: Tuesday, December 3,! 1012. ' THE MYSTERY OF JOHN BOUNCE A Genius Who Was Inventive In Several Ways. Strong, Vigorous Feet, Never Sore mm CHITCHAT How a Popular Young Matron Makes Her Guests "at Home." Children Cry for Fletcher's mm If you arc going w buy that boy a useful Christmas present, Rifle or Shotgun We have a full line of the celebrated STEVENS FIREARMS d will take pleasure in showing them to vou. . . c;nrf1( ci,ot n;fles Single Barrel Shotguns ' ' Reiatinf Rifles Double Barrel Shotguns . PoSKlflS Pistols . Repeating Shotguns , . ; The price, on Ann, are very low considering and reliability. 1 hey are ruuy Ku... STEVENS famous Factory of Precision. , COME IN AND SEE THEM OTTIS GREEN HARDWARE CO. 11 West Pack Square. Just Rub on EZO for the Feet and away goes Foot Misery t.. tfetnlr nf It nnl V ?S ppnta for a I UOL ksi - anv generous Jar o EZO, a pleasant, re- tuc PROPHET S CHAMBER, nneu omuueut mm. nuivny. av.. the pores and in a few minutes Dnngs hlnssed rellet to trlea, weary, sore. burning, tender feet. All druggists have It. It's so easy to use, too no tuss or hother Retting ready no time wasted r . l V. Wt I ifra r, it i v -x v J i T.hnnv Bounce and I were school- .nrt fnat friends. Johnny was uiaica i,.n t lint stronger. Every YUUUKCL l.""" -, . . . boy who could lick me va.. I . rt ub on EZO for the feet and of the opportunity Just for tne iuu ,a vani8hes. Used dally It makes It Johnny could lie most, ui weak feet B.r0ng and vigorous ana ti.af I needed a friend, be- the aiionv from Corns, Bunions ' ... .- un itkful me. 1 nniiMipR lt'a fin for roueh skin. ? to. 1 cK-errmrrffH r and i nanus d Wch...biain. THIS OUU'll W4i"'covu. a. win lot h one. nua dv .- . . .. tvht. wo toft school to go uui iiiiv the world (we were pretty big boys then) I said to John Bounce: ..ouu"j. Smith's drug store chapped hands and frosted leet. guarantees it. Ask for iuu ihb snai. "Little Womm" Complete Success to Admirers of Miss Aleotfs Book All ' the Favorite Characters Live Again. Professor Proposes In Plumfield Orchard. Dear Elsa-Dick and I have Just come back from a delightful week end visit to a particularly charming young matron of our acquaintance who seems to have discovered the secrets of true hospitality, that virtue so rare in this hustling life of today. I am going to tell the story of nospi- w-- r -Mm.' rerermie W'dtfe 'oT HIS r want, vml to understand tbat I owe . "without being grubstaked. mi a whole lot. It I ever get a cbance h,.n.f -ny capital to put in, but I tality as it was told to me. to make a standoff for what you've woul(1 let me ena y0u what When we were first married, done for nie i n do it.' yon need from time to time. "Oh, you don't owe me anyuims, -10 nere ln my No? uomneeuHi Tom," he said. "Besides, I guess we u WeU whenever you do come ngnr, in both get along pretty weu. here and get it." , I didn't see John alter our pain-a j new perfectly wen mat "e for years. Then one day a man came moneyi DUt could not bring himself to into my office of very forlorn appear- takfl lt me whose equal he had been in everything except uu SOUTHERN RAILWAY, Vernier Carrier of the South. Schedule figures published as information only and not guaranteed. ' EFFECTIVE NOV, 21TII, 1012. Eastern Time Departs for Eastern ume Lak9 . No. 6 Brevard and Lake 11:10 a.m, Toxaway 8:10 P-m Lake No. 8. Brevara ana ..... 0:16 p.m. Hit :iu p.m. No. Arrlvea from No. 8 Brevard and Toxaway . . Nn. 7 Brevard and Toxaway . ....... t Savannah ana Jack sonville . . P-m No. 11 Washington 'and New York, Norfolk ' and Klchmond ... 1:48 P No. 11 Cincinnati and Louisville. St Louis and Memphis ..... I'.OB p.m. No. 11 Charleston and Co lumbia P No. IB N. T., Philadelphia WMhlntrton (d) ,.1:I0 a.m. 18 Murphy and Wavnesville . ..... : Ho, to M a r p h y a n d Wavnesville No. 11 Goldsboro and Ral No elgh . P""- No. 11 Waynesville :00 a.m. No, No. 17 Charleston, uoium- bia P-m No. 18 Cincinnati a n d Chicago 9:06 a.ro No. Toxaway 10 Savannah, Jackson- vllle No. 11 Cincinnati, St Lou- - , is, Memphis and Louisville :0B pn No. 11. Washington, N. ,T Norfolk and Rich- ' mond :s 1-B NO. 14 Atlanta, Charleston 7:00 a.m. No. 16 N. T , Philadelphia, Washington (d) ,. . 7:00 p.n No. 17 Waynesville a n d Murphy s: a.m 1 Wavnesville and Murphy :2 P p,n. No. ll Waynesville . .... 7:65 p.m 22 Raleigh ana uoias- boro . '10 -m 27 Chicago and Cincin nati . ... 7:80 P-m 28 Columbia, Charles- ' ton 10.25 a. m. SB Memphis and Chat tanooga . 10:10 p.m ' a i mv nnpkAt. ance. I put my uubcib to get out 10 cents when I noticed the fellow looking at me with a quizzical expression. . ' "You don't know me, Tom? "No, 1 don't" T'tY InhmlT Bounce." My heart sank, for I knew that the world had been too much for John. However, I gave his hand a warm grasp, asked him to sit down and tell I hnil been doing. He said . i,Hn't t,nd much success thus far, but he bad "irons In the fire," some of which he thought would pan out very big. I had heard of these "irons" be fore in connection with men who had lost their grip on the worjd and knew that instead of Irons they were gases. But I saw thnt John was sincere, so i aui nnt rtlscournire him, "You can't run a thing like that said this voung matron, "we didn't have spare room at ail. If people came to visit us we had to turn out of our room nl caino on couches during the visit. But when we moved into a larger house I said to my husband: " 'Do you remember the story of the wnmnn who keot a room ready for a prophet so that he might come and go o i,o nlMseil without troubling any one? Her hospitality brought her good luck in time of trouble, and l tuinu " would be rataer nice if we had a proph et's chamber, too, a little room aiwaji ready for our friends.' "If our unique spare room has not brought us luck it has certainly ena bled us to make a numDer oi gnuu. and warm friends who cau be trusted to stand by us in time of troirnie. ill nun A! 6 i Away Goes Cold In Chest Over Night No. kT. mm nrakln0rAn N and Rlcnmona .... -----Ko. 18 Memphis and Chat- mond and N. .T... 7.10 a.m tanooKa :80 a.m- No. 42 Atlanta, Macon and M 1 Cha!ston. iXeon. New Orleans 8:10 p.m N auSu - No. lOlBrlrtol, Knoxville .t 1 as TtrMi. Knoxvlll ChattanooKa 7.10 a. m. and Chattanooga ..10:66 p.m. Through sleeping" cars daily to and from New York, Ph"8 Baltimore Washing"" Richmond, Norfolk. Charleston. Clnclnatl Mem phis '"jacks'o.Jvm ilvainah. St Louls, Louisville and Atlanta and Macon. P Through chair cars Goldsboro. and Waynesville. . "Carolina Special," train 27 and 1 g, Charleston to Cincinnati, hav run dlning tiar service and observatton wtng cars, -trains lectrlcliy Ilfhwo ""TWsON. CP. - ' . . . . I" WOOn" n- V V'- 7 North Carolina, Buncombe County. Notice of Special Term for Trial of Criminal Cases. . iu-v' Mnsturlno is simply (Treat all lirnnt and rhest soreness vnnislies while you sleep big box 25 cent J. A. Begy of Rochester, N. Y., is tho fhfimist who discovered muwia RINE and now all wise people nave no further use for mustaru poumueo, in n.ne llrilmanta ptn. liEGY'S MUSTARINE won t blister .i nn'i anil. You can rub it on ln ,i,. nnrl th next minute you'll know that it has stnrted to. draw out j the congestion ana aimy m mntloh. . ' 1 Don't forget to use it for - sore throat, coughs, bronchltla, pleurisy, tonBilitls, stiff neck, sprains,- swollen joints, lumbago, neuralgia, headache, earache and toothache. If absorbs quickly: Is very penetrauns aim lilts magic. Druggists everywhere, a,uh' .irne atore guarantees it - Only 25 cents. Be sure its d punch boys' heads, and in this he had heon mv superior. I was obliged to let him go without affording him relief, but I took his address, resolving to find eome Indirect way of giving him mon- . - t.b tlin Hmft ev BUt 1 was verj uuoj u . , 11 t .1 Tom and put the mauer ou. - not an inventive genius and failed to think of any method of lending John Bounce money without appearing to give it. , ' One morning a woman came "j a Dim hnd heard John Bounce, who boarded with her. speak "it's quite an ordinary little room .oJ Z ,1 nrl aha would like aintfe bed. a big chair which can be . . ... l. nrnnertv into a second bed if necessary, tne tO Tell UCl ii 1 .11 . : u which she could levy. I told her a washstnnd and a dresstng toble trtrt :. . t, 0 . norfprt.lv hon-1 ..host of drawers below lt. mese oraWe man, but was trying to carry arawers are stocked with everything through certain schemes without sum- tuat we think our guests are My to clcnt capital. She left with a cnecici neeai so that they neeu uou m.uu i - .t. iioi. wn A week! im, without a lne. inter I received a note from John re- -one side of the chest belongs to rrrettlng that the woman had thought men visitors and the other to wouiei.. i .lonoacrv to adont such strenuous .0n the men's side 1 keep the roi measures and assuring me tnni one mi lowing things: . f k ta honr nnn tie I it nn . tr nninm ik. hlS irOnS WUB UI. iimvo a. iuti. vfc ... would soon call and return the amount. ..A plr of loose slippers which win . . i.i . ninn tr onnnunir iiih ui v.A nnniftirrnn h to iiivii lfei. i aamireu i"" i ,, .nworont . t,n tw I ..n,iif n rtozen collars of different neip mm muu.w . . - ... ha n,llft to John, never came to see me, Bzes, so tnai ny " , II II tin L The Kind You Have Always Bought, ana wmca naa uecu In use for over 30 years, has born the signature oi and has Deen mauo aouer um j" i-lSrf--- sonal supervision since Its Infancy . 7A Allow no one to deceive you In this. u n..ta. TmiratimiH and "Just-as-good" are hu Experiments that trine with and endanger the health t .ufants and Children-Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castoria U a harmless substitute for Castor OU, Paw eorlc, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It I? Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other wstimce. its age Is Its guarantee. It destroys or ins and allavs Feverlshness. It cures Diarrhoea and -Wind CoUe. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, W Stomach and liowcls, giving healthy and natural sleep. The ChUdreu's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of J . aaaam The Kind You Have Always Bought r . in Use For Over ou Tears thc KtHTmm conwm. tt My itwit. Nrwea citt. Notice is hereby given that on Monday, December the lfith there will be h?ll a spe- cial term of the Superior court in Buncombe County for .the trial of criminal cases, said term to last for one week. All witnesses and defendants are rnmiired to attend court begin- ' ning on the above mentioned date. R. W. PATTON, Chm. Pinncnmlw Countv Board of Commissioners. This 20th' day of November, 1019 ' ' Till Dec! 9. tii Tour ticket and give order for baggage to .be checked from Tout I ijiRDINE in yellow box. residence to destination. i Baggage Transfer and Railway Ticket Office same room, 60 Patton Ave. whatever it fit himself with a clean one if he neeus it in the morning. . "A razor and shaving soap. "Clean handkerchiefs. "On the side belonging to tho women I keep: ll ,il,rhtirnVn. "A thin woolen vest for those who isi- .nmotiiimr warm under the gown. "A dressing jacket and a dressing M. a rmir of bedroom slippers in as uouuv .p. -"-,, 'f.mu,ps. These fit any one, I was sorrv now ii"-o , lUcau.i'u"' . , i was boi , ,. nniv the toes are slipped into was gone tuat i uuu " - -- - do more for him. I inclosed a check them. ,,.,,, tho amnunt and autnonzea a cu" a wen biui- ..v- for more. I did the latter as an ex cuse to my conscience for not attend 1..0. tho matter nersonally. I eouldn t ...B . . . ihi bring myself to sucn a m' duty. nrkio hla sensitiveness, ""-' . ....... W J Inno was, wouldn't let nun. uue uuj hiia after the board bill episode I received a note from an undertaker tolllnir me that a man named John Bounce had died in a boarding house. A letter from me had been found in bis room, and since there was no mon- h.inr him lt was deemed advisa ble to notify me. The amount required was about $100. Brings Solid Comfort to Old People Adv. MOVING AND 6TORAGK. TRUSTEE'S SALE. Bv virtue of the power of sale con talned in a certain deed of trust made hv w v. Swann and wife. Amadell awnnn. to the undersigned trustee dated March lSth, 1911. and duly re ..,iri ir. tho office of the register oi deeds for Buncombe county, N. C, ln hriv if morteages and deeds of trust No. 80 at page 497 et sea., to which -nforonpo la hereby made, and defaulf having been made. In the payment ui the indebtedness secured by. said deed j.i A AUr-a will mv Ut trust whereby the power oi sai J tliuuniiuu uun v . to,sfl haB become opera tlve, the said undersigned trustee will rrliiav. tho 20th day of Peceiiiuer, 1912, at 12 o'clock, niKn, senaipuunc INVESTMENT a fourth interest in a very nrofitable business: one that J. i f l f 1 1911, Ul ..., r On an investment OI ifriOUU nas aucUon Ior cash, at the court house I nnwl 50 rer cent in five months. Address C. G. D., card 0 a-zette-News. . "A little pot of toilet cream. "A bottle of eau de cologne. TiTi,inr nlns and hairpins. "The guests who visit us often have labeled with their names, cuesc i tti".j 3 .. ,....t -,.J nntl fnr the cllllllCe A few montns mrer i "-"-..", , no brushes." from one who wrote that he naa ueeu Keep u . u., - - an intimate friend of the line a - - t0ether al. Rounee. the inventor. It was propou nave s- '::-."-, ' . uUnr1n r I by several of Mr. Bounce rln. a honilKtona ni ins Kl':- - were four men ready to contribute $50 onnh The cost of the stone would be f50. Knowing that l naa ueeu tured to write to know if I would make one of five. 1 at once sen check for $50. A year passed. One morning I re ceive a note from a mwyei that John Bounce had died a few days before (my hair stood bn end with as tonishment), that Mr. Bounce had left . . . .. ,...,1 1 that. Mr. me his sole neir v ' - -Bounce had patented n mechanical toy, and that a toy manufacturing company .stood ready to give $25,000 for the sole right to manufacture u grai' door in, the city of Ashevllle, county of Buncombe and State of Nortn Caro lina, adloinlns: lanls of Lotspelch fhnmhoral Balrd and others, and being .. . i . .1 n..mlB.. nnvVMl to I 3krw,r fi allnnnrtV me lanus riiu jj.ci.,.i uc ronl- tt r.i cmon hv I a. I nip mm j . j. I Tv, la wnniior xiirnea out w " t-in hv flood dated December 5th, 1 tt . Ootol the offer, and when 1908, and duly recorded In the office wag pftld , my eyes filled ho roiriator nf deeds for Buncombe 1 Jnhnny , u, l . , . i i,k .oura mv imui. wv' TTZZTTa tt-t- TTTWl!3n 1919 county. N. C, In .deed book :No mat - BnCceedcd after all, but STREET CAK BWlUU.uxA juj:. page 475 et : seq.,Ho wn.cn rej"--- ,r thoughts were only on This November 19, 1912. W. M. JACKSON. Trustee ZILLIC0A AND RETURN 1:00, :15, 1:30 a. m. RIVERSIDE TARE 6:10 and vHk16 mtn. until 11 p. m. DEPOT? VIA SOUTHSIDE AVENUE , 6:45 and :0.a. m. and averr 16 mln. until 1:16 p. m; then every 7 1-1 mln. until :45 p. m. Then avary 15 mln. until 11:00. DEPOT VIA FRENCH BROAD AVI.. 6:00 and every 16 minutes until 11:00 p.vm. .;. MANOR 6:00 a. m and avery 15 minutaa till 11:00 p. m. ' CHARLOTTE STREET TERMINUS .7:00 a. m. than vary 16 minutes nil 11:00 p. m. PATTON AVENUE EAST STREET GRACE VIA MERRIMON AVENUE , ,-' . BILTM0RE DEPOT & W ASHEVILLE VIA SOUTHSIDE AVE. 6:00 a. m. and "very 16 mlnutaa till 11:00 p. m, - :00 a m. and avary 16 mlnutaa ul) 11:00 p. m. 6:00 a. m. and avary 60 mlnutaa till 6:00 a. m. Than avery 15 minutes till 10:10 p. m. Then avery 10 minutes till 11:00 p. m. , 6:16 a m. and than vary 16 mlnutof till 10:10 p. m. Than avary 10 mln. till 11:00. lt ear- 1 6:46 and 6:00 a. m. and mln. UU 11:00 p. m., last car. vary - BundV hedul. differ. In th. foUJi fr!,:i6. Car leaves aquar. lor Manor at ;J?- ' eg. T:00, 7:10, Cars leav. Bouar. for D.pot via. Bouth'.d. At. .'. Av Cars leave Bqu 1:00 and 1:11 a. nu 6:16. 1:10, 1:45, 7:16, 7:45' and 1:16. .. ... ., ... a IK. DOW (OUUBU. Car lor lpoi imvwi mi""". - - - at X46 an4 Franok Broad. , nrst car leavoa Bquar. tor Charlott. street at ' First car laavea Bquar. for Rlv. raid. 1:80. nea Flnrt car tor W.-t Ash.villa, leave. Bquar. 1:1 neat 1:46. ,., oay tchedulaa oommanca at 1 a. m. and ta ar. In progrea at Auditorium th. ' With th. abqy. axceptlona, uontlnu. sam. aa waok flaya. ",..Wr".,rrT:".r.rUrnm.nt living Bquar. at Nt Mat trip on . Bauari 1-t tlm. and holrttn. ov.r at Auditorium. Car toavw Bquari alht. UfcU. 1 mlnula. b.Ior. acoa4lt of annouacad Brrlva TltCSTEE'S SALE. Tiv virtue of the power of sale con tained in a certain deed of trust made , .Tamea TT. Walker and wife, Ellsa wniuor tn the undersigned trustee, dniofl Mav 17th. 1805, and duly re corded In the office of the regtoter of deeds for Buncombe county. N. C. in hnnk of mortgages and 'deeds of ttust Ntt. 60 at page 580 et seq. to wnicn oforonro la hereby made and default having been made In the payment of ih. Inriahtedness secured by said deed of trust whreby the power of sale therein contained has become opera tive, the said undersigned trustee, will ivi.lnv. the 20th da or ijecemncr 1012, at U o'clock, 'noon, selVat public auction for cash at the court house in thn citv of Asheviue, count nf nunrombo and State of North Caro iino i ho following lands and premises, u ,'.! lvlnor nnd being ln Black Mountain township, county or, oun pnmhe. N. C. inrat tract: Containing fifty acres and being the same lands conveyed to James H. Walker by Daniel Walker wlfo. Marv Walker. Dy oeea aaiea uav r.ih l7ri. and duly recorueu in the office of tho register ot deeds for unnonmhe county. N. c, in aeeu door Vn 4S at naga t9 et seq. to which reference Is hereby made for metes tw.nnda. nnd being tne larms upon which the said J. H.,waiKer ana sii Wnlkor now live. Second tract: Being the lnnd con w,v.n tn Marv Allison by William Oil llland by deed dated September 12th, ikiu. nnd dulv recorded in the otttce of th. reRlstor of dwfl lor Buncombe iv N. C. In deed book No. 27 at riHKe 640 et sin. to which reference Is hereby made for and description. Thl Niivrmtirr 19th, 1912, OWO. A. BHUFOnD, Trustea. rendv for a prophet's room thlnir else: a ..lovor woman has dramntlzeo "T.lttle Women," and the play is liay- ront run here in Now lorK i-ii,.i, hna made Jo and Meg, Amy and Beth, to say nothing of t 'i n,i tho nmfessor. Marmue and IjUULIU Mill i - .. M,.h anrh real characters to an of her renders that I, wlio was brought up on the book, was arriuu u. would be disappointing. Quite the re verse was the case. It is charming, and even Jo's boots-the famous be i ni.i imnta that "were given hoi bv a friend who knew n lady who knew an actof'-these actual boots were loaned by John Olcott, a nephew ot the author, who was one oi am, tn'lna n.i. ..rtnin rises on such a homy " i- lf,l- frnm the ir rorviriiiiu in i " .,im. i.innminc on the window sill to the old fashioned pictures and ....I.-. ,,d vm. there was Beths doll LllUll"! a"t . -"', " , cradle, looking as if it had been up in somebody's attic for fifty years, too .,.,.im,a tn throw away, too "queer for the children of today, who must i,o via heds for their dolls. rri,,. 1. .Tn. of course. Where else could she be but lying on the floor in IBI J?if i.lts -Vfefcr-. ii ui B 01 All winter long on the Zero days and the ..,4., MctenW Havs the Perfection Smoke- less OU Heater gives them real solid comlort. It saves them many a cold and sickness for it easily warms the rooms not reached by the ordinary tot The Perfection Heater is made with nickel trim- m;nra folate steel or enameled turquoise-oiuc Ornamental. Inexpensive. Lasts for year moved from place to place. At Dtaltn Ewrywhmn STANDARD OIL COMPANY (lacafporaMa in naw Easily Nawark,N.J. Purest and Best Rumford Baking Powder that genius for Inventing methods by which I could give him money without wounding the feelings of either him. elf or me. We wish to call you attention to tho of th(j flr(j eRtmg nn a.pie with - Bt.in.-nr omnnasis oi uic uccn . , . . ..,,.iini intn a not: UIIU B o.l"-" r anil . Mh,u,ll niUKM. Ul limit. scarlet four are contracted when the child mis a cold, cnamoernun .-"b Remedy will quickly cure a m,u greatlv Uwn the danger of contract ing these diseases. .This remedy is famous for Its cures or. coi". " tains no opium or other narcotic and mny )e given to a child wim mini"' confidence. Sold by all dealers. Bshlnd Hsr Back. "How well she keeps ber age." "Yes-to herself'-Chlcago necord- Herald. PHICHESTER S PILLS -Ills I. K-4 i"l U-la V anlcil h lilta Ril"- W KrairrUL Ak (i lll- Jf'.l"V-J iiiamond lutAMi i' " , f-.t. Always Keli.l,W SOLO BV DRUGGISTS EVLRYRHERE HOLLAR - tho her wonderful hair bundled into a net? won't be uiinsiuiuB iiu- out any prcBts--Abe very words of i,o imnu. And lump rose ln my throat as I remembered the Christmas I found "Little Women" in m, imr nnr there by father. rr'ho.. there was Laurie, not quite so handsome, I must acknowledge, as the t. t mv ilreams. but quite irresistl- .k tAn o-nr to know blra. tie a thn vtrin and loved Marmee ...ii nii an'lal attention to Jo, ana, oh, dear, if he didn't propose to her ..,it That dreadful scene! If Louisa "to"'"" . ,!. Alcott knew how many gins uu .,i wont nTer that chnpterl When Beth dies there Is not a dry eye in the bouse. And then come Jo and her o.nr Those of us who can for give Jo for deserting her "boy" in the hnnk have to fight all over agnin. for the professor is fat and has not a sense h,,n,nr ilka Laurie. The professors proposal in the play takes place in the orchard at Huinneld, for lt would be Impossible to have a rainstorm on the u.,t it'a all lust wonderful, and you must coma to town to sea it and youra devotedly. Hundreds of Electrical Labor Saving Devices where electric MABEL. more Information Ford Man 66 South Main St. "'' 'T FLune 672. ; A. M. GOODLAKE Contractor A Builder Concrete Work a Specialty 22 S. Pack Square. ataaata Can be used in the modern home 1'iolits nre in use. Flat Irons, Chafm Dishes, . Titers, ColToe 1 orcoia- tors, Heaters, Sewin Maclune woions Wc show a lai'Ke.assort,n.nt of appliancen that can nu used wherever there is cieciiic iiBm. Visit Our Display Rooms Asheville Power & Light Co. V I phone 69

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