature of the celebration to be held by the French Broad council, Jr. O. U. A. M., which is to take place Thursday night will be the entertain ment of the past councilors, and It Is expected that several of these will be In attendance. All of the councils of the district are expected to send dele gates. The program committee has asked National Councilor J. J. Welt zel of Cincinnati to deliver an address at the meeting, and State Councilor IS. U Eure of Greensboro has also been Invited. The meeting promises to be one of the best ever held by the Juniors. BLOMEERGS For your Cigars Tobaccos, Pipes, Smokers Articles and Sporting Goods. 17 Pat ton Ave. Peters June Pasture Dairy Meal. Peters Alfalfa Queen Dairy Feed. Peters Arab Horse Teed. Each the best, of its kind. ASHEVILLE GRAIN & HAY COMPANY Wholesale Distributers. Ladies' Hand Bags Large variety of genuine Seal, leather-lined hand bags. Special price this week, $1.75. Note our window disnlav of a variety of leather goods and novelties. u HI (4 VI FISH JOWLS ARE ALL MEAT XO WASTE SERVE FRIED They Are I)cll loin ACME FISH CO. Phone 311 City Market eO "We have ust received our first shipment of 1913 Bulck cars. These cars are now on exhibition at our show rooms on North Main street and you are Invited to call and inspect them. Last year we were forced to return several deposits ' because our inability to procure sufficient cars to supply the demand. Pome in now and make your reservations for the you may be disappointed if you wait till later. of ensuing year, Arbogas! Motor Co. Phone 303 No. 52 to 60 North Main St. EBCQBLflCDSB A REAL COMFORT The Simplex Electric Heating Pad, Is ready for use at any instant and will furnish you the necessary heat contin uously, day and night without causing the least bit of bath er. Use in place of old style ho t water bottle. Single Heat,1 $5.50; Three Heat $6.50. . V PIEDMONT ELECTRIC CO. , Opp. Postolfice. 64 Patton Ave.' 'Economy in the LITTLE things is whet Counts." "yjfai. Mfi t war .warn mm u ii In addition to bsing of better quality than the higher price powders, saves you about half your Baking Powder cost a bin, worth-while saving. . Ec3d by aU good Grocers. Insist on having It,' 1 ! I Fire Drill In Sunday School. Bu JLuodattd Prett. New York, Nov. 18. The fire drills common In public achoola, were ex tended to a new field here yesterday, when for the first time In the city's history it waa tried In a Sunday achuol. The six hundred pupils of all airea In the All vet Memorial church on the middle East Side marched quietly nnd speedily from the edifice nt the sound of a signal gang, fire escapes and all available exits beint,' utllixcd, and the auditorium waa emp tied In three minutes. About 8,000,000 men are employed In regular occupations In Great Britain. ' VISIT THE RAILROAD BAZAAR. Y. M. C. A. Hall adjoining Highland hotel, Wed. Nov. liOth, 10 a. m., to 10 p. m. Dinner served 12 to 3. i41-3t. WAflTJJ LADIES CAN EAHN 112.00 woekly making silk handbags at home. Mall dime for plan and pattern. Adelle, 1 West lJ7th Bt.( N. Y. 241-lt FOR SALE IS red pullets, $1.08 inch. Burbage. Phone 1915. Rear til Merrlmon Ave. 241-lt FOR SALE Cheap McCoakey account register, complete with necesaary records 4c.; good as new; carried 260 accounts. Bwnnnanos Drug Co. Phono 201. 241-tf 1 r FOR RENT Two large room and side room for rooking. Bee W. R. Payne, Nq, 89 Grove t. 241-lt 2 -: 31 Mi i : : : i feH 3 CHOPS a ' .VEK a a i a STEAKS a 1 1 a a ROASTS g' i I a; SON SADDLE 0 B 0 B Q a a a HILL'S- MARKET a a a PHONE 4359 ASK YOUR NEIGHBOR a a aaaaaaaaaasasaasaaaa a aaaaaaaaaaasaa SELECT POINT OYSTERS ASHEVILLE FISH CO. Phones 23-280-315 . City Market. FRESHSSSS SAUSAGF STAR MARKET PHONES. 1917 19ia1919 "We are the auccewrful Caterera to a Variety of Appetites." '3ESEZ Citizens Transfer Company JULIAN WOODCOCK, Owner. FURNITURE MOVING - Prompt Baggage Transfer Service. indorsed by D. C. T. sod T. P. A. TWO seated Overland automobile 1912 model, has run le than 600 mile, excellent condition. Com $1,100, will sell for about half. h. il. LownUi H. Flat Itork. N' '" 2 4 ! -St FOR SALE i-room houae ith ftireo acres land two and half mu from aquare. Trie $1500. IIARSTELLER & CO. Reul Ktalc. 20 Haywood SI. I FOR RENT Modern 5-ronm cottste good locu tion. Price $14.00 month. MARSTELLER & CO. Ileal VmIuUs. 20 Huwood SI. -Perfection-- Gil Heater g3X9 . ' the largo size $3.50. Jumbo Coal Heaters $4.00 up. Wood burning heaters $1.50. Green Bros. 45 Patton Ave.

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