FAGS TEN A Perfect Gentleman? 0 rTSfw TEX ASHEVILLE GAZETTE IfW "J Wednesday, December 4, 1912, stevej cona iHEREl WIU YOU LISTEN "TO ME? CWT TOU SEE I HAT 1 HAVE PICK UP THM AND HELP ME lOM THE CAR WITH IT ! YOU'RE BIG EMQUGH TO BE OF SOME HELP TO ME! TOU PROPPED OME BEHIND TOU. madam! HENES YOUR x sip mm " III : 5 AH' MA GOOD MORNING MIS uirtLET! foil auf OOT EARLY IR'TEV. tou 5TbTcakeful!) ?3cith p. r.jTNW.lHWIR. lS 'TS A LITTLE Kf RP.n' SUCH J P SLIPPERY OUT l1"1 - ! THIS MURNINQ' HOTELS AND BOARDING HOUSES Swanna n o aB erReley Asheville ' Most Modern and Up-to-date Hotel. Hot and Cold Running Water or Private Bath in every room. PRANK LOUGHRAN, Owner and Proprietor. THE ONLY FIREPROOF STONE AND CONCRETE UP-TO-DATE HOTEL IN ASHEVILLE. Cafe with popular prices, open from 0 a. in. to 10 p. m. Private Dining Room for Parties. Our popular Grill Room serves Business Man's Lunch, from 11:30 a. m., to 3 p. m. Price 40 cents. Open Day and Night. HARY L. LANGEL and J. BAYLIS RECTOR, Mgrs. TO BE STAR PITCHER RICH LAD'S AMBITION Rockefeller's Grandson Is Now Tak ing a Course in Twirling under Mordecai ltrown. ' By Associated Press. Chicago, Dec. 3. Fowler McCor Oormlck, 15 years old, son of Harold F. McCormick, and grandson of John D. Rockefeller, betfan a course in baseball pitching yesterday, under the tutelage of Mordecai Brown, former star hurler of the Chicago National League club. The boy, who some day probably will rank with the world's wealthiest men, is being trained for slab work at' Princeton university. His father is a graduate of Princeton and it is his ambition some day to watch his son strike out the batsmen of Yale and Harvard, for Fowler is to enter the university as soon ns he is pre pared. llrnwn will give his pupil two les sons each week. Purest and Best Rumford Baking Powder THE GRUNER SANITARIUM Asheville, N. O. No. 2t-31 Ha j wood Street. Phone 684 HYDRO -THERMO-ELECTRO and MKCHANO-THERAFT, DIETIOS ror (elected cases of Nervousness, Paralysis, Hayfever, Malaria, Asthma, Stomach, Rheumatism, Diseases of Women and other chronic diseases. The BATHS AND MASSAGE Department of th8 Sanitarium U open - to the Dublle. Hlrlllf,,! . hoih .LADIES and GENTLEMEN. Open day and Nleht. Battery ParR Hotel .c ASHEVILLE, n. o. ; 1 OPEN THROWGHOTJT THE TEAK. Famous Everywhere TREE SAMPLE ROOMS STEAM HEATED CANTON, N. C THE IMPERIAL HOTEL E, M. GFJ ER, Prop, RATES f2.M ELEOTRIO LIGHTS FREE BATH HOTEL AETHELWOLD BREVARD, N. C. Rates, $2 per day. Steam heat. Hot and Cold Baths, commercial and tourist Open year round. CHAS. M. COOK, Jr., Proprietor. Both The ST. JOHN "r1""- The center of social life and activity is at "The Si John." A most attractive and thoroughly modern hotel. A high class orchestra. - ST. JOHN and SON, Proprietors. THE BON AIR LEADING COMMERCIAL AND TOURIST HOTEL OF WAYNESVILLE, N 0. MBS. SALLIE E. CORY, Proprietress. Open the Year Round. "FREE SAMPLE ROOMS" SOUTHERN RAILWAY, iMciaier Carrier of the South. Schedule figures published as Information only and not guaranteed. EFFECTIVE NOV. 21TH, 1912. Arrives from ' Eastern Time Departs for Eastern Tim. No. 6 Brevard and Lake No. 6 Brevard nd T.ir. Toxawav il-in am m kt p. -r, , ; - . " AUAuwuy , 5:30 n.m No. 7 Brevard and Lake No. 8. Brevard m t.v. P Toxawav S-1K n.m. rr, ... No. Savannah and Jack- No. 10 svnni..' jl,..-! aonvllle l-in n m .., No. 11 Washington and ' No. 11 Clncln!' h,"7: - P'nL - J.0uk' N?rf0lk Memphis and and Richmond ... t-iit n m No. 18 ClnclnnaU and n. h TO.hi.,- w -o- vnL No. II Charleston and Co- NO, 14 Atinntn nlX" V.ll ? lumbla til nn. x, , xt No. 15 N. y.. Philadelphia ' WasVlnT S . - Waahinsrton Cd ..li:lfl &.m m. 11 m "1 ww No. 18 Murphy and Mnmh. Waynesvllle :6S nm xr ..:.' "I No. 0 Murphy and Wavneivllle I KS nm. t- ZZl " ' '.. V" No. II Goldsboro and Ral '" p.wTl- o.V 7" ehrh 7-ii n 1" No. II Wavneavllle no . tt, . ? ,: No. 17 Charlerton. Colum- 2 i ana C,nc,n- .... bla nm t- .-71 ' J. " No. II Cincinnati and , Chicaeo 10.1K m "' a- m- No. 16 Washington, N. T. ' S" and Richmond tin . m . f" '. t.m. 4. - - " u. sn wasnington, Rlch- Vo. IS Memphl. and Chat- mon, " "'ca tanooia f:KD m t- No. 1 Charrton, Macon. " " t NdOlBrot "Kno.111" 1MJ?T and Chattanooga ..10:51 p.m. v-anooga 7.10 a. m. Through aleeplng can dally to and from New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore. Washington. Rlrhmonil N.f.li, rii i... . , .. - v-iiauRBiuii. i;incmnau.f uem- phis, Jacksonville, Savannah. St Lou is, Louisville and Atlanta and Macon. ui wueu vnci vail uuiuiugru, ana w&yneuvjile. "Carolina, flnnptlal.' train t7 mnA . dining car Mrvic. and ob-rvatlon 'Zl"!?. n. throughout '"lTli electrlclly lighted n n nrrTAw abb. iw - TV. WUUU. D. P. A. D. J. TATUM livery, Feed and Sales Stable. Comfortable Vehicle, Saddle Horace a Specialty. HENDERSON VTLLE, IT, CL Pbnna S4S. Serrtre at All Horn HOTEL KENMORE Waynesville, N. C. Open All the Year Round. Strictly High Class Service Al ways. KEITH & WELLS, Proprietors. A. S. Keith J. B. Well THE SAVANNAH INN 223 Pa tton avenue Large sunny rooms all newly furnished and homelike, with delicious home cooking. Bates, $7.00 to $12.00 per week, $1.00 to $2.08 per day, $4.00 pe r week for table board. MRS.O. R. KESSLER, Proprietor. HOTEL irrrzLLA brthou cm. . Headquarters for traveling mn aad lumbermen. Rates II per day, Bpenial 'rates by thk month. Bath room. Free sample rooms. Railroad eating hotus fronting Southern dtp Livery In connection. t A. W. A ALMA WHEELER, Prat.. THE JARRETT SPRINGS HOTEL Commercial and Tourist Rates 11.00 per day. Hot and Cold Paths. Special Hate by the Weok 01 Month. R. F, JAP.T 'TT, KstuMTf Lliuboro. V. C PATTON DOUSI Murphy, N. C. The best and most reasonable house In town, good table, clean beds and home cooking. Rates ft per day. MISS ROSA PATTON WE BUY Sell and Exchange Turnltura, Fixtures, eta Asheville Furniture Co. 23 South Main St Fhons 1X31 T 1 ml ' vn Want Ads WANTS MISCELLANEOUS STREET CAR SCHEDULE IN EFFECT JTTW1! sn 1Q19 ZILLICOA AND RETURN 00 . m. RIVERSIDE PARK t: 10 and every is mln. until 11 p. m. DEPOT VIA SOUTHSLDE AVENUE 8:45 and 1:00 a. m. and every 11 mln. until i:is p. ra.; then every 7 1-1 mln. until l:4t p. m. Then every II mln. until 11:00. DEPOT VIA FRENCH BROAD AVI., :00 and every 11 minutes nnUl 11:01 p. m. MANOR 1:00 a. m. and every II minutes till 11:00 p. m. CHARLOTTE STREET TERMINUS 7:00 a. m. then every-II minutes tUl 11:00 p. m. PATTON'AVENUE - 0:00 a. m. and every II minutes till 1100 p. m. EAST STREET :00 a m. and every II minutes UU 11:00 p. m. GRACE VIA MERRIJIOX AVENUE I:0 a. m. and every 10 minutes till 1:00 a. m. Then every II minutes till 10:10 p. m. Then every 10 minutes till 11:00 p. m. BILTM0R2 1:11 a m. and then every II minutes till 10:10 p. m. Then every 10 mln. 'Ill 11:00. lent ear. DEPOT & W ASHEVILLE VIA SOUTHSLDE AVE. 1:41 and 1:00 a, m. aad every 10 mln. till 11:01 p. m last car. Sunday schedule differs In the f 'Mowing particulars: Car leaves square for Manor at 1:00 a. m., return 1:11. Cars leave Square for Depot via, SJUthstde Ave. 1:11, 1:10, 7:00, 7:tf, 1:00 and 1:10 a, m. Cars leave Square for Depot via French Broad Are, :ll, 1:10, :!, 7:11. 7:41 and 1:11. Car tor Depot leaves Square 1:45, both Southslde and French Broad. First car leaves Square for Cha-lotte street at 1:46. First car leaven Square for Riverside 1:10, aest 1:41. First car (or West Asheville, leives Square 1:10. With the above exceptions, Sunday schedules commtoc at I a, m. and wntlnue same as week days. On sventnir when entertainment are In progress at Auditorium th t trip on all lines will be from entertainment leaving Square at regu lar time and holding over at Auditorium. Car leaves B.imre to meet II, o!g!t train, to minutes before schedule of announced arrtvti IF TOU wish to lea,rn of an Invest ment opportunity that will bear crutiny write "Investment" care Gazette-News. 113-tf WANTS FOR SALE FOR SALE Good clean newspapers, 60 for 6 cents. Apply at Gazette- News office. " tf. SHOES called for, repaired and re turned promptly. Gilmer Bowden. Phdne 1817. 31 East College street. 223-tf LOST Sunday afternoon between Y, M. I. cafe nnd second Baptist church Kagle street, one seal Bkln fur. lteward If returned to Y. M. I. dru& store. 253-31. lust un Cherry, Cumberland or Montford, case of lingerie, hand em broidery, two hemstitched linen towels: Reward if returned to The Gazette-News. 253-3t 'OUND Yesterday, a large bunch of keys contalninR one brass key nnd many others. Owenr please call at this office and pay for this adver tisement and also pay boy that found found them a reward.254-3t. TO LOAN $7000 in amounts of $1000 and up on Improved city real estate. Jones & Williams, attorneys at law, 419-421 LeKal Building. 254-3t ENTERTAINMENT Benefit of Biltmore Methodist Church '.. a .' High School Building South Biltmore Thursday Evening, Dec. 5 1912 Music and Recitations Lecture by REV. W. A. NEWELL President of Weaverville Col lege. Refreshments Will Be Served. Everybody invited to. come and meet Rev. J. W. Campbell, the new pastor. Admission: Adults 25c; Children un der li years, 10c. MUSIC BY STRING BAND MISSION CLOCK NOW $1.96 We are making a special offer for a short time only. For cash, we will sell a handsome MISSION CLOCK, 24 Inches high, 12 Inches wide. strikes the hour and half hour on a cathedral gong, 8 days wind, Welch movement serviceable and alto gether very attractive. Suitable for - hall, living-room, or dining-room. This price Is only for those who pay cosh. Only one clock sold to each person. I. X. L. Department Store, No. 22 Patton avenue. Phone 107. 236-52L FOR SALE, CHEAP 4 nice hard wood mahogany finished counters, six 5-foot counter show cases, all in first class condition. Call and see them. Swannanoa Drug Co. tf FOR SALE Seven piece Kitchen Set, Including a cleaver, bread knife, can opener, carving knife and fork, paring knife and carborundum sharpener. Brand new articles In neat boxes, only a few left While they last only 60o per set I. X. L. Department Store, No. 22 Patton avenue. Phone 107. 235-62t LOGAN MERCHANT TAILOR Legal Bldg. S Pack Sf. Phone 717. J. A. TILLMAN Jeweler, 17 North Main St I carry a nice Una of Watches, Clocks and Jewelry, and mak a spe cialty of repair work. Satisfaction guaranteed. For Women Who Care Of OOnifW von TIQAftn AnflcAnttnt -. family and In thocare of your own per son, and you want the best. instead oi what you have been using s.ich as liquid or tablet antlseptlns or peroxide, won't you please try Pax tine, a concentrated antiseptic powder to be dissolved in water as needed. J'axtine is more tconomlctl, jnors o'.eansing, more germicidal and -nore healing than anything you ever 4seL hi 67 ANTISEPTIC lit the toilpfc to nleanM t-a teeth, remove tartar and prewnt wva.r. AO msiniect the month,destroy dlvase germs, and purify tra breath. To keen artificial tnrth and hrlHfr.vn.1. cleat and odorless. To remove ticollne from the teeth and purify th breath after smoking. To eradicate perspira tion odors by rpnnge bathing. Ai medicinal agent for local treatment of feminine ills where felvio catarrh, inflammation and ulceration exist, nothing equals hot douches ot Paxtlne. For ten years tbs Lydla E. Pinkbam Med, (jo. has been regularly advising their patient to use It beoauna oi lis extraordinary cleansing, healing and germicidal power. For this pur pose alone Paxtlne i worth Its weight In gold. Also tor basal catarrh, sore throat, Inflamed eye, citeand wonnds. All drwiflxts, 2J and 50 cents a fcnx. Trial Im.t. and testimony vt III woiiu-n froe on r-'i",Ht. rxgfAXTONTOILtTMO.v-TTM.il... FOR SALE: Cheap McCoskey account register, complete with necessary records &c; good as new; carries 360 accounts. Swannanoa Drug Co. Phone 201. 241-tf WANTS FOR RENT FOR RENT Connecting rooms, fur nished for housekeeping; first and second floor. Sink and gas In kit chen. 20 Starnea Ays, 181-tt CONNECTING ROOM furnished for light housekeeping, on nrst and sec ond floors, with electrlo lights ant gas. Phone 838. 18 Grady Street 162-u FOR RENT Furnished room. Lights. water, sun parlor, first floor. In beat residential section. No sick people. Address Box 813, Asheville, N. C. v 228-tf. FOR RENT Modern 6 room cottage two blocks of sostofflce. N. Buck ner, Board of Trade office or 7 Aston Place. : tf 35 MONTH! Completely furnish ed, small bungalow, large porch, piano, paved street; 6 room cottage close In $21 month. See Ray Campbell Co., No. 1 Haywood. 236-tf FOR RENT Three rooms and recep tion hall furnished or unfurnished, Terms reasonable to permanent people. See Miss P. L. Holman, 301 Legal Bldg. or 8 College Park. 237-tt FOR SALE American reference li brary, Locke's essays, Moore's works, crowned masterpieces litera ture, Webster's great speeches. Memorial volume of Jefferson Davit Ye Old Book Shop. KUK yUlUK. oALJ Lot 60X1G0 On North Main street for $650. F. M Messier, American National Bank Building. 255-3t SEEING MACHINES. WHAT would add greater to your lit tle daughter's happiness than to buy her a Baby Singer as a Christmas present Call at Singer Shop and select a Baby Singer for- your little daughter. Don't delay. Machines are selling rapidly. Will be de livered Christmas morning. 254-20t WANTED J. H. McGINNESS has moved to room dyeing, tailoring and cleaning, opposite ,Y. M. L building. Steam Phone 1860. tf SEWING MACHINES. CALL at Singer Store and purchase yotir wife or daughter a handsome . Singer Machine as a Christmas present Selections made now V(ill be delivered Christmas morning. Singer Sewing Machine Company, 18 N. Pack Square. 254-20t .V ANTED Tour Notary Publk) work. Residence 111 Asheland avenue. Phone II. J as. W. Albright ll-tf KODAK WANTED A 1A Special. I or I A. Inquire of C, W. Cap ell at Gasette-News. tf FOR RENT Most desirable furnish ed and unfurnished houses In city for rent See us before renting, offices and rooms In Library build ing for rent D. S. Watson & Co. 239-26t FOR RENT Two rooms furnished for light housekeeping, $12.00 per month. 14S Asheland avenue. Ap ply to E.. C. Jarrett 12 N. Pack square. 247-tt WANTED To let to an experienced boarding house keeper, a furnished 16-room house with boarders and milch cow for $85 per month; near postoffice. Z. Y. X Gazette-Newa 264-3t SEWING MACHINES. CALL AT Singer Store and select a Baby Singer for a Christmas pres ent for your little daughter. Ma chines laid aside now will be de livered Christmas morning. Singer Sewing Machine Co., 18 N. Pack Square. 264-20t HELP WANTED BOYS WANTED Boy, you can ears lota of pocket money selling papers on the streets afternoons and eve nings. Apply at Gasette-News office. 107-tt , WANTED Lady bookkeeper, with knowledge of stenography. Ad dress "H. J. M.," care Gazette News. 263-lt WANTED Male stenographer. Ad dress "B. M.," care Gazette-News. 263-lt WANTED To correspond with a phy sician who would like to become In terested In a sanitarium on a farm at Hendersonvllle, N. C. A fine proposition that will stand Investi gation. Address George Llndsey, Box 03, Hendersonvllle, N. C. 363-6t WANTED To those who would give something that would be appreciat ed1 by men. let us suggest a year's membership In our big pressing club, $10, or one quarter, three months, $2.60. J. C. Wllbar, phone 38B. WANTED To paint your house or calcimine and paper your room. Big crowd of winter visitors will ; be here this winter and you can make vnur rooms m,V. vnu - spending money. R. L. FlUpatrlck ana Hon, Phone 157, North Main 6. WANTED Let me build your house. Get my prices on that repair Job, I can save you money on your work. Fifteen years experience. Telephone Smith 1241. No 100 Atkinson street S50-7t THE OLD FORT INN Old Fort, N. C, L. J. Epley, Proprietor. Conveniently located, near depot Accommodations by day, week of month. Hates reas.inablt. WANTED First class chef cook, $40.00 per month, also second cook. Reference required. Apply or write J. C. Campbell, Knoxvllle, Tenn. Appalachian Hotel. 264-3t OFFICE SITUATIONS Out the city; lum; steno, two; also stene and bkpg, city, two. Please call at the Asheville Business College or write. Prefer graduates; also If you have had steno. experience and desire to Increase your speed for a better po sition, please call and get our term! for reviewing you and placing you! also 'can enroll on bright girl on contract to take a course and P8? t for aame In office work after com pleting. Wanted, you to enroll th month and take complete double course. We secured nine situations the past month for graduates of the double course. A. B. C, third floor, . opposite monument North PK square. ' Henry 8. Shockley, P'1"" cipal ' . 5i-" SEWING MACHINES. SEE our latest Singer Sewing Machine run by eleotrto motor. What would please your wife or daughter more than Blnger Machine with w tor a a Christmas present Selec tion made now will be delivered Christmas mornlnn. Singer SewlnJ Machine Company. 1$ N. Square, Pack 154-JOt FOR SALE QUICK Four choice building lots in ie best residence section of Afilieville. , ' Ycstprn Corcllaa r.caty Co. Phono 571. 10N. To la.r0-

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