Wednesday, December 11, 1912 NINE Adjoining the Beautiful Home Place of Mr. H. A. Wells Every Site a Picture The New Sub division to West Asheville 2 Minutes from Electric Car Line The Prettiest SubDivision That Has Ever Been Offered in West Asheville 'PAR IK JLL -A. ,i V J I A- J-L jlX. RESIDE NCE L, And 1 Residence Lot to be Sold AT AUCTION, Sale Begins at 11 O'clock, Rain or Shine THURSDAY, DECEMBER 12tH, 1912 . It's the home place of Mr. Bailey Jones. When the electric line was completed to West Asheville we searched the place over for a good tract for a subdivison to offer the people who wanted West Ashe ville property. We had hundred of them offered to us, but we failed to find just what we thought would make a pretty residence park location, and when we did make a trade lor tins tract we .. cried, ot it down in your memory and see it our prediction doesn't come, true here it is, every lot sold at tins sale will more tnan double in value in six. monms "Eureka I" Every Lot here is a prize lot and just jot and in twelve months you will be offered a fabulous profit on your investment. READ ABOUT GALAX PARK Galax Park is two minutes walk from the car line. Galax Park is five minutes walk from the handsome new church. .'' . Galax Park lots will not be sold to anybody but good people;. Galax Park property already has water piped to it. Galax Park is destined to become the best residence park in or near Asheville. Galax Park already adjoins the homes of many of Ashe ville 's best citizens. ' No property in the town is its superior. Realize this fact burn it into your brain no man, be he Merchant, Banker, Baker, Clerk or Candle-stick Maker, can make the proper showing without Real Estate. Yes, the odds, are against you if you don't. FIRST PRIZE The person estimating nearest what the lots sold on day of sale will average will receive $15.00 in Gold. SECOND PRIZE The person estimating nearest what the beautiful home will bring will receive $10.00 in Gold. THIRD PRIZE The person estimating nearest what the bungalow site can be seen on ground) will bring will receive a handsome silver set. Value $35.00. FOURTH PRIZE The person estimating nearest to the total sales of lots sold on this day will receive an Elgin 20-Year Case Watch. FIFTH PRIZE ' The firs party estimating exactly what this tract will bring will receive a round-trip ticket to Washington with Pullman fare, three days hotel bill .and twenty-five dollars extra expense money to the inauguration of our next President. ' . CUT THIS OUT and send it to the Southern Land Auction Co., 225-227 Legal . Building, Asheville, N. C. COUPON ESTIMATE (Subject to Printed Conditions) FIRST PRIZE I estimate that your lots in Galax Park, West Asheville, will bring an average price of$ . ,: SECOND PRIZE I estimate that the beautiful home will bring $ THIRD PRIZE I estimate that the Bunaglow site lot will bring $. FOURTH PRIZE I estimate that your total sale3 for the day will be $ FIFTH PRIZE I estimate entire tract will bring $ , Sign here No One Allowed to Make More Tlian One Guess for Each Prize. West Asheville is on a Boom, and this will be the opportunity of Your Life for an Investment. Sale by pany one t rn at TTTn "WE SELL LOTS AND LOTS OF LOTS" , , , I , ASHEVILLE, N. C. U. S. Department of Agriculture. A T"IJi-r- ri rrtr- i r ro s i&aLI U. v JL L : I: . r -La!: )J i I ss- December 11, 1912 I 300 -' ' ' ' -JW I jh v 01 ... -T .iL ' Cs""- -ar- V fin (.0 . EXPLANATOR t NOTES. Orti ruTciy: cloudy; nl.; .now: report mllng. Arrow, fly will wind. nt nguxe temperturo: nT pr.pU.U0D of il h or ior. for p..t 24 hour.; third, m.xlmum wind teloolty. THE WLATHEB rajtramATumm Atihevllle ... Atlanta AuKuita . . . . Baltimore . . . Illrmlngham . Si .. 38 .. 40 .. 42 . . 42 ; .. 40 47 48 58 48 44 Charleston 48 B8 Charlotte ... 42 BO Chicago ,... 22 42 Galveston . Huron - " Jacksonville B4 .66 Key West 70 ?6 Knoxvllle 36 46 Louisville 32 42 Mobile B0 B8 Montgomery New Orleans B2 6 New York 40 44 Oklahoma 2 S2 Raleigh 46 62 Savannah 48 62 Tampa 64 : ' Feel Fine! Liwr Right, Stomach Sweet, Headache Gone "Cascarets" Cnscaret. make you feel bully; they Immediately cleanse and the stomach, remove the sour, undigested and fermenting food pases; take the excess bile from tho liver and carry off the constipated waste nmtter and poison from the bowels. . A Casooret tonight will straighten you out by nmrnlng-a 10-cent box from any druggist will keep your Htomach regulated Head c ear and Uver und l:wui In a splendid condition for months. Don't forget the children. 10 CCntS. Nmf (rip or stduo. "CASCARETS WORI WHILE YOU SLEEP. Amusements I"! ' ' . . . . . mm pil ttll M : iii, iiti si ii lis liyiBppiB fit) !:ffii ! sj Uipsas:1 GROrP OF CHORUS GIRLS WITH "THE HEART BREAKERS," MATINEE AND NIGHT; MONDAY, DECEMBER 16. Washington . 40 48 Wilmington 46 68 Normal for this date: Temperature 18; precipitation .12 inch. Forecast until 8 p. m. Thursday lor Asheville and vicinity: unsettled weather,, probably rain tonight or Thursday; colder Thursday. For North Carolina: Unsettled weather, probably rain tonight or Thursday) colder Thursday; moderate variable winds. General Conditions (Past 24 Hours). The lake storm Is passing down the St Lawrence valley, attended by snow In the lake region, and it has caused high winds over the Great Lakes. Buffalo reports a maximum wind of 60 miles. Rain has occurred In the gulf states; Tennessee and the middle Atlantic states. It Is decidedly coidwr from the Rocky Mountains eastward to the lake region and temperatures below sero are reported In Minnesota and the Dakotas. The following heavy precipitation (In Inches) has been re ported during the last 24 hours: Houston. t40. Unsettled weather and probably rain tonight or Thurs day Is Indicated for this vicinity with colder Thursday. T. R. TATLOR, Observer. H MONDAY. DEC. 16, ! It Matinee and Night, t ' "Tho Heart Breakers." t t THURSDAY, DEC. 19, Ida St. Leon in "Finishing t Fanny." t tttKKKKKI'lXXKKKKKKKXH Ida St. Leon In "Finishing Fanny." The thousands of theatergoers who have been charmed by the naive beau ty and the delightful acting of Ida St Leon In her famous play "Polly of the Circus," will be glad to learn that she Is returning as a star to the Audlto rlum on Thursday, December 19. Her play this season and. Judging from Its tremendous success, for the next two seasons as well. Is "Finishing Fanny." an amusing, yet scathing satire on New York society. It Is a prize olay. At the close of Miss St. Leon's tour In "Polly of the Circus" "Are you the leader of this brass band 7" "No," replied the distressed man with the baton. "Every man In thin hand thinks he's a soloist I'm the umpire." Washington Star. "Just my luck." ' "What's the matter now 7" "I promise mv wife I'd be home at 10 o'clock last night." "And couldn't mnke It, t suppose'" "No, I got In at Just : 4 B. but sl.e was sound nleei and I failed to got credit for It." Detroit Free Press. COUGH SYRUP Rave vou a cold with a hacking or racking cough, hoarseness, bronchitis, grippe ;or an asthmatlo or pulmonary cough with sore chest ? lias the baby croup. wnooning cougn or moastos cougar SAMPLE. FRU. Then tost the old reliable Da. Bull'i OotJOH bYRTTl, free. Write to A, c. mstss AC)0..1(aI- Umore, ild. JHimtloa Uils paper. T hftA s rrr had o!4 snd nrmrh I M)ttle of Ir. Hull'! rough Hrnmpuml MS 1 mum K. lxn, ilrldftitue, IHi. REGULAR BOTTLE. 94 CXf. Ir. IttillVjOTighNTnipcontairaoonwrpljins of uikituionn. U u lulu and uau w A 7 V - - 1 or. 1 Cl ulinlr last summer, her manager, A. S. Stern, offered a prize of 15000 for the piece that would suit this fascinating young actress, and would serve as the ve hicle in which she might make her Cellar debut The winning play was "Finishing Fanny," by Lee Wilson Dodd, one of the most brilliant of our American dramatlsU. It Is a play full of heart throbs and Ideal love scenes. And yet counterbalancing these exquisite moments, there are thrilling big scenes In which the author lays bare with a daring hand all the weaknesses of the smart so ciety that he Is depleting. "The Heart Breakers." Of George Damerel and his company In the merry "Heart Breakers," the Atlanta Georgian last Thursday said: "George Damerel and the rest of 'The Heart Breakers' were received with much enthusiasm by the audi ence at the Atlanta last night Laughter, subdued and hearty, ripples of applause and broad smiles greeted the clever words and acts of the com pany. No show of the season has aroused a more enthusiastic reception than 'The Heart Breakers," and though the audience was not so large as usual. It mors than made up In ex pression of appreciation. The musi cal comedy Is very much out of the ordinary. Instead of a big company of girls, and a few 'chorus men, there Is a big company of men and a fw Blrls. The men are not the ordin ary type of chorus men, but good looking young rellows, wltn nne voices and nimble feet The doien or so girls of the company are pretty and graceful, and make up In quality what they lack In quantity." The following very reesonable prices will prevail: Matinee, 0 and 76 crnts and $1; night SO and 7 Cents and II, with the first nine rows of the orches tra seats St 11.60. Tickets will go on snle Friday morning at Whltlook s for both performance , mm T 11 tCHLOSi THEATHS CIRCUIT Matinee and night, Monday, December 16, the Musical Comedy Event Mort H. Singer Presents . GEORGE DAMEREL (Formerly with the Merry Widow) 1n THE HEART BREAKERS. The Musical Comedy with a Plot and a Perfect Princess Chorus. Price: Matinee BOc to $1.00. Night 60o to 1.00; first nine rows, 1.50. Seats Friday morning at Whltlock's. We Buy Anything AND " Sell Everything i Sternberg & Co. Dpot Street. Fhone 333