TEN THE ASEEVILLE CA2ETTE.MET73 A Children Cry KNeW w v .( " . w . jfo , Tito Iliad Tou Ilnvo Always ia mo for over CO years. i auu lias cJi-d - sonnl J'UACJuM, Allow All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just-as-go'i', are but Uxperimeuts that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants aad Cliildreu Experience against Jisperiment. What is CASTOR I A Castoria is a harmless snhstitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Irons and Soothing: Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, --JtXorphino nor other Jiarcotio substance. Its as is Us guarantee. It destroys Worms and tiUays Feverishness. For more than thirty years it lins been in constant uso for tho reiief of Constipation, riatu'.enoy, Wind Colic, all Xeethiiiff" Troubles and Diarrhoea. It regulates tho Stomaeh and Bowels, assimilates the Food, giving healthy and natural Sleep. The Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend. GENUIf4 Bears the Si The Kind Yoa Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years THE CFNT4UH COMPANY NWVOBKC1TY. A TALE Of IBS lEONnER B:y mmmk CORyRKSMT 1512 SYNOPSIS. CHAPTEP. I-Major McDonald, pom tnandinir un army iiopt near Fort Dodsa. ne'ka a man to intercept Ills daughtsr, Molly, who Is headed (or the post. An Indian outbreak is threatened. CTIArTER II "Brick" Hnmlln. a eer-Ei-ant who had Just arrived with mn a;?ffi to McDonald, volunteers for tho mission and starts alone. CHAPTER 'III Molly arrives at For Ripley two days ahead of schedule. She decides to push on to Fort Podge by (toga in romiwny with "Sutler Bill" Mny. Ian. Gonzaie3, a gambler, is also a pas senger. CTLAPTKR n'-Kamlln meets tho stnpn with stunts of depredations committed !y the Indiana. It is decided to return to Rip! y. The driver deserts tho stags when Indiana appear. CHAPTER V The Indians are twice repul-: ,1 in attack on the mage by Ham lin, Aiovlan and Gonzales. The latter Is killed. CHAPTER next atr-!"k. lin and Moll-. VT-Tovlnn Is killed In Ind'ans retire, and Tlnr.i wait lor the next move. CHAPTER VIII. A Way to the River. She waited in agony as he sighted carefully, striving to gauge the dis tance. It seemed an luterminable" time before his finger pressed the1 trigger. Then came the report, a flash j of fltme, and the powder Brooke blown back in her face. Half-blinded by the' discharge, Bhe yet saw that bLiek smudgs leap upright; again the Henry blazed, and the dim figure went down. There was a cry a mad yell of ra-;e In which scattered voices joined; spits of file cleaving the darkness, the barking of guns of dif!ereo.t cali ber. A bit of flying lead tore through the leather back of the coach with an ' odd rip; another struck the casing of the door, sending the wooden splin-, ters flying like arrows. Hawk-eyed,; Hamlin fired twice more, aiming ft' tho Eparks, grimly certain that a re sponding howl from the left evidenced a hit. Then, as quickly, all wa3 still, intensely black once more. The Ser- geant drew back from the window,' leaning hla gun against the casing. ! "That will hold them for a while,", hn raid cheerfully. "Two less out there, I reckon, and the others won't get careless again right away. Now is our time; are you ready?" There was no response, the stillness so profound he could hear the faint tick tig of the girl's watch." lie reached out, almost alarmed, and touched her dress. "What la lij t-iArJt", ha juiaa- IMPORTANT TO MOTHERS A record ft KKly-!K'e yiMi cuntliMi- mm uso of ".Mrs. Wluiilmv'B Scuithln'j vrup" by mother In all parts of the world, In the hlghrm prniu that ;ui!r reni'ily f'ir "children tcnthlng" baa ever received. Kvery year the yuuim mother follows In Ihfl fontxtcps ul licr mother nnd finds Mrs. W Inslow'e Kuiithini? Hyrup to be the favorite, anil o It him conn on fur a period of slx- v-llva year. AlllHohs of mothert have lined It fr their children while t( mlilnsr with perfect sueceas. It uoothes tha child, often tha gums, ii!lny all pain, cures wind colic nnd h the bent remedy for dlarrhoous. Sob! !y drURKlata am medicine dealers Iri all purt of the known world. r'venty.flve cents a bottln. lie nor nnd auk for Mrs. 'Wlniilow'i vi.-ih't',; run Htid tnlie no other. Adv. cr Fletcher's '.'-?.v ;.-v,st.-v C Bought, and -vliicli Las been luts borne the signature uf iccn maae uiiuer ins per- supervision since its infancy. no ono to deceive yon iu this. ALWAYS Signature of rissM ii taw l JiOorof -'Kcm c DQvocv:nyLaoyof South? cc.cc. . UJuglrauong J& Y.L.Bdnifi BY A.C.K'CtURO a V Honed, anxiously, "Didu't you hear me speak? He waited breathless, but there was no movement, no Bound, and his hand, trembling, in Epito of hla iron nerve, groped its way upward. She was lying back against the opposite win dow, her head bent sideways. "My Cod," he thought, "did those devils get her?" She lifted her slight figure up on one arm, all i-lae blotted out, all oth er memory vanished through this in etant dread. His cheek stung where flying splinters had struck him, but that was nothing. She was warm, her flesh was warm; then his searching fingers felt the moist blood trickling dow n frcm the edge of her hair. He let out li is breath slowly, the Budden relief almost clioki'.g him. It was bad enough mirely, but not what he had lirst f en.r2, tot 'death. She had been struck hard-pt-rhaps, or a flying r.plinter of wood i - deflected bullet hei hair mni'.e:' with blood, yet it was no more Oau a flesli wound, although leaving her uncont-'cioua. If ho hesi tated It v.-iib b'jt for mi instant. The entire flash; situation recurred to him in n hi; tntiHt change h;i plans, but dare wasle no esccpe it must In i If they were to b.- accomplished now, shadow l by l.'.rkness, whuo. savage ivsitehers wre snfely beyond sound. His loan javs tit with fierce deter mination, and he grimly hitched his belt lorward, 0:10 sinewy hand finger ing the revolvtr. He would have to tru:;t to that weapon entirely for do fense; lie could not carry both tho rifle and tha girl Moving slowly, cautiously, fearful ieat some creaking of the old stage mlf(ht betray his motions to those keen ears below, he backed through tho open door. Once feeling the Kround firm beneath his feet, and ma king sure that both canteen and hav- 1 x 'a 3 How Light 6h Seemed, as Though Hs Clasped a Child. , rsack were secure, he reached back Into the darkness, grasping the form Cf the unconscious girl. ' He stood erect with her held securely In hi J arms, strands of hair blowing .Rgnjast ,i.., .r;-K--" sis cnfeeK, -nstenws" tntentiy, ntrma with keen eyes to penetrate the black curtain. The 'wind was fortunate, ! strained with expectancy, listening, blowing steadily across the flat from He had a feeling that some one was the river, and they were surely invls-, crawling over the short srass, wig ible against the background of the gling along like a snake, but the faint overhanging bluff. He did not even sound, if sound it was, grew loss dis feel it necessary to crouch low to tlnct. Finally he lifted his head above avoid discovery. He knew that peril the edge of the bank, but saw noth would confront them later, when they ing, not even a dim shadow. ; ventured out into the open. ' i How light she seemed, as though ! he clasped a child. Bearing j her was going to be easier ' than he had supposed; the excitement ' yielded him a new measure of j strength, yet he went forward very , ; slowly, feeling along, inch by Inch, planting his feet with exceeding care. The earth was hard-packed and would I leave little trail; there were no leaves, ' no dead grass to rustle. Beyond the ! protection afforded by the stage he ; felt the full sweep of tho wind and j permitted her head to rest lower on ! one arm so that he could look about ! more clearly. She had not even! moaned, although he had felt her breath upon his face. Once he stum-' bled slightly over Some fallen earth, and farther along a foot slipped on a treacherous stone, but the slight noise died unnoticed in the night It was farther to the gully than he had sup posed; his heart was In his throat fearing he had missed it, half-believing 1, the depression failed to extend to the 'base of the bluff. Then his foot, ex j ploriug blindly, touched the edge cf j the bank. Carefully he laid his bur I den down, placing his battered cam i paign hat beneath her head. He bent over her again, assuring himself that she breathed regularly, and then crept down alone Into the shallow ravine. 1 His nerves were like Bteel now, his hand steady, his heart beating with out an accellerated throb. He knew the work, and rejoiced in it. This was why he was a soldier. Silently, swift ly, he unbuckled his belt, refastening it across the straps so as to hold can teen and haversack noiseless, and then, revolver in hand, began creep ing down under cover of the low banks, He must explore the path first before attempting to bear her along in his arms; must be sure thapassage was unguarded. After it swerved to the right there would be little danger, but while it ran straight, some cau tious savage might have chosen it to skulk in. To deal with such he need ed to be alone, and free. He must have crawled thus for thir ty yards, hands and knees aching hor ribly, his eyes ever peering over the edge of the bank, hla ears tingling to the slightest noise. The tiny glow of the fire far away to the left was alone visible in the intense blackness; the wind brought to him no sound of movement. The stillness was pro found, almost uncanny; as be paused and listened he could distinguish the throb of his heart. He was across the trail at last, for he felt and traced the ruts of wheels, and where the banks had been worked down almost to a level wih the prairie. He crossed this opening like a snake, and then arose to his knees beyond, where the gully deepened. He remained poised, motionless, scarcely daring to breathe. Surely that was something else that shapeless blotch of shadow, barely topping the line of bank! Was it tea feet away? Or five? He could not tell. He stared; there was no move! ment, and yet his eyes began to dis cern dimly the outlines the head and ; shoulders of a man! The Sergeant 1 crept forward an Inch, tvo Inches, ' foot. The figure did not stir. Now ne was suie the fellow's head was ying flat on the turf, oddly distorted by a feathered war bonnet. Tha strange por'.u.v;, i'c u-.' luc'.; of movement, seemed proof that the tired warrior had fallen asleep on watch. Like a cat Hamlin crept up slowly toward him, poised for a spring. Some sense of the wild must have stirred tho savage into semi-conscious ness. Suddenly ha sat up, gripping the gun in his hands. Yet even as his opening eyes saw dimly luu Serjeant's menacing shadow, before he could scream his alarm, or spring upright, the revolver butt struck with dull thud, and he went tumbling backward into the ditch, his cry of alarm ending in a hoarse croak. From somewhere, out of the dense darkness in front a voice called, sharp and guttural, as if its owner had been startled by the mysterious sound of the blow. It was the language of the Arapahoes, and out of his vague memory ot tha tongue, spurred to recollection by the swift emergency, Hnmlln growled a hoarse answer,, hanging breathlessly above the motionless bady until the "Vgh!" of the fellow's response pr.pved . . . VHV.K TO j . - .. ASTHMA SUFFERERS A New Home Cure That Anyone Can Use Without l'iseoiiifort or lAm of Time. We have a New Method that cures Asthma, and we want you to ti.' It at our expense. No matter whether your cao Is of long-stsmdtnif or recent de velopment, whether it ia preseut as oc casional or chronic Asthma, our meth- rid In nil niiflnlilta cure. No maltpr In what climate you live, no mutter what your uku or' necupatlon, our method will certainly cure right In your own home. We especially want tu send It to those apparently hopcletw casus whora all forma of Inhalers, douches, opium preparations, fumes, "patent smokes, " etc., have fHllcd. We want to ahow everyone u.t our own (xnenMi th.'it HiIh new method will mil all difficult hreithlmr, all wreczlui;, and nil those terril'lc puhoxymns at once and for all time. This free offer la too Important K neglect a single day. Write now nnd IM-Kln the cure at once. Hend no mon ey, dimply mull coupon below. Do It Today, i riUCB ASTHMA COUPON. 1 FRONTIER ASTHMA CO., P.oom 01C, NlflKura and Hudson Bts., j Buffalo, N. Y. ...... . j Send free trial of your method to: mar wKnoTit suspicion. m counting the seconds, every ZS; "They are closing In, I reckon," he thought soberly, "and It Isn't likely there will be any more of these gentry as far back as this; looks as though this gully turned west just beyond. Anyhow I've got to risk it" He returned more rapidly, knowing the passage, yet with no less caution, finding the unconscious' girl lying ex actly as he had left her. As he clasped her form in his arms, her Hps uttered some incoherent words, but otherwise she gave no sign of life. "Yes, yes," he whispered close to her ear, hoping thus to bold her silent "It is all righjt now; only keep still." He could feel her breathing, and realized the danger of her return to consciousness. If she should be fright ened and cry out, their fate would be sealed. Yet he must accept the chance, now that he knew the way to be clear. He held her tightly In both arms, his revolver thrust back iuto its holster. Bending as low as he could with his burden, feeling carefully through the darkness before advancing a foot, he moved steadily forward. Where the gully deepened their heads were at the edge of the bank, but much of the way was exposed, except for the dark shadows of the slope. Fortunately there were clouds to the west, already obscuring that half of the sky, but to the east nothing was visible against the faint lutninousness of the sky-line. Once, far over there to the left a gun was fired, the flame splitting the night asunder, and against the distant re flection a black figure rose up be tween, only to be Instantly snuffed out again. Hamlin put down bis uplifted foot, and waited, In tense, motionless silence, but nothing happened, except the echo of a far-away voice. A dozen feet farther, some four footed animal suddenly leaped to the edge of the bank, sniffed, and disap peared noiselessly. So taut were his nerves strung that the Sergeant sank upon his knees, releasing one hand to grip his revolver, before he realized the cause of alarm some prowling prairie wolf. Then, with teeth grim- ly locked, bending lower and lower, he crept across the rutted trail, and past the dead body of the Indian. Not S until then did he dare to breathe nat-: lirallv or tn atnnrl unricht? hut nnv. ' the gully, bending to the right, led away from danger, every step gained uuuiug lu tiieir Btuuiy. no was conn-1 m dent now, full of his old audacity, yet awake to every, trick of plainscraft The girl's, bead rested against his shoulder, and he bent his cheek to hers, feeling Us warmth. The touch of his unshaven beard pricked her in to semi-consciousness, and she spoke bo loud that it gave him a thrill of ap prehension. He dared not run in the darkness for fear of stumbling, yet moved with greater swiftness, until the depression ended at the river. Here, under the protection of the bank, Hamlin put down his burden and stood erect, stretching hia strained muscles and staring back in to the dark. . What now? "Which way should they turn? He had accomplished all he had planned for himself back there in the coach, but now he became aware of other problems awaiting solution. In liss than an hour it would be day light; he almost imagined it was light er already over yonder In the east. Vith the first dawn those watchful words dully, sitting up to stare out to lndians, creeping cautiously closer, ward the water. Then her head sauk would discover the stage deserted, and ! Into her hands. "Can we can we would be on their tralL And they had , ever do that!" left a trail easily followed. Perhaps I Hamlin bent forward on his kuees. the hard, dry ground might confuse those savage trackers, but they would scour the open country between bl :ff and river, nnd find the dead warrior in the gully. That would tell the stojy. To go west, along tin edge of the river, wading in the water, would bo useless precaution; such a trick would, be suspected at once, and there was no possibility of rescue from that di rection. They might as well walk opea-eyed into a trap. There was but one hope, one opportunity to cror-s the stream before dawn came and hide among those shifting sand-dunes of the opposite shore. Hamlin thor oughly understood the risk Involved, the treacherous mature of the Arkan sas, (he possibility that both might bo ucked down by engulfing quicksand, yet even such a lonely death wag pre ferable to Indian torture. . The girl at bis feet stirred and moaned. In another moment be had filled his hat with water from the riv er, had lifted her head upon one, arm, and using the handkerchief from about his throat, was washing away the blood that matted her hair.. Now that his fingers felt the wound, he realized the force ot the blow stunning her, al though Its outward manifestation was light. Her figure trembled in his arms and her eyes opened, gazing up ! w"d'.Tingly at the black, outlines of shadow. Then she made an effort as though to draw away. , "Lie still a while yet, Miss McDon ald." he said soothingly, "until yon re gain your strength." ; ; , lie heard the quick . gasp of hrr i . u ,c"' BUUUBa relaxing ' nt muscles. . "You!" she exclaimed in undis guised relief . at recognition of the voire; "is it really you.? Wheie' are ws? Vv'fc.it has happened?" , . He told her , rapidly, bis faca bent close, realising that she was clinging to aim ai;ain aa she had one before back in the stage. As he ended, she lifted one hand to her wound. "And I am not really hurt not seri ously r her voice bewildered. . "I I never realized I had been struck. And and you carried ma all that way" 1 1 can . hardly comprehend yet. Please aVplain again; ;they are back, thera watcMng for us still, believing wa are in ta coach; they will follow our trail aa soon as It becomes day light Why-why, the sky Is brighter 6yer l : tha east already isn't HI Gains 3D Lfcc. BOo Package cf Esir.Satlf Flash Builder, Proton. Sai'; J.'ioo to Prove What It "A iiir-;. Vcotone Will Maka Yon Sice aud Plum It is n.stonishing u see the effects produced hy the now flcsh-lucrt-aser, Piotone. To j'lit on real, solid, healthy flesh, at the rate of a pound a day, is not at all remarkable with th)j new wouder.Y ' Protone induces nutrition; increases j roll-growth, makes perfect the aasim- j llhtion of fond, slrimfrUiena nerves, j jn. rea.ses Mod corpuscles, builds up, safely iind. q,uickl)V muscles and solid healthy tlcsh, and rounds out the figure. ' For women who never appear sty lish n .anything because of thinness. Protone is a revelation. The regular $1.00 size (it Protone Is for sale by all druggists, or will b mailed direct, upon receipt of price, liy The Protone Co., 4971 Protone Bldg.. Detroit Mich. It oost.3 vou no-thing to prove the remarkable effects of Protone. It is non-injurious to the most delicate system, llic Protone Company will Iserd you on receipt ot your name nnd address, a free 50c package of Pro tone, with full instructions, to prove that it does the work; also their book on "Why Yen Are Thin," free of clharso, giving facU which will prob- ably antonl3h vou. send counon below ' I today with your mime mid address, li?!?. ? ?;' V, r.( ; F1IEK riU)TO:JK COUPON. t It will cost you nothing to ! prove the remarkable .effects of .tht t rini mdnt Tho PpntniiA Company will send to any ono a X free 50;- package of Protono, If ! they will rill out this coupon and enclose 10c in stamps or silver to t help cover postage. They will tj also send with It full Instructions ? I nnd their book on "Why You Are ti Thin." 1 TII!3 PBOTONK COMPANY, 107-1 Protone P.Mg. I)etri)lt, Midi. Name. Street.......:... ...... ...i .. . K X X t X X X City State. ; . . X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X The regular $1.00 size of Protone is for salo in Ashevljle by C. C. Seawell, 4a South Main street. j So free packages from druKgislH. (Adv.) "Vv nat was it ou std W must ffo" "Get across the river; once hidden in those sand-dune3 over there we'll be safe enough," "Across the rbrer," she repeated the striving with keen eyes, sharpened by ! his night's experience, to learn more of what lay before them. The move-1 ment, slight as it was, served to frighten her, and she grasped him by i the sleeve. "Do not leave me; do not go away," . she implored swiftly. "Whatever you say is best, I will do." CHAPTER IX. Across tha River. He dropped his hand upon hera. clasping the clinging fingers tightly. "Yes, wo can make It," he answered confidently. "Walt until I make sure what is out there." He had .llglit recollection of the stream at this point, although he had crossed it often enough at the known fords, both above and below. Yet these crossings had always been ac complished with a horse under him, and a knowledge of where the trail ran. But he knew the stream, Its pe culiarities and dangers. It was not the volume of water, nor its depth he feared, for wide as it appeared stretch ing from bank to bank, he realized its shallow sluggishness. The peril lay In quicksand, or the . plunging Into some unseen hole, where the suddon swirl of water might pull tbem under. Alone he would have risked It reck lessly, but with her added weight, in (Continued on )m(.e 11. WANT TO T.XCHANGE. A seven room house and 23 acres of land, water In the" house, fruit trees of nil kinds, will exchange for house and lot lu Ashevllle. WtHtrrn North Curollnit Hen It y Co., 10 North I'lick Hi. .1. W. Wolfo, Sec. nivl Trviis. 'Phone 074. tut Jour ticiMil aiio tv order foi bagrage t be "hacked Hutu jfout lesldence tu anHnallorj. fJeegaflft Transfer and Raiiwaj Ticket OfHoe tame room, M Pulton Ave. . "HVIVft AVI) RTOltVtS. LOGAN MT'IICUANT TAfTOn tl Mil. iv k Hi- itiooe 717. : the EMt or START egCONO MONTH ! .llP7iWl Comfort f 1 JVSMOjtgiuc All winter long-ron the Zero days and the windy, blustering days the Perfection Smoke less Oil Heater gives them real solid comfort It saves them many a cold and sickness for it easily warms the rooms not reached by the ordinary heat The Perfection Heater is. made with nickel trim mings (plain steel or enameled turquoise-blue drums). Ornamental. Inexpensive. Lasts for years. Easily moved from place to place. . At DmaUr SmrymKtrm . v STANDARD OIL COMPANY (Incupamted la Nw Jany) ' ..... twKk.N.l . - Billim.. Ml. IBAK.ING Not made by a Trust, but by an independent Com pany producing a better quality Baking Powder and selling it at a popular price. 1 lb. 20c n. ioc. X lb. 5c. Sold by all good Grsccrs. Insist on having St. NURSERY M)CK . riireet to Planter. ' AMOOIt RlVlort PRIVET Absolutely hardy, of tho easiest culture. We make a specialty of this stock, and sell it and other nurscy stock at very reasonable prices'. No use paying high prices when you can get the stock direct from the grower and guaranteed to please nnd save nearly half your money. Send us a trial order, we cun and will nlease vou. ttVou will then send us other orders them. - . j VALDS3IAN NURSERIES , $. . .. 1 We Buy Sell Everything i Sternberg & Co. Dpot Street. Langren Cigar Stand HOTEL High grade Cigars. Box trade a spetialfy WE WILL DELIVER . PHONE 605. Try Gn t N SOUTHERN RAII.WAY, Schedule fleures published Arrives from Kaatoro Time Lake 11. S a-m. Lake No. t Brevard Toxaway 1 Brevard - Toxuway and Mo, and p. in No. Savannah and Jack- ' sonville . , Mo, 11 Washington .and New York, Norfolk - and Richmond ... 1:1 P.n i.tt p.tu. vo. 11 Clnclnnntl . . and LouihyIIU. rlv lx.ul and llcmphlt v . . . . N'O. II Chnrleitoo and Co. t.k6 p.m. lumtda , . Mj. It N. f .. PhlladelDhla 1:11 p.m. Washington (d) . .l;Jl a.a No, II Murphy and . Weytteevllla t:tt p.m. no. is Murphy and Waynesvlll- No. It Qoldaboro and P.aJ 1:11 p.m. elgh No. II Wr.yneavtll f:4 :0 p.m. a.m No. 1 C'lrlenton, Colum bia Ho. it Cln-lnratl . and 7:J0 p.m. unicago ib:1 .m Ik Washlnirin. N. r. No. V0. and Klchmond . ... t:0 II Memphis and Chat. a.m. tanooHa 1:50 aja. il Charleston. Uacn. No. Atlanta 11:11 a.m. No. 101 Bristol, Knoivtlla and Chattanooga .,10:11 .r. Through sleeping cars dally to and from New York, Philadelphia Baltimore. Washington, Richmond, Norfolk. Charleston. Cincinnati. Mem phis, Jndkson vllle, Savannah. 8t Lou Is, Louisville and AtlanU and Macon. ThrouHh chMr cars Ooldstwro, and Waynrevllle. .! "C"ro,l,na tr,"il." ""' -bl.,ton te Cincinnati, a.v. ft. brought, RUI vh"U" "Win. enr trnjn. ...ctr.clly 11" O C 1VUjK, 0, r. 1. K I, IL ool. O. V. . without our having to ask you for Boslic, N. C. jri 1 Anything AND Phone 333 LOBBY r ws Wa'ht A'dk ti crnler Carrier of the South. Information only anr! not guaraoUwU. XftV. 9ITII toil. Departs for- . ,' . . Kaxtero Time No. t Hievaid aud Lake Toxaway . . : ' No. I Brevard and I-ske , . Toxaway . 1 9 .Savannah, .facksoa- vllle H "- II Cincinnati, St Lou ts, Memphis and U'lisvllUi . y. ... : 9- No No. No. II. Wuflhtnglor N I Norfolk and Klch mond . : n NO. U Atlanta, Cln-lflston 7:00 a.m. 1 N. T , Phlli -vlphla, - Washinaton (d) ... 7: I"" No. IT Wnynesvllle a B d ; " 1 Murnhv . 0- No. II Waynwrvllle a a ' Murphy , .' P1" Wnynesvllle . .... T:M P- anlolfth and Qolds- hnro -ni t'hKaao and Cincin nati 1 a- Cniumbla, Chariot ton 10.85 a. m. Memphis and Chat' Unoona . 1: f m WashlniKton, Rich' mond and N. .T... T:l S No No il II No IV No IN No. It No. t No. 41 Atlanta, Macon and New Orlean No 103 Krlstxt, Knoivllle Chattanooga 7.10 a. m- l