Friday, February, 7,1913 THE ASHE VILLE GAZETTE-NEWS. Kill! KOLP - M ii.l'j.i.inini.y .11 ! jl i1 t I A APPLIED EXTERNALLY iKK CHEMICAL CO. Greensboro, INHALED AS A VAPORyf f YT? Adventure . , - - i feWfiji;.'. '-::: rT'' A Romance of The South Seas BY JacrLondom .SYNOPSIS Bheldon, owner of Berande plantation, tbouKb desperately 111, overawe and con trols 200 bead bunting Bolomon Islanders by force of will and weapon. Chief Bele calls with forty men. lie returns Arungs a runaway laborer. Sheldon bas Arunga and Billy wblpped to quell a mutiny. His sickness increases. His partner, Hugnle, and many la Borers die. - .. . .-.-... .; - .. . Joan Lackland, a pretty girl, arrive with her crew ot Tahltlana, Bbeldon be comes unconscious, and she take charge ..of things. ;... - 8b I a self reliant American girl, a lover of adventure, a native of Hawaii and an orphan. Her ship bas been wreaked. She prove to Bbeldon that she can shoot ' She resents ma friendly suggestion, and they quarrel. She makes It plain that she Is not matrimonially inclined. She and Sheldon save two black; women from death.- ;' The savaga laborer demand the women. Bbeldon attempts to discipline them, and Joan shoots a native and save Bis Hie. Bbe scold him for """"nt her shoot. Salan. a savage" dog. 'arrives. THespIt Sheldon's warning Joan goes to explore an Island she contemplate buying, finan cial difficulties threaten Bbeldon, , He fails In love with Joan, left alone by Sheldon. Joan naa trouble with Go goomy and other natives Armed savages arrive, and danger threatens Sheldon and Joan. .: Joan rout (hem with a fake dynamite cartridge, and Batan drive them into trees Their chief la punished. Morgan and Raft have Bbeldon In their power. Joan offer to become bl partner. His mention ot conventionalities angers her. She needs no chaperon, she says Sheldon finally accepts ber a hi partner. Tuilor and Voo Sllz, gbra seekers, arrive a the Martha. Joan and Tudor seem to Interest each other. Bbeldon become Jeal ous. Joan starts for Australia with her crew to buy a schooner, out stops at Uuvutu and buy the Martha, which nas been wrecked, for a mere trifle, ... . game ot morning, ' CHAPTER XIII. TBS KABTHA. ; THET were deep In a I billiards the nest 1 after the 11 o'clock breakfast, when Vlaburl entered ana an nounced "Big fella schooner close up." Even as he spoke, tbey beard he rumble of chain tbrougb hawse pipe, and from the veranda saw a big black paintetf schooner swinging to her Just caught anchor. "It's a Xankee, Joan cried. "See that bow! Look at that elliptical stern! Ah, I tbougbt bo" as the stars and stripes fluttered to the masthead. "Martha, Ban Francisco," Bbeldon read, looking tbrougb the telescope. "It's the first Yankee 1 ever beard of in the Solomons. Tbey are coming ashore, whoever tbey are. And, by Jove, look at those men at the oars. It's an all white crew. Now, whut res Ba brings tbem here?" "They're not proper sailors." .Km commented. "I'd be asbam"l ot au'tv, of black boys that pulled in such a fashion. Look at that fellow In tbe bow the one Just Jumping out; he'd be more at borne on a cow pony." .The boat's crew scattered up .and down the beach, ranging about with eager curiosity, while the two men who bad snt in tbe stern sheets opened tbe gate and cauie up the path to tbe bun galow.. One of them, a tall and slendej- f For Loss of Hair We will pay (or what you use If Rexall "93" Hair Tonic does not , promote the growth of your hair. In all our experience with ItS tonics tbe one that has done most to gain our confidence is Rexall "03', Hair Tonic. W hav such well founded faith in it that we want you to try it at our risk. If it doe not satisfy you in every particular, we will pay for what you use to the extent of a 30 day treatment If Rexall "93" Hair Tonio doe not remove dsi.drufT, relieve- scalp irritation, stop the hair from falling and promote a new growth of hair, eome back to us and ask us to return the" money you paW for it, and we will promptly hand it back to you. You don't aim anything, promise any thing, bring anything back, or in any ' wayubligateyourseir. Isn't that fairf Doesn't it stand to reaiion that we would not make such a liberal offer If we did not truly believe that . Rexall "U3" Hair Tonio will do all we daim for it that it will do all and more than any other remedyr ' 7,' have everything there is a de mand for, and am able to judge the menu of the things w sell. Cus tomers tell us of their success. There sre more sntisfied users of Reiall ! "93" Hair Tonic than any aimils , preparation we sell. Start, a treatment of Rexall "93" i -', Hair Tonio today. If you do, we Ixlicv you will thank us for this advice. Two sise bottles, i()e and (1. lou can buy Roxall "93" Hsir TonJ (a 'this commuiuty only at our store! SMITH'S DRUG STORE . North Ashevllle Tht jr"' Stom Carolina Thm Is a Rem" I" mr7 ""J and city In tlx J'nill BLu. :nil snd t.rr Tlwm ia ilinVnwt K"B linily f,.r n-rlv evnry nrdlrnirsr numi ill u-h rmrm. -mlly ilr.iravl ! parusuiat IU f'.r wUl- h it it rfwuium.'' -'The fll bur. ... America's CiI Copyright, 1910. by Street 6 Smith Copyright, I9H. by the Macmilian Com man, was warf th vm?e trucks mat fit ted him like a semi-military uniform. The other man, in nondescript gar ments that were both of the sea add shore and that must have been uncom fortably hot, slouched and shambled like an overgrown ape. ..To complete tbe Illusion, his face seemed to sprout in all directions with a dense busby mass of red whiskers,, while bis eyes were small and sharp and restless. Sheldon, who had gone to the head of the steps. Introduced them to Joan. The bewbiskered Individual, who looked like a Scotchman, bad tbe Ten tonic name of Von Bllx and spoke with an American accent Tbe tall man In the well fitting ducks, who gave the English name of Tudor John Tudor talked purely enunciated Eng lish such as any cultured American would talk, save for the fact that it was most delicately and subtly ouched by a faint German accent 1 Von Blix was rough and boorish, but ludor was gracefully easy In every' thing he did. or looked, or said. Tbey were on a gold bunting ex pedition. He was tbe leader and Tudor was , bis lieutenant ' All bands and there were . twenty -eight were share holders, in varying proportions. In the adventure. Several were sailors, but the large majority were miners, culled from all tbe camps from Mexico to the Arctic ocean. It was the old and ever untiring pursuit of gold and they came to the Solomons to get it Fart of tbem, under the leadership of Tudor, were to go up the Balesuna and pene trate tbe mountainous heart of Guadal canal while the Martha, under Von Bllx, sailed away for Malalta to put through similar exploration. "And so," said Von Bllx, "for Mr. Tudor's expedition we must have some black boys. Can we get them from your "In the first place we can't spare tbem," Sheldon answered. "We are short of them on tbe plantation as it is." "We?" Tudor asked quickly. "Then you are a firm or a partnership? understood at Guvutu that you were alone, that you bad lost your partner. Sheldon inclined bis bead toward Joan, and as be spoke she felt that be bad become a trifle stiff. "Miss Lackland has become inter ested In tbe plantation since then. But to return to the boys. We can't spare them, and, besides, they would be of little use. You couldn't get them to accompany you beyond BInu, which Is a short day's work with tbe boats from here. They are Malalta men, and tbey are afraid of being eaten,! They would desert you at tbe first opportunity. You could get the Bum men to ac company yoa another day's Journey through tbe grass lands, but at tbe first roll of tbe foothills look for them to turn back. Tbey likewise are dlsln cllned to being eaten.' "Is it as bad as that?" asked Von BliX. ,: ' , . "The Interior of Guadalcanar has never been explored." Sheldon explain' ed. "The bushmen are as wild men as are to be found anywhere in the world today. I have never seen one. I have never seen a man who bas seen one. Tbe Austrian expedition scient ists, you know got part way in before 'It was cut .to pieces. The monument Is ud the beach there several miles. Only one man got back to the coast to tell the tale. Ana now you nave au I or any other man knows of the Inside of Guadalcanar." ' "But gold have you heard of gold?" Tudor asked impatiently. "Do you know anything about gold?" . Sheldon smiled, while tbe two visitors (nine eagerly uooo bis words. "You can go two miles up the Bale suna and wash colors from the gravel. I've done it often. There Is gold un doubtedly back in the mountains." Tudor and Von Bllx looked trlum nhantlv at each other. "Old Wbeatsbeaf s yarn was tftie, then." T lor said, and Von Blix nod ded. "And If Malalta turns oat as well"- " Tudor broke off and looked at Joan. "It was tbe tale of this old beach comber that brought us here," be ex' plained. "Von Blix befriended blm and was told tbe secret" He turned and addressed Sheldon. "I think w shall prove that white men Dave been through tbe heart of Guadalcanar long before tbe time of tbe Austrian expedition." -Sheldon shrugged bis shoulders. "We have never heard ot it down here," he said simply. Then be ad dressed Von Bllx. "Ai to the boyi, you couldn't use them farther than lilnu. and I'll lend yoo as many as von want as far as that How many of your party are going and how sooo will voa start r "Ten," said Tudor) "nine men and myself." "And you should be able to start law efipr tomorrow." Von Bllx said to film. "The lmu should practically Totnbrrow Tfhonid" see' tner'ofrtnT por Honed and packed. As for the Martha, Mr. Sheldon, we'll rush the stuff ashore this afternoon and sail by sundown." As tbe two men returned down the path to their boat Sheldon regarded Joan quizzically. "There's romance for you," he said. "and adventure gold hunting among the cannibals. Aren't yoo sorry you became a cocoanut planter?" What do you think ot them?" she asked. Oh, old Von Blix is all right, a solid sort ot chap in bis fashion: but Tudor is a flyaway too much on tbe surface, yoa know. It it came to being wrecked on a desert Island I'd prefer Von Bllx." "I don't quite understand," Joan ob jected. "What have . you against Tudotr A man of Tudor's type gets on my neryes. One demands more repose from. a man." Joan felt that she did not quite agree with his Judgment, and, some bow, Sheldon caught ber feeling and was disturbed. He remembered noting bow ber eyes had brightened as she talked with the newcomer. i A second boat bad been lowered, and tbe outfit of the shore party was landed rapidly. A dozen of tbe crew put tbe knocked down boats together on the beach. There were five of these craft lean and narrow, with flaring sides and remarkably long. Each was equipped with three paddles and sevefal iron shod poles. " You chaps certainly seem to know river work," Sheldon told one ot the carpenters. ' We use 'em in Alaska, They're modeled after the Yukon poling boats, and you can bet your life they're crackerjacks. This creekll be a snap alongside some of tbem northern streams. Five hundred pounds in one of tbem boats an' two men can snake it along in a way that'd surprise you." At sunset the Martha broke out ber anchor and got under way, dipping ber flag and saluting with a bomb gun. Tbe union Jack ran up and down tbe staff, and Sheldon replied with bis brass signal cannon. The miners pitched their tents in tbe com pound and cooked on tbe beach, while Tudor dined with Joan and Sheldon. Their guest seemed to have been everywhere and seen everything and met everybody, and, encouraged by loan, bi9 talk was larcely upon bis own adventures. . Descended from old New England stock, bis father a con sul general, he had been born In Ger many, in which country be had re ceived bis early education and his ac cent Then, still a boy. he nod re joined bis father in Turkey and ac companied blm later to Persia, bts fa ther having been appointed minister to that country. Tudor bad gone through- South American revolutions, been a rougb rider in Cuba, a scout In South Africa and a war correspondent In tbe Kusso Japanese war. . Be bad mushed dogs In the Klondike, washed gold from tbe sands of Nome and edited a news paper In San Kranclsco. The presl dent of tbe United States was hs friend. ' Ha was eauallv at borne in tbe clubs of London and the continent the Grand hotel at Yokohama and tbe selectors' shanties in tbe Never Never country. He bad shot big game in Siatu. pearled in the Paumotus, visited Tolstoy, seen the Passion play , and crossed tbe Andes ou muleback, while he was a living directory of the fever holes ot west Africa. ' Sheldon leaned back in bis chair on tbe veranda, sipping ' bis coffee and listening, in spite of himself he felt touched by the charm of a man who had led so varied a life. It seemed to him that the man addressed himself particularly to Joan. Sheldon watched her rapt ' attention. listened to her spontaneous laughter, quick questions and passing Judgments and felt grow within him tbe dawning consciousness that be loved ber. Then as If the scene bad been prepared by a clever playwright Utami came upon the ve randa to report to Joan the capture of a crocodile in the trap they bad made for-her. . (TO BE CONTINUED.) THEY COME TOGETHER Backache and Kidney Ashe are Usual ly Inseparable Some Ashevllle People Are Ijearning How to Get Kid of Both. Does your back ever ache? Feel lame, weak so sore you can hardly work? Are you taking the common mis take Waiting for it to pas away? To cure the backache, you must sure the kidneys. The pain may cense, but Is sure to return. You may feel tired, and worn-out ill the time. Urinary troubles may annoy you leadache and dizziness. ' Make up your mind your kidneys leed attention. Bekln taking Doan's Kidney Pills it once. Doan's have strengthened thous inds of sick, weakened kidney. Have driven out kidney bachaches tor good. No Ashevllle reader can doubt the ollowlng statement. ... It's from a resident of Ashevllle. R. I. Mull, 20 N. Main Ft. Ashe--1 lie. N. C says: "The public testl nonlals I save in praise of Doan's (liiney . Fills some years ago still lolds good. I used this remedy when . wa suffering from backache and tains through my kUlney. I obtained ny supply at Smith' Drug Store and hey gave me complete and. perma nent relief." For sale by all dealers. Price Eo ent. Fostor-Milburn Co., Buffalo, Jew York, sole agent for the United Itate. . . Remember the name -Doan's and take no other. ....- . . Adv. CHICHESTER S PILLS X7"iV It'll. I Ah yar nrnlM. ff fA Stir J.:',',:r.-j:i v.iTr?? :.w M sl-il With l'li llihboi, X Ji', j Malhif, Floy f y.r V t unip'i-u n m i mi t irm ' llAiiNr liU4.NI I'll I., ft VS yttt known (is (Vt.Safa-st, Alwtm Krllai I) Co r fv t '-"t en tc r w fii'u mi f, ,'v W ari V. .-i-WlJ Ll4.llMl.ik.tit i'"igi''m ' i "-i imp iMiunft" Mrs nousewi) .xt7a?W cX Tftt VirviTr T"V , POTTO CAma i . money and reduce your monthly household expenses, i Butter is the bugbear on your monthly bills and, with butter at present high prices, it s really extravagance to use butter anywhere except on your table. Discard butter from the kitchen, and use Cottolene. h , Cottolene is better than butter tor cooking; it is richer and will go one-third farther; it costs much less than butter; it will give just as good or better results. Why not, then, try the experiment? o " E " ITD. is a vegetable" fat made from the Durest and choicest cotton oil. It contains not an ounce of hog fat S Cottolene makes delicious pastry crisp and flaky. For frying, it can be heated to a much higher temperature than butter or lard and forms a coating which prevents the absorption of the fat. Buy a pail of Cottolene today and convince, yourself by. trying this recipe: SPICED CLOVERS Sift together two and one-half cup of flour, two thirds cup of sugar, one teaspoon salt, two teaspoons cinnamon and four teaspoons of baking powder. Chop into this one-half cup Cottolene and moisten with milk ontil almost as soft as biscuit dough. Roll out one third of an inch thick and sprinkle with cinnamon and sugar, well mixed, then cut into tiny rounds. Place in three (like clover leaves) in pans and bake is moderately hot oven. Serve warm with butter, honey or marmalade. Made only by THE N. K. FAIRBANK COMPANY Statement of the Condition of THE . fc'V'-.M-r- PAR AM It -J ' a d r til -. Of AshevUle, N. C. At the Close of Business Feb. 4th, 1913. RESOURCES Loans and Discounts Overdrafts Furniture and Fixtures ... Banking house and other real estate . . Stocks and Securities NORTH CAROLINA STATE BONDS : Cnsli in Vault and in Other Bank. . .. . .' ..$ l,r)40,7fi!)..r7 537.58 i.oo 34,000.00 40,200.00 100,000.00 r.07.017.33 , $2,040,543.48 LIABILITIES Capital Surplus frofits . ............. Re-discounts ..... . . Deposits. i ..$ 100,000.00 .; 50,000.00 G3,0fi0.57 41,000.00 l,780,4750l $2,040,545.48 j j Rankin; Casliirr of tlie above named bank, do olemnty swear thnt the above statement is true to the best of my' knowledge and belief. : ' ,' , , ' I J, E. RANKIN, Cashier. ; 1 Correct Attest: 1 James P. Sawyer D. C. Waddell, Jr. " ' ' . Tench C. Coxe Jno. C. Mills F.rwin Kinder C. A. Rnysor C. Rankin . '- ! ' " ' Directors.. Subscribed and sworn to before ma this fith day of February, A. D., 1013. . . .: - - '' Notary Fublic. Jfy Coihmission cxjiires .Tan. 17, 1014. ?' "? O Lu kyo- U.-d t... " .r .t;-' ef.crnoiR