k 111 Copyright 1912 The Houm of KuppeohcinMt Gifts M6n Folks Don't overlook the op portunity of giving gifts of real value to the men folks this Christmas, and we can think of no more useful or acceptable one. thau a KUPPENHEI MKR SUITER OVER COAT. ' t ; That will be a present worth while and one which will carry a deal of comfort with it well ' into the new year. Then thcrc.are all those little MEN'S DRESS ACCESSORIES to he found in this convenient store of ours. Big com fortable Bathrobes, some, with slippers to match, in all the pleasing shades... $3.50, $5, $8. Smoking Jackets for "Work-Weary Men. $5, $7, $9 ; Ties , Scarfs, Toilet Sets and a world of . little knicknacks to pliase HIS fancy. AVE WANT YOU TO KNOW just how much of a real men's store this is. We are here to cater to men of critical taste's with the best the world's. mar kets offer; to do so at reasonable prices and to back every sale with A fi UA RANTER QF SAT ISFACTION. R. C. Zuflier Giva-Prcper Care To The Ilair : ; -. And You Will NeYer Heed A Wig HERPICIDE The man who wears a toupee does not like Itf but has the courage of his conviction. Nature never Intended that the top of the head should be left entirely without protection. A bald head is Aery susceplbl? to contraction of colds' and neuralgia. Wearing an artificial top piece- counteracts this tendency, and, aside from the Improvement In the personal appearance, Is amply Justlflet). How much better It would have been, had the man, now chronically bald and wearing a toupee, but re alized earlier in life the appreachlng danger and devoted a little regular attention to his hair, which would have saved it. There Is a remedy which will abso lutely prevent baldness. Loss of hair in nlne.cases out of ten It unnecessary, being line', to dandruff and the germ that causes it. This germ must be destroyed and the accumulations of dandruff checked. Then the hair will not fall out, but Instead will grow nat urally and luxuriantly. -. Newbro's Herplclde Is the remedy, regular applications of which will do this. It has long been known as the original remedy that kills the dandruff germ and is absolutely dependable. Newbro's Herplclde in 60c and $1.00 sizes is sold by all dealers who guar antee it to do all that is claimed. If you are not satisfied your money will be refunded. Herplclde applications may always be obtained at the better barber shops and hair dressing parlors. Anyone desiring to try Newbro's Herplclde before purchasing a large bottle will receive a nice sample and booklet by sending lOo in postage or silver to The Herplclde Co., Dept. R.. Detroit, Mich. Smith's vdrug Btore special agent. I T AT1GIAL Stocks, Bonds, Cotton, Grain, Provisions, Money New York, New Or leans, Chicago and For eign Market News. TRINITY ATHLETICS College Withdraws From S. I. A. A. for a Period of Tlireo Years the Reasons. Correspondence of The Gazette-Newt. ', Trinity College, Durham, Dec. 17. As announced in the press dispatches from New Orleans the request of Trin ity college to be allowed to withdraw from the 8. I. A. A. for a period of three years was granted. The following resolutions, proposed by the faculty, adopted by. the Ath letic council, and approved by the president, now become the law gov erning Inter-colleglate athletics at Trinity college: . ( 1 ) We ask for withdrawal from the Southern Intercollegiate Athletic HSHoclatio'n for a period of three years to improve our general athletic situa tion by making alliances with colleges in our own Immediate territory. (2) That the eligibility of players who represent the college be deter mined by the rules governing the S. I. A. A. bs printed in the catalogue of Trinity college for 1'911-'12. (3) That the interpretation and en forcement of these rules be placed in the. hands of the faculty committee on athletics. (4),,We urge , the athletic manage ment In all Its departments to use the utmost endeavor to promote the pliyslcal well being of all the students, but at the same time to keep athletics duly subordinated to the main con cerns of college life, and In the inter nal administration of athletics duly subordinated to the main concerns of college life, and In the internal ad ministration of; - athletics and n forming alliances with other colleges to take all' possible precautions to protect and foster the , Ideals end U editions concerning amateur ath letics that have become established at Trinity college the, past fifteen years. There will be no change In the ath letic policy at Trinity except that arrangements with other colleges may be made direct rather than through the S. I. A. A. REVENUE REPORT Comparatively Few Seizures of Illicit Distilleries Were Made In November. THE ELECTRIC STORE Quick Hot Liquid Heater. Boils a pint of water in one minute. Com plete with plug and cord $3.50 ELECTRIC .CURLING IRON Just the thing for the young adies. Complete with plu and cord... ..... .. . .$2.75 EVERYTHING ELECTRI- : CAL. ' , PIEDMONT ELECTRIC CO. The report of the division of the In ternal revenue department under R. B. Sams for last month shows a very noticeable decrease in the number of seizures of illicit distilleries compared with other months. A large percent age of this decrease, however, is at' tributed to the fact that a number of the men had to attend sessions of Fed eral court. Teh actual number of seizures shown is 34, which is the smallest for the year, the largest running over 80. Of this number one plant was a regis tered fruit distillery, and was seined on account of Irregularities. -A large amount of liquor was seized at the same time. At the other plants whls key to the amount of 190 gallons was taken during the month. Eighteen prosecutions were recom mended on account of the seizures made, which is a large percentage. One important item shown in the re' port is that special taxes approximat ing 13000 were collected in North Car olina, and about $500 was collected in Virginia and Tennessee. The record for this month, in point of seizures, will doubtless be much greater than for last. About 20 plants have been taken already. Reports were received yesterday from Deputy Collector Pool and Special Employe Nitzer of the seizure of two plants in Burke county. Nearly all the distil leries seized this month have been big ones, and a large number have hzen found with full equipment. WALL STREET GOSSIP. New York, Dec. 17. Reading fell back at the opening of the market to- ay after its rapid rise of yesterduy,. yielding two points In the first teW transactions. The general list was ir regular with a downward tendency among the most active stocks. Smelting lost a point, Lehigh Val ley 1 1-4 and Steel and Tennessee Coal . Canadian Faclnc and rubber rose point each. Declines were largely extended niter the first few minutes of business, the rapid fall of Reading to 165 1-8 dis turbing bullish confidence as to the permanency of yesterday's buoyant rally. Losses reached about a point elsewhere, but the whole list rose smartly later. NEW YORK COTTON. .New York, Dec. 17. Cotton opened steady at an advance of four to seven points on relatively firm cables and private advices reporting very small offerings .from the south in the Eng lish market again this morning. At the advance the market eased off to net loss of five or six points during the early trading. Trade interests ap peared to be buying on declines in suf ficient volume to steady prices on a scale down and; caused moderate rallies. LIVERPOOL COTTON. Liverpool, Dec. 17. Close: Cotton spot moderate business done; prlrco steady; American middling fair, 7.7.'; good middling, 7.38; middling, 7.18; low middling, 7.00; good ordinary, 54; ordinary, 6.06. Bales of the day were 8000 bales of which 1500 were for speculation and export and included 7300 American; receipts, 48,000 bales, Including 42,- 300 American. Futures opened barely steady and closed steady, December ... .. 6.91 December-January 6.89; January-February .......... 6.88 February-Mar.ch . 6.88 March-April 6.87 April-May ... 6.86 May-June ... 6.85 June-July .... 6.83 July-August ... . . 6.81 August-September . ; 6.71 September-October 8.63 October-November .', 6.46 1 1 T OPEN ACTIVE GAM Plans Will Be Formulated at , Meeting at Nashville " Today. By AtModotei Pra. Nashville, Tenn., Dec. 17. Headed by Minn Sarah Barnwell Elliott, pres ident of the organization, of Suwanee, the Tennessee Equal Suffrage league proposes to start an aggressive cam patgn for full suffrage in this state. Plans will be considered at an ope meeting to be held this afternoon Miss Elliott has Just returned from Philadelphia, where she attended the rational convention. She nays, she Is not in favor of any compromise. Ever New, H. S, Minstrels, Thura' day and Friday. H. S. Auditorium. :THE: ID) rincess Theatre I The Leading Moving Picture 1 House of the State LONDON STOCIC MARKET. London, Dec. ' IT.-Money scarce. Discount rates firm at bank rate level. The stock market was steadier than yesterday, but business was narrow because of the holiday's approach. American securities opened steady and slightly higher: Trading w-.'is quiet . and prices moved irregularly during the early sessions. Later the list improved a fraction but tne -nivr ket reacted in the late trading and closed easy. Another Shipment of Coat Suits for Women Misses Received Sampl and Yesterday Coming from a high-class maker of Coat Suits, it is needless to go into any leng- they description. As usual we are going' to give our patrons the benefit of this wise purchase. Be sure and see these garments before purchasing elsewhere. Values from $25 to $32.50 at $14.50 A worthy Sale worthy of your attention. Sale of Long Coats now in full swing. Wonderful values, worth up to See window display ...... ...... . .: . . . $16.50. .$9.80 The Asheville Dry Goods Co. WI'lJl!tJyKv?'w'y'L'TTOy'!,,-"'8' MESS PORK pet bbl.--" v ' " " " January ... .. it. .i .18.00 - ' 17.95 May 18.00 18.05 . LARD, per 10Q lbs. December . '.10.25 10.25 January ... 9.90 9.90 May 9.8214- 9.82 SHORT RIBS per 100 IbR. January... 9.70 9.72 May ... V .. 9.62 9.62V4 NEW YORK COTTON FUTURES. BUTTER AND EOGS. New York, Dec. 17. Butter irregu lnr; receipts 6467 '- tubs. Creamery firsts, 32 35; cheese quiet, receipts 1166 boxes. State whole milk held colored or white specials, 18. Eggs firm; repelcts 6360 cases. Fresh gathered extras 45 36. .. r- ' CHICAGO PROVISIONS. BUTTER Easy; creameries 26- 32. , ; EGGS Easy; receipts 2585; fresh current 19 22; firsts 23. CHEESE Steady, daisies 16 17; twins 16 1-4 4H4; Young Americas 16 17; Long Horns 16 017. POTATOES Weak; receipts 46 cars; Mich. 48(350; Wis. 4346. , POULTRY Steady; turkeys, live, 15c; dressed 20 c; chickens live 11; spring live 10. V EAL Steady 9 S 1 4. Open. Close. December ... 12.8085 12.63064 January .. ... 12.86(5)86 12.686! February .. .. 12.8587 12.6870 March .. .. .. 12.93095 12.75076 April ........ 12.75 bid May ,. .. .. .. 12,94095' 12.76077 June .'. 12.87 bid 12.70072 July 12.86087 12.69070 August .. .. .. 12.74075 12.68060 September .... 12.09 011 October ; 12.05 ask 11.96093 NEW YORK STOCK LIST. TODAY Her fiitter Lesson, ... .. ..Selig Drama J For Professional Services, Edison Comedy Anne Boleyn, . . . ; . . Beautifully hnind colored. ,..C. 0. P. C Drama Close. Amalgamated Copper ;,. '. 73 Amer. Beet Sugar ..: 50 Amer. Cotton Oil 66 Amer. Smult. & Refining...... 69 Amer. Sugar Refining ' 117 Amer. Tel. & Tel 140 Anaconda Mining Co 88 Atchison ..; 105 Atlantic Coast Line 137 Baltimore & Ohio 103 Brooklyn Rapid Transit 87 Canadian Pacific 266 Chesapeake & Ohio.,......., 78 Chicago & Northwestern. .... . 136 Chicago. Mil. & St Paul...'... Ill Colorado Fuel & Iron... 38' Colorado & Southern SS Delaware & Hudson...' 16S Denver & Rio Grande 20 Erie 81 General Electric 181 Oreat Northern pfd 134 Grei Northern Ore ctfs 41 Illinois Central 126 Interhorough-Mct 17 Interborough-Met. pfd 60 Inter Harvester 110 Louisville & Nashville 139 Missouri Pacific 41 Mi)., Kana & Tex. 26 Lehigh Valley 16 National Lead 66 New York Central 108 VI Norfolk & Western 112 Northern Paclflo 120 Pennsylvania ... 121 People's Gas 110 Pullman Palace Car lnu TWrtlng 166 V( Rook Island Co ,. 23 Rock Island Co, pfd 43 Southern Pacific ". 10 Southern Rallwny 27 1'nlon- Pacific 157 H United States Ptecl. !M United States Steel pfd 109 Wabash Western Union 78 CHICAGO GRAIN MARKET Chicago, Dec. 17. Uneasiness over reports from the London conference advanced wheat. Opened from l-8c off to l-4c advance. May started at 89 to 89 7-8, unchanged to l-8c low er and rose to 90 1-8 01.4c. Increasing receipts weakened corn. May which opened a shade to l-8c down at 48 1-4 to 48 3-8 declined to 48 1-4. Oats followed corn. May started a sixteenth lower at 32 7-8 and eased off to 32 8-478c. Provisions received no support ex cept from shorts. First sales were at last night's level to 7 l-2c below with May 1800 for pork, 982 1-2 to 987 1-2 for lard and 962 1-2 for ribs. Open from 10 A. M. to 11 P. M. 1 CHTOAOO GRAIN QUOTATION'S. WHEAT Open. Close, December 85 ' 86 Mny 89 90 Julv 86 87 I CORN . Dwemher 47 H 47 May 48 S 48 July . . . ; 49 49 OATH Tioiemlier ..." 81 Mv , S3 "4 , 81 July 33 S3 57 Spruce AT THE ' Phone ,804 BELMONT In addition to the Asheville pictures! will bes hown a two-reel famous "101" Bison headliner, depicting stirring and i thrilling. Indian battles that veritably Imprison the attention. Two other in teresting subjects will be "Boniface as Blackmoor" and "The Double Debt." This is the biggest bargain ever of fered in the moving picture business in our city and it is predicted that the big Auditorium will not be able to handle the 'large crowds. pictures will be shown again at the Care 01 their Own physicians Auditorium, with even more local anri ju3 directions are minutely busy and will not finish up until Fri day. The great spectacular master piece, "The Fall of Troy," will be on the program Friday, also two other reels, making five reels In all, so It he hooves every citizen to see each rf the programs at the Auditorium toM row. Friday and Saturday, as each is different The Auditorium will open at 2 p. m. and run continuously uii'.ll 10 p. m. AIv-lt PATIENTS aTe t under the carried out. The diet of each one is specially prepared and administered at perscribed hours under the personal man agement of DR. IIOtliSER, Manager. LOCAL PRODUCE MARKET: PRICES Christmas approaching is pushing up the prices of some of the local products. The retail prices follow; Grain, etc; Corn 1.10; oats 7&c; hay 1.60. Peck goods; Splnaeh 85c, kale 2 5 dp 25035; white turnips 20026; while potatoes 300 35c, native sweet pota toes 0c: vellow yams 40045, carrots cranberries 16c: White beans 15o, 2 for 26c: white peas. 15c. I tax 26c; Umas 15c02O; clay peas 10. Pound goods: Mushrooms 7t; celery 10c, J for 26; sallfy 10c, sage 6c 10c, 1 for 25; bunch; spring beets 7&c; hell peppers 25 0 40. Poultry dressed: Geese 18; ducks Local Moving Picture at Auditorium Tomorrow. For Rent Unfurnished Chestnut St. residence five bed rooms, mod ern in every particular, Ga rage, garden and poultry yard. Best residence section. Moale, Chiles & Redwood Real Estate and Insurance 27 Patton Ave. Second floor. Through the Joint direction of Messrs. Brunswig Bros, and Sparks of the Claaslo theater, and Mr. Ballle of the Auditorium, the people of Ashe' vllle will be treated to the finest pic ture program ever shown In our city at the Auditorium tomorrow, begin ning at 7 p. m. and continuing until 10:30 p. m. Five reels of pictures will be shown, making a program that Is well worth half a dollar, for 10 cents to children anywhere In the house, and 10 and 20 cents to adults, according to location. A great deal of Interest is dally being manifested over the taking of Asheville in mov ing pictures. Hundreds, yes thou sands, of our people have been snap ped by the camera man, and will ap pear on the Auditorium screen life like and twice as handsome. See yourselves as others e you. If you aren't In the picture, thon your frlendu will be. You are aurt to get fooled, If ynu think you have been roaming uround on the streets and will not ap pour In the pictures, as the camera men hsve been getting pictures for over a week and are still tsiklng them. M. WEBB CO. ! Imported MUlinery Haywood St. MILLINERY ICDDAAT'C I Oatea Building. APPLES JONATHANS. Oregon Red, Stark's Beauty, Rome Beauty, Staman wlnesap. Original Wlnesap, Albemarle Pippin, Black. Sweets, Delaware Reds. t T t a mre rwr City Market Phones 86-101. Christmas Gifts AT Womans Exchange sin.'wrT A VT UIIV vwmcj ani dux Dr. Owen Smith Has removed his office from 78 Patton avenue to No. 6 Gov ernment street, over J. M. llearn & Co. 241-30 HAIR GOODS MADE TO ORDER. MISS CRUISE'S SHOP 25 Haywood 6U Phone 18. elias&hopson I TAILORING I I (8 Patton Ave. Opp. P. O. j FOR A CHRISTMAS SUGGESTION. . i We have a full line of Eastman Kodaks and Fremo Cam eras, which will more than please that friend ; or dear ona From $1.00 to $65.00. Artistic picture-framing and Kodak Finishing. : i Haywood St. ROBINSON'S KODAK STORE, Tlione 102. United Grocery Company Phone 1617 , , Store of Quality Fine Groceries cr.d Choice Meats Quality, Courtesy, Quick delivery nnd ritfht pivr )lrP our Bpecialtios. We hanille .Sunshine mlccs and crnrlxi i because tliey are the F.EST. 415 N. Main.