TuesJay, DocccAer 17, 1012. , , Tr-. : : : ...... 16 PATTON AVE.NUE o Everything Will B MaAed ip Plain FiStares and Sold sd Cost Prices JXTam Jil--7 -anX. M ANNOUNCEMENT BY H. L F1NKELSTE1N I have decided to discontinue my business on Patton Avenue known as the Crescent Jewelry Company, as my other business on South Main St. requires my whole time. I have recently more than doubled my store room on South. Main Street, enabling me to conduct my entire business under one roof. The stock on Patton Avenue which will be sold at cost prices is a select and up-to-date stock in everyway. PERSONAL GUARANTEE Every article sold during this sale is guaranteed in every res pect and if not satisfactory your money will be refunded by me. H. L. FINKELSTEIN at Christmas Time IPS I A This s An M oney ortunity to Buy Gifts at a Great Savin; You will better realize what an unusual buying opportunity this is, when you visit this store and see the great assortment of goods, marked in plain figures, at actual cost. Full and complete line of everything that goes to make up the stock of a first-class jewelry store, in cluding diamonds, watches, jewelry, cut glass, silver ware, novelties, toilet and manicure sets, and leather goods. nvrr (y...L.. (Q 0 mi o 1 VTi Sale SMMs WeSesSay XlLlLyJi liiiiilliiB 7 SV 7 A i r