Thursday, December 19, 1912 - TEE ASHEVILLE GrAZETTE-NEWS FIVE Q0C1AL V HAPPENINGS Personal Mention, News of, the Societies, Meetings, Etc. This Home-Made Cough I Syrup Will Surprise Yoa Stop Era Wbooplns Coash Quickly. A Family Supply at Small Coat. L. Hughes Weaver. Invitations were received in the city toiluy to the wedding of Miss Berta Mursaret Hughes, daughter of the late Dr. William Hughes and Mrs. Hughes of Leicester, to C, Guy Weaver of this city, which takes place January 1 at 2:30 o'clock at the home of the bride's mother.. The ceremony will be per formed by ev. Mr. Matney of Leices ter and Rev. Mr. Poovey, pastor of the North Asheville Methodist church. The young couple will leave after the ceremony on a journey of two weeks and returning will reside in Asheville, staying with Mr. Weaver's sister, Mrs. Blackstock, for a short time' and opening a house on Courtland avenue in the spring. The Information of this wedding will be received with more than usual interest on account of the wide family connections of the contracting parties. Miss Hughes, a very popular young woman, is connected with the Gudger Brown family : here. Mr. Weaver comes of the Weavers of Weavervtlle, and is otherwise prominently connect ed. He Is a young attorney who has! made rapid progress in his profes sion here.i " ""':' :';'": While the announcement of this wedding will be received with sur prise by many. It will make the cul mination of a romance which began over six years ago. v Dr. Griffith to Tfe Married. Dr. F. Webb Griffith of this city will be married in Baltimore Christ mas week to Miss Grace H. Lemmons, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Austin Lem mons and head nurse of John Hop kins hospital of Baltimore. Dr. Grif fith, before coming to Asheville to pract'ee medicine and surgery, was for five years a. member of the surgical staff of Johns Hopkins, being asso ciated with the eminent Dr. Howard Kelly of Baltimore. The wedding will take place in the Church of the Mes siah. Miss Lemmon will have as her only attendant Miss Corlnna French, and the best man will be Dr. W. A. Griffith, a brother of the groom. Dr. and Mrs. Griffith will come to Ashe ville in January and will reside tem porarily In College park. Dr. Griffith is the son of Dr. and Mrs. I A. Grif fith of southern Maryland. X X Many Contributions. The Christmas contributions to the Associated Charities in the way of Christmas stockings for the Hat of 175 children asked for by the association have been adequate and gratifying. The headquarters of the association will be open all day on Friday and Saturday of this week, and it Is re quested that all Christmas stockings be sent In on these days, and that all food stuffs, clothing and fuel Intended as gifts to the poor will also be sent In. They will be distributed in autO' mobiles which have been loaned for the purpose,' next week, :, it Bryan Johnston. Miss Mario Bryan, daughter of Judge M. T. Bryan of Nashville, was married yestei-day morning at her home on Russell street In that city to Harold Johnston of Asheville. The ceremony Was followed by a wedding breakfast, which was attended by members of the familios and a few close friends. Mr. and Mrs. Johnston departed during the day for a south cm wedding trip, after which they will return to Nashville to spend Christmas with Judge Bryan. X X At the Coiiiwlle Franca lse. There Is a negligee being worn In a play at the Comedle Francalse that has princess lines and draped polo nalse effect. It Is of blue brocaded 'mousseline de sole over straw yellow silk and recalls in its general lines the original "tea gown," disappeared hese many years. One side of the outer robe Is draped over to mingle with a band of sable fur. Is sleeveless, jewelled strands falling over the arm. The heart shaped decollete Is Incrust cd with lace. New York Herald. X. R Mrs. Justice will entertain the Stu dents' History club this afternoon at the residence of Mrs. George A. Shu ford, BO Orange street. Three most interesting papers will be presented to the club at this meeting. . Mrs. Court ney will speak on "King John and the Great Charter," Mra, Justice will take as her subject "William Wallace and Robert Bruce," and Mrs. William LeRoy Dunn will present a paper on "Robin ' Hood.". After the business and literary features of the meeting tea will be served and the social side of the club enjoyed. - ' X X Rev. and Mrs. F. A. Hawley of Wfettvervllle left yesterday for Phila delphia, where they will make their home. That they had greatly en deared themselves to the hearts of their congregation wm shown by the large gathering nf friends at the home of his father, on Tuesday evening. A handsome donation, consisting of a purse of money for themselves and many useful articles for the parents, who remain., was substantial evidence of the high esteem In which the de parting pastor was held. X X The Friendly Dozen Book club, which held the last meeting at the! Afhevllle school, has suspended work for the holidays. The next meeting will occur the second week In January, ar t Donald Carroll, son of Dr. and Mrs. Robert 8. Carroll, who Is a student at the Asheville school, returned home yesterday to spend the holidays with his parents XX- Mli' Hnlolne Carroll, daughter of Ir. and Mrs. Robert S. Carroll, Is ex pected In the city on Saturday, from Hryn Mawr, where she Is a student, to spend the tnirlstmas holidays In the city with, her parents. , ' XX J. J. McCloskey,' J. Snoed AilamH ' mid several other members of the Asheville club are out of town on a brief hunting trip. X X Mr N. M. Watson will hav. as her guest shortly at her home In Edg moat park, Mrs. Pltls of Chicago. X X Miss Polma Hunt arrives today from Norfolk to upend Christmas with her prirenta In this rlty. X ' M'. Hi iilt ludeker hus arrived for W. the holidays from Parkersburg, Va., and Is with his mother and sisters at their home, "Sunnlcrest," on the Victoria road. X Miss Stella Means of Spartanburg Is spending several days In the city as a guest of friend X X . Mrs. Pettlt of Blltmore Is the guest for a brief visit of Mrs. Waldrop in Spartanburg. . ' X x- Charles Hllllard, grandson of Mrs. M. E. Hllllard of this city, returned yesterday from Princeton university for the holidays. X X Mrs. Charles Willing Beale of Arden spent yesterday In the city. . : X X Mr. and Mrs. Haywood Parker and family will leave for Dunedln, Fla., the first of next week. Mr. Parker will return after the Christmas holidays.- Mrs. Parker and the children will remain until the first of March. Mr. and Mrs. Parker and family will be with the mother of the latter, Mrs. Thomas W. Patton, and family. -"-.-X X - Robert Fulton White, son of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence F. Whjte of 18 Or ange street. returned to the city yes terday from New York and Chicago. For two years Mr. white has been traveling in business Interests over the northwest. He has many friends who will be blad to hear of this return to the city. . : XX John C. Mills of Rutherfornton in In the city and Is a guest at the Bat tery Park hotel. .X X Arthur Keys of Des Moines arrived today at the Battery Park hotel, where he joined Mrs. Keys, who is spending the plnter in this a guest at the hotel. . XX ' Mrs. Lois Long ' Hackctt, daughter of Judge and Mrs. Benjamin F. Long, is expected in Statesville shortly from Brooklyn to spend the holidays with her parents. XX Carl Messier arrived home today. from the University of Virginia, Char lottesville, for the holidays. Here is a home-made rpmw?v flint takes hold of a cough instantly, and will usually cure tne most stubborn ease in 24 hours. This recipe makes a pint enough for a whole family. You couldn't buy as much or as good ready-made cough syrup for $2.50. .Mix one pint of granulated sugar with pint of warm water, and Btir 2 minutes. Put 2Mi ounces of Pinex (fifty cents' worth) in a pint bottle, and add the Sugar Byrup. This keeps perfectly and has a Dleasant taste children like it. Braces up the appetite and is slightly juauuvb, wurcu iieipt euu a cougu. You rjrobahlr know .he medienl rabin of pine in treating asthma, bronchitis ana otner , throat troubles, sore lungs, etc. There is nothing better. Pinex iB the most valuable concentrated comnound of Norway white Dine extract, rich in guaiacoi ana all tne natural neaiing pine elements. Other preparations will not work in this formula. lhe prompt results from this inexpen sive remedy have made friends for it in thousands of homes in the United States and Canada, which explains why the plan has been imitated often, but never successfully. A guaranty of absolute satisfaction, or money promptly refunded, goes with this recipe. Your druggist has Pinex, or will get it for vmi. If not, send to The rincx Co.. Ft. Wayne, Ind. CONSIDERABLE ARGUMENT Proposals, After Are Referred iQommittee Discussion, Back to Many important reforms In road administration recommended for the consideration of. the legislature formed the basis of a paper read at a meet Ing of the Good Roads Association of Asheville and Buncombe county In the council chamber of City hall at noon today.' Excited -arguments took place on the subject of the changes, particular ly a provision regarding the setting aside of 60 per cent of the 20 per cent special road tax for the malntainance of Improved roads already built, thia becoming a casus belli between Mayor Rankin and Representative Williams. The meeting ended with the paper being again referred to the committee for further action, and all definite work on It postponed for the time being. The paper was drawn up by a spec ial committee of the. association con slsting of the following: J. W. Haynes, Dr. M. H. Fletcher, F. Stikeleathcr, W. F. Randolph, Mark W. Brown and Dr. C. P.-Ambler. The salient provisions of the paper besides. the maintenance clause are as follows: The dividing of roads in districts, each district to be in charge of a paid supervisor serving for one year and responsible to the county engineer. A system of stub books In the hands of the supervisors for keeping tab of the free labor on the roads and seeing that there are no delinquents. The appointment of the county road engineer to be made compulsory and not optional with the county commissioners. J ppLIPPERS p says that he poured out the beef and low wines for the BWine, and all of the 18 got gloriously drunk In honor of the occasion. At one plant where the copper had been removed there Were evidences that big operations had been carried on, for 15 fermenters were destroyed. A large quantity of beer and whiskey was taken from all the places. , Reports of three other seizures have also been received by Mr. Sams, these coming from Deputies "Landroth and Hendrlx, the seizures having been made in Stokes and Yadkin counties. One Week to Buy Xmas Slippers We have the . slippers for Xmas gifts to every member of the family. A nice pair of Oris shoes would be appre ciated, price $3.50 and $4.00. Better yet "make it a pair for $5.00; Try us. You make no mistake, buying footwear for cash. J Nichols Shoe Co. Xmas Shoesters on the square i t ? f r b "For. the 2S Ideal Christmas Gifts Polo Cup Challenge Accepted. Florida Canal Tract Let. By Associated Press. New York, Dec. 19. The formal ac ceptance of the Polo cup challenge made by the Hurllngham club of Eng land is on its way to England today. The matches will be played at the Meadowbrook club on Long Island, the scene of the American victory last year. The dates have not been fixed. A By Associated Press. Jacksonville, Fla., Dec. 19. Con tract has bee nlet for the $600,000 canal to run from West Palm beach to Lake Okeechobee, In the interior of the state, to the National Construe tion company -of Birmingham, Ala. for excavating.. The ditch will be 47 Vt miles long,' 11 feet deep and 75 feet wide, and will open up many thou sands of acres of land. ' It is to be completed by July 1. , : , Parents, give your boys a Y. M. C. A. membership for a Christmas pres ent. ; , zt Admission 25c II. S. Minstrels. Hear Charles Tenncnt tonight anil toinor row night. ' , " J.H.LAW 35 PATTON AVENUE. (The Store Full of Suggestions.) These two cuts one of a coffee percolator and one of a chafing dish ure only two of the numerous useful articles wo have In that wear re sisting nickle and copper goods. We are particularly strong 1n this line. Table Tea Kettles, .(Sandwich Trays, linking Dishes, Olive and Relish Dishes (glass lined), Bon lion Bas kets, Casseroles, etc.r .. 1. ' ' ' ' Entirely New Beer, Whiskey and Cocktull Sets. Six egg steames. 1$, SPECIALS Chafing dish special. y'.. Percolator, special.". ',, Copper tea kettles.. :t.75 each . . . . $(1.00 1-2 pi Ice. r ? t T t ? ? T t X I I f i t f ? I 1 1 t T WATERMAN IDEAL FOUNTAIN PENS EASTMAN KODAKS PREMO CAMERAS BROWNIE CAMERAS KORSMAN'S "CAN'T BREAK 'EM" HEAD DOLLS CRANE'S WRITING PAPER ' HURD'S WRITING PAPER PICTURES AND PICTURE FRAMES BIBLES AND PRAYER BOOKS RECENT FICTION-- "THE BEST SELLERS" 50c POPULAR COPYRIGHT FICTION 50c ? T ? ? ? ? T ? . ?' ? Y T ? ? y ? ? t y t ? ? V : f T BOOKS FOR BOYS- BOOKS FOR GIRLS J. II. LAW DEPUTY COLLECTOR JBLY CAPTURES URGE STILL Making a Series of Raids in Cherokee ounty-l-Several Other, Seizures. Deputy Collector W. A. Joly has just returned from Cherokee county, where he has been on a series of raids for the past week. During this time he hus captured five Illicit distilleries, some of which were big ones. Only two coppers were . destroyed, as tho news of his presence moved rather rapidly after the first two seizures and tho owners lost no -time In getting them away from Ithe sites of operation. One of the plants which was seized was said to have been the most exten- slv ever operated In the county. The copper was only of 00-gallon capacity but the owner evidently thought that he would operate there for some time, for he had cleared several acres of land around the plant and was feeding 18 hogs with the slops from the still. When Mr. Joly destroyed the plant he B acycies Fop Boys We can't tell you about all the things that make nice and useful Christmas presents for the Why not a bicycle! Do you know anything would make a boy happier, and at the same time more useful. You can pay for it monthly or weekly. . J. M. HEARN 6 CO. 'Phone 448 Battery Park Place. will hoy. that be For Rent Unfurnished Chestnut St. residence five bed rooms, mod ern in every , particular. Ga rage, garden and poultry yard. Best residence section. Moale, Chiles & Redwood Beal Estate and Insurance , 27 Patton Ave. Second floor. Gifts for Ladies The kind they will fully ap predate. Inspect our stock. Hair Ornaments, lihinestonc Pins, Aigrettes, Fancy Bands and Bandcimx. Corsage Bo quetcs $1.00 and up. MISS CRUISE'S SHOP ' 25 Haywood BU Phono 16. BOOKS FOR CHILDREN GIFT BOOKS FOR EVERY PURSE AND TASTE LEATHER GOODS-DIARYS KODAK ALBUMS CHRISTMAS CARDS AND LETTERS CALENDARS Pack Square BookCo. On the Square Asheville r t t' ? ? t T t T ? ? ? ; t ? ? V t ? t :t: Christmas Gifts AT Womans Exchange COME AND Hl'Y. M. WEBB CO. Imported Millinery Haywood St. Dr. Owen Smith Has removed bis office from 78 Patton avenue to No. 6 Gov ernment street, over J. M. Hearn & Co. 241-30 MILLINERY SPROAT'S Oatoa Building. FOU CHRISTMAS. MHimMMMMMIIMM)MHimmtHHHIIIHH NOTHING WANTING . At our store to make your Christmas dinner as nice as vnn ever had. Come and see all the nice tilings we have. , YATES & McGUJRE, Phonea 1715 and 1716. ' 21 Eaywood St. 7heri tb Dollar Dota Iti Duty. W hvt lrgo Mnortmeiit of v- loRtprdna. Jut the thing to make the. child happy t Chrlnlma tlmo, and not too expensive. Prlcri from (1.76 to in.00. I .1 iii'Mtv A ro.. ! HAIR BRUSHES With Renulno brlHtlcs anil with backs finished In Ebony, l-'ox anil Whlto Sutln woods at $1 to 2.60. iHach brunh pack ed In a noat box. Quality the same and difference In price due simply to the number and length of the bristles. Every thing In Drugs and Seeds. Grant'f Pharmacy DRUGS AND KKKD Ililtmore Whrai-Hearts. Tho Ideal Cereal. Delicious and wholesome. Nothing like It All grocers. APPLES JONATHANS. Oregon n, Stark's Beauty, Rome Beauty, Staman Wlnesnp, Original Wlnesap, Albemarle Pippin, Black Sweets, Delaware Reds. B. J. JACKSON, City Market Phones 86-101. 57 Spruce AT THE Phone 804 BELMONT PATIENTS are under the care of "their own physicians and his directions are minutely carried out. The diet of each one is specially prepared and administered at perscrihed hours under the personal man agement of DE. HOUSEIS, Manager. ELIAS&HOPSON TAILORING 68 Fulton Ave. Opp. P. O. Q Gentlemen Who select their Winter Footwear here will have Nothing toregret $4 to $6.50 the pair Boston Shoe Store Clements & Chambers BflBHI 03 W xn W ;OOI THINGS TO EAT. Everything to completo an ontlro meat, clear through the entire menu from soup to nuts can be bought at this store. The variety Is unlimited. We show a full lino of Fruits, Vege tables, Fancy Groceries, Meats, Poul try, Candles, etc., at prices which make the offering doubly attractive. M. HYAMS Phones 9 A H3. Cor. North Main i Only the brat of everything i Mcnintoa Ave. to eat. a w o a M s N W Automobiles , ft Supplies Farm Implements " and Machinery i - S Western Carolina Auto. Co. Corner Lexinitton '& V7alnut. . Fl: I ? ? I