TTS ASHZ7ILLT! CLiZnTT2.KS73 ' o4 ar Q SSSBEHSSSSSffl People's Department ; Store IT PAYS TO TRADE HEjRE"" SPECIAL SELLING OF HOUSE DRESSES ' 23 stylus of house dresses, real $1.50 values at '.'. 98c SHOES . Women's Tan Russian Goodyear welt pumps, $3.00 value , for , $1.98 Women's Patent Calf, 2 strap Sandals, valuft $3.50, spe- . c;ial .....$2.48 Children's shoos, two strap Sandals in kid nndbox calf, sizes ; 8 1-2 to 11 1-2 and'12 to 2 at.'. . . .. ... 1 ; . .:98c .AS WE ADVERTISE WE SELL People's Department Store a B B B & B B B paying the strikebreakers whom you have brought 'here to take our places more than twice as much as we asked you to pay us? And If these men contlnuo to work for the company, will not the company continue to pay them more than we axk? Do th people of Ashevllle think that these new men brought here, who have nc interest in Ashevllle, Its people, or its welfare and prosperity, are entitled to better pay than. the men who have the last several years some of them for fifteen years served the company faithfully and -to the best of theit ability. AVe have attempted to answer tin questions put to us in the said edito rial.. We haw tried to give a fail presentation . of our side of this un fortunate controversy. And we be lieve that the people of Ashevllle ii they have not hitherto seen, will now see that wo are 'right In our conten tions and are asking no more than wt are Justly entitled to from the com pany. .'' .. :.;r, , The great success of the company Is to say the least, largely owing to the patronage, of the public and to oui work; Is It fair to the public and tc us for the company, without glvinn any reasons therefor whatever, to ar bitrarily refuse ,to arbitrate our dif fernces. - ! Z. C. FISHER, T. C. ANDERS, P. W. WOLFE, , II. E. THOMPSON, J. R. DRAKE, B. N1. INGLE, '-.'. v E. W. BEACHAM, J. J. FENDER, H. F. FRADY. tti ' Authorized Committee. 1 18 WILSON HAS A PLAN FOR 1914 CAMPAIGN IS H BY MEN ON STRIKE Ogden, Utah V 25,580 Des Mofrfcs, Ia..Y. . .86,368 Helena, Mont. . . ... 12,615 (Continued from page 1) Pittsfleld, Mont. . . . Pittsburgh, Kan; . Haverhill, Mass. . , . Renssalaer, N. Y. . i . Bartonville, 111 , . , . Greenville, S. C, 32,121 14,755 44,115 10,711 $75 22 to 27 23 to 28 30 to 36 23 to 281 25 to 20 23 to 271 27 flat 22 to 29 per' month. I which would practically mean on a street railway employes in various! 10 hour working day, 25 cents per cities of the, nation, most of them in population about the same, as Ashe vllle and many of them with a much less population: Table of Wages Paid Street Railway Employes, City. Population. Shreveport, La. . , Colorado Springs , E, Liverpool. O. . Galveston. Tex . Beaver Valley. Piv. , IMcDonaldvllle, Pa. New. Castle, Pa. . . , Port' Huron. Mich. Wheeling... W. Va.. Ypsllunti. Mich. .. PoftsvUle. Pa Mcriuian. Conn...., Home. N. Y.. i . . . . " i melda. N. Y .28,015 .29,078 .20.387 .36.981 .36.280. .18.863 .41.641 lr 599 .27.2 " .20.497 .10.000 , .15.243 U (193 .88.523: 15 J70 34 874 27 178 ,22.012 20 -'28 34 C70 .17.528 32 463 Glenn Fulls. N. .Saratoga. N. Y East') l P i f Sharon. Pa. . Roanoke. Va. . Elmira, N. Y-. . Mtumwo. la. . . Hutltf Pa Jnllot. 111. ..... Alton. Pu t'hclsea. Mam. , Mohtpeller. Vt. TuuiiCojif touKB. -...34.259 Salem. Mass 43.697 ' Wakefield. Mae.i ..11 .AH . ' Sieubcnviile. O. ...22.391 Qulncy, Mass. . 32,642 Norwich, Conn. ...20.367 Danbury, Conn. .. .20,234 Gloucester, Mass. ..24,398 Nophuu, X. H.. ... .26,005 Stcubenvlllc, O. . . .22,391 Davenport, la., ... .43,028 St. Joseph, Mo ..77,403 Albln, Mich ..12,706 Hyde Park, Mass.. ,15,507 Kites, O. F.lyrla. O. ,14.825 ltutte, Mont. ......39,165 Boise, igaho 17, 858 McAlester, Oklo, . ; t2',294 Wages per hour. cents. 21 to 26 25 to 30 23 to 29 20 to 26 22 to 23 27 flat 26 to 28'. to 28 t,o 27' J to 80 to 25. to 271 24 to 26J 24 to 26 27 flat . ,, 27 Hat :.; 22,, to.25' 25 to 27 18 to 23 17 to 23 20 to 26 20 to 24 21 to 29 22 to 26 23 to 26 21 to 23 ESVto tr, i 23 to 26 23 to 26 21 to 25 23 to 26 23 to 26 20 to 24 23 to 271 23 to 27 23 to 29 21 to 26 20 to 25 26 to 28 23 to 27 26 to 28 22 to 30 28 to 45 24 to 80 22 ' to 26 hour. We wish this as a correction to statement In the paper. We would state that the Weaver vlllo line, entering the city of Ashe vllle, N. C, is receiving 20 to 25 cents per hour. ' This Was also omitted In the statement of the company yester day. ; ... ' ' , . We will concede for argument that the other cities he mentioned are correct as we have no data at hand -showing to the contrary, but believe we will be able to within a few daya It . will not be for the company to Bay thnt the-be are western and north ern cities for ' wo would respectfully nsk is there any good reason why a Jriotorman and conductor, performing the samo work and during the simej hours, should be puid any lean than are the, men of the- west and In the north? The cost of living In Ashe-j vllle If no less than in any of the cities named in the above list i -.The. management .. of. the company' names seveial cities of North. Caro-j Una, In which the wage scale is not ay : high as It is In Ashevllle. Tn answer I lo this we Hay Itrst, that: II is iimna torinl w-hot tho wago scale la In theso other cities, and because the men iiro poorly paid there,.. Is no reun why they should be poorly paid in Aslio ville: and secondly, that tho state ments furnished to the corporation Commission of the state of North Car. n!!na, by. the companies named in the management's statement, show that the net earnings or profits of the com panies in these cities compare ve' unfavorably with the profits, of the local company and In some of the cities, the companies were operating without any net earnings, but at a loss. In. their street railway depart ment the Ashevllle Power and Light company made net earnings for tlrn yenr ending March 81, 1912, amount ing to $140,640, and their profits have satisfactorily Increased for Uie last year as any other company in tho cities ' named In the management's statement, with one possible -exception. ... We call attention to the fact that the cost of living in Ashevllle has in creased at least 40 per cent within the last, seven years. and that the wages of the street car men in the city of Ashe vllle have been Increased only , Hi cent per hour in the seven years men tioned. The management of the company take the position that they cannot af ford to pay an increase ' of wages. According to their sworn statement made to the corporation commission, they can pay all interest, and main tenance charges and taxes and pay the increase requested by their em ployes and still pay more than 8 per cent clear of taxes, on their invest ment. Is this request unfair? If they answer the queries put to them in the said editorial, we would like for them to answer this question, "Are you not EVER WATCHFUL A Little Cure Slav Save Many Ashe villi' Haulers Future Trouble. ' ' Watch the kidney secretions. Bee that they have the amber huo ot health; The discharge not excessive or in frequent; . Contain no "brick-dust like" sedi ment. .; ; f , . . Doun's Kidney Pills are especially for weak kidneys. Let an' Ashevllle citizen tell you how they work. .1. C. Williams, 62 Woodtin street, Ashevllle, N. C, aayB; "The action of my kidneys was irregular and the kid ney secretions were unnatural. ..My back bothered me and at night I was restless, Mornings, when I got up, I felt all worn out. . I heard" about Poan's Kidney Pills and Retting a sup ply at Smith's drug store, used them. They put a stop to the trouble and made me feel fine." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Milburn Co.. ' Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United "-,-'.' (By Associated Press) .: Wasington, , - April 30.- President Wilson, according to democratic house leaders, had proposed, a co-operative plan for conducting the congressional campaign, of 191,4) so as to have the national and congressional democratic committee work together. A new chairman to succeed Representative Lloyd of Missouri, Is selected and he is expected to bev Representative Ben Johnson of Kentucky, f. Represent! ve Finley of South Carollha, who was a candidate, has withdrawn. The committee will meet soon, fdr re-organlsation.' - HEAD TAX IN FLORIDA Fliciiit Stock, Bonds, Cotton, Chain, Jfrbvisiona, Honey How. "YorK, New Or : leans, Chicago and For eign Market Newt. By Associated Press. WALL STREET GOSSIP. New York, April 30. News from abroad was loss depressing than yes terday and the improvement in senti ment there caused advances on the principal bourses. . Special Influences hampered the ad vance in certain stocks. Including Southern Pacific, which was depressed by the adverse decision of the Oregon California land grant cases. The steel earnings were disappointing to trad ers, but the stock was carried up by vhe demand from shorts. The rise was not effective In stimulating ac tivity on the long side of the market and stocks soon began to sag, a num ber of low priced shares touching new low figures on the reaction. Bonds were heavy. New York, April 30. Prices of stocks at the opening today were in fluenced by the rise . in London and most of the International shares ad vanced. Southern Pacific was the chief exception, opening off 1 14 at 96 4, a new lpw figure. Canadian Pa cific, rose t and Union. Pacific a point Athough the advance brought out some stocks that Were waiting a fav orable market,, the list on the main held well. . . Tomorrow Specials &itin Petticoats at .......... ... $1.39 Taffeta Bilk Petticoats. ....... ............ . .$2.39 Messalirlc Hilk'Pctticoats: rr-rrrTTTTrr.-T$l.S8 Colored Satin Evening Slippers $2.50 New Spring Neckwear . New Parasols . : . : Children's Parasols"';; .'. .. .- .25c &" 50c . . .08c to $2.98 . . 33c to $1.25 New Gloves and Hosiery Children's Straw Hats , . .$1;48- Wash Petticoats ...... ... . , .". " .48c Straw Sailors, r.r:?rr. T. ". . . .". .... .... . 506775c, 98c. We Sell Euster Brown Hosiery Brand New Scheme to Make State's Employers- Pay May Be In troduced There. ' By Associated Press. . I Tampa, Fla., April 30. A "head tax" is proposed in the state revenue measure to be placed before the legis lature. Representative Goldstein who has the measure in charge, proposes to have the state place a tax of 25 cents per man oa cigar factories em ploying more thari ten cigar makers. It is estimated about 20,000 cigar makers are employed in the factories at Tampa and Key West. The pro posed tax is a new departure in Flor ida revenue raising legislation and will be fought. . NEW YORK COTTON; Now York, April 30. The cotton market opened barley steady at a de llne of from 2 to 8 points on easier cables than due, unfavorable Euro pean political advices and a favorable weather map. July and later deliver ies made new low ground for the movement on the call, but there was heavy covering at the decline. Prices rallied 2 or 3 points from the lowest shortly after the- call. May was re la tively firm, selling up to last night's closing figures on a little further cov ering by scattered shorts. . The official forecasts were for fair weather throughout the entire belt tonight and tomorrow, but the mar ket continued to Improve during the middle of the morning until prices had recovered to practically the clo? ing gures of last night Houses with Southern connections continued sell ing and when the' demand from shorts slackened prices again sagged oft with the active positions about 4 to 7 points lower at midday. Spot quiet; middling uplands, 11.80 nominal. Popo Goes to Audience ltooiu. four years, nnd will doubtless increase this year. And it is a fact that the . States. local company transports nearly twice Remember the name- as many pnssengers hi the course of n I tnkjo no other. Doan's and .fi.'aIJ.i; ' (By Associated Press) Rome, April .10. Pope Plus X., for the first time since his recent illnoss, descended today fr6m his apartment to the floor below, whore he generally holds audiences. Those who accom panied his holiness- said that his re covery was complete!-' Mrs. David M. Wells of Hendcrson vllle recently underwent a serious op eration at the Meriwether hospital, but is reported to be doing well. Arrivals at the Battery Park hotel: Mrs. Ralph Brown and daughter, Mlea Norma M. Brown, or Aberdeen, 8. D.; Mrs. Kramer of New York; Mrs. B. W. Robinson of Akron, O.; Mr. and Mrs. H. N. Crowsell of HouBton, Tex.; Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Qulri of New York; Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Abbott of Char lotte; James A. W. Wheatley of Baltl more; A. S. Iyer of New York; W. D. Gardiner of Toledo; J. B. Young of Birmingham. '. I . CHICAGO LIVESTOCK. : Chicago,; April 30,-r-Hogs. .receipts 80,000; higher, bulk of sales S.3S 8.50: licht 8.40O8.70; mixeed'-SSP 8.60; heavy 8.00O8.4B; rough 8.00 8.16; pigs 6.30ig8.66. , , ; 'k Cattle, receipts 10,B00; steady beeves 7.208.90; Texas steers 6.70JS, 7.7G:: stockers and feeders 6.00(S8.00 enws .and heifers ;' 3.908. 16; calves 6 2r.iao.2.ri. : . ' , . .. ,., , ;, 9hoel). receipts 14,000; strong to 10c higher; native 5.90 7.25; yearlings 6.40I&7.95; lambs, native, 6.50 &8:85, LIVERPOOL COTTON- Liverpool, April 30.-r-Cotton spot, moderate business done; prices easier, Middling fair. 7.12: good middling, 8.78: .middling. 6.58; low .middling, n.44: good ordinary. 6.10; ordinary r. 78. .''" Sales 7000 bales, Including 500 for sneculat on and export and 6400 Amer- len: receipts 7000. Including 200 American. , Futures opened easier, closed quiet and steady. May May-June . . . , June-July .,-....( July-August August-September ... . Sbntember-iOctober 'w .- , 6.28H . 6.28H . 8.27 . 6.24 , 6.14V4 .- 6.02 Vtober-November . JS.93 X3i V Rfl AJESTIC flit AT RE THURSDAlY FRIDAY AND SATURDAY Li ASMEVILtC, N.C. f Purest Rumford Baking Powder December-January . . . . . .. .. . 6.92 January-February ... ........ B.91V4 February-March . 6.92 March-April ... . . . . . . 5.98 CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE. Chicago, April 30. Reports . from Kansas placing the probable wheat crop at 129,520,000 bushels,, lowered Atchison values hero. At the start , there was a Atlantic. Coast Unc . , NEW YORK STOCK LIST. " ' Close. Amalgamated Copper ........ flH Amer. Eeet Sugar' . i" .".1 J . i . . 28 Amer. Cotton Oil 4SW Amer. Smelt,. Sc Refining : 66 Amer. Sugar Refining ........111 Amer. Tel. & Tel i. ..... . 138 n Anaconda mining Co4 36 VI 98 net loss of 'A ,tq May opened Ua) to M down at 91 , dropped to 91 and reacted to open4- ing figures. . July began, tt ft to off at 91 to 92, dropped to H and went back to S2. . Influential buying steadied ' corn. July opened unchanged fb' higher at 65 and held within that range. Commission house . buying firmed oats. July started a shade to s up at 844 to and held' steady. Provisions unchanged to 10c higher, demand being good , and prices .fur ther aided by .improvement ; at the yards.' " ' July first prices Wcrer Pork 13.62 66; lard 10.8714; ribs 11.00. Milling demand lifted wheat. May closed steady at 92 H, a net loss of a shade. .July finished firm Vi up at 92 .- ' Decrease in offerings helped corn. Closed nervous with July at 56 a net gain of 94. firm; CHICAGO PROVISIONS .Chicago, April- 20. Butter, creamery 2680. ' ; Eggs firm; receipts 24,763 cases; stock on hand decreased 19,219 cases during last week. At mark, cases Included, 17 18; fresh, 18; ordinary, rets, 17; firsts, 19 Potatoes unchanged; receipts 30 cars; Michigan 42 46; Minnesota, 35 43; Wisconsin, 40645. . .Poultry, live steady; chickens, and spring, 16. Cheese lower, daisies, 14 SH4 ; twins, ,18 ; ' young Americans and long horns, 13 (094. ' . ' 120 Mi 9714' 87 94 - 128 S 105 Baltimore, & Ohio . . Brooklyn Rapid Transit. . , Canadian PaclfitS T . i . . ; . Chesapeake & Ohio Chicago & Northwestern., Chicago.' Mil. & St Paul. . Colorado Fuel & Iron 31 Colorado' & Southern. ........ , 28U Delaware & Hurinon .......... 156. Denver & ,Rlo Grande, . ....... 184 Erie ... 87i General Tlectrlc ..... 13Ti Great Northern pfd. . ...... ... 125 -, Great Northern Ore ctfs ..U.i 31; Illinois Central '..-... 114 ; lntprboroueh.Met'. ... ......... 14 y, Interborough-Mef." pfd ........ 49 ' Inter Harvester ; . i . . . , 190 ft Louisville & NaShMIlC. ... . . , ; . 11 9 J Missouri Pacific .-. . , . . . .. IS i Mo., Kans. & Tex.. .......... . 32 ', Iehigh Valley ...183 ' Nat'ional Lead ''..." '4 8 91 i New York Central ...4. ...... 101 : Norfolk ft Western 104 ' Northern Pacific Pennsylvania ... ... . People's Gas ......... Pullman Palace Car . , . F.eadfng ., ... ...... Rock bland Co Rock Island Co., pfd.., Southern Pacific ...... Southern Railway: . . . . . Union Pacific . . . . .... . United States Steel .... United States Steel pfd. Wabash ... ... ...... Western Union i .' . . : SEEING IS BELIEVING 11 l 4, m- The Musical Comedy Success 7. J. 4. ' ,. .' - - ArwTiiurv Tn li'.'i'lin" comivlv rule M.owcr I'.i'Hli K "LOWER BERH 13" Original east and in'oducHou tbat played this" oomedy 200 nijrht at Whitney Opera, Chicago. Special carload '.. , of scenery. . ti ' ;j H ,i-. ' r, :' Company headed by the minstrel King ' - - ' ATJ.TTITTP. DF.MMITTO ''. , BUTTER AND EGGS New York, April 30. Butler steady; receipts 7840 tubs. .Cheese steady; receipts 3,459 baxes; state whole milk, held white or col ored specials 1,7 K. i .' Eggs firm; receipts 33,402 cases; fresh athered checks, 12W16. PO PUL'AR: PRtGEiS : MATiNEES . 10 arid 20 Cents i . . NIGHTS 15, 25 and 35 Cts. , CASH GRAIN1 PRICKS. 1 Chicago, April 30. No. 2 wheat red 1.04 H iff 1.07 No. 2 hard 934j95; No. 1 northern S3 ft ft 94 tt; No. 2 noithern 9H4W9314; No. t spring 92 J3; velvet chaff 88tf94; durum 95($ 99. ', . . . ' . , : Corn, No. 2, 66V4f58; No. 2 white 514 59; No. 2 yellow 56 94 57 U. Oats No. X white 37 ) standard 3H. " Rye, No.' J, is: liarlcV, 46tff 70.' " ' .' - ; Timothy, 1.89 m 8.66. Clover, 17.4)0 (rlt.. ' - " Pork. 19.47 m - , Lard, 16.95. - ' Jtlbs, 11.12 94', -" -' '"' ' ' '" .; 1 THE LONDON MARKETfO ' London, April 30. The stock mar ket opened weak today, ' but dealers wre Inclined to vlow the Haiku n out look optimistically and they advanced prices around noon. ' " ' American securities opened stnndy and about unchanged. Canadian Pa cific gained 194 point"ori Berlin buy ing and the rest of tha list from 1 to 1VV on covering during the foreroon. Ths market declined, but some Fhnrwi hardened on light support In the Imp trading. Tho closing was undecided 113 $Uk 109 16814' 168 94 ' 1H , . '94' 1394 146 68. 107 1 '.'" VI4H" QUOTATIONS, f Onen. Close, u CHICAGO GRAIN WHEAT May ...''.. July . . . t . September , .,.... CORN May . . . ... . . . July . Septemlwr t . . , 1 . . . OATS May .'. . . July Sen tern her MESS PORK per bttl.i- May ... ... July .19.!V 19.60 Septemlwr 19.40 19.40 1 LARD per 106 lbs. ' ' v 1 May . W.Vfl ' lO.H' '! July .... ... ...... ;.t.794 16.87 94" Septnmber ... ..... .16.16 r 16.15 '.-,' SHORT RIBS per 100 lbs. V C May . 11.2714 tt.88 - i July .... ....11.66 , 11.06 ' Septembor .J. ..!. .10.66 10.65 . 114 0194 9194 65 6594 .n 8494 34 V4 S414 92 5 92 94 ' ' ' ? ' 66 V 68 V4 . 36 10.47 '! 1 N01ICE: Matinee Thnrfday will begin at 4 o'clock and daily thereaf ter at -3:30 p. .m -r ;s ' " ..v-1 '. ' '" ,';. ;." . :.. NEW YORK MONEY. , New York, April 80.-?-Prime mer cantile paper tH per cent. Sterling exchange steady, with ac tual business In bankers' bills at 4.83.50 for 60 day bills and at 4.86.85 for demand. Commercial bills 4.83. Har silver 1094. "' Mexican dollars 48. ' ' Government bonds steady; rallrnad bonds heavy. Mney en can stesdy IHff3H per eent; ruling rsts J; closing bid offered It !fl, Time loiins slronK, 60 snd 00 days 4 per celll ; f. L x IllMill 4''..' . NEW YORK COTTON FUTURKt4.'f ,. Open. Close, January :'. .' . . .' . . , 10.84 T0.87ST 8 March .'. 16.00 10.t1 May ............. XI. 10 11.34 W 38 .lune. . '11.11040' July . . . 11.10 . 11.89 tjb 40 August ... ;.. 11. n il.l8ftll' Pentember ... .... 10.87 "10.9Bft'T Oclohr 10.64 ' 16.I7M 86 December . ... ....U,t, 160 9? Daniels to Visit Xvy Yrls. , ' f By Awdclfcled Press')' ' " Wairhlrgton.. April , SO. Hecretsfy Panlela 'icgnn s two weeks trip to In clude ntflrlnl vlslls to South Atlantic "ivy .yards.' The first 'stop will be nt W'!n, ?. hre 'a bahnuet Win tin r'ven, In h; honor tomorrow nKhi. ills Itinerary for ths remainder of th trlp'ls as follows:' 'Raleigh, N. .. May 2 snd J; Nrw'orlesnK,' Msy R; Pensacnls, May 6; Jsckmnvlll, Mv 7: Key West, May 6; Charleston, H. "., May 9 snd 10; Port Royal, 8. C Iv tentlnn Barracks May 11; Itali lcli, May 12. Atti M-Zollc Iko'Mnn a lnw. Vy A;"rtHti-d I'rf-"-'. " Flt Iike C-liv Attell, nf Knft 1 r of Stockton fnni draw at M uri - ! the tii.i ti-r i f i I ri hi ti il . it,.- ii ; . , J 4k

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