1 1313. i: v;c:i::i;:g girls - Two Girl Te'J Story of Their Illness and How They Found Relief. , .... Kew Orleans, La. "I take pleasure in writing these liner to express my grati tude to you. ; I am jonly 16 years old and work m a tobacco factory. . I have been very sick girl but I have improved wonderfully since talcing Lydia JE. Pinkhara's Vegeta ble Compound and am now looking fine - v ; and feeling a thousand times better." Miss Amelia Jaquillard, 613 Sev enth Street, New Orleans, La. . , . St Clair, Pa. "My mother was alarmed hecause my periods were sup pressed and I had pains In my back and, ; side, and severe headaches. I. had pirn pies on my face, my complexion was sal- low, my sleep was disturbed, I had ner vous spells, was very tired and had no ambition. Lydia E. Pinkham's Veireta- ' ble Compound has worked a charm in my case and has regulated me,I worked in a mill among hundreds of girls and - have recommended your medicine to. many of them."- Miss Estella Ma- . guire, 110 Thwing St, Saint Clair, Pa. 1 There is nothing that teaches mora than experience. Therefore, such let ters from girls who have suffered and were restored to health by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound should be a lesson to others. The same remedy is within r;ach of all , , .. ' ','U yon want special aarice write to Lydia E. Plukham Medicine Co. (confi dential) Lynn, Mass. Your letter will be opened, read and answered by a woman and held in strict confidence. ADVENTURE JACK LONDON CaVrritbtlMt Stmt Capyrifht. 1911, py tht Macminaa ' A Company v Then It was that Sheldon struck out, coolly and deliberately, with all the strength of his arm, and Tudor, caught on the jaw, fell sideways, crumpling as he did so and crushing .a choir to kindling wood beneath the weight of his falling body. Be pulled ' himself slowly to his feet,, hot did not Her to rush. "Now, will you flghtr Tudor asked 'grimly. 1 ' ' V Sheldon made aa If to repeat the blow, but Tudor, white of face, with anna hanging reslstlessly at his aides. offered no defense. ' "1 don mean a fight with fists," be said slowly. "1 mean to a finish, to the irnrs IT H'AS THAT BBTLDOS BTBCCC OtTT. d. ..Hi. You'ra a food shot with vmv.T nn, ritlo. So am L That's the way we u r-: .o ic "i Mt 1 , dMu't act this way in real ' ' u re'iiiirl.i'd. I :1 I'm pretty real "You'll you'ry (I before I'm Rub.g to kill G.-ll . K.l S 0 1 (:- IK. L i u you today. Bpetfnirg'or joan- Please keep ber name out ot It" Bbeldon waned aim. - - "On, go ahead, knock me down. But that won't close my mouth. Yon can knock me down all day, but as fast as I get to my feet I'll apeak ot Joan again. Now,will yen flghtT I'll give you a fair chance to kill me, but I'll kill you before the day's out This Isn't civilization. It's the Solomen -Is lands, and a pretty primitive proposi tion for all that And two men and one woman is an equally primitive proposition. Well settle it in the good oia primitive way. 1 can't insult yon directly, I know. Ion are too easy go ing or cowardly, or both, for that But can narrate for yon the talk of the beach-Mih. tbat grinds, you, doesn't It? 1 can toll you what the beach nn to say about yon and this young gin run ning a plantation under a business partnership." ' . ' I' ! ,'. "Stopr 8heldon..crled, for the other was beginning -again to vibrate and oscillate before bis eyes. 'You want a duel. I'll give it to yon. But It Is ab surd.' What kind of a duel shall It bej - There are no seconds. What weapons shall we use?" : i "I've often thought that the ideal duel should be somewhat different from' the modern conventional 1 one. No seconds, of course, and no onlook ers. ; "loe two principals alone are necessary. . They may use any wea pons they please, from revolvers and rifles to machine guns and pompoms. They start a mile apart and advance on each other, taking advantage of cover, retreating, circling, feinting anything and everything permissible. In short, the principals shall hunt each other" S " "Like a couple of wild Indians f Precisely f cried Tndor, delighted. You've got. the idea. And Berande is Just the place, and this is Just the right time. , ' Miss Lackland will -be taking ber siesta, and she'll think we re. We've eot two hours for it be fore she wakes.' So hurry up and come on. Yon start out from the Balesuna, and I start from the Berande.' Those two rivers are the boundaries of the plantation, arent . they? Very well. The field of the duel will be the plan tation. ' Neither principal must go out side its boundaries. Are yon satis- fled?' 1 r.V-. .. u,' "Quite." ' ' Sheldon clapped bis bands, and the running bouse boy hurried away to bring back . Adamu Adam and Noa Noah. - , .. ' ".i- f "Listen," Sheldon said to them, this man and me we have one big fight to day. Maybe bo die. Maybe I die. It he die, all light If I die yon two look after Missle "Lackalanna. Yon take rifles and yon' look after ber day time and night time. If she want to talk with Mr. Tudor, all right If she not Want to talk, 'you make him keep away.t Savveer . Tbey grunted and nodded, ana each nicked a rifle. Tudor, cartridge belts for rifle . and pistol strapped around him. rifle in hand, stood Impatiently waiting. k 'Come on. hurry up,' we're burning daylight" he urged, as Sheldon search ed after extra clips for bis automatic DlStoL .,' '. " ' " ' ! Together they : passed down tne steps and out of the compound to the beacb, where they turned tneir pacts to each other, and each proceeded to ward his destination, their rifles In the bollowa of their arms, Tudor walk' ing toward the Berande and Sheldoa toward the Balesuna. CHAPTER XXIL ' " MODIR.f DOXURO. B ARELY bad Sheldon reached the Balesuna, when he beard tbe faint report of a dis tant rifle and knew it was the'steaal ot Tndor, giving notice that be bad reached the Beranae, turned about and was coming back. Sheldon fired his rifle into tbe air In answer, and in turn proceeded to ad v u nee. He moved aa In a dream, ab sent mindedly keeping to the open beach. The thing was so preposterous that be bad to struggle to realize It and be reviewed In bis mind tbe con Versatlon with Tudor, trying to find some clew to tbe common sense what he was dong. Be. did not want to kill Tudor. Because that man had blundered In his love making was bo reat.n tbat be, Sheldon, should take his life. Then what was it all about) True, the fellow bad insulted Joan by his subsequent remarks and . been knocked down for it but because be had knocked him down was no teu ton that be should now try to kill him. In this fashion be covered a quarter of tbe distance between tbe two rlv era, when it dawned upon him tbat Tudor was not on tbe beacb at ail. course not He was advancing, ac cording to the terms of the agreement in the shelter of the coconnut trees. Sheldon promptly swerved to the left to seek similar shelter, when the faint crack of a rifle came to bis ears, and almost immediately the bullet strllr lnir the bard sand a hundred feet be- vond blm. Mcochetted and whined on. ward In a aocond flight convincing blm that preposterous and unreal as If wa. It was. nevertheless, a sober fact It bnd been intended for him Yet even then It was bard to believe. irooninir now to tlie shelter of t! tree, he went forward another r tcr of a mile. If Tudor Iia1 aivaii with Mtial noeed they auuuM bav come toKctber at Hint point, an A A.,n mnrlnfled that tlie other wni c! cling. Tlie dliliculty wns to l him. The rows of trees, n; r";:ht BnRle. ennbM h!' to f i i only our nnrrow avem lit a ( i. my niV'lit ne coinir. iiiia or the n-'U t' r'. !,t to a him !' 1 f I,:!!,.. ! ; "1 .!.. ! ' ! 1 : t. (' o!,l P'' ' B ii r f 1 1 i I r- f ! . .,- 1 t . i ( r I r I, i.iX t 1 C Hints on Hair Health If you use our treatment, we will ; dither stop your hair from falling or pay tor tbe treatment ourselves. Dandruff is a contagious dimue . caused by a microbe, which if not removed ewues bsldneef. This microbe often comes from a comb .. or brush belonging to someone else. " If you are troubled with dandruff; tehing scalp, falling hauvor baldness, we believe tha Kexall "93'; Hair Tonic will do more than anything els -to remove the dandruff, destroy the , germ, make the scalp healthy and stop falliiut hair. and. if there is any . life left in the roots, also promote growth of new hair. . I We believe that probably 69 pe ' cent oi the eases o Dalpness coma ': be overcome if people would only1 use Rezall "93",,Uai? Tonio for a . .. reasonable time, aa directed. ' i i I We don't want you to take oo . word for this. .We want you to test the merits of Rexall 'W -Hair Tonio at our risk. If you use it and ; it does not five satisfaction, lust eome back to us and tell us, and w will immediately hand back to yoa the money you paid for it. You promise nothing, sign nothing and your men word will be taken for it. We an dependent upon your con-' ; ' fidence and patronage, and we would pot make these claims, or make this . offer if we did not believe that Rezall "93" Hair Tonio is the very best hair preparation you can use. Two sixes of , bottles, 60o and il.OO. You can buy Bexall "93" flair Tonto in this oommnnity only at our ston: SMITH'S DRUG STORE Ashevllle iiTto yyfr'i Mom Caroilna and eity in tbe United Bto, Canada ana 1110 tm m " ' j i . i tiresl liritaiD. i aero is a uiuorrnt Remedy for nearly every ordinary human 1U eaoh espeoially designed for the particular 01 for whioh it is neommended. The BesaU Stares are America's Qteatas Drug Stent the DuTlet'Tn-passing, the fhoa of It came to his ears when It struck a palm trunk; farther on. " ' He sprang back Into the protection of the larger trees; Twice he had ex posed himself and ' been fired at while he had failed to catch a single glimpse of his antagonist A slow anger be gan to burn in him. it was deucedly unpleasant he decided, this being pep pered at and, nonsensical as It really was, it waa none the less deadly seri ous. There was oo -avoiding the is sue, no firing In the air1 and getting over with H, as in tbe old fashioned duel, xhls mutual man "hunt must keep op until one got the other. And If one-neglected a chance to get the other tbat increased the other's chance to get blm. There could be no false sentiment about it Tudor -had been a cunning devil when -be proposed this sort of duel, Sheldon concluded, as be began to work along cautiously In. the direction of the last shot , ( (TO BE CONTINUED.) i Relieves Neuritis . and Rheumatism BunlNhcs Client Colds, Coughs, Sore I Throat and Lumbago Overnight, For only 25 cents you can get a big yellow box of -yellow ' MUSTARINE and sincere druggists will tell you that If it isn't better than any plaBter.Jlni- ment or poultice you ever used, money back.- : .- , ,.i BEOY'S MUSTARINE absorbs, in stantly, is very penetrating and that's why it only takes a lew 'mtnutea .to get rid of earache, headache, ((tooth ache, backache and neuralgia, : ,i MUSTARINE won't soil; won't plls-1 ter; and is always ready. It'a the real good old-fashioned mustard plaster brought up to date with 14 other In-1 gredlents added. It always satisfies. Nothing so good on earth for bron-1 chltls, . sore throat, croup, stiff neck, lameness, sore muscles, lumbago, sore corns, bunions and callouses, chil blains and frosted feet. DrugglBts ev erywhere. Be sure it's BEQY'S MUS TARINE. . ' Smith's Drug Store guarantees It. n.'iiMr. Venus. I - Cleveland Plain Dealer. Mrs. B. F. ihas three treasures In her home. i ) One of these treasures la a new ser- "ant girl who is just exactly like a new broom. The other two are statu ettes lovely planter reproductions of the Venus of Miio and the Apollo Bel. vldere. . ' Enter the new servant with a new broom. She starts in to live up to proverbial wisdom by making a clean sweep. Down goes a statuette with a smash! The servant goes out to con fess. "Plaze, mum," she says tear fully, "I've bruk a statoo." "Oh dear! The Venus?" "No, mum. Twas Mlsther Venus 1 bruk. His wife wor busted before I came." ,, . Still Shaving, Bill I see another year has com.! with a few reforms proposed In 1912 1 still unrealized. Tom Name one of them. Bill Well, the renaacence- of side-1 whlakers, for inntance.-Judge. , I'aHt Being lti'lld by Aaliovlllf! l'lSkpIo, A little bHfkiKilie at llrBt.1 Dally Increasing 'till-the buck, Is ianie and weak. t:rlnary dlhoiJi :tn amy quickly fol low; I'rupsy ana oitcn xiright s diio'a.'iq. This fre(iu'"lly Is the downward : courne of kidney Ills. Don't take thin wiun. Follow the ntlvl:e (f Hn A J. C. Wlllian Anhcvill( N. t'. Motin's K hlni'V 'A itk liiwi I em ,..!:.! th - Ml. 'I fn'ys whs 1: r . i ' I rll'itifl V, ft O 'licvllle cl! I'.-n. iS, i i V. ' II ;i n: " hffi Hi rt I u I (.! I'liW th- vHfi to !: i in ri rin ji' tmn ui jpy -r ""ii 1 1. Plrine' unniitin.il, t :t h', i.l 1 .1 v ' . ! , t I -. I III. I i W hat a Girl's Ototbes Tell About Her. In an article n A Oiri and Her Clothes," published in the March Woman's Home Companion, appears the following: . You may not speak a word to me, but the manner and line of you, the gentle or brusque, gracious or awk ward little tricks of body, the way you walk, the hat you wear, the clothes. the gloves, the color and fashion of them, the manner of wearing them all these, along with, the look in your eyes, are expressing you and are say ing to me: 'She belongs to this ' class, or that.' "She is this manner mf per son, or that.' 'See, she la careless.' See, she ia tired and Worn.' 'She is A person, of good Judgment' or 'whimsi cal;! dependable;' v person of loveli- unlovellnessr' 'of taste, or 'lack of taste-' - ('Don't you understand what we are saying to you?' These, things seem to say: 'Look at us! Read us Read us! As plain as day'.' ' 'Whether We realize it or Dot we are .perpetually expressing, ourselyesv and 'Our l clothes speak :Jor us con demn us or recommend us; praise us they. spoke With voices. like our own. I have seen girls apply to' business houses, seeking positions, and I have seen them refused good positions and they, never guessed the reason. Some of them brought with them reasonably good letters of recommendation, sayi ing perhaps that they were capable willing. But of what avail was that when all the while huge masses of yellow puffs, dowdy- clothes, - low- necked shirtwaists, and tawdry lmlta- leu, nrro mjnis vuxm un mu ue, . j t i i i . She has no Judgment' "She does not know true values. 'She is frlv oloUs.'; 'Could you trust a girl to be careful of your accounts who is so evidently careless of her own V Then the kind-heartedness of the employer, perhaps, hesitates. After nil, the might not do, this little girl making a' pitiful enough showing as she sits waiting for an answer? Isn't it right, to give her a chance any way? ' -, " Well,: I've told you the truth,' the puffs seem to say, 'you can heed It -or not as you cnoose,-tnat is your affair.' To'n wouldn't' be advised by me,', the huge hat speaks, looking a little in sulting; 'don't blame me, I. gave J-our fair notice!' And the Jingling bangles and mock silver purse and the vanity box clank a little fretfully as) the girl rises, -its no fault of ours if your business is neglected. - Don't blame us! We warned- you V - they seem to say." Great Convenience ; And save hother to have your ba- gage checked from your house to des tination. Furniture moving a spe cialty, j '. Phone 110 . AsheviHe Transfer tS;,,,,. , ' Storage Company WANT TO EXCHANGE. A seven r.om house and 2! acrea of l land, water, in the house, fruit trees I of all klndsv will exchange for house and lot in Asheville. ' . . Western North Carolina Realty Co lo North Pack Sq. J. W. WoUe, See. and Treaa. 'Phone 14. . Goes Further Costa Less .The best that can be made. Retails for lest than other so-called "best "'Baking Powders hence ECONOMY, if nothing more, should induce you to use it A little goes a long ways and every bit counts. . Sold by all good Groocra. Insist on herring it. :' ' i i i i i ii. ma ii I NURSERY STOCK Buy Direct from tlie Growers. . . HEDGE PIANT3. AMOOR RIVER The Evergreen kind. -HOLLOW LOG The .GIANT Summer Apple. HIMILAYA The GIANT BERRY, ous berries year after year, lives on down like other berry plants. , Shade trees, fruit trees, vines, shrubs,, flowering plants,, roses, etc., at wholesale direct to YOU. ( Write for t s MATIN EETT NIGHT VAVDEVILLE AND MOVING PICTURES . Sfiiiiei MM 33 Pearl L. I.Ira. ' -'7 "V I'olman. Prin. . 0. D. Campbell, ! i You Do A It Win Tay I'ropftratlon the moat imnortaiit It will pay yni f ? KNOWUtl I - y you the V I ,n amount ln the Interest " 1:1 " .nisp your i ( will hn ii Foliiuaiy S tT Jin ' i mirne. my dear reader, . " for a rainy day. t Interest of any 'BATH POWDER, I Q " Keep him Sweat -and Fresh all the day long " --Free from perspiration odors inviiorattd, cool and happy. . q Have you a Little One in your hone? Then YOtl MEED IT-and after you've ; tried it yon won't be with- out it. Seni Sf for Irul sizt- 25c and 50c at Draallits ' or PHILO HAY SPECIALTIES t l CO., Newark. N. 1 U. 8. A. .tves fVfumed . rlealihunas to the Bain WALKER'S pRBG STORE. SOLD ins INTEREST VS BARBKR W: SHOP S.1 D. 1 Frazler has 'disposed of his Interest in the Buckeye Barber Shop and wishes to inform his friends and customers that he Is -now connected with the Acme Shop which is con ducted! by Geo. W.i Johnson, in the basement , of the . Oates Bldg., Pack Sauare. s !: -1. ' ik " 6-6t CHICHESTER S PILLS -r-. ... TIIK UIAMOND BRAND. ' M. Xetdlesl Ak jour Uimsslat for J IMIIala Ked tnd Uold DietallitA lMixt, Kled with Blue Ribboa. 1 Tsabal Ha Rur aaf VAsaa hragsUL Ask for Clli-Cll K-TFH 8 lUAAIOND HKANI FILLS, for 89 years known as Best, Safest, Al Relialil SOLD BY ORUGGISTS EVERYWHERE WB BUT , Sell and Exchange Furniture, 3"ixture, etc. Asheville Tnrnitare Co. 21 South Main St. Phone 1S51 HOLLAR Ford Man (6 South Slain St. -; 'Phone 672. , continues to bear bushels of delici and on, like a grape vine, doesn't die , . , Catalog and prices. Do it NOW, VAIiD&'SIAN JTCHSERIES, .. , , , , 'BortLo, '.North 'Carolina. OPEN. I apid theatre; fie f l.b.l' 1 Prin.. Shorthand Department Thinff, Do It Eight; You In The End.".. . thing; In a man'i lif, If ho wishes to to invest a tuvr dolliirs In the "BANK It Is an investment that will always Investment you can posKil.ly make. I- 1 will be absolutely secure for ell time to como, and i--..w larger from year to yar. :-.i!-iflly today;' let the other fellow ft his toaiorrow.' , In both Shorthand an-1 ls.l,k-f tAi.g ;i..n I. A three nionth'd courae IU to.it 1'U i.r (.1 : n i. l at once If you are lnlentel ln tnkla a tm I r 1 , ..... i i Washington, D. C. ' MARCH 4th,19J3 . .t ..,;. .... , v., v ', ' ..-"''! PREMIER CARRIER OF THE SOUTH Offers splendid facilities and very ! low round trip fares to Washington and, m , DATES OF SALE ST ' - Tickets will be sold Feb'y 28th,r March 2, pnd 3rd, 1913 with final limit to reach original starting point be fore midnight March 10th, 1913. 'By depositing tickets in person with" Special "Agent Jas. Richardson in terminal " station before midnight March 8th and upon payment one dollar tickets may be extended so as to reach original starting point before midnight April 10th, 1913. . , ,1 STOP OVERS ; 1 : Stop overs will be granted on both going and return ; journey. . v SPECIAL RATES FOR PARTIES . For parties 25 or more going and returning together most attractive rates are made. ;. , ' : . : V Bates from Asheville, N. G. ' 1 ' i Individual Rates . 14.75 Party 25 or More 09.85 Final limit ail party tickets to reach original starting point March 10, 1913. ; ' A ' ' ' ; - ' Equal low rates from all stations at which tickets are sold. 1 ' ' See large hand bills with reference to Special train to Washington leaving Asheville. 3:00 p. m., March 3rd, 1913. , " : Scheduled to arrive Washington 7:30 a. m. March 4th, 1913. '-, -' - I i For further information, Pullman reservations write or phone to the undersigned. ; J. II. WOOD -' 0. C. WILSON, Div. Pass. Agt. City Pass. & Tkt. Agt. f,. Asheville, N.C. ' ' ' .- "Phone 1C8 It's a Saving of Levitt's The Store of Ten Thousand Bargains. ; S South SSain St. Former Stand of Bon llarcL 3. 7 He f the . She has : .' , , 4 only a quick and iconomical means of pi. impromptu repasts, but aNo tliat it r ;' ' , f prepare on the dining room tal.le many dislies t'ut round out the bill of fare previou 'y prepared rn 1 - lit.!. 1 s If you do not 8 one of the old style alcohol burners, trie eL-.H:-;; !i u No f.. 1 is r sin. lc or f.t to fi,,.id ; 'iv,t. cll tic l..n- s.ii'kit is v.i It iil ' Vl! ' l- l return. i ; . money to trade t Stor Will Enjoy dainty dishes you may prepare in an Electrical The ease -and convenience with which 10 many delicious dishes may be prepared in aa electrical chafing dish make a strong appeal to (Tie young wife as well as the seasoned housekeeper. found that a chafinc dish afT. i '5 n.-r of t... :-;c t! ' ! e come in and n : - ;uii ',1 It t 1 ' . . it is 1, or i e r' v ( 1:1 I lo Jitnlti '.J'l

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