m Axasmia gazette new Thursday, January 2, 1913 MUTT AND JEFF MAKE A NEW YEAR'S RESOLUTION ? By "Bud" Fisher ? ? ? f SAY MOTT. THli IS Mew vewes ie w IT'S KUT6i op TEN - . . - - - r - -- - - - - - - - .-. , S I Suite I I r - l... 1 . Off Ot SOMETHING WANTS FOB SALE FOR BALK Good clean newspapers, 60 for S cent. Apply at Gazette . Newt office, tf. MISSION CLOCK. NOW 11.95 We - are making a special offer for a short time only. For cash, we will ell a handsome MISSION CLOCK, 24 Inches high, 12 Inches wide, strikes the hour and half hour on a cathedral gong, 8 days wind, Welch movement, serviceable and alto gether very attractive. Suitable for hall, living-room, or dining-room. This price Is only for those who pay cash. Only one clock sold to each person. I. X. L. Department Store, No. 22 Fatton avenue. Phone 107. 236-62L, FOR SALE Seven piece Kitchen Set, Including a cleaver, bread knife, can opener, carving knife and fork, paring knife and carborundum sharpener. Brand new articles in neat boxes, only a few left. While they last, only GOo per set I. X. L. Department Store, No. 22 Fatton avenue. Phone 107. 236-52t AUTO FOR SALE, CHEAP Either for cash or on time, 6 passenger, 1I1J model; good condition. Ad dress L. J., Gazette-News. 266-tf FOR SALE Scott's commentary, Gibbons Rome, De Aubigue's His tory Reformation, Moore's Poems, sets Dickens. Lot good books Sets copy. Book Shop, 114 Patton ave. FOR BALE Nice 6 room cottage, close in, good location, price $1800. 00, $100.00 down, and $15.00 a month. Phone 648 or see Dnnna hoe & Co. Real Estate. 278-3t. FOR SALE 9 room house, 2 blocks from Square, modern, price 93.000.; 00, 9250.00 down and $20.00 a month. Phone 649, see Donnahoe & Co.. Real Estate. 278-3. FOR RAI.E Several attractive bar gains In Hurries and buggies at Patton Stikeleather's stables. 278-tf. WANTED . H. McOINNCSB has moved to room dyeing, tailoring and cleaning, opposite Y. M. L building. Steam Phone 1850. - u WANTED Tour Notary Publlo work. TtMldenr 191 ifotsnd avenue Phone II. JtM. W. Albright tt-tt WANTED by January 1st, ten more students to Join my day and night ..classes In SHORTHAND. You can double your earning capacity by taking this course. I am the only teacher In the city holding a SHORTHAND TEACHERS' CER TIFICATE, direct from the author of the Isaac Pitman System, Mrs. C. B. Campbell, 15 Spruce Street Phone 1199. 261-26. WANTED The public to know thni we will move our business to Mil liard building, No. 19 South Main, the last days of December. Call and see- us. Swannanoa Drug Ce. 267-U. WANTED To get the attention) of builders of houses we paint, y.aper and calcimine; we do good work; we do It reasonably; we guarantee satisfaction. , Phone 157, R. Jm Fits patrlck A Son, 11 South Main street. WANTED To get your name on the list of the Ashevllle Clesnlng and Pressing Club for lilt. Establish ed 1900, and been satinfjing thou sands of patmns for Mint length of time. J. C. Wllbar, I'hon 199. Pack Square. A TOUNO LADT woul1 like board and room In nice refined private .. family, not a boardlwc house. Must . be homelike and comfortable. Fur name, steam or hot, water heating and wholesome food., Address F, E. care Qasetts-News. . 171-91 KODAK WANTED A 1A Speatal. I or I A. Inquire eg C, W. Capetl at Oasette-News. tf WANTED Fifty new pupils to enter i the Ahfci'ile Duirinmei College, I North Park square, this week; also-! nave srpllratlona for three tlrst elass bookkeepers, salaries 91.00. 175.00 and f5.du. These place oten till Jan. "We can secure on., hundred onire situations this y t ii.vlng good s.lnriM. If you Me a bookkeeper, cell; If you want to I , . ome oni, or a good stenog-ri.t,.-r. or Imih. enroll now. Posl (or every graduate this yer. , l 277-tt Swews. i coding weftR. ) , . " J'.' I D m.c i WANTS FOR BENT FOR RENT Modern 8 room cottage two blocks of ostofflce. N. Buck ner, Board of Trade office or 7 Aston Place. tf FOR RENT Three rooms and recep tion hall furnished or unfurnished. Terms reasonable to permanent people. See Miss P. L. Holman, 301 Legal Bldg. or 8 College Park. 237-tf. FOR RENT The nicest rooms In Ashevllle, fully furnished for house keeping. 26 Slurries Ave, phone 880 258-lf. FOR RENT Firteen bungalows In Jackson Park. Five to eight rooms. Ready for occupancy June 1. Burn Realty Company. Room 9, Citizens Bank Building. Phone 123G. 259-21L FOR RENT Several desirable fur nished cottages from (25 to $200. Also a number of unfurnished cot tages. Let us show you. Ray Campbell Company. No. 1. Haywood Phonel281. . FOR RENT 5 Toom house on hill above freight depot next to Ora St school. Only 96.00 a month. Ray's Studio, 2 N. Pack Square. FOR RENT I.rge well lighted base ment room under1 Singer Sewing Machine ahop, fronting on College St. Will prut In glass front and re model to sfult tenant. Apply Singer Sewing Ma chine Co., 18 N. Pack Hq. 275-30t. FOR RENT One large boarding house, one store room. No. 16 N. Pack 3ciu:u re, two 6 and 9 room flats two 1 and 8 room cottages, all modern and in good locations. O. I. Kcveld, 12 Revell Bldg. Phone 829. eod. ITItNISUEU HOUSES FOR RKNT We have two rinse in for 8-6.60 each, per month, for the winter. No rhjl.lren. slrk. or boarders. V. M. Messier, Ameriean National Hani; I'tiildoiK. 27X-4t. "HELP WANTED BOYS ANTED Boys, you can earn lota ot pocket money selling papers on tli streets afternoons and eve nings. Apoly at Qaxette-News office 107-tf. MISCELLANEOUS SHOFB called for, repaired and re turned promptly. Ollmer Bowden. Phone LU7. II East College street IJI-tf THE 8AVANNAH INN 221 Patton avenue. Large sunny rooms, all newly furnished and home-like, with dellciou I home cooking. Rates 97.00 to 112.00 per week, 91.00 to 12.00 per day, 94.00 per wee for buble board. MP.3. O. R. KEKHI.ER, froprletor. 190-U M35N Our lllustrt ted catalogue ex plains how we teach barber trade In few weeks, mailed free. Moler Barber College, Atlanta. Oa. 17l-t CSKIFIE1 ADVERTISING people In this rlty to whom It would have any real Intcrevt. , ' ' J. A. TTLAMAN Ifewter, IT Hoitb Mala M. I carry a alee line of Watches, Clociks and Jewelry, and make a spe- latt of repair work Be turf action guarenterd. LOGAN MKRCHAIIT TATLOR . legal Bldg. ' Pack B rlxwe Applkwtkin for Pardon of Huddle . I-a rwiMMl. Application will be made to the Governor of North Carolina for the pardon ot Buddie Rarwood, convicted at the February (112) term of the Superior ' Court of Buncombe eounty of the rrrtme of selling whiskey and sentence, l to county roods for a term of twelve months. All pet sons who, oppose the granting of said J.ardon nrs Invited to forward their protest to the Oovemor without delay. This rVie 23rd day of Txc. 1911. tiKO. 8. KEY NO I JHt, 172-Ht tii..riiy. SOUTHERN RAIIWAY, iMwnler Carrier of the South. Schedule Sgures published as Information only and not guaranteed. EFFECTIVE Arrives from No. 6 Brevard and Toxaway . . No. 7 Brevard and Eastern Tims Lake 11:10 a.m. Lake Toxaway 1:15 p.m. No. I Savannah and Jack' sonvllle 1:10 .ni. No. 11 Washington and New York, Norfolk and Richmond ... 1:41 p.m. No. 11 Cincinnati and Louisville, 8t Louis and Memphis 1:45 fA No. II Charleston and Co lumbia 1:11 p.m. No. II N. Y., Philadelphia Washington (d) ..11:81 am. So, It Murphy and Waynesvllle 1:11 p.m. Ho. itl Murphy and Waynesvllle 1:11 p.m. No. 11 Goldsboro and Ral etgh 7:4 p.m. No. 11 Waynesvllle 9:00 ajm. No. 17 Charleston, Colum bia 7:19 p.m. No. II Cincinnati and Chicago 10:11 No. IS Washington, N. Y. and Richmond .... 1:41 Vo. It Memphis and Chat tanooga . 1:10 No. 41 Charleston. Macon, Atlanta 11:11 a.m. No. 101 Bristol, Knoxvtlle and Chattanooga ..10:11 p. - Through sleeping cars dally to and from New Tork, Philadelphia, Baltimore. Washington, Richmond, Norfolk. Charleston. Cincinnati. Mem phis, Jacksonville, Savannah. St Louis, Louisville and Atlanta and Macon. Through chair oars Goldsboro, and Waynesvllle. "Carolina Special," train 17 an 1, CnarUil,t0II t0 Cincinnati, have full ?vD V . " obmrntion "-.Ping can. trains electrlclly lighted throughout O a TTTLBOIC. STREET CAR SCHEDULE IN EFFECT JUNE 30, 1911 ZILLICOA AND RETURN RIVERSIDE PARK 1:10 and every It mln. until 11 p. m. - 1:46 and 0:00 a, m, and every II mln. DEPOT VIA until 1:11 p. m.; then every 7 1-1 SOUTHSEOE AVENUE m!n- " ,4,B0P Th,B ,WT " mln. until 11:00.- . DEPOT VIA (:00 and every 11 minutes until 11:00 FRENCH BROAD AVI.. p- m. IjjjIqjj 6 (10 a- m. and every U minute till CHARLOTTE STREET ; 00 a. m. then svery II minutes Oil TERMINUS 11:00 p.m. PATTON AVENUE J1J0mMa " mlnuU m EAST STREET c e0 nJ ,rT l m lnut 0.00 a. m. and every 10 minutes till -RACE VIA MERRIMOX l:00 a. m. Then svery II minutes till AVENUE 10:20 p. m. Then every 10 minutes till 11:00 p. m. 1:11 a m. and then svery II minutes BILTMORX till 10:10 p. m. Then every to mln. tul 11:00. last car. DEPOT & W ASHEVILLE Kl and l:00 a. m. aad even 9e VIA SOUTHSIDI AVI. n.ln. UU 11:00 p. m., last car. Sunday srhedule differs In the following particulars: Car leaves square for Manor at :u0 a. m., return 1:11. Cars leave Square for Depot via. Southalde Ave 0:11. 1:10, 7:00,' T. It 1:00 and 1:11 a. m. Cars leave Square for Depot via French Broad Ave 1:11, 0:10, l:4S, 7:11, 7:41 and 1:11. Car for Depot leaves Square 1:41. both Bouthslde and France Rr,4 rtrst ear leaves Square for Charlotte street at 1:41. First ear leaves Square for Riverside 1:10, eext 1:41 First ear for West Ashevllle, leaves Square 1:10, With the above exceptions, Sunday schedule oommene at I a ss, uu eotlnue same as week days. On evenings when entertaluments are in progress at Auditorium the est trip oa oil tines will be from entertainment, leaving Square at regu ar time aad holding over at Auditorium. Car leaves Square to meet It. 'leM trail, IS fntnnfee hfnm afHw of announoed arrlvmX - Carolina Commercial School To every student purchasing a double course scholarship on or before January 30th, at our rogular price, 'we will fur nish Books free of charge. 7 ' ' We guarantee positions to all students taking the combin ed course, who make the required grades in all their studios. Our students have no trouble in getting .positions wheri they complete their courses in a satisfactory manner. WE WANT YOUR STENOGRAPH 10 WORK Our prices are reasonable; satisfaction - given. Special prices on regular work. 1 1 ' ? - If you are out of employment and want to get a position, come to see us. References required. (mSS) PEARL HpUIAN, ; NOV. S-1TH, 1119, Departs for No. 6 Brevard and .Toxaway . . . No. 8. Brevard and Eastern Tlmt Lake 6:10 p.m Lake 9:05 a-m Toxaway No. 10 Savannah, Jackson ville 4:10 p.m. No. 11 Cincinnati, Bt Lou Is, Memphis and Louisville . 1:01 pm No. 11. Washington, N. T., Norfolk and Rich mond . 1:11 p.m NO. 14 Atlanta, Charleston 7:00 a.m. No. 16 N. Y, Philadelphia, Washington (d) ... 7:00 p.m No. 17 Waynesvllle and Murphy a. 1:10 a.m. No. No. 19 Waynesvllle and Murphy . 1:20 p.m 21 Waynesvllle 7:56 p.m No No. No. No. 18 Raleigh and Golds boro . 1:10 a-m 17 Chicago and Cincin nati 7:10 p.m. 18 Columbia, Charles ton 10.25 a. m. 86 Memphis and Chat tanooga . 19:10 p.m. No. 80 Washington, Rich mond and N. ,T... 7:10 a.m. No. 41 Atlanta, Macon and New Orleans 1:10 p.m. No. 101 Bristol, Knoxvtlle 4k Chattanooga ...... 7.10 a. m. V H. WOOD. St. P. A. 201 Igal Building ( , 1 . ,.!!. T I J . v i i Hotel Sterling CINCINNATI, OHIO. Overlooking New Sin ton Park. Every room outside with bath, or hot and cold water. Milk, cream, vegetables from onr own farm. American Plan, $2.00, $2.50, $3.00 and $3.50 per day. R. B. Mills prop., for merly of Hotel Bennett, Binghampton, N. Y., and Grand Hotel, New York City. Sixth, Mound ani Kenyon Streets. GRAND HOTEL and NEW ANNEX Broadway - Slst B trees. NEW XOBK orrx Main Entrance on Slat St t7onenlni w uotk Pa. and Oraa' Central BtaUoas. Ratal 1.M warda "The Samuels" (formerly the aes man), Jamestown, N. T. Open lor business. May II, 1911. Also the Ureeuherst, on Lake Chae tauqua, open July lst-Supt. 1st Write for Quids to New Tork (w1t map) and Special Rats Card, rree WKft W tfmtl.MCBT , HOTEL RAYMOND 43 East 28th Street. (At Subway Station) New York City. European Plan, tl.HO per day and up. Amcrlran Plan, 12.50 per day and up. Apartments aet oniniodallng 3 or more person from 11.00 to .Vuu per any Special rates by the week or month Inspection Invited. Reference sx- hanged. A quiet family hotel, rec ommended to ladles visiting New Turk City alone. Upon request by let ter or telephone 2561 Madison squan messenger will meet you at sta tion. MARK A. CADWELL. HOLLAR the Ford Man W South Main St. Phone 672. CHICHESTER S PILLS , .1111! DIAMOND BAKU, A MMlkaamiilliallateii, Alwdn KdataliM crisis tvmvi FOR SALE QUICK Four choioe building lots in e tcHt residence section , of Ashevillft' 1 Western Carolina Realty Co,; Phone 974 10 N. Pack Sqnara T""w" fmuo end r- f f - I M.IW.W lta7 hr..iA I'lIU la H. iikI il.14 .-niikV h... MM Mlljllu It .t., V Tli AllMr. Itnr f ,M, friiri.L a.ii itl.J ia.Tril DIAduNB linM ril.La. k.a u HOTELS AND BOARDING HOUSES Swannanoa-BerKeley AsheviHe's Most Modern and Up-to-date Hotel Hot and Cold Banning Water or Private Bath in every room. FRANK LOUGHRAN, Owner and Proprietor. THE ONLY FIREPROOF STONE AND CONCRETE UP-TO-DATE HOTEL IN ASHEVILLE. Cafe with popular price), open from a. in. to 10 p. in. Private Dining Room for I-arucs. Our popular Grill Room serves Business ; Man's Lunch, from 11:30 a. m., to 3 p. m. Price 40 cents. ' f Open Day and. Nighty HARRY L. LANGEL and J. BAYLIS RECTOR, Mgrs. Battery ParK Hotel .... ' ... ASBXVrt&B, h. a . : OPEtl THBOrjGHOTTT THB TlEAB, Famous Everywhere CANTON, N.C THE IMPERIAL HOTXL E. M. GFJ RKK SAMPLE ROOMS STEAM HEATED RATES HOTEL AETHELWOLD BREVARD, N. C. Rates, $2 per day. Steam heat Hot and Cold Baths, commercial and tourist Open year round. CHAS. M. COOK. Jr., Proprietor. The ST. JOHN The center of social life John." A most attractive and high class orchestra. ' ST. JOHlf and 8 HOTEL KENMORE Waynesville, N. 0. Open All the Tear Round. Strictly High Class 8ervice Al ways. - . ; KEITH ft WELLS, Proprietors. A. S. Keith . J. B. Well THE, LISBON 62 North Main Large airy furnished rooms with good home cooking. One block from Langren Hotel . 1 ' MRS. FRANK ISRAEL 62 N. Main ; ; ? ; ; Phone 1950 THE OLD TORT INN Old Fort, N, 0., ' L. J. Epley, Proprietor. ' CoDvenli-ntly lucated. near depot, leeommoOatloBe br ilaji, oeek nf nooth. Rt reaaonahle ' WE BUY. ell and Exchange Furniture, s riztures, eto Aihevlllc Furniture 0 Ronth MaIij Bt. Phone 1 1'M Boy your ticket aed five order tot Derceve to ee enecked Iron yei romance to deatlnatloa. C37?aje Trr-Tcr tr.l Tallwaj .ic;ict C.;s tzjzi room, nrr a Ara i v if- C"U-. KB, Proa. ELECnUO UGHTO FREE BATH IX.M Both XIKDISOXYrXLl, V.0. and activity is at "The St. thoroughly modern hotel A ON, Proprietor!. eATTON HOUSE Murphy, H. 0. TVe neat and noat reasonable aoaae la town, rood table, elaaa kaea aad bona cooking. Rataa 11 per day. MISS ROSA PATTCIT XOTEL E3TTLLA ' BBTMOa cm, Headqoarterf for treveltiia atea and lojnbennaa,. Rataa II per day. Hoental rates by tbe avmia, Batk room rree aampla rooma Kallread ln hoaee fronting aoetaer dep. tirery la eenaertloa. A, f. dl ALMA WHKKUCBk PXh a TBI JARRETT SFIUXGI HOTEL dMnrnerrlal and To artel '" Rated 11 1 per ddf. He and Cold Pat. Special Hatea by the Week r. r. ', R. O,