Jeff Had the Inside Dope on Mutt's Generosity SA JFF. Tv "E fia-remoa. "T" tas MS: TMfcT NO 806 V IN rwe t AI 011 CUNT. C0r WITH A fteitstte AMD ww SuY . xtw ONfe and a ant r i n .-. J I " 1 lN .. ; .ft:., '.:r,4. ''' ":. f ,By"Dud'FijlJr nowl that veuve Cev 'em tQTM DOWN. WHlV h St tUMt AI0 wMJr Bid YOU ft"'? LTr.O r m . 7 4 1 ' I SMI ST I UIVB I tllBl4TMMTI M )..'.... J I i ; ; II I -J- r-.. l 1 leiiTii tyflf ' ' WANTS FOR SALI FOR BALE Good Clean newspapers, CO tor E cent. Apply at Qatetta New offlce. " tt. FOR SALE CABBAGE PLANTS Home grown. Early Jeraey Wake field, 25c per 100: $2 00 per 1000. Woolsey Greenhouse, Ashevllle, N. C. 21-26t FOR PALE That valuable house and lot on southeast corner Chestnut and Merrimon avenue. D. S. Wat son, agent. 25-2tt FOR SALE House and three acres In Weavervllle; good garden, chicken run and barns; office building 3000. J. R. R care The Gazette News. ' dh FOR SALE One guitar and one Singer sewing machine, good as new, at a price that will attract. Address P. O. Box 806, Ashevllle. 18-30t. $000(1 farm for 3500., 175 acres, 45 tlrst bottom, 20 second, 20 pasture. Phone 1725. Interstate Investment Co., 62 Patton Ave. 28-26t. FOR RALE One two-horse disc plow. Apply D. A. Jones. Phone 663. 35-3t HELP WANTED BOYS WANTED Boys, you can earn lots of pocket money selling paper on the streets afternoons and eve nlngi. Apply at Gasette-Newa office. I07-tt WANTED A hired girl or house keeper (white only). Apply Elia son, 104 Woodfin street. 33-6t. LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE WANT . ED No canvassing or soliciting re quired. Good income assured. Ad dress National Co-Operative Realty Co., V-1235, Marden Building, Washington, D. C. WANTED Man who thoroughly un derslands gardening. No other need apply. Call at I. W. Glaser's, 18 I'atton avenue. 36-tf EGGS AND POULTRY FOR SALE C. W. Moody's Im proved S. C. White Leghorn eggs (or hatching. $1.50 for 15. My winnings: 1 Special, S firsts, 2 sec onds, 2 third, 1 fourth. HUtmore Park Poultry Farm, Illltmore, N. C. . v 2S-26t t ' FOR SALE White Orpington eggs for hatching. First prize Poultry show. White Leghorns, Indian Runner ducks. J.. H. McConnell. Phone 122 and 1414. 20-tf. M!1TE LEGHORN and White Wy andiitte hatching eggs from heavy laying thoroughbreds. $1 for 15; 15 for 100. Wm. Johnstone, 11 Cornelia street. Phone 777. .2t-tf. WANTS WANTED J. H. McGINNESS, No. 44 Market ; street - Tailoring, steam dyeing, cleaning, and repairing. Phone 1850. . tt WANTED Tour Rotary PubUe work Residence 111 Aahetanfl avenue Phone II. J as. W. Albrtgkt il-tt WANTED Clean, cotton rags. In quire of the pressman. Gazette News, tf. WANTED A second hand pool and billiard table; must be In good con dition. J. R.R., Gazette-News. C-tf SHOES CALLED FOR repaired and returned promptly. Phone 1641. B. A. Viniarski, 80 West College St 21-26t WANTED To lease for a term of . years a furnished hotel In Ashe vllle or some point in the moun tains of Western North Carolina. Consideration would also be given to a country inn advantageously lo cated. Address "Hotel," care The Gazette-News. tf. WANTED We have several custom ers on the waiting list for five or six room houses. List your vacant property with us. J. T. Bledsoe & Co., 10 North PhoU Square. Phone 461. 36-3t WANTS MiSCZLL TUB SAVANNAH' INN-Mi Patton venue. Large sunny rooms, all newly furnished and borne-like, . with delicious home cooking. Rate $7.00 to fll.01 per week, 11.00 to 12.06 per day, $4.11 per week for table board. MRS, O. R. KES9LER, Proprietor. . l-tf LEARN Bookkeeping. . Shorthand, Typewriting, : Rapid Calculation, Business Arithmetic, Business Eng lish at the Carolina Commercial School. -: Bee Mies P. L. Holman, or Mrs. C. B. Campbell, Legal Build ing, l-tf THE HOLLAND, 40 N. French Broad Ave., under new management half block from Montford and Patton avenue ears. Large comfortably furnished rooma $7.00 to $12.00 per week. 12-26 SHOES called for, repaired and re turned promptly. Gilmer Bowden. Phone 1817. 31 East College street 223-tf MEN Write for my illustrated cata logue showing how I teach the bar ber trade quickly, cheaply, thor oughly. A. B. Moler, Pres., Atlanta, Ga. '. 4-6t WANTED Our quick delivery service in Ashevllle and Uncle Sam's parcel i post put our splendid dry cleaning and pressing service right at your doors. Phone 389, or drop us a post card. We pay return postage. J. C. Wilbar. WANTED After Easter comes house cleaning. Paint and paper your house and rooms. Makes 'em rent for mnri mwy. .m-l rent ji:i"kcr and better. Phone 157. R. L. Fit patrlck & Son, S3 North Main. TORRENT FOR RENT Newly, neatly, and ele gantly furnished steam - heated rooms. Private bath, excellent lo cation. Rates reasonable. Apply E. J. Sparks, 71 Patton avo. 14-tf. FOR RENT New ten room house, . near square on car line $35. H. L. Fisher, I 8. Main St 18-tf. We can rent or sell your property, See American Realty Co., (4 Amer ican National Bank Bldg. lt-26t FOR RENT Unfurnished Ave room cottage, close In: all conveniences. water Inoluded, 111 per month. Ap ply 128 South Main.. ' . IS-tf SHOES REPAIRED Best leather used. Men's shoes half soled, sewed on. 75 cents; women's shoes half soled, sewed on, 50 cents. Shoes called for and returned. Phone 1641. B. A. Vinarski, 30 W. College street. 36-7t Nothing te Werry Over. ' "I beard something the other day that greatly surprised me. and I have been worried about 1$ ever since." j "What was itr ; "I don't know whether I ought to mention It to you or not, but I was told that your daughter's husband was a free thinker. She's 'such a lovely jlrl! I hope It Isn't true" " "Of course It Isn't, or if it is It won't make any difference. Laura takes aft er me, and my husband was a free thinker, too, when I married him. Now be never thinks." Chicago Record Herald.'" . :;. Inspiration and Sitting Tight. 1 George Eliot believed that her novels were the product of Inspiration or gen ius. Anthony Trollope thought bis was the result of "cobbler's Wax, madam," or the faculty of sitting tight In bis cbalr and turning out 250 words every fifteen minutes for two or three boors before breakfast Th method suc ceeded so far as to bring him a return of 1850,000 and the reading public a set of novels which are being more appre ciated every day. Pall Mall Gazette, THE OLD TORT INN - old Forty H. 0- -Ll t EpUy; Propriety. Conveniently loeatad, near eepot Accommodations hr day , week . ef eMintk. Rati h THE JAKRBIT BPRIHOS BOTSti . OmimcrLiai and Toartat , Rates, 1.10 per day.wBot and fJold SatlM. Ipeclal Batoa s tka ,Week t Moatk, -1.: J. . .;.'-. W. f ABJUCTT. , patton nouxa Tke beat aad most reasoaAle hooat in town, good table, clean bade and homa cooking. -Rates l per day. lass ROSA patton j ; ' Not So Very Much. " "You've got nothing on me," aald the coolc, , ., . , The mistress looked per over care fully.' ' ' . ' v "Only one bat, one skirt and two bunches of puffs," she retorted, "and you'll take 'em all off before yon leave too." Pittsburgh Post " to SWEET POTATOE PLANTS All va rieties, ft. 75 per thousand, f.o.b. First proof cabbage plants. The new kind of cabbage that grows as large as a barrel. One thirty-five delivered per thousand. Enterprise Plant Co., Meggetta, S. C. . 3S-26t LOST Saturday night, box containing white flannel suit collar with white and black stripes and green cord and black tassel. Return to Georgia Roberts, care Knickerbocker, and receive reward, 3S-Xt W. A. WARD Has moved from 12 Church street to 12 Battery Park place and solicits your patronage. ' FOR RENT Nicely furnished house, 7 rooms, modern conveniences. No Invalids. Apply M. Oasette-Newa 13-2. J. A. TILLMAN' Jeweler, . IT North Mala Bt I carry a nice . line of Watches, Clocks and jewelry, and make a spe cialty of repair work. Hut Israeli oa guaranteed. TRUNKS AND LEATHER GOODS Is onr specialty. Money to loan on diamonds', irateruM!, jeweli? and anything of value. ' n. L. TINKELSTEIN Loui Crrice. , 23 S. Zlala Ci , Thont tn. AiheTllIt. FOR RENT Furnished delightful home In Montford section, twelve rooms, six bed-rooms, two baths and shower, hot water heat, gar are. Ray-Campbell Co.. No. Hay wood Street Phone 1211. ' FOR RENT One nearly furnished mom, all modern convenience; near car line; also near good board ing house, price reasonable. Phone 1731, II Jefferson Drive. '. 8 l-tf. , A Tale of Two Cities. ' "I thought your' minister was have a call to Minneapolis." "He did expect it. but be went op there to preach a trial sermon and took bis text from St. Paul, so It's all off." Cblcago Record-Herald. ' ; . Take care of yonr thoughts and your words nod deeds will take care of themselves. , . SPECIALTO WOMEN Do you realize the fact that thousands of it t wotnenawnowusirig', 16? FOR RENT Six room furnished house, very desirable location, every convenience. V. 8, Watson, Agent, 2-llt Fort RENT I room house, r large ' sleeping porch, large front porch: price right. Enquire 117 Broad. - . , - l&-t A Soluble Antiseptic owdcgr asA remedy for mucous membrane af fections, such as sore throat, nasal or pelvic catarrh, inflammation or ulcera tion, caused by female ills? Women who have been cured say "it it Worth its weight in gold. " Dissolve in water and apply locally. For ten years the Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co. ha recom mended Paxtine in their private Cor respondence with women. .", : fat all hygienic and toilet twee It has no equal. Only 60c a large box at Drag gists or sent postpaid on receipt of price. The Pax ton Toilet Co., Boston, Mass. . HOTEL ENTSLLA : BBTHUH uirx. Headqnarters for traveling ases and lumbermen. Ratea It per das Special ratea by the month. Bata roons. Tte emmple roema. ' Ratlreae eating heae frontlng goutkera deat Livery in eonneetlon, ' ' . W. A AXMA WHIM IMS. Prov- I t WESTDALE HOTEL r Bryson City, N, 0. - Near depot, all newly fnr aished. Rates $1 per day. Hoi ind cold baths ' Transit trade solicited. ' ' S. L. TEAGUE, Prop.' A, M. O00DLAKE CONTRA CTOR AND BUILDER m BtoTe-frneUnn balldlncs remodeted', rnncrete work a speciality. 17 East College At. Phone 171 , j- G All n!::c::rr,TER s pillq r-, . 1 "lit IMI1.KII Hltl.ll, f I... J ,,,. . I H ,, .f V . It litH MS I, . ei tut ' Aw Ml.::. For Quick Sale " . v -tt-,- lA bargain two residential lots on lillalue street Site earn; It Iet front hy 127 feet In depth. All as sessments paid. Excellent neighbor hood ana paved streets, corner lota Price 1551.00 each. Cash. J BUEN EE ALTY CO . ' ' ' Real Edtate and Insurance. , " Phone 1146.' Rooms II Cltlien'e Bank Bldg. ' VANTTO BTJY Two or three small farms not far from Ashevllle. Western Carolina i BT I. W. WOI.F. HrrrtHurj end Treni t'hone 17 1 N. Pack Bquare Realty Co. NOTICE TO FARMERS' If UfW want a fartHxer, that.,wH produce an A glv you iauitsfaae the BETA FERTILIZER: we make a spe cial grade for every thing that crews, we are apecialists la our line, el ui what you want to grow and we will furnish the fertiliser that will de M. Read wJiat a 4oy did on ana aero In Jaekeoa. County. If yoa. .can't get BRTA FBRTIUZBR 4rm Tour ea4. er, write direct to factory for prices and terms. v .' , Beta, N.-C., Nov. 1 6th, 1111 Bet"FertlllieT 'Co,,- ' Beta, N. CJ . ' Gentlemen: I feel that I am due yoa som tribute or gratitude con cerning the value with which I con alder your high grade fertiliser, per mit me to say, that I used 1(0 pounds on one acre cultivated In corn, and Increased Mif ybeht from 60 bushels to 171 bushels per acre, being an In crease of 141 per cent- I have seed other fertilisers but received only about 15 per cent Increase, so It can readily be seen that your fertiliser cannot be too highly recommended. By the use of your fertiliser I won the first prise In my county, for being the largest producer of corn per acre, and also receiving second In the state. Ho taking Into consideration the large number of others who entered the contest and used different brands f frrtlllier It Is obvloue that yours Is uperlor to all, therefore I heartily recommend your product to sll whe wuih the best results. Rerpecf fully, , Fnrn t hryhoN. eft a mm i.i t to. fceta, N. C. NOTICE OF LAND SALE.' Under and by virtue of a Judgment md decree of the Superior Court of Buncombe county, in the case of Chas & Porter, and A. Toomer Porter, ex ecutors of the estate of A. .Toomer Porter, deceased, against Theodore A. Porter et al., we the undersigned ex. ecutors will on Monday the) 9th day of pril, 1013, between the houra of It nd 8 o'clock, expose for sale by pub' 'lo auction, for cash, at the court house door In the City of Ashevllle. bounty of Buncombe and State ' of Vorth Carolina, the following descrlb d pieoe or parcel of land, situate, ly ng and being oh Sunset drive In the ?lty of Ashevllle, County of 'Bun ombe and State of North' Carolina, bounded and more- particularly de icribed as fol.ows: -" Beginning' at a stake In the West nargln of Bunset Drive the Northeast ;orner of Lot No, 14 of a plat ef the oroperty of the A- Toomer Porter es ate. said lot No. 14 being known as he Perkins tot and runs with the nargln of Sunmt prlvs North II deg. II miiu West t iity-Ave (Z5). feet to a staket thence North 17 deg. 12 mln, West twenty-six (tl) feet to a stake; thence North II deg. 41 mln. West one hundred fifty (150) feet to stake; thence North 61 deg. 14 mln. West ninety-three (IS) feet to a stake; thenoe leaving the martrtn of said Sunset Drive South II deg. II mln. West, thirty-three and' six-tenth (33.1) feet to a stake In the line of the property' sold to Karl Voh Ruck; thence South two hundred thirty-two and live-tenths (233.1) feet to a stake In the Northwest corner of said lot No. 14,- ta the -east line of lot- Na. II; thence North It deg. 37 mln. East three hundred thirty-nine and six- tenths 3.) feet to the beginning; being lot No. 2S on the aald plat of the Porter estate, and being known as Bunnyslde." ' This March th. 1U. i 'CH ARISES . PORTER, t ; . A. TOOMER PORTER, tl-30t Executors. HOTELS AND BOARD IN Q H0USZ3 SwannanoaBorlleloy - Ashtrills'i Xlort Uoders uid Up-to-dato Ccttliv. ? or PriTatc Bath li Very room. ' FRANK LOUQURAN, i " . t ' . S'-3ri-',Tv:. Owner and Proprietor. Easter atlhe Langren x . .Thle famous hotel Is making elaborate; preparation tor a SPECIAL EASTER DINNER - ' Which will be served from 12 noon until 1:10 p. m. ' FOR ONE DOLLAR PER PLATE ' The Menu will surprise you, and so will the special program of Easter musle which we are now preparing,' J. BAYLIS RECTOR, Manager. 1 Datteiy ParlL Hotel T3t-r" vJUtLj.'iviJi r,."r'a' ASHKVILLB.! V. a 7 I J.L- " JTfW ' tonar throcqiioitt tbm tbak. 1 HOTEL-PATTON A k tj- t m Patton 'Ave' AsneVifio; K.t?." ' 'T Zl '! Thorotighly x renovated and nndor new mhnagctnent: $1.00 per day and np. 'Spefciat rates ty week or inonth. ; , The ST. JOHN T j 'The center pf soei4 life and activity ia alThe1 Bt John.'' A kaost attractive and thoroughly modern hotel A high elmcrcheatra. .tu ir f - ' - ST. JOHN and SON, Pnprietom'K ' THE IMPERIAL HOTEL ' i V B, U. GUI KB, Pvaej, ' nunc SAMPiiB roosu ,; ,. .. v..,, , v u .! ''' ssusotrio uoim ITKAM HKATKD ' ' ' WKKM BATH ' ' RATfeS llM - .v j 41 . :;hotel AETHELWOLD; Rates, $2 per day. Steant heat Hot aid Cold paths! Both commercial and tourist Open year round, v i -. - TJOTICE. The undersigned having qualified as the executor it the last will and testa ment of Mrs. 8. J. Anderson deceased, this Is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to present them within twelve months from thU date or this notce will be pleaded In bar of their reeery, All person In debted to said estate will make Imme diate payment. ' ' This the lth day of Mareh, 1113. B. C. CARPENTER, ... Executor of the laHt will and testa ment of 8. J. Anderson, deceased. - HOTEL KENMORE -T7avnne trlTli "TT" . . - " Open All the fear Round, fitrlctly Eijh -Class ' Service Al r" i'Waya. t,;&, A ?.i ?. A. S. KEITH Proprietor' b ' Large airy furniehed, rooms with good home cooking. One block from Langren Ilotel. MRS. FRANK ISRAEL ' 62 N;: Main - j . Phone 1950 EQ1M !?ord.r2an 'iCt iNlaaiiTil-oi LiiL:: t t t 4 h t 4 ' 1 , , . t ' .X'cuc-3 for Cou or Rhcumailcn " HOUliTAEI PAHH E0THL T ' Ilct rprirjs, North Cprcliua. . ' ' Outdoor sports, golf, tenniB, ridinp, driving, rtc. Poe Wr. Wilson, CO 1'utton ave or write for discriitive loolilct.