ASHZVILL2 GAZnTTS-KITrS. iiraiay, I larch 7, l; : SI I'- i ; J i I- if Mi-i !!! f - i i i 1 -i.S. ill 1, iv f':;: I I II i. $6- ll'kt'n I I I I I t I t i i I i i i t. ivt Ma Lwt IT i i. I.. Ivi irA , I I I 1 I I i t i . I- ! 'I t I i t?cc! lively cu v Caxi Bo Pluxnp Free 60-Cent Package of a Host Be- sutrkaUe Flesh Builder That Puts Oa 30 Pound in SO .Pays. TIM Besults Will Be Astouaolng to All Who Are Thin. . ; - I W - '-'.' Don't Look L& a Lamp Post. 1 Never has anything produced such wonderful results as the new flesh builder, Protone. Thin, anaemic, pale-faced, thin-lipped, tired, aching, bony men and women take on a most remarkable new lease of life. The hollow places fill out, the nerves are sheathed with healthy covering, the muscles plump up with natural tlesh, the eyes lose that hungry plead ing expression, and you feel better and stronger In every part of the body. The secret is in the fact that Protone corrects the faults of assimulation. Your food is converted into the kind of blood that makes solid flesh. Your entire system becomes greedy for this new, rich, red material. Thin people are often hearty eaters, but the blood is watery. The sub stantial elements don't get into the circulation, but pass along without being assimilated. But Protone has the most remarkable effect of arous ing Intestinal absorption of food ele ments and it i9 nothing unusual for thin men and women to gain weight a pound a day until normal Is reached. Nature takes care of this, for when the natural weight has been attained. i lie surplus is converted into waste ami thrown out through the emuito rirs f the body. The rcgulnr $1.00 size of Protone is for sale by all druggists, or will be mulled direct, upon receipt of price, by The Protone Co., 4974 Protone l:idg., IVtroit, Mich. I!y nil means get the free 50-cent package of Protone for It will posi tively make you plump and round and give you a nice, natural, attrac tive ngure tnat is not only the appear ance of health, but you feel It. Fill out the coupon below. . ? I RKK PKOTOXK COVPOV. ? It will cost you nothing to K T prove the remarkable effects of H m nils treatment. The Protone " Company will send to any one a ? free 50c package of Protone. If l they will fill out this coupon and t i nclose 10c. In stamps or silver to ? W help cover postage. They will K ! also send with It full instructions 8 t and their book on "Why You Are tH W. Thin." S? TIIK PItOTOXK COMPANY, 487-1 Protone Bldg. Detroit, Mich. . N'.ime Street "!!' State It Ptfllirii ! The r' $!. Klze of Protone is for x:,le In Ashevllle by C. C. Seawell, 4"i Si.iiHi Main sireet. N.i rn-e i-n -l.-.-igen from druggists. (Adv.) He Comes Up; Smiling By - CHARLES SHERMAN Illustrated by Ray Walters ; Cvyrigut UU by kobkw-MorTlll Co. . SYNOPSIS CHAPTER I-The Watermelon and lames, two tramps, bantering each other regarding their personal appearance, de cide to clean up. acquire new clothes and let .their companion. Mike, be the judge aa to which la the better looking. CHAPTER II Watermelon goes to a barber shop, wins the contents of the cash register from the barber by a clever trick and gets a shave, CHAPTER Ill-He discovers a young man bathing In a lake and steals his clothes. While sitting in an automobile he discovered standing empty by the roadside. General Crossman and his daugleer, Henrietta, drive up in a car. Assuifilng that his car is disabled, the general proffers assistance. Watermelon hands him a card bearing the name Wil liam Hargrave Batchelor. The general recognizes the name as that of a young man who broke the cotton corner in Wall street a few days before. He Invites htm to dine with them. CHAPTER rv Watermelon Is Intro duced to Bartlett, a big Wall street op erator, and his daughter. Billy, - with whom he proceeds to fall in love. CHAPTER V Bartlett. who has been stung by Batchelor's operations, plans to keep the supposed broker with him for a week while he works a coup In the market. He wires instructions to his broker. Watermelon decides to tear him self away from Billy and slink back into the unknown. CHAPTER VT-Whlls chatting with Billy, the telegraph boy tips off Bart lett's message to Watermelon. CHAPTER VTT Watermelon decides to join Bartlett and the general In a week's auto trip. CHAPTER Vm-Watermelon slips away and tells his hobo companions of his sdventure and asks them to find Batchelor and give htm the tramp clothes. CHAPTER TX-The party starts out with Bartlett's and Grossman's cars. CHAPTER X-Late at night they come to a deserted house, break in and eat their lunch. CHAPTER XI-They spend the night In the house. In the morning Watermelon discovers that the police are coming. CHAPTER XII-The party attempts to escape, but Is stopped by the officers who are hunting for Batchelor's car. Wa termelon, by a clever ruse, gets them out of trouble. CHAPTER XHI-As Bartlett had planned, the party becomes lost. CHAPTER XIV-The general, while alone. Is arcosted by two men who want to know the make of his car and other particulars regarding it. CHAPTER XV-The party Is arrested and baled hefore n countrv justice for speeding. Watermelon realizes the vast gulf hftween himself and Billy, and be-c-oniea despondent. "TeC" agreed tha Vatroiskn dully. "So was L Why did you call me WilHer ' " "Short for WBMam, and 'Vv'iniam la your name, goose. Don't you remem ber your own name?" crooned Billy, leaning toward him In the dark. "Yea, surely." said the Watermelon. "But I hate my naaie. Call ma Jerry. That's what the boys call me. . He did not add that his name was Jeroboam Martin. He being the seT enth young Martin to arrive, his dis tracted parents had turned to the Bible for help in names as well aa In the more vital necessities. v. "Jerry?" laughed Billy buestion Ingly. "Yes," said Jeroboam gravely, and added abruptly, "Let's go back." They turned and retraced their steps, Billy all athrill with she knew not what, singing a foolish little Bong beneath her breath, the Watermelon staring angrily before him, denying hotly to himself what would not be denied, that he loved Billy. He loved her, not as he had loved other women, not as a carelesB, lazy tramp, taking what offered, good, bad or worse, with airy Indifference, but as the son of his poor, virtuous mother and of his gentle, reverend father would love and cherish the one woman. But who was he to love like that? The past few years had branded him as a thing apart from Billy. A com panion of Mike and James, who was he to talk of love to Billy? God! cg:.;flicatio;i OFVOMAirSiLLS Yields to L'ydia E. Pinkham's iVegejtble Compound. Athens.'l'eias. "I had a 'complica tion of diseases, some of them of long standing. 1 wrote to yon for advico and took Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegeta ble Compound, -and some other things that you sugges ted. I must confess that I am much bet ter in every way and have been relieved of some of the worst troubles.- My neigh- bora say I look younger now than I did fifteen years ago." Mrs.-Sarah R. Whatley, Athens, Texas, R. F. D. No. 8. Box 82. ' We know of no other medicine which has been so successful in relieving the suffering of women, or received so many genuine testimonials, aa haa Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. ' In nearl every community you will f nd women who have been restored to IMMHMMMHIIHMI health by this famous medicine. Almost Henrietta and Rartlett strolled un every woman you meet Knows oi tno as they approached the cars, where peat good it has beea doing among you know they found the general pacing up and suttenng women lor we pasi years, down the road, filled with righteous 1 jn the Pinkham Laboratory at Lynn, indignation and anger.'1 " "v ' " J lass.; are files containing hundreds of It seemed Alphonse had long ago tak- thousands of letters from women seek- en his rug and pillow and retired to . fog health, in which many openly state over their own signatures that they have regained their health by taking Lydia fh sardines. . "Let's have public confession," cried the artless Billy. "Everybody tell the worst thing they ever did In their Uvea." The Watermelon laughed and leaned toward her, a moth flirting with the candle flame, "Oh, kid; I'll hot the worst .you ever, did was to awije the Jam-pot whea ma wasn't looking." "No said Billy,1 "I did aa. awful thing once. - -, t . - ! ,,! "Let's hear it" ' Billy took the olive bottle from Hen rietta, speared aa olive and passed the bottle on before she spoke. -WiU you confess, if I do?" she asked, pausing with the olive half way to her mouth. : "Sure," said the Watermelon. "I robbed an apple orchard once." "You're fooling," accused Billy. "I'm not. I'm really serious." . - "So am I," vowed the Watermelon. "Billy,"' Bald Henrietta, "spare us. I am too young to listen to a tale of depravity." . : But the lure of the confessional held Billy and ehe passod Henrietta's re mark without notice. She turned to the Watermelon. "If I tell yon the worst thing I ever did, will you tell me the worst you aver did?' "I haven't .done the worst yet," ex plained the Watermelon, , s The general Laving nearly wrecked the cars ana seen the damage re paired by Alphonse,' hurried to the four sitting on the stone wall. ;'Come on," eaid he. "It Is time we were going. We have no blue book, Billy and the Watermelon soon arm ed away by themselves up a tliiy cow lane, fragrant with sweetbrier. They wandered up It side by side, like two children, neither saying a thing, con tent to be together. At the end of the lane they leaned for a while on the pasture bars. ' ' ' ; The two stood side by side, their elbows on the top rail, their hands before them. They said nothing. There was nothing to say, just " the night and they two, alone, among the I BwiutVirlnrB unit tlifl ftriflloa ' TIM'STl TVS SALE. I'y virtue of thn power of sale con t.'iineil in n ccrtnin (bed of trust made by John 1'oyil mid vif Ciirrlo ISoyil, lo the undersigned trustee, dated Oc tober Hth, lftlfl, nnd duly recorded In the office of the register of rtee'ls for IMincoinbe county, N. C, in booh of mortgages nnd deeds of trust No. M) at page 142 to which reference Is hereby made nnd default having been nuiile in the payment of the Indebted, ness secured by said deed of trunl whereby the power of sale therein contained has become operative, the said undersigned trustee, will on Monday the 7tli day of April, IV 13, at 12 o'clock, noon, sell at public auc tion, for rash, at the court house door in the city of Ashevllle, county of Buncombe and State of North Caro Una the following lands and premises, situate, lying and being In the city of AHhevllle, county of Buncombe and Ktate of North Carolina, on the east side of McDowell street, and being the binds and premises conveyed by John Boyd and wife, Carrie Boyd, to W. M. Jackson, trustee, to secure the pay ment of a sum of money, said deed of trust bearing date April 4th, 1908, and duly recorded in the office of the reg ister of deeds for Buncombe county, N. C, In book ot mortgages and deeds of trust No, 74 at page 24 to which i.-tVrence In hereby made for metes unit bounds. Tills March 6th, 1913. W. M. JACKSON, Trustee. Now and then Billy sighed, uncon sciously and happily. A great silence had enwrapped Billy for the last two days, a silence in which she was con tent to dream and in which words seemed superfluous and uncalled for. Without warning the bushes et, her side parted and a cow with . great, gentlo eyes peered out at them, so near that Billy could te?l the breath, warm and sweet, upon her cheek. With a little cry, she shrank close to the Watermelon. Ho felt hot" slender body, soft and yitldliig, nestling apainst him, smelt the fragrance of her curly huir, and r.uddiinly a great tide of longing, ol paselon, of desire welled up in him Mid choked hitn. He wanted to crush her to him, to cover eyes and hair wHh kleses, to hold her so tightly that she would cry for release. - All the ungoverned feelings of the past few years surged over him and threatened to carry both forever out of sight ot land and decency. But, blindly,' not knowing what he did, be turned from her and picked up a stick' to hurl nt the cotv. Blia had turned to' him tn her fear, and with the honor of . hi clerical father, he controlled himself. Billy laughed and straightened up, as tho cow, grieved and surprised backed off In the dark. "I'm not afraid of cows, Willie," said she. "Don't you know it? She just came so suddenly I.waaftahlci" " ' i. the edge of the woods and slumber. Left alone the general had lighted a cigar and was walking slowly back and forth In front of the cars, waiting for the others to return, when a bug gy, with two men in It, passed, the horse shying a bit and the general or- -fering his assistance and advice. - To his surprise they had not gone by more than three yards, when they j stopped, tied the horse and came back on foot. "First," said the general, as the J four gathered around him In the light of the car lamps, "first I thought they were hold-up men. The lamps on my car had gone out and they did not see It, thought that there was only one car, so there would not be many to defend it; besides, I was the only one they had seen, and doubtleSB they surmised I was alone and they could have held me up easily." "Father," cried Henrietta, "what did you do?" ! "Before I could do anything they asked me the make of my car. I told them. They said it didn't look like a Packard, aud I saw that they were looking at Will's car and hadn't seen mine, back near the wall and with the lights out. I pointed to it and said that was my car. They seemed sur prised to see two cars. I told them my name, gave them my card, aud told them I was motoring to- Maine with a party ot friends and asked them what they were going to do- about it" 'What did they say?" asked Eart- lett, while the Watermelon slowly rolled a clsarette. 1 -v ".. 'Oh, they apologized,"" admitted the general.' "But what I want to know, and 'what I don't like at aitf la why everyone la' BO turioua 'tc -' knoV tlta make of my thf, tmv ruglnu tiurubt-'r and the license' number. What bust- aiiss Is It of theirs?"" ' ' k'. .ir,.-,, The two girls slept fn one 'ear, Bart lett and the genersl in the other. Tfca Watermelon V.? en '.S'rCrtri on 5!l)ly'a side of tho -caf aud rought to reason the thing out, to plan ' what 'to do. Alone in the dark,' he did not clcep. but stared before him,' ears attuned to' the many sounds or the summer night.' ' "' ' In every whir of insects' wlnga. 'lh every whUperiug breeze that Passed, ho heard Biiiy'a iiotl, swotl' ok'S. He stared up at the Stars and likened thorn to Billy's eyes, twinkllnjf points ct light as tar above him aa Billy was. for Billy ' was Billy, and ho was a tramp, a hoboa Wc&ry Willie. ' E. Pinkham'a Vegetable Compound, many of them state that it baa saved them from surgical operations. : If you want special dice write to Lydia . Pinkham Medicine Co. (confi dential) Lynn, Mass. Your letter will be opened, read and answered by a wonut and. held in strict confidence. were growing simple-minded. A desire lo confide In Henrietta, to tell her what he was up to, had come upon him and seemed too strong to ba re sisted. Last night, up tho quiet country road, alone with Henrietta, he bad been forced to suppress the desire sternly, and now in the garish light of day it was still upon him. He took North Carolina, Buncombe County. Ilemla Jackson and William Jackson, vs. George Logan. NOTICE. , . Ths defendant aloV Named - will takn notice that an action haa been ' commenced In the Bunerlor court of ISunrombe county to revive the Juflg men! heretofore rendered In this r-nuse, which mid judgment Is record (led In the judgment docket No. 32, on pnge Slid; and said defendant will further take notice that he Is required tn appear before the Clerk of Superior court of said county on the 23rd day of April, 113, to show eauae. If any he has, why execution should not lsmie on said judgment: and let the defend ant further take nolle that If he falls to appear anJ show cause why execu- tlon should not Issue thereon, that pliilnlllTa will be granted leave to Issue , execution on said judgment. This llth day of March, 1K13. MAncUH RttWIN, ' 1erk of piiDV'or Coort CM AN. (f, MAI.UNK, vjlj'. '; Attorney for I'laiiitiff. Sift IMPORTANT TO MOTHERS A record of sixty-five years oonttnu ous use of "Mrs. WlnslowVs Soothing Syrup" by mothers In all part of the world, la tho htgheat pralss -that any remedy for "ehlldran teething" has tver received. Every year the young mother follows I'j the footsteps of her mother and And Mrs. Wlnslow'a Soothing Byrup to ba the favorite, and o It haa gone on for period of six ty-five years. Millions of mother nave need It for their children while- teething with perfect aaccasa. It soothes the child, softens tho gums. allays all vain, curse wind eollo and Is the best remedy for diarrhoeas. Sold by druggists and medicine dealers In all parts of the known world. Twenty-five eenta a bottle. ' Bo sura and aak for Mrs, Wlnalows SooUUng Syrup and tak bo other. CHICHESTER S PILLS i'X t4ll Aaklrlr..?lrtlb A - 4 1 v-Vl 1 hl "-' it4 IisV r'-' riii in hj ! irtiiiiAyy Vv -t i ''" k'l iMioaj. V 4 I 1 l ah t flhtr, W..Tayf T-,r V in .iHt kM i-4 HI e.Tf IT 4) - Jf IMAWONI ltH4l Pi 1,1., (, 4 ' W yft Htfwn lt.f.(rj, Alayt kz-UatK , r sous hi n.uia$ ivvv. CHAPTER XV. '" Lova In Idleness. One not born a vagabond lu heart can, never understand a vagabond's love for the open places, for absolute freedom; to go where bo wants,' see what he wants, work when he wants. To a vagabond an office la intolerable, the accumulation of dollars, grinding another man to gain a petty advance for oneself, utterly uninspiring, con ventionality, the - ceaseless humdrum round of existence aa' a elerk at tea per,'Tvoltlng. ' ' ' ' - ' ' For the last few years the Water melon's feet had followed his errant will, now here, now there.' He" was Impervious to hardship while he could wander as be . wtoh'ea, indifferent to good ciothes when the price was eight hours a day spent lo stuffy oftce. bent, round-shouldered,' bump-backed over a cotnmd of figures.1' Beneath good ciothes of rtiabby 'thore ' Was nothing but a bumnn body, all more or less alike." So the Watermelon hd gone his careless, contented way, now resting here, now working there, tin- worried by rent days falling due, by collars fraying around the edges, coats getting shabby and shiny at the seauia, and' then Hilly came'' along, Billy, young, ' sweet,' conventional, an nor ored Member of Convention's band walking around and around tlio aan welkbea'ten path, In the same sav! Inclosure. If he had elected to be o of the throng, ha would never haft met her. Struggling along at ten per; be Would have been SO far down "Itk line, plodding palufully on, that lull would never have teen him. "' But now he Was out and a fencj tin scalable was between them. It he climbed the feae egalttt tt would Ho oo good. No vagabond can eref fall In line and keep step, and there la not room enough ra the Inclosure for the man who has dared to climb r-the fence and drop down the other' SlJo. ,Daxtlett;'iiko Bllbw.omlertMLUJe i1 ; Waiting Grimly WHh loaded Guns. a sat ; beside Iter .on the stone wall wut ro hiiu iriea to ue comiortnDie as che fished olives from a arly empty bottle, tUe remains of last night's supper; -r '- . 'I wonder' said Ue, hovering on the edge of his foolluh desire, "if auy oua can become a man with nothing to regret"' 1 - i "Certaluly , cot, '; said Henrietta. There would always be the years." j "1 meaii something that he had done himself," ' explained Bartlett soberly. a sandwich in one hand, a buttered roll In the other. 1 1 . - . Don't toll me your troubles," said Henrietta, thinking miserably of the years it would soon bo bo hard to deny. "I have enough , of my own.' Confession may be good for tli soul, but It's (he death-blow to your repu tation." '".--.' .' -..-.,....' , "Father used to say tbat If thero I shouldn't wonder," said Henri etta, "If there were not a rare chance for some oner to confess a - heinous crime." She looked at Bartlett as he held out his hand to help her down and her eyes laughed deer into his. - "In self-defense " he pleaded in a So In the freshness . of the early morning they dipped down the hill Into the valley, passed farm-houses and corn lands. -They- stopped about nine at a farm-house and partook of a breakfast of -coffee, bacon and eggs. Alphonse filled the cars at a village store, and they went on. The glory of the day, the close proximity of Hen rietta, who sat beside him, dainty, merry, feminine, the success so far of his plan, which tn his saner mo ments he still cherished, raised Bart lett's spirits higher- and higher and they went faster and faster. . Farm houses appeared and disappeared In a cloud of dust Lakes were seen one moment and gone the next. Tbey swept around a bend in the road and into a man trap, a pile of wood across the road and three farmers waiting grimly with loaqed guns. , ; The Watermelon in the, tomieau of the general's car, with Billy, straight ened up with a sickening fear of be: Ing arrested in her presence. The fun ud excitement of the adventure had aisappeured. In their stead stalked tho grim reality of the fear of ex posure, of the surprise, r.corn, per- Ltips anger, maybe pity, he would sue lu Hilly s eyes ' . ; i The general-for a moment consid ered It merely another means tukea by the conspiracy to rob him of Uis car-and contemplated Etern defiance of the law's command to slop. ; ."It's not highway robbery, Charlie,'' laughed Bartlett We've been going a bit fast and bavo lo pay up, that's all." . - - Haled , before tho just'.ce cf the pesce in the villar;. store, Bartlett pt.ld his fine with casual in differ'! nee, Hie trener;.! with tlia haughty disap proval of a Judje presiillns ut the bn Of Justice, while Henrietta, with gentle pondpucer.iuori,' unufcht Home highly- scented roup, "to help taeui out," she expltirietl, .i-'r.j: -,ho nv. r.trs.tvf the store, and tina Watermelon, to sll out ward nppearnncto, frankly bored by tho procut illngs, prhentoil Billy with a choice assortment cr gaily tinted, dusty candy - They put up fox the night at a small town in Maine. It couslsted of four or live scattered houses,; - a school, a store, and a barrel ' factory. -They found rooms In onu of tho houses and after supper, Henrietta, Bartlett and tba general sat on the stoop, while the men smoked and the stars enma out oue by one, the frogs croaked dis mally and tho 'whippoorwllls. called, and cabled. m f .;:,'. 1 The Wfitftrmcton asked Billy to take a walk with him aud she contented. E'io must hover know,, thought - the watermelon, with boyish self-loathing, vwxv'' rjbe Kin Yoa Mkre Always Botight, and which hag t4en ASA UM) 1U( Witi w jwiibi uua, vu&liv UIO BIJi IUtltirO Of aim iu iimue nnacr hlg Per t&F?--:.' Bonal supervision slncIts Infancy X CUcAMAi Allow no one to deceive vonintki. All Counterfeits, Imitations and Jnst-as-good are but ISxperiments tbat trifle with and endanger the health ot liifants and CWldren Experience against .Experiment. ' What is GASTORIA Castorla Is' harmless' snhstifate' for Custoi? O0, Pare, goric, Drops and Stwthing Syrnps. It is pleasant, it contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Kareotin " substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroy Worms and allays feveriuhness. : For more than thirty years it lias been in constant use for the relief of Constipation. Flatulency, Wind Colic, all Teething Troubles and Diarrhoea, i It regulates the Stomach, and t Bowels, assimilates the Food, giving healthy and natural sleeD The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend.' CpUJINE ALWAYS Bears the Signature of The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For ..Oyer 30 Years ; , THI CCNTAUR COMOAK irw vorr eiTv. i Is God; when they are wretched, they say, every one does, 'There is no God.' If there is one, why doesn't he let the miserable wretch realize it in stinctively as well as the happy per son J" . -. .-,. Billy had never suffered, had never felt the foundations of her world fall ing around her in ruins, hod never cried aloud in anguish, "How long, oh Lord, how long?" She answered from her Inexperience, from the fr-.lth that had never been tested, "Of course there is a God. ' Every one knows it, every one prays. Why, If your father was a minister, I should think you would know that there is a God." "That's the trouble. He was a min ister and he lost faith, and when he who should have known, wondered if there .was a God, we kids knew there wasn't I suppose It's the same if a boy finds that his mother has lost her virtue. He thinks there Is none." : Billy placed her hand oa the bank between them aud leaned toward him on her straightened arm. "Poor old Jerry! -But if your. mother still be lieved?" , , - , , , - . "A mother always -believes in God and her worthless sons. ' It's a part of being a mother, I suppose." . TO UK CU.Vn.N'L'EI). ui V"- thai ho h.M ,1 . i,.i .. w vate la the Catholic church, there, ,7" "i ,H V " ' ' would be no Catholics." said the Ws, 1 WV d n.! 'Urt tf Bielon, lielptng Billy to the last of niEE to ASTHMA SUrFERERS tiem. 1!inicj fut Tlial An Tone Can iw nuimn iM-iiiii(n ok - r Lose of Time. , -. , . We have a Mew Method that cures Aathma, and we want, you to try It at our expense. No matter whether your caae la of long-standing or recent de velonraent. whether It is present as oo- CHRlonal or clironlc Aathma, our meth od Is sn ahnulute cure. No matter Id what vlitnate you. Jlvs, no matter what your one or cccupatlon, our, method will ceTtnlnlyi oure riht In you own home. . - , . - . , , .., -i , - We-enpuclnlly won! to send It to thuea apparently hnpcli-m ciwea where all forms of Inhalers, dnuchxs, opium prrpurnlon, fumes, "pai-nt smokes. oU-., have failed. We want to show nM.irn-r.H at our wo ?xu that this new liilhod will rtid Mil- - dirfloult bronthUiK. ail wroeilnii, aud all thus tcrriliV tarMxy.nw ai oik-i and " ail 1'lila fr nlTe. to too Important to nextect a siuKle d:.y. Writ now and ix-ijlii tho rum a niice, H-d am mon- ny. ."-"imply mall coupon' ikw. Ixt Toajr..f , M ... . ,! . ,,,-., r..i I' ' FKKK ASTHMA COUPON. I PRONTIKH AHTIIMA CK hoom I (OHV Kiuaaia-atid lludaoa Uta., ( KulTaloi N. ..!.M ,-. o I Erait tree trlnl of yr niethod, to:, . .,....,,.t.,..,,, I i. . . f any one but himself to walk with her, There .was only a day or tw more at the1 most before they parted, she td go to New port and Bar Harbor, and be to flrlft out oa tba Udo agsln, with James and Mike. .-.... . .-They walked op the -road in the soft beaety ol the summer night. The Watermelon.! rolled a cigarette and puffed moodily, too busy himself with thoughts to talk, and the Watermelon did not like to think.. He was not used to U. i- "Dora it, he mused, "what did the Lord give us bodies (Or to want and want and thea add minds to think?" They earns to New England grave yard, perched on fc rise of ground. where the road cut through a hill, a lonery, neglected place, overgrown with weeds and tall, rank grasses, the gravestom let or tailing, v Hardly aware of what they did, they turned In anc picked their wsy among the sunk en- graves.' .m !..- m i. . Billy sat dows oa the bank by the driveway, and the Watermelon sat be side her; not too near, -1 There was at hast a foot between- them. We are all alone," said the Water melon.j thinking aloud half of his tuougata. ' rAU alooe,- but for the goad., ifiitium. n ' Atone, and she sevea seas' could not parted them further. "And UeaV? added Billy clouslr. r "lf there Is One," admitted the We- ternteion.i"' ' i'i- ) Billy 'looked at aia quickly, ear UT. - "Oh, Jerry, ot course there Is a Fd, Doa't you kuow It?" . i ' "No," said the Watermelon. "Whan r :.' la i-v.-v iU.koow. lhr I ' tt a f . - yi Better Cough Syrup than s You Can Buy v A Family, Supply, Savta S3 and r uur uaarBtei. Ml irl A fulli)int of cough syrup as much i von 'could buy for $2.50 -Tan easily be made at home. You will find notliinu that takes hold of an obatinatn cough more quickly, usually ending it incite of 24 hours. Exceli'-'t, too, for croup, whooping cough, are nines, asthnu, hoaraennis ami other throat troubles. Mix one pint of granulated sugar with Vi nint of warm watr. and stir for 2 Biinutra. But tVi ounivs of llncx I lift v cpnt' worth) in a pint bottle, then adil me ougar ayrup. it aocpa perioctiy. lake a teoApooitlul every one, two or three hours. This is just latativo enough to Kelp ours a cough. Also stimtilatt-s the appe tite, winch is usually upset by a couli. The taate is pli-u-yini. The effect of pine and sugar syrup on the iullamed mruibranrs is well' known. Pinex is the tnoiit valuable eoneentrated compound of Norway white-pise extract. ricn in sniuaooi ana an tne natural heeling pine elements. Other prepara tions will not work in this formula. - .The Pinex and Sugar Syrup recipe Ss now li sod by thouiuinda of botiRewives ihroughnut the United States and Can ada, The plan has been imitated, but the old successful formula has never been equaled. r A guaranty of abmlnte satiafaetion, or money promptly refunded, one with tliia recipe. Your drusTriit has I'inex, or will fft It for vou. It not, send to Ths Pinex Co- PL Wayne, Iud. North Curollnw, KI PEKIOR COURT uiincontne i. Alan h Term Ilia. ; llaltie Twlttj4 ;;.i4,f..,s:i;...;;r;'vs. -..: . IjOitnn Twltty SOIMONS BY IH 11MCATION The defendant above named Will tako notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced In the Superior Court of Buncombe Countv for a divorce from the bonds ot mat rimony and-the defendant will fur ther take notice that he is required to appear at "the term of the Super ior Court of snld County to -he held on the sixth Monday after the Unit Monday in March, 1913 at the Court house of said County, Ashevllle, K. C. any answer or demur to the com plaint in said action or the plaintiff will apply to the Court ot the relief demunded in mid complain. . ' M. EHWIN, Clark of Superior Court ot Buncombe County. ' ''."' H. S. McCALL, Atty. for plaintiff.. North Carolina, Buncombe County - In thi Kuperlor Court. Ni.l.-i 111-unn VH. Wi!y tJrofWr-NOTICB. Tlie defendunt above named will take notice thut un action entitled as nbovn. haa ' been commenced in the Superior court of Buncombe county by . the plaintiff for an .absolute di vorce from tho bond of matrimony now cxlHting between the plaintiff and ili: rendu nt; and the wild dcfcmliintwlll further take notice that he Is required to appear nt the next i term of the Superior rourt.ot Buncombe county, to ie hold the; sixth Monday after the llrat Monday In March, 11)13, and annwnr or demur to the romphilnt in Wild cauKit or the plnintlff will apply to tho court fur tho relief demanded in aald complaint. Thin the 4lh dav of March. 1H13. MA KCCS RRWIN. ; , . , ., , Clerk Btiperlor Court. . Origin of the Sidesaddle. The use of the skleNaddle Tor women riders Is traced to the time of Anne of Bohemia. ildet duiitfliter of the em peror of Gennauy, who married Hlch ard II. of KiiKtand. Previous to this date all EngllHbwomen.4estrode their horse man f million, but oo account of a deformity this Germau bride was forced to use a sidesaddle, and the cus tom became general. Children are much more likely to contract the contagions dimsaes when they have colds. -Whoonlna couah. diphtheria, scarlet fever and consump tion are diseases that are often con tracted when the child has a coll. That I why all medical authorities any beware of colds. For the quick cure of colds you will rind nothing belter than Chamberlain's CotiKh liemedy. It ran always be depended upon and Is pleannt and safe to take. For sale by all dealers. , HOJLLAR ' - -w - ' Ford Man . ,V O 11 8 South Mala St. Caoes. It Is the common wonder of sll men bow among so many millions of faces there shiHild btt none alike, Browne. A nette-Newa rTaMed nd. will , i ' -,la Ju .. , rent thiwa rooma for you. " ' xotick or fi.ixn kai.r. tinder and by virtue of a Judgment and decree- of the Superior Court nt Buncombe county, In the case of Chaa E. Porter, and A. Tooraer Porter, ex ecutors of tho estate of A. Towner Porter, deceased, against Theodnrs A. Porter et al wo the undersigned ex nutors will on Monday the 7tli day nt April. 1013, between the hours' of 1! and 2 o'clock, ex.poao for sale by pnD" lie auction, for cash, at the court; house door In the City of Ashevllle. County of Buncombe and State f North Carolina, the following describ ed piece or parcol of land, situate, ly ing and being on Sunset drive In the City of Ashevtlla, County of Bun combe and State or North Carolina, bounded and more particularly de scribed as follows: I Beginning at a slake In the Weal margin ot Butiaet Drive the Northeast corner or Lot Np. 94 oft plat of the property of the A. Toomer Porter es tate, aald lot No. 34 being known as the Perkins lot. and furs with the margin ot Biinact Drive North U d 10 mln. Went, twenty-five 2S) feet to a stake; thence North 67 deg. II mln. West twenty-six JB feet to a slake: thence North deg. 43 mln. Went one hundred fifty Olio) feet to a stake; thence North ES dec. 84 mln. Want n! ft!)) feet tO S stake; thence leaving the margin of aald Bunaet Drive South SS deg. l min. West, thirty-three and six-tenth (S3.) feet to a stake in the Una 'f the property sold to Karl von Buck; thence South two hundred thlrty-tw nnd flve-tenthSvOJa.B) feet to a slaHe . In the Northwest corner of aald lot No. 34, In the east line of lot No. I'j thence North 63 deg. 17 mln. three hundred thirty-nine and six tenths 33.) feet to the beglnnlnsi being lot No. S3 on the said plt the Porter ntate, and being known o "Sunnyalde.'' Thls March lh, Kit. fltAni.r:rt H. PORTER, A. TUOMKll PORTKH, J1-30L Executors. I

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