CAT-, -i OF COURSE. THE STRANGER RIAY HAVE BEEN KIDDING JEFF ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Br Jft, Yov know PR sibeftT euecr . " " . . . . ; ,- . ; ' ' " - 'JtLSort It, C0Ml6 MOKe FROM ... . ' ' ' ' 6U.MOLDOgT; r5 6Utr IO Vv' YOUR PR.coS.-noM WHAT'S . WILSON ff eR.OMA ww Purest and Best Rumford Baking Powder HOTELS AND BOARDING HOUSES Swannano aB erkeley Asheville'i Most Modern and Up-to-date Hotel Hot and Cold Running Water or Private Bath in every room.. FRANK LOUGHRAN, Owner and Proprietor. "$1.00" "$1.00" "$1.00" SPECIAL CHRISTMAS DINNER From 12 noon until 8:30 p; m. Each diner will receive one ticket to the Langren Gake "Walk at 9 :30 p! m. . HARRY L. LANGEL and J. BAYLIS RECTOR, Mgrs. Battery ParR Hotel ASHEVILLE, N, 43. OPEN THROUGHOUT THE TEAK. Famous Everywhere FREE SAMPLE ROOMS STEAM HEATED CANTON, N. C. THE IMPERIAL HOTEL E. M. GE3 ER, Prop. RATES 81.00 ELECTRIC LIGHT FREE BATH HOTEL AETHELWOLD BREVARD, N. C. Rates, $2 per day. Steam heat. Hot and Cold Baths. Both commercial and tourist Open year round. CHAS. M. COOK, Jr., Proprietor. The ST. JOHN ""J""" The center of social life and activity is at "The St. John." A most attractive and thoroughly modern hotel. A high class orchestra. ST. JOHN and SON, Proprietor!. HOTEL KENMORE Waynesville, N. C. Open All the Year Round. Strictly High Class Service Al ways. KEITH & WELLS, Proprietors. A. S. Keith J. B. Well " --"r--iTiimnT BMmrrrMwr"""" THE, LISBON 62 North Main Largo airy furnished rooms with good home cooking. Ono block from Langren Hotel. MRS. FRANK ISRAEL 62 N. Main Phone 1950 PATTON HOUSE Murphy, N. 0. The beat and most reasonable houi la town, rood table, clean bedi and homo cooking. Rate II pr day. , KISS R03A PATTON EOTEL ENTELLA brthou cm. Headquarters for traveling, me. and lumberman. Rate II per da? Special ratea by th month. Bath room. Free sample room. Railroae eating hoax fronting Southern dep-H Livery la connection. A, W. ALMA rYiibKLFlt, Fruv.a. THE iAHRETT WRINGS HOTEL Commercial and Tourist Rates $1.00 par day. Hot and Cold Bathe. Special Ratea by the Week 01 Month. R. F. JARRETT, Manage miishoro, N. C THE OLD FORT INN Old Fort, N. 0., L. J. Epley, Proprietor. Conveniently located, near depot Accommodations by day, week or month, XUles reasonable. ' , Hotel Sterling CINCniNATI, OHIO. Overlooking New Sin ton Park. Every room outside with bath, or hot and cold water. Milk, ereaai, vegetable! from our own farm. American Plan, $2.00, $2.50, $3.00 and $3.50 per day.'' E. B. Mills prop., for merly of Hotel Bennett, Binghampton, N. Y., and Grand Hotel, New York City. Sixth, Mound and Kenyon Street!. HOTEL RAYMOND 4i East 28th Street. (At Subway Station) New York City. European Plan, $1.50 per day and up. American Plan, $2.50 per day and up. Apartments accommodating 3 or more persons from $1.00 to $5.00 per day Special ratea by the week or month. Inspection Invited. Reference ex changed. A quiet family hotel, rec ommended to ladies visiting New York City alone. Upon request by let ter or telephone 2565 Madison square a messenger will meet you at station. MARK A. CADWELL. GRAND HOTEL and NEW ANNEX Broadway Slat Street. NEW TORS CITY Main Entrance on Slat St Convenient to both Pa. and Qras Central Btatloaa. &atea $1.M wards. "The Bam nel a" (formerly the fiber man), Jamestown, U: T. Open to business, May IS, lsll. Also the Creeuliurat, on Lake Chav tauqua, open July lst-Sept 1st. Write for Guide to New Tork (wtU map) and Rpeclal Rate Card, Free GEOi F. HURLREKT. TRUSTEE'S SALE. Ry virtue of the power of sale con tained In a certain deed of trust made by Thomas McElrath and wife. Nan nie MeElrath, to the undersigned truHtee dated December 21, 1911, and duly recorded in the ofTlce of the reg ister of deeds fir Buncombe county, N. C, In book of mortgages and deed of trust No. 84, at page 89, to which reference Is hereliy made for mete and bounds, mid whereat default hai been made In the payment of the In debtedness secured by said deed of trust wher tiy the power of sale there in contained has become operative the said undersigned trustee will, on TucMlay, the 1 till day of January, IU 13. at 12 o'clock, noon, sell at pub lic auction for cash at the court house door Jn the city of Asheville, N. O. the following lands and premises, vit uate, lying and being on the south side of Benumont street. In the city of Asheville, N. C, adjoining lands of VVhIUon, Cannon and others and be Ing the same lands nnd premises con veyed to Thomas McRlrath by George Greenlee and Addle Greenlee and be ing the first tract described in said deed, by deed bearing date Heptember 30, 1910, and duly recorded In the office of the register of deeds for Run combe county, N. C, In book of deeds No, 173 at pag 11 et seq., to which reference is hereby mad for mete and bounds. This December 11, 191 J. . UWlfN EDWARDS, Trustee. TRUSTEE'S SALE. By virtue of the power of sale con tained In a certain deed of trust made by C. C. Holcombo and wife. Ethel Holcombe, to the undersigned trustee, dated April 22nd, 1912, and duly re corded in the office of the register of deeds for Buncombe county, N. C, In book of mortgages and deeds of trust No. 88 at page 202 to which reference is hereby miade and default having been made In the payment of the In terest on the indebtedness secured by said deed of trust whereby the power of sale therein contained has become operative, the said undersigned trustee will on Monday the 6th day of Jan uary. 1813, at 12 o'clock, noon, sell at public auction for cash at the court house door in the city of Asheville, county of Buncombe and State of North Carolina the following lands and premises, situate lying and being on the west side of French Broad river In said county and more particularly described as follows: First tract: Being lot No. 16 on a plat of thirty-nine lots said plat be ing duly recorded in the office of the register of deeds for Buncombe county, N. C, in deed book No.164 at page 72 to which reference is here by made for metes and bounds. Second tract: Containing one acre and being the aame land conveyed ,to Rosa Bell Plamadon by James G. Taylor and wife, Etta B. Tay lor, by deed dated May 12th, 1911, and duly recorded in the office of the register of deeds for Buncombe county, N. C, In deed book No. 177 at page 184 to which reference Is hereby made for metes and bounds. This December 5, 1912. GWVN EDWARDS, Trustee. NOTICE North Carolina Buncombe County In the Superior Court. E. II. CLEVENGER VS MINNIE CLEVENGER The defendant above named , will tak? notice that an action entitled as abovte has been commenced in tho superior court of Buncombe County for the purpose of the plaintiff's de manding absolute divorce of the de fendant; and the said defendant will further take notice that she Is requir ed to appear at the term of the Sup erior Court of said County to be held on the sixth Monday before the first Monday of March, 1913, being the 20 day of January, 1813, at the court house In said county, and answer or demur to tle complaint of the plain tiff, In said action, or the plaintiff wlil apply to the court for the relief de manded In said complaint. MARCUS ERWIN. Clerk of Superior Court, Buncombe Count, N. C. This the 11th day of December, A. D. 1912. CHICHESTER S PILLS TT- THK DIAMOND BftARh L to Lad Ira! Aat year UrmcrlM for i nrai sag tnnuMc1 boe, sealed wtta Blua flibboa. Jkm ttW. Bu frnr V -'wKF.-iw rnwnu flLLA, for SS year known Bett. Sft.AwBH!ahi SOIOBK DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE WANTS HELP WANTED BOTS WANTED Boys, you can earn lots of pocket money Belling; papers on the streets afternoons and eve nings. Apply at Gazette- News office. SOT-tf. MILLINERY MAKER WANTED One accustomed to high class work. H. B. Hood, 6 Haywood St. , 266-3t WANTED White woman as cook and housekeeper in small family. Good wages to the right woman. Call on W, W. Goldsmith, No. 10 N. Pack Square. 266-St, SEWING MACHINES. SEE our latest Singer Sewing Machine 'run by electrio motor. What would please your wife or daughter, more than a Singer Machine with a mo tor as a Christmas present. Selec tions made now will be delivered Christmas morning. Singer Sewing Machine Company, 18 N. Pack Square. v 2B4-20t WANTED For U. S. Army: Able bodied unmarried men between ages IS and 16; citizens of the Vnlted States, of good character and temperate habits, who can speak, read and write the English language. For Information apply to Recruiting Officer, 301 West Trade St., Charlotte, N. C.J S South Main St., ABhevllle, N. C; 830 1-2 South Elm St., Greensboro, N. C; 813 1-2 South Fayetteville St, Ral eigh, N. C; 152 Main St., Colum bia, S. C, or 167 1-8 West Main St, Spartanburg, S. C. FOR SALE QUICK Four choice building lots in .e best residence section of Asheville. Western Carolina Realty Co. Phone 974. 10 N. Pack Square. TRUNKS AND LEATHER GOODS Is 'our specialty. Money to loan on diamonds, watches, jewelry and anything of value. H. L. FDNKELSTZuT Loan Office. 25 8. Mala Et Phone 817. Aiheville. WI BUT Sell and Exchange Furniture, Fixture!, etc. ABheville Furniture Co. 29 South Main St. Phone 1I5L STREET CAR SCHEDULE IN EFFECT JUNE 30, 1912. CTLLICOA AND RETURN :0. :. n- RIVERSIDE PARK 6:80 and every IB mln. until 11 p. m. DEPOT VIA iOUTHSEDE AVENUE l:4S and 1:09 a. m. and ary II mln. until 1:18 p. m.; then erery 7 1-8 mln. until 8:45 p. nu Then erery II mln, until 11:00. t DEPOT VIA TRENCH BROAD AVE., 1:00 and every 1 mlnutea until 11:0 p. m. UANOR (:00 a. m. and very 11, mlnutea till 11:00 P. m. CHARLOTTE STREET fERMINUS 7:00 s, m. then every it minutes till 11:00 p. m. PATTON AVENUE 1:00 a. m. and ovary II mlnutea till 11:00 p. m. CAST STREET 1:00 a m. and erery II mlnutea till 11:01 p. m. i . 3 RACE VIA UERRCI0K 1VENUE ;00 a. m. and every 10 minutes till 8:00 a. m. Then every II mlnutea till 10:10 p. ra. Then every 10 mlnutea till 11:00 p. in. . BILTM0RI ff:li a m. and than every n minutes till 10:10 p. m. Than every If mla till 11:00. last car. ' Depot & w asheville 7IA SOUTHSIDZ AVE. 1:41 and 1:00 a. m. aad every II rain, till 11:00 p. m., laat car. Sunday a-hedule differs In the following particulars: Car leaves square for Manor at :0 return 1:11, Cars leave Square for Depot via, sjouthstde Ave. 1:11, 0:10, 7:00, 7:10, 1:00 and 8:80 a. m. Cars leave 8qur tor Depot via French Broad Ava 1:11, 1:10, 1:48, 7:11. 7:41 and 1:11. Car for Depot leavea Square l:4l Both Bouthslde and French Broad, First car leavea Square for Charlotte street at 1:41. First car leavea Bquara for Rlverlda 8:10, next 8:41, First oar for West Asheville, leaves Square 8:10. With the above exceptions, 8udy schedules commence at I a. a. aad continue same aa week daya. On avenlnga when entertainments are In progress at Auditorium the last trip on all lines will be from an tortalnment, leaving Square at regu lar time and holding over at Auditorium. Car leaves Bquara to meat II, lht Ualn, 10 minutes before ache vie of announced arrival. want: FOR SALE FOR SALE Good clean newspapers, 10 for 6 cents. Apply at Gaxette News office. tf. MISSION CLOCK. NOW 11.95 We are making a special offer for a short time only. For cash, we will sell a handsome MISSION CLOCK, 24 Inches high, 12 Inches wide, strikes the hour and half hour on a cathedral gong, 8 days wind, Welch movement, serviceable and alto gether very attractive. Suitable for hall, living-room, or dining-room. This price Is only for those who pay cash. Only one dock sold to each person. L X. L. Department Store, No. 22 Patton avenue. Phone 107. 23-B2t. FOR SALE Seven piece Kitchen Set, including a cleaver, bread knife, can opener, carving knife and fork, paring knife and carborundum sharpener. Brand new articles in neat boxes, only a few left While they last, only 60o per set I. X. I Department Store, No. 22 Patton avenue. Phone 107. 23-52t AUTO FOR SALE, CHEAP Either for cash or on time, B passenger, 1912 model; good condition. Ad dress L, J., Gazette-News. 256-tf SEWING MACHINES. WHAT would add greater to your lit tle daughter's happiness than to buy her a Baby Singer aa a Christmas present Call at Singer Shop and select a Baby Singer for your little daughter. Don't delay. Machines are selling rapidly. Will be de- llvered Christmas morning. 254-20t WANTS FOR RENT CONNECTING ROOMS fnrnhhM ft, light housekeeping, on first tn i ond floors, with electrio llrhn at gas. Phone 839. i Gr&dy Btr FOR RENT Modern 8 room eottan two blocks of postofflca N. Buck, ner, Board of Trade office or l Aston Place. FOR RENT Three rooms and rec. tion hall furnished or unfurnliliti Terms reasonable to peranum people. See Miss P. L. Holman, lot ' Legal Bldg. or 8 College Park. , ' as7-tt SEWING MACHINES, CALL AT Singer Store and select i Baby Singer for a Christina pre ent for your little daughter, m. chines laid aside now will be de livered Christmas morning. Blum Sewing Machine Co., 18 K. Pack Square. S54-aot FOR RENT Two suites of connecthj front rooms, first and second Hoot, Nicely furnished for housekeeping, Sink and gas In kitchen, 28 Start avenue. ' ; . FOR RENT First floor unfurnlehed sleeping porch, range and sink la kitchen. 27 Highland street 2S9-121 FOR SALE Large selection standard and popular fiction. Some like new. Low- prices. Also buy old books, cash. Te Old Book Shop, 114 Pat ton avenue. FOR SALE Grand piano, solid rose wood case, fine Instrument Apply to Mrs. Whltlock, 278 Haywood St 863-6t FOR SALE: Six room house, 2 bed rooms, sleeping porch, living room and dining room combined, pantry, kitchen, steam heat and all other modern conveniences. Edgemont Park, Just completed. $6500. terms. Burn Realty Co., room 9 Citizens Bank Bldg. 265-tf. FOR SALE Nice White Pines suit able for Christmas Trees. Deliver ed to any part of the city. Ardmlon Park. Phone 131. 266-3t FOR SALE Good Clark Band Saw Mill complete; 60.000 feet dally cap acity; located In the South. For prices, address Saw Mil), Gixette Newa 266-6t FOR SALE Logging and Camp outfit equipment in good condition; no live stock; used in large operation in South. List of articles and price will be furnished on request Address Saw Mill, care Gazette News . i 26-t FOR RALE Nice 5 room cottage on paved street, price. $1400.00. Easy ' terms, see Donnahoe & Co. Phone 649. , 267-3t. FOR SALE One of the prettiest lots on French Broad avenue. Size 70x 200. Will build any kind of a house you desire and give terms. Phone 049 or see Donnahoe & Co. 267-3t NOTICE We sell, rent and build houses. If you. are Interested In either of the three, Phone 649 or sets Donnahoe Co. 267-St. WANTED The public to know that ."we will move our business to Mil liard building, No. 19 Soulh Main, the last days of December. Call and see us. Swannanoa Drug Co. 267tf. MISCELLANEOUS SIIOE3 called for, repaired and re turned promptly. Gilmer Bowden. Phone 1817. 21 East College street. 223-tt HOLLAR the Ford Man 50 South Main Et. Phone 672. FOR RENT Fifteen bungalowi hi Jackson Park. Five to eight rooms. Ready for occupancy June 1. Burn Realty Company, Room 9, Citizens Bank Building. Phone 1231. 259-llt FOR RENT Nicely furnished room all modern conveniences. With or without board. The Alabama. IS Spruce Street 264-lt FOR RENT One large boarding house, one store room, No. It N. Pack square, two 6 and I room flats two 7 and 8 room cottage, all modern and in good locations. 0. D. Revell, 12 Revel 1 Bldg. Phone 829. - eod, FOR RENT Completely furnished small cottage, piano, large porch, $35 per month. Eight room unfur nlshed house, sleeping porch, 836 month. Ray-Campbell Company, No. 1 Haywood Sti at. Phone 1281. WANTED J. H. McGINNESS has moved to room dyeing, tailoring and cleaning opposite T. M. L building. Bteeey Phone 1850. tf CALL at Singer Store and purchaai your wile or aaugnier a nanui Singer Machine aa a Christina present Selections mado now l be delivered Christmas morning, Singer Sewing Machine Company, 18 N. Pack Square. WANTED Tour Notary Public work. v i . . . . awanna Phone II. . Jaa. W. Albright WANTED by January 1st, ten more students to Jorn my day and night ..classes in SHORTHAND. Yon can double yourearning capacHr by taking this course. I 'am the only teacher in the city holdlnK a SHORTHAND TEACHERS' CER TIFICATE, direct from the author of the Isaao Pitman System. Mrs, C. B. Campbell, IB Spruce StreeL Phone 1189. Ml""- WANTED Fifty hew students to be gin December 80th at Ashevilw Business College. Call and arranjj? for a SCHOLARSHIP, before the 20th and we will give BOOKS FREE. Also we have the following openings for January: Steno. ana bkkpg. city, E; out the City. 3. full course graduates are employe"; so far as we know. If any are not employed, please call. Henry Shockley, principal, 8 Pack squaw. WANTED iHave you dining room . .a wiw for ti" Holidays, phone 187 and let v tell you what it will cost B. FlUpatrlck and Bon, 63 North street, Asheville. " , WAN'iED Sell memberships , In th progressiva and wide " . up-to-date Asheville Cleaninr Pressing Club for Chrlatmai 8 Nearly fifteen years study work an experience puts us In the lea", u month, $1; three months V -year $10. J. C. Wllbar, Phn ,J Pack Square. 165 NOTICE List your property fr ana ror sale witn J. i. in-- -Cn, Heal Estate and Inuri' Phone 481, 10 No. Pack flquar. 266-3'-