Tuesday, December 17, 1312. THE ASnVILL" GAZETTE-NEWS TI7S 2sa! I 'I I I I f I-" v 1 L1 1 j ' - ' V i the fV3 ft iX v , HnBY i tlWl TOP 2 Jim Here's the Xmas Slippers Store Make gifts of shoes find slippers. We've, a house full of styles that make a selection easy for any member of the family. Christmas Gift Books For FOR MEN We've felt or leather Slip pers in Borneo, Opera and Ev eretts, in Tan or Black at prices $1.25 to $3.00.- . Dress Shoes $3.50 to $6.00. FOR WOMEN You can select from Fur Top Romeo Slippers in Red, Brown Tan, Wine. Price $1 to' $1.50 and $2.00. '0. Evening Slippers $3 to $5. In pretty dress shoes!, '' w ' Our Xmas Footwear Layout is complete. Every Purse and Taste NICHOLS SHOE COMPANY I'XMASSHOESTEES .''!.? "'.A V . ' ' ' OK TOE SQ.OARE $ H) fp 1 f f sM.wa mm bm m m wmm nament having been published in Thefuary Issue of Everybody's Magazine is i I ,w . i Personal Mention, UdlAL : News of the . ;' , HAPPENINGS Mew Medical Banquet. . The seventeenth annual banquet of tiie Buncombe County Medical society held at the Langren. last evening was one of the signal social successes of the season. The banquet was given In the dining, room ot the hotel, a large table being arranged in the center of the room, at which sat the, guests of hofior, the officers of the association, the committee ' on arrangements for the banquet, the representatives of the press and the speakers of the evening, and grouped about this table were Bmaller tables, at which sat the mem bers of the society amounting to some 65 in all. The' banquet was beauti fully arranged and delightfully served, and marked a a fed loiter year among the 17 previous occasion this event of last evening. The menu for this elab- evcry man, ' Garnlsched the gronynge bord ful , many a pounde, -Whil essence of chekin in cuppes he . pased around. . Spainisce mackrell brought from the sea In schippes, I broilen and strewen with crips po- tade chyppes; Rost turkle, swete with sause of crane- berries, , Flanked by douce creme potades and grene pyse. The "maister of the tosten" was Dr. Thompson Frazer and among the speakers were: Governor-elect Locke Craig, Dr. J. P. Monroe of Charlotte, president of the North Carolina Medi cal society; R. R. Williams, Dr. Lynch, Dr. Q. P. Ambler,' Dr. R. S. Carroll, Dr. L. W. Ellas, Dr. w; B. McBrayer, orate' event was arranged in the most Judge Junius Q. Adams, Dr. Paul Pa- orlglnal and clever fashion after the quln, Dr. Paul Ringer and Dr. W. 8. style of Chaucer In the first chapters Rankin. ot the Canterbury Tales. The follow-1 The out-of-town guests included Dr. lng clever verse inscribed upon the J. P. Monroe of Charlotte, Dr. Slier of outside of these menus was typical ot Baluoa, Dr. uraay 01 -rryon, urs. i-oi-tho Old Enish style In which, they ' ton and Archer of Black Mountain, Dr. weaver 01 jjeicesier, ur. neat ham of Brevard, Dr. Edgerton of Hen- were written: "Byfel that, in that scson on a day" In Ashevllle at the Langren as I lay, dersonvllle, Drs. Rlts and Mease of Candler. Dra. Moore and Willis -f Ready ta wenden on my pilgrimage I , ' t.. d,. , ii.h.n,. n- At night was come Into that hostelrie Harrlg'of jupUer Bnd Dr. qui 0f Wei nine and twenty In a companye Of sondry folk, by aventure 1-falle"' In fellowship, and doctours nearly alle. ; Apologies to old Goeff. Chaucer. . The following suggests the good , things served at this feast and the or der In which they were served: 1 With oystres from Lytel Nekke the feste beygan,, . ' .Cwen olives and almounds, salten for Weavervllle. An elaborate menu and many clever toasts and responses made the eve ning a social and Intellectual treat Tournament Rating. The following Is the rating up to date In the ladles' perpetual tennis tournament In progress at the Country club, the rating In the golf place tour- 'JT )&2a. CHURCH a PATOHAYE Come to our htore, examino our large and varied ns Hoitmenl suitable for Christmas Gifts for every purpose simple or elaborate select something for each friend, vou will bo deliehted with the price and quality I'vorvt lunar vou buv even if it does not cost more .. mid vour friend will be more than glad to receive it. Here you can hnaxynnirrnKauie iiiuiviuuuihj mnny hundreds of articles 'suitable for of than in BbokCb. i. 4. 6. L. S. 4; 1. 2. 3. , .' C. Gazette-News of Saturday: Class I. Miss Therese Chapman. Mrs. 0. C. Waddell, jr. , Mrs. Dunn McKee. , Mrs. Tench Coxe. Miss Mary Louise Swope. Class II. Miss, Eugenia Johnston. Miss Helen Chapman. Mrs. Thompson Frazer. Miss Bonnie Reeves. Class III. Miss I-oulse Tate. Miss Phlppa Miss Lucy Minor. Miss Emily Campbell. Miss Eleanor Morrison. It Msher Sparks. The following marriage announce ment was received in the city yester day! -Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Jam'es Fisher announce the marriage of their daughter, Ann Murray, .to Dr. William Clark Sparks on' Tuesday, . December the tenth, nineteen hundred and twelve, Atlantic City, N. J. At Home After January first, Raleigh, West Virginia. H Mi. ITackctt Sing. Tho friends In the city of Mrs. Lois Long Hackett, daughter of Judge and Mrs. Benjamin F. Long of Statesville, will be Interested In the following from the Brooklyn Eagle: "Mrs. Lola Long Hackett, soprano, of the Master School of Muslo, sang at 'Ladies' Night,' on Wednesday eveti Ing last, at the Hamilton club and elicited so much praise for her voice and training that a request that only uch pupils from the Master School of Music should be heard in future occa s'on of the kind. She sang Cadman's Land of the Sky Blue Water," Chad wlck's 'Danza,' Walthem'a "May-Day,' Love Has Wings,' by Rogers and Chadwlck's, 'The Rose Leans over the Foil.' " Mock Trial. The mock trial held by the Athenean Literary society In the Ashevllle High school Saturday night was well . at tended and very successful. The de fendant, Mr. Londowj was found not guilty. As to whether the society will win a prize for holding ttir best mock trial will not he known until the Jan- prlnted, which publication is conduct ing a mock trial contest. In this con test a grand prize of 1300 is offered, the material for the mock trials that will be submitted for this contest hav ing to be taken from the last three Issues of this magazine. Birthday Party. Mrs. Frank M. Weaver gave . her small daughter, little MIbb Ellzjibrtu Weaver, an annlvtersary luncheu:i In celebration of heY twelfth lilrllnl:iv, yesterday. Holly was used for the decorations and the luncheon v. us served to about 20 guests at small ta bles. Each tnble had as a center piece a gift basket secoratee with hol ly anl scarlet ribbona and containing candles. The children present were. Anna Rankin, Rorothea Weaver, Sybil Bacheller, Mildred Smathern. Emily Hewitt, Edith Moore, Louisa M.iu'in Virginia Hyams, Carrie Leo Weaver, Eleanor Brown, Annice Meares, Adele Drfolr, Maud Harmon, Adeline Wea ver, Margaret Allen, Dorothy Webb, 1 t On the Square Asheville x t-. f T T T t t t t ? ? ? t t ? ? T t t ? ? t f T T f t t T ? T whom she has made during her fre quent visits to Ashevllle, where she has been the guest of her cousin, Miss Rebecca Cufhman: MIbs Claire Claxton, formerly of Knoxvllle, the beautiful young daugh ter of the United States commissioner of education, has as her guest at her home on Connecticut avenue, two of her former schoolmates from Knox vllle, Mrs. W. B. Martin, and Miss Marguerite Milllgan. Miss Claxton and step-mother, formerly Miss John son of Nashville, will receive this week In honor of these young ladles. Miss Myrtle Evelyn Anderson, Elizabeth Rollins,' Bettle Eberman and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Ander Frank Weaver. I son of Lynchburg, was united In mar 's ':, H 1 rlage last week at the home of her Mlngo Rendcll. parents, 419 Walnut street, with W. S. Mrs. Theo Vance Mlnge was married Ligon, Rev. Dr. J. D. Paxton, pastor In New Orleans last week to Allen 0f the First Presbyterian church offl- Rendell of Shreveport, La., the cert- dating. Miss Rama Anderson, a sis- mony occurring in the First Presbyte rian church of New Orleans and helm; performed by Rev. George H. Cornel son, Jr. Only a few relatives were present. Mrs. Mlnge wore A travelling gown of dark blue'Cloth with furs ot ter of the bride, was maid of honor, and R. Frank Seay was best man. Mr. and Mrs. Ligon took a late train for Ashevllle, from which point, af ter a brief visit, they will go to At lanta and other southern places. Mr. sable fox and a hat of grey-blue plush and Mrs, Tjg0n wl make their home with a sweeping blrd-of -Paradise or in Greenville. 8. C. blue. Mr. and Mrs. Rendell left liu mediately after the ceremony for Washington and New York, and nfte'r January 1 will , make their home In Shreveport, ' , ' ' K Many pre-nuptlal social honors are being shown Miss Virginia Griffith Miller, whose wedding to L. Lyons Lee occurs on December 26, Mis; Lulu Moore will entertain for Miss Miller with ' a bridge luncheon to morrow morning and Mrs. Theodore Davidson Morrison will give a card party Wednesday afternoon for her. The brlda-elect will also be the guest of. honor on Thursday at a luncheon given by Mrs. Walter Taylor at her home on Grove street, and on Fri day afternon at a bridge party to be given by Mrs. Eugene B. Glenn. ' m m The following from a Nashville exchange will be of Interest to th; many friends of Miss Claire Claxton This evening the annual dinner of the New York Southern society will be held at the Waldorf-Astoria. Among the guests who will speak at this din ner are President-elect Woodrow Wil son, Justice Jenks of the Supreme court, and Augustus Thomas, the play wright Souvenir cards tor the din ner have been made, bound in sheep skin and containing a photogravure of Governor Wilson In a form of Colonial design. te On account of Mr. Bryan's lecture there will be no Bible class at the Young Women's Christian association Wednesday afternoon. The next meet ing of the class will be in the first week of January. m The gymnasium classes of the Young Women's association will be discontinued for this week, but will open again Immediately after Christ mas, on Thursday, December 26. - Basket Ball tonight, 8: SO, Trinity College vs. Y. M. C. A. a great game. 266-2t Blltmora Whu-Ilea its. The Ideal Cereal. Delicious and wholesome. Nothing like It All grocers. FOH CHRISTMAS. We have a large assortment of ve locipedes. Just the thing to make the child happy at Christmas time, and not too expensive. Prices from 11.75 to $5.00. J. M. HEARX & CO., Phone 448, , Battery Park Place J. H. LAW, 35 Patton Ave. A few Specials with very attractive prices attached: SPECIALS I'RICI-.S . , Special Casserole .$1.45 each. Guaranteed Watches $2.00 each. Cigar lighten , $1.00. Children's Mesh Bags 0 cents op. Framed Pictures Onc-lwlf price. Jardinieres.., t ...Cont Brass Trays Cost Copper Tea Kettles One-half price. Brass Sandwich Trays One-third off. Leather Hand Bags One-half price. . And lot ot Other Bargains. J. H. LAW Gentlemen Who select their Winter Footwear here will have Nothing toregret $4 to $6.50 the pair Boston Shoe Store Clements & Chambers PERFUMES We can supply the best quality of perfumes in in dividual boxes at prices ranging from 2oc to $1 per box. Also, in bulk at 50c to $1 per ounce Everything in drugs and seeds. Drugs and Seeds.' Grant's Pharmacy Drags and Seeds. STAYMEN WINE SAP APPLES This is the finest eating apple grown. , Ours are all largo' ones. , ' 60c per peck. YATES & McGUIRE, Thoncs 1715 and 1718. 21 Haywood CW Y.1:ri t'-s E:" -r Its Duty. , automobiles ft Supplies Farm Implements and' Machinery 1 Western Carolina Auto. c: