Thursday, December 5, 1912. GOT INDIGESTION? STOMACH UPSET? BELCHING UP GAS OR SOUR FOOD? r-i.:-- ' -. : You don't want a. slow remedy when your stomach Is bad or an un certain one or a harmful one your stomach !s too valuable; you mustn't Injure It with drastic drugs. , - Fape's Dlapepsin is noted for It's speed In giving relief; it's harmless ness; it's certain unfailing action in regulating sick sour, gassy stomachs. It's millions of cures In Indigestion, dyspepsia, gastritis and other stomach trouble has made it famou the world over. 17 PAPE'S Sa GRAIN TR1ANGULM OP DIAPEPS1I3 MAKES DISORDERED STOMACHS FEEL FINE IN FIVE MINUTES, CURES INDIGESTION. DYSPEPSIA, i SOURNESS, GAS, HEARTBURN. LARGE CENT CASE ANY DRUG STORE, rausn r " . SAmAi Personal Mention, OLIAL News of the HAPPENINGS Me1k SYRUP OF FIGS IS BEST FOR A CHILDi Clubs and Meetings. The following is a partial, list of the clubs and different organizations that are malting social life interesting and beneficial In Ashevllle this season and the times of their meetings. Among the literary clubs are the Woman's club, which meets every other Mon day, having commenced this season's work with the study of Dante and his works, on the first Monday in October: the- Studenta History club, which meots the second and fourth Thurs days in each' m'onth; the Friendly Dozen, which meets every two weeks; the Tar Heel Book club, which meets every two weeks, and the Current Literature club which meets every two weeks on Thursdays, and the Friday Book club, which meets every two weeks. The Music clubs and their times of meeting are the Saturday Music club : meets on Saturday twice each month; the Biltmore Music club meets every Friday evening; the Schumann Music club, composed of the music pupils of Miss Lulu Moore, meets the last Satur day In each month; the Mendelssohn club meets the second Saturday in every month; the Y. M. C. A. Musoo club meets every Thursday night; and there is the Schulann Music club of St Genevieve's college. The leading dramatic club of Ashe vllle la the Strollers which will, after Olii istmas, be fully organized and the regular time of meeting settled upon. The D. A. It. meetings are held the . last Thursday in each month, and the IT. D. C. meetings are held the first Thursday In each month. While there are a number of members of the Co lonial Dames in the city there Is at present no branch of this association here. - Among the benevolent societies are the Flower Mission and Associated Charities, the directors of which meet In regular session the second Tuesday In each month, the advisory board meeting the first and third Fridays In each month, and the large annual meeting being held the second Tues- day in October, r Among the card clubs which hold weekly meetings this season enliven ing the social world and serving to make pleasant the afternoons are, the Thursday Bridge club meets each Thursday; the Tuesday Evening Bridge club, holds four meetings dur ing the month, and the Friday Bridge club meets each Friday. Among the most useful organiza tions to the city Is the Civic Better ment League, the oxecutlve board of which meets once every month, and the entire organization once In every two months. . The leading social club of Ashevllle at the present time that stands out pre-eminently on account . of Its large membership and splendid advantages, is the Country club which holds Its social gatherings In the form of weeks-end meets. The re cently formed Pendennls club, so named after the original from Thack eray, will be the source of much en joyment for the younger dancing set; and the Ashevllle club Is ever a haven of refuge for the male members of society who seek Interest and enjoy ment apart,- Ked Crow! Stamp Sale. The committee; for the Christmas sale of the Red Cross stamps has made arrangements for the sale on Pack square to take place from mo tors loaned each day hy Interested friends of the society. Instead of the . proceeds of this sale being all turned into the national fund, 25 per cent, goes to the state headquarters for tu berculosis work in Charlotte, and 75 per cent stays In Ashevllle to be used by the Associated Charities in the work of the free dispensary nnd by the newly appointed district nurse. An energetic campaign his been plan ned, nnd the work Is to be concen trated as far as possible In the week of . December 9. Mrs. Locke Craig his consented to keep the booth In the postotflce which will be kept open un til Christmas eve. The following la dles will have charge of the different booths: Yates & Mcflulre, Mrs., Rey nolds, Mrs. Adams, Miss Mary Carter, Miss Virginia Miller, Miss Margaret I'ennlman, MJss Pauline Paquln, Miss Dorothy Randolph, Alleen Reynolds, postofflce. Mrs. Locke Craig, Mrs. Rol llns, Miss Jones, Misses Barnard, Julia Grace, Lulu Moore, Sadie Rollins, Ag- ncA Carter and Miss Bretney; at the Bon Marche, Mrs. Redwood, Miss Maria Brown, Misses Chapman, Louise Tate, Eleanor Morrison, Eugenia Johnston and Sarah West; at Pack Square Book company, Mrs. Coxe and Mrs. D. C. Waddell, jr.; at Rogers Book store, Mrs. Hamilton and Mrs. Pmathers; and at Brown's Book store, Mrs. Forbes and Mrs. Sluder. The ar rangements committee is composed of Miss Belknap abd Mrs. Thompson Frazcr. ' - . k .-.;' ..; Partners for Dance. , ' The following list of young men and their partners and the chaperonea attending the subscription dance given at the Battery Park hotel Tuesday evening will be of interest, as practi cally the same guests will attend the Christmas dance to be given by this crowd of young, people may of whom are leading members of the re centiy formed Pendcnnis club: . Fred B. Oates and Miss Lida Brown, John Carroll and Miss Hor- tense Jones, R. Bennett Randolph and Miss Helen Freeman, A. L. DIgga and Miss Frances Hartsell, Carlyle Wat kins and Miss Mabel Stone, Casslus Gudger and Miss Lillian Fletcher, Mc Gregor William and Miss Doris Dav enport, Caleb Carter and Miss Mabel Hartwell, J. Hobart Allport, Mrs. J, Hobart Allport and Miss Allport, Ed ward Atkinson and Miss Byrd Hen derson, Fleet Williams and MIbs Kath- erine Beadles, Mr. Hersey and Miss Marguerite Wadsworth, Lyonel strad ley and Miss Lucille Satherthwait, Todd Peters and Miss Ruth Perry; Thomas Varnon, Charles Parker, Ruf ner Campbell, Edwin L Ray, Harry Schuessler. Lawrence Campbell, Ed win Gudger, F. R. Baker, Hon. and Mrs. Locke Craig, Mr. and Mrs. J Claverie, Mrs. Dufour, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence, Mr. and Mrs. Perry Cobb, Dr. and Mrs. John L. Carroll.' Deep Gold and Blue. Charmeuse In a. deep gold shade forms the skirt and small triangular section on the bodice of one of the new gowns. One end of this is turned back and faced with ciel blue satin, which also faces the small cuff at the bottom of the skirt There is an In set piece at the foot of gold satin bro cade and this material Is also used for the bodice. The skirt is veiled in ciel blue chiffon banded with seal, and over this is a tunic of gold chiffon embroldeded, in gold thread.- The chiffon softens the neckline also. The glrdlo Is seal brown velvet Toilettes. K It At the last meeting of the D. A. R. the election of officers for the ensuing year resulted as follows: Regent, Mrs. T. S. Morrison; vie regent, Mrs E. C. Chambers; secretary. Miss Hat tie M. Scott: treasurer, Miss Maria Brown; historian. Mrs. M. E. Child; registrar, Mrs. Charles A. Moore chaplain, Mra Thomas J. Wooldrtdge and honorary chaplain, Mrs. J. E, Ray. These officers, with Mrs. John A. Campbell and Miss Grace Jones, constitute the board of management of the D. A. R. Mrs. Galltard S. Tennent opened her Christmas art exhibition of wood carving yesterday at the Woman's ex change. The display ' Is attracting much attention and is being well at tended. Mrs. Tennent Is showing carved trays and nut bowls, these be Ing the popular favorites among her pieces. . ' , The senior Phllathea olass of the First Presbyterian church will hold Its regular monthly business meeting in the class room this evening at o'clock. Members of the class are urged to be present, and visitors will be welcomed. m m . The annual uanauet of the Chris tian church, which was announced to be at the Y. M. C. A. Friday night. Is postponed one week' and will be held Friday night, December 13. The Swannanoa Rebckah lodgo, I. O. O. F., will entertain the Odd Fel lows of the city and their wives in the Odd Fellows hall on Church street a I. 8:30 tonight. Refreshments will be served. Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Le Long en tertained with a dinner last evening at their home near Fletchers, which was attended by several. Ashevllle friends. K X The History club will meet with Mrs. Wolfe Friday afternoon at 4 o'clock, on Spruce street. A. B. Freeman, who. suffered the loss of his left hand In an accident with a shotgun about 10 days ago, has returned to his office in the Federal building and resumed his duties in the revenue department Miss Ida Hamilton has moved from Oak street In Ashevllle to the Lan- gren hotel for the winter. . K Donald Glllis is reported to be seri ously ill at his home on Montford avenue. It ft Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Lee Craig of Gastonia arrived here today to spend a few days aa the guests of Mr. and Mra L. L. Jenkins, at their home in Edgemont. Mr. Craig Is the mayor of Gastonia. It J. Lyman leaves for the east today on business and will be out of town for two weeks. ' It It Charles E. Waddell, who returned recently from Augusta, where he was called on business, leaves for New York today. t m. Mrs. T. V. Mlnge has returned to her home In Shreveport, and expects to remain until February, where she will again come to Asheviille. .; It Mrs. C. W. R. Radeker, Miss Rade ker and Miss Amy Colyer returned yesterday from Warren, Pa. DR. SUN COMING. 1 Federal OflUcrs at Seattle Notified to Show Comtek to (jlrent Celestial. How to Make Better Cough Syrup than r u sou an ouy Cleanses it's little stomach, tor pid liver and constipated bowels. ; EVERY FEW DAYS We get a fresh shipment of the No. Columbia Ignltor Dry Cell Batteries, Most people have learned that they are the best on the market and when all have used them once, aa they eventually will, we wll open a fresh barrel every morning. J. M. IIEARX A CO., Battery Park PUx-e. Phono 418 Mother! look at the tonsue! See If it Is coated. If your ohild Is listless, Irooplng, Isn't sleeping well, Is rest- iess, doesn't eat heartily or is ross, irritable, out of sorts with verybody, stomach sour, feverish breath bad; has stomach-ache, diar rhoea, sore throat or is full of cold it means the little ones' stomach, liver and 30 feet of bowels are filled with poisons' and clogged up waste and need a gentle, thorough cleansing at once. Give a teaspoonful of Syrup of Figs, and In a few hours the foul, decaying constipated matter undigested food and sour bile will gently move on and out of its little bowels without nausea griping or weakness, and you will surely have a well and smiling child shortly. With Syrup of Figs you are not drugging your children, being com posed entirely of luscious figs, senna and aromatics it cannot be harmful besides they dearly love its delicious taste, Mothers should always keep Syrup of Figs handy. It is the only stomach, liver and bowel cleanser and regulator needed a little given today will save a sick child tomorrow. Full directions for children of all ages and for grown-ups plainly printed on the package, Ask your druggist for the full name, 'Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna," By Associated Press. Seattle, Wash., Dec. 5. Instructions have been received from Washington, D. C, by the local customs and immi gration officers to prepare for the early arrival of Dr. Sun Yat Sen, for mer provisional president of the Chi nese republic, and other Chinese dig nitaries who are expected here soon. The department at Washington or dered the local officers to arrange to facilitate the landing of Dr. Sun and his party and to show the distinguish ed Chinese every courtesy. According to the advices from Washington, Dr. Sun :will be accom panied by Wang Chung Hui, former Chinese minister of justice Hsu Chlen, former vice justice, and Chen Ting Twang, form erly vice minister of industries and commerce. t. A Family Supply, Sarins S3 and Fully Gnaraateed. J MISSED .SEEING WORLD SERIES BALL GAME; SITES FOR $5000 K W. Scott Radeker is expected In the city from West Virginia for the Christmas holidays. H H Mr. and Mrs. Theodore F. Malloy have left the city for their cotton plantation near Hayneville, Ala. Bradford Adams, who with his wife and small daughter, has been visiting his mother, Mra. W. S. Adams, and slaters in Biltmore, has left on busi ness for the. east. t : Dr. and Mrs. H.'H. Brlggs left last evening for New York to spend -10 daya It It Mrs. Carrie Carr Mitchell, who has been visiting Mr. and Mra. Ellas Carr in Raleigh, has returned home. It U ..... Mrs. Howard Alexander5 Foushee, who with her husband, Judge Fou shee, has been a guest for a shart while at the Battery Park hotel, ha3, returned to her home in Durham. i f. It Mrs. K. L. DuRen off New Brook- land, S. C, spent several days In the city recently at the Swannanoa-Bcrkc-ley hotel. t "t Judge Wescott, the New Jerseyman who put Wilson In nomination at Bal timore, and Judge Frank Smathers of Atlantic City, are hunting in this sec tion. They were at Waynesvllle re cently and are now in Swain county. . It Miss Mabel Lee returned yesterday from Knoxville, where she visited friends. By Associated Press, Boston, Dec. 5. Claiming that he was illegally and unjustly deprived of his seat at the world's series baseball game in Boston on October 12, Ed ward F. Smith of Worcester has brought suit for $5000 against the BoRton American league baseball club. Smith claims he purchased a ticket at the gate and went to his seat. Later he claims he was forced from his scat and taken to a detention room on the grounds where he was kept an hour and a half, then turned out and re fused permission to see the game. A full'pint of cough syrup as much as you 'could buy for $2"50 can easily be made at home. You will find nothing that takes hold of an obstinate cou;li more quickly, usually ending it inside of 24 hours. Excellent, too, for croup, whooping cough, sure lungs, asthma, hoarseness and other throat troubles. Mix one pint of granulated BUgar with pint of warm water, and stir for 2 minutes. Put 2 ounces of Pinex (fifty cents' worth) in a pint bottle, then add the Sugar Syrup. It keeps perfectly. lake a teaspoomm every one, two or inister of ?k-.t ,. ....... cure a cough. Also stimulates the appe tite, which is usually upset by a cough. The taste is pleasant. The effect of pine and sugar -syrup on the inflamed membranes is well known. Pinex Js the most valuable concentrated compound of Norway white pine extract rich In gu&iacol and all the natural healing pine elements. Other prepara tions will not work in this formula. The Pinex and Sugar Syrup recipe is now used by thousands of housewives throughout the United States and Can ada. The plan has been imitated, but the old successful formula has never been equaled. A guaranty of absolute satisfaction, or money promptly refunded, eoe9 with this recipe. Your drugcisfc has Pinex, or will pot it for vou. If not. send to The Pinex Co., Ft. Wayne, Ind. 1 " I 1 ifca I CAKES! Fruit cakes, sunshine cake, layer cake, cocoanut cake, Raisin Cake, Angel Food Cake and 20 varieties of small cakes I prepared by the California Fig Syrup PURE, dcliglltflll to the taste and the eye cheaper than yon can make them, and hotter. Phone G22. ; ASHEVILLE STEAM BAKERY Biltmore Witeat-nearts. The ideal Cereal. Delicious wholesome. Nothing like it. grocers. and All 12 Inch Boots Women The popular footwear of the season is the ladies' high hut ton boot, is warm and comfort able and lias all the good ap pearances of regular cut shoes. We've a large variety just in. Tan, dull calf and patent. Price $4.00..-Name the kind of foot wear you want and have it. Try us. ' Nichols Shoe Co. Cash Shoestcrs. On the Square Co. This la the delicious tasting, gen uine old reliable. Refuse anything else offered. Adv Hoppe Defeats Japanese Champion. (By Associated Press) Philadelphia, Dec. 5. Willie Hoppe the 18.2 balk lino billiard champion, won his team gam In the tournament here last nighti when he defeated Kodji Yamada, the Japanese cham pion, 400 to 259. Hoppe had a high run of 175 and his average was 44 4-9 Yamada's highest run was 111 and his average 28 4-9. THE BELMONT 57 Spruce St. Phone 840 Y. M. C. A. BOWLING. BOWLING SCORES PJ In the bowling match at the Y. f. C. A. last night, which was a regular scheduled match In thie big pin tour nament, the team of Sugg defeated that of Williams two out of three games and led In the total score by 33 pins, he following were the scores as whooping cough, diphtheria and scarlet fever are contracted when the child has a cold. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy will quickly cure a cold and greatly lessen the danger of contract Ing these diseases. This remedy Is famous for its cures of colds. It con tains no opium or other narcotic and may be given to a child with implicit confidence. Sold by all dealers. We wish to call you attention to the An ernliodvintr all and a stronger emphasis of the need of I , , . ,. ' , inai use ami pi nt wre iiun proven is BEST FOR INVALIDS In the treatment of Nervous and Stomach troubles Dieting is a big factor Here it is supervised by DR. HOUSER, the Manager Subject to the direction of the patient's personal physician. Squash Tennis National Tournament. Btl Associated Press, New York, Dec. 5. The second an nual national handicap tournament under the direction of the National Squash Tennis association will begin in Brooklyn Saturday. Forty compet ltors, representing collegiate organiza tions in Pennsylvania, Connecticut, Massachusetts, New Jersey and New York are the entries. The tournament jjag reraovetl his office from Is in the nature or a preliminary rouno to the national championships which 78 Patton avenue to JSlO. t (jrOV will be decided. In, Jhis, city in Febru- ernment ' street. Over J. M, ary- i: - tt p. - mi on ileum oi vu. . tn-uu Dr. Owen Smith made: Williams .... 1.17 138 HUI .131 146 Brock 133 134 James 156 161 Grand totals . 696 757 Sugg. ...... 146 180 Swayne . .... 133 134 Man Icy ..... 131 138 Neely 170 149 Melton 160 128 Grand total . 740 729 Total 136411 125402 133 400 167 467 173 2159 173499 133400 125 394 172491 120408 723 2292 A Des Moines man had an attack of muscular rheumatism In his shoulder. A friend advised him to go to Hot Springs. That meant an expense of $150.00 or more. He sought for a quicker and cheaper way to cure it and found It In Chamberlain's Lini ment. Three days after the first ap plication of this liniment he was well. For sale by all dealers. Specials COPPER GOODS Handsome copper table Tea Kettles, Bread Trays, Sandwich Trays, Candle Sticks, Etc., reduced to al most half price because the quality was such as to bring a high price originally and the people would not pay it. HAND BAGS A lot of these handsome Russian leather bags reduc ed to real bargains to make room for more. CHINA at As advertised before very special prices. Many other bargains here, J. H. LAW 35 Patton Aye. LADIES We direct your attention to our I large new stock of hair goods, hair I ornaments and shell combs. The very I latest styles. MISS CRUISE'S SHOP 1 25 Haywood St. Phone 10, Gentlemen Who select their Winter Footwear here will bave Nothing toregrct $4 to $6.50 the pair Boston Shoe Store Clements & Chambers B STERN SON& IH ' Xmas Styles Greetings to all men who appreciate' Rood clothes made to order by expert custom tail ors. AVe are ready to tailor for you if you are ready to wear bet ter clothes. Trices ........ .". ........... ... ..... $20.00 to $50 Shirts to order ........ . . . . . . $2.00 to $8.00 ELIAS & HOPSON Phono :i!)3 68 Patton Ave. l. P. (). For Rent Unfurnished Chestnut St. residence five bed rooms, mod ern in every particular, Ga rage, garden and poultry yard. Best residence section. Moale, Chiles & Redwood Real Estate and Insurance . 27 Patton Ave. Second floor. Just Like New When Finished Bring lis your old broken pieces of I jewelry and see what beautiful Xmas gifts I can make from them manufacturing Jeweler In my store. VICTOR KTKItN. JIQWKLKK, IT Haywood Opposite Battery Park. Most Wholesome and Nutritious Puts back in exact proportion the necessary, health-sustaining phosphates that flour is deprived of in milling None better at any price. Try it. Sold by all good Grocers. Insist on having it. ESSQ3RTZ3MI M. WEBB CO. Imported Millinery Haywood St. MILLINERY SPROAT'S Oatos Building. RYE This is so hardy that it may be planted alomst any time and in compara tively poor soil. But the earlier it is put in the bet ter. Sow one and a half bushels to the acre. A new supply of seed. Ev erything in drugs and seeds. Orant'i Pharmacy Prugs and Snnls. K m W HU YLE.RS Cocoa & Chocolate Fresh Complete Stock M. HYAMS Phones 41) & 243. Cor. North Main & Merrtnion Atc. Only the best of everything to cat. O W O a M s N U We Buy Anything AND Sell Everything S. Sternberg & Co. Dpot Street. Phone 333 I ? ? ? ? ? Y y y Are aa much in favor as ever. We are showing a beautiful line of varied sizes and fininhes. Compare our prices. , . ARTHUR M. FIELD CO. Church St. & Patton Avb. t y y y y y y y A. A A AAAAAAAAAU!6yMyNMi BRACELETS FRESH FRUITS FOR FRUIT CAKES We have all of the nice fresh thipjrs you will need to make a delicious fruit cake. Citron, Currants, Raisins, Orange and Lemon Peel, and all kinds of shelled nuts. YATES & McGUJRE, ' ' Phones 1715 and 1718. 21 Haywood St. Whert tht Dollar Doe IU Duty. Automobiles jand j arm jsli ..w1 Machinery Implements & Supplies 43 Western Carolina Auto. Co. Corner Lexington & Walnut. WWrfW WP W W 9 W w