I Wednesday, December 11, 1912 TEE ASHEVILLE. GAZETTE-NEWS FIVE f It I i I . ' ' i I I I The Woman Makes the Home She makes it best who, looking 'after the culinary department, turns her back resolutely upon unhealthful, or even suspicious, food accessories. She is econom ical; she knows that true economy ; does not consist in the use of - inferior meat, flour, or baking powder. She is an earnest advo cate of home made, home baked food, and has proved the truth of the statements of the experts that the best cooking in the world today is done with RoyaUJaking Powder. ". QOCIAL d HAPPENINGS Personal Mention, News of the Societies, Meetings, Etc. , Williniim-Goslen WcddluB. N Mips Gnrnctle .Williams, daughter of Mr. imd Mrs. Branch Williams, will Imj united in marriage this evening at 8 o':lock. at the First Baptist church with Junius Blake Goslen of Winston Salem. Kev. Dr. Calvin B. Waller offl ciatlns. This social event has called forth much sincere and cordial In terest and Is being anticipated with irreat pleasure by friends. The church will be made florally beautiful by a skilled decorator, and the weddins color scheme ,of pink and white is be ne arranged with artistic "effect. The chancel will be banked with palms, ferns and musses of greenery, produc ing a beautiful wedding tableau. On the four posts of an improvised altar will be cathedral tapers whlcn win Bhed a soft light over the scene. A large attendance at the church Is anticlpat ed, as several hundred Invitations were sent out and as the bride has many friends. who will be interested in this important .event In the life of one of Asheville s most charming ana popular young. women. . From 7:30 to 8 o'clock a program of wedding music will be rendered by Miss Eula Wright. Miss Lucy Vance singing "O. Perfect Love," Just before the entering of th bridal party. The ushers win be: Penrv Seagle of Raleigh, Clyde nights and James Peterson of Wins ton-Salem and Ernest Reld of Ashe ville. Samuel B. Dillard of Spartan burg was to have been one of the ushers, but instead will be sponsor and give the bride away as her father is unable to do so owing to Illness. The best ran will be the grooms brother. W. A. Goslen of Winston Mnlem. Mrs. Samuel B. Dillard of Si.nrlnnlinrir a sister of the brldo, will he th first matron of honor, and Mrs. Frederick H. Avers of Richmond Jnd., will bo the second matron of honor. The two bridesmaids will be Miss Bonnie Williams and Miss Thel ma Williams,' sisters of tho bride. Wetler Mulone will be the small ring bearer, and the flower girls will be MlBses Marvine Bledsoe and Grace Waller. The right hand aisle, of the church will be used for the entrance of the bridal party, the bride belna met at the altar by the groom and his best man who will enter from the pastor's study. Tho first to enter Aill bo the ushers, Who will be followed by the second matron of honor, Mrs. Frederick Harold Ayers, who will wear a -ilnk charmeuse dress en train, over draped In silvered net and trimmed In ermine. She will wear silver slippers and carry an armful of Inrire white chrysanthemums tied with whlto tulle and will wear a hair ornament of whlto uncurled ostrlcn f,i nlln.ru. Next will come the two lirlriraiiiBlilii. the MlBSes Williams flremeil In nlnk and blue satin draped ,l!nir nhiidcs of crepe de chine trimmed In real lace and innra bou, and will carry pink and white L'hrvfmnthemums. The small ring benr.-r. Wexler Mulone. who will pre cede the bride, will wear a suit of white satin and .will carry the ring In tho henrt of large pink chrysan themum. Next will come the first matron pf honor, Mr Dillard, who will appear In a creation of blue chiffon over blue charmeuse with Iridescent pearl and crystal trimming, carrylnc pink - chrysanthemum tied With tulle and wearing in her hair a white aigrette. The llower girls will strew pink rose petals in the pathway of the bride, who will enter on tnc arm of her brother-in-law. The beautv of the bride will be made most appealing by her regal wedding gown of white brocaded charmeuse : and duchess satin with soft touches of chif fon, -rose point lace and pearl garni ture. The skirt of the gown is gracefully draped and caught with pearl ornaments and the court train Is also held In place by a pearl show er. The bride's tulle veil will be caughMwith orange blossoms and wl.l full In graceful folds from- a Juliet cap of pearls, and she will carry or chids showered with lilies of tho val ley. After the ceremony, there will be a buffet supper served for the mem bers of the bridal party at Miss Wli Uans' home, the large reception which was planned to follow the cere mony being given up on account or the illness of Mr. Williams. The bride's cake will occupy the center of table beautifully arranged and lighted in candles and the bridal party will be given souvenirs of small cuplds holding Tiffany wedding rings. Im mediately after the supper Mr. ana Mrs, Goelen will leave for a wedding trip in the east, and after January 1, will be at home at 402 South Liberty street in Winston-Salem. n Sulc of K. C. Sc-alH. The sale of the Red Cross stamps Is progressing wonderfully, the re sults being far past the most optimise tic anticipation of the committee In charKe. Mrs..Whomas S. Rollins, as sisted by Mum Julia Grace and others sold at ths post offl.ee yesterday over 4.000 seals in about three hours. Mrs. Rachel Howlaml reports that one half of stamps that the comntlttee had in hand, amounting to 1500, have been sold and the committee will proba- hiv hnve to send to Charlotta for more of these sea.ls. Yesterday Mrs Dunn McKee. Mrs. Thompson Frazer, Miss Bonnie Reeves and Miss Mary Louise Swope sold the seals from A motor on the streets and realized oulte a sum of money. The efforts of the committee In the selling win oe concentrated in the morning hours nd eftuei ially at the postolllce us market place for the stamps,, as both these hours and this place have been found especially favorably. Miixlc Club Meeting. The Mendelssohn Music, club will meet at the studio of the Aahevili Krhonl of Musical Art on Saturday af ternoon at 4 o'clock. The omcers oi this club nre Miss Elsie Alexander, Ident- Mlra Marlon Harrison, vice incident: Miss Elizabeth Klmberly secretary: and Miss Evelyn Morris, treasurer. The subject or tne jneeun nn Kntiirrisv will be Bach. Miss Clara nnth will tfive a paper un the life of Bach, and Miss Lossie Cherry will slve a paper on his works. Among the numbers on the program will b? Prelude In C. Major," ,"Fantasle in Minor" and selections from the French suite. Goes to Be Married The following invitation hao been received in the city: Rev. and Mrs. John Thomas Edmund, son request the honor of your presence at the marriage of their daughter Radial Bryan, to . Mr. Robert Arnold Shope, Lieutenant Philippine constabulary on Wednesday evening, December the eighteenth, at half after eight o'clock, First Baptist Church, Decatur, Georgia. i Lieutenant Shope and his sister, Miss Julia, left yesterday afternoon for Atlanta and Decatur. The untie will be attended by a maid of honor and six bridesmaids and Miss Julia ShoDS will act as one of the latter, After the wedding Lieutenant anu Mrs. Shope will come to Asheville and will spend one day at the home of Lieutenant Shope's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Shope of Weaver- vllle. Thev will then go to San Fran Cisco and will sail on the 27th for the Phllllpplnes. , t m, ... Anniversary Exercises. After the reception to be given on Thursilav evening in honor of Dr. and Mrs. R. F. Campbell at 8 o'ciock, in the nnnex of the Presbyterian cnurcn there, will be anniversary exercises held in the church. These exercises will begin at 9 o clock, and tne iono ing program will be given: Hymn "Onward, Christian Soldiers.' Praver Rev. R. P. Smitn. Address 'Twenty Years in Ten Min utes." Col. Robert Bingham. Address "Pastor and People."' S. D. Holt. A Message from the Pastor Rev. Dr. R. F. Campbell. Closing hymn "Blest Be the Tie That Binds.." , The pastors of all the AshevIUJ churches are invited to attend the re ception and exercises. t It .- HiiHMlnn Blouse Effect in Sorgo. Mi-ioht tartans are introduced ome of the more girlish costumes and in one of the new suits one in brown and green forms the entire sain.. la lulrt In shallow plaits stitched tho tnn to form a yoke. Seal brown .. i ati fnr the coat and velvet of the same shade for , the rolling iio. Ttnttnns covered with the nlnlds and the plaid sasn, lappins. over 4n back in two ends,' onng a bright touch to the coat, wun a transparent yoke a coat of this sort l often used as part of the dress in stead of a separate garment. t St ... Th hnva of the High school mln atrelsre very busy this week making tho finish nc touches on me minaue. show which is to be produced the last of this week and the first of next All fh last vear's stars will he seen in thia nrnriuction. These are: J. Y. Jor dan. Jr., Carl Bean, Charles Tennent, nscar Steele. CarloB Goldsmith, wn Ham Brownson, James Howell, Horace Robertson, Sidney Petrie, Aaron a-mnols. Walter McUary ana aouui i k others. This show, it is saia, prom too- to ecllnse all others that have been put on. Minn Alma Jordan entertained in formally Monday evening with a mis- oiinneous shower, at her home on Chestnut street, in honor of Miss Ada Tinltv. whose marriage to narvey wn son occurs this evening at 6 o'clock at tho home of her parents, Mr. anu Mn .T. W. Baity. In West Asheville, There were 20 guests who presented tho hride-to-ba with many beautiful and useful gifts. Miss Edna Creasman, who recently arrived from New York, will be tne uest of honor this evening at a din ner to be given by Miss neien jone, at her home on College street. Mr. and Mrs. William Granville Taylor, who were married on Wednes day of last week In Clinton, s. c, are Chicago are spending the winter months in the city. Miss Marlon Lewis has returned to the city from Nasnvuie, where she has been the guest of relatives. R R Frank E. Johnson, manager of the National Casket company, left last night on business for Louisville, Pitts burgh and Baltimore. R Mr. and Mrs. Meriwether, brother and sister-in-law ot Dr. Frank T. Meriwether, who have been spending several weeks in Asheville, have re turned to their home in Kentucky. . R R ' Mrs. Theodore F. Malloy Is expected in the city today trom Haynesvllle, Ga., after an absence ot one week. R 1 Miss Nellie Redmon has returned to the city from Greensboro and Char lotte, where she has been the guest of friends. R R Mrs. A. Whitlock has returned home from New York, where she went to attend the wedding of her daughter, Miss Carrie Whitlock. R R T I - , n .. n 41llU nit.. ..V.A line. been seriously ill In Mexico, Is nowUi uin, uuiu liiu aim jiiiLL-iu ; able to be about nis worn, ana Men-1 drix Ramsey, who went to attend him J during his illness, Will shortly return to Asheville. ;' ' William Wallace, daughter of Mrs. A. Whitlock of this city, has returned to her home in Statesville from New York, where she attended the wed ding of her sister, Miss Carrie Whit lock of Asheville, and Louis Tumpson of New York which took place at the Hotel Manhattan in, New York on Wednesday of last week. R R Mrs. R. L. White and children of Bar Harbor, Me., will arrive Friday to spend the winter with her mother, Mrs. E. E. Lee, on Asheland avenue. Mr. White will Join his family later and spend the holidays here. The numerous friends of Donnld GiGllis, who has been very 111 for some time, will be relieved to learn that he is considered out of danger. ..''.' Xmas Boots $3 to $4 We have 13 Inch street boots A J 1 11 ' I " 1 just tne tiling lor Ainus Keep you warm and comfortable, keep you free from colds by keeping yom feet dry. Our store lias the reputation of being the slipper store- slippers for every meiwber of the family. - See ours. Nichols Shoe Co. Cash Shoesters. On the Square H w W vx W MS9&XZ&H3E ! i Extra Fancy Prunes 10 and 12 l-2c lb M. HYAMS Fliones 49 ft 213. Cur. North Blnlii & Mcrrlmou Ave. Only tile best of everything to enw O W o o M "QUALITY" KODAK FINISHING Supplie3 for amateurs. . . Pack Square BookCo. Agents Eastman Kodak Company On the Square. Asheville. In There will be a meeting of the board i of managers of the Woman s exchange in the tea room at 10:30 tomorrow morning. i .r; !i if FOIl CIIIUKTMA We have a large assortment of vo 1,.,-Iiw.iIm. Just the thing to mak the child happy at Christmas Urn and not too expensive. Price from 11.76 to S. 00. J. M. 1IEARN CO., Phone Battery Purk Plao soendtng part of their honeymoon in Ashuville. R R Mrs. A. M. Frye. member of the legal, firm of Frye & Frye of Bryson city, arrived here, yesterday to be th guest of her father. Rev. rr. j, Howe, at the Central Metnoaist par sonage on Church street She will be here several days. - RH Mka Violet Hemming, who has been the guest of relatives in the city, has returned to her home In Yancoy county. R R Mr. and Mrs. D. P. Coles and daughter. Miss Elizabeth Coles, of Blltmora "Wrmat-nearta. Th Ideal Cereal. Delicious wholesome. Nothing Ilk It grocers. and All ELIAS&H0PS0N TAILORING 1 D8 Pat ton Ave. BASEBALL DEALS Hermann Gets Tinker for Cincinnati and Will Release Chance I'ncoii-ciitloiially. -THE Bv Asioeiated Pres. New York, Dec. 11. Magnates of the National league, after winding up their affairs at a final session of the annual meeting this afternoon, will depart for their homes tonight. After a series of negotiations and counter-negotiations It was pretity wiell established that.the trade of Joe Tin ker to Cincinnati will be put through today. The deaTwill Involve not only Mitcholl, Phelan and Cordldon but It is said that as soon as Tinker becomes the property of Cincinnati, Herrman will grant the unconditional release of i-'rank Chance. This, It is said. will lead to Chance's retention by President Farrell for the New York Americans. BELMONT 57 Spruce Street. Phone 810, Gentlemen Who select their Winter Footwear here will have Nothing toregret $4 to $6.50 the pair Boston Shoe Store Clements & Chambers GIFTS FOR LADIES If you want to buy something that a woman will appreciate. See our line of hair ornaments, shell combs, ""'MISS CRUISE'S SHOP 25 Haywood St. l'lmno IS. Dr. Owen Smith Has removed his office from 78 Patton avenue to No. 6 Gov ernment street, over J. M. Ilearn & Co. 241-30 RYE This is so hardy that it may be planted alomst any time and in compara tively poor soil. But the earlier it is put in the bet ter. Sow one and a half bushels to the acre. A new supply of seed. Ev erything in drugs and seeds. Grant's Pharmacy Drugs and Seeds. S9 J. H. LAW 35 Patton Ave. The greatest home en tertainer out this year for children and for grown upsls the i - - Radioptican An easily operated In strument which projects brilliantly Illuminated andzreatly enlarged 1m acre of post card, photo graph, clipping or object on any white screen or surface.entertalnlng.eren amusing if you wish, but also ol vast educational value. No home should be without one this year. Let us demonstrate to you. It's down stairs. J. H. LAW Christmas Off erings a.t WHITE JOCK'S Excellent Display of Gifts Worthwhile With our initial holiday announcement we extend to you the season's greetings and offer you a selection of many useful gifts of the better sort every article comes up to our high standard of quality. ' Suits Overcoats Furnishings Apples Galore At B. J. JACKSON'S , City Market For Rent Unfurnished Chestnut St. residence five bed rooms, mod ern in every particular, Ga rage, garden and poultry yard. Best residence section. Moale, Chiles & Redwood Beal Estate and Insurance 27 Tatton Ave. Second floor. Just Like New When Finished Bring ui your old broken pieces of Jewelry and lea what beautiful Xmai gifu I can make from them manufacturing Jeweler in my itore. VICTOR STERN. JEWEIKR, IT Haywood Opposite Battery Park. IS While you are buying a suit or an overcoat you might as well get one just right in and material. nothing1 extra features here be sure of that Ktvle, fit" You pay for those ana you can getting them here for that is the only kind of clothes we sell. Suit $15.00 to $27.50. Over coats $15.00 to $30.00. BATH ROBES SMOK ING JACKETS GIFTS IHAT ARE ALWAYS APPRECIATED. The wide range we have for your inspection make the selecting easy. Your attention is direct ed to this department while the assortment is at its best. IJath Robes $4.50 to $8.50. Smoking Jackets $5.00 to $12.50. FOR XMAS No gift so practical and appreciated as gloves. No line of gift gloves so distinctive as our k. Trice 25c to $6.50. A gift of "ONYX" Silk a tribute to taste. Price is hosiery the givers 50c to $2.00 the pair. M. WEBB CO. Imported Millinery Haywood St. MILLINERY SPROAT'S Oatoa Building. Sox and lie sets in abun Linen. Free HERE WE OFFER ONLY A FEW SUGGESTIONS. mice. Mufflers and Silk IJetfers, Handkerchiefs, Silk and SILK PAJAMAS Xmas boxes for ties and gloves. Seed Pearls Futthion has revived the beautiful seed pearl jewplry of our Grandparents and nothinR can be more Ixwitiful or cfleetive than a neck chain, necklace or pendant in this bouuUork. ARTHUR M. FIE.LD CO. CHURCH ST. A PATTON AVE. MHIIIMMMIMMMIimmmtMIIIMMIMMMIMM SUNSHINE WHOLE WHEAT WAFERS. Thid in a splendid wafer made out of whole wheat flour it is easily digested and very nourishing. 30c per pound. YATES & McGIJTRE, Phones 1715 and 1718. 21 Haywood St. Where the Dollar Doei Its Duty. Automobiles & Supplies Farm yj. .i : j Implements v and Machinery s&fe 43) Western Carolina Auto. Co. Oorner Leiinston & Walnut. ' , Phono i:H

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