per- csa AzsamLn gazstt2-r3v Thursday, February 13, 1313 Jeff Says a Turk's a Turkey Just the Same By "Cud" Fisher 06 fEN : r- AHOLfcPTA, lOTOF WI0OW4. rXi. J V TuKK TO A0V)K8.1ibS. 'Hgueft. H.rA OF WHAT ' . UXK"& ' MATWAUBUAy Vm-NOWmV Q WHAT ICiTR f ' f I t COU8.D . I " WANTS JOE SALS TOR SALE Good clean newspapers, (or 6 cent. Apply at Gaiette Newt office. . : tf. FOR SALE Several attractive bar gain in lurries and buggies at Pattern Stlkeleather's stables. .. : T8-tf. FOR SALE! A self, propelling, in valid chair. Perfectly new. See N. A. Reynolds, 17 Patton Ave 286-tf. FOR SALE Brickyard equipment: 60 h. boiler, 35 h. engine, drum pul leys, wire rope, clay dump car, 60 brick cars and full equipment for dryer, all pipes, pumps, &c; also pallets and racks, trucks and tools for outside drying. This outfit cost several thousand dollars; can be bought for a song. Part cash, bal. on time. Marcus Erwln. 297-26t FOR SALE A tract of good orchard land fronting on Beaverdam drive. Phone 633. S12-4t FOR SALE A fine apple orchard of .standard varieties for $158 an acre. Also 60 acres mountain land near Asheville for $2400. F. M. Messier. 'American National Bank Building. l-3t FOR SALE An extra good pair of large mules, weight about 2500 lbs. ' Work anywhere.9 years old. E. F. Mumford, Mgr., Rielgecrest, N. C. 313-3. FOE BENT FOR RENT Modern 8 room cottage two blocks of ostoftlce. N. Buck ner. Board of Trad office or T . Aston Place, tf FOR RENT On car line, near square, new ten room house 835. II. L. Flatter, 9 South Main. 296-tf FOR RENT One-half modern house, four rooms; best locality; reasonable price. Apply mornings only. 172 Asheland, 100-tf FOR RENT Unfurnished, eight-room house, large sleeping porch, eastern exposure, $30 - month. Furnished houses from $25 up. Ray-Campbell Company, No. 1 Haywood St. Phone 1281. i 803-tf FOR RENT 2, I or 4 connecting rooms furnished for house-keeping. Also nice sleeping porches. 26 Starnes avenue, Phone (80. tf FOR RENT A few desirable and at tractive offices In the American Na tional Bank building. New electric . elevator. Heat, lights, running hot and cold water, Janitor and elerator . service. Apply at bank for terms. I10-26L FOR RENT One targe boarding house, two five and sis room flats two 7 and I room cottages, all modern and In good locations. O. D. Revel I, 15 Revell Bldg. Phone ,IJ. eod. WANTED J. H. McGINN ESS, No. 44 Market .- street. Tailoring, steam dyeing. cleaning and repairing. Phone 1850. , . tt WANTED Tour notary Publlo work. Residence- 138 Asheland avenue Phone ti. Jaa W. Albright it-e VVANTEn nn nttin In quire of the pressman. Oasette- , news. n BOARDERS WANTED at the Dixie, . 43 Aheland avenue. Rates (4.00 to $8.00 per week. No sick people taken. Phone 132$. 29-3(t WAJtTKD TO LOAIT SEVERAL THOUSAND DOLLARS to loon on improved city property, 8 to t New buildings preferred, Address Box (81. 802-301 WANTED To nd automobile for your silk dresses, suits, coats, furs. fi, to be steam or dry cleaned, properly premed and returned to you t time. Perfect equipment; i Mt help; nixirly IS years exper I. " . J. ('. Wilhar, phone 88. yonr hnmA triors 1 tt-.-. Bud WANTS HELP WANTED BOTS WANTED Boys, yon can earn lots of pocket money selling papers on the streets afternoons and eve nings. Apply at Qaxette-News office. 107-tt WANTED A good Christian home to care for an Infant four weeks old; mother critically ill; satisfactory remuneration. Address W., P. O. Box 311. 812-3t WANTED FOR V. 8. ARMY Able bodied unmarried men between ages 18 and 35; citizens of United States, of good character and temperate habits, who can speak, read and write the English language. ' For information apply to recruiting of ficer, 301 West Trade street, Char lotte; 3 South Main street, Asheville; 330 South Elm street, Greensboro; 313 V4 South Fsyettevllle street, Ral eigh, N. C, and 1522 Main street. Columbia, or 167 West Main street, Spartanburg, S, C. WANTED Lady canvassers for work in Asheville and suburbs. Pleasant work, good salary at beginning to right parties. Those with experi ence preferred but will give other trial of they are willing workers. Give reference and state past em ployment. Address "Lady Can vassers," care Gazetta-NeWs. 313-3t. MISCELLANEOUS SHOES called for, repaired and re turned promptly. Gilmer Bowden Phone 1817. 31 East College street 123-tt THE SAVANNAH INN 223 Patton avenue. Large sunny rooms, all newly furnished and home-like, with delicious home cooking. Rate! $7.00 to $12.00 per week, $1.00 tc $2.00 per day, $4.00 per week foi table board. MRS. O. R. KESSLER. Proprietor. 164-tJ WANT TO EXCHANGE. A seven r im house and 2$ acres of land, water in the house, fruit trees of alb kinds, will exchange for hous and lot in Asheville. Western North Carolina Realty Co 10 North Pack Bo, J. W. Wolfe, Bee and Trees. 'Phone (74. NOTICE Notice is hereby given by the mayoi and board of aldermen of the city oi Asheville, as required by law, that tht city engineer has made a survey and filed his report in the office of the cltj clerk, showing the amount of work done and the coat thereof in the mat ter of paving and otherwise improving Pearson Drive and San tee street from end of Macadam to Thomas Settles', In said city, and also showing the name of each abutting owner thereon. the number of front feet of each lot and the pro rata share of cost of such street improvement to be assessed against such real estate. And notice is hereby further given that at the first Tegular meeting of the said board of aldermen, to be held after the ex- poration of ten (10) days from this date, said board of aldermen will con alder said report and If no valid ob jections be made thereto the same will be adopted and approved by said board and the liens and assessments of said board of said street Improve ment will then become complete and operative. Asheville, N. C, Feb. 3. 111$. V L, W. TOUNO, 30-10t City Clerk. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING place your offer before most of the people la this city to whom It would have any real Interest. SERVICE BY PI HLICATION. NOTICE. North Carolina, Buncombe County In the Sunt .'or Court J. A. Calloway, vs. Bessie E. Callowsy. Notice. The defendant above named will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced In the Superior court of Buncombe county for the purpose of the plaintiff's de manding an absolute divorce of the defendant; and the said defendant will further take notice that she Is required to appear at the term of the Superior ciwt of said county to be held on the first Monday after the first monday In March, which is Mnrch J, A. D. 113, at the Court Mourn in said county, and answer or domur to th complaint of the plain tirr. In raid action, or the plaintiff will Bl'plv to (be romt fur th ri-llff de- IBS it; at 1 it (t - TONIGHT AT 8:30 tt t David Belasco's "The Woman" 5 . (t t SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 15, S Mainee and Night, t ff, ' "Officer 666.- K t t t S It at It It It K It H t d t t "The Woman." The following comment of "The Woman," which comes to the Audi torium tonight, and was taken from the Charlotte News of last Tuesday: "A virile plot combined with inter pretation of the ibighest order gave 'The Woman,' which was presented at the Academy of Music last night, a foremost rang among the attractions of the present season. "In the first place William C. de Mille has written a drama which grips in the old-fashioned sence of the word. The thing bites down hard and the feeling at the final curtain is re great that artistic- limitations forbid further prolongation of the story. It has all the genuine atmosphere of big politics familiar in 'The Man of the Hour' and 'The Gentleman from Mis sissippi,' but it has as well a 'punch,' so to speak, not observable in cither of these. Should the program makers desiro a proverb or two to serve a THIS BOOK ISJREE The Mysteries of Hypnotism and Personal Magnetism . Revealed.' Herbert L. Flint, one of the best known hypnotuti in the world, hat just published I remarkable book on hypnotism, personal magnetism and magnetic healing. It it by hr the most wonderful and comprehenrivc treatise of the kind ever printed. Mr. Flint hat decided to give, for a limited time, free copy to every person sincerely inter ested in these wonderful sciences. This book it based upon years of practical experience by a man who hat hypnotised more people than any other one person. , You can now learn the secrets of hypno. tism and personal magnetism at your ows home free. nxrs ccuicr cr nm:cr:i 1 Lj tar.' oa x a omq nsx. , ffrpnotiVni tnngtbn jmtr memory aM vtM joiir will. U TtnimiH babfuiMui revive bof, tiniiilatM nibltjo bimI detlcft tn-tloa to tnetwl. It kIvm that lf' fxni'tfiM-v whli ta rMtoiVa you to onurtnr po)4 uf jrmir nal worta. It mitmm yon tha kf tf Iha lunar arfrvta of Bilnn control. It atiabiW 7m to rontrol tba trsoavhta and art Ion ol nthm. nbl fo atv tenia ltd thla Wrtitd at4 fojaterim tw-lfiicw, voa run plant aiialluua in huBMia niiKla whfra will ba rarrltxi u( ls a Amj or f a jr bwtv. - Vr mr tiad kahita and dlia In fonraHr and othra. Yon rta rnra yourswlf of iiMnairila twrvvtia na and btMiiMHM or fiomatl wvrtr. Yu con iiipantan(Mii tafpootlM ppl with a Br citiiir of th aya wiinat ibmir knowIMp- and Mmrfnilf nflttetvw tbm to Ao aa roa dectr. Vera rmm 6 t M to a too rrelmw d.- rn mnf nnalral ot rlrauiatlc tlnt f'm mf bvs, Yon rmm IncrrBsja yutir teltitillilff or rllrroTtn iMtwora. Yon i-a fra liiriiiii.f nrwl funnf htiA nntte antTtiitniiMtnia. Yoq run win tl jtwl avfiiaaiiitg f tlftxlaijln f tl'- Hw Iro. Vim prwtf-t yiMiratf Braliiat tM lit. ot tiiira. "O "a few- a fluarsrit l an.ffta and bn racuguiad aa m uwer la uul .tHi.munllf. I I'.ie lwk nf fUnfa M rU rn bw td l--"'i tlitt asvrrct nf al' a V'-.--" I' '"fJ V .. i f, r --It mm SCHLdO&S THEATRE CIRCUIT 5 ; DAVID BELASCO Sends Asheville Another Triumph. THE WOMAN By William C. DeMille r. S51 NIGHTS IN NEW VORK 157 NIGHTS IN CHICAGO ORIGINAL BELASCO CAST and PRODUCTION Two carloads of magnificent scenery. Prices 50cf 75c, $1 A I1.D0 First nine rows $2. Tickets now Belling- at Whitlock'o. a text to place above the cast of char octers, they would not have far to seek. With reference to the strictly political phase of .the plot, 'Hoist with their own petard', sums up the situa tion. In regard to the more personal and private complication, the 'woman' herself could hardly fall to recall in her hour of bitterness the ancient warning; 'Be sure your sin will find you out.' The two themes are skil fully Interwoven In a play that exhib its no weak points and a multitude of itrong ones. i "Mr. Belasco evidently thinks well of this particular offering:, himself, judging from the talent he has put in the cast The presentation -was smooth, clear-cut and intelligent and was marked by the most delicate ap preciation of the litfhts and shadows of the various characters. Beginning as a politico-comedy pure and simple, it rose to the height of sheer tragedy and In no part of the work was the real ability of the, cast more clearly visible than in the few moments that followed the revelation of 'the' wom an's real Identity. These were no mock heroics set to make the audi ence laugh, aa the women's 'weeps' had done an hour earlier. This was the irretrievable debacle of the hap piness of a household. And the point came across the footlights with, all the clarity of a flash of lightning. "To commend the cast Individually would be unfair, unless the complete list were given, for there were no weak spots. Naturally, Miss Marjorie Wood, as the little telephone girl; James Seeley aa the machine boss, and Austin Webb as his son-in-law, shone by reason of the great oppor tunities their roles offered, but the work done in the' lesser parts was fully as careful, finished and enjoy able." Prices range from it cents to $1.50; first nine rows $2. , ; ' ' "Offices' . - Don't miss "Officer 668" when it comes here next Saturday. Prom all accounts It is one of the most delight ful, poignantly absorbing and cleverly constructed plays that have been placed on the American stage In many years. "Officer 888" is a farce with many mysterious and not a few melodra matlo moments, but It ts said to be substantial In extreme and construct ed with more fineness than the noun farce Implies, which, accounts for the gusto with which It Is being enjoyed by i metropolitan audiences In New Vork and Chicago. "Officer 866" will be seen at the Au ditorium on next Saturday for a mat inee and night performance. The night prices will be from 60 cents to 11.60. Matinee prices 60 cents to 81. Children 26 cents to sny seat. Tick ets for both performances are now soiling at Whitlock's. Vnrunventlonaltties. "Squlnchley, soma of your friends say you're not as big a fool as you look, but you are." t "If you'll glance at that dollar watch of yours, Mr. IJngerlonger, you will find It's about time to say good night" . "You bavs dropped In on me, old top, I suppose, because you've been kicked out of all ether places.' "Yes, I saw what the paper said about you this morning. Bingo. They called you a sponge, a dead beat and a walking confidence game. Worse than that they proved It on you." Chicago Tribune. Unfortunate. "Poor Jones! Life to blm Is Jutt one crape after another." "Unfortunate, eh?" Tnfurtunate enoiijh. lie hi to shave twice a J:iy." Eostuo Tran- 1 I Tonight . s ., Hi V 11 i THfcATRS CIRCUIT SATURDAY, FEB. 15 MATINEE AND NIGHT COHAX A HARRIS Presents OFFICER 666 Farce by Augustln MacHugh. . A Laugh that rolls Into a thousand PRICES: Night 60c to 81.50. Mati nee, 60c to 81.00, children 26c, any seat. Tickets at Whitlock's. Great Convenience And save bother to have your be gage checked from your house to des tination. Furniture moving; a spe cialty." " Phone lit Asheville Transfer ts Storage Company Wl BUY Sell and Exchange Furniture, fixtures, ate Asheville Furniture Co. . SI South Uaia Zt Phone 1X31 REAL ESTATE WANTED Farm ot 20 to 80 acres near Asheville to exchange for Im proved Asheville property, consisting of house and,loL Call. ' Burn Realty Co... Phone 1346 Room I. CitUens Bank Bldg. Hotel Sterling CINCINNATI, 0IIJ0. Overlooking New Sin ton Park. Every room' outside 'with bath, or hot and cold water. Milk, areara, vegetables from our own farm. v American Plan, $2.00, 12.50, $3.00 and $3.50 per day. . B. B. Mills prop., for merly of Hotel Bennett, Binghampton, N. and Grand Hotel, New York City. . ' Sixth, Hound and Kenyon Streets. HOTEL RAYMOND 41 Fjwt JHlh Slrwt -(At Bubway giallon) Now York aty. KaropesD Plan, II.RO per day and op. AmerVon llan, 12.60 prr dny and up. Apartments sit oinmnilHtlng t or moro wrwns from $t.()0 to t.0() per day Ppeclal rRtes by the wo or month, Inspection Invited. Hcfrnire chsngKil. A quiet fnmiiy hotel, rr omrm't!!'l to lfl"!e o '.: Npw HOTELS AND BO SwannanoaBerlieley AihevillVg Host Modern and TJp-to-dat Hotal Hot and Cold Banning Water or Private Bath In every room. FRANK LOUGHRAN, Owner and Proprietor THE ONLY FIREPROOF STONE AND CONCRETE UP-TO-DATE HOTEL IN ASHEVILLE. Cafe with popular prices, open from a. to. to 10 p. m. Private Dining Room Tor Parties. Our popular Grill Room serves Business Man's Lunch, from 11:30 a. m., to 3 p. m. Price 40 cents. . Open Day and Night. HARRY L. LANGEL and J. BAYLIS RECTOR, Mgrs. Battery Pari! Hotel - abhevuxbC w. v OnCX THROUGHOUT THE TEAM, Famous Everywhere4 canton; n. c. THE IMPERIAL HOTEL B. M. GEI VIUB10 BATtTPMD ROOMS BTKAM HKATKD v KATES ll.M HOTEL AETHELWOLD BREVARD, N. 0. Rates, $2 per day. Steam heat Hot and Gold Baths, commercial and tourist Open year round. CHAS. II COOK Jr., Proprietor. The ST. JOHN n The center of social life and activity is at "The St John." A most attractive and thoroughly modern hotel A high class orchestra, ' ST. JOHN and SON, Proprietors. . : HOTEL KENMORE; V Waynes ville, N. 0. Open All the Year Round. Strictly High Class Service Al. ways. . ' KEITH & WELLS, Proprietors. A. S. Keith J. B. WeUfi . THE, LISBON . 62 North Main ' Large airy furnished. rooms with good home cooking. One block from Langren Hotel. ; ' MRS. FRANK ISRAEL 62 N. Main Phone 1950 PATT0H Uurphy, N. C. The best and most reasonable house a town, good table, clean beds ana home cooking. Ratae II pr day. UIC3 ROSAPATTCIt WE3TDALS IIOTZL Brysoa City, 17. C. Near depot, nil newly fur nished. Rates $1 per day. Hot and cold baths Transit trade solicited. S. L. TZACUn, Trop. A. ! f" e, - ARDING HOUSES KR, Prop. sTOJCOTRIO LIGHTS STBEa BATH Both COTZL LM-LLA EaTboa cmr. Headquarters for trarsUng snes and lumberman. Rated 88 per da Special raUs by the month. Bata room 7rM Mmnli rooms. RallroaS eating boose fronting gouthere desoa LJTtry tn eonnectlon. A.W. AM A WUEOJCm, frov nm jarrett srnisos norw ' CVwnnwmlal and Tourist Rates 11.08 per day. Hot and Cull Baths. Special' Rates by the Week 0' Month. R. r. Ar.-"TT. liuun t-.yiK - "i T " 4. i V A- A " r:: triiitiilf'd In ail, I rnm in Int. S'Tlj.t York C"r nlune. X'vn r.-i -. t Iv l.-t I

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