VOL. XVIII., NO. 11. ASHE VILLI, N. C, MONDAY AFTERNOON, FEBRUARY, 24, 1913. PRICE THREE CENTS OFFICIAL INQUIRY BJb&UN BY HUERWA Madero and Suave r Slnin In Rescue Attempt Officials Say. 3H '.Mexico City, Feb. 24 The of-itne othcr is Ernesto Madero, the for- i ier isuiiiaier ti iniaiiue, an uncie, tnougn oniy one yearvomer tnan the late president, -cial investigation into tlie death of Madero and Suarez on ifciturday night is to be begun .t;onee, but the general belief prevails that it will substan tiate the official versions of the occurrence which are that the deposed president and vice president were killed as a res cue was attempted. The fact that the bodies of the two statesmen were recov ered in the rear of the peniten 1iary was explained today by the statement that a second en counter occurred close to the building. ' it Is said the automobiles ran along a side road and that Madero and Suarez Jumped out and were running when they were caught between the fires of the guards and the attacking party, this accounting for wounds be in Inflicted on them from different directions. Provisional President Huerta, and other authorities here are earnest in declarations that the government was acting In good faith and that the death of the prisoners was due to unfore seen circumstances.: Tension Thought to Be Relieved. With the passing of Francisco Ma dero, the general opinion prevails that the tenseness of the situation has been rnlievod. There is a marked tendency on the part of all classes to accept the new order of things. From various parts of the country reports, have been received telling of further adhesions to the new administration. T The morning newspapers herald the new . era and prophesy Immediate peace. and, the . early .resumption of prosperous conditions. General Huer ta's government undoubtedly has, for the present, at least, the tupper hand In the country., , A committee of followers of Zapata arrived today to discuss arrangements to bring about peace In the south. Reports from Oaxaca indicate the disaffected Indians there have been placated. Juan Sanchei Axcona, Madero's pri vate secretary, was released from pris on today. .. The tragedy occurred Bhortly after midnight Sunday morning. Madero und Suares, who had been prisoners in the national palace since their ar rest on Tuesday, last, were placed in un automobile, which was accom panied by another car and escorted by 100 rurales under the orders of Com mandant FrancUco Cardenas and Col onel Rafael Plmlento. With instructions nott o out-distance the escort, the cars moved slow ly. No Incident occurred until they naa reacnea a poim near tenttary, where In an open place the guards' attention was attracted, ac- eordlnir to the official version, to a . groun of persons following. , Shots were fired at the escort out of the darkness. The rurales closed in and ordered the prisoners out of the car, Thirtv of the guards surrounded the nrlsnners. while the remainder dis posed themselves to resist an attack About 60 men, some 'afoot and some mounted, threw themselves upon the detachment guarding the cars and the exchange of shots lasted 20 minutes, when the attacking party fled. The dead bodies of Madero end Suares were then found. . The body of Madero fhows only one wound. A bullet entered the back of ' the head and emerged at the fore head, , '''The body of Pino Suares shows many wounds, entered from In front Of the male nlembers of the Madero family, only two now are In the cap ital. One Is Francisco Madero, tne father, who bitterly opposed his son's conducting a revolution In 110 and rode arrow! northern Mexico In an ef fort to overtake and dissuade him: Gustavo Madero, a brother, was on llged to submit to the fugitive law the day after the deposition of the presi dent and was shot down in the arsenal. Senora Madero and the two sisters of the ex-president, Mercedes and An gela, are at the Japanese legation. Not far from the penitentiary there are two small piles of stones, some 20 feet apart. They mark the spots where the men who a few days ago ruled Mexico had fallen. Holes. In the wall of the penitentiary show where some of the bullets lodged. SLAIN RULER'S UNCLE REACHES VERA CRUZ Vera Cruai, Feb. 24. Ernest Made. ro, who was finance minister in the cabinet of his nephew, Itcsldcnt Ma dcro, arrived here with his family on special car thin morning. - They will probably depart this afternoon on board the Cuban gunboat Cuba, ErerjtlUng is quiet here, . GREAT BRITAIN WON'T RECOGNIZE HUERTA SPECIAL SESSION CUDS APRIL 1 111 HIS IPOHD I? TO HUE MUCH' PLEASED Union; Whose Officers Recent- The Ex-Dicator, in , Egypt, lyWere Convicted of Dy namiting in Annual 7 Convention. 'Holding Himself Entire ly at His Country's Service." . MORE SOLDIERS MOVING SOUTH IT Full Army Division Hastening I r,n Galveston in Prermra- tion for Embarkation for Mexico. UNTERWIYERREPOF BEFOREGOMMinEE President-elect and House Leader Decide that Most . Suitable Date. RYAN HAS SUPPORT, . - v .i FOR RE-ELECTION HOPES UNITED STATES WILL KEEP HANDS OFF Several of Money Trust Prob- r's Recommendations Cause Spirited Discussion - Joseph E. McClory Probably Will Not Return to Mexico 1 ' By Associated Press. Trenton, N. J.,' Feb. 24.-rPresldent elect Wilson announced that the ex tra session of congress would be con vened on Tuesday April 1. . The governor declared he had ar rived at this decision as a result of a letter received today from Represen tative Underwood. "I have waited," said Mr. Wilson, to learn just what the state of pre- Will Be Chosen Secretary to Succeed Herbert S, HicMn. t Now Unless Foreign Com- plications Make It Needful. By Associated press. Indianapolis, Ind., Feb. 24. Reor-! parednees congress was In for business I sanlzation of the international Asso- of the new session." ' - elation of Bridge ind Structural Iron I The governor said, he had been cor- I w orkerg ii DUt two of whose execu- II . ... 1X1. . H. TT-J..-. j3 I. I ' , , responu.ng w.tr. mr. , tive, ofticers were convicted last De- conclusion that April 1 was the moBt cember of promoting the McNamara feasible date. He intimated that the I dynamite plots In connection with tne interval between March 4 and April lmion'g strike against "open shop" 1 might be devoted to caucuses aim London, Feb. 24. The British, gov ernment will not recognize the new government of Mexico until it has been confirmed by a general election, according to an authoritative state ment btday. y Turner Imprlsoner by Diaz. Mexico City, Feb. 24. John Ken neth Turner, a writer, has been Im prisoned by order of General Diaz. He Is the author of several Mexican political stories. Recently he wrote an article criticizing Diaz and Ambas sador Wilson-f or his d'etehtionUn" the arsenal from which he was released a few days ago. ' Pric Plus SlHM-kcil by! Killings. Rome, Feb. 24. Pope Pius X learned this morning of .the murder of Francisco I. Madero and Jose Pino Suarez, the recently deposed presi dent and vice-president of the Mexi can republic. His holiness was greatly affected and expressed concern In re. gard to the, unruly state of affairs in Mexico. : By Associated Press.. Keneh, Egypt, Feb. 84. Porfirlo Diaz, former -dictator of Mexico, de clared today that he is holding him self in readiness'to respond to the call of his country in case foreign compli cations should arise out of the revolu tion there. If this should not occur, he said, he would not return to Mexico until set- Snntruntnra WHS tllanned at. the assn-l.. - . . . . conferences. , v .- riisneu mere ana his re-appearance on Two editors of a Wall street news- elation s annual : convention, wi.it.-.. n.tmr culled on the nresident-elect to-1 nnened today.' About 100 delegates I long sway could b made without risk rtnv nnd nrired that financial auectlons I , i.. nina in averu .state will I of being wrongly interpreted. receive his earliest consideration. In x. K i v.J The aged. ex-president expressed the ji i t,i ,i.v (),. of tor. i f - i none tnat "nanas on Mexico" wouia ward Mr. Wilson said: I reorganization. ; President Ryan, who I continue to be the policy of the United Rvervhndv is aereed that there received a seven years' sentence, tne I btates. should he currency reform as soon as I v,i, nnhhmpnt of all. and who I General uiaz was greatly eiaten at .- I " - ' . I .Via ..,.. nf hi. l.'ljV rH,J - . i in now at llDenv unuer uunua uchuiiik . , ,T hnn.,,nunni , ........... An..M..-i. nam i -- - i auu i i uuueiai nuci la. i,ivvionn ai Washington senators and represen- appeal, is ravoreu Fy Bu..m presiaent, wnom ne considers quite tatives exDressed satisfaction today for re-election. Since his release irom I capaoie or worKing oui tne saivauon with the date fixed by President-elect I Leavenworth Mr. Ryan has been here Wilson for assembling or the extra ses-1 directing details for the convention. slon. The Interval between March I Joseph E. McClory of Cleveland, act and April 1 will allow for the remodel- mK secretary, probably will be perma ipg of the house chamber to taKe careinent secretary, to succeed Herbert s. of the .50 members added through the I Hockln. another of the convicted reapportionment. I men. That date is satisfactory to me," I McClorv and Edward liewis of Ban raid Democratic Leader Underwood. I Francisco, both executive board mem n'Vta ,lnn fr,r th AYtrfl WOrk In the I kM . th. nnHr nnlrlfllfl nf the . " ... . ' u.w. 1 1 i.hHam ami. Wa tallll . , . . . I ..j . 1 .ti.nn rv.l,,, I ,'ir.v, HIMinC BIT! WCM umioi o,. " -'V tUDIHIl Hilt COIlVlt-'UT 1U .tllB gjunuiiw . . . .. : . . ... . .r.j vision program. What will be done(,.iaio ne jury sustained the govern- wlll depend largely upon views set I ment's charges that the union's funds forth by President-elect Wilson in hlswere appropriated so that the Mc- Inaugural address and his message tol'amara brothers and Ortie E. Mc- Manlgal might pay the expense of de stroying the property, of contractors who refused to employ only union By Associated Press. , Washington, Feb. 24. The house money trust committee today took up with Counsel Samuel Untermyer details of its report. Mr. Untermyer presented a long analysis of . testi mony with a number of recommenda tions for remedial legislation. With these as a basis, the committee ex pects to complete a report to the house this week. Several points In Mr. Untermyer's recommendations caused spirited dis cussion. Among them were the regu lation of Interlocking directorates in interstate corporations, the regulation of stock exchanges and proposed fed eral control of clearing houses. Sever al members of the committee were Inclined to doubt the jurisdiction of the federal government over such activities. NEW COUNTERFEIT Spurious Ton and Twenty Dollar Xotes on Havuimuli nuuk Apiienr In , Jacksonville, nnsuES ft1 HUERTA WILL DEMAND ' FULL RECOGNITION Attitude'of Taft Administra tion to New Government Will Depend on Am- , bassador's Report. ' i By Associated Press. KKKttttKKfcKlCKttftKKXKl'.: Washington, Feb. 24. Com plete orders were issued late totlay by Secretary Stimson to Major General Carter to mo bilize the entire second army division at Galveston. Prepar atory orders were Issued ear lier Jn tlie day. It - LABOR TRUST congress. Representative Palmer of Pennsyl vania: i ' "The selection of All Fools' day for calling the extra session means, I sup- oose that we will fool all the calamity howlers." FORMER SOLDIER KILLED RY HIS RROTHER-IN-LAW By Associated Press. Jacksonville, Fla., Feb. 24. A num ber of counterfeit 10 and 20 dollar bills have made their appearance In this city and a wire has been sent to Secret Service Agent Wright at Atlan ta calling him here to Investigate. The lil I Is are on a Savannah bank,. It Is said by the local detective who has the alleged counterfeiters under sur veillance. Captain Wright is expected to make an arrest 'upon his arrival ,here. . These bills are a trine smaner man the genuine, are photo engraved and reversed in the process. Gilbert M. Lehue Shot at Louis ville After a Family Row. v William Barnes Dead. By Associated Press. Nantucket, Mass., Feb. 24. Wil liam Barnes, one of the organizers of the republican- party In New iYork for many years active in national poli tics, died yesterday at his residence here from pneumonia. He was 89 years old. A widow, two sons, William Barnes, Jr., the New York political leader, and Thurlow Weed Barnes, of New York, survive him. No Itato Case DeclMlons. By Associated Press. ' Washington. Feb. 24. The supreme court took recess until late this after noon wtthout announcing any decision in the Important rate cases pending. The financial reports of the union, McClory stated .would show, that $80. 000 -was expended for the defense at th trial in Indianapolis. This was procured through assessing the mem hers. In addition more than zon 000 was raised for the defense of the McNamaras, the fund being in charge of officials qf the American Federation of Labor. - Mr. McClory said all the, sessions of the convention are to be secret, "An .effort Is being made to forbid discussion of the dynamite cases at the convention because appeals are still pending." sold McClory. "but many delegates are determined to de, mand debate on the subject. Only business pertaining to the un Ion's affairs were transacted today. It was announced that John T. Butler, Buffalo, who received a six years' sen tence in the dynamite case, was to be succeeded as vice-president. Snc- By Associated Press. . Wlsvllle, Ky.. Feb. B4.-After he Buc,ceeaea as vice-pres.aent Dnc had knocked his mother-m-law over heMor 80 , b "eIecld, of the republic. The ex-president's yacht is tempo' rarily moored at this ancient' gather ing place of pilgrims whence ne nsp made several trips to Denderah and other noted temples. The ex-presldent, after pleading that his entire aloofness from the poll- tli of his country precluded any crit icism by him of the late President administration, , made ' the follofrifi Press: I prefer to say nothing regarding the faults of Francisco Madero's rule, or the causes of the resolution. As a political opponent of Madero, my oulnton might bo considered biased General Vlctorlano tiuena is an officer and a gentleman who possesses the confidence of all classes in Mexico. Personally I have the greatest respect for and confidence in him. I chose him to escort me from Mexico City to Vera Cruz when I was exiled. I think General Huerta is In a po sition to maintain order until a const! tiitlnnnl eovernment has been dcll- nl'telv re-established." When Questioned regarding mi probability Of further complications in Mexico. General Diaz replied: That depends entirely . upon the energy of the provisional government in suppressing pillage and Driganoage. K-ellx Diaz has had long experience in the army and fully realizes the Im portance of enforcing respect for life nd nroDerty, When reports or tne possinunj' oi Intervention by the United States were mentioned, the former Mexican presi Hent urravelv reported: 'I and my1 adherents always nave Chicago Electrical Workers Unions Accused of Ham pering State Business. ; By Associated Press ".Chicago. .Feb. rii.r Two. Chicago "unions of the International Brother hood of Electrical Workers were sued by tho federal government here today under the Sherman anti-trust law for alleged Interference with messages of the Postal Telegraph-Cable company in interstate commerce. Local unions Nos. 9 and 1 34 are named as defendanta 1 PITTS DIES, HURT III FEUD FIGHT At Glen Alpine Several Weeks Ago Dr. Hennessee Held " Without Bond. It, was learned here yesterday that Gorman Pitts of Glen Alpine died yes terday morning In a hospital In Mor dancy, : San Francisco; a not stove ami terro.ircu . , n.i..... fF.ni; I -a.ia- inpAndfltiini I V. A Hennessee. .. a ,iu mm .ineere friends I (canton as the result of wounds re - .v.- TTnitori states itovemment. I ceived by him several weeks ago In a cannot imagine the United States orlfeud fight in his home-town with Dr. C. Webb. New York and' Michael J. Young, Boston, members of the exe cutive board, all of which were sent to Leavenworth. members of his family with an army sword, Gilbert M. Lehue, formerly a sergeant in the United States army, was shot and killed here yesterday by Ben Beach. Beach was arrested and charged with murder. He told the police that Lehue was on the point of striking him with the sword wnen ne tired the bullet into his heart. According to Mrs. Lehue, her hus- bnnd had been drinking. After she had prepared his dinner, he ordered her to leave the room and locked the door telling her not to return. Shortly afterwards she said she was aroused hy tne screams oi ner niuin-r, mi. . . . . r . John w. Beach, and bursting into the Several Important Measures to room saw her lying across the stove where, she said, Ihue had knocked her. Young Beach, also attracted by the screams of his mother, entered the room and sought to overpower Lehge who, he declares, attacked him with the sword and he shot him. Mrs. Lehue could give no reason for her husband's action. It Is also learned with America's well known honesty I mat ur, iienneiisee hub oreu uc. v of purpose." ; . , on General Diaz hopes ana inienu to i um ii .nu.uc. ... .... ... ,. n Mexico at sometime. Tnis, I will not do auowea ran, FIRST REVENUE BILL IS however, he said, will not oe unm peace has been firmly re-established and my return cannot nave nj nu- iriietlon Placed upon . it. enouiu, however, foreign complications arise, I Tilll hold myself entirely at my xnnntrv' service.". ' General Diaz has not setiiea upon oiooa existing oeiwren for his plans for the- future peyona i pants in tne ngnt tor The fight between the Pitts brothers and Dr. Hennessee wag one of tne bloodiest, possibly, of any feud fight ever occurred In the state and took place near the postoffice In Glen Al pine one Sunday afternoon about a month ago. There had . been bad the partlci long time, it Be Introduced in a Few Days. Seven Rulers of Mexico Have Died Violent Deaths By Associated Press. New York, Feb.' 14. With the kill ing of Madero and Suarez, the de posed heads of the Mexican republic, in Mexico City, the death of those who have paid the fatal price for rul ing in Mexico Is increased to seven names. ' Just a Utile mors than a-century ago, Michael Hidalgo y Costilla, a par ish priest of Dolores, Arts., as the "liberator" of Mexico, clutched con trol from the feeble hand of the Spanish viceroy. An obscure country priest, Hidalgo conspired with his own parlch In the state of Guanajuato In 1X10 and In the fall of that year when he rung'lbe lu ll of his church to call the ,.r,,l,. in wnr ai army of KCMiO rnl li.il t. I, ,s Biiiinliird I!" irc.-i on .i.: il 1 V Wifl '..i.tn":- lowing of 100,000 of patriotic but un disciplined men. A force of only 000 veteran soldiers of Spain delivered a crushing defeat In January, and drove Hidalgo to the mountains, where he waged guerrilla warfare until he was caught and shot In July. 18U. The list of rulers of Mexico which have "listened last to the rifle's speech" thus opened. Is as follows r Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla, liberator, Jose Maria Morelos y Pavon, presi dent. 1815. Kranclnco Xavler Mltia, president, inn. Aiiguxtln de Iturblde, emperor, 1824. Mnxlinillim. archduke of Austria. emiM-mr, 1 SH7. . ' 1 ' 1 I-'i mhi '! I. Mii'lwo. president. 1 I 3 J,,-.. I'lnci Him re. Vb'e t id. nt ffoactaJ la Ta Oanttt-tlme: Kalclgn, reo. si. tne nnaiiw mlttees did not submit the revenue bill today, It being understood thall Court Itules Against Mm. Guggenheim the measure will be presented tomorn ' ! I rrt.-, hni Kill ttri will nro- By Associated Press. - I vide for taxing incomes. Inheritances Chicago, Feb. 24. The motion of and franchises and licenses ana the state to expunge from the record should raise about $400,000. One or the divorce of Grace Brown Guggen- more equally Important bills are to be helm from Wllllanv$uggoihelm on I Introduced In a few days, but tneir the grounds that it was ' obtained I nature -cannot be learned.. While a throurh collusion and fraud upon the fight may be precipitated, it Is bellev- court, was denied by' Judge Heard I ed the finance committees carry their here today. I points In the legislature.. Hinn. the divorce both nrlnclnalsl Ward Introduced .In tne senate -a have married. In various attempts to 'joint resolution requesting the presi have the dlwrce annulled, the former Mrs. Guggenheim testified that she testified falsely as to her residence in Illinois. , leafing Cairo on March 10th for Pari I seems, and the- fight with weapons tOIIOWing a nut UK II i- eenij 111 afternoon between Dr. Hennessee and Gorman Pitts. In this fist fight Dr. Hennessee was worsted. It is said, and went to his home and secured his rifle, pistol and physicians knife, after which the fight was renewed, and Abe and Ervin Pitts took a hand with Gorman. He used his knife to advantage during the fight and the three brothers were all se verely wounded, as was Policeman Bennett. Dr. Hunnessee was shot four times himself. All of the Injured men were taken to hospitals for treatment, ana an have recovered except the elder Pitts brother who dWd yesterday. The trial wilt doubtless Tie one of the most In teresting of the year In this state. , HOLDS WHITE SLAVE ACT TO BE CONSTITUTIONAL Bv Associated Press. Washington. -Feb. 24. The federal white slave traffic acV of 110. wai upheld as constitutional today by the supreme court 'of the United States In an opinion by Justice McKenna, GEN. YOUNG'S OFFER Hvnds Mewage TelKlerlng Service of North Carolina ISalionai t.usru ' In F.vent of War. ; l'dlillng Art Knocked Out. Vesey Kays Equal Suffrage Will Win. By Associated Pvess. Chicago, Feb. 24. Robert 8. Vesey, former governor of South Dakota, In a church address here last night, pre dicted that the entire west would give suffrage to women within a few years. "The women know as much about how to legislate for the good of hn inanity as Uu men do. " he said, .IT wlven' th voln would bring, b( Url i-miillttoiiK Into the sc hools, tl, pr!n niw a ii. I -mr Bin lal anil pulli i l I ' in dent not to veto the Webb-Kenyon bill as to Interstate shipments of II- uunrs. Rodman Is the author of another state-wme primary oi i in tne """ " . , of wftf wUh Mexico and today. It eaves off the preferential m tne event m , feature of formerly defeated bill asking, to be among the first called A bill In the house was introduced I out. exorbitant Raieign, rcii. ii, niuuwin eral Young today telegraphed Major General Young tendering the service of the North Carolina National Guard by Just It a to prevent charges on Interstate freight to be ap plied If railroads persist In -discrimi nation against North Carolina In the present "long and short haul" rate conditions. Tho senat passed the Ward Joint rem, hit Ion urging Taft not to veto tli, Welih-Kenvon bill, 13 to ltt. nnd mm It t thf (mime wti-'i- the l.-i ' v i! -Ion h e .i.i ... .1 li Snecd Case Golns; to Jury. By Annoelated Press. ' Vernon, Tex., Feb. 24. The closing day of arguments In the trial of J. 11. Sneed, charged with tbe murder of Al floyew, Jr., ben today Willi a dese.rtp tlon' by the defense of th-manner In wlil. ll llovie Ih Blleirod to huve ilf . , need's home. Til" i . .. w .... ..Mo ro to 1' V to.- By Associated Press. Washington, Feb. 24. The Ar kansas peddling act of 1909, reg.uir Ing traveling salesmen delivering lightning rods, steel stoves, ranges, clocks, pumps, buggies, carriages and vehicles, to procure a license was held unconstitutional today hy the Supreme court as . an Interference with Interstate commerce. Thiireau-Dangln Dead. itktftKKKKItltir.KXttKfcXKKK Washington, Feb. 24. More orders for moving troops to Galveston, with the purpose of concentrating a full army division there, in accordance with the policy , of preparedness as Outlined by President Taft in a public, speech In New York last Saturday night, were Issued by the war depart ment early today. ... Major-General William H." Carter, the department and divisional com mander at Chicago, will be placed" In supreme command. f. , In addition tc the fourth brigade of the second division, consisting of th 23rd, 2th and 27th infantry, now In the middle west, orders were Usued today .for the preparation for entrain- ment. of the entire sixth brigade, com.. arising- the ekvepUi. Infantry. CoL Ar- , thur Williams, at FOrt v. A.KUsseu, Wyoming; the 18th ; infantry, col. , Thomas F. (David, at Fort McKenzie, ; Wyo., and Fort Bliss, Texas; the 22nd infantry, Col. Daniel A. FreaencK, at Fort Bliss, Texas. The fourth field artillery, tne sec ond battalion of engineers and signal" corps company D, comprising part of the sixth brigade, already nave oeen ordered, to Galveston. Publication of a statement tnat president-elect Wilson had request ed Secretary Knox and Stimson and Major General Wood to meet him at Burlington, N. J., next Tuesday to center upon the Mexican situation led Secretary Stimson today : to is sue this statement: "I have no Information of any such appointment I believe, how ever, that all members of Mr. Taft's administration should Btand ready to give to Governor Wilson and ths members of his cabinet all information possible as to the situation In their, respective departments." Huerta May Seek Recognition. The extent to which recognition may be extended by the United States to the Huerta government haa not been determined. This probably will de pend largely upon recommendations of Ambassador Wilson, who has been given large discretionary autnoruy. The question is likely to be brought to an issufe very soon, through some ap plication from the Huerta government which. It Is understood, Is not disposed to remain satisfied with the action of Ambassador Wilson In recognizing It as a die facto government only. Sun day's tragic events are likely to be considered. . - I The withholding of recognition. however. Is not in any sense involved In a decision of any question of inter vention In Mexican affairs; President Taft has declared he has not changed , his policy In that regard as a result of the latest developments in tne Mexican. canltal and it remains true that prob ably only the extreme Jeopardy.-of Americans and foreigners in Mexico would be regarded aa sufficient for a departure from that policy. Advices to the state department say that General Trevlno, in command, of the-Madero federal forces In north eastern Mexico, but who waa one of the staunch supporters of former President Porfirlo Dial, has declared his allegiance to the Huerta regime and requested authorisation to accept the provisional governorship of Nueva Leon. ' The American consul at Tamplco says the public In Tamplco and Tux- pan districts generally approve ot the Huerta government and normal con ditions are prevailing. In Chihuahua, however, signs or considerable resistance to the new government are reported, volunteers In the Southern part having derlared against It Arrest of state officials on a charge of complicity In the plot to restore Madero has added to the threatened trouble. Developments of the last 48 hour In Mexico apparently have not chanted the general sentiment In congiem against any Immediate action tovviud American Intervention. Hit. Carter HorHve Orders. Chicago. Feb. 24. Major c.en.-n.l William H. ('Brief. ci m ma mil n it n-- By Associated Prcns. Paris, Feb. 2 4. Paul Maurlo Pierre Thnrrau-Dangln. "perpetual secre tary"' Of the Krenrh aendemv died to .In V im-.-.l 7 1 He H i. a In his earll.-r vi a loolilii- tin.hor. d-nlini' to. , . . ,! ' Hifll ,(.ll! ii nl 11 to 1 t ' 0 second dlvMnn I" toduv to hold Mi heiidiU,!t'1'"i of., r.-wli.ird at un' l.r...-e. t. A., VMS or. I, -lf sir! ill- t,i I-

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