J TUS ASII'VILLS' GXZ'ZTIZ-r.ZZ G, 1. ; i . T:' vg5eay THE QUESTION OF COAL Is settled at once if you use ' : : .; M.&W. INDIAN COAL Highest ; in " carbon, or heat units. Full weight; quick delivery; entirely satisfactory from1 every standpoint. Phone 130. IflGEL JLGQUITTEO DF BANK S MURDER Killing 'Occurred 12 Years Ago Plea of Self Defense Is - Sustained. Terrible Suffering Eczema Alt Over Baby's Body , "When my baby wns four roonthi .old his face broke out with ecxema. and et sixteen months of age, his face, hands and arms were In a dreadful state. The eczema spread all over his body. We bad to put a mask or cloth over his face and tie up his hands. Finally we cave him Hood's Snrsapa rilla and In a few months he was en tirely cured. Today he Is a healthy boy." Mrs. Ines Lewis, Baring, Maine. . Hood's Sarsaparilla cures blood dis eases and builds up the system. Get It today In usual liquid form or chocolated tablets called Saraatabs. 1 y Carolina Goal & Ice Company In the Madison county ; Superior court at Marshall yesterday, Joe An gel of Ivy was acquitted of the murder of Latta Banks, about 12 years atco; Angel killed young Banks, the trouble being the result of domestic adalrs. After the shooting he left the state and remained In hiding for several years. Several months ago he returned to Madison, and after spending a few, weeks In the section whore he hud, lived and not being recognized, sur rendered to the authorities and de clared that ha desired to stand trial. -Me was represented by Col. J. S. and V. A. MeKlroy. I . The killing caused a great Jeal of j excitement in the Ivy section. There were various reports about it, one be inc that Anirel had shot voune Banks llOllCSt I while he was begging for his life. At ine time many ieit tnat Angel stood The de fense, however, contended that Banks had been making threats against the life of Angel and that he had bought some cartridges at a store Just before he was killed and Intimated that he would give Angel some trouble. CITY NEWS WHEN THE PRESIDENT COMES TO ASHEVILLE He'll wear Guarantee shoes, 'cause they're good i vi ii ,, line ume many ieit mat a shoes, just like the man that's amall cnance 0f acquittal. president. Five dollars gets all the shoe goodness into footwear that is possible to put in them. Guarantee Shoe Store oath Mala 81 -Ms WE WANT YOU TO KNOW this store simple as one that never charges more than the lowest prices. You can trade here with confidence. The I X L DEPT. STORE 22 Patton Ave. Phone 107 THE ELECTRIC STORE . CONSTRUCTION DEP'T Is there a. dark place in your house where you often stumble and fall on account of light -not being in the proper place, or do you have to go In to the dark basement to turn on the light? We can remedy such things at a small cost PIEDMONT ELECTRIC CO. Don't miss. Y.- M. C. A. Circus at City Auditorium, Friday, March 7, 8:15 p. m. ' 20-2t. NEW CHARTER PLAN IS IP IN THE AIR THE NEW PRESIDENT Docs not wear shirts bet ter laundered than does the Aslievillc man who wears his shirts launder ed the Nichols Way. Phones 1936-1937. Asheville Laundry I. A. VICHOLb, Mgr. S Collet , Differences over ' ' Non-Pari-san" Feature Threaten to Prevent Any Action. The supporters of the commission form of government for Asheville do not know whether they are going to yet to vote on the measure or not. The supporters of the measure sent a pe tition the first of the week to the Bun combe members of the general assem bly asking them to have an election authorized to vote on the commission form. ' Senator Zeb. Weaver last night sent to Archibald Nichols the following telegram:- ' , "Bill of the character suggested would bring on light and Would be Im popslble to put It through now. Will introduce tomorrow, if acceptable, bill providing benefits of city government under commission form with three commissioners, omitting' non-partisan feature. Wire answer. The bill or tlie "character suggest ed" was like' the one voted on two years ago which was defeated and which contained the "non-partisan" feature. ' Mr. Nichols consulted sev eral supporters this morning. Some were In favor of the "half loaf" and others did not wish the bill passed at all unless the non-partisan feature was included. .It was finally decided to send the following telegram: I .Non-pariisan leaiure wnat tne people want. Kesponsiuinty up to you men to do your best. They expect something done." It seems now as If it Is the non partisan feature that the supporters have disagreed on, and that It may cause the defeat of any bill at all. Several months ago one of the leading politicians of the city remarked that the bill would be passed without the non-partisan feature or not at all. The regular rehearsal of the Y. M. C. A. choral chorus will be held In the association building tonight 'at. 7:4S o'clock. ' ; '' ' In "Good Roads" of March 1 there1 is a large photographic production of the delegates assembled here a short time ago for the Southern National Highway convention. ;, i The Senior Phllathea class of the First Presbyterian church will hold the regular monthly business meet ing In the class rooms at 7:30 o'clock this evening. There was a small Ore last night shortly after 7 o'clock at the residence of A. S. Barnard on Watauga street, but the members of the department responded quickly and little damage was done. ' , i There will be a meeting tonight at 7:30 o'clock of the eenlor Phllathea class of the First Presbyterian church. It will be a regular monthly meeting' and will be held in the Sunday school room, . ', ! The weekly supper nnd Bible class at the Y. M. C. A. building will be held tonight, end. Dr. R. F. Campbell will be the teacher. Selections will be rendered by the Bovs' qrchestra while supper Is being served. '' Internal Revenue Agent R. B.J Sams this morning received a report from Deputy Collector Miller telling ! of the seizure of an illicit dlstilery , and compete outfit in Dickinson coun- ty, Virginia, when two arrests were made. Special Employe Joly report- ed the seizure of a plant and com plete outfit in Cherokee county,' mak ing one arrest. iiialMers 1913 . MOTOR CARS Made I u Chalmers Shops. . READ WHAT HUGH CHALMERS SAYS ABOUT . CHALMERS 1913 CARS : - '.: '.. i- .. --. '-. ... : - , . :, ' I As automobile dealers we are proud to sell Chalmers Cars proud ' of the Chalmers organisation the following extract from a talk made by . Mr. Chalmers In Introducing the 191 J line to the dealers we believe Is worth your reading. It tells more about what is" behind Chalmers Cars than pages of specifications. For tired and niihiiipr feet wear Dr. Eeeds Cushion Shoes. Prices $5.00. Snappy, warm and comfortable. Geo. W. Jenkins. ; 18 S Main St V Phone l OF SUIffl A Department of Which Has Been Established in Ashe ville Recently. ' Arrc COLLAR 1 cents, imrn emu Pine Apples and Strawberries. t B. J. JACKSON. Phones 8G-101 ' 18 years ex perience. Order early. WAITI WANTED To send our closed auto mobile to your homes for suits, tine dressei;' gloT&j, white slippers, or any article of wearing apparel that needs cleaning, dyeing or pressing. Nearly fifteen year at It and satis faction- all along.'i'j. c. Wilbar, Phono Sit. ' ; - We are in business not merely to ' t make, money, but also to make good. ' We arc In business to stay. Tho " Chalmers Motor Company can only r, continue permanently by , building cars which offer tho highest possible values at their prices. For 1913 we have directed our ener- , gles to the development of Chalmers Cars along the lines of Comfort, Con venience and Appearance. Mechanically, our cars have, been right from the beginning. Their re cords in scores of contests and In the ' hands of 27,000 buyers prove this. Yet " we have refined and improved them mechanically from year to year. For 191S, however, we have direct ed our attention principally to mak ing our cars more luxurious, easier to handle, and more beautiful. We believe that we have accom plislied what we set out to do. We . feel that we do not have to make . wordy claims for our cars. We mere- . ly submit the Chalmers line for 191J . u as the beat evidence of what we have -done as the best proof of the high dollar for dollar value of our prn- duct. . .... f s. The- cars, themselves are nore elo- . quent than a volume of claims. "':.' .-1 '..-..,.. Hugh Chalmers. J. E. CARPENTER ' JEWELER '. Watches and Fine Jewelry! Watch Repairing my Specialty No. a rack; Square ..siaoo ..$1950 . .$2100 . .2800- Come to our showrooms and see the cars themsefves, 'Thirty'... i .. ......... ... . . "Tliirty-SIx" (four cyllmlors) . . ; . .:. .... . ........ . . . "Six." 5 passenger ... ... .. "Six." 7-passeiucer ... ... j. . (Prices Include full equipment Ashevllle Automobile Co. Phone 818 and 314. ' 15 and 17 South Itexington Ave. 'The department of Hussell Sage Foundation, under tho directorship of John C Cumpbell with headquarters In the Liegal building here, is a de partment of rural life with the south ern Appalachians as Its chief field, as recently .announced.. The purposes of the department are to further ac quaintances between the various rural ovenctas 'at wor in the field, tha one may have benefit of the experience and nowledge of the other, and to bring prlyate.enterprlses In touch with the rural life movement under the direction of state and federal author ities, and that individual effort may profit by the advice and suggestions of acknowledged leaders in state and na tional life. On Invitation the department will seek "to bring to those actively Inter cstcd In this field helpful Information obtained from study of rural effort In this and other countries. Mr. Campbell Is not a stranger In Asheville or the south. A residonce of nearly-.. 20 years In this section has made it his homeland. Mr. and Mrs. Campbell will, in the near future, re move their home from Georgia to Asheville. - HAVE YOU BOUGHT KBISON ;A A X RECORDS AT BIG REDUCTIONS? 1, i" " i : . . 7i - Just think, of these famous wait records, the - 50 cent kind for 31' ,-vnls; the 35 'cpntf knd for 21 cents.. They're going out (rapidly. Have; two or threa 'morif phonographs. J See them now. .. ' f.-'j ROGERS' BOOK STORE, 39 Patton Ave. We Guarantee Our Candies . POSTOFKI'"' CANDYXlilTCHfeN " The Market " ' 3 of Quality '. n 3 . Tho market ' " . ) of ClrauIliH'M ' IS FATALLY INJURED Aged Negro Run Down by Ma chine of Another Negro, : not Expected to Live. Awnings Made to - Order ; ALSO SHADES FOR ANY SIZE WINDOWS ASHEVILLE CAHPET HOUSE LOST Fur muff Wednesday night. Reward If returned to Langren Hotel J0-. WANTED To have you phono 158 and let us call and make an esti mate of cost of painting your house for the spring also calcimine and paper the rooms. Reasonable prices. Best work. R, I Fltspatrlck Bon. . FOR BALE 7 room bungalow, lot 70x170, tine view, price 14550.00; owner leaving the city, property must sell. Phone (I4 or see Don- nahoe Co.. Real Eartte. l0-3t - h F tf t. Xhone 82S km! m : -,.-ng laid with- FOR SALE Nice modern 8 room res idence, lot 60x310, fine view, sleep ing porch, 201 yards from car line, practically new. This place will make beautiful home. Price $5500. Phone 64. Donnahoe Co., Real ' Estate. , t0-at WANTED To buy direct from owner modern renidonce In Montford sec tlon. OH size, location and price. Modern Keskleliee, care Gasette Tvkv.-s. ' 20-St POt.,LTHV--Fourteen white leghorn I'Hti'tH ,iiid 1 imc rM lei rd f,,r s.-il, Ic .ii,- Mil. 20-31 Ellas Vernon, a negro alwut 70 years of age, was run over by the au tomobile of Wat. Wall this morning and was probably fatally injured. Wall, also colored, owns the machine and was driving It' The accident took place on Cllngman street. It Is said that Wall was running down the street at considerable speed and that the old man stepped directly In front of the machine, which passed over his body. Vernon was taken to his home and was attended by Dr. o. D. Gardner. One ear was almost entirely torn away, the skull was fractured aad he suf fered Internal Injuries. Dr. Gardner ay he has little hope that the man will recover. ) ' There was another automobile arc! dent this mnmlnsron Lexington ave nue, whea the automobile delivery o; J. C. wilbar (Struck J. H, J!rtlet of lilack- Mountain. It Is said that Mr. Bartlett wa knoekod down- btit net much hurt. - The machine was driven by Claud Corn, who was cited to ap pear on Police court tomorrow, . Chambers 4k Weavsi. Ltvery. phone 18 Asheville Palm A truum Co. fnrmrl The Mlllef-RIre Paint Cn. Imm -lni Dr. Arthur F, 7;eeves announces re moval of office to No. N. Tack 8a over .NlthoH' Shoe Store. Phone 1483 Dr. Moftrsyer bus moved his oftlr to room 801, Legal building. Olltr telephone 1C2. 1 timing N.i. 'J I ('m- t I . : 1 silil (, rip - Broilers Geese Squabs Roasting a Fryers Ducks Turkeys Chickens HILL'S MARKET Phones 4-358 ' "Ahk Your Neighbor." I J PRESIDENT t l WILSON j : -AVill not be warnu'd with better coal than our becanse it is ,.G()()I) J CLEAN COAL. Best S for stove, prate and fur. nace. Are YOU satisfied with your ., coal? Look at your ush pile then try a ton of MON ARCH COAL, nnd sec how few ashes remain. It brings a new era of com fort and enjoyment in the home. ' , . - . Southern Coal Co. Phone 114 10 N. Pack Sq. X Asheville Coal Co j Phono 40. 6. N. Pack &.-j a ILECTRICAL riXTUXXl Portable 1 .nuspa, Electrio lroni mif Heating Apparatn. W.A.WAED 12 Chunih P Phew. SUITS AND OVERCOATS at cut prices during our over-stock, d sals now going on - ' GEM CLOTHING CO. PATTON AVE, BLOMBERG'S .Cigars, Tobacco, Sporting-G oods and Toys. On the Avenua VISIT. THE New Jewelry Store "When in need of jewel ry;' diamonds," watches, " cut glass, silverware or high class leather goods, don't fail to inspect our large and varied stock. Lowenbein Jewelry Go ' Guaranteed Repair Work a Specialty. 16 Patton Ave. . --i- ,,,: vs-'?.ifvs''f';:'-. ; . One priced system. Everything marked in Plain Fig ures. -.' ". : . ''.,.." . V ' ' !'; ' mi . MINIMUM COST i nrna in in Jl Ul 111 Vf I1C MAXIMUM HORSE POWER ARAB HORSE FEED. Smoked g a Order , Veal Today STAR MARKET PHONES 1917-19181919 , ."Vfe are the lacreseful Caterer to a Variety of Appetites." 1 PER LB 40C. ' , E. C. JARRETT Groceries, Vegetables and Fruits Store Phone 1920 Market Phono 47a Salmon BARBEE'S Sr CIGARS That's My Business. Citizens Transfer Company WOODCOCK, Ot. FURNITURE MOVING . Prompt Baggage Transfer Servici. Endorsed by U. O. T. and T. P. A. r i At Classic T.qdviy ; Everybody enjoys real comedluc. Then sec the two famous Keystone comedies today: ' . j I ."HOFFMBYER'B LEaACV and " DUUMMiEH'S VACATION" "A FRONTIER MYSTERY" . - ; 1 Jl to-reol "101" Bison of unusual plot and quality. 1 ,'- ' . . MTUKDAY ' ' .. ' ' "STAR OF BETHLEHEM" The most Inspiring and truly area t hinllcal picture ever roduccd un--Irss It be the world famous "Passion Pliy" WW ASHSVILLE FISH CO. WHITE FISH AUK FINK FH IlOII.INO They aro frenh water nun Cfligh,t In Ijike Buperlor, ship. nirect and received in excellent condition. fill Your Order Today. H ip "I r-id (v-.in l.v I Reach's Base Ball Goods . : , , s . THE OFFICIAL GOODS Wo nrc wholesale and rftail distributors for this lino of base ball goods. We have just oponed our first i-liip-nient und invite you to call and inspect it. Cata1o?uo Free. ' ' ''.'.','.'.", ( )0ah Grc:aII:lvcCi. f ) nrr r .

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