iv, Deceiver 17, 1212. to or ha n IT i rv 1 "1 i ,1 1P A SAI1TA GLAUS FROM THE SEA SANTA'S CALL :JBy JAMES. A. EDGERTON ! COPYRJCHT. 1912. BY AMERICAN PRESS ASSOCIATION HEN Bobby wrote to Santa Claui, -vt Inviting him to call, ' " ' Bob's mother said that Santa would If Bobby only would be good, . , ; Which is the way that mothers should Reply to urchins small . - - - -Who write a note to Santa Claus, ' . . Expecting him to calL ' 1 - When Santa Claus got Bobby's note, v - He chuckled quite a lot; Down at his typewriter he sat And wrote an answer, saving that ' He'd love to call and have a .that. He'd be there on the dot; V For somehow Bobby's little note Had hit his tender 4pot . v . AM t4 " as note H3k' goat my vote; A Ti edin, Bue, II Ml rfc? 1 know not why a typewriter Was put to such a use. , ; To answer thus a social 'Would get "most anybody') For rank, .bad form it has 'Twas socially obtuse; But Santa is a busy man . - And that was his excuse. On Christmas Santa Claus drc . Down through the chimney i He told such tales of land and sea That Bobby often murmured "Gee!' And Bobby's sister laughed in glee- l'm sure that you would, too; And if you'd write to Santa Claus, v Perhaps he'd call on you. Gazette-Ners Advertising Pays. Granted Insurance. After. Jdw Trouble AN and Jack and little black Topsy rubbed their eyes and ' stared abbat them. A big - war had landed Ihem high and dry on sandy island.; ' All shipwrecks are horrid, said Jack. '"But I think I can find some- ' thine to eat. and "TV Awtuixrei-aD Ton CAME. If you are cold, why, yon and Top sy can' lie' down and let Ine cover yo with warm sand, : and - then I'll 'go and look about : ' "Now, goodby, said Jack. . "I'm going to look for food." And be marched off like a man, with " his hands In his pock ets. "Topsy," said Nan after he had gone, "do yon know It is ' the day before Christmas and we won't get a single present tomorrow T ' But Topsy was not despondent. "What's de mattah wld Marse Santa ClansT she demanded. "Ain" he com In' to dis lslan'? Dat's what I ask." "Why, Topsy," explained little Nan patiently. "how conld he? His rein' deer couldn't cross the water." "Let him come in a boat, den. Dat's whut I say. Let him come In a boat," said Topsy fiercely. - Oh," said Kan. "bat I am afraid he can't" ; vv Suddenly Topsy sat np and pointed skinny black finger toward the sea. "It's a boat" Bhe said, "a little boat. and lt'a coming here." . ' Nearer and nearer came the little boat and presently Topsy shrieked: "It's Marse Santa Clans. Miss Nannie, it's Marse Santa Clans, and he's corn in' straight to dU yer lslan'.' Didn't I tole yer Didn't I tolo yer he'd come?" The man In the boat bad a ' nice white beard. He had on a red sweater and wore a soft bat polled well down over bis ears. As he climbed out of the boat they saw that he was very round and fat and had a jolly red face. When he had palled the boat up oat of the water be leaned over and picked np a great bag and slung It over bis sbsulder and came trotting up the beach.-- "It truly Is 'Santa," said Nan breath lessly, "and be is coming straight to ward us. .1 m going to ran right down and meet him." Away she Sped, her golden curls fly ing behind her. and when she reached the old man she slipped her band into bis confidingly. " "I'm awfully glad yon came, Santa," she said. ' "We were so frightened and lonely, and maybe yon can tell us what to do." . . : The old man stood still and stare4 at her. Then he chuckled. "Well, well!" be said. "Where did you come from?" r; .: - Just then Jack came tanning down the beach. "It's Santa Clans,"' called Nan as soon as he was within hearing. Bat Jack was older than Topsy and Nan, and he had his doubts. "Are you really Santa Claus?' be asked gravely. The old man winked. "Don't 1 look like him?" be said. ; "Yes," said Jack, 'yott do." ' ' "Ain't; I got a pack on my back?" he asked. '' '. ' "Tea," said Jack, "but It looks like potatoes and not toys." Then the old man leaned down and whispered in his ean That" jes' what It la, but if them little dears wahta to-thluk I'm 8a tar wbyj let 'em think It 1 It won't hurt anybody, wilt itr "No," said Jack, "it won't" , "Well. then,! aid ha out loud, "that being de cided,' we will go and have din ner." "Dinner?" Mid Jack. In surprise. "Why, where do yon liver ' "Follow me,' aid the man, and they trottadgaylr after him. - Away among ' the came suddenly There are so many case of Con sumption reported where the details how the diceaae started with a cold or a cough, that it la really surprising that people are Bot more anxious to immediately .atop these apparently minor troubles. Our advice la "atop the cough or cold, if possible, without delay." Otherwise more serious rou- Diee are uiiejy e ioiiow. 11 me moai- cinea you are now taking do not bring relief try Eckman's Alterative, as this man did: 237 Dean St., Brooklyn, N. Y. "Gentlemen: I am giving you below brief history ef my case, which I trust you will use for in benefit of those suffering from any similar troubles. ', About a year and a half ago I no ticed that my health was rapidly fall ing, until at the end of six months my weight had fallen to 129 pounds. I was troubled with night sweats, a ne vera cough and was very weak, hav ing in fact absolutely no . ambition whatever. About this time I consulted a physician, who told me my lungs were affected.' - Not satisfied, I went to another doctor, who after examining. me said that I wa in the first stages of consumption. At this point I start ed to take Eckman's Alterative. The night sweats stopped almost lmmedl ately,- my eongh -feeoame looser and gradually disappeared. My weight is now 142 pounds and my physician has pronounced me perfectly sound which, together with the fact that have been accepted by two different insurances companies for insurance. makes me sure of my entire recovery by Eckmanls Alterative, I shoura be very glad to communicate with any one who would be Interested in my case." (Sworn affidavit) W. E. GEE Eckman's Alterative is effective in Bronchitis, Asthma, Hay Fever Throat and Lung Troubles and in up building the system. Does not con tain poisons, opiates or habit-forming drugs. For sale by all leading drug' gists. Ask for booklet telling of re coverles, and write to Eckman Labor atory, Philadelphia, Pa., for additional evidence. (Adv. M.!:il'fll-1H lttiRlt ft K THURSDAY, DEC. IS, ft Ida St Leon in "Finishing ft Fanny." ft Ida St Leon in "Finishing Fanny A genuine treat in dramatic offer ings will be the appearance here on next Thursday evening at the Audito rium of little Ida St. Leon, who for the past three seasons has endeared herself to theatergoers throughout the country by her charming interpre "'.''" Proof Positive. "Am I the first girl you ever kissed?" "Supposing I said yes?' " "Never mind supposing. Am I?' "Supposing I said 'nor " "There: I knew I wasn't" Lippli- cott's. " Unseed. Linseed is the nearest approach to milk in composition of any natural veg table food. THE WEAT1IEB TKOTTBD ATIT ATttM HIM. and hills they anon a Uttle house. Within was a slowing fire, and a great pot was bubbling' on the Store, and each of the Uttle folks bad a hat bowl of toup and a big piece of bread, and When they had finished their eyes drooped. "Now hang np your stockings," said their host, "and go to bed." How the old eailor found things' to Oil those stockings was a wonder. But there was a quaint sandalwood fan for Nan, a pair of Chinese shoe for Jack and a Japanese doll foe Topsy. .Then he filled op the corners with beautiful shells and with little boxes of dried fruit and such things as sailors pick lip la many voyages. Such a jolly Cbrivtmaa morning as It was The children were delighted with their gifts, and afterward Sasta rowed them over to the mainland and put them on the road for home. Tou will And that druggists every where speak well of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. Thsy know from Inng expsrlnnc In the sale of It thai In cum of coughs and colds it can always be depended upon, and that it vmcraxATtrML tatlon of the title role in "Polly of the Circus." This season little Ming St. Leon is at the head of her own com pany appearing in a new play by Lee Wilson Dodd, author of "The Return of Eve," "Speed," and other well known comedies. "Finishing Fanny" ia the title of the new play and in It Miss St Leon Is given every opportunity to display her remarkable versatility and from the moment her girlish laugh and her musical voice herald her coming until the curtain falls upon her enfolded in two strong arms at the end of the vivid story she is enshrined in the hearts of her audience.' The prices are BOc, 75c and 11 with the first nine rows at Sl.BS. Tickets are now selling at Whitlock's. V , ...... . , - 1 '. - fin iitii j :';.:::::::. :V:.''..v:. fit v v': i- .- ....... j . l", ' " ti'i'-'.l,':Sl"'!.:i.:: x- ': : c ' - 3 ' MISS IDA ST. IF.ON IN "FINISHING FANNY," AT THE AUDITORIUM, . ' , NEXT THURSDAY EV ENING, DECEMBER 19.' t Ashevtlle ... i.. 42 S9 Atlanta ... 44 2 Augusta .... ...... ....... 38 64 Baltimore ... .. 34 52 Birmingham 60 64 Boston...... ......30. 48 Charleston ,' 44 68 Charlotte 40 62 Chicago 36 40 Jacksonville 54 68 Knoxvllle ... ... 30 54 Mobile 62 . 64 Montgomery . , 60 66 New Orleans ... 64 66 New York . .. 34' 46 Oklahoma ... 30 56 Raleigh , 36 60 Savannah 44 64 Tampa 58 64 Washington 30 52 Wilmington ... ..1 40 62 Normal for this date: Temperature 37; precipitation .14 inch. Forecasts until 8 p. m. Wednesday for Aahevllle and vicinity: Local rains tonight or Wednesday. For North Carolina: Local rams tonight or Wednesday; warmer In east and central portions tonight; moder ate south winds. General Conditions (Past 24 Hours). The storm that was over the north west has moved to the upper Missis sippi valley and has Increased in In tensity, the barometer In nortnern Wisconsin being below 29.40 Inches. This storm has caused precipitation in the plains states, the Misslssipip val ley, the lake region and the Ohio val ley. Rain has also occurred In Texas, the Pacific states and the plateau re gion. An area of high pressure Is moving eastward over - the Pacific states. Temperatures are higher in the lake region, the Ohio valley and the southeastern states. The indica tions point to local rains for this vi cinity .tonight or Wednesday. T. R TAYLOR, Observer. AUDITORIUM ' . THURSDAY, DECKMBER t9, ',r T. A. S. Stein presents the Talented " IDA ST. LEON Vx The youngest and most faclnating star on the American stage "FINISHING FANNY." T By Lee. "Wilson Dodd. ' Better than "Polly of the Circus," In which she played to over a million people. " . , . Prices 60c, 75c and $1.00. First nine rows $1.50, Ticket sale Tuesday morning at Whitlock's. Carolina Commercial School A CHRISTMAS GIFT TO YOU. TO ASITEVILLE PARENTS: Ilave you ever regretted that you had never been taught enough bookkeeping to take care of your HOUSEHOLD ACCOUNTS T We will give to every one purchasing a scholarship in our school before De cember 25th, a $50.00 scholarship for $25.00. After that date we will charge $50.00. Why not give your son or daughter a scholarship for a Christmas gift. . ' ; WE WANT YOUR STENOGRAPHIC WORK. - Our prices are reasonable; satisfaction given. Special prices on regular work. ; , s , We are ready to assist any competent stenographer or bookkeeper to get a good position. Ecferences required. , For further information see (MISS) PEARL HOLMAN,. . i 301 Legal Building, City. U.S. Department of Agriculture. VYCAinCK DUKCAU. WILLIS L. MOORE, Chief. VJiiOWl I , VYCAinCK DUKCAU, - . !r?r--. WILLIS L. MOORE, Chief. H I W "t-0W , ; , S- " "N'r - December 17, 1912. Vlv. .wi?7' HXPUANATORV NOTftS. ObwrviiMm tli ft 1 1. m..'?.Vl mcrlilliii time. Air rciir ml nred 10 w levrt. Iv,hr (ponilnMnm lln . r.t i ... it,..l,,,M. i,l,.n,i linex) ns llirouuli i nnuol titm U-iutu-catHrn; uinn only I n I O clor; O p""ly doii.; ( J cloudy; rain: Q : 0 rnorl tuiMlnf. Arroflv niili the wcond. pi,-, ipiitimn f .01 In- h or more for pKstil houtt; Uilnl. ftximnni wind wtwitr. . In plniwit and f to take. For sals by all dealer t ,. ,