.V Wednesday, April 30,, 1013 ", THE ASHEVILL2 GAZETTE-NEWS PAGE ELEVEN f gazette: ne,ws w&nk ads v HAVE A "GETTING" AND "SELLING? POWER PECULIARLY THEliteQWN " TRY THEM WANTS FOR SALE rOR 8ALB -Good clean newspapers, 60 (or I cents. Apply at Gaxette News office. - tf. FOR SALE Houe and three acre In ' Weavorville; good garden, chicken runs and barns; office - building $3000. J. R. R., care The Gasette- News. i dh COW PEAS Several hundred bushels cheap. Best quality. Write for Hamplen and prices. B. C. Roney & Co., Memphis, Tenn. ' 4S-26L IMMEDIATE shipment in any quan . illy of our famous Nancy Hall, and I'orto Rico kweetpotato plants at $ 1.75 per thousand. Tomato $1.50. The Bear's Head Farms, Pine Cas tle, Fla, ' 55-lBt FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE Splen did 100-acre farm near Knoxville ltfothnn nnnnrtunltv.' Phone 1725. Interstate Investment Co., 62: Pat- ten avenue. - .; 60-tf FOR' SALE Cash, grocery at inside figures; 'death, cause of sale; small Investment, large clear profit; will bear inspection. Inquire Champion Shoe Hospital, No. 6 Government St. K. H. Brunner. 6-tf FOR SALE Five room house and one acre of land, on two streets, desir able for" sub-division, paved street, best residence section. For price ond terms apply to Ray-Campbell Co.; No. 1 Haywood. Phone 1281. . , .,;. ,',.; .. - .. , . 66-tf FOR SALE Are you thinking of buy. Ins a home? We are making pre? parations to build several new houses in all parte of the city, don't fall to see us or phone 649, Donnahoe & Co., Real Estate. . 66-3t. 2 i i S . ' . . 53 I FOUND I 1 "THE MISSING LIMK wm-'- You have found the missing link when you use Gazette-News .Want Ads. 23 B You have found the missing link when you use Gazette-News Want Ads. They supply the connecting link of communication between the prospective Q buyer and,, the seller, the employer and the employe, the tenant and the landlord, fet,c. ; They are a quick, effective, inexpensive, medium for barter and sale enabl- ttgj! ing one to get in direct touch with the very people you are most anxious to 55 25 These Little Want Ads Work While You Sleep Take one tomorrow afternoon and repeat daily until you get the desired results. . V " ' ? "THINK WELL BEFORE USING." ..Phone 202. m e a a . HOTELS AND B0AEDIN3 HOUSES Swannanoa-B e rlleley Ajhvin'i Hoit Moderi aid Up-to-date EoUL " Eot and Cold lunnijf Water ' .. or Private Bath in every room. ' rRANX LOUG3RAW, ... asseaaaaaeaa aaaaaaaaaaaaa FOR SALE Nice four room cottage, Kood location, nice view, house practically new, nice lot, garden. Price 1500.00, 100.00 , cash and 115.00 per month, Donnahoe & Co., Real Estate. ' . . 66-3t. FOR SALE- We have several nice building lots for sale, will build houses on any of them and give easy payments so If you want a new house it will be to your Interest to phone 649 or see Donnahoe & Co., ' ut once." ; ' i ' i' 6-3t. FOR SALE Practically new modern and well built home of eight rooms mill buBement one block from car line. - Nice lawn and "good view. Price $4500 with part cash and terms on balance. Owner leaving : the city. Address "Bargain Home, care Gazette-News. G5-6t HELP WANTED AVANTED A woman or a girl to as sist with housework and children. 265 Hillside street. 65-St WANTED-Oood reliable girl for house work and cooking. In private family. . Apply 23 Spruce street. -...... A 65-31 WANTED A reliable, energetic and honest man to manage the receiving ., ond delivering in the pressing and llnlxhing department of the Ashe vllle Cleaning & Pressing Co. Ap ply to J. C. Wllbar,- 4 North Pack square. Phone 389. WANTS MISCELLANEOUI THE SAVANNAH INN HI Patton avenue, Large - sunny rooms, all newly furnished and home-like. with delicious horn, cooking. Rates 17.00 to $12.00 per week, $1.00 to $2.00 per day, $4.0$ per week for table board. MRS. Q. R. KESSLER, Proprietor. - , 1 66-tf SHOES called for, repaired and re Lurnnd nrnmDtlv. Gilmer Bowden ' Phone 1817. 81 Bast College street BOARDING The "Caroleen," No. 94 College St, large airy rooms, attrac tlve lawn, and porches nicely fur nished, $1.50 to $2.00 per day, $3.00 to $12.60 per week. Phone 1248. : '-- 49-tf WIRE FENCING 1 am better pre pared than ever -to do your fencing and do It reasonably. M. A. Creas man. Phone 818. : , 62-261 -WANTS WANTED J. H. McGINNESS, No 44 Market street Tailoring steam dyeing, : cleaning - and repairing. Phone 1860. ; i (,' tt WANTED To lease for a term of years a furnished hotel In Ashe vllle or some point In the moun tains of Western North Carolina. Consideration would also be given to a country Inn advantageously lo cated. Address "Hotel," care The '' Gazette-News.. . :.. .,' tf. WANTED A second hand pool and billiard table: must be In good con' dltlon. J. R.R.. Gazette-News. : 6-tf WANTED Clean, cotton rags. In autre of the pressman. Gazette' News. - tf. SHOES called for, repaired and re turned the same day. Phone 1641. B. A. Vlnlarskl, 30 West College street-'' ' ' ' ' - 57-26t. WANTED Someone to take one, two or three furnished or unfurnished rooms In small family. Will rent single. or. together. Will rent verv cheap If taken at once. Call at 20 South Ann Street 69-tf. LOST Bundle white silk on Patton Avenue. Return to Gazette-News. , . . : 65-3t The successful poultry raiser uses Conkey.'s Poultry Remedies because he knows their value right now is the time to get Conkey's Roup Rem edy. White Diarrhoea Remedy and Lice Powder. For sule by GRANT'S PHARMACY. - ,:;!(; v 4 " WE WANT YOUR STENOGRAPHIC Wnrit. our nrices are reasonaoie: satlsfacctlon given. Special prices on regular work. Carolina Commer cial School, cor. College and N, Main St.. over Blomberg's. , Bl-tf l'OR RENT ITnfurnlshed, No. 43 Chestnut steet, upper flat four rooms and bath, $13 month. Ray , Campbell Co., ,No. X Haywood street Phone 1281.' " tf For Quick Sale :J Up-to-date 3 story brick livery stable, best stand in the city. . Can . give terms. ; SOUTHERN REALTY COMPANY 16 So Pack sq. phone 1668 J. W. Stanley, !. f OFFICE SITUATIONS City, for be ginners, three. Call at the A. B. C, after 3 p. ni. North Pack square. 3rd floor. , 66-7t NEW CLASSES In alt commercial branches begin in May. Summer rates it tuition. Abo NIGHT SCHOt ' lj meets Monday, Wednesday and Friday nights. Special oppor tunity for young men In this school Ashevtlle Business Coljpge, 3rd floor. North Pack Stiuare. ' ; ' 66-3t MONEY TO LOAN WANTS FOR RENT FOR RENT One neatly furnished rnnm. nil modern conveniences: near car line; also near good board ing house, price reasonable. Phone 1730. 12 Jefferson Drive, 81-tf. utir RENT New 10 room house near square, on car line, $36. isn .r Fruit Store. South Main street -i. 18-tf FOR RENT Connecting roomB, com pletely furnished,, for housekeep ing. 18 Grady., no' tuberculous tak en. nhone. 839. ' " 69tf. FOR RENT One large boarding hnuiw. eentrallv located, large ve randas, steam heat, two blocks from Dostoftice. One lovely 6-room cot tnsre. hleh location, larsre lot. Nice 5 and 6 room apartment Fur nished rooms for young men. O. D. Revell or A. B; Foy, 15 Revell Bldg., Phone. 829, , :,,;,: i WANTED "Booze. "Booze," "Booze," "Booze," "Booze," "Booze." "Booze, the Electrician. Phone S77. Booze Electric Co. . , 60-tf TRUNKS AND LEATHER GOODS Is onr specialty. Money lo loai on diarnonds, watches, jewelrj and anything of value. J H. L EiNEELSTEIN Loan Offict. . 23 f . Main SI Phomt ItT. AthsTiBo. NOTICE OP SALE. North Carolina, Buncombe County In the Superior Court Before the Clerk. j. B. Hyder, Mrs. M. S. Hyder, J. P. Edwards, B. L. Edwards, R. B. Ed wards, John F. Edwards, Mary J. Edwards, Etta Edwards, Tina Ed wards vs. William Hyder.-Notlcc .: of Sale. ; - ' :c- '- By virtue of an order and Judgment at the court house door of Buncombe County in the above entitled cause, tho undersigned Commissioner will, on Monday, the 19th day of May, 1013, at the court hodse door of Buncombe County, in the City of Asheville, be tween the hours of 12 o'clock noon and I o'clock p. m. sell to the last and highest bidder, for cash the following described lands, to-wlt: Lying and being In the County of Buncombe, State of North Carolina, In township No. 12, on the waters of Big Icy creek and Sturgeon branch, ad joining the lands of James Anders, Joseph Buckner, Burgln Davis, Ixmls Edwards and others and bounded nnd more particularly described as fol lows: . Beginning at a large Black Oak marked with a letter B and runs down the branch as It meanders' a South west course 18 poles and 17 links to a stake; then North 32 deg. West 4 polee to a stake; then North 47 deg. West 12 2-5 poles to a stake, Lewis Ed wards' corner; then North 40 deg. East 8 poles to a stake, hlB corner; then South 47 deg. West 1V poles to a stake in the old line: then with said line North 47 deg. WeBt 22 poles to a White Oak stump on top of a ridge; then North 55 deg. East $M poles to a small Beech; then North 35 deg. West 12 4-5 poles to a stake in tne branch; then North 10 deg. West 14 6 poles to a Locust o bank Of ditch; then North 33 deg. West 9V poles to a small Black Oak on point of a ridge; then up said ridge 62 W poles to a rock on top of the mountain; then with the' top of said mountain North 46 deg. East 24 4-5 poles to a White Oak corner; then South 40 deg. East 14 4-6 poles to a stake; then South 38 deg. East 9 poles to a Chest nut; then South 31 deg. East is -& poles to a Black Pine; then South 29 deg. East 7 4-5 poles to a Post Oak; then South 36 deg. East 8 poles to a stake; then 44 deg. East 16 poles to a Doewood corner; then South 26 deg East 16 poles to an Ash stump; men East 36Vi: poles to a stake In James Anders' branch: then North zv ueg. East 9 'A noles to a stake; then Nortn 78 deg. East 20 poles to a Black Oak, James Anders corner; then North 60 deg. East SS poles to a stake on top of a ridge; then down said ridge as it meanders 27 Poles to a Black Pine then South 40 deg. W. 27 1-5 poles to a Red Oak on a ridge; then South 2S deg,-West 27 1-5 poles to a Re4 Oak on a ridge;, then South 28 deg.. West 13 4-5 poles to a Black Pine; then South 33 deK. West 12 poles to Beech; then South 84 deg. West 8 poles to a Beech; then South 27 deg. Went 7 Doles to a BiaCK rine, j. WvrWH corner: then South-; 3 deg. East 10 H poles to a stake tn the Spring Branch; then up said Branch sr.nh r. Hear. East 12 Doles to a White Oak stump, at William Hyder'B old .irinir- then South 63 V4 ' poles to .take on too of the Razor Mountain then South 82 deg. West poles to a Mtnkc orlerinallv a HlcKory, men North 33 deg. West 6 poies 10 m hcelnnlna:. containing 49 1-10 acres. fioM nin hpinz made lor me pur rw nf nartltion among tenants common. This the 15th day of April, ii3. J. J. MACKEY, oaw-4w. "' commissioner. TAeWewBMitt A test of a hotel is the re turn of its guests. 'YouTf want to come back to the New Ebbitt for youU enjoy' its homeyness as well as the; quality of its service. ; Next door to everything in Washington. if , r I r 1 URnropeaa, S1J10 to S4.M V ' res -Ut. . . m umy RATES I Aamleaa 3.00 to SO.00 WANTED Biggest crowd in Ashe- villc's history will be here this sum mer. Arei you ready for It? Get your rooms painted or papered. Have the house painted. Will rent bettor; get more for your rooms. Phone 157. . R. L. Fltzpatrick & Son. . ... .. : ALLISQSN Drug Store - tS Fatten At. ' "A Good Drnt Storo." , Try Gazette-News Want Ads IOANS on Improved Real Estate, Zeb F. Curtis. Attorney." f 62-6t 1 ' 1 s .'. 6 PER CENT. MONEY LOANED any where in the United States.. To buy and botld homeB and pay off mort gages on farm or city property. Long tlmo" and eaBy payments, with pre payment privilege. Standard Home Company, 612 Mutual Bldg., Rich mond, V a:' !i' i ' ' ' ' '' ' OlJlgSIFIEb AD VBBTISIW G places your offer before most of (be people la this city to whom It would ha aay. real Inter :: i, v . FOR SALE HimuH cottage In West Ashovllle for quick sale. $1200.00, $260.00 down, Iiii1.uk ) $15.00 pur month. Within two hundred foet of car line. BURN REALTY CO.' , Room 9, Citizen' JJank Building W. A. W ARD Has mover! from 12 Church Great Convenience And save bother to have your ba gags checked from your house to des tination. Furniture moving a spe cialty. Phont ii ; , k Asheville Transfer '?;-'tan9 Company WANT TO BUY . Two or thr small farms aet far from Asheville. Western Carolina Realty Co. B J. W. WOLF, Secretary and Treasurer $74. 10 N. Pack Bqiiars Phone AND EUILD-H street t ) 12 r...t!rry Tark place Rtl'r fr"n,a bu": r'" riiiH'rrm vi'i a n si" iiui'.'i jg A. 11. GOODLAKE CONTRACTOR moil 5 TO BE MODERN COOK WITH GAS USE A ;Neiv Progress (Jag Range AND GET MODERN RESULTS ' , , "v ' They are economiculr durable, euuitary, convenient,, ellicient, and attractive. ,k : .., ,. ,t.:: V . I RANGES $15.50 to $25j00 CONVENIENT TERMS IF ' DESIRED . ; .." ' ; Asheville Power & Liglit Col TFl.FPHOM' f. ASHEVILLE, N. C. . -LUXURY WITHOUT EXTRAVAGANCE. ' Asheville's New Up-to-Date Fireproof Concrete Hotel. European Plan. Cafe open from 6 a. m, to 12 p. ml Spe cial Sunday dinner and musical program, 6 to 8:30 p. m. Grill room open day and night. 1 Music. J. BAYLIS RECTOR, Manager. X Mountain Meadows Inn NOW OPEN MISS-TEMPE HARRIS, Prop. Phone 32S, Battery Park Hotel om THBOUG HOTTT THS VHAB. Famous Everywhere The ST. JOHN The snter of tocial life and activity 11 at "Tnt Bl. John." A most attractive and thoronjrhly aodern hotel. A high class orchestra. ..:. ST. JOHH and SOU, iropnewra. rUKE BAHFUE ROOaU BTCAsI HEATED . . CANTON, N. C. . THE IMPERIAL HOTEL K. U. GET KB, Fro. LBX7TRIO UGHTt FBEI BATH RATES tl.M of In STATESVILLE, N. C, Office of Collector of Internal Revenue, March 1 iBts The following uescrmen it r tract of land seisied and levied ,,nn nnilor warrant of distraint ior th non-oavment by W. U. GragK of nmpmecl taxes due. will be sold nrm-l.te.! bv Section S197. Revised statutes, at nubile auction on Tues day, April 22. 113. at 12, m. at or h r.lndstone Hotel at Black unnninin Thincnmle county. N. C in -aiit- A cnrtaln lot or parcel land lying and being in the town of Black Mountain, uuncomue luuiuj, H. C. adjoining T. J.' Gwnby, C, A others, being lot 4 block 4 ss shown on the ilot of the ni.rk Mountain Hotel Company m H. W. Fltcfi. to which reference is hereby made, and mom particularly described as follows: Be ginning on a stake In the western margin of Black Mountain Avenue at the south-east corner of lot No, t In said Block 4 and runs with the south ern margin of said Block No. 3, south t degrees west 100 feet to a stake, the south-west corner of said lot No. S; thence with the eastern line of lot No. 11 of said Block 4, south 11 H de grees east 26 feet to the north west corner of lot No. in said Block 4; thence with the northern line sf said lot No. 6, north 6 degrees east 100 feet to a stake, the north-east cor ner of said lot No. 5 in tne western margin of said Black Moantaln Ave nue; thence with the western margin f mid Black Mountain ave sue north 11W degrees sast 2S feet tn the berlnnln. the same navlng hn conveved by deed lated Decern ber J7, 10, by W. M. Melton snd wife. M. U Melton, to W. B." Gragg, of Buncombe County, N. C. GEO. H. BROWN, Collector of Internal Revenue. Notice of Adjonrnment of Above Bale. 8TATE9VILLE, N. C, Office of Collertor of Internal Revenue. April . ltia, The sale of abeve descrlb ed property consisting ef certain lot or carrel of land lying and being In the town- of Black Mountain, Thift combe County. N. C, seised of W. B. nmirr under provisions of Bectlon II7. Revised Htntutes, Is hereby so- Jnurncd from. April 12, l(l, until and In Saturday. May , 1D. at 1' o'clock m. at or near the Oladstone UM at Dlaek Mountain N. C. ' OKO, H BROWN, ' Collector of Internal Revenue, ... X HOTEL AETHELWOLD BREVARD, N. C. Rates, $2 per day. Steam heat Hot and Cold Baths, commercial and tourist Open year round. CHAS. M. COOK Jr, Proprietor. Both 4. ft HOTEL KENMORE" r " Wavnei ville. N. C. Open All the Year Ronnd, Strictly High Claai Service Al- wayi. 1- A. S. KEITH Proprietor an. I yuxit patrou:tge. lu k,.i f,uHu hi. bone i7o r "A' t1zetf-NtS Vlasilfled ad. niit thuae room for you. rlli THELISBON . , 62 North Main ; ; -'iliEl Large airy furbished rooms with good home cooking. One block pom Langren Hotel. , A i'li'i MRS. FRANK ISRAEL $ - fi2 N. Main Phone 1950k WESTDALE HOTEL Bryion City, N. C.r ' ' Near depot all newly, fur nished. Bates $1 per day. Hot and cold hatha Transit trade solicited. 8. L. TEAGUE, Prop. TT "re asffkA mvIv antwa) AMM fMnTfOM Of the latet" mm the early abopper oftea roader mkf she "nussed a bar. ealft." I I , !- - HOLLAR lie 5 I i i Ford ft:- .la Zl it PATTON HOUSI Murphy, H, G n.. tmt id most raasonaMe haws la town. oo4 Uola, claa beds ans bodm oooklng. Katas fi pr ROSA P AXlUa 1KB JARRE7TT BFKINais HOTsl ' Oonuoerclal ut Toatlat Rates par day. Ho and CoM Batas. Bpsclat Katw by tta Was et Hontfe.' ' " . . JAKRIOT, -Ummmtr ' MUsbnra. H. n , - SOTSL EimLLA '"' BRYHON OTTTr HeadanarUrs for mfMInt i - n lumbermea."' Rates I per p4si rates by tn svata. Patk room. 'FTe sample rooma HallrosS sating bourn fronting aoutr tfl Urtry la eonnectlon. A. W. A AIMA VHWm,W. rJ TH3 ciJ) rcr I" -a,- a t L. J. r : o