Tuesday,- February 11,' 1913... THX ASHEVILLE GAZETTE-NEWS THRU People's Department Store It Pays to Trade Here ; If j-ou are interested in. buy ing a new spring suit, and de sire the best for your money Bee . People's Department Store Our Suit department for spring is eomplete, and we are featuring a special blue and black serge suit, made for style-wear and to sell ordinari . . Jy at $20.00, for $12.50. In this line we show five different models to select from and competent sales people to serve you. A most beautiful picture. The wash' goods department present an unusually "attrac tive sight, on all sides are to be seen exquisite patterns of h:, .ginghams, Ratines, Voiles,. etc, you should see this beautiful c display, and get our prices. ; , . We are anxious to increase our business and we know how sell for less than the other fellow and the better merchandise. As We Advertise We Sell People's Department Store Health Restored By Eckman's Alterative A Valuable Remedy for Throat and Lungs. If you are a sufferer from Grandular Tuberculosis, or know of anyone so afflicted. It might be well to Investi gate this case, where the writer de clares after a year of suffering he found permanent relief and full re covery to health by using Eckman's Alterative, a medicine which has been effective In many cases of Tuberculo sis: 257 Laruston St., Phlla., Pa. "Gentlemen In Mareh 1909, I was taken sick and my doctor pronounced my case 'Tuberculosis in the Glands.' Medical treatment did not helpf me, and on my doctor's advice, I went to a hospital to be operated upon, but relief was only temporary. I lost strength and at times would have cold sweats and fever. In April, 1910, I re turned to the hospital, but the con tinued operations were not benefiting me. , "In the meantime, a' friend of mine advised Eckman's Alterative, saying it was good for Tuberculosis. The wounds in my neck were still open and in a frightful condition when I started to take it. After using two bottles I found I was Improving, having gained weight, and could eat and was able to sleep. I continued using it until I was able to sleep. I continued using it until I was well, wlhlich was in No vember 1910. Before I took the medi cine I had three hemorrhages since I have , been taking it, I have not had any. On November 11, 1910,1 started to work, and since that time I have not lost one day's work through sick ness. I can highly recommend Eck man's Alterative to anyone wlho Is suf fering from Tuberculosis or Gland Tuberculosis, providing they take it as directed. I will gladly correspond with any party desiring further infor mation of what the medicine did for me." (Sworn affidavit.) JOSEPH B. WHITE. Eckman's Alterative is effective in Bronchitis, Asthma, Hay Fever; Throat and Lung troubles and in upbuilding the system. Does not contain poisons, opiates or habit-forming drugs. For sale by all leading druggists. Ask for booklet telling of recoveries and write to Eckman Laboratory, Philadelphia, Pa., for additional evidence. Fill ii ci iii Stocks, ; Bonds, Cotton, Grain, Provisions, Honey New York, New Or leans, Chicago and For eign Market News. By Associated Press. WALL. STREET GOSSIP. New York, Feb. 11. Activity In creased today at the expense of values. Liquidation broadened as prices went down. Banks scaled down.thelr loans dnd the rejection of less desirable col lateral forced Bales of specialties, which fell abrupUy. Call loans opened at 4' per cent, compared with 3 per cent yesterday. Bonds were heavy. New York, Feb. 11. Virtually all of the active stocks were fractionally lower at the opening. Southern Pa cific was again under pressure and fell ihalf, to 102, the lowest figures of about Ave years. Mexican Petro leum declined a point. Can Bhares showed a further strength. Weakness - of Influential stocks aroused a more positive conviction among bears as to the immediate trend of the market and they extend ed, the scope of their operations. DANGEROUS DANDRUFF Will Make America a Bald- headed Nation if Not Checked. M. Pasteur, the great French Phy sician of Paris, once said: "I believe we shall one day rid the world of all diseases caused by germs." Dandruff is caused by germs, a fact accepted by all physicians. Dandruff is the root of all hair evils. If it were not for the little destructive germs working wih a perslsency worthy of a better cause, there would be no baldness. Parisian Sage will kill the dandruff germs and remove dandruff In two weeks or money back. i . Smith's Drug Store guarantees It It will stop itching scalp, falling hair and make the hair grow thick and abundant. It puts life and luster into the hair and prevents it from turning gray. It is the hair' dressing par excel lence, daintily perfumed and free from grease and stickiness. It is the favorite with women of taste and cul ture who know the social value of fascinating hair. zA. large bottle costs only 60 cents at leading druggists everywhere, and by Smith's Drug Store. The girl with the Auburn hair Is on every package. I DEALS IX DIRT. Joseph A. Tirandl to A. E. Sluder, lanil on South' lnne near the city of A. hrville; consideration $475. :. is. Praytor to S. B. Bishop, land in Avery's Creek township; considera tion $."i0. H. I:. Korlee nnd wife to W. W. ."Molton. land in Black Mountain; con pidrrntion $225. I'. P. Hayes nnd wife to C. A. Crown, land In West Ashcville; con sideration $4 50. Kila K. Thorpe to J. T. Freeman, land in Mountain Retreat; considera tion jwr.o. i:. Vt Wolfe and wife to Hepsle Stradley. land in Beaverdam ward of Asheville township; consideration $500. Hepsie Stradley, R. V. Wolfe and wife to Oscar M.'Coston, land at the headwaters of the Beaverdam creek; $10 and other valuable considerations. NEGRO MAN KILLED Beam Falls mi Nat Purdue at (irove Park Inn III Skull Is Crushed. Nnt Purdue, a colored man aed 70 years, died yesterday afternoon about 6:30 o'clock Ht the Mission hospital IF THOSE WHO NEGLECT THEIR HAIR ,EW THE C0N5E ONLY QUENCES They Would Use Herpicide. The dandruff germ is a deadly ene my fo healthy, luxuriant hair. N" mat ter how thick, heavy and beautiful your hnir may look, tho dandruff germ may be there ut work and very busily too. : ' ' '"' ' Just bo sure a you do not tal, steps to check' the ravages of th Ucrni, just so sure you will sooner or later lose your hair. 1'aWncB.-) may always he prevented by the timely use of. Ncwbro's Ilerpl "icle. TlerpU'idc is sure death to the dandruff Burm. It cleans tho scalp and ullowu tho hutr to grow as nature I Intended. There are no disappoint ments,' unless the hair follicles are completely atrophied, so why put off iv... tcoimpnt until it is too late? Newbro's Herpicide In 50c und $1.00 i. bv all dealers who guar antee It to do all that is claimed. If you are not satisfied your money will be refunded. Am, Mentions at the best barber i,..,, on,i hair dressing parlors. Send 10c In postage or silver to The Herpicide Co., Dept. II.. Detroit, Mich., for a nice sample or Merpicme aim i...,.uiui taiiinir nil about the hair, , oi.iilh' Drug Store, special ugeuis. as tho result of an accident on. the construction work of the Grove Park inn a short time before. Purdue was one of the workmen on the building and a falling beam struck him on tho head, fracturing his skull and In flicting such serious injuries that no medical aid could save him. The accident occurred on the west side of the building where a trestle was being constructed for wagons of concrete and gravel, and four upright beams were being put Into position and held by guy ropes. One of the ropes became loose and the structure toppled over. The negro workman standing near yelled to him to get out of the Way, but the old man either did not hear the warning or could not get out of the way before he was struck on the back of the head. As soon as the accident occurred the injured niun was placed in an au. tomobile and rushed to the Mission hospital, and Dr. A. T. Prltchard was called to his aid. This is the first accident, barring mnshed fingers and minor bruises, that has been suffered by any of the workmen on the structure since the work began early last fall. NEW YORK COTTON New Yorki Feb. 11. Cotton opened steady at an advance of two points on August but generally unchanged to three points lower and sold about 6 to 6 points net lower during the early trading. Evidently there was con siderable realizing, but offerings were absorbed by evernlght buying orders and concentrated trade support. The market rallied and before the end of the first hour was 1 to 10 net high er. CHICAGO LIVESTOCK. Chicago, Fell. 11. Cattle, receipts 3500; steady; beeves 6.60j9.00; Texas steers 6.00(g) 5.86; stockers and feeders 4.75(3)8.60; cows and heifers 3.10 5.70; calves 6.76 10.60. Hogs, receipts 21,000; strong; light 8.00 8.36; mixed, 7.908.30; heavy 7.858.30; rough 7.858.00; pigs 6.108.15; bulk of sales 8.15 (ij) 8.30. Sheep, receipts 17,000; firm; native 4.906.25; yearlings 6.458.00; lambs, native, 7.00 9.00. LIVERPOOL COTTON. Liverpool, Feb. 11. Cotton, spot good business; prices steady; Ameri can middling fair 7.55; good middling 7.21; middling 6.99; low middling 6.81; good ordinary 6.41; ordinary 6.07. Sales 10,000 bales, including 1000 for speculation and export and 9200 American; receipts 48,000, including 32,200 American. Futures opened steady and closed very stead p. February 6.75 February-March 6.74 March-April 6.74 April-May 6.7214 May-June 6.72 June-July 6.75 Vi July-August 6.67 August-September 6.68 September-October 6.40 tjetoDer-November 6.32 November-December 6.29 December-January 6.28 January-February 6.27 SUPERIOR COURT F. A. Hendricks has been found guilty of cruelty to animals, In Supe rior court, the Jury recommending him to tho mercy of the court He has not been sentenced. He was charged with overdriving two horses belonging to the Millard Livery com pany, one of which afterward died. Britt Johnson was given 90 days on the roads for larceny. Fred Weaver was found guilty of retailing. Will Gardner pleaded guilty in two larceny cases, in one of which he was given nine months on the road, Judg ment being suspended in the other. ..lames Odam was acquitted of a lar ceny charge. Charlie Miller was acquitted of the charge of assault with a , deadly weapon. State's witnesses were absent in the eases against Lum Helium and Dolph Nix, and capiases were issued for them. Rebecca Dover was found guilty of retailing. Erwin Whltakcr pleaded guilty of carrying a concealed weapon. Ezell nnd Manson King, charged with disturbing religious worship, were held under bond of $700, collec tively and Individually. v CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE. Chicago, Feb., 11. Twenty dollar pork today formed a notable feature of the provision market. First sales of provisions were 2 to 10c above last night, with May at 19.97' to 20.00 for pork, 10.70 to 10.75 for lard and 10.65 to 10.70 for ribs. Insufficiency of Indian rainfall steadied wheat. Opened unchanged to VCmVt higher. May started at 94 to 94!4, the same change as the market taken altogether, touched 93, and rallied to 94. Big receipts weakened corn. May opened to lower at 6353 and sagged to 63 i Oats were pold. J"KJ ay -started to Vi nown at ro ao anu ieu io 35. ' The provision pit showed decided activity with commission house trad ing especially large, i Profit-taking by holders caused values later to recede from top figures. Packers were free Kellers. Slaughtering In the west during the week totalled 200,000 fewer hogs than a year -ago. trvrt Wheat weakened oh beneficial mois ture In the winter crop belt. Clos ed weak at 93 for May, c under last night. Bearish estimates on farm reserves led to a further corn decline. Clos- ed weak, with May half to cent net lower at 62ff? . BUTTER AND EGGS New York, Feb. 1 1. Butter steady receipts 12,736 tubs. Creamery ex tras 37g38. Cheese steady; receipts 148 boxes; state, whole milk, held white specials 17(R)17. Eggs weak; receipts 12,182 cases. Fresh gathered extras 2627; fresh gathered dirties 17819;chocks 19 T 17. CASH GItAIN PRICES. Chicago, Feb. 11. Wheat No. 2 red 1.09 1.11: No. 2 hard 01v 94; No. 1 northern 924ft93; No. 2 northern 89 !0; No. 2 sprlnc 890190; velvet chaff 85$2; durum 86 92. Corn No. 2 yellow 60 61. Oates No. 2, .13 'i: No. 2 white, 36137: standard 34 35. Ilye No! 2, : ( 64. Barley 50W71. -'- f Timothy J. 00 tff 4.00. j--,; - I Attend This Sale and Save Money Clover 12.00 20.00. Ribs 9.87 if? 10.62. NEW YORK MONEY New York, Feb. 11. Prime mer cantile paper 4 5 per cent. Sterl ing exchange weak, with actual busi ness In bankers' bills' at $4.83.35 for 60 day bills, and $4.87.40 for demand. Commercial bills 4.82. Bar silver 48. Mexican dollars 48. Government bonds firm; railroad bonds weak. NEW YORK STOCK LIST. Close. Amalgamated Copper 71 Amer. Beet Sugar 36 Amer. Cotton Oil 49 Amer. Smelt. & Refining 71 Amer. Sugar Refining 116 Amer. Tel. & Tel 132 Anaconda Mining Co 36 AtcMson 103 Atlantic Coast Line 129 Baltimore & Ohio 101 Brooklyn Rapid Transit 89 Canadlnn Pacific 236 Chesapeake & Ohio 76 Chicago & Northwestern 135 Chicago, Mil. & St. Paul 110 Colorado Fuel & Iron 37 Colorado & Southern 29 Delaware & Hudson 162 Denver & Rio Grande 20 Erie 30 General Electric 140 Great Northern pfd 128' Great Northern Ore ctfs 37 Illinois Central 124 Interborough-Met 18 Interborough-Met. pfd 62 Inter Harvester 111 Louisville & Nashville 137 Missouri Pacific 40' Mo., Kans. & Tex 26, Lehigh Valley 159 National Lead 61 New York Central 106 Norfolk & Western 108 Northern Pacific .118 Pennsylvania 119 People's Gas 112 Pullman Palace Car 160 Beading 162 Rock Island Co 22 Rock lslund Co. pfd 39 Southern Pacific 102 Southern Railway 26 Union Pacific 157 United States Steel 62 United States Steel pfd 108 Wabash 1 Western Union 72 QUOTATIONS Open. Close, REMEMBER This is nil our: regular stock mill not job lots or wimples bought " for Rppqlnl elilo'- pur" 110HUH. '.'... . SAjLE, HHEF PRICE IS ATTRACTING THE CROWDS We are forced to sacrifice our goods because we are heavily overstocked for this time of year and as it is the policy of this store to never carry over merchan dise from one season to another, we inaugurated this "HALF OFF ? SALE", which is proving one of the greatest money saving sale events that the people of Asheville and Western North, Ciirolina hnye had the opportunity to attend. All we ask is that you reserve your opinion of this sale and the values offered until rou have taken time to inspect the wonderful and unmatchnble bargains that we 'are offering in, men's, youth's and boys' wearing apparel. , ; " Take time to investigate. You will gain greatly by buying now. 94 92 90 63 64 CHICAGO GRAIN WHEAT May July September CORN May July September 66 OATS May $5 July 35 September 35 MESS-PORK per bbl. May 20.00 July 20.00 LARD per 100 lb May ... 10.76 July 10.76 September 10.77i SHORT RIBS per 100 lbs. May 10.70 10.65 July 10.70 10.67 3 91 90 53 63 64 4 4 14 19.97 19.97 10.70 14.72 10.80 RIBBON SALE V Wednesday and Thursday 5,000 Yards to Choose From Lot 1. . Lot 2 . . Lot 3 Lot 4 . . , Esta blished 1887 . . .5c Values 3c .71-2 and 10c Values 5c . . . . 12 l-2c Values ... ... ; . . . . .7 l-2c ... .20c and 25c Values . .11c SEE WINDOW DISPLAY Muslin Underwear Sale A Big Success Ask For Stamps Children's gcparate Skirts - Plush coats coats $2.25 $3.98 1-2 Price The Asheville Dry! Goods Co. Armour's Veribest Soups, 9uc doz., 3 dozen for $2.75. Tomato, Vegetable, Chicken. United Grocery Co. Store of Quality 415 North Main Phone No. 1617. PICTURE FRAMING KODAK FINISHING Kodak Elms and Amateur Photographic supplies. Eastman Kodak Co. Agency ROBINSON'S KODAK STORE 3 Haywood $50,000.00 to Loan On Asheville improved business property, in amounts $5,000 and up, five to ten years. Applications considered from own ers only no brokers. Also on Asheville resident property, in amounts $2,000 to $5,000, if close in and in thorough condition. Address Box 682. ' ill3J 310-6. Purest and Best Rumford Baking Powder Wt SCT Sell and Exchange Fnrniturt Fixture, etc A.sntvlll Furniture Co. Ronth Main 8t Phnn 1ft.V HAIR TONICS Delux. Wentphals. Plnauds In 8 oz. $1.00 each. Jap, Rosewood, Eau De Quinine, S ox. 75c each. Preoerve your hair and remove the dandruff. Asheville Barbers Supply Co. 23 N. Main St. NEW TORK COTTON FUTURES. GEM CLOTHING CO. n. C PATTON AVENUE t Little Store With the Big Values." February . March .. . April.. . . May .... June. . . . July AuKUit .. . September October. . Derember , January. . Open. ll.66i 69 12.58fl 51 ii'.ii si 1121 , 1 l.RJfi 4 h.:t7 11.79480 . 11.7(0 R0 Clone. 1!.(B5l li.6S ir. 12.4011 4i 11 40 ft 41 ll.I7f 3D lt.SlOJI 12.15WI7 11.7711 7 11.71W7J 11.71M7J ll.6fh 70 GLOVER MISQUOTED Thf. following dispatch,', from Oeorite Olover, refer to an Aanoelated ITeiw rilMiatrh of yesterday, concern Inn ItlUntlon over the estate of Mrs. Eddy! lat, B. T).. fb, 11. I was not sure and was walling for word from the east. It the case la satisfactorily set tied, I shall do no more. Have In- atrucled my attorneys that It Is sn t!rly In their hands, t was mlaqunt Great Convenience And save bother to have your ba gage checked from your house to des tination. Furniture moving a spe cialty. Phone S10 Asheville Transfer & Storage Company LOCAL PRODUCE WIARKEL PRICES Retail Prices. Rkks 25c: butter 30a, creamery 44. Grain, etc.: Corn, (Oc; oats, 10c; hay 11.35. , . , ''- Peck goods: Bplnarh lOci knle ilOc; mustard and turnip greens SOc; ruta bagas 26c; Canadian rutubafeas !6c; white turnips 26c; white potatoes I Or; native sweet potatoes 30c; yellow ysms S6c; carrots 80c; parsnips 35c; yellow onions 40e; r'd onions 50c; white onions 76. Quart goods: Rrusaels aprnuts 26c; rranherrles 16c, 1 for 26c; white beam 15c; white pea 16c; llmas 16c; clay pea 10c; new potatoes 10c; black yd peas 15c. flunch goods: ftpdlng onions 6li 8c; French endive 30c; ctirlcy letture 6c; head lettuce lOff 15c; new carrots 10c; celery 641 fie; minify 10c; suge 6c; spring beet ISc, t for 25c; red rad OPERA CLOAKS Silk dresses, woolen suits, In fact every kind of apparel for ladles cleaned here under most perfect conditions, and In same manner as best plants In New York or Ilaltlmoro can do them. Our work Riiuran tocd. ASHEVILLE DRY CLEANING CO. l'lionca 835 and '63fl Outin " 71-2 CENT YD. MUMPOWER Sells for Cash, Sells for i; Le?s.- So." Mam' St." iHb.-s 5 flue. Pound goods: Muxhroonis 80c; Hubbard suiiush , 5c; cnbbaKo. JiRSci horse rmliith roots Unj; purple cull baue 5c. . Doaen goods: Hotvouss cucumbers 11.60(713.00; chicory (0c; bell pep per 10040c. . ,. Cauliflower, each, 10010c; egg plant SOftiSc. Pnt'ltry. dressed: Oees !0c: ducks 20moi chickens tOtIOc; turkey m - ONLY CWl "Brotao Quton," that U laxative roir.o Quinine Cure. CoU in One Day, Crtp in 3 Day d.-.