EIGHT THE ASIIZVILLE GAZETTE-NEWS HOLIDAY MADE HAPPY ; By the use of M. & W. Indian Coal, the popular and satisfying coal used iu Asheville. Phone 130 Carolina Coal & Ice Company ITESIUOIY HEARD BRICG MURDER CASE Man Charged With Killing Shelton in Madison Tells of Circumstances. Sarsaparilla Acts directly and peculiarly on the blood; purines, ennches and revitalires it, and in this way builds up the whole sys tem. Take it. Get it today. In usual liquid form or in-chocolate coated tablets called Sarsataba. 1 The 'testimony of Champ ISrlggs. the alleged murderer of his brother-in-liiw, Baxter Shelton, und that of liar-" nun Gilbert,, the only eye-witne? who was present at the killing which tools place In Briggs' store and postotilce 111 Mudisnn county on May 5. was heard, In the Superior court this mominv:. CITY NEWS Grape Fruit, thin skinned dozen $1.00. fancy ones, per E. C. Jarre tt Groceries, Vegetables and Fruits, Store Phones 1020 and 1921 Market Phone 473. GIVE A PAIR OF PATRICIANS For "Her" gift, and a pair of Guarantee' shoes for "Him" the perfect specimens of shoes creative craft. Enhance Christmas - Cheer with these good shoes. 4 Soutb Main St. Guarantee Shoe Store HIIMWWMIIIII WE SELL IT FOR LESS "We can mcei your wants iu silver and nick le ware. The only place for a com plete line of china, tin and enameled ware. The I X L DEPT. STORE 22 Patlou Ave, Phone 107 J. E. Carpenter JEWELER , Watches and Fine Jewelry. tVatch Repairing my Specialty ..No. 81'ai k Square AN AID TO CHRISTMAS HAPPINESS And Good Cheer- laundrv work done in the NICHOLS WAY Asheville Laundry Wbers Linen Live Longer. . A. NICHOLS, Mgr. 43 CoUcge St. A meeting of all the teachers of the city schools will be held, this after noon at the High 'school -' building when a number of important mat ters will be taken under considera tion. AVednesday, Friday and Saturday are the "Advent Ember days." The holy communion will be celebrated at Trinity church at 8 o-olock each morn ing. There will also be the usual ser vice on Thursday at 10. There will be no 10 o'clock service on Saturday, which is also Saint Thomas' day. The regular -'weekly meetinp of the Bible class for men will ' .'leld at the Y. M. C. A. hall In the depot sec tion tonight from 7 to 8 o'clock. Sup per will be served for the ilrst 1 alf our, and Zeb F. Curtis will teac h the lass. A special invitation la extended to raiiroad men for this meeting t.f the class. Ella Wheeler, the young woman ho was arrested sometime ago by the postal authorities on the charge of pening a letter which was not ad dressed to her, was given a hearing esterday afternoon before United States Commissioner R. S, MeOall and was acquitted. The witnesses exam ined for the government were unable to swear that the young woman tam pered with the letter. The lot on Walnut street, on which e partially burned building of the Creasman livery stable was situated as sold yesterday by the Moravian hurch through W. R. Whitson, trus tee. The property was bid in for 33 by L. Blomberg, and it is un derstood that he will make conslder- ble Improvements on it at- an early late. When you have a bilious attack give Chamberlain's Tablets a trial. They are excellent For sale by all dealers. Oscar Steele, tenor, H. S. Minstrels. Jordan and Bean, H S. Minstrels. Robertson and lirownson, II S. Minstrels. WANTS Small Rugs Axminster, Velvet and Brussels. SIZES 27x54 ONLY $1.25 Just the thing to give as a gift.. ASHEVILLE CAUPETIIOUSE 20 Cburrh fitrret. Phone 2ZH. Crnt and Matting I,ald Without Fitm Chnrgn. Mrs. Frank Israel has opened a , boarding house ut 62 North Main , The accounts of the two men varied : streBt- greatly In regard to the shooting Itself, I actiens of Briggs and Shelton they 'were almost at one. The defendant was charged with murder In the second degree anS pleaded not guilty, upon which Gil bert,, as the first of the state's wit nesses, was placed upon the stand. According to Gilbert, he and Shel ton had "ridden up to the state line" on the night preceding the 6th of May and returned with about five quarts of whiskey. They had stopped at ! Brigg's store between midnight and 2 o'clock In the morning and had been taken In by ...Briggs, who gave them food. The early morning hours were spent by the men in drinking and talking, and Gilbert admitted that he was "about one-half or two-thtrits drunk" when he came in, but said that he took nothing later. Shelton, he admitted, had abused and vilified Briggs for some time. 1 When he and Shelton left the store early In the morning. Gilbert said lli.it the latter turned back, saying that he "wanted to speak to Briggs i nv ment." ShelMn, he added, went ba-;k to the store, holding a pistol in his hand and approaching Briggs, said, "Von know I don't want to hurt you. I'll show you that T don't and offered Briggs the pistol as a mark of good faith. "I was standing right in the door way." saiil Gilbert, "when BriBus caught the pistol and tired. 1 though! the shot was aimed at me, for 1 felt the rush of it past my cheek. I turn ed and ran, and as 1 did so heard other shots fired in succession." "How many shots in all?" he was asked. "Four, counting the one that 1 thought was fired at me." Mrs. Jesse Chandler, Shelton's half sister, and another witness were plac ed on the stand but she had only seen the body of the dead man lying in the store after the shooting, and Mrs. Chandler testified to having heard four shots. The witnesses for the defense were then called, but many of them were found to be absent. Those who v.'erc present were sworn, and Briggs him self was placed on the stand. "Shelton und Gilbert called at my store that night, he said; and went on to recall the conversation in niucn of which he said Shelton had been '.ail ing him on account for different ac tions of his In the pant in regard to the selling of livestock and other bus iness, lie added that Shelton had been drinking and that he wanted him to drink also, but that he had avoided it as much as possible and even ivrnde preterce of putting the bottle to -his lips and taking it down without drink ing, until Shelton "caught him ut it." Then, Briggs testitied, the talk turn ed to politics and they spoke about the election of sherilT. "Shelton had his pistol In his I, and and was punching It down on the counter of the store." said Briggs, "and he said if 1 bought a single vote for Buckner, he'd kill me, and added If you foid with me. I'll do It now.' 3 tried to tell him I was not fooling with him, und later he said: 'If It wasn't for Vlnle and the kids, I'd have done It long ago' Vlnle is my wife." "Me went out of my store and I was ' standing back by the counter. Gil i bert had gone out, too, when Sheltor ! came back. He had hla pistol In hlf I left hand and I had my right hand in I my coat pocket on my pistol. As he raised his gun on me I struck back his hand and his pistol went off. He trte-i , to pull his gun from me, and my p!s ' tol went off in my own pocket It wat i back in the store some distance. I dlo not see Gilbert at all after he went out." w hen questioned. Briggs said that Shelton had fired only one shot froo his pistol, which was the first Th others, he, Briggs, had fired Htf dis played to the jury the clothes he had worn at the time showing the hole In the coat pocket through which h had shot and also a hole In the left aleeve were a bullet had gone. After Briggs' testimony a recess, wa, taken till 3 o'clock. There were four retailing chargei against John Henderson, colored. Ht was charged with having sold whlskej to Ed. It Swlnney, deceased; and or account of the death of the prosecut ing witness the solicitor Was prepar ing to take a nol prow, when Hender son, after being lectured by the Jurt?e, admitted thut he sold the whiskey Judge Ixing then ordered that he Ik I sentenced to the county roads for It . months. In the "ase of state against Jamet Stewart who was charged with per Jury, the defendant tendered a plea of nolo contendere, and judgment wai suspended on payment of costs. Stew art claimed, In a liquor case, that h had given a certain party the sum ul $3 for the purpose of obtaining changf und not that of obtaining liquor. SHELLED NUTS. Black Walnuts, per. lb. 25c English Walnuts per lb. 60o Imonds, (large) ...... per lb. 80c Almonds, (medium) per lb. 60c Pecans, (halves) G. 1. ALLISON Two phones, 31 and 35. Juicy and Sweet Eat grapefruit and oranges, they re cheap by the box, get my prices and be convinced. Give your or- er now. G. D. ALLISON. Phone 1 and 33 260-tf. FANCY, large grapefruit, 3 for 25c ranges, 20e per dozen. Malaga grapes, 20c per lb. 32 oz. bottle olives, SOc. ALLISON'S GROCERY Two phones, 31 and 33. ATTENTION LADIIH Those last few things you want to get, of the hand-made-kind, for Xmas, you will find at the I. O. O. F, Hall Wednesday afternoon at o'clock. Helta by the Ladles Auxlll ary of the U. of L. E. 22 It W. W. Wiggins, one of the lead In? business men of llryson City, and Mrs Wiggins are hern for a few days, vis Itlng Mrs. Wiggins' sister. A. J. Lyman has returned from business trip to Baltimore and Phlla uelphla. ' Ever New, II. day and Friday. 8. Minstrels, Thurs H. H. Auditorium GP.nt'l NdllcurM Cold and Grip. JA A'lieTllln Paint (!" Co., fornmrl) The Mlllpr-HIre Paint Co. I.ncns Palm Clumbers JL Wrat. Uvery, I'hiinel SAMPLE SWEATEES. 9eetS; Ghase Motor True Have no air tires to puncture. Have no valves to be ground in. Have no radiator to freeze. . , ' , Capacities from 500 pounds to 4000 pounds. See us about your delivery wants. ' , Price from $500 to $2,200. Asheville Automobile Co. Phone 313 and 311. 13 and 17 South Lexington Ave. Wen's Sweaters, SOc to 12.00 g Ladles' Sweaters, $3.00, ones for f $2.00. - . $ t 0 S tt GEO. W. JENKINS. Phono 123. 18 S. Main St M. & W. COAL BANISHES GOOD ONE GENOVAR SMOKER 5 Cents . BARBEE'S ' 14 Patton Avenue MECHANICAL TOYS FOR BOYS Toys that will move, with, plenty of action are the kind the hoys want;, these toys are educative and ; help to train the mind in mechanics besides giving keen pleasure. A great 1 variety of motion toys from 25 cents "up. ROGERS' BOOK STORE, 39 Patton Ave. CAR SHORTAGE Is being felt in all lines, and especially in getting sufficient cars to handle coal. It is wise for you to consider, the prop riety of putting in several tons of MONARCH coal now, be fore the dearth of coal occurs. Our Monarch coal is a popular coal here, because it lasts lon ger, this feature is worth con sidering. Southern Coal Co. Phone 114. No. 10 If. Pack Sq. COLD Phone 40. I Asheville Coal Co. t0MMe;M(H ELECTRICAL nXTUKj Portable Lamps, Electric Irom and Heating Apparatus W. A. WARD 12 Church St Phomia, PRETTY PICTURES OP THE BABY We make a specialty of baby m, : tures. Have quickest plates. Never fans to get good ones. Cabinet size in htn art folders, $6 per dozen and up. RAY'S STUDIO ; . IN. Pack Square ! per lb. SOc 2 5 7-4 1. ituivnait K.-vivKH Bring us your knives of all dlscrlptions and we will make them cut . 5c to 10c. Asheville Bathers Supply Co. WANTED Have you dining room cal- cimlned or papered NOW for the Holidays, phone 157 and let us tell you what It will cost . It. L. Fitzpatrlck and Son, 53 North Main street, Asheville. 266-tf. - W A NT E D-j-Se 1 1 memberships In the progressive and wide awake and up-to-date Asheville Cleaning and Pressing Club for Christmas gifts. Nearly fifteen years study work and experience puts us In the'lead. One month, f 1; three months $2.60; one year $10. J. C. Wllbar, phone 389. Pack Square. 266-t( XMAS CANDIES 15 cts. lb. up Pure, fresh, home made candies the kind you are not afraid to eat yourself or give the children caa. be had here in unlimited assortment. Every piece of candy sold here has our guarantee of purity and wholesome ness. Full line of sweet meats for the Christmas stocking, tree' and gift package.' , , CANDY KITCHEN Ilavwood St. Near Postoffice. T aiinrlmr --Dsa; Phone 70 A Trial Is all we ask. We treat your laundry white. ' BLOMBERGS ' : , I .-,..' :..'...-:' ,.' For your Cigars, Tobaccos, Pipes, Smokers Articles and Sporting Goods. . 17 Patton Ave. - TIRES REPAIRED Our Vulcanizing Plant Is now ready for business. We are equipped for repairing and splicing Inner tubes, vulcanli ng cuts and blow-outs and replacing damaged sections in casings. It Is no longer necessary to pay express on your tire to the fac tory, bring It to us and we will tell you whether. It Is worth repair ing,' and we will not take the work unless we know that we can give you a good Job. ; - , There are many tires In Asheville which would last a thousand miles more by replacing a damaged section. We are prepared to do this work at a small cost .' Our price for vulcanizing small punctures in Inner tubes Is 85 eta, ARBOGAST MOTOR CO. BUILDING. A. P. TIRE and VULCANISING CO. Phono 303. . ' 60 N. Main St Two Unusual Values Three Piece German Silver Toilet Sets, heavily, embossed and engraved, special price, this week $5.00 Thirteen PJeco-Cferman Silver Combination Toilet and Mani curing Sets, heavily embossed and engraved, special price, this week ........................ . . .. .. .$8.50 Citizens Transfer Company , - JULIAN WOODCOCK, Oi jr.'. FURNITURE MOV WO Prompt Baggage Transfer Servic. '' Endorsed by V. C. T. and T. P. A. It's a Saying of money to trade at 0 5-10 and 25 Cent The Store of Ten Thousand Bargains. S South Main St. Former Stand of Bon Marche. rMM1Hrlr'llllTlTWIBnHE Levitt Store Order YARD EGGS Today HILL'S MARKET Phone 4359. Ask Your Neighbor DETERS" ARAB HORSE -zrt?JntZ ANNOUNCEMENT Cars of Arab Horse Feed de layed in transit have arrived and is generally distributed with the Grocers, who can now supply you this superior feed. L.OST On or near Patton Avenue. small gold chain. Return to 279 Haywood. Phone 1004. Reward. 266-lt THE SAVANNAH INN 233 Patton avenue. I .urge sunny roma all newly furnished and homelike, with delicious home rooking. Rates $7.00 to $12.00 per week, $1.00 to $2.00 per'day. $4.00 per week for table board. MRS.-a. R. KESSLEK, Proprietor 26-tf. KOR BALE Nice White Pines suit able for Christmas Trees. Deliver ed to any part of the city. Ardmlon Park. Phone 111. 2C-3t 'OR SALE Good Clark Band Saw Mill complete; 50,000 feet dally cap acity; located In the South. For prices, address Saw Mill, Cnictte Newn 266-t. VOT1CK List your property for rent and for sale with J. T. Bledsoe and Co, Itesl Kstate , and Insurance Phone 461, 10 No. Pack Square. ' 20-3t ?OR HALE Logging and Camp outfit equipment In good condition; no live stock; used In large operation In South. List of articles and price will be furnished on request. Address Saw Mill, care dinette News 2S-St MILLINERY MAKER WANTED One accustomed to high class work II. B. Hood, 6 Haywood HI. 2-3t. WANTED White womnn as conk snd hoiJHi keeper in kiuhII funilly. Ioo'l the rlKtit wmnnn. "nil nn .', (Inidxmllh, No. ID N. Pack Allium. ' 2C8-3t H o HI W U2 York jRiver The best oyster that comes to this market. Also, fresh shipment Halibuts, 0 f-almon, Cod fish. Live Lobster and 0 Smelts. ' v Prices right. Quality guaranteed. Phone 211. ACME FISH CO. City Market Home Cured and Smoked BAGONf STAR MARKET PHONES 191719181919 "We are the successful Cute tecs to a Variety of Appetites." tO Christmas Furniture Prices Reduced We have a nice assortment of Rockers, Book Cases, Ladies Desks, Magazine Racks, . Book Racks, Parlor Suits and Tables, Buffets,' China Closets -and Side Boards, Rugs of all sizes and patterns, and many other things in House Furnishing line; Children's Christmas goods of all kinoV Everything sold "at a reduction, as we expect to move soon after Xmas to our new store on North Main street. In order to reduce stock before moving wo have decided to made this reduction sale. Call and see us before buying. Goods delivered at any time. Terms Cash or Credit. DONALD & DONALD 14N' Main Street. PHONE 441 ATI N EEJTN ft HTT .OPEN 8.30 p-M. VAV D EV I LLE 9 Ail D MOVING PICTURS OYSTCnS Genuine Long Island Blue Point ... i Oysters on Half Shell ASHEVILLE FISH CO. FOR SALE $-room house with three acres I ml two and half miles from squar. Price $1600. r.iAusTELLT.rwA no." F0H RENT Modern l-romn cotln good loca tion. .Price $ 1 4 00 month. Dont Fail to see our lino of Xiiins toys. Drums, Wagons, Veloci peds, Tricycles, Air Rifles, Shot Guns, Stevens Rifles and TOCKET KNIVES by the thousand. I T ' T -.i i - - CI. us? ( ) Oitis. Grccalldvc Ce. fej) 11 v r : : ....... .. - .... . .. .... .... . - i

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