, ' '.,' '..' ' . THE ASnSVILLE GAZETTE-NEWS Thursday; Llarch 27; 1913. M. & W. Indian Goal is all ooal, the slate and dirt are entirely eliminat ed. There's a dollar's worth of fire in every dol lar's worth of M; & W INDIAN COAL, Phone Carolina Goal & Ice Company;" GOV E SSUES AN APPEAL For Aid for Those Made Home less by the Recent Floods and Storms i NOT ONLY FOR GOODNESS SAKE The 'wearing qualities which always please, but for real nif ty style as well, hundreds of la dies in Asheville are wearing Patrician shoes, oxfords and pumps new spring styles are beautiful, $.1.50 and $4.00. Guarantee Shoe Store fcwtb Main Bt WE WANT YOU TO v KNOW this store simplo as one that never charges more than the lowest prices. You can trade here with confidence. The I XL DEPT. STORE 1 Pattern Ave. Phone 107 Governor Locke Craig arrived . in the city last night from Raleigh and immediately after his arrivul here he 'issued an appeal to the citizens of 'North Carolina to remember the hordes of homeless and helpless peo pie In the west and central parts of the country, whose homes have been .devested and are being devasted by the tremendous (loods and storms that have been raging for several days. His appeal was not only for the sympathy of the citizens of this state but for their material aid in alleviating; the suffering of their fellowmen. His ap peal is as follows: "To the People of North Carolina: "The calamity that has befallen the states of Nebraska, Indiana and Ohio is Incomprehensible in its tremendous proportions. The appalling floods have swept Melds and cities with vast desolation and death. The people have been crushed with a boundless sorrow. Their property has been de stroyed, their homes have been swept away. In despair, they are helpless and suffer for shelter, food and iloth InK all ases and both sexes. "The distress of so many thousands of our fellow beings arouses our hu manity and appeals to the charity of the brotherhod of man. The duty is upon all the states of the union to hear the call and help In the rescue from want and starvation of multi tudes of American citizens. "As the governor representing the people of North Carolina,- I extend sympathy to the people of the stricken states and feel confident that we who have prospered will remember those who suffer in a great disaster. "Contributions may be sent to the Tied Cross, Washington, D. G, or to the lied Cross state treasurer, Ualeigh, N. C. "LOCKE CRAIG, "Governor of North Carolina." A Belmont "notch" collar in whit striped Madras. It's an AR.R.OW . COLLAR 15c 3 for J5c. Cluett, Peabody & Co. CITY NEWS The Superior court is still engaged in the trial ut the case of Cura L j Wheeler vs. Romulus' R. Cole et als. j The Laymen's Missionary move- J ment convention committees meet at the Y. M. C. A. at 8 o'clock this even ing. The balcony of the Majestic theater was opened last night to colored peo ple and the management appointed Thomas liglesby und Robert Cannon to keep order In that section of the house. j There will be a meeting tonight at S o'clock of the French Droad council No. s7, Jr. o. V. A. M.. In the lodge rooms on South 1'uck square. This will be an adjourned meeting from last Thursday night. : The Knights of the Maccabees will have their regular meeting tonight. Several candidates are to be initialed E H. Palmer, district commander, has returned here from Canton, where he has been organizing a tent, und will help with the work tonight. I Maude G, llryson issuing the South ern railway for 2()u damage for in juries alleged to have been received In a wreck; and her husband, George W. isryson. Is suing for the same amount or alleged injury to his wife and hildren. WANXS O-Cedar Polish Mops, 1 1.50. Hardware Co. Urown 35-6t. The Nichols Way THE PERFECT LAUNRDY Phones W.'IG-IO.'IT Asheville Laundry J. A. NICHOLS. Mgr. 4:1 College St. R EL' To each lady making a 10c. purchase or more at our store Sat urday, one Aluminum Salt Shaker. See our window. Ilrown Hard ware Co. 35-t. SPECIAL This week,' 10 qt. Reel Iron Clad heavy tinned pall, 2 0c, see our window. Urown Hardware Co. 3a-6t. SHOE REPAIRING RUB BE P. HEELS 40c. Our prices are low on all repairs. Phone us and save money. We are prompt. Champion Shoe Hospital, 42 South Main St. 37-tf I'OIl SALE Clay Pens, clean and sound in quantities as wanted. P. W. Lowe & Son. College St.. Ashe ville, N. C. Phone !. 3S-HI V A NTK I .) To repaper, calcimine your rooms und paint your house. Makes it look better, rent better and worth nvro. Good work and true. Phone 1.17. R. L. Fitzpatrick & Son, 53 N. Main St. Eolt RENT One-half of the store room at 68 Patton avenue, April 1. long lease, large basement. Good display window. Opposite postofflee. See Ellas & Hopson. 38-lt April 7 has been named as the date Or the meting of the directors of the Western North Carolina Fair assocla- ion. Tentative plans will lie made at this meeting for the next fair, and re- orts from the officers concerning the fair held last October will be heard. The first of the series of three base ball games between the teams of Weaverville college and the Asheville High school was postponed yesterday afternoon m account of rain. If the weather this afternoon permits the game will be pulled off in Weaver- ille. After spending the day in Pisgah forest yesterday and lunching at Pis gah lodge, the directors of the Ameri- ;in Forestry association, who are making their spring tour, returned to i the city late yesterday and left In the evening on their special car for the a-t. The directors slated that they bad a very interesting trip and greatly njoyed the time spent here, .lohn Conley has Instituted suit In Superior court, through his attorney. Zeb F. Curtis, against the Bee Tree Railway company for damage in the sum of $.1000 for personal injuries al leged to have been received la-t No vember, while he was in the employ of the defendant company, when n car on which he was riding collided with another and the plaintiff was thrown to the ground. THE ELECTRIC STORE Const ruction Department Have you a perfect light Tor your Iresser At n very low cost we can Install a lighting system that we can guarantee to give satisfaction. This system will not only give a satisfac tory light but will be an ornament to your dTesser. It is our business to satisfy our cus tomers. Our phone number is 47H. PIEDMONT ELECTRIC CO. Great Convenience - And nvi bother to have your ba gag checked from your house to des tination. Furniture moving a spe cialty. Phone 11 Asheville Transfer ft Storage Company WANTED Furnished rooms for light housekeeping. A. P., General De livery. 3S-31. LOST I'mbrella, with buck horn handle, gold rim around base of handle, with my name engraved thereon. Probably left in post office. Suitable reward paid for Its return. Duff Merrick, Legal build ing. 38-31 WANTED A six room suburban dwelling, with grounds, on car line, not over three years old. Price around $30(10. Cash transaction and prefer to deal with owner di rect. Address Box 1048. 38-3t FOPND Black, white and tan tetter, female, about 10 months old; own er may have same by paying for advertising. See Walter Steele, 15 Church street. 38-lt FOR PALE Have just sold two hand some homes In Grove park. We have one more modern eight room house now In course of construction that we offer for $6500.00, with hot water heat plant, cash or terms. J. T, Bledsoe & Co., 10 North Park Square. 38-3t FOR SALE Modern and practically new eight room hotwe with lurge basement, close in, and paved street Cost $7,000.00, which we offer for nulck sale at $5o00.00. J. T. Bled soe & Co., 10 North Pack Sunre. 28-3t ORDER YOUR AWNINGS Jul AT ONCE.'' Before the rush of sum mer orders begins. We make nil kinds ' of awn ings for all kinds of win dows. Let us figure on your, work. . ASHEVILLE CARPET HOUSE M Ctiucb .Btrert. . notv S!S, Cn and itlng laid with eut c " ' WANTED To clean and dye your lightweight last summer and fall ' suits. They'll look like new when we're through with them. Phone 389, and let our big auto come for them, J. C. Wllbar. WHY PAY RENT? We loan money nt Ave per cent to buy and build . homes, and pay off mortgages on farm or city property, long time and easy payments, with- prepay ment privileges. Loans made any where In United States, J. W. Poll . der, (13 Mutual Bldg., Richmond va. $22M. $750 rash, $26 month buys good ' 7-ronrn house, on car linn. Phone 1725. . IntwsUte Investment Co., (2 Patton avenue. 2l-2t. (almersi9i3 MOTOR CARS ; MADE IN CHALMERS SHOPS. . MORE COMFORT MORE CONVENIENCE ; MORE BEAUTY V" ' " " Maximum comfort Is secured in the Chalmers "Thirty-Six'.' by Turkish Cushions, made In soft flexible, folds, 11-Inch upholstery,' fits easily Into a natural restful position. The sen is are generously wide with abundant foot room. Long three-quarter elliptic rear springs, big wheels and large tires insure the utmost in riding ease. :, Conveniences are essentlul to comfort. Chalmers cars for 1913 have all modern conveniences of control within easy reach of the .driver. ' -. i You will find the Chalmers Self-Btarter button, electric light switch, carburetor dash adjustment, speedometer, gasoline pressure pump, air pump, oil sight feed, priming lever, horn, bulb gear shift ing and brake levers brake pedal, clutch pedal all conveniently located. Wy - , Beautiful bodies of simple, dignified and attractive lines, typify the Chalmers "Thirty-Six" for 1913. Handsome nickel trimmings are regular equipment. The inside of , body Is leather lined. Fin ish Is of the highest quality. Please note these big features of Chalmers cars for 1913! Kloctrie lights. Turkish cushions, nickel trimmings. v Improved springs, Long stroke motor. 4-fownnl speed. Transmission, Kleven-iixli upholstery, Increased Wheel, base. Demountable rlins. Rig wheels and tires. Dual Ignition system. Speedometer, Spec ial mohair top, Italn vision windshield. . . BILTRITE SHOES ? FOR MEN , which satisfy pride and eedn oniv. Price $4.00. ' ,' GEO. W. JENKINS Xo. 18, South Main St. J.r E. CARPENTER JEWELER . Watches and Fine Jewelry. Watch Repairing my Specialty No. 8 Pack Square ' Mmdi brat We Bhall be glad to demonstrate oar models over any roads you may select. "Thirl y-Six." $1950; "Six," 5-pas-scngcr, $2100; "Six," 7-iw.sscnger, SOOO. (Prices include full equipment) Asheville Automobile Co. COALS rare of many kinds, but there is onlv one grade of v MONARCH . best! It , is carefully screened leaving only pure coal. Result every lump burns freely without a clinker few ashes. Southern Coal Co. Phone 114 10 N. Pack Bq. NO JUGGLING. With the quality of our coal M. & W. COAL Is famous for its uniform quality at all times, every ton. Phone 40. Asheville Coal Co. J Phone 40. 6. N. Pack Sq. . TALCUM POWDER. Ruby, Pearl. Crown, Barbers Choice 4 ox 5c, 10c, 15c. We can furnish It In lbs. for 20c, 25a and S5c. Theg powders are ; absolutely the best made. Asheville Barbers Supply Co. 23 N. Main St. Wl BUT Sell and Exchange, rornltui . Fixture, etc. . '. Aihevill. Furniture fu 21 Bouth Mala Et Phoit list YOUR LETTERS AND THE ENVELOPES Carrying your letters make an impression on him who receives It we print business stationary tastefully, attractively . 1 ; ROGERS' BOOK STORE, 39 Patton Ave. HAVE YOU TRIED ANY OF OUR FRESH HOME MADE BON EONS LATELY? Take some home with you tonight, as a pleasant . sur prise for the youngsters. rAwnv WTTsTHrirKr haywood strew M-i-Lf X Jtkl 1 JjLJCtflN NEAR POSTOFFIOB VISIT THE New Jewelry Store and inspect our attractive new stock of Jewelry, Dia monds, Watches, Cut Glass and High Grade Leather Goods. We can save you money. ; . Lowenbein Jewelry Co: 16 Patton Ave. HILL'S HILL'S HILL'S HILL'S niLL'S HILL' PLANT NOT BURNED (luiinpioii Fibre Coiliianv Official Learns Thut Ohio SI ill Is Merely Dumaied. The Gazette-News carried u dis patch yesterday that the Champion oatod Paper company's plant at Hamilton, ()., had been destroyed by fire. Today an official of the Cham pion Fibre company ut Canton, an adjunct of the Hamilton plant, stated that a message hud been received that the plant hud not been destroyed by lire but the coatlnK plant had been damaged by lire, while there was about 10 feet of water in the plant. Preliminary Contest. Ghpice Western Meats and Grain Fed Poultry HILL'S HILL'S HILL'S HILL'S HILL'S HILL'S WK CLKAN KYEKYTIHXG Suits, coats, dresses, evening wraps, dainty articles of ' lin gerie, fancy waists, , In fact, everything thut men, women and children weart in any sort of material. We clean woolens, silks, linens or cottons with equal facility and satisfaction to you. Phone 835 or 836 and let our wagon call. A great plant perfectly equipped for this service. , . ASHEVILLE DRY CLEANING CO. Left of Langren Entrance. BETTER OXIXiRDS AND PVMPH FOR LESS . That's because we sell for cash, and can afford to sell for less, no bad debts to lose and charge to your account. Beau tiful tan and black leathers plain pumps, 2-strap pumps, and four to 7 button oxfords J3 and $3. GO. . MUMPOWER Sells for Cash, for Less 17 S. Main St. The High school will hold the pre. llmlnary declamation contset Fri day, April 4, in the High school au ditorium. , The contestants judge. etc., will be announced in these col umns in a few days. The winner will represent the High school in the big contest which comes off Friday night. April the 11 nt the city Audi torium. The field meet comes off on the day of the eleventh. The boys who are going Into the different contests are now at work, although the wetaher ha lieen bad of late and too wet and mudy to do much out door track work. The High school expects to muke a good showing this year. Florida Oranges .. , . ; - ' ' :t '.''. Thine skinned and juicy. ."!(), .15, 40 and 50c a dozen. E. C. JARRETT Fancy Groceries Vesotables and Fruits. Store Phone 1920 . Market phone 473 AcknowhilgcnientH. ' The Associated Charities wishes to express Its gratitude to the Woman's Guild of Trinity Chureh for clothing, Rector's Aid of All Souls' for clothing, the Nurses club for dressings and the district nurse, the Swaqnanoa Laun dry for work done. Brown's Creamery for milk. Miss Westall and Mrs. Mar tin for clothing. LOST Solatalre diamond. Liberal re , ward If returned to poor girl at bns office. Majestic Theater. 38-lt FOR RENT FURNISHED 10-roo.m house, 4 minutes walk from squato. Splendid location. Address K, care Oaiette-NeWs. ' 88-tf. F(JH RF.NT Three or four. rooms on ground lloor, furnished or unfur nished. Call at I College Park 4 Place. . J8-tf. r Orphanage Benefit. ' On Friday evening nt t o'clock the members of Plgah Rehekah lodge will give an entertuinment at the odd Fel lows hall In West Asheville for the benefit of the Goldalro orphanage. The public is cordially Invited. Re freshments will be served. It TZ AGUE A OATZS , "On the Bqnare" . DRUGGISTS Oatea Bldf. Phone MO. 42 peice dinner set FREE to Lady making the largest pur chase in our store Saturday, April 5th. - ' .RandolphMercantile Co. Cor. Central Ave and Elm St. ALLISOSN Drug Store 4) Ptto At. VI Good Dru I tort." BARBEE'S MEANS GOOD That's My Business. CIGARS BLOMBE.R.G'S Cigars, Tobacco, Sporting Goods and Toys. On the Avenue 1913 BUICK 1913 As fast as you Ilka, as silent as a summer breese, as steady Me pullman car, na alow as you please, aa flexible as steam. '' That describee the Bulek cars for lll. We have a car. of every model of the Bulck 1111 output The faaUdluua buyer can find a model to suit his moat exacting require- menta. Tou are Invited to call and examine the new cars, . . ' , " Phone 303. AEB00AST MOTOR CO. 60. N. Main. I JUNE PASTURE DAIRY MEAL included as part of your cow feed will increase the milk pro duction without increased cost. km- . 1 ' ' i our urocer will supply you. ASHEVILLE GRAIN & HAY CO. yVholesalo Distributors. . Citizens Transfer Company JULIAN WOODCOCK, Oi r. ' - FURNITURE MOVING Prompt Baggage Transfer Service. Endorsed by V. O. T. end T. P. A. During lust year the sum of t30, 000,000 was expended In New York city In the erection of office buildings slone. . Chambers Weaver. Livery, phone II Dr. McBrayer Dae moved hie office, to room 101, Legal building. Office telephone HH. U FIRST QrALITY. IIVNCOMUK COCXTY HOME CCRKI), HICKORY HMOKl:i HA. MM. , The hama with a growing reputation. The flavor lasts long after the price Is forgotten. , ' STAR MARKET PH0NE3 19171918-1919 "We are tlie enceesafol Caterers to a Variety of Appetltee." Lawn lowers TIm grass in growing vory fast ndw and we have our mowers all. ready to send 6ut. . riioue or' call and see tlieiri. Price from $3.50 to $15.00. Thoy are nil pood, some are better than oMier's. . ' ' AehrvltlA Paint ttuua Co. formnrl; Tlie Mlllrr-Itlr Pals Co. lneaa Palm. Grant's No. 14 Cures Cold and Crip li rr. Oscar O. Miller has moved his offices to the Legal building. tt-Zdl 1 OY5TT"S KCIK ' RED SNAPPER 'iraX9 I fine either baked 6r broiled. Let us fill vonr order today, " - ASHEVILLE FISH CO. i . - We Shin nti e-id OyMeis lir fn-e v,mt. rhonci -C15 CITY I .?.!! TIT