By Winsor AlcCay Should Worry ! 0 (HIT IT GOOD! IF TOO l' COME ON OLD MAN'. HIT I Tut ni n THIkia A Rfll ry&uTNEeON-T BE AFRAID) cr.. ni I JUST ViANT OF BREAKING THE I RING THE BE It YOU ho SEE IF I bET A CIGAR! V IJSOAK IT Immd WIN A ClfiAR two .rUlNE! HIT IT WITr ru go krAN SMASH TO 1 FRIgjMgL iooo. old ALL TQU gKfcWSir TO IT ' ii-U OLP 5cowt DON'T rill If 1 'L, Y)M NOT AFPAIO Or !!v Wreaking tour n I MACHINE. want ( V.'" RUMPLE U I I CAR' - jJvS" pTKIKINC -W ' A MACHINE WANTS FOB SALE FOR SALE Bargain In beautiful, safe senile pany, pony buggy and harness. Pony perfectly city brokf not afraid of anything. Any lady or even small children can handle or drive him anywhere, without fear of accident. Apply 87 Charlotte street, city, or write Luke Dixon, care Gazette-News. Asheville. ' 187-tf FOR SALE Good clean newspapers, 50 for 5 cents. Apply at Gazette News office. . tf. h'nn SALE Seven piece Kitchen Set. including a clenver, bread Knife, can opener, carving knife and fork, parln-j knife and carborundum shnrnener. Brand new articles In neiit boxes, only a few left While thry lust, only 75c per set. Gazette Ntws office, tf. . . . ; FOR SALE 24-horsepower Skinner's ttnd boiler, with complete aw ii ill attachment. For particulars apply at County Tax Collector's ofli.-e, court houso. 21G-tf. FOR SALE Best local business prop osition ever offered In Asheville in vestment about $1200 Investigate UiU, it can't be beat. Phone 912. 240-tf. CIIANNlNG'S WORKS, 14 vols. Dickens, War Between the States, Johnson's Kncyclopedia, Universal Dictionary, Histories, Biographies, Cheap. Ye Old Book Shop, 114 Patton Ave. .MISSION CLOCK NOW J 1.95 We are making a special offer for a short time only. For cash, we will sell a handsome MISSION CLOCK, 24 Inches high, 12 inches wide, strikes the hour and half hour on a cathedral gong, 8 days wind, Welch movement, serviceable and alto gether very attractive. Suitable for hall, living-room, or dining-room. This price is only for those who pay cash. Only one clock sold to each person. I. X. L. Department Store, No. 22 Patton avenue. Phone 107. 236-52t FOR SALE Seven piece Kitchen Set, including a cleaver, bread knife, can opener, carving knife and fork, paring knife and carborundum sharpener. Brand new articles in neat boxes, only a few left While they last, only DOc per set I. X. L. , Department Store, No, 22 Patton avenue. Phone 107. 23S-52L FOR SALE Square piano. Price 330.00 If sold at once. J. E. Moodie, basement Langren hotel. 239-3t. WANTED J. H. McGINNESS has moved to room dyeing, tailoring and cleaning, opposite Y. M. I. building. Steam Phone I860. tf WANTED Tour Nwtaiy Publlo work Residence 121 Aaheland mum Phone IS. J a. W. Albright !- -KODAK WANTED A 1A Special, t or J A. Inquire of C, W. CapeU at Gaxetta-Newa. tf WANTED 728 LADIES to sea sam ples Racine Hosiery, wool or cot ton, ladles' men's and children's, all color. Phone 51. Ask your neigh bor. 204 Woodfln St, Asheville, N. C. K. L. Brown, Agt - :i-80t T.'ANTED A two ur three-burner gns platn. Also a small coal heater. C. W. Ca pell, at this office. tf, POSITION WANTED-Gentleman Just arrived from Chicago desires em ployment; expert bookkeeper and salesman: l"?al education: will ac cept clorkslilp hotel or managerial position. Address Expert, care Oa-aette-News. 28-3t WANTED Men careful In dress and ticklers as to thlr personal appear ance to got acquainted with our pressing club service, dollar month, three months for two fifty. Quick servlea and satisfactory. Phona , J. C. Wllbar, Pack Bq. WANTED Phona 1(T for man to coine and glv you estimate of eost for painting your house, papering t ralclmlnlng your rooms. Vod work and reasonable prVc. R. L. Fltxpatrlck and Son, SI North Main. CHALMFTUI CAMS fOR IURB I of I PBKwnge. riegant cars, careful drlvara. Oat our 'prices by tha day. Bpeclal atten tion given to out of town trip Hl NDF ItSON Day VtH. 10. Msta Itttm WANTS FOR RENT FOR RENT Connecting rooms, fur nished for housekeeping! first anc second floor. Sink and gas In kit Chen. 26 Starnes A"e. 183-tt FOR RENT Furnished six room cot tage, furnace heat, open grates coal and gas, range, large sunnv piazza. Forty-five dollars month. S. Watson, Library Bldg. 225-20t CONNECTING ROOMS furnished for light housekeeping, on first and sec ond floors, with electric Uphts anr gas. Phone 839. 18 Grady Street 102-t FOR RENT Furnished room. Lights, water, sun parlor, first floor, in best residential section. No sick people Address Box 813, Asheville, N. C. . 228-tf. FOR RENT Modern 6 room cottag two blocks of aostoffice. N. Buck ner, Board of Trade office or ' Aston Place. t FOR RENT Fi-e-room cottage, close in, all conveniences, $12, water In cluded, per month. Apply 128 South Main street. ' tf. $35 MONTH! Completely furnish ed, small bungalow, largo porch, piano, paved street; 5 room cottage close in $21 month. See Ray Campbell Co., No. 1 Haywood. 236-tJ FOR RENT Three rooms and recep tion hall furnished or unfurnished. Terms reasonable to permanent people. See Miss P. L. Holmnn, 301 Legaf Bldg. or 8 College Park. 237-tf FOR RENT Most desirable furnish ed and unfurnished houses In ciu for tent. See us before rentlnij offices and rooms In Library build ing for rent D. S. Watson & Co. 239-2St. FOR RENT 122 South Main street six room cottage, unfurnished; modern; range; hot and cold water; bath and electric lights; at bargain Phone 397. S. P. Mcars. 2J9-3' FOR RENT We 1i;hn a number of desirable unfurnith-t houses for rent from $15 a month up, and fur nished houses from $30 a month up. You can save time and worry by ! In "j F, M. Messier, Real E- tat s mi Insurance, American Na tional Hani; building. 240-31 HELP WANTED HOYS WANTED Boys, you can earr. lots of pocket money selling paper on the streets afternoons and eve nings. Apply at Gazette-News office, 207-tf. Make every "Specia Bale" reallj trangthen your store by taking care hat your ad readers learn tha trutr mint -h mil a. . WANTED For D. 8. Army: Able bodied unmarried men between ages IS and 86; cltizena of the United States, of good character and temperate habits, who can speak, read and write the English language. For Information apply to Recruiting Officer, 101 West Trade St., Charlotte, N. C; I Bouth Main St., Asheville, N. C; 830 1-2 South Elm St., Greensboro, N. C; 1-2 South Fayettevllle St., Ral eigh, N. C; 1521 Main St., Colum bia, S. C, or 167 1-1 West Main St, Hpartanburg. S. C. MISCELLANEOUS ROCK LEDGE, 8' Haywood Street 21 rooms thoroughly renovated across street from Auditorium, half block from Battery Park hotel, Mrs. P. J. Corcoran. Prop. IF TOU wtoh to learn of an Invest mcnt opportunity that will bear scrutiny wrlta "Investment' care Gaxette-Newa lll-tf LOST-MJn Spring or Atkinson streets a lady'a silver open face watch. On- the back is the monogram J. M. O, In small letters. If tha finder will call Phona 1277, ha wtll be reward ed for same. . t40-3t A. 11 GOODLAKE . Contractor ft Builder Concrete Work 8 Specialty 22 S. Pack SqnaiB. Phone 878 J. A- TILLMAN Jewel, 11 North Mato St. I carry a nlc Una of ytche. Clocks and Jewalrr, and mult a a spa-' rlslty of repair wai. Batls'actkB guaranteed. NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given by the may or and hoard of : aldermen of the clt; of Asheville, as required by law, tha the city engineer has made a survey vndi filed his report in the office o' !he city clerk, showing the amoun :f work done and the cost thereof ii the matter of paving and otherwise mproving College street from the in tersoctlon of Market street to the in torsection of Spruce street paved wit) lirick, in said city, and also showip1 '.he name of each abutting owne thereon, the number of front feet 0 each lot and the pro rata share o ost of such street improvement to b tssessed against snch real estate. An notice is hereby further given that a the first regular meeting of the sak board of aldermen, to be held afte: the expiration of ten (10) days fren :his date, said board of aldermen il onsider said report nnd If no vali' ihJo-UIons be made thereto the sami .vill be- adopted and approved by salt 'joard and the Hens and assessment jf said board of said street Improve iient will then become complete am' operative. . Asheville, N. C, Nov. 9th, 1912. L. W. YOUNG, City dorl- !34-I0t, WE BUY Sell and Exchange Furnitim Fixtures, etc.. , Ashtiviil Furniture Co ') Snutb Main St. Phone lHft. the Ford Man . . . r .. - . 56 South Main St. Phone 672. nKiCKESfERS PILLS 'HIE lltAAlMnia HUA.MI. A l,.,n f v""" '-r- Irtfnr rillsin Krd and iio4 iiieuiliAV hcnej., staled with Klue Kibttoa, V Tcklt) mm ether. - Rvy of rear " Imriri4t. Aufor hM lltH-TPRfl IMAyoND II H A Ml I'lI I.H, fr 4 ycarsknown as Best. Safest, Always Kellal'kt SOLD Blf CRLQGISTS EVOiYnKLRE GET THAT WINTER SUIT GEM Clothing Company 6 PATTON AVE. . Buy your ticket and glva order foi baggage to be checked from you resldenca to destination. Baggage Transfer and Railway Ticket OflBce same room, 60 Patton Ave. . MOVING AND STORAOK. ' EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Having qualified as executor of the estate of Jamea Cortland, deceased, this Is to notify all persons having claims against said deceased to- ex hibit tiem to the undersigned or to. my attorneys, Harklns ft Van Winkle at Asheville, N. C, on or before No vember 3, 1913, or this notice will be plead In bar of recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make Immediate payment This November 3, 1112. . J. WAKEFIELD CORTLAND. , Executor. TRUNKS AND LEATHER GOODS i-s Is our specialty. Money to loan on diamonds,, watches, jewelry and anything of value. H. L. FINKELSTEIN Loan Office. 23 S. Main St Phone 887. Asheville. FOR SALE QUIC2 Four choioe "building Iota in i6 best residence section of Asheville. ; Western Carolina Realty Co. Phone 974. 10 N. Pack Square. L'OG'.i MI KCIIANT T A I . ' t fcqral l'l.lif. 1 Fi- IlioiiB TIT. HOLLAR Amusements t H at at k k )?, i MONDAY. NOVEMBER 25, ! Matinee and Night, W H "The Great Hippodrome." a? n , . t THURSDAY, NOV. 28, . Matinee and Night,' i H "The Common Law." If it If a'ntftcara-atataina'rane'. nr. r , Tin? Great Hippodrome. Carl Bean, who so successfully por trayed the role of "Sambo, the college mascot" in the recent production of The Great Hippodrome, will again issume this role In the com'ng pro duction of the same show, which will bo given Monday, November 25, forva matinee and night performance at the Auditorium. The show will play to popular prices this time, and every one who failed to see Mr.. Bean In his .nlmitablc role of a "dark complected white man" will do we'd to set aside in afternoon or evening for this great 'oal talent show next Monday. Mr. L'eaii Ik not alone. Cassias Gudgnr, Tom Yarner and all the other young men, as well as the numerous-members of the fair acx helped to make the' show such a success before, will igaln be seen In their same roles. The seat sale Will open Thursday. The mrtinee prices will be 25 and 25 cents, children, any seat: 25 cents. Night prices are 35 and 50 cents for the lower floor, 25 and: 35 cents for the second floor and 15 cents for the 3rd floor. , . . TKIMTY LOST AT TKXXIS. t'jii-olina Icfctt-(1 Sii!lmdlsts In 8in kI" llarkneiw' Kmls Jlnu li. Siiccinl to The Oa:hito-H&wi. Chapel Hill, Nov. 16. -Carolina de feated Trinity In tenniB here yester day. Oates and Chambers, represent inir Carolina, won from White and Anderson, respectively, in singles. The 'loubles wero not finished on account it darkness, but Carolina wins the nc;t by taking thj singles. Oates von his matrh, 2-''., G-3, fi-12, and Tiiambcrs too!;' t'.vo Aral ht sets, fi-4, -5. The doubles- were played in the iftcrnoon before a large crowd. C'ar- ;lina took the first two sets. 7-5, fi-3, jut Trir.Ity came back and by steady )Iaying, tied the score in sets 6-1, 7-5. The last set was fought bitterly at tve all. It became too dark and the match was called. Old weather and a strong wind prevented good playins. 6QHU0SS TM6ATR6 ORCUIT Matliiee and Night, Monday, Nov. 25 , Mr. Harry Foot presents the great HIPPODROME Girls of Wit and Melody Gnlnre. Matinee prices: 25 and 35c. Children 25c any seat Night prices: Lower floor 35 an 1 50c; 2nd floor 25 and 35c; 3rd floor 15c. Reserved seat tickets Thursday a, m. at Whltlock's. ( -,if;i M "Ml ! Vi.i.lflM-"i-.- m OGRESS GAS Properly cared for will last a life time, and give perfect sati si notion in every way. $15.50 to $25.06 Easy payment plan if desired. Asheville Power & Light Co. " " ' Phone 69 ' ::' " Whiskey will take out every kind ol fruit stain. A child's dress will be entirely ruined by the dark berry toln on It; but if whiskey is poured rm the discolored places before send 'ng ft into wash, it will come out as ?oo.l as new. For the destruction of ants, sptders and cockroaches, a strong solution of nlum In boiling water, poured over the Infested pnrts, will be found ex cellent. . ' TRUSTEE'S SAI.TC. By virtue of the power of sale con- tained in a certain deed of trust ma! by r. J. Jordan and wife. L A. Jor dan, to the undersigned trustee, dated Oc'ober 25th, 1909, and duly recorded In the office of fho rapister of defe'ls Tor Buncombe county, N. C, In noo'.; of mortgages-No, 78 at page .176 lo which reference Is hereby made, and default having been made in th l-;.v-ment of the indebtedness se.miMd .by said deed of trust whereby the power of sale therein contained has be?o!o npirrs'ive, the said undersieinHd trustee, will on Thursday the 2tli (lay of Xn vcinbcr, !9i2. at 12 o'clock, noon, sell at public auction for cash, at the court house door In the city of -Ashevlll-. county of Buncombe-.; .ami '.Stat" of. North Carolina the following bin-is and premises. First Tract: Lying and being In th city of Aiihcvllle, county of Buncombe and State o.' North Carolina and being the same lands ami premises convey ed to P. J. Jordan by V. T. Crowley by deed dated April 6, 1904. and duly re corded In the office of the register of deeds for Buncombe county, N. C In deed book No.' 135 at pa go 60 et seq.. to which reference. Is hereby made for metes and bounds. Second Tract:. SluifTe, lying nnd being in the city of Asheville, county of Buncombe and State of North Caro lina and being the same lands and premises conveyed to P. J. Jordan by Alice Steel and others by deed dated February 8, 1904, and duly recorded in the office of the register of deeds for Buncombe county, N. C In deed book No. 131 at page? 504 et seq., to which reference la hereby mad" for metes and bounda. . - Third Tract: Sltuale.. lying and be ing in the city of Asheville, courty of I'u'ncoml.r , N. C, and being tho same lands and premises conveyed to 1 J. Jordan by Haywood Parker, trusnei, by deed dated January 19, 1901, mid recorded In tho office of the register of deeds for Buncombe county, N. C, 'n deed book No. 134 at page 63 et seq., to which reference is hereby made for metes and br.inids. Fourth Tract: Situate, lying anl being In the city of Asheville, county of Buncombe and Rtato of North Caro lina and being the lands nnd premises conveyed to P. J. Jordan by R. I Goodman and wife, Ida G. Goodman, by deed dated September 8, 1902, and duly recorded in the office of the reg ister of deeds for Buncombe county, N. C. in deed book No. 125 at page 421 et seq., to which reference Is hereby made for metes and bounds, Fifth Tract: Situate, lying and be ing In the city of Asheville, county c f Buncombe and State of North Caro lina, and being the lands and prem ises conveyed to P. J. Jordan by J. H. Imw by deed dated June 11, 1903. and duly recorded in the oliice of the reg ister of deeds for Buncombe county, N. C, In deed book No. 124 at page 529 et seq., to which reference Is here by made for metes and bounds. This October 28, 1912. W. M. JACKSON. S . , Trustee. -rJ-.i-"'--! 'I .r TT 7 V 1 IfiaiTcATrNoT ; , fk W 6LAME MK TOO c (tiVy VU' PUT THE BUNDLE - I i2KJ :2r?i I ft". T BQUNO-N i V'l f l I IsSr I 8ACIC ' WEU. 5f;' Lj, I I I ' UM! 1 OH) THINK, H otels and Board ing House S w a n nan 6 a B e rReley k Aaherille'ii ..Most Modern and Cp-lo-date Hotel Sot and Ccld Running Water r Private Bath in every room . FRANK LOUOHRAN, : ... .v :r-; - , , Owner .and Proprietor, TEZ ONLY FIREPROOF STONE AND CONCRETE UP-TO-DATE HOTEL IN ASHEVILLE C' Te ulth popiilar iirlcra, open from 6 a. m. lo 10 p. n. GH11 riHiin ulth quick lunch service, open ull nlclil. C-onfci em e , rooms for business iiiociIiih. Kainplo Room. IYlvato Dining Room. Harry L. Lanc-i and J. Eayli3S Rector, Managers. Ea 1 1 e r y P ar K ii otel ASHEVU.I.K. N. O. I'fcS TnjlOliOHntJT TnK ICAK. Famous Everywhere canton; n. c. - THE IMPERIAL HOTEL E. M. L'l,En, Proax FKEf. SAMPLE ROOMS IsTEAM HKATKfi RATE HOTEL AETHELWOLD i- , . , BREVARD, N. 0.. ;. , , ., Rates, $2 per day. Steam heat. Hot and Cold Baths. Both commercial and tourist Ofen chas. M. COOK. The ST. JOHN Tha center of social life 'and activity is at "The St John." A most attractive and thoroughly modern hotel. A1 high class orchestra. j . ST. JOHN and SON, Proprietors. 'V THE BON Air LEADING COMMERCIAL AND TOURIST HOTIlToT WAYNESVILLE, N 0. , MBS. SALLLE E. CORY, Proprietress. Open the Year Round. "FREE SAMPLE ROOMS" D. J. TATUM Livery, Fel aad Bale Stable. ComforUWa Vahklaa Baddl. HorsM a Bpaclalty. ' j- , HKNDXRSOIf VUXJE, K. CL Ml. nerrtr. at All Howra. HOTEL KENMORE ' Waynesville, N. C." ' Open All the Yesx Round. Strictly High Class Service Al- ' ways. KEITH & WELLS, Proprietors. A. S. Keith - - J. E. WelL THE SAVANMAH TTMtC . , 223 Pa. tton aveuue ... i Large sunny rooms all newly furnished and homelike, with delicious home cooking. Rates, $7.00 to $12.00 per week, $1.00 to $2.00 per day, $4.00 per week for table board. . , MRS.O. R. KESSLEB. Proprietor. - THE OLD FORT INN . Old fort, IT. L. J. Epley, Proprietor. . Conveniently located, near depot Accommodations by day, week or month. KatM reasonable. PATTCNC0US3 Ilurphy, II. 0. Tha best and most reasonable house In town, good tub!, clean beds and home cooking. Bate, ft per Art. i::C3RC3APATTC:i' . XDLECTRIO LIGHTS FRK BATH 8 year round. Jr., Proprietor. HOTEL ENTELLA brthoi crrr, . Hd so art era for traveling and himbarmsa. Rate, ft par day. Special rata, by tha month. Bath room. Frea aampla room a Railroad eating houa. fronting South am d.p Livery in connection. A. W. A ALMA WHEELER, ProV- THE iARRETT 6PTtrXG9 HOTEL Oommen-lal and Tourist Rate. fS.OO per day. Hot and Cold Paths. Special Rate, by tha Wek or Month. n. r. t xr i tt.

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