Wednesday, December 4, 1912. AGZ SIX THE ASHEVILLE GAZETTE-NEWS 1 i ; i ! s GET WINTER COAL NOW! This snow Is waiting fur an other one yuu need coal Now ami will need It mure than when the next snow comes. JI and W COAL satisfies every one in the home, the man who pnys the bills, and those who enjoy its comforting warmth. Phone 130. Carolina Goal & Ice Company I E BEING PLANNED A Get-Together Fest at Chica go of Republicans and Progressives. ALL YOU NEED IS A CASCARET TONIGHT I SEVERAL CAROLINIANS EXPECTED TO ATTEND No Headache, Bilious Stomach or Constipated Bowels j by Morning. ; j IroRreivcs Try our Ferndell Coffee. 1 lb. Tins 40c lb. Tins .............. SOe lb. Tins ... $1.15 E. C. Jarrett Groceries, Vegetables nnd Fruits, Store Phones 1920 and 1921 Market Phone 473. GOOD, SERVICEABLE SHOES And really .more in both quality and workmanship for the price wo ask $.1, sjtfJiO, $4 and (laod solid leather, fine .finishings, and the best work man -hip in America. GoaranteeShoeStore South Mln St TWO 9 WE SELL IT FOR LESS "We can meei your wants in silver and nickle ware. The only place for a com plete line of china, tin and enameled ware. The I X L DEPT. STORE 22 l'ulton Ave. Phone 107 J. E. Carpenter JEWELER Watches and Fine Jewelry. Watch Repairing my Specialty No. 8Pack Square. A GREAT CITY IS BUILDING The people all over the country are turning their cy?s toward. Asheville, " America's Beauty Spot" indeed. And, lots of those same eyes have been pleased admirers of laundry work done the NICIIOLS WAY the leader. Asheville Laundry Wfaer linen Uvea Longer. I. A. XIOHOI4, Mgr. 41 College St. THROW THAT OLD CARPET AWAY Come here and let us show you some of the prettiest new patterns ever brought to Ashe- ville. Right now there ! a re duction of 10 per cent In price In effect on art iquarea, small ruga and carpet. Our stock of floor covering la one of the largest and beat assorted in the' itate and you will find It a pleasure to make selection from such an exten sive variety. ASHEVILLE CARPETII0USE 20 Chorth Street. Phone S28. Carpets and Matting Laid Wlthou: Extra Charge. Meet n Cliicnso on the Tenlli Republicans Meet in Xtnv York. Some politic.1l conferences have bean planned for the near future which, in the opinion of Asheville persons who take an interest in politi cal affairs, will have an important bearing upon the future of the repub lican and progressive parties. The progressives are to foregather In Chi cago, beginning the 10th, instant, while a number of republican leaders will meet in New York to talk over the outlook. The latter conference will be held some time next month. Another meeting, a sort of get-together fest, has been planned for Chi cago at an early date, and this peace pow-wow will be attended by men who now call themselves progressives and by republicans. It is not unlikely that Asheville will have representation at all these meetings. It was reported that Hon. Richmond .Pearson would attend the meeting of progressives on the ioth, instant, but when asked about this Mr. Pearson said he did not expelt to do so. Mr. Pearson has given no formal expression of his views since the elec tion, but some of those who have thrown -.their fortunes with the new party are apparently entertaining the hope that Mr. Pearson will be with ihcm in the future. It is certain that I.. IV Jenkins will attend the New York conference planned by the re publicans, barring a conflict of busi ness engagements, and it Is taken for granted that State Chairman More-; head, C. J. Harris and others will, likewise attend. Mr. .Jenkins is plea-! anllv acquainted wilh National Chair man 1 lilies and other national lead ers and feels an interest in the future of his party. Thomas S. Rollins, tit one time state chairman, lias announced his deter-! mlnation to attend the harmony con ference at Chicago, which is to be held under the auspices of the Hamil ton club. Mr. Rollins takes the view that the differences between the pro gressive and republican parties are hy no means fatal, and that this suhi,es tion of harmony sounds more like sense than anything he has heard.1 Mr. Rollins hopes that a number of both republicans and progressives wi,l attend the peace conference from North Carolina and he will direct the attention of a. number of his political friends to the mutter. Sent by Westinghouse Com pany for Benefit ofr Lo cal Trainmen. Turn the rascals out the head ache, the biliousness, the Indigestion, the sick, sour stomach and foul gases turn them out tonight and keep thi-m out with Casc.-trets. i Millions of men and women take a I Cascaret now nnd then and never know the misery caused by a lazy I liver, clogged bowels or an upset stom- i ach. Don't put in another day of dis tress. Let Cascarets cleanse and reg-i ulate your stomach; remove the sour, ! undigested and fermenting food and that mlsermaklng gas; take the ex-' cess bile from your liver and carry out of the system all the constipated waste and bowels. Then you will feel great. A Cascaret tonight will surely straighten you out by morning. They work while you sleep. A 10-cent box from any drug store means a clear head, sweet stomach and clean, healthy liver and bowel action for months. Children love to take Cas carets because they taste good never grli)e or sicken. 1 Chase Motor TrucKs Have No Radiators to Freeze Because They Ar9 Air -. Cooled.: ;', This is one of their good features that eliminates a lot of ...... parts and their attending troubles Chase Trucks range in price from jjOO to $2,200 and in capacity from G00 lbs. to two tons, any style of body you may want we will furnish you. (live us the opportunity of telling you mote about the Chase, Asheville Automobile Co. Phones 313 and 311. 13 and 17 S. Lexington Ave. CITYNEWS Deputy Collector E. H. Miller has reported to the internal revenue de partment here the seizure of- two il licit distilleries in Dickinson county, Virginia, which he destroyed in a re cent raid. Vance camp No. 13,344, Modern Woodmen of ' America, will meet Wednesday at 7:30 p. m. in the' hall over Smith's drug store. Officers will be elected for the coming year, after which there will be an oyster supper and a smoker. All members and visit ing neighbors are urged to be present. There is a meeting this afternoon at 4 o'clock of the principals of the city schools in the ottice of Superintendent it. J. Tighe In City hall. It will prob ably be decided at this meeting what holiday lime will be given at Christ inas, und several other matters of im portance will be taken up. TOYS, DOLLS, BOOKS, STATIONERY Everything here that will make the most acceptable and appropriate gifts for ewery member of the family. Our TOY DEPARTMENT contains thousands of toys of every kind it is Asheville's big Toy Emporium and the desires of every boy and girl can be supplied. ROGERS' BOOK STORE, 39 Patton Ave. VISIT OUR CAFE You will appreciate the service, menu and environments. Sea Food and Game served to order, any style. A "MT1f I.rT'TT'Hrir'rWT haywood street WJN JJ I rkl 1 LyM.Il.iN VEAR POSTOFFICE BLOMBERGS For your Cigars, Tobaccos, Pipes, Smokers v . Sporting Goods. 17 Patton Ave. Articles and am Dan liriggs, who escaped from the convict camp on Hominy yesterday morning, ye.-si.ei uay uLiemoou nave ,, himself Up to a member of the police j department and asked to be returned to the roads. He is reported as say ing that he left the camp in order to chastise a man who had been "talking al.'-ut him." Manicure and Toilet Sets 1."-Piece Combination Set, Sterling Silver, heavily embossed, special price.' ...... . . .......... .... ........ .$22.50 Piece Toilet Set, Sterling Silver, heavily embossed and engraved, special price . . ... .$12.50 CHILDREN'S SUFFER SHOES In black and tan, both button and lace. . Price, $1.60, $1.75 and $2.00. GEO. W. JENKINS 18 S. Main St. GOOD ONE GENOVAR SMOKER 5 Cents BARBEE'S 14 Patton Avenue To all coal users in Ashe ville, we would suggest a com parison of our Monarch coal for use in the home or furnace, test its lasting qualities. We believe it will last longer, than any other coal you can get. Certainly, we guarantee entire satisfaction! Orders are filled promptly. Southern Coal Go. fbona 114. No. 10 N. Pack Sq. ALWAYS IN THE LEAD t M. & W. Coal. Burns easier and leaves but mighty few ashes no slate, clinkers or dirt. Phone 40. ,: Asheville Coal Co. f ""A"-"mtiiiini ELECTRICAL FIXTURM Portable Lamps, Electric Ironi and Heating Apparatus W. A. WARD 12 Church St Phone 449. PRETTY PICTURES OF THE BABY We make a specialty of baby pic tures. Have quickest plates. Never fail to get good ones. Cabinet size in lares art folders, $6 per dozen and up. RAY'S STUDIO , 2 X. Pack Square .' i AT THE 0 ess Theatre nnc TODAY An Excellent Program Pictures and Music of For the past few days there has been an instruction car of the West inghouse Electric company on the Southern Railway yards here with a man in charge from the central offices for the purpose of instructing the en gineers, firemen, brukemen and con ductors engaged on this division of the road In the handling of the brakes. The air brakes are used exclusively on all Southern cars and locomotives, and it is a requirement of the road that each mun who has anything to do with the brakes or may have something to do with them in an emergency oe given personal in structions. This Instruction car is therefore sent over the entire system and makes headquarters wherever the division men are located, for the benefit of the men on that division. It remains un til every man receives a certificate that he Is efficient in handling the brakes. The Instruction, It la under stood. Is Intended primarily for tho. conductors and brakemen, as they have less practical experience with j the working of the brakes than the engineers and firemen. The latter, however, have to secure their certifi cates of competence. In all, the I. O. O. F. lodges of the western part of the state have, during the fall, sent to the Odd Fellows' or phanage about 600 bushels of apples. Several weeks ago It was noted that the two Asheville lodges sent 100 bushels each, and since then other lodges of the west have ju-nt about 100 bushels. The funeral services over the re mains of Major 11. C. Hunt, .who died yesterday afternoon at the home of his daughter, Mrs. fiaston Meares, on Atkin street, take place this afternoon from the residence, the following act ing as pallliearers: J. E. Kankin, W. W. Rollins, N. A. Reynolds, E..B. At kinson, A. 11. Sites and T. S. Morrison. Through his attorneys. Judge J. D. Murphy and Guy Weaver, A. H, Wea ker has Instituted suit against the Southern railway, the complaint In which was filed today. He Is asking! damages in the sum of $700, alleging! that a valuable bird dog which he had consigned to the company for ship ment to Newport had been lost on the way. The supper and the smoker for the members of the, board of trade, which takes place tomorrow night at the Y. M. C. A. auditorium, promises to be one of the most enjoyable features of a semi-business nature that has oc curred in a long time. It Is urged that all m'embers of the board attend. There will be toasts and speeches, and several matters of Importance and re lating to the development of the city will be discussed. W O h-t w ; STEAK FISH Columbus Piiver Salmon, Halibut Delicious P.aked or Fried. , ACME FISH CO. Phone .111 City Market PROGRAM O "A Turn of Fortune "Drama ............. "The Grassville Girls" Comedy ............ "When Youth Meets Youth "Western story .. Cines Essanay . Kalem Order YARD EGGS Today HILL'S MARKET rhone 4359. Ask Your Neighbor MUSICAL SELECTIONS March "Princess' Theatre) Schminke l33g Hflfl Iffill I 'lam PETERS ARAB HORSE FEED There is one best of every thing, the best Horse Feed, is Arab Sold at most all stores. Clumbers WsaTtt. I4vry. Phonal t WANTS FANCY, larre grapefruit, 3 for 25c Oranges, 20c per doz. Malaga grapes, 20c per lb, 12 oz. bottle olives 60c. ALLISON'S GROCERY. Two phones, 31 and 35. OF TO THE QUICK HOT ELECTRIC HEATER Tioils a glass of water in one minute. Unexcelled for shav ing, baby's milk, tea and sick room. Price $3.50. We have complete line, shown page 6 Saturday Evening Post. PIEDMONT ELECTRIC COMPANY TIRES REPAIRED WANTED TO BELL Household and kitchen furniture; has been used 4 weeks; will sell reasonable; buyer can also rent cottage very season able. Call at 60 Clayton street; has been used by well people. (4-$t LOOKING FOR REAL ESTATE? Fori bargains, see Donnahoe Sc Bledsoe, corner South Pack square and 8. Main street. Phone 649. 2S5-3t There arrived In Asheville about noon today a special train carrying a bunch of thoroughbred race horses, their owners, stablemen and Jockeys to Charleston for the races that be gin there shortly. The train Is from Louisville, and. the horses are said to be some of Kentucky's finest stock from around that city. The names of the owners could not be ascertained here today. The train consisted of a Pullman sleeping car, one baggage car and one coach and nine Arms palace cars, which are used exclusive tor the trans portation of fine stock. These cars oarry about 30 horses and the attend ants number 60. The train Is being handled in rapid transit and left here shortly after Its arrival. A similar train load of horses pass ed through here last year about thin time, the owners taking their favor- itea down some time before the races so that they may be In condition. FOR SALE New 6-room modern house, sleeping porch. Hillside street; easy terms. Bee Donnahoe & Bledsoe, Phone 64. J65-8t FOR BALE AT A BARGAIN Lot, size 60x1(0 ft., on Hillside street, on same will build house to suit purchaser. Easy terms. See Don nahoe Bledsoe. Phone 649. 2S6-3t FOR BALE AT. ONICE Entire house hold furniture and furnishings, al most new; used only about a year. Address Box 915, or phone 1027. 25-3t GREAT MEETING OF THE BAPTISTS (Continued from page 1.) Illgli Point, Rev. R. W. Cauthon of Hendersonvllle and Prof. 1. A. Hen derson. Officers were elected as fol lows: President, ' Rev. W. R. Cullum of Wake Forest; vice-president, Rev. J. B. Weatherspoon of Oxford; secretary and treasurer. Rev, William nilmore of Loulsburg. AMtirvllle Paint Gmm Co., former!) ine Miiicr-utce Paint Co. Lncus Paint Grant' No. 31 Cures Cold and Grip. 25r Our Vulcanizing Plant Is now ready for business. We are equipped for repairing nnd splicing Inner tubes, vulcnnlz ng cuts and blow-outs and replacing damaged sections in casings. It Is no longer necessary to pay express on your tire to the fac tory, bring it to us and we will tell you whether It Is worth repair ing, and we will not take the work unless we know that we can give you a good Job. There are many tires in Asheville which would last a thousand miles more by replacing a damaged section. We are prepared to do this work at a small cost. Our price for vulcanizing small punctures in Inner tubes Is 35 cts. i ARBOGAST MOTOR CO. BUILDING. A. P. TIRE and Vl'LCAXIftlXG CO. Ilione 303. - 60 N. Main Rt. (Dedicated to Princess ........ .... Gus Grand Selection. "La Traviata" Verdi Concert Waltz "Near to Thee" ......... Waldteufel IJag '.'Ragged Edges" OPEN FROM 10 A. M. TO 11 P. M. CHILDREN 5c. ADULTS 10c. Citizens Transfer Company JULIAN WOODCOCK, Ot FURNITURE MOVING Prompt Baggage Transfer Service. Endorsed by C. O. T. and T. P. A. Laundry Phone 70 A Trial Is all we ask. We treat your laundry white. piryirn pigs feet I lUrvLEU AND TRIPE STAR MARKET PHONES 191719181919 "We are the successful Caterers to a Variety of Appetites.'' OUR GROWING LIST Of Satisfied Customers Speaks Well for our service and the quality , of sea food handled. ASHEVILLE FISH CO. Loyalty to your favorite store Is & fine trait Be also, loyal o yourself by keeping in const ent touch with its advertlsUp FOR SALE " S-roorrf' house with three acres land two and half miles from square. Price 11500. MARSTELLER CO. Real EslaU f Ur-Hixnl SI. FOR RENT Modern 6-room lion. Price 114.00 cottage month. good loca MARSTELLER & CO. lU-ul KkIuUj. 20 HyWood Kl A CHRISTMAS SUGGESTION Send your friends a year's subscription to one or more good magazines. I can save you money on clubs of two or more and have them mailed to any address. Phone 214 and I will call. E. A. GOSHERT 138 So. French Broad Ave. Representative for Cosmopolitan, Good Housekeeping, Hearsts, Mo tor, and all leading periodicals. Perfection Oil Heaters the large size $3.50. Jumbo Coal Heaters $4.00 tip. " Wood burning heaters $1.50. Green Bros. 45 Patton Ave.

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