' s The Man From Alontctair SURE. I'll GO' THESE ARE TWO BUT DRIVE A WAY OUT IN PEACHES CHORUS K3 IRIS, TOU KNOW, THE COUNTRY! SEE? I HAVE To IPIPPlNS' WE'll rIAKE. 'EM FOR A RIDE! I" GET MY rAR HOTELS AND BO j S w anh a noaB erkeley Asheville'i Most Modern and Up-to-date Hotel. ; Hot and Cold Running Water I or Private Bath in every room. FRANK LOUGHRAN, I Owner and Proprietor. THE ONLY FIREPROOF STONE AND CONCRETE UP-TO-DATE HOTEL IN ASHEVILLE " C'i r wlih popular prices, open from a. m. to 10 p. m. drill room Willi quirk lnnrh wrvire, oprn nil nij;lit. Conference rooms for business meetings. Sample Room. Harry L. Langel and J. Battery ParR Hotel ASHEVILLE, N. O. OPEJV THROUGHOUT THE TEAS. Famous Everywhere CANTON, N. C. THE IMPERIAL HOTEL E. M. GEI FREE SAMPLE ROOMS STEAM HEATED RATES HOTEL AETHELWOLD BREVARD, N. C. Rates, $2 per day. Steam beat. Hot and Cold Baths, commercial and tourist. Open year round. CHAS. M. COOK, Jr., Proprietor. The ST. JOHN "mlH The center of social life and activity is at "The St John." A most attractive and thoroughly modern hotel. A high class orchestra. ST. JOHN and SON, Proprietors. TS1E BON AIR LEADING COMMERCIAL AND TOURIST HOTEL Of WAYNESVILLE, NO. MBS. SALLLB E. CORY, Proprietress. Open the Year Ronnd. "FREE SAMPLE ROOMS" D. J. TATUM IJvery, Feed and Salu 8table. Comfortable Vehicles, Saddle Horeea a Specialty. HENDERSON V1LLE. If. a Phone 34 ervk'e at Ail Hon HOTEL KENMORE Waynesville, N. C. Open All the Year Round. Strictly High Class Service Al ways. KEITH & WELLS, Proprietors. A. S. Keith J- B. Well TfiLE SAVANNAH INN 223 Pa tton aveuue Large snnny rooms all newly furnished and homelike, with delicious home cooking. Rates, $7.00 to $12.00 per week, $1.00 to $2.00 per day, $4.00 pe r week for table board. MRS.G. R. KESSLER, Proprietor. HOTEL ENTELLA BRYMOU CITY. Headquarters for traveling mes and lumbermen. Rates It per day. Special rates by thfc month. Bath room. Free sample rooms. Railroad eating house fronting Southern dept Livery In connection. A. W. ALMA WHEELER, Pro.. THE JARRETT SPRINGS HOTEL Commercial and Tourist Rates 12.00 per day. Hot and Cold Baths. Special Rates by the Week oi Month. R, r. JARRETT, Manager Dills boro. If. O Try Gascttc-Ncw3 Want Ada ARDING HOUSES Private Killing Room. Bayliss Rector, Managers. ER, Fro. KLEOTR1C LIGHT FREE BATH $2.0 Botb PATTON HOUSI Murphy, N. 0. The best and most reasonable house In town, good Uble, eloan beds and home cooking. Rates $1 per day. MISS ROSA PATTON WE BUY Sell and Exchange Tnrnitnra, Fixtures, etc, Asheville Fornitnrf Co. 19 8onth Main St. Phone 1851 Amusements THURSDAY. DECEMBER 1 If Ida St. Leon in V ? "Finishing Fannie." ? Ida St. Ia-oii In Her New Pluy, "Finishing Fannie.", One of the big surprises of the com ing season will be Ida St. Leon, In her new pluy, "Finishing Fannie," which will appear at the Auditorium on Thursday, December 19. Miss St. Leon will best be remem bered for her magnificent perform ance of Polly In "Polly of the Cir cus," in- which vehicle she starred for the past three years and in which she has played throughout the Unit ed States, achieving such umpialilied success that her talents have assumed such proportions she nuw hug a play which gives her the opportunity to show her real worth. The story of the pluy Is centered about a young girl who has been ed ucated abroad, though her parents are divorced. . The father writes to the girl's mother, telling her of hs Inten tions to bring the daughter to his home to finish her education, much ito her discomfiture. The girl goes to her father's home, where she meets a number of theatrical people of whose life she knows nothing. Still she likes them and takes particular pains to learn all she can from them, and becomes an apt pupil in the art. She finally brings about a reconciliation with her father and mother and all ends happily. The piece is beautifully mounted and the cast could not be Improved upon. HYDE CASE VERDICT POSSIBLE TONIGHT By Associated Press. f New York, Nov. 29. Today marked the close of' the trial of Charles H. Hyde, the former city chamberlain charged with bribery. Counsel for the defense summed up this morning and this afternoon Assistant District Attorney Frank Moss will sum up for the prosecution. A verdict is expected tonight. Dr. Edward Curtis Dead. By Associated Press. Now York, Ndv. 29. Dr. Edward Curtis, ' brother of the late George William Curtis, Is dead at his home here, aifed 74 years. For more than forty years he had held a place In the front rank of physicians and scientist! in this country. Together - with Dr. Woodward of the surgeon-general's staff, he performed the autopsy on the body of President Lincoln. He was a graduate of Harvard and of the Uni versity of Pennsylvania. Yiimleihllt Defeats Hewn nee. By Associated Press. Nashville, Tenn., Nov. 29. Vander- liilt defeated Sewanee decisively yes terday afternoon before a crowd est! mated at 10,000 persons, 10 to 0. The touchdowns tnade by Vanderbllt came In the last period. They were made by Quarterback Robins and Fullback Turner after the ball had been rushed consistently from far down Into Van- derbllt's own territory. Hone Sliver Pterin Heart; Kills. By Associated Press. Philadelphia, Nov. 29. A particle of bnne from a fractured knee cap, re ceived while playing baseball, worked Its way through his system (o the heart of George Hayes, 15 years old, and caused his death In a hospital lu re yesterday. The boy's death was believed to have been caused by heart disease until an autopsy revealed the sliver of bone. J. A. TILLMAN Jeweler, IT North Mala Bt I carry a nice lice of Watches, Clocks and Jewelry, and make a spe cialty of repair work. Satisfaction guaranteed. North Carolina, . Buncombe County. Notice of Special Term for Trial of Criminal Cases. Notice is hereby given that on .Monday. December the 10th there will -be held a fipe-i cial term of the Superior court in Buncombe County for the trial of criminal cases,, said term to lat for one week. All witnesses and defendants are required to attend court begin ning on the above mentioned date.' E. W. PATTON, Chm. Buncombe County Board of Commissioners. This 20th day of November, 1912. ' ' Till Dec. 0. (HeVSuch a Nice Man -Whin He's -Home ) jl - INVESTMENT A thousand dollars will buy a fourth interest in a very profitable business; one that on an investment of $2500 has paid 20 per cent in five months. Address C. G. D., care Gazette-News. State of North Carolina, Buncombe County In the Superior Court. Charles French Toms, executor of the lust will and testament of Griffith , 8. Jones, deceased, and Charles French. Toms, , trustee, under the will of the said Griffith S. Jones, deceased, for Hortense Toms, Charles French Toms, Jr., Maurice Toms nnd Margaret Toms, and thi American Sunday School Union, plaintiffs, vs. The "Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Company" and "The Atlantic Coast Line Company," de fendants. NOTICE OF SUMMONS. To the Helrs-at-Law and Next of Kin of Griffith S. Jones, deceased: The heirs-at-law and next o kin of Griffith S. Jones, deceased, whoever they may be and wherever they may be found, will take notice that an ac tion entitled as above has been com menced and is now pending in the Superior court of said county of Bun combe, state of North Carolina, for the purpose of having the last will and testament of the said Griffith S. Jones, deceased, construed by the court; and also for the purpose of requiring the defendant, the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad company to transfer, or to cause to be transferred, certain cer tificates of stock and certain interest bearing certificates jh said company to the American Sunday School Union, of Philadelphia, under the provisions of said will, and also to re quire the defendant. The Atlantic Coast Line Company of Connecticut, to transfer, or cause to be transferred, certain certificates of stock and cer tain interest bearing certificates of said company, to the plaintiff, Charles French Toms, as trustee for Hortense Toms, Charles French Toms, Jr., ,M. F. Toms, and Maurice Toms, under the provision of said will; and the said defendants will further take notice that the subject of said action involves real and personal property in this state, and stock and Interest bearing certificates In said foreign corpora tions, and that if the same, or any part thereof, did not pass to the de visees and legatees mentioned In said will, under the provisions thereof, then the same, or such part thereof as did not pass under the provisions of said will, descended to the heirs-at-law and next of kin of said Griffith H. Jones, deceased, under the statutes and rules of descent and distribution of North Carolina, and that the relief demanded consists partly in excluding the said heirs-at-law and next of kin from nny interest therein; and said 6 ELECTRIC FLAT ItlOF S3o50 Asheville Power & Light Co. Phone 69 hetrs-at-law and next of kin of the said Griffith S. Jones, deceased, will further take notice that they are re quired to appear at the term of the said Superior court of Buncombe county, North Carolina, to be held on the Oth Monday before the 1st Mon day in March, 1913, the same being the 20th day of January, 1913, at the court house in said county of Bun combe, N. C, and answer or demur to the complaint of the plaintiff now on file In said action, or which may be filed before said time, or the plain tiffs will apply to the court for the relief demanded - in their said com plaint or complaints. This the 7th day of November, 1912. MARCUS ERWIN. Clerk Superior Court of Buncombe County, N. C. NOTICE. State of North Carolina, County of Buncombe In the Superior Court, Before the Clerk. In re Mary Pinner, et al ex parte. By virtue of a judgment and decree signed by the Clerk of the Superior Court of Buncombe County and ap proved by the Judge of t'le Superior Court holding the Courts of the 15th Judicial District of North Carolina, in the above entitled cause, appointing the undersigned commissioner and di recting him to sell the lands hereinaf ter described, for the purposes of par tition among the owners of said land, I will on Monday, the lGth day of De cember, 1912, at 12 o'clock noon, at the Court house door of Buncombe County, Bell to the highest bidder, for cash, the following described lands, situate, lying and being in Limestone Township, Buncombe County, North Carolina, and bounded and more par ticularly described as follows: Begin ning on a double poplar on the right bank of Shoal Creek, Geo. W. Van- derbilt's corner and runs thence with I his lines North 46 degrees 30 min utes East 14 poles to an apple tree about three feet in diameter; thence North 28 degrees BO minutes' West 26.4 poles to a stake and mound of stones: thence North 28 degrees 40 minutes 'East 26 poles to a stake and mound of stones; thence North 59 de grees 40 minutes East 11.2 poles to a stake and mound of stones; thence South 79 deg. 80 min. East 12 poles to a stake and mound of stones; thence North 76 degree 30 minutes East 7.6 poles to a stake tind mound of stones; thence South' degrees 40 minutes East 38.8 poles to a stake and mound of stones on a ledge of rocks; thence South 12 degrees 15 minutes West crossing Shoal Creek and with Mary Pinner's lines 36.8 poles to a white oak and chestnut stump on top of a ridge; thence South .49 degrees 15 minutes West 60 poles to. a large white oak stump near a spring; thence North 72 degrees West 12 poles to Shoal Creek at the mouth of a small branch; thence down and witb said creek South 53 degrees West 4.3 poles; North 74 degrees West 6 poles; South 78 degrees West 6 poles; North 79 de grees 15 minutes West 5.5 poles to the beginning, containing twenty-four and five-tenths (24.5) acres more or less. This November 15th, 1912. ' THOS. A. PINNER, Commissioner. I Lb. v : WANTS FOR SALE rOR BALE Bargain In beautiful, safe gentle pany, pony ouggy ana harness. Pony perfectly city broke not afraid of anything. Any lady or even small children can handle or drive him anywhere, without fear of accident Apply 87 Chartotte street, city, or write Luke Dixon, care Gazette-New. Asheville. FOR SALE Good clean newspapers, 60 for 5 cents. Apply at Gaiette News office. , ' tf. MISSION CLOCK NOW 81.95 We are making a special offer for a short time only. For cash, we will sell a handsome MISSION CLOCK, 24 Inches high, 12 inches wide, strikes the hour and half hour on a cathedral gong, 8 days wind, Welch movement,, serviceable and alto gether very attractive. Suitable for hall, living-room, or dining-room. This price is only for those who pay cash. Only one clock sold to each person. I. X. L. Department Store, No. 22 Patton avenue. Phone 107. 236-62t FOR SALE Seven piece Kitchen . Set, including a cleaver, bread knife, can opener, carving knife and fork, paring knife and carborundum sharpener. Brand new articles in neat boxes, only a few left. While they last, only 60o per set I. X. L. Department Store, No. 22 Patton avenue. Phone 107. 236-52t FOR SALE Cheap McCoskey account register, complete with necessary records tco.i food as new; carries 860 accounts. Swannanoa Drug Co. Phone 201. 241-tf FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE, house and lot 76 Starnes avenue, Ashe ville, in good repair, eight rooms, all conveniences. Terms: small pay ment balance Installment plan. Will exchange for , unimproved city prop erty, . or , improved country place. Write to or call oh Herbert C. Al len, 60 Patton avenue. 248-6t FOR SALE Runabout 40 horse' power; excellent condition; recent' ly overhauled. . Top; Klaxok horn; extra tire and demountable rim; wind shield; PrestolUe tank, i etc Southern Motor Co., 8 W. College street - 247-61 MISCELLANEOUS ROCK LEDGE, (( Haywood Street 28 rooms thoroughly renovated across street from Auditorium, half block from Battery Park hotel, Mrs. P, J. Corcoran. Prop. ; IF TOU wish to learn of an Invest ment opportunity that will bear scrutiny write 'Investment" care Oazette-News. 193-tf SHOES called for, repaired and re turned promptly. Gilmer Bowden. Phone 1817. 81 East College street 228-tf LOST Pointed fur muff, on main road near Biltmore. Reward given for return to Smith's Drug Store. 247-6t HELP WANTED BOTS WANTED Boys, you can earn lots of pocket money selling paper on the street afternoons and eve nings. Apply at Qasette-News office. ' 807-tf. TRUNKS AND LEATHER GOODS j; la our specialty-. Money to loan on diamonds, watches, jewelry and anything of value. H. L. FINKELSTEIN Loan Office. 23 S. Mala Bi Phone 887. Aiheville. . ' HOLLAR the i.'- - Ford Man 53 South Kaia St. ' ! float 672. mnsor WANTS FOR BENT FOR RENT Connecting rooms, fur- nished for housekeeping; first and second floor. Sink and gas in kit chen. 2 ( Starnes Ave. . 185-tf CONNECTING ROOMS furnished for light housekeeping, on first and sec ond floors, with electric lights ana gas. Phone 839. 18 Grady Street 162-tt FOR RENT Furnished room. Lights, water, sun parlor, first floor, in best residential section. No sick people. Address Box 813, Asheville, N. C. 228-tf. FOR RENT Modern 5 room cottage two blocks of ostofflce. N. Buck ner, Board of Trade office .or 7 Aston Place. . tf 835 MONTtt! Completely furnish. ed, email bungalow, large porch, piano, paved street; 5 room cottage close in 821 month. See Ray Campbell Co., No, 1 Haywood. , . , .... 236-tf FOR RENT Three rooms and recep tion haU furnished or unfurnished. Terms reasonable to permanent people. See Miss P. L. Holman, 301 Legal Bldg. or 8 College Park. , . 237-tf. FOR RENT Most desirable furnish ed and unfurnished houses in city for rent See us before renting, offices and rooms In Library bulla, ing for rent. D. S. Watson & Co. . . :. 239-26t. FOR RENT Two rooms furnished for light housekeeping, 812.00 per month. 146 Asheland avenue. Ap ply to E. C. Jarrett 12 N. Pack square. ,. . 247-tf. WANTED J. H. McGINNESS has moved to room dyeing, tailoring ; and cleaning, opposite Y. M. L building. Steam Phone 1850. -x tf WANTED Tour Notary Publlo work. Residence lit Asheland avenue. Phone 18. Jas. W. Albright l-tt KODAK WANTED A 1A Special. 8 or 8 A. Inquire of C, W. Cap ell at Gaxette-Nevs. tf WANTED your suits and skirts and cloaks to clean and return to you In beautiful condition. Here giving satisfaction for fifteen years. J. ('. Wtlbar, on the square. WANTED To paint your house or calcimine and paper your rooms. Big crowd of winter visitors will be here this winter and you can make your . rooms make your spending money. R. Iv.Fitzpatrlck and Son, Phone 167, North Main 63. WANTED lt m build your house. Get my prices on that repair job. I can save you money on your work. Fifteen years experience. Telephone Smith' 1241. No 100 Atkinson street. 260-7U THE OLD FORT INN Old Fort, N. C, L. "J. Epley, Proprietor. Conveniently located, nur denot Accommodations bv da v. week or month. Rate reasonable. . LOGAN : MERCHANT TAILOR Legal Bldg. v s tack Be, . . Pbone Ul. . A. U, GOODLAKE c Contractor 8s Builder Concrete Work a Specialty 22 S. Pack Square. Phone S76 CHICHESTER S PILLS IHAMONIt It ft A N It PII.I.H. for BJI yean known u Rett. hilHt.ll.i itriiatila S&lBBKBSUCGlSISEVLKWm' LM nl lib .... Kn..l.t r. NW I'll laMMl b..it B.M.akV I ftl PriiMl.t. lili lfi.rni I if VV fJ em. a Buy your ticket and give order for btggtge to be checked from your residence to destination. , B&ggage Transfer and Railway Ticket OfSce same room, 60 Patton Are. liOVISa AND ETORAGJC J

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