mm sigk. sour, upset and FULL OF GAS? PAPE'S Of EPS N In five minutes! Time it! AU Indigestion, Heartburn Dyspepsia gone and your stomach feels fine. , and Wonder what upiet your stomach which portion of the food did the damage do you? Well, don't bother. If your atomach Is In a revolt; If sour, gamy and upset, and what you Just ate has fermented Into stubborn lumps; your head dlzy and aches; belch gases and acids and eructate undigested food; breath foul,' tongue coated Just take a little Diapepsln and In five minutes you will wonder what became of the indigestion and aistress. ..' Millions of men and women today know that it is needless to have a bad stomach. A little Diapepsln occasion ally keeps the stomach regulated and they eat their favorite foods without fear. If your stomach doesn't take care or your liberal limit without rebellion: if your food Is a damage Instead of a "em, rememoer the quickest, surest, most harmless relief Is Pape's Diapep sln which costs only fifty cents for a large case at drug stores. It's truly wonderful It digests fodd and sets things straight, so gently and easily that It is astonishing. Please don't go on and on with a weak, disordered stomach; It's so unnecessary. CIUSIWTS BTIif E.' J. Justice . Attacks Candi- t - ' date for Collectorship ' Sees ' President and Gives Interview. PRESIDENT HOPES TO COME HERE Tells - Congressman Gudsrer That Definite Decision Cannot Be Made Now. MR. GUDGER DISCUSSES LEGISLATIVE PROSPECT GOOD HORSE SENSE. t The horse la man's universal T motor, without which be could degree of civilization could 'not even have emerged from sav ageryyet be is bo familiar that be is not appreciated until be is lost No other animal Is so Im portant to human welfare, and bis Improvement by the rise of good sires should be the care of every farmer as a mere matter of economy. Kansas Farmer. .him in ui tin nun mm EUckt, Bonds, Cotton, (ham, Wovisions, Money Sew "Sons, New Or leans, Chicago and For eign Market News. MAY START A RUMPUS AMONG THE TARHEELS! Aleves Tariff Act Will De Passed as a Whole Some Patronage. Tf Proei4anr iPoU. 1.. Matters. JWt.ire'a Antrim TViora I "in my opinion Asnevuie nas an ex irl4 T t Icellent chance of getting President . I J ft . o n ' T Ht fliiiliMi. if CraCIC Uieavage. wno arrived from Washington this morning on the New Vork special Mr. Gudger said that he based his opinion on a conversation which he had with the president In regard to the matter yesterday, and that the president said that h$ was favorably IS IT "LAZY MAN'S WAY?" Use of Commsroial Fertilizer Discuss d For and Against. Mr. Fullerton, who, with bis wife, is the "bead and front" of the Long Is land experiment farms, discourses as follows on the use, or, rather, abuse, of By Associated Press. NEW YORK STOCK LIS-. u ' .V',., i ' Close. I Amalgamated Copper ........ 70 Amer. Beet Sugar ., 30 Amer. Cotton OH 454 Amer. Smelt. & Refining 68 H Amer. Sugar Refining r....... 1134 Amer. Tel. & Tel.. . 132 Anaconda Mining Co.. . . . ... . . . 3641 commercial fertilizers. In answer to AJW, .. ..., , . 'Atlantic Coast Line ; 122 the question, "Aren't you ever going to i Baitimore & Ohio .... ...... 99 use fertiliser, Mr. Fullerton?" be said: Brooklyn Rapid Transit 88 4 ? "Bless your souls, yes. Didn't I use Canadian Pacific .... ........ 2 3 Hi .. 70 ..134 4. i Gazette-News Bureau, Wyatt Building, Washington, March 27 E. J. Justice of Greensboro caused I inclined toward this place. a mild sensation here today when he I Mr. Gudger delayed his departure gave out an Interview In which he from ' Washington In order to talk to said he had asked the President to Mr. Wilson about making Asheville the consider the "progressive" democrats summer capital, and to ascertain his rather than the "reactionaries" In the attitude concerning the matter, distribution of natronaee In North "The president said that he would Carolina. Mr. Justice mentioned Col. very glad to come to Asheville this A ' IX Watta. hv nm nrt tniA the summer," said Mr. Gudger, but that president that the colonel was re- on account of tne special session of nnnrihi iho d. nf congress ne wouiu uk torcea 10 may gresslve measure that failed of pas- "biu u..i.. u wuu-u sage by the last legislature, tlme woula e ,"uenn'le' 11 mlBnl Mr. .TimtlfA'a statement. fnHnworl IttRB up a. cuilBiuoiauio pari ui lire conferences with secretary of state summer; inai me urae was xoo iar on Bryan, Senators Gore and Owen of 109 Colorado Fuel & Iron. 33 Colorado & Southern . 26 Delaware & Hudson . . . . , . . . . . 157 Denver & Rio Grande. . . . . '. . . . 20 Erie .....i. . 27 General Electric i . '. . . . . 138 Great Northern pfd .......... 128 Great, Northern Ore ctfs. ....... 84 Illinois Central .............. 120 lnterborough-Met. . ..."..... 17 Interborough-Met. pfd . , . . . . . . 67 4' Inter Harvester '. .' 105 4; www y - - . uo i vtHiauidll JTUUlllU ...,. fertilizer when I plowed that rye un- Chesapeake & Ohio . . . deri Next fall I am going to nut on Chicago & Northwestern about ten tons to the acre of manure ; Chicago, Mil. & St Paul. again, and I am going to turn under crimson clover, vetch and rye on every square foot I can get planted. "Then I shall use lime for a sweeten er, for we now can afford the lime a little time to work.' Next summer when I am putting in a second and third crop on the same ground I shall prob ably use blood and bone meaL "Don't misunderstand me. I tbtnk chemical fertilizers are bully for old, wornout land, but It would be like 'car rying coals to Newcastle' to put them on virgin soiL. . "The craze for chemical fertilizer bas gone too far. There are places where they have put it on so heavy (with the theory .tnt If one too Is good $ wo, tons will be better) that they have chemical laboratories, not farms. AU chemical fertilizing Is 'lazy man's way." He claims be will not have weeds, so will save cultivation. Weeds are the farm er's best friends. They force him to cultivate, and lack of cultivation Is the' crime of modern farming. If they'll pile some old manure on that ground now and so liberate through decompo sition the various component parts of the chemical fertilizers they will have firms again." ' I to make a definite decision. He add- Oklahoma, Secretary of the navy ea- however, inai ne was very lavor .Tnanhn rtontoi. -nrt R.nrtorv r thably Inclined toward Asheville, and Treasury McAdoo I my personal opinion Is that the city y i huh a, kuuu cutiiiue ui bet nig mm; A Big Row. ! With reference to appointments to Should the president follow the ad-1 office Mr. Gudger said: "There have vice of Mr. Justice, ewen to a small I been no developments except that extent, a big row will be caused In I pressure is strong for the repeal or democratic ranks in the state. It I modification of the Taft civil service would mean, perhaps, that national prder; and in my judgment a, modin committeeman Daniels would have to I cation of the order will be made with line up with either the Justice faction! In 30 days to. the effect that all appli- or the side led by Senators Simmons I cants for postofllces will bo required and Overman. But whether Mr. Dan-1 to stand civil service examinations, In lels favors the Justice movement orlcluidng the incumbents; and appoint' not is not known, Mr. Justice will rnents will be made from a certified oppose Senator Overman for reelec-1 list of the eligible The exact method Hon to the senate. He will base his has not been determined, but the mat- campaign upon progressive - policies I ter now has the consideration of the and against what Justice terms "Ma-1 postoftice department. This does not Louisville & Nashville Missouri Pacific ... Mo., Kans. & Tex.. Lehigh Valley National Lead New York Central . Norfolk & Western Northern Pacific . , Pennsylvania . v X 1 8, People s Gas 1104 Pullman Palace Car 1574 HEAR BOTH SIDES, Never condemn your neighbor unheard, however, many the accu-. anon against him. Every story has twd ways ol being told, and justice requires that you should hear the defense as well at the accusa tion. And, remember, your enemies may place you in a similar situation. 135 37 25 165 474 104 105 1164 Reading Rock Island Co . ; .' Rock Island Co. pfd Southern Pacific . . . Southern Railway . Union Pacific ........ . . . . 149 . United States Steel ..... ...... 604 United States Steel pfd 107 Wabash... ................ 3 Western Union 66 4 157 21 36 loo W 25 4 COTTON FUTURES OPENING. New York; March 27. Cotton fu lures opened Arm: January ... 11.52 March . . . ... . ,. 12.46 May ... ..J 12.05 July ... ... .......... 11.98 August 11.85 September .. . . .. ........... 11.62 October... 11.66 November ... 11.65 December ... .. . 11.67 J. M. McDowell, a retired miller and capitalist of Marysvllle, Kans., Is spending his eighty-ninth Winter In rutting and sawing wood for the fur nace In' his home. - Czar Nicholas II. belongs to the Greco-Russian, officially called the Orthodox faith. -William II. is a Pro testant, believing in the tenents of Luther. Francis Joseph la a Catholic. CHICAGO LIVESTOCK. Chicago, March 17. Hogs, receipts 20,00; slow, generally 5c lower. Rulk of sales (.209.36; light 9.0599.36; mixed 9.25 W 9.35; heavy 8.75 9.30; rough 8.7D9.00; pigs 7.159.20. Cattle, receipts 4000; strong. Beeves 7.009.10; Texas steers 9.60H 7.70; western steers 6.85 H 8.20; stock ers and feeders 6,70 8.20; cows and heifers 3.76 8.10; calves 6.50 9.60. Sheep, receipts 8000; steady to a shade higher than yesterday's close. Native 5.75f0.60; western 5.9006.60; yearlings 6.86 (g1 7.75 ; lambs, native, 6.75 8,60; western 7.00 8.60. ONE APPUCATION RESTORES 1 TO COLOR GREY FADEQ R v - -'- n t tr-L. I nf Ufa. radiance and beauty. oimpie easy oaie wun For- th0e wh0 are trouMed wUb, Hay V Hair Health - Whv ham nnilshtlr srev hair why look prematurely grey and years older man you are why look unattractive ' and lose your charm and beauty T If vour hair Is srev. faded, streaked looking. Hay's Hair Health will change It bring back the natural color, lite and lustre auickly. effectively. No one can teU that vou are using It You'll . be surprised at the quick results from a few applications, the grey hairs will gradually disappear, leaving your balr In its natural, youthful condition, full chine politics." Justice's Statement, After his various conferences Mr. Justice issued the following state ment: "There was nothing of any apply, of course, to the presidential offices. .: . ' . "In this district there are four presidential offices where the post masters will be selected during the personal Interest discussed by me I early part of April: Canton, Black with the president. , We discussed Mountain, Tryon ana Kutherlord ton. public Questions generally and par-l Mr. Gudger continued: "Tho lm ticularly my interest In seeing North I presslon prevails in Washington that Carolina democracy be In thorough I the tariff bill will be passed as an en- harmony with the policies of the tire measure, and ther Is no question president. I frankly discussed the I but tnat tne party will be in harmony North Carolina situation along the I on the matter, both In the senate and lines I had discussed In public prior to I house. the Baltimore convention and as II Mr. uuager stated that the acting dlscused It in general assembly. I commissioner of Indian affairs had undertook to Impress upon the presl-1 designated Jamcs-E, Henderson as the dent what the fight for progresive superintendent of the Cherokee Indian policies such as the anti-trust law, the scnool at Yellow Hill In Swain cortipt practice act and the legalized I county. primary meant to tnose 01 us - wno had supported these measures "I called his attention to the . in herent and persistent reactionary sen tlment that has dominated there dem ocraU who ar organized in oppost Hon to all progressive action. The situation Is not a matter of integrity but a matter , of political' principle. CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE Chicago, March 27. Prediction of cessation of rain in 'the Ohio valley sent wheat down today. Easier cables from Liverpool and reports from Argentina of prospective, larKe shipments, added to bear sentiment. Everyone who knows anything about! The market opened a shade to cent the situation in North Carolina un- lower, witn May s to oft at 90 derstands that there Is a minority! to 90 and declined to 90c, that regards every proposition to pro- Corn after a firm start, saged ow irreaa nr to change the outworn ma-1 Ing to scantiness of demand. May chine methods to modern conditions I started unchanged to 4 up at 63 as being wild western, impracticable I 4 to 63 and eased to 63 0 theories. This class of North Carolina I 4 democrats have never seen what the Free selling of oats weakened that president's fight and those who fought market. May, which opened at 83, for his nomination as well as for his to 34 unchanged to off, declined to election meant. : 38U. Provisions trade was con Wonlil Keen North Carolina Reaction- I fined to small local transactions. ary. "So far as I am concerned I think it would be disastrous to the cause of progressive democracy for this class of reactionaries to be given tne iea- eral offices for the reason .that U would be an asset In their hands to keen North Carolina reactionary. "I said this to the president In sub stance and I mated to him that not! i ing I had said was In confidence. I sincerely trust that our senators and representatives will find pleasure In Impressing this view upon the pres- Prlces at the outset ranged from 2 4 lower to 10c higher with May de liveries as follows: Pork, 20.60674; lard, 11.10; ribs, 11.174. As to Mr. Watts. "Did you discuss with the president the Question of naming a collector of Internal revenue for the western dbr trict of North Carolina?" "I don't know whether I know all the candidates," said Mr. Justice, "but mn tam m A T Watta la RntiCRmfld he Dandruff there Is nothing that will re-1 on recor(i i the last generaly as lieve the Irritation and Itching and Kmbiy of opposing almost if not all Tou Judge a man not by what he promises to do, but by what he has done. That is the only true test. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy Judged by this standard has no superior. People everywhere speak of it in the highest terms .of praise. For sale by ldent and keep him advised as to the I all dealers. true situation. I believe the president I. low with IK. antrl nf nrflnwi.,rv anri ha will find no State of ortn Carolina, I County of Buncombe, Una when he is put in possession ol 'a'w'1-''7'"cl'7" the facts." cleanse the scalp so quickly and thor ouehlv as Hav's Hair Health. Dan druff causes the hair to turn grey, be come thin and faded, and gradually to fail ouL Get rid of it at once. Druggists will refund your money if you are not satisfied wltb Hay's Hair Health after a trial. - '' ; Free: Sign this adv. and take it to the following drugftists snd get a 60c. bot tle of Hay's Hair Health and a 25c. cake of Harflna Soap for 60c; or $1.00 bottle of Hay's Hair Health and two 26c cakes ot Harfina Soap Free, for Ik At PKINCE,SS MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY ; 'FROM THE MANGER TO THE CROSS" A reverent moving picture life story of : . JESUS OF NAZARETH , Produced in authentic 'location in PalcKtino and Egypt. ' Special Sacred Music. ' , progressive measures, and so far as 1 know of not favoring any, and to him, more than any one else Is due what ever credit or blame attaches to the defeat of the legalized primary. -He made no concealment of the fact that he was violently opposed to the reso lutions I offered Inviting tho presi dent, Mr. Bryan and Senator LaKol lette to the state to speak and as I understand it, he placed his opposi tion particularly upon tho ground that they were Invited to speak upon meas ures which he did not bellevo in and which in his Judgment the legislature did not have time to hear discussed." Mr. Justice said that , even the known fact that Senator Simmons favored these progressive measures did not deter Senator Watta in his op position. He aald he had no personal feeling against Mr. Watts nor did he attempt to tell the president that there was anything that could bs brought against Mr. Watts personally. His reactionary tactics were the only things spoken of, Mr. Justice said. Tou can any gooohye to constipa tion with, a clear conscience If you use Chamberlain's Tablets. Many havs been permanently cured by their use. for aula by all dealers. D. Penland vs. Fred Greenlee, Archie Greenlee, Mary Greenlee and Martha Greenlee. NOTICE Ol' SERVICE OF SUMMON BY PUBLICATION. The defendants above named, and each of them, will take notice thut an action special proceeding, as above entitled, has been commenced In the Superior court of Buncombe county. North Carolina, before the clerk, for the purpose of selling for partition a certain tract or parcel of land situate, lying and being on the north side ot the old Haywood road and on the west side of the New Found road in the town of West Asheville, county of Buncombe and state of North Caro lina, and being the lands and prem ises conveyed to Martha Greenlee by Jesse S. Smith by deed dated Decem ber th, 1169, and duly recorded In the office of the register of deeds for Buncombe county, N. C, In deed book No. SI at page 195 et seq., to which reference Is hereby made for metes and bounds, said .premises known as the Swan Greenlee old place contain ing about one and one-half acres and being fully described In the petition filed in this cause; and said defendants will further take notice that they are required to appear before the clerk of the Superior court of Buncombe county, N. C, at hla office In the city of Asheville, on Monday, the 6th day of May, 1113, and answer or demur to the petition filed In said cause, or the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded In said peti tion. - ' This the 27th day of March, 1911. MAUCV8 rcitWIN, C. B. O. t After Easter Sale of Women's and Misses' Coat Suits We have gathered from our entire range, 100 odd suits in Blue, Serge, Black with White Hairlines and Fancy Tweeds in all the leading colorings and models for Spring, values to $25.00 During this After-Easter Suits Sale The Asheville Dry Goods Co. IV M ew Si TODAY FRIDAY SATURDAY I. Ah DAVIS Comedian and Water Color Artist. IL ROSS AND BATES Singing, Talking and Musical Act. III. SAM T. 1IAU1US Entertainer in Songs and Monologue. IV. SCIIALLER BROS Modem (lladiators. V. ' CHOICE MOTION PICTURES VI. MUSIC By Majestic Ladv Orchestra. Slogan "Meet Me at the Majestic','. Gaze tte-News Advertising Pays. EASY TO BUY; EASY TO PAY Will Buy Your Spring Clothing 11, All of those nobby styles in men's and women's clothing arc awaiting you at this store. C Tailored suits, dresses, vdts and millinery for women. C Suits, raincoats, fancy vests, hct3 , and shoes for men. C Everything you need in ready-to- wear apparel for spring and sum merand a positive guarantee with every garment. C Come in now. , Don't wait. Our easy payment plan is ready to serve you in the best possible way. Large Assortments Low, Plain Prices FARLEY & ASKIN (I 16 Pack Square

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