f luii ....... m.. . Lixi. CUR CUSTOMERS , SAY: "I like yohr M. $ V. INDIAN coal because it is so clean and free form slate and dirt." Full weight, prompt 'delivery. Good, clean coal.' ;? -.- , ;-Ouw ; . GcroilsaCcol&Ice 1 SOTELMER; ctytvews 5 IDEHT1FY HUFF Born to Mr. and Mrs. Hex. T. Boa tick of Portland. Ore., a daughter. So Swears Some of Witnesses Je8tlc' Others Swear Hs Is Not . -. - t' . . the Right Man. It ia stated that the name of the new theater on the corner of Market and College streets will be "The Ma- II J. G. Merrlman et aL has Instituted suit In : Superior court against Sarah J. Hughes et als. seeking the recovery of $600 represented, by a note. . - MEN'S OXFORDS ix A few of the early numbers re now seen in our window. There's a; snap to their lines that stamp them as leaders in i. r - jftyle. $3.50, $4.00 and $5.00. Guarantee Shoe Store 4 toatb ItalB M. There was a fire In West AshevIUe vesterday, when a four-room dwelling ' house was destroyed. The house was I . . . W . V. . . AH J mna r I l"e property ui v-ci ij - WITNESSES REFUTED unoccupied. . TESTIMONY OF STATE'S I WE WANT YOU TO KNOW - this, 6tor sipjpty as one tliat never charges more than the lowest prices. You can trade here with confidence. ': ' ' The I X L DEPT. STORE Ik l Pat ton Ave.: Phone 10T f. J. A. TILLMAN Jeweler, 17 North Main St. , I carry a nice line of Watches, piocks and Jewelry, and make a spe cialty of repair work. Satisfaction guaranteed. ' . ; THE ELECTRIC STORE CONSTRUCTION DEP'T Jtad you thought of the inconr yenience you have by not hav ing the proper switch and light arrangement. . ? TAKE ADVANTAGE OP OUR EXPERIENCE. IT WILL COST YOU NOTHING. PIEDMONT ELECTRIC CO. PROOF OF THE PUDDING t ,: ;r. J Is in' the-j.ing; proof; of the 8uperibr.fy!of laun- t dry work done the NICHOLS WAY Is in the wearing of it linens last .longer" done the Nichols way. Phones 19.'5G-1937. 1 Asheville Laundry $. A. JTICHOL, Mgr. 4 dottes It 'A game of baseball has been ar- " ranged between the teams of the Cant. Fred JoneS Quotes For-"Ashevllle High achopl and the Ashe iville club, which will be played at hieF "Statements "of Sev.oates park on April . ; eral of the Witnesses. At the Washington's birthday cele bration of the Normal and Collegiate institute this year, Zeb F. Curtis will address the students Institute on The state rested In the Huff case i "George Washington, the Man and the this morning after the Introduction .Cltlxen." of three witnesses and the defense be-I .''' ' gan the introduction of evidence. I G. W. Taft, who has been a clerk at None of the state's witnesses examin- the Langren hotel since Its opening, ed this morning was positive that the has tendered his resignation, effective March 1, and will go with Harry I Langel to Fairfield inn. There was a hearing this morning prisoner Is the men wanted for the killing or Officer McConnell several months ago but the general trend of tho testimony wan that he looks like the man. n. H. Webb, who was one at 11 o'clock before J. M. Westall, of the strongest witnesses for the de .referee, in the dase of Scott Lumber fense in the trial of Wes Brown for company vs. J. E. Whiteside and wife, the same crime, maintaining that 'Several phases of the matter were Wes. is not the man he saw shnot.,aKen UP uwposea m. McDonnell,' has Tiot yet been on the stand. It is expected that he will be one of the most Important witnesses for the state, as- he said that he examined closely the man who committed- the i crime thinking! that he might be called: upon to testlfy.-cen- cerning ,the negro ; who was at the time wanted for stealing some cows. Si Huff, colored, was the first wit- There will be a moving picture ex hibition In the Parish house at Bilt more this evening, to which the pub lic are invited. Bihlcal subjects and others will be shown. One subject win be the George Kepuhlle. I The young child of Patrolman and Mrs. E. A. Hall died yesterday after- kiiown the 'man who killed the of- Services were conducted this afternoon ncer"and that the prisoner is' not tne . at Z o clock man, neither is wes Brewer, captain Fred Jones of the police department went on the stand an refuted the testimony of Hugh' Frady, . J.. D. Bourne and Susie Morris, strong wit nesses for the state on the stand yes terday. ; Captain . Jones said Frady told him Wes Brewer Is the man who stole the cows; that Mr. Bourne said If Wes Is not the man, he would never be caught; that Susie Morris declar- from the - residence, 9 Summit street, and Interment was made at the West Asheville cemetery. ' The regular weekly supper and Bible class for boys will be held at the T. I. C. A. building tonight from 6:30 to 7:S0 o'clock. Secretary Brown will teach the class and an excellent sup per has been arranged. All boys of the city, whether members of the as sociation or not, are Invited to be ed that Wes Brewer's picture was present, r.c, ' . ' the picture of the John Huff she i 1 ' ' ! ; ." knew in Henderson county. Philip S. Henry, who Is now living Mr. Haydock- was called for the. in Washington, has been commission- purpose of Identifying some articles ( ed by Governor Craig to represent the which he thought had been stolen frfltn him a few hours after the kill ing '.and which were found ,i at the boarding place of .the murderer., 1 .Several of the witnesses for the de? fense are positive that Huff is not the man wanted and some of them think Brewer Is.' ' G. W. McAbee and Will Robinson, who saw. the murderer.- at, weDD s store, are positive that he Is not the prisoner. Mary Coleman, uranviue Coleman, colored: with i whom the murderer boarded in Henaerson county, and Hattle Green, wno' Knew him . there, declare the. prisoner is not the man they knew. There were-a few other witnesses but their testimony did not appear to be very material. The feature of yesterday afternoon a hearing of the case In which John Huff .Is charged with the' muraer oi Patrolman E. C. McConnell. wu the testimony of three witnesses who said they saw the shooting of McConnell and who Identified the prisoner as the man who did It These were Joe Spain, Lois Toung, a colored girl, and J. D. Bourne, who live near the place of the tragedy. Spain said he came to Asheville from the country with the negro who killed McConnell, and the negro was driving some cows; that he bought one of the cows. He saw tne arrest of the negro for the larceny of. the cows and saw him shoot McCon nell. He waa positive the defendant is the man. J. D. Bourne and Lois Toung were near the store of D. H. Webb, where the killing took place. Both were sure that Huff Is the man wanted. . :-. state at the memorial exercises to morrow to the American Indian at Fort Thompklns, . N. ' Y., where a handsome monument is to be -erected. President .Taft will be a member of tne party,, which will be conveyed to Fort Tompkins on a wardship. 1 The postof flee will be closed, to morrow in commemoration , of the birthday anniversary of George Wash ington . The, windows will be kept open, however, from S until 10 o'clock in the morning. There win , be the usual morning delivery of . mall by the city carriers but no afternoon . deliv ery. , There will be no rural delivery whatever. ; - :-. . .',.-, , , ... . :- Reputy Collector Dobson and Spe cial Employe Nltier have reported to Internal Revenue Agent R. B. Sams the selsure of a wagon loaj of un stamped whiskey In - Henry county, Virginia, and Deputy 'Collector Henry and Special Employe Kanips have made a report of the selsure of an Jiialmers 1913 MOTOR CARS i ,Made In Chalmers Shops, Chalmers "Thirty-Six" Brakes Larger in Proportion to v v f Weight than Locomotive Brakes. ; y ' ! The experienced driver of a car realizes that upon no port of the mechanism does the safety of driver and passengers more often de pend than upon the brakes. ; - - Chalmers "Thirty-Six" has more braking surface. In, proportion to weight than the biggest locomotives. , ; . , One of the largest passenger locomotives weights . 141,000. .' pounds.' It has a total braking surface-of 1080 square inches. That means that "every square Inch of braking surface has to care , ' for 225 pounds of weight. V . ', ' "; . As against this. compare the brakes on' Chalmers "Thirty-Six' . The "Thirty-Six'' has 856.0 square Inches of braking surface. A fully equipped "Thirty-Six" Touring car filled with gasoline and oil, weighs 1637 pounds. ; , That's one square inch' of braking surface for every 10.2 pounds ? of weight. , 1 ", . . ' Actually more than 20 times as much braking surface In pro portion to weight, on a Chajmera "Thirty-Slx' as on the largest and most modern locomotives. - . , V The same care used In designing and building Chalmers brakes, has also been used In every part of Chalmers cars. .Chalmers 1913 cars offer the maximum in comfort, convenience and appearance. Come' and see ihese cars. Lenrn first hand about all the features .which have made this "another Chalmers year." . , "Thirty-Six" (four cylinders) ......... . ......... $1950 v"Slx," 5 passenger . ... ................. $2400 "Six," passenger... . ... . ? $4(100 . . '. , - - (Prices include full equipment. Asheville Automobile Co. Phono 8t3 awl 114. IS and 17 Sontta Lexington Ave. Tor tired and acLk IVel wear Dr. Keeds Cusliiou Shoes. Prices $5.00. Snappy, warm and comfortable. - , Geo. W. Jenkins. V 13 S Main St Phone 125 J. E. CARPENTER JEWELER. Watches and Fine Jewelry, Watch Repairing my Specialty ,' f No. 8 Pack Square . Pride of the Grate MONARCH COAL Don't be annoyed by clinkers and great quan tities of ashes use MON ARCH BLOCIC. This good coal burns freely to iv clean ash. Try '. it in your grate. Southern Coal Co. Phone 114 10 N. Pack Sq. CHVICI L.L x pehfohi.ihd . Ia the way to judge people and things; the coal that heats perfect ly for every use, that is tie coal to use. M. & W. COAL has performed the service : satisfactorilv for the majority, of coal us ers in Asheville for many years. Phone 40. AsheviOe Ccd Co. Stea)98?9ftftttCi.. ;, ELCTICAL riiTU-ia Portable Lamps, Electric Irom and Heating Apparatus. W. A. WARD 12 Church 81 : . Pbo 44. SUITS AND OVERCOATS at cut prices during our over-stocked sale now going on ' GEM CLOTHING CO. PATTON AVE. PARCEL POST GUIDE of The United States t Containing complete list of post officer with limit of area, accompanied by a, map of the United States. Price' 25 cents each. f .: ROGERS' BOOK STORE. 39 Patton Ave. FRESH S NOUGAT CANDY KITCHEN HAYWOOD BTKKKT NEAR POSTOFFICB THE MARKET OF CLEANLINESS THE MARKET ' , ATTRiWTIVE and APPETIZING Serve one of the following Specials obtained at HILL'S MARKKET " , i c Crown Roast of Veal . LAMB ROSETTES FILLET . OF BEEF, BONED TURKEYjILLETT OFVILXL. " ,,v Grown Roast of Lamb HILL'S MARKET Phone 4 359 7 : ' ; ' ; f Ask your Neighbor ox-cart load ot a similar kind Franklin county, Virginia. In FRESH VEGETABLES 'pp our lino of ' tat:: zbou ' ' ; t."d r.co:i ; GLAUDE GQODLAKE GEI5 EIGHT YEARS Just before court recessed at noon todky Judge Bragaw sentenced Claud Ooodlake to eight years In the state penitentiary. The defendant was found guilty yesterday morning of carnally knowing a girl under the le gal age of consent Euba Luther of the West End section, who committed suicide last April, and left a note say ing Ooodlake waa responsible for her ruin. Ooodlake has appealed to Bu preme court and was required to give bond In the sum of 14000. - T. W. C. A. Gymnasium Demonstra tion. Friday, Feb. 21, at t p. m. Ad mission -25c. For benefit of the Sum mer Camp, -2t ; The two basket ball games In class A of the Y.' M. C. A. league scheduled (or last night proved to be among the n.tt interesting and fastest of the season. In the. first, , the team of Hunt defeated, that of Shuford by the score of 16 to 14, Chllds and Hunt starring. . In. the second contest, the followers of Bollng overwhelmed the cohorts of Wheelr, piling up a score of 31 to 24, ' In this game the par ticular stars we're Lyda, Jordan and Palrd. . 1 ' The Riverside .'club house which Is conducted under the auspices of the Y. M. C. A. announces that the men's meetings will be held .every Sunday afternoon at 5 o'clock. & P. Burton Is the teacher at these meetings. He has just finished the course In the Old Testament and Is now taking up the life of Christ In the- New Testa ment A speolal feature of these meetings Is the musical program. In vltations are extended to' all men in Riverside section to attend these meeting.' , ; -; In the Trucker and Farmer pub' llshed et New Orleans,' Is an article filling a page concerning the boys' and men's corn contests In Buncombe county which closed several weeks ago. The article Is written by N, Buckner of the local board of trade and la accompalned by two pictures of Perry Alexander, iwlnner In the men's contest; and Frank Arthur, win ner in the boys contest Each young ; was is pictured standing In front of the pile of corn with which he took the prlte. WANTS m'HNITURE WANTED Will buy a hnuwhold of furniture and pay ash. Address "Furniture, P. O, Jiov7. ' , S-3t. j FOR. HALE Nice, 7 room modorn houM, paved street nice neighbor hood, rloae In; lot 6xll0; price (2080; ay payments. lmriialn; Phone tit. Donnahoe & Co. -st Green Beans , Cauliflower j '-Z. Head Lettuce ' Eggplant ,.v White Squash ? Yellow Squash ; Hubbard Squash Spinach . Turnip Qreens Cucumbers Parsley "' Cabbage h - White Turnips( -.:. Yellow Turnips Celery Carrots ,' - Bunch Beets Sweet Potatofes . , Irish Potatoes Garlic .. , . Strawberries Fancy Grape Fruit from 75 to $1.50 per dozen. Florida Oranges, 25c, 30c and 35c per dozen. E. C. JARRETT Store Phones 1920. - . . Market Phone 473 . BLOMBErRG'S-;. Cigars, Tobacco, Sporting G oods and Toys. On the Avenue BEAU IFUL DISPLAY Jewelry and Cut Glass . throughout 4 . ' Our store, has been entirely, remodeled making it one of the neatest, most up-to-date jewelry stores in the south. We will bfl pleased to have you call and see us. We are'farrying a'very large lino ' of . Jewelry Cut Glass, Hand painted china, silver ware and jewelry novelties. Suit cases, hand bags, etc. Lo wenbein Jewelry Go. One price system. Every thing marked in plain figures. 16 Patton Avenuer Guaranteed Re pair jWork a Specialty. . Try Gasctte-N owa Want Ado Three in One MINIMUM COST MAXIMUM HOESS POWEE ARAB H0HS3S FE2D. i ivc ym money '. U of il.ior cov- I'OFt PALK Thoroughbred fl. C. 1 Hho.le lmlnnrt Ited rtsun for 4mt-h-j In 11.00 for 15. (( Hill St. .h..m 73. ii In" the. case of 8. Montgomery Smith, Henry Stevens and John B. Anderson vs.. Ward Brown and the lirown Brothers Lumber company, a complaint has been filed In Huperlnr court In which the plaintiffs auk Judg ment for 115,000 as conimlHHlons on the sale of timber rlKlits on the MurohlBon boundary of land In Yan- . ., , nw r(1, C()nty. u a contended that the This Is a priming wr InatrumenUil In mnk- ing tlio of the timber to Pii'Key CniMlilxdl for $300,000 and that they Hi Id liave Ave per cent, of thin amount for their remuneration.- Knn PAt.E We have a nlc. In. V. will liuliil you in a Ifi'int' you wiini and I'Tn.M. rtione fi4!, Injih : l il ! '.He In.k,.,,. LAMB AND PORK ROAST Tender Turkeys and Frying chickens. ' STAR MARHIIT PnONE3 19171915-1919 "TVe are Uie siiccSHfuI Caterers to a Variety of Appetites." 1913 BUICk It? 13 A fast as you Ilka, as silent as a summer breeze, as steady as a, , pullman car, as alow as you please, as flexible, as steam. ' v ' That describes the Bulck car i for 11$. ,K 1 i .i ' , . ,.tf .. .yi hav a cat of every model o?. flie BulcV ll$ output. The . fastidious buyer can find a mode.il to suit his most'tju ictuig require ments. Tou are Invited to call and examine the n a cars. ' " Phone 303. ARB0GAST MOTOR CO. CO.' N. Main. BABBSfS MEAMS.PPf,ARl GOOD That's My Business. Citizens Transfer Company rCLJAJf WOODCOCK, Oi . ' run:iiTCn!3 iiovrra Prompt Ease Trc:fcr Ccrvicj. " , , Kndorsed by V. O. T. and T. P. A. m t,UM, r i- I r'nt '. 1-ne -If 1 !"' 1 lwl TAII3S! TAXES! I desire to say to the Tax Payers of Buncombe county that I must collect, the state and county taxes fop the year of 1912, and up to this time the payment 6f taxes has been very slow, and In view of this fact, and also the fact I am being premted for more money by both County and Mate, and lout but not leant to me. is the fact that I must vacate this office on June 1st, 11S, In order-to make room for my successor In of flee. It is certainly "hot my purpose or desire to unduly press any one. or to dhow Ingratitude to the host of friends who placed me in office, but I nm imlnif to collect this tax In business way, as required by law and as ex pected by all good clti.ens. . On the 1st day of V.irch I shall begin to advertise the real ctato and pa-onal property, and uttach the wanes of laboring men for Pool T:.x. Indiscriminately. ' Tour TuMlo F rvnnt ' 7!. C. -! ' ' Green F" L J t. j 1 TTT r t -- 45 Patt'jn Avenue. 2 See our ru fine ii ii' i,,i il lit't want to liuv no'.v. I'.;-?it for J-'pi'i'i.?. I'diiitifiil .;;t! ' i ( 'a !i or Crc ''t. o i Pi,