m the ashevills gazette-news Friday, April 25,' 1913: GAZETTE NSLWS WANT ADS HAVE A "GETTING" AND "SELLING" POWER PECULIARLY THEIR OWN TRY THEM WANTS FOR SAL! WUK WAX! Qood cImui nwpapnk t fur I null r Apply at Qasette- Nw office. ' tt FOR SALE Home and three acres In Wevervillt; good garden, chicken rone and barns; office building 13000. J. R. R.. care The Gasette- New. dh COW PEAS and SOT BEANS. Get our prices. 1 R. Strieker, 26 West Col lege St Phone 1620. S9-2CI COW PEAS Several hundred bushel cheap. - Beat quality. Write for aamplea and prices. B. C. Roney & Co., Memphis, Tenn. 43-26L FOR SALE Desirable lot on Panoln ... street. J4X220 feet, price 1700; terms. Also choice lots on Grand avenue, Grove Park. Kay-Campbell Company, No. 1 Haywood street, phone 1281. 52-tf FOR SALE About CO acres, lying on both sides Sun.ot drive, adjoining Grove Inn estate; beautiful building sites; fine gub-dlvlslon proposition. Geo. 8. Powell. G7-7t IMMEDIATE shipment in any quan tity ot-our famous Nancy Hall, and Porto Rico aweetpotato plants at $1.75 per thousand. Tomato 21. CO. The Bear' Head Farms, Pine Cas tle, Fla. S5-151 a a a e e a a a a a a a m a a a a HSaSSSSSHSasa. BS2HS3S2SBSe a C2 FOUND "THE MISSING LINK" a a 8 You have found the missing link when you use Gazette-News "Want Ads. ,$3 They supply the connecting link of communication between the - prospective 25 1 1 A 1 . 11 . i I 1 1 it t tt t i II 1 SBaw imyer nnu me sener, ine employer ana tne employe, tne tenant ana the landlord, Ihey are a quick, effective, inexpensive, medium for barter and sale cnaM- PRESIDENT A THOROUGH FAN Hi "Basebai: Smile" Tells How He Stands, on That Schedule. lu couuection with President Wil son's Interest lu wool schedules, sugar schedules and otber things of that na ture it is not ami to' remark that the buseball schedule Is another to which he uhes sunie ntteutlou when be has time. lu brief, tbe president is a thorough -fan." and If you don't believe it Just took at ills "baseball smile' illustrated here. . y V.' A photographer caught that, smile while tbe president stood in his box at tbe opening gnme in Washington. - ' Tbe Xew York and - Washington American league teams were tbe con- etc, ing one to get in direct touch with the very people yon are most reach. anxious to These Little Want Ads WorkWhile You Sleep Bd Take one tomorrow afternoon and repeat daily until you get -HI the desired results. "THINK WELL BEFORE USING." Phone 202. fit m a a a FOR SALE New seven room mod urn and attractive home with beau tiful lawn, one block from car line .and under the side of Sunset moun tain. If you want something nice at a cheat price with part cash . and balance on terms see J. T. .Bledsoe & Co., 10 north Pack Sq., or phone 461. 60-6t FOR SALE -One Ave room and one six .room new and modern house on AlUnt street. Part cash and balance easy payments. J. T. Bledsoe & Co., j. dft North Pack- Square. Phone 461. ... ... , eo-6t FO SALE OR EXCHANGE Splen did 100-acre farm near Knoxville lifetime- opportunity. Phone 1725. Interstate Investment Co., 62 Pat ton avenue, 'c-60-tf FOR SALE We have four choice lots in best section of Grove Park with plana and specification for. four ele gant homes that we will build at once and offer at attractive prices and terms. Call in and see us if In terested in securing a home. J. T. Bledsoe & Co.. 10 North Pack -square. Phone 461. 60-6t FQR SALE Cow peas. Call on or write P. W. Lowe & Sons, College Street.-- , . ,v .. C8-6t FOR SALE Cash grocery at inside figures; death cause of sale; small Investment, large clear profit; will bear Inspection. Inquire Champion Shoe Hospital, No. 0 Government St. E. II. Brunner. 69-tf rsARQAIN For Immediate Sole SO lota comprising 12 acres land sit uate In East Flat Rock, adjoining Southern Railway station, platted and streets laid out, price $3000, f 1000 cash, balance on terms. Cha. L. Sykes, Asheville, N. C. l-6t FOR SALE About H4 acres finest building sites in Asheville at a bar gain. Also five 50 foot front lots for $800. F. M. Messier, 26 Ameri can National Bank Building. 62-3t HELP WANTED WANTED White waitress with ex perience. - Apply In person. Margo Terrace. Sl-tf WANTED 40 laborers at once. $1.50 per day; paid every Saturday. Apply on Job, Murdock avenue, Asheville, N. C, M. H. Kelly, Contractor. 0-t WANTED Strictly sober young, ex perienced retail shoe salesman. No : other need apply. Boston Shoe Store. 01-Jt , MALEHELP. WANTED She salesman: one capa ble of taking ear of shoe depart- menu state age, experience, and Salary expected. X.. care G alette- News. 1-It WANTEDWhlte girl for general housed work" and cooking. Phone ' Ui or call at No. 74 Cumberland avenge: . i.-r .t .. 62-JL &BBBBBBBBBB&B B&BBBBBBBBBBB WANTS MISCELLANEOUS THE SAVANNAH INN 221 Patton .venue. Large sunny rooms, ail newly furnished and borne-Ilka, with delicious home cooking. Rates 17.00 to $12.00 per week. $L00 to $2.00 per day, $4.01 par week for table board. MRS. Q. R. KE8SLER, Proprietor. 266-tf SHOES called for, repaired and re turned promptly. Gilmer Bowden. Phone 1817. 31 East College street 223-tf IN DEMAND Small houses on Chest nut Ridge, near the big factories on River Road. Lots rapidly in creasing in value. Direct line of City's growth. Special Induct merits to those who will build. Can furnish purchasers or tenants for a number of three to four room cottages. Geo. 8. Powell. 87-26C BOARDING The "Caroleen," No. 4 College St, large airy rooms, attrac tive lawn, and porches nicely fur nished. $1.50 to $2.00 per day, $8.00 to $12.50 per week. Phone 1248. . 40-tf WIRE FENCING 1 am better pre pared than ever to do your fencing and do it reasonably. M. A. Creas man. Phone 218. 62-26t SHOES called for. repaired and re turned the same day. Phone 1641. B. A. Vlnlarski. 30 West College street (7-26t WANTS WANTED J. H. McGINNESS, No. 44 Market street Tailoring, steam , dyeing, cleaning and repairing. Phone I860. tt. WANTED To lease for a term of years a furnished hotel In Ashe ville or some point In the moun tains of Western North Carolina. Consideration would also be given to a country Inn advantageously lo cated. Address "Hotel," car The Gazette-News. tt. WANTED To paint your house It will look better and If you want to sell it. It will sell better If yau want to rent it. It will rent better. Adds value and beauty. R. L. Fltzpatrick & Son. Phone 157. WANTRD All people, men and wom en, who want perfectly cleaned suits, pressed exactly right, to phone 389, and let our auto or special messen ger call for same. Work guaranteed. J. C. Wilbar. WANTED A second band pool and billiard table; must be in good con dition. 3. R.R.. Gazette-News. -tf WANTED Clean, cotton ' rags. In quire of the pressman. Gesette Newa. tt IFor Quick Sale ; Up-to-date 3 story brick liv ery stable, best stand in the city. Can give terms. Southern Rait,' Co. 16 So. Pack Sq. J. W, Stanly, Mgr. , LOGAN MERCHANT TAILOR rack I Tit. WANTEDGlrt to' dd cooking and general housework In family of two, ' Good reference. Apply1 Merri . nion Ave. j , - ; , OJ-lt V IICITLY TO L0AIT 5 PER CENT. MONET LOANED any where In the United States. To buy and build homes and pay off mort- ' gages on farm or city property. Long time and easy payments, with pre payment privilege. Standard Home Company, '(13 Mutual Bldg., Rich mnnd, Va. LOANS on Improved Real Estate. Zeb F. Curtis. Attorney. 2-6t II; .7 ti I:y f;r Year Coxae .... '""".'SCO. W. A. WARD 7 Has moved from 12 Church street to 12 Battery Park place and solicits your patronage. - JV ANTED Someone to take one, two or three furnished or unfurnished rooms In small family. Will rent single or together. Will rent very cheap if taken at once. Call at 20 South Ann Street 6-tf. WANTS FOR RENT FOR RENT One neatly furnished . room, all modern conveniences; near car line; also near good board ing house, prloe reasonable. Phone 1730, 12 Jefferson Drive. l-tf. FOR RENT New - 10 room house, near square, on car line, $35. Fish er's Fruit Store, South Main street - 18-tf FOR RENT Four pom tipper flat 6n Chestnut street furnished or unfur nished; moderate rent Ray-Campbell Co.. No. 1 Haywood. Phone 1281. - ' . FOR RENT--Oonnectlng rooms,' com pletely furnished, for housekeep ing, 18 Grady, no tuberculous tak en, phone, 839. 69tf. i-iUi. ,- , ; FOR RENT One large boarding house, centrally Jolted, large ve randas, steam hcq,t, two. blocks from postnffice. One '.evely 6-room cot tage, high looutlyn,. large lot . Nice 5 and 6 room apartment Fur nished rooms tor young men. O. D. Revell or A. B. Fey, 15 Kevell Bldg., . Phone 829, . , : , 1l , V, -.if jr"..-)::.- V1S 'WB: a 1 HOTELS AND BOARDINQ II0US23 Swannanoa-Berlleloy; Aiherine's Koit Kodera aid TJp-to-daU rcta ; . Hot and Cold Running; Water ' or Private Bath in every room. FRANK LOUaHRAV Owner and Pt ;;riitr'. ASHEVILLE, N. C. . LUXURY WITHOUT EXTRAVAGANCE. Asheville 's New Up-to-Date Fireproof Concrete' Hotel." European Plan. Cafe open from ti a. ui. to 12 p. mV Spe cial Sunday dinner and musical program, G to.8p;'tnV Grill room open day and night. Music.1 - 1 if i J. JBAYU3 kjuutok, manager. , 1 '1 A . Mountain Meadows Inn i ... ' .NOW OPEN MISS TEMPE HARRIS, Prop. ' Phone 328. '; :1H Battery Parll Hotel oraar thbocg hoot tbm tmaj. Famous Every where HOLLAR WANTED Near Asheville but not in the city, a furnished residence for 4 to months, i bedrooms, bath room, with toilet hot and cold water required. Address G. F. P., care Gasette, $-6t WANTED To send our big autom oblle to get your suits and dresses that need cleaning. Returned In closed auto on hangers free from wrinkles. J. C. Wilbar, phone 889. WE WANT YOUR STENOGRAPHIC Work, Our prices are reasonable; satlsfacctlon given. 8peclal prices on regular work. Carolina Commer cial School, cor. College and N. Main Bt. over Blomberg's. l-tf WANTED "Boose, "Boose." "Boose." "Boose," "Boose," "Boose." "woose. the Electrician. Phone 377. Boose Eleotrlo Co. 60-tf WANT TO BUY Two or three) mall farms not for Western Carolina Realty Co. HI W. WULdT, Phone) m UN. Peek Square , Great Convenience : And save bother to hare your ba gace ebtcked from your house to des tination, lurnltnr naovlag a spe cialty. i FhoM lit AaheviSe Transfer ft Etoraje Company A Oasett-News el aafled ad. will rent those rooms for yosv' la our rpecialty. Honey to 1oj: on fiisxcawlj, watctcs, 'joirt'rj slf"7!,'--ff t A, M. GOODLAEC CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER Store fronts and buildings remodeled, concrete work speciality, IT East College St, Phone 976 Ike Ford Man IS Sontk tfaia It . Phone 172 1913, by American Press Association. FRSSIDENT WILSON AT THg SEASON'S OPENING OAMX IN WASKINOTON. tenders, and President Wilson pitched the first bull of the guuie. ' ' The presideut always has taken n greut Interest in athletics, which Is quite natural, considering his long en reer as it college man. : At president Wilsou's left In the tl lustration is his secretary, Joseph Tu multy. Immediately in front' of Tu ruulty sit the president's dnuKhter. Miss Eleanor Wilson. President Wilson probably will spend the greater part of bis time In Wash iugton until congress Is adjourned. which may not be till August. Although the tariff bill and mo to other important measures will demand ' his close attention for many weeks, It i Is expected that wbeu be has a bit of I leisure corresiKiudlng to no, event on I the Washington baseball calendar, be! will be seen at tbe bis league park. Former President Taft took a reat Interest In baseball while be was nt Washington. Tbe indications are that the present occupant of the White House, will prove a worthy successor to Mr. Taft as chief fan of tbe nation. The ST. JOHN 'D The center of eocial life and activity ie at ; VflChe .81 John.'' A most attractive and thoroughly modern hoteL" A high class orchestra. ' 8T. JOHN and SON, Proprletora. rRBB SAMPLJC ROOhU aTTKAM HEATKD CANTON, N. C. TEE IMPERIAL HOTEL E. la. GE1 Eft, Pro. tMianM-.' bates ea.M HOTEL AETHELWOLXX Bates, $2 per day. Steam heat Hot and Cold Bathe. , Botb, commercial and tourist Open year round. CHA3. K. COOK Jr Proprietor. i I '.M-tt' HOTEL KENMORE , , ... Waynesville, N. C. Open All the Tear Round. Strictly High Clau Service' AL , .. . wayt. i Ai S. KEITH. Proprietor ' ' Hat!) WES TD ALE HOTEL BryionCity, N. C. i Neat depots all newly fur nished. Bates $1 per day. Hoi and cold hatha Transit trade solicited. , S. L. TEAGUE, Prop. SOTSL EKTSLLA BRTW OTTt. i Headquarters ' tor traveling . mea and lumbermen. Rates fl per -da pedal rates by .the month,. HaU room. Free sample rooms Rallreae eating house fronting Boutheni esr Uvery in connection. 4. W. m aXMA WHEEUEB. Prow STREET CAR SCHEDULE IN EFFECT MARCH 1, 1913 OLLICOA AND RETURN . . " - - RIVERSIDE PARK ; : and every If mi a. until 11 p. m. 6:10 a. m. and every It minutes DEPOT VIA nntU P- m.t then avery T l- BnTTTTTQTn'r ATTTHTTM minutes until t:4S p. m. Tuen every SOUXilSUJIi AVMUa mlnutea unUl 11:00. DEPOT VIA l:0f and every 11 mlnutea until FRENCH BROAD AVE p m. . 0:00 a. m. and every 10 mlnutea till UAIlOJk , 11:00 p. m. i CHARLOTTE CTRSST rot a. m. than every 11 mlautea tUI TSSHINUS 11:00P.. rTT0NAVSSU3 " """ m a fit riT-mwm : m. and erery II mlnatee till " t,A 11:00 p. m. . VIA X2RII202f :00 a. m. and 1:80 a. m. Then every . TT'""TTTTi ' 16 minutes till 10:80 p. m. Then n,Wve . , ' . every 80 mltates till 11:00 p. m. ... . ,. : a m. and thea every l minutes r LTII023 .). . . U 10:80 p. m. Thea every 10 mln, ' tin 11 :M. last ear. , I nrnw a. W -'a -TrTT T ia ' i:ts- :00' t:ls :0 a. nw and ! CrOT A W A .-.VTLL3 every 80 minutes unUl COO p. m. and CIA COUTIISIT AVS. tnn verT 15 until T:00, than VAA fcUUlUw AV' evevry 10 mln. until 11:00 p. m last oar, , -,- I L 1 J 1 . . A I. t. 4 , i v 11 , - ' jut i ' ( y o unday aohedule differa la the following particulars: Car leaves square for Manor at 1:00 a. nx rsturn 0:1s. Cars leava Bquar for Depot via. gouthsldo Ave. 0:11, 0:10, f:0, Till, :0r and 1:10 a. m. Cars leave Square for Depot via French Broad Ave. !U, 0:10. 0:41, T:lS, 7:41 and 1:11. Car for Depot l was Square 1:41, both Southslde and rreaoh Broad. I rtnrt ear leaves P luare for Charlotte sireet at 1:41. Fh-st ear leavM C mare Tot Riverside 1:10, next l:4f- , rirst ear for V t Asheville, leaves Square 0:11, 0:41. nert I: JO. . With tbe ahoT etrceptlons. laaaay schedules eommenoa at 0 a. as. aad t CRTS. i iitertalsments are In prosreas at Auditorium tV 1 be from en'rUlnment, )Tri I inr.re St r r t An tliim, t:r Hi i , i. t f I ontlnue iWme r On eenlr , THE, LISBOM 62 North Main Targe airy furnished rooms with good home cooktnfe. One hlock from Langren Hotel. - MRS. FRANK ISRAEL 62 N. Main ' : Phone 1950 1 THS J ARRET! BfUDttlMK&TSL OnunMClal sal TesikS ' Rates 0. per day. Bat and Cold Batha. Bpeclal Rat-w by the Week el Month. ' "V.-.;--?.; '.-; Maaager IWmhora, B. C THE OLD TORT DIN Old Fort, N. 0n L. J. Epley, Proprietor. Conveniently located, near depot Accommodations by day, week . MtntB. ttatea mwahl "-!- PATTON S0UZ3 Murphy, I.;lfc.r' The best aad most reasonaklo hoase in town, good table, clean beds aad home cooking. Rates II Per day. MISS ROSAPATT03 hi i ' 1 1 -'' ,'hnj'- SOUTHERN RAH WAY; tt emler Carrier of thentSL cbedola flgaree nnbllshed as Ini ormaaoa only and no guaraotaad. ' EFFECnVB NOV. S4TH, lllf. "" ;. irrlves from Xaatera Time Departa for TOO No. Brevard and Lake No. I Brevard aaa Lka Tozaway 11:11 a.m. - Toxaway : vr e:s So. t Brevard and Lake. No. t. Brevard and UM ---" Tozaway 1:11 a.m. Toxaway . ,.,.,.is. Vo. I Savanna h and Jack- No. II Savannah. Jaeksen aonvllla . i ...... 1:10 J. i:it p.m. Ro. 11 Washington aad No. 11 Cincinnati. St, Lou- New Tork, Norfolk la. MemphU and and Richmond ... 1: 41 a.m. Louisville 1:11 fax Wo. II Cincinnati . and Ne. ll. Washington, N. T ' Louisville. St. Ix)uls ' Norfolk and Klch and Memphis ..... 1:11 a.m.' ' ' mond 1:11 So. II Charleston and Co- , . NO. 14 Atlanta, Charleston T:00 a.m himbla 1:11 p.m. No. 10 N. T . Philadelphia, No. II N. T, PhlUdelphla , s v ' Washington d) . T:0l MS. Washington (d)vwl.:i0 a-aa. No. 1 Waynesvllla a a d' Mo. II Murphy ' and'" Murphy . ,.... 1:11 a.ss, Waynesvllla 1:11 p.m. No. 10 WayneavUla aad to. 10 Murphy aad Murphy.. 1:11 av WayneavlUa . ..... 1:11 Mt No. II Waynesvllla T:ll I Vo. II Ooldsboro and RU Na tt Raleigh and Oolde- etgh 1:49 a.sa. hero .1:11 a-aa, Ko. It Wayneerllle 1:00 a.m. No, IT Chicago and aaolow ' No. IT Charleston,, Colum- aU ...i Ml I . bla T:I0 p.m. No. It Columbia, Cbarles- No. II Cincinnati aad- ton 10.11 a. m, Chicago . 10:11 S.m. No, tl Memphis and ChaU Ra. II Washington, N. T. tanooga ....11:11 f i and Richmond .,..1:40 a-aa. No, II Washington, Rich- . to, II Memphis and Chat- mond and N. .T.-- T:10 aJl Unooga . ....... 1:11 u. No, 41 AUanta, Macoa au4 No. 41 Charlestoa, Maooa. New Orleans t l IA Atlante 11:11 a.m. No. Ill Bristol, Knoxvi: e ',, Wo, 111 Bristol, Knoxville ChatUnooga . . . ,r J .11 a, m, and Chattanooga ..10:11 pxaa. " ' Through sloping cars dally to - from New Tork, PhltJphl, Baltimore. Washington, Richmond. Norf(,,kt Charleston. C!n-!r.t Mern phla, Jacksonville, Bavannsh. HL tou iUvlIin srd Atlanta - ' "won. ' ThrouKh chair c.rs Ool.l.boro, M(J VnnM,V! 1 "Carolina Fperlal." tr!n 17 .n t g cllrlton 1a C " fllnlT enr rvl e and Owirvatla S'j it t . ,t , , 4 r, r. . I r

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