Thursday," December 19, 1912 THE ASHEVILLE GAZETTE-NEWS People's Department Store l It Pays to Trade Here Beginning tonight, we will remain open evenings until 10 o'clock for the accommodation of those who cannot shop during the day. . During the evening sessions, we will offer special in ducements in desirable and appropriate merchandise which will give the opportunity to secure your Christmas gifts at, a saving. ; TONIGHT'S SPECIAL, LADIES HAND BAGS. $0.00 Hand Bags. . $5.00 Hand Bags. $4.00 Hand Bags. $3.00 Hand Bags $2.00 Hand Bags. A ..$4.00 ..$3.00 ..$2.50 ..$2.00 ..$1.25 People's Department Store 40-42 Patton Avenue. f F-THA HClftL Stocks, Bonds, Cotton, Grain, Provisions, Money New York, New Or leans, Chicago and For eign Market News. WALL STREET GOSSIP. '.. New York, Dec. 19. Harriman stocks were weak at the opening of the market owing to the announce ment that representatives of the Union Pacific had been unable to agree with the attorney general on a plan of dis tribution for its holdings of Southern Pacific. Union Pacific dropped two points on the opening sale of 2000 shares. Southern Pacific fell back IVl to 104:. the low point of the recent long decline. The remainder of the list showed sympathetic heaviness. Supporting orders were distributed In the Harriman stocks and they quickly made up their losses. The whole market also turned upwarda Active features rose above yesterday's level.. '' In view of varied Influences, traders were in some doubt at the1 outset, but when the first rush of selling was over the entire market moved upward sturdily and before noon was showing a good proportion of gain. " Bonds were Irregular. 000 F Founds RUIT CAKE LIGHT AND DARK, The finest that is made in the city V LAYER CAKES The most complete assortment. POUND CAKE Our. pound cake has no equal.' Any : : A'elass hv itself. $ Kind and size cake made to order. Zindel's Bakery i PHONE 578. . 90 PATTON AVENUE KerrpUun for Ladles of Wilson Family By Astociated Preet. New York, Dec. 19. Mrs. Wilson, wife of the president-elect, and her .daughters will be greeted by over a thousand women at a reception and luncheon here next Saturday. Twenty two little girls have been drilled by the Woman's Democratic club to make the proper curtsies before the next first lady of the land, and each will present to Mrs. Wilson an American Beautiy rose. LIVERPOOL COTTON. Liverpool, Dec. 19. Cotton: spot fair demand; steady; American mid dling fair 7.67; good middling 7.33;- middling 7.13; low middling 6.95; good ordinary 6.49; ordinary 6.01. Sales of the day were 10,000 bales, of which 1500 were for speculation and export and Included 9200 Ameri can; receipts 53,300 bales, all American. Futures opened firm and closed barely steady. Chicago & Northwestern 136 Canadian Pacific 257 Vi, imcago, jhii. & ou j-tiui. . , .. , . nz Colorado Fuel & Iron 324 Colorado & Southern j. 32 Delaware 8- Hudson 1(2 Denver & Rio, Grande...., Erie ... General Electric Great Northern pfd ., Great vNorthern Ore ctfs. . IlllnolsCentral ., Interborough-Met. . . . . , . Interborough-Metv pfd, Inter Harvester ... .r .... ( Louisville & Nashville.,.., Missouri Pacific ......... Mo., Kans. & Tex......... Lehigh Valley National Lead New York Central Norfolk & Western ....... Northern Pacific ......... Pennsylvania ... People's Gas Pullman Palace Car ..... Reading . . . .-. Rock Island Co Rock Island Co. pfd...... Southern Pacific ......... Southern Railway . . ... .". . Union Pacific United States Steel ....... United States Steel pfd... Wabash ... Western Union 1 182 134 41 126 17 60 109 139 41 26' 170 65 109 112; 120 121 111 160 167 23 43 106 27 16S 66 109 4 , 74 f" ' " "" .......' II.- -I. ' ! , ... ' .... I ri "" " ."'" 1 ; GOAT SUIT SALE wuiuui d -uiiu .lfiijipu iiaiiuuiiy CHICAGO GRAIN QUOTATIONS. WHEAT December May . . .: . . , . July . . . .... CORN December . ... May . . . . . ,. July . . ... OATS December . . . May ... .... July . . . MESS PORK per bbl. January ... ...... .i 17.85 May . . . . ...... 18.10 LARD per 100 lbs. January ........... 9.90 May ... 9.90 RIBS per 100 lbs. January 9.75 May ... ............ 9.72 Open. 85 91 . 87 48 49 49 33 33 December ... . . . . . December-January January-February . February-March . . . March-April ... , . April-May May-June June-July . . . . . . . . July-August August-September . September-October October-November , . 6.8& . 6.85 ,. 6.83 .. 6.83 ,. fi.82 ,. 6.81 . . 6.80 , . 6.78 ,. 6.75 . . 6.66 , . 6.48 . . 6.41 LONDON STOCK MARKET. London, Dec. 19. Absence of change in the rate of the Bank' of England today caused general satis faction. A general improvement oc curred on the stock exchange. Amer icans, after early firmness, reacted on profit taking and New York selling. Prices, however, hardened again in the afternoon and closed steady. ' Close. 85 90 87 48 48 49 32 33 33 17.82 18.07: 9.90 9.90, 9.70 9.72, December January. . February. March .. April. . .. May . . , . June ... . . July . . .. August. . . September October .. COTTON FUTURES. Open. . 12.76W79 . 12.80W81 . 12.82 bid . 12.85(8 88 12.8G87 12.78JD79 12.08 ask. 12.11 ask. 11.9598 Close. 12.81S82 12.86(887 12.8183 12.81a82 12.81 bid. 12.818S 12.73 bid. 12.73(5175 12.62 (fii 63 12.0810 11.9495 i People's Department Store j BUTTER EGGS. New York, Dec. 19. Butter steady; receipts 3395 tubs. Cheese quiet, unchanged; receipts 108 boxes. Eggs unsettled; receipts 3781 cases. Fresh gathered dlntles, 1618c; checks 14016. e s It Pays to Trade Here For the balance of this week's selling we place on sale 187 Wool' Dresses, : beautiful designs and a variety of col ors, $20.00 value, while they last $8.50 be sure and ask to see them. .. . 04 Coats in values up to $15.00, this week's selling, . , $5.95. These coats are worth your; , consideration. People's Department Store ,., 40-42 Patton Ave. . .- NEW YORK MONEY. New York, Dec. 19. Close: Prime mercantile paper 6 per cent,' ' Sterling exchange, easier, with ac tual business in' bankers' bills at 4.81.19 for 60 day bills and at 4.85.35 for demand. Commercial bills, 4.80. Bar silver 83 1-4. Mexican dollars 49 1-4. Government bondsi steady; railroad bonds Irregular. Money on call easier, 4ffJ4 per cent; ruling rates 4; closing bid 4; offered at 4 1-4. Time loans easier; 60 and 90 day bills 6 per cent; six months 6c. NEW YORK COTTON. New York, Dec. 19. Cotton opened steady unchanged to an advance of 6 points on a few overnight buying or ders and renewal of moderate trade support, . then the market turned rather easier with prices sellng off to a net los of 3 or 4 points during the middle of the morning under realiz ing. - NEW YORK STOCK LIST. 1 Close. Amalgamated Copper ,. 73 Amer. Beet Sugar 50 Amer. Cotton Oil T6 Amer. Smelt. & Refining 72 Amer. Sugar Refining 116 Amer. Tel. & Tel 140 Anaconda Mining Co , 38 Atchison 105 Atlantic Coast Line ex dlv..... 131 Baltimore & Ohio 104 Brooklyn Rapid Transit....... 8S Vi Chesapeake & Ohio 78 A sale hard to beat. For our regular prices are always lower than elsewhere. $25.00. . . .' . . ... . . .Suits Are Included $27.50..... ... ... ... . ... .Suits Are Included $30.00... ... ... ................ Suits Are Included $32.50 ..... , .Suits Are Included The very small figure can find in this range a suit to fit her idea, her lines, as well as her purse and they range in sizes up to 46, so every one can get suited. Eight before Christmas, when a suit will most please you Choose from the above . range Sale Price ' Do your gift shopping here Practical gift things for every familv. member of the The Asheville Dry Goods Co. M'HXKTT IMMIGRATION MEASURE PASSES HOUSK Bj AMocfated Press. Washington, Dec. 19. The house today passed the Burnett illiteracy test immigration bill 178 to 52. The measure, a substitute for the senate Dillingham bill, would bar from the United States immigrants over 16 years unable to read, except those proving to have emigrated on account of religious ' persecution at home. ; THE COUNTRY BANKER. His 8tanding In and Hi Qrlp Upoi. Hi Own Community. The first public convenience a new commodity wants Is a bank. Ofttlrues It comes before the church or a news paper; but, as a rule. It follows both. It Is bard to beat the editor and the preacher. If the Influence exercised by the bankers of our great cities constitutes a menace to the public welfare, what shall we say of the grip that the little bank holds on Its commuDltyT The bo called "country banker" to succeed must be eminent for all the qualities that make up a truly good man. Usir ally be Is a church member and often a Sunday school teacher. He is con sulted by politicians regarding the local government, and the candidate who bas his approbation is envied, for be Is usually the winner. To the country banker are confided the troubles, do mestic as well as financial, of all who have access to him. And everybody seeks to have access. The banker Is first to subscribe to every good cause. He Is the com munity's adviser as to investments and tha arbitrator of its business contro versies. His word is as good as bis Electricity Magazine, we have bond, and to bis credit it must ds added that, with rare exceptions, it deserves to be. He asks few favors, and these are always granted. He is the center of the social life of his vi cinity. His voice Is that of authority. He is loved, respected, admired and tnnrA fPha tinnlrof Id II mfltl tit in tegrity. The slightest cloud on him or amounts to $1.00 or more be on bis bank will settle them botb. In this matter be stands wltb the preach er. Bo, from selfish considerations, If from no other, the banker must be de serving of the trust reposed In bim by bis fellow citizens. Who wouldn't be the country bank r? Lesllejs. THE ELECTRIC STORE By special arrangement with the publishers of Popular a quantity of coupons ftorth 75 cents each on subscription price of this magazine. To each customer whose purchase Tonight 8:SO, It. S. MinNlrvK Parents, give your boys a Y. M. C. A. membership for a Christmas pres ent. - ... 2t Come tonight, If. S. MinHtrelHl tween now and Christmas we will present one of these cou pons free. Everything Electrical PIEDMONT ELECTRIC COMPANY IkWttfaWWh 3 CHRISTMAS GOWNS EVERY CUSTOMER LEAVES SATISFIED ULl CLOTHING COMPANY THE LITTLE STORE WITH BIG VALUES. i silihiaAaOTj'if'iMtiiltlftsfli UtiiliM Men's suits, business and dress, handsome opera cloaks and furs, white gloves, kid slippers, etc., cleaned perfect ly, modern plant,, skilled workmen. Asheville Dry Cleaning Co Next Door to Bnvrance of Langreo. Phones 835 and 8S. FOR A CHRISTMAS SUGGESTION. We have a full line of Eastman Kodaks and Premo Cam eras, which will more than please that friend or dear one. From $1.00 to $65.00. Artistic picture-framing and Kodak Finishing. 3 Haywood St. ROBINSON'S KODAK STORE, Phone 102. United Grocery Company Phone 1617 Store of Quality 415 N. Main. Fine Groceries and Choice Meats 24 lbs. Gold flour 74c,10 lbs.. Cottolene. $1.29.. Ar mor's Canned soups, and flavor, 6 for 50c, 12 for 98c, Quaker Oats 10c, Post Toasties 9c, Shredded Wheat 11c. Quality, Courtesy, Quick Delivery, Right Prices. Cigars, Tobacco, Smokers' Articles Department ' Pipes from 5c ;to $15.00, Cigars from 50c per box to $G.50. Cigar and cigarette cases in leather and sterling . silver. English and domestic tobacco pouches. Humidors , for cigars and tobaccos nt all prices. Cigars and cigarette holders in amber and meerschaum. Smoking pets, silver match boxes. '.x"7' ' r CUTLERY A new line just in. Pocket knives from 25c to $2.50, all guaranteed. , V Ingersoll watches from $1.00 to $2.00, all guaranteed. . . . TIh? public is cordially invited. All goods delivered. .. BLOMBERG'S, ON THE AVENUE i and Toy Sporting 6oods Department Baseball, football, golf, tennis, gym. goods, hunting goods,1 ' sweaters, jersies, auto coats and gauntlets. Automobiles for boys from $0.50 to $25.00. SLEDS, flexible flyers, a full line just in. Eollor skates for girls and boys from 75c pair to $5.00. Express and goat wagons for the boy. . .. . LEATHER. GOODS , Gentlemen's toilet sets, collar and cuff boxes, flasks and drinking cupe, Pullman car clocks, Gillettes' and Andy's safety razors, shaving brushes and strops. , , .... BLOMBERG'S, ON THE AVENUE

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