EIGHT THE ASHEVILLE GAZETTE-NEWS Monday, February 3, 1913 For Oblong Pin-Cushion 9 r u H St it M DIRECTIONS FOR TRANSFERRING. In taking off these patterns, lay a piece of impression paper upon the material, place line. If the material is sheer it maybe laid over the pattern and drawn off with pencil, as the design will show through. ...... ,r ..... : ; . . ' - i.: : Oblong pin-cushions are nuieli used on the Ions drcssinjf Ktamls. The top and Nittom parts of the cushion are given. Tho dots must he trueed m the hottom also. The wallops should lie well padded and closely button -foiled The flowers, leaves and rib Ihiii are solidly worked in white or colors, with the dots as eyelets and the stems in the outline stitch. When the embroidery Is linishcd the cushion is placed between the two covers and and is laced in with narrow ribbon, run through the eyelets. Full bows of the riblMin are tied at each corner. Mercerised cotton No. 25 or lilo flora should lie used. -t.. ,..(.... . .L , . 25 CENT" D DEhl D DMD Don't pay 50 cents for worthless hair tonics Use old reliable harmless " Dander ine" Get results. Thin, brittle, colorless and scraggy hair is mute evidence of a neglected scalp; of dandruff that awful scurf. There is nothing so destructive to the hair as dandruff. It robs the hair of its luster, Its strength and its very life; eventually producing a feverish ness and itching of the scalp which If not remedied causes the hair roots to shrink, loosen and die then the hair falls out fast. A little Danderine tonight now anytime will surely save your hair. Get a 25 cent bottle of Knowlton's As to Legislation Editor of The Gazette-News: In response to the request of Sena tor Weaver for Information as to what his constituents desired in the way of legislation as stated In your paper a few days ago, I will venture as a plain individual one of the "horny-handed sons of toil" to make a few sugges tions which I believe embody the views of most of our people. As to local legislation In a rapidly develop ing state like ours there is and always will be need of much local legislation to meet the constantly changing; con ditions as they arise and this can not be escaped. At this session, however, there are quite a number of larger problems which our solona seem to think are confronting them and which must be met and solved taxation, ed ucation, railroad control, trusts, refer endum and recall, female suffrage, short ballot, abolishment of peniten GASSY, UPSET? BOWELS SLUGGISH rta.5 ::U...I:. .m . . . i i That awful sourness, belching- of acid and foiil gases; that pain In the pit of the stomach, the heartburn, nervousness, nausea, bloating aftor eat ing, feeling of fullness, dizziness and sick headache, means your stomach Is full of sour bllo your liver is torpid your bowels constipated. It isn't your stomach's fault it Isn't Indigestion it's biliousness and constipation. Try Cascarets; they Immediately sweeten the stomach, remove the sour, undigested and fermenting food and foul gases; take the excess biie from the liver and carry off the Col.stlpatcd waste matter from the bow els. Then your stomach trouble is ended. A Cascaret tonight straightens you out by morning. , , o 0 0 o o 0 0 o o o o o o P K o o o o o o o o o o o o 0 E" FOR FILLING F-- Danderine from any drug store or toilet counter, and after the first ap plication you will say it was the host investment you ever made. Your hair will immediately take on that life, luster and luxuriance which is so beautiful. It will become wavy and fluffy and have the appearance of abundance; an incomparable gloss and softness, but what will please you most will be after just a few weeks' use, when you will actually see a lot of fine, downy hair new hair grow ing all over the scalp. Adv. tiary, etc., etc. Of these the matter of taxution easily takes precedence and is paramount to them all. If they can devise a system that will be Just and equal and satisfactory they will do more than all the legislatures that have preceded them and will thereby prove that the statesmanship of our grand old commonwealth Is Improv ing. As to education 1 am going to offer a few views that may be criti cised, but that is all right. We have universities, colleges, acudemtes, high schools, graded schools, training schools, schools for weak minded, publie schools, private schools, and others which permeate every nook and corner of the state, costing Immense sums of money, a large part of which Is raised by taxes levied upon the property of persons who have no di rect personal Interest in schools, they having no children to educate, yet CASGARETS GREAT! v-r f , 9 or !-. GROWS HI STOMACH SOU s . - J" r I i j m they have contributed for years and years uncomplainingly from a feeling of philanthropy, benevolence, generosity and all other kindred vir tues as well as of state policy until u great many of them have come to feel that even all of these commenda able virtues may be overworked for they believe that when the state takes the jioor mans child at six years of use and gives it four months of in struction each year until it comes to its twenty-first year making in all five solid years' of tuition free of all charge it has then done as much as the body of taxpayers ought to be re quired to do and especially so In view of the fact existing and that will con tinue to exist compulsory law or no compulsory law that not more per haps than one-half of the children for whom it is most, intended and who most need it are not getting the bene llt of It and will not and yet the edu cational forces of the state an In telligent, strong and close corporation, aided by many others who are wildly enthusiastic on the subject of univer sal higher education alike for White anil colored (for you dure not dis criminate) are like the horse-leach crying unceasingly for more more taxes more money and higher cala rles. etc., etc., and they are trying harder to educate the grown folks up to this view than they are to "teach the young Idea how to shoot." Many of the greatest and best men that North Carolina has 'Tver produced never had half the school training that the state is now giving Its chil dren. As to railroad legislation the boys may possibly recall the pathetic nnd enlightening experience that Mr. Glenn and his legislature had with the railroads only a few years ago when he had to make such haste in getting off the tall of the dragon and begging his pardon and humiliating the state by asking said old best to hike up some $17,000 to pay for the fun and Incidentals. The railroads alnt much scart they know their business and pursue It As for trusts, there Is no dentist In the state, I presume, who will take the contract to furnish the teeth that will make one hold "so we all pass." A to the initiative and referendum and recall, why that Is only a little game of "finessing" among the law yers; the people know or care but lit tle' about it. Female suffrage may look good to some of our fe-he-malo friends but I doubt If the great maw of our true women care much about it Let the friends of It send for Col. T. It., he can whoop It up If anybody can. Yes, that Is a good Idea about putting the penitentiary convicts on the roads. Welt managed they can earn the state more than In any other way. As to the Australian ballot, I donf think that anybody except the politician cares much about It And now to return for a moment to the tax matter. If you can pans a law that will make the tax assessors observe their oath and keep the people generally in.m swearing ralcly and hiding their personal property as the new gover nor seems to think they do and If the uncovering of all this property for taxation would as Is claimed cause the treasury fo overflow with money for school and all other piirpoeos. then you will have done a big thin. Suppose ns an experiment you pass a search and seizure law, something f- tor the form of that which our pro hibition friends have, and If thft man who is known to have tl 0.000 In ftirnlhliiK In bis home, and whose iri iM , :,i,,nHilv dlplavs ! or 20 or J'.'i.iM.o m .,w.i Eiv.- in his house In. M eft... In nt f Mm nr Hft( nnd noth '' f"r ' ' Wby then go in on him and confiscate tho whole push.' If as many, cases like this can be found as some think there arc, you would soon ' have to enlarge the treasures' oflice. and if there shoul 1 come a need of such enlargement, then by all means let us have it Hut lastly and paramount as far us this section of the state is concerned to all the matters mentioned above, 1 would call the attention of the three young gentlemen representing Uun comlie county In the legislature to another matter. If they can by any legislation, or agitation, or manipula tion or exploitation, or any other honest means, procure tho Immediate building of a railroad from Ashevllle out through 'north Buncombe, tipper Malison, Yancy and on into Virginia, they will win for themselves laurels that will never fade. There has never been a piece of railroad of equal length built In North Carolina of as 51 U TrCiM.fir.H the newspaper pattern over thi , ' much Importance as this link, and if it can be built this fact will very booh be made to appear. The resources of the section thnt this road would open, would "astonish the natives" an 1 bring unbounded prosperity to all this j mountain section as well as helping Ihe whole slate. Let the legislature pass n good charter and let the state subscribe one half or more of the capital stock and issue its bonds and start this work of construction at once, and it won't be twelve months till it will prove the best Investment the slate, ever made. lo this aul then we can afford to pay high taxes and not grumble. This Is worth to OUT OeOIiIl mnPn fif vmii ft.,.'. efforts than ull the other matteVs of legislation which have, so far, been mentioned put together. So if you want a lifetime lease on your seats in TUESDAY BARGAINS ... " '' ' Visii our Suit Department and see our new display, early showing of Ladies' Spring Suits, new Evening Dresses. Come and see them, they are beauties. No two alike. See our window display. Visit our Ready-to-AVear department for real - live bargains. New spring goods arriving daily. AVe shall place on sale for Monday a special lot of Lingerie AVaists ranging in price from $1.39 to $1.69 our special price 98c. These cuts represent the styles. We have just received a of Serge Dresses in all tlie latest colors, ranging in price from $G.50 to $25.00. .Call and see them. . SHEETS, PILLOW CASES, TABLE LINENS, NAP- KINS AND TOWELS 54x90 Bent Seamless Sheets. .. ....... . . ...... ,35c 72x90 IYppcrell Mills Sheets, seamless'. . .' . .48c 81x90 Popperell Mills Sheets, seamless... ... .... 69c 81x90 Best Sheets.... 73c 99x108 Extra size sheets... 97c t 45 dozen Pillow Cases, tho best grade iicnisti'tciied, size 4.x:i(). Sell at other stores at 25c. This entire linn will lxt placiid on sale at ,,..121-2c 12 1 -2c Curtain Swiss m '30-in. Fancy Curtain 1'ifty dozen Towels, the 'inl... On.' lmn.lrPu $r'..r,0 p.id this, and with a hard, sHrp pencil draw firmly over each the legislature do this stunt and you have it Jan. 29th, 1913. i . J. S. T. RAIKD,' IVter Clldc. Pinching, plodding Potcr Cllde Never spent a cent! He'd never-in an auto ride. No matter where he went. ' Pinching, plodding Peter Cllde Iiliored hard for money, Which went for Joy-rides when he died And left it ail to Sonny. Kvcry Utile Auto. . Every little auto has a number of its own; Kvcry little siren by Its shrieking may be known: Many chaps who go a-speeding 1 On remorse are dally feeding. Swiss... "iru best ever offered, 18o grade ...10c Sre.'i,ls, special . : . .. ...icHc O'er tho coin they're sorely needint But which on their cars they'v blown. "' Juds i -il . i Classified Advertising sells salabl property readily and makes all goo property "salable." ; "SEND ME 2 LOAVES BUT TER CRUST, PLEASE." the many times day plioni message. Butter fJrast lrea is popular because good. Phom 022. ASHEVILLE STEAM ,BAK ERY '. 5 5 and 7 S. Main Street .'111 ' -. ' I

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