Monday, February 3, 1513 :ix WE SELL SEVERAL GRADES OP COAL But M. & W. INDIAN is best. The other grades of coal are good, and -will measure up to the satis action of many, but M. & W. INDIAN is superior coal. Just good, clean joal. . . ............ Phone 130 Carolina Goal & Ice Company i HUF F IS TO BE TRIED IF INDiCTMENT IS If not, or if He Is Acquitted, Then Brewer Will Be Put on Trial Again. IT'S THE QUALITY AND THE STYLE That has made Patri cian shoes for ladies so very popular. In tan and black leathers; $3.50 and $4.00. Guarantee Shoe Store 4 Soatb Main 61 MM WE WANT YOU TO KNOW this store simple as one that never charges more than the lowest prices. You can trade here with confidence. The I X L DEPT. STORE 22 Patton Ave. Pbone 107 THE ELECTRIC STORE ELECTRIC HEATING PAD, takes the place of the old hot water bottle. Clean, Sanitary and Con venient. No getting up to refill; either of three heats by simply turning a button. Single heat... .. .. ...$5.00 Three heat ..$6.50 PIEDMONT ELECTRIC CO. J. A. TILLMAN - Jeweler. IT North Main e. I carry nice Una of Watches, Clocki and Jewelry, and make a spe cialty of repair work. Patlafactlon guaranteed. Superior court for the trial of crim inal cases began ttrts morning for a three weeks' term with Judge Bragaw j presiding. Most of tho morning ses I sion was given to the selection of the fgrand jury, the judge's charge, the j calling of the docket and the submis ' slona of several prisoners. Quite a number of the cases were continued for the term or nol. pressed with leave, but the docket la still rather full. The cases of most general interest on the docket are those of Wes Brew er, previously tried for the murder of Patrolman McConnell, and John Huff, who was arrested several months ago for the same crime. Brewer has been in jail several months and Huff has been since his arrest. There has been much inquiry as to how these twe men would both be tried for the same crime. A presentment against HufT, which he says is his real name, will be given to the grand Jury at once. If a true bill is returned, which It Is thought likely will be done, Huff will be arraigned and tried two weeks from today. If he la convicted, Brewer will be released automatical ly. If Huff 'Is acquitted. Brewer will be given another hearing. It is claim ed by the defense that they have evi dence from identification witnesses that will result in Huff's release at once the testimony of numerous peo ple that will show that Huff could not have been, in Asheville or near the place at the time of the murder. It is hardly likely that Brewer will be tried at this term. The case will probably go over until the April term. The following cases were disposed of: John Jones, rocking train; pleaded guilty to assault with a deadly weap on: S25 and the costs. Mary Swepson, larceny and receiv ing: pleaded guilty to forcible tres pass; costs. Ray Miller, pleaded guilty of lar ceny; prayer for judgment continued, defendant to appear ar court terms for one year. D. E. Oakes, called and failed to ap pear: nisi judgment entered and capias issued. Babe McCorkle. larceny; prayer for judgment continued for one year. Henry Smith, tried by Jury for lar- cenv and found guilty. The following were drawn as mem bers of the grand jury: F. P. Roberts, foreman: E. B. Garren, A. L. Cauble, H. Sprinkle, D. A. Lashley, S. J. Joyce, V. G. Burnett, R. B. Justice, T. W. Sorrels, W. E. Herren, J. A. Gwaltney, M. Hyams, J. F. White, N. Ij. Fradv. W. Ed. McCall, J. J. Garren, David Moore, J. Tj. Williamson. The clerk of court has received from Governor Craig the commission for Judge Bragaw to hold this court and the next term in Madison. IT SURE DOES PAY TO WASH THE ' j t NICHOLS WAY Your linens last lon ger and look better. Phones 1936-1937. - Asheville Laundry I. A. aiCHOIA, Hgr. SMALL AND ROOM ' ...... SIZE . y . - Rugs BmuClful patterns tiiat ran not be wen elsewhere. We are vxi'luHlve agents for Sonfonl's rlrbrau-d - nuke of rugs and att squares. Tlio best rug on , rurth for the money. ASHEVILLE CARPET HOUSE V i t hurt h Street, phono I2 ( ..ri !! molting liiM Wllh- BREATHE! HYOMRl AND END CATARRH If you really want to get rid of vile Catarrh why not give Booth's HVO MEI treatment a fair trial. Your money will be refunded If you think you have riot been benefited, and on that basis every Catarrh vic tim should start to banish Catarrh this very day. '' 1IYOMEI is a soothing, healing an tiseptic air made from Australian Euculptus and other antiseptics; it kills Catarrh germs and . contain no cocaine or poisonous drugs. Complete outfit, 1.00, extra bottle, if needed, DO cents at Smith's drug store and drug gists everywhere. No stomach dosins just breathe It. CITY NEWS J. N. STALLINGS Noted Baptist Minister and Diluciilor i'uttscs ,i'n,v at Spt'iiccr. Speneer, N. C, Feb 3. Rev. Dr. J. N. Stallings, for more than DO years one of the leading Baptist ministers of the state, died here yesterday, aged 82. He was a member of the North Carolina constitutional com stltutlonal committee in 1876 and was for many years president of the Thomasvllle Female college. One of hH daughters married Mr. "W. A. Lam beth of the faculty of the University of Virginia. WANTS AM here to stay, you will find th'c quality of my goods and my prleet attractive enough to win your trade, and HOLD IT. 25 lbs. best sugar $ 1 . 3 10 lbs. snowdrift , 1.20 5 lbs. snowdrift 60 Tiger Head coffee is a fine blend. rich nnd of superior flavor. Three pounds for $1.00, G. D. ALLISON. Phones 31 and 35. 30o-3t POSITION WANTED by young lady four years' experience as typist, file clerk; also had charge of mailing department Address, care Gazette . News. 305-3L WANTED Smull furnished and un furnished houses. We have more call than we can supply. J. T. Bledsoe & Co., Real Estate and In surance, It North Pack square. Phone 461. 305-3t FOIl RENT Desirable residences on Chestnut, Merrlmon, , Charlotte, Flint, Cumberland, Montford, Hay wood, Asheland and French Broad Automobile at your service. J. T. Bledsoe & Co., 10 North' Pack square. . 805-3t WE HAVE two or three houses that must be sold at once. Let us show you a good home or good invest ment. J. T. Bledsoe & Co., Real Estate and Insurance, 10 North Pack square. Automobile at your service. .. 05-3t WE HAVE A FEW BARGAIN In vacant lots and will build you ' home on easy terms. J. T. Bledsoe & Co., Jteal Estate and Insurance, 10 North Pack square. 05-t WHO 8AID I was selling Flour at cost? 1 am not; the other fellow Is charging you too much. Oet alt the flour you want from me, and com- pare prices. O. D.-ALLISON. rhones 31 and 15. J 30S-1L There was a slight derailment of a freight train near Tryon yesterday, and on this account passenger train No. 9 arrived here about three hours late. . ' Master Mason Wiley, the elglit- years-old son of Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Wiley, fell from a tree In the yard of his parents' home Saturday afternoon and broke his left arm. . Sue Ridge lodge, I. O. O. F will confer the first degree on candidates this evening at 8 o'clock. Refresh ments will be served, This is the night the "mite box" is to be opened. Blue Ridge lodge No. 205, I. O. O. ' V., will meet this evening at 8 o'clock at their hall on Church street to con fer the first degree, after which an oyster supper will be served. A full attendance is desired. Visiting Odd Fellows welcome. The Asheville and East Tennessee railroad will run a car from Asheville to Weaverville tomorrow night for the accommodation of those who desire to see "Honey Boy minstrels" at tne Au ditorium. The car will leave the square just after the performance. The first issue of the Bulletin of the First Baptist church was distributed yesterday. It is a neat little four page folder with a picture of the hurch on the front page, announce ments of work and worship on second and third, and director- of officers, etc., on fourth. The board of county commissioners met in regular monthly session today and the morning session was consum ed in the transaction of routine busi ness. It Is likely that the commission ers will make some arrangements to have the road engineering done, since the resignation of J. C. M. Valentine, which took effect January 31. There will be a mass meeting of the citizens of Asheville tonight at the court house for the purpose of discussing the advisability of having the commission form of government for Asheville, and there will be some decision it is expected as to whether or not tho legislature' will be asked to authorize an election to give the peo ple a chance to vote on the measure. There was a large attendance of Asheville club members present at the billiard and pool contest Saturday night. Malone won both games, hut they were close and Interesting. Tho result of the billiard game was Malone 150, Waddell 68. In the pocket game, Malone BO, Gudger and Cocke, 40. Malone will play billiards and pool tonight at the Langren hotel against picked local players. The bowling committee of tho Y. M. C. A. will meet this afternoon fo select captains for the six teams that will participate in a new tournament to be started on Wednesday night of this week on the association alleys. The last tournament was played by teams of five men each, but there will be only three men to the team In the new tournament. The teams will be delected by the captains at a meeting to be held at 1 o'clock tomorrow af ternoon. Julius Lowenbein, formerly connect ed with the Peerless-Fashion Dry- goods company, has purchased the Crescent Jewelry and Loan company at 16 Patton avenue and will hereaf ter conduct this business, which was established a few months ago by H, L. Flnklesteln. It is stated that the entire store will be Improved and re modeled. A high class of Jewelry, cut class, silver, etc., will be kept, and the loan department will be dis continued. At a meeting yesterday of the vet erans of the Spanish war, Thomas W Patton camp,-It was decided to have a convention of the veterans of North Carolina In Asheville February 20, at which the five camp of the state will be represented! These live camps constitute a division of which John A. Guffey of this city is provisional com mander. At the convention move ments will be inaugurated to organize camps in all the leading towns and cities in the state. Mr. Guffey will soon appoint a committee to arrange for the' entertainment of the dele gates. , . ., ......... , Oft Batorday F. L. Seely, general manager of the Grove properties In Asheville, contracted with . the Roy crofters of East Aurora, N. Y., to fur nish band made copper lamps for the Grove , Park Inn, now ,m process of construction. . It Is said the order will amount to about (6000. It was placed through Victor Toothaker, a represen tative of the company who came here for the purpose, to consult with Mr. Seely as to the number that Would be needed and as to the style that would conform to the archltectuw and fur nishing of the hotel. Liaimers 1913 MOTOR CARS ' Made In Chalmers Shops. LET'S REASON TOGETHER ABOUT PRICE. To you who are considering buying a motor car, we want to offer a few suggestions on the subject of price. They are based on the ex perience of thousands of buyers. ' ""First1 of all: Buy a real car. Don't economize too closely on the purchase .price. Economy Is not' tnerely spending the least money. And buying an automobile at too low a price Is the worst economy ; In the world. If a man Is going to pay $1000 for a motor car, he surely Is not so pressed for funds that he could not afford to add enough more to that $1000 to get him a really high grade motor car a car of genuine ' quality. The additional cost, distributed over the years he will use -' the quality car, Is nothing compared to the satisfaction of owning It from the start.. .:- If you don't get a car of real quality to start on, you will surely want one later. Many who purchase low priced cars graduate from what they buy to what they should have had to begin with. But In doing this they pay from 1300 to $600 for so-called "automobile ex perience."' ' '"', You don't need this costly experience. Save the money. Buy a quality car to start with. Examine the 1913 Chalmers 'Thirty-Six" at $1950, fully equipped, - and see if you really are not money In pocket by laying out the extra few hundred dollars in the original purchase price rather than buy ing a car at a lesser price only to trade It in later on at a big dis ' count. Note these splendid features of the 1913 Chalmers cars: See these cars at our showrooms. Electric lights, Turkish cushions, Nickel trimmings. 4-forward speed transmission 11 -inch upholstery. New flush-sided bodies, Chalmers self-starter. Demountable rims, Long Stroke motor. Big wheels and tires. Carburetor dash adjustment? Spcedmeter. 30" (4 cylinders) . . . . . . ......... ......... ...... ... ,..$1600 Thirty-Six" (4 cylinders) ........ ... ... ... ....$1950 Six," S-passcnger ... ... $2400 Six," 7-passengcr $2600 Thlrty-Stx," Limousine ... .$3250 Six," Limousine ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .. .. $3700 (Prices include full equipment anu lare f. o.'b. Detroit) Asheville Automobile Co. Phone 813 and 814. 15 and 17 South Lexington Are., ' ..-J i -,l, foclHMMMWIMMMIMW Dor ureu auu utmuj, n rt 1 . . CIT I Z j- wear Dr. Keeas vusmpn ouoes, - . Prices $5.00. Snappy, warm J MOST PEOPLE 1 U.i1.t - ana coiiuunuuie , Geo. W. Jenkins. 18 S Main St. Phone 125 J. E. CARPENTER , JEWELER Watches and Fine Jewelry, Watch' Repairing my Specialty No. 8 rack Square - You Know 1 in Asheville use M. & W, ; Coal because it is so very good for the purpose for 5 which it is intended. Phone 40 for a supply. Asheville Coal Co. m99 I I Good Coal whon yon 'hum it have you tried .MONARCH in your heat er, range or grate? ? This good coal will burn where others fail. Sold exclu sively by - Southern Coal Co. Phone 114 10 N. Pack Sq. ELECTRICAL XTUBB3 ? Portable Lamps, Electric Irona and Heating Apparatus . W. A. WA11D 12 Church SL Phon 4. SUITS AND OVERCOATS at cut prices during our over-stocked sale now going on GEM CLOTHINOCO. e PATTON AVE. Laundry (Phone 70 A Trial ia all we ask. We treat your Iaundrjf white. COMMERCIAL PRINTING The kind that makes a good impression on prospection' customers. .: -:. . - i ROGERS' BOOK STORE, 39 Patton Ave. NUT BRITTLE The Fresh, Crisp," Home Made Kind ! CANDY KITCHEN ' NEAR POSTOFFICK BLOMBELRG'S so Cigars, Tobacco, Sporting Goods and Toys. On the Avenue The Cracker With a Mission Dietetic Bran Biscuit, Laxative and Nutritous, all Cer eals, No Drags, per package... ... ... ... ....25c E. C. JARRETT Two Phones 1920 ' Market Phone 473 HOME COMFORT IS THE 'J Tw- FONDEST HOPE OF EVERY WOMAN We make home comfort possible for people of very modest means. Wealth is not a requisite to th is end, nor even atiy considerable amount of ready cash. Learn about our easy payment plan on the purchase of furniture of every description. BEAUMONT FURNITURE CO. 27 South Main Street. ' ; ; STORE BEING REMODELED. CLOSED FOR FEW 7 ;f i 1 - days Watch for opening announcement . ' .- - . .' .-v.... ...... '.-, ( . i( . Lowenbein Jewelry Co. Successors to Crcsent Jewelry Co. 1G Patton Ave. YARD EGGS COUNTRY BUTTER TDETTETTh jDutteJIa. HILLS MARKET "ASK YOUR NEIGHBOR," ' A MINIMUM COST Three in One maximum horse power ARAB HORSE FEED. 19i3 BUICK 1913 As fast as you like, as silent as a summer breeze, as steady aa a' pullman car, as slow as you please, as flexible as steam. That describes the Bulck cars for 1913. . . , We have a car of every model of the Bulck 1911 output ' The fastidious buyer can find a model to suit his most exacting require ments. Tou are Invited to call and examine the new cars. Phone 303. ARBOGAST MOTOR CO. 60. N. Main. BARBEE'S good CIGAR! That's1 My Business. Citizens Transfer Company JUIjIAS woodcock, o . 'FURNITURE MOVING - , 'j Prompt Baggage Transfer Servic. ' - - Endorsed by.C. O. T. and T. P. A. THE GRUNEtt SANITARIUM Ashertue, W. C. No. 90-11 Hay wood street, .. Phone 68 HYURO-TirKRMO-E3JiCIliO and MKCHANO-THERAFT, PIRTIC tor selected cases at Nervousness, Paralysis, Bayfever, Malaria, Asthma, Stomach, Rheumatism, Diseases of Women and other ehronlo disease. The BATHS AND MASS AGE arm.!K.t.0' IZ. totb and OK.NrLKMi.W. Own lis snd TTIaM. TOE WANTED Asheville Cleaning Prissln(r Club has been here satis fying folks for nearly fifteen years, and have satisfied a hundred thou sand people and then some. Phone 8J. J. C. Wllbar. , WANTED To paint your house In side and out; we do a lot of extra fine puperinir. Also calrlmlnlng Hiilrklv done and Vith leant amount of nnllinur flnorn, which Is rleaneil nil IS. I,. ril-.i:i I l-l.-Vt & Hull.' I'lliim 1 V. Astievllla Paint blaw Cow formerly The MIller-Kk-e Paint Co. Icn l'alnl OYSTERS FINE SALT MACKEREL These are fancy New England Shore Mackerel, weighing about two pounds Caught and packed this winter. SO Cent Each ' j ASHEVILLE FISH CO. ' We Ship Fish and Oyntcr by Parcel poxt. Phones 23-289 -315 CITY MARKET Dr. ifeBrayer has moved his offlc to room SOI, Legal building.' Olllce telephone 1S2. V Grant's No. t Pure ri.irt ' t Chmnr Vaw. Irr. phone IK .. it ; -t !Y- -r . ; j It.. Wh'' '!'n b.'s moved hln office to I i A I Iei:nl IHiild- In.;. I !!. .r ii-iin ' '. show you. It PURE HOME MADE LEAF LARD ' Home Cured Buncombe Co. Hams and Bacon STAR MARKET PHONES 19171918-1919 "We are the inecessful Caterers to a Variety of Appetites." PICTUKU FRAMING KODAK FKJISHIMO Kodak films find Amateur Photogrnphio supplies, rtman Eodak Co. Agency Green Bros Furniture Store WHOLESALE AND RETAIL 45 Patton Avenue. ' . - Paying Business for Sale We have for sale all tho furniture and household good of tho Patton Hotel at corner of Put ton Avenue and Lexington St. Clu-np rents, 24 rooind furnished. This' is a hitf bargain and will lie taken soon. ('all , us up for easy terms. Phono 75. Groesi Bit C5 Patton - V J'